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2020-09-16 05:45:02
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[- LiNE 1 ----------- wU tWANG cLAn "eNtER tHE wU tWANG" ----------- LiNE 1 -]                                                                                                                                                                                                lets go, lets go, lets go, lets go, lets go, lets go,lets go!
     _ _ _______            _____
    _)     _    \__________/     )__
    \______\     _        /_____//_/_____
            \____/_________\      /_____/
| bY:  M O R T I M E R  t./hOUSE of STYLE  |

    _                   ________
   (c)                 /       |               C/R/E/D/I/T/S
    ¯______________   /      __|_
    /             /______    \___\       ASC&SFX: MORTIMER TWANG
   /____\_____\  /       \ ____|    GUEST HOMIES: TREACH!, BOOYA, CYBERGOD
               \__________\           DISSUPPORT: DORA MAE % SIMPJÄVEL.
                                       PAPARAZZI: 7th LIVE PERFORMANCE!
    m o r t i m e r   t w a n g

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                                 BRING YOU

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       N   U       S   K   O   O   L       F   L   A   V   A       ?

             (or 'b-boys and sistaz sure are rare these daze')

                       a quote for whom it may concern.
_ _
\\\            - -- --- ----------------------------------------------------.
 \                                                                          |
   The artist is the creator of beutiful things.                            |
   To reveal art and conceal the artist is art's aim.                       |
   The critic is he who can translate into another manner or a new material |
   his impression of beutiful things.                                       |
       The highest, as the lowest, form of criticism is a mode of           |
       autobiography.                                                       |
   Those who find ugly meanings in beutiful things are corrupt without      |
   beeing charming. This is a fault.                                        |
       Those who find beutiful meanings in beutiful things are cultivated.  |
       For these there is hope...                                           |
               ...All art is at once surface and symbol.                    |
          Those who go beneath the surface do so at their peril.            |
               Those who read the symbol do so at their peril.              |
   It is the spectator, and not life, that art really mirrors.              |
       Diversity in opinion about a work of art shows that the work is      |
       new, complex, and vital.                                             |
           When critics disagree the artist is in accord with himself.      |
   We can forgive a man for making a useful thing as long as he does        |
   not admire it. The only excuse for making a useless thing is that one    |
   admires it intensely.            _ _                                     |
           All art is quite useless.\\\\                                    |
                                     \ \                                    |
                                           Oscar Wilde.                     |
          - -- ---- --------------------------------------------------------'

 R E F L E C T I O N S :

  I dont give a shit about 'HOW' you make your so called art.  You can
never get away from the fact that it is the result, not the techique nor
either the time you used making the things you claim to be 'real' art, that
counts!  ( and you can quote ME on that one ;).  So All the bitchin about
Iff2ascii or not got no relevance.  Sure, there are good and bad Iff2ascii
(hopefully, mine are related as 'better than average').  Nevertheless, I
won't start to exlain to you all how to make a normal painting on paper,
wall, or what so ever.  I guess a small percent of the pussies complainin'
about it are jelause becoz they just have discovered they get stuck with
Dpaint, they get mad at their itching hands that want to massproduce
Iff2ascii art but they just don't manage.  Hehe I'm Joking with ya ;).
However.  Some People Respect this kind of artform, which in my opinion is
as much (if not more) personal as the 'normal' way of asciiart.  And some
people on the other hand don't accept that, but remember; "Diversity in
opinion about a work of art shows that the work is new, complex, and vital"
as it says in the well picked quote.

  B-boys n' sistaz sure are rare these days, but I still have some luuuuve
left to the artists who influence me in my work.  I read in a collection by
Behemoth, that 'he had been tricked by the evil forces of ©Mt&t^'.  Hehe, I
didn't know that I was Evil!.  What was about to say is that Iff2ascii has
turned mainstream.  I don't like when artists make whole collections with
really shitty iff2ascii attempts, they kill the concept in some ways...
(fuck im i a philosopher???  ;) ) I have also released some veeeery bad
shitty iff2ascii stuff myself, but i didn't fill a whole collection of em
(i filled the rest with shitty logos ;).  For the last weeks have i been
trying to find new ways of expressing art into asciicharacters the result
is to come sometime.  I have no shedule or deadline to worry about so i let
it take the time it takes, in a true House Of style tempo.  I hope that you
will concider it as an Avant Garde piece O' Collection when it comes.  I
also hope that my works have made some impressions on at least some
artists, (and i think it have (hej dino ;) )...  One thing i just dont
understand is ( how just could kill a man?  no!  ;) that people didn't like
crazy in calcutta!  I mean, If i Don't like an asciicollection i don't nuke
it!.  I knew that people would find it difficult but, hey cmon.  You who
nuked it are ignorant.  Some people liked though.  And if one person
likes a piece, i think that's excuse enough to release it.
  However again, If my style is too fuckin lookalike someone elses I
sincerrelly apologize for that.  Every artist has a 10 percent zerox
personality, whether they want it or not.  thats the fact, otherwize
he/she/it isn't entitled to call hi/her/it-self an artist.  Word!  If you
are offended anywayt, don't start a war.  Contact me instead!

