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File size:
62 985 bytes (61.51K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 299


                       The bird broke out of its shell
                           The shell was the world
                         The world had to be smashed
                       In order to go with the new flow


                        w i S h b R i n G e R ! (+wB!)

 _______     __________        \    ______/_ ________ _
 \      \____\      __/_______ _\_______    \       ///
 _\      \    \    _\________/_ ____________/ _____/______    ___________
 \\\_______________\          /_         /____\___        \ __\_____    /
   _________  ______\________///                 /_________\\____ _/  _/_
   \       /__\______    / _________        ________\_    _     /_\      \
   _\_  __/_\___   _/  _/__\_______/_      _\_   ____/_  /_____/_ _\______\
  /     \___    \__\      \        _/_____/_____ \     \________///
 /_______________\  \______\______/     _      /________\


                                     o F

                            d e L i G H T ! (DLT)


           __                                        ___
   _______/  \  __________  ___       __  ___________\  \_______ ___________
  /  _____)  / /  _/_____/ /   \    _(__)_\_  ______/_\ \____/  \\_________/
  \  \__/   / /   \___/_  /   _/____\    / /  \____  / \   \/   /_   \   \
 _ \___/   /__\___/____/__\___\____/_\  /__\____/   /___\   \____/ ___\   \___
  ____\\__///_______________________\\\///______\  /_____\___\_______\\\__///__


                                    a N D

                      h O U S e  o F  S T y L e ! (HOS)


        ___  _____        __
       /   \/  __/_______/  \_________
    ___\  _/_  \__ _____ \   \    _  /________
 --\\___  ____  /  /\  /  \   \   /_/__ _____//---
    __/    /   /   \/ /   /\   \_     / ___/__
    \_____/   /\      \   \/    /    /  L\    \_____
       \___  __/\\____/\__/    /____/____\\____//___+wB!
       __/__/___    ______\   /________                _____ ____
       \____    \__/ ___   \_/    __  /________ ______/   _//   /___________
          /  /\ /  __\_____/  \    /_/_____  ___\___  \_  \/ __/_\_   _____/
          \  \//   \___/    ___\_      / \    \ ___\___   /  \   _/   ___/__
           \   \    /       \   /     / __\    \\  ___/  /   /\  \    L\    \
      - -- \\  /\__//---  --\\_______/- \ \\____\\   \   \________\____\\____\\-
             \/                                   \   \__/


                              p R e S e n T S  

      i N  n i N e T e e N·h u n D e R D  N i n e T Y  F i V e ! (1995)



                            L o V e L e S S ! (..)


    ____\_                          ___ ____\_            ___/  //     ___\_
   /   // __ ____              ____/  //   // __ ______ _/ ____/   ___/  //
  / __/___\//  _ \ ____  ____ /_ ____// __/___\// ____/_\____  \ _/ ____/
 /  \ _   \/   /  \\__ \/ __// \___)_/  \ _   \/  _____     /   \\____  \
/____\\   /\  /    \  \  /  /  /    /____\\   /\ /    /____/_____\   /   \
      \  /__\_______\  \/  /__________\\_ \  /__\_______\\_    /    /_____\\_
.------\     \-------\    /------------/---\     \-------/----/    /-----. /
|       \_____\\_    _\  /_  - LovEleSs -   \_____\\_      _//____/  rN! :


---------------------------\                        /------------------------
                     . .. .:\WanDERinG ThRoUGH ThE /
                          :  \fiEldS Of mY miND. L/