  This collection contains nothing of interrest in case you havent
influenced me.  If you are an artist *not* included can mean several
things; One, I really dont like your behaviour.  Two, I respect you though
I am not so influenced by your work.  Three, I would love your collection
if I had seen your collections, but, I dont have a phoneline, so I cant
plug in my modem.  My friend Radavi sends me some asciicollections now and
then but thats everything.  Four, Ramon have been smokin so much that i
coudn't see the style of yurs.  Five, I had a fridge placed on me so i
coudn't move.  Six....

If you think that you you are in need of a "useless but beutiful" logo,
"asciicharacter", or what so ever, you have to request thru e-mail to my
friends radavi and orlingo (or find them at some dutch boards).  Or if you
are into swapping exotic and cool junk, modules, asciicolls, drawings,
jungle & triphop tapes, cedeez, vinyl, cool (read:old) movies or what so
ever and long stoopid letters.  please hesitate (and I mean really so;
hesitate (hos-ain't stressin)) to contact me by mail instead of thru the
unpersonal modemscene.  If you are going to respond to this, respond fast
because in one or two months I will be moving on to another highschool,
country, continent.  so rush down some tapes and disks to Lucas Nystrand,
Esplanaden 18, 57012 Lansbro, Sweden.  I Would love to get in contact with
those of you who make hip-hop, jungle and drum&base modules, or if you got
a stash of those modules lying around.  You can also write to me for
joining Black Sista.  Black Sista Is a New Group formed by me, orlingo and
Radavi.  We have all left Divine Stylers And Started BS instead.  Black
Sista is NOT an ascii group!  We are going to do some things that are on a
hush-hush level rite now.  But are you a musician as phucked up as me; Try
to put some samples of your precious vibes on a disk and rush them to me.
I guess you are tired of readin all this bullcrap?  I guess you must one of
a few that reads this...

This is a respect collect¡on, Grimlock wrote in a collect¡on of his that
respect collections is something you make when you dont get any requests,
hehehe, Maybe true in some cases.  I don't get so much requests, but still,
this collection is a TRUE-respect collection.  Sincerelly.

P.S.  This is unpersonal, to request ascii's like this, I hcve already got
some fabulous pieces from some of you artists in this collie but i still
would like to get "mortimer twang" (or just "mortimer") and "black sista".
I have no modem, no phone.  The only contact with the scene is my snail
mail contacts.  If I had a phoneline I would request them in private
e-mails to all of you, but the situation is kinda embarressing.  So I have
to do it like this.  So would you Pleeeease...

P.S.2. I have also started to work with computer graphiqs lateley. Of course
on macintosh!  hahaha.  and im of course usin photoshop.  I make my real
©Mt-characters allways on paper first (as i do with the iff2ascii shit,
aight) and then i colorize them in photoshop.  hopefully we will have some
b\a\d\ass pics of mine in some future releases from black sista.

P.S.3. I bought a true deejay mortimer twang turntable some weeks ago.
A really goodlooking Technics MK1210 supermortimer freestylin deluxe.
i am practisin scratchin hardtime rite now. Going to do some lifve scratchin
in my modules later on. hehehe!

P.S.4. Collection name isn't ment to offend 'oldskoolers'. Idea stolen
from Leaders Of the NewSkool. The former group of Busta Rhymes. Buy his
album! Word.

P.S.5. R u ST iLL rEAD iN' qUEStiON mARK pERiOd pERiOD pERiOd

                                       yours sincerelly /

                                              Lucas a.k.a "mortimer twang"

 I give orlingos & radavis's E-mail here, he will probably kill me for this:

  send your loveletters and requests to mcdaddy ""
                    and remind him to send me kooljunk.

             Leave your Visa's and CC's at ""
           and remind him to send me some dope asciicollections.

            _ _____                                  __________.
 _________         \________                         \         | ________
 \       (_____     _       \____________             \ ©Mt  __l__      (_____
__\_______     \____/_______/            \________ _ _____  /____/_______
         _______\          /_____________/       (       /_____|        ______
 _ _____/                                \______________/       _ _____/

         Shouts to: Citruz, Krilla, Slime, Jazz, Dino, Muad'dib, 243,
         Slurry, Wishbringer, Orlingo, Cybergod (xl-ent nogga,tack!),
           Dj gizmo, Teebåcken aka Trivial, Dora Mae, SimpJävel,
         My dear friend Radavi, Gaston, Krome, Relief, Tommy, Ramon,
       Hamlet, Spite, Funki, Del(asoul)ite, Whirlwind, Nike, Axeblade,
             Satans Fire, Celtic and all who I can't remember.

  .No need mentioning the artists I respect the most in a respect collection.
                    .Respect to all asciigroups concerned.

                     .messeges from a man with no phone.

        Relief, you should write to me. Btw I am coming to that party
         in Denmark this summer. See you there in case you don't have
           the energy to snailmail. Stay True. Btw, where are those
           modules of yours, you promised to send me yeatrs ago???

        Ramon, I have tried to call you one duillon times, at daytime,
          are you working or something? called from a phonebooth and
          someone told me 'moment' he left me waiting until my creds
         was up! spend $10 at one call!!!! aaargh. im sendin you some
                 music&art VERY soon. Enjoy the soundtrack!

        Dino, jag måste ha mina moduler. Du kan sprida 'trumpetlåten'
                     som du tycker så mycket om. sprid!

            Trivial, que paza? Köp InterRail och ScenLuffa Med mej
           i sommar! En annan grej. Vad har du för Telenummer? Jag
                        hittar bara gamla nuffror....

       Dj Gizmo, för hilvette piågarrr. Jag lyckas alltid impulshandla
                           upp mina tågpengar ;(..

                    Orlingo and Radavi, Dont kill me yet!
             I will get a phone sometime. and E-mail of my own.

              .No index, no special order, much more excitement.

                                 _ ____                _ ___
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 |  c y b e r g o d         _ _______/    /_________/\_______              |
_|__________________________      \______/              /__________________|_
 ·                         `------------------------------'                ·

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 |                                   _     /         /    ___////__________._
 |  w h i r l w i n d       _ _______/    /_________/\_______              |
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 ·                         `------------------------------'                ·

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      ____________   __/______\          \_)         \       |
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            `-------/\__________\__________\                \________________\

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 ·                         `------------------------------'                ·

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  \      \__________________         _       \    \            _ _________/
   \_______\                \________/________\----\____________\         ©Mt

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 |                                   _     /         /    ___////__________._
 |  t a n g o               _ _______/    /_________/\_______              |
_|__________________________      \______/              /__________________|_
 ·                         `------------------------------'                ·

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 ·                         `------------------------------'                ·

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             - -- -----\____________\         \__________________

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_|__________________________      \______/              /__________________|_
 ·                         `------------------------------'                ·

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_|__________________________      \______/              /__________________|_
 ·                         `------------------------------'                ·

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      \      \___/            \/      /___/// _________.__\        / ©Mt
  _____\       \\_________.____\________/_______________ /        /_ ______
  ------\_______\--------------------------------------- \_________/-------

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_|__________________________      \______/              /__________________|_
 ·                         `------------------------------'                ·

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 ·                         `------------------------------'                ·

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_|__________________________      \______/              /__________________|_
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                                 (____________\         ©Mt       !
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          /__/     _          /::::::: ........\____ __________\\
            / _____\_________/:::::::: ::::::::::. // ©Mt

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    \            \________._____/        __\--'_   _         \___________.____
-----\____________\------------ \_________\----\___\__________\---------------

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_|__________________________      \______/              /__________________|_
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   |                  ______________      ___ _              ___ _       !
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                     I am truly sorry if I forgot YOU.

                      YOU HAVE BEEN PARTICIPATIN' IN

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  __________________/       (        /    ___)    `------'      (__,
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_________\ --------\____________\                    l_______/       /______)

         N   U       S   K   O   O   L       F   L   A   V   A       ?

               (or 'b-boys and sistaz sure are rare these daze')


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                      remember, it isn't all iff2ascii

                                T H E   E N D

                                Watch out for

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      \        _______\   _________      \______|________/\____/     _ _\
       \________\                 /_______\                   /_


                           THE NEXT COLLECTION FROM

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                        (c)                 /       |
                         ¯______________   /      __|_
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                         m o r t i m e r   t w a n g

                              IN THIS COLLECTION

This is a great opportunity to make the anouncment that i have left
divine stylers. Good Luck and my sincerelly best wishes. Period.
I dedicate this collection to my                             _____
partner in doing nothing serious:     _____________________  )   /
                                     /                    / /___/
                                    /              ©Mt __/_ _
                                   /                  /___///

[- LASt LiNE -------- wU tWANG cLAn "eNtER tHE wU tWANG" -------- LASt LiNE -]

                               NOT QUITE!!!!

[- LiNE 2ooo -------- wU tWANG cLAn "eNtER tHE wU tWANG" -------- LiNE 2ooo -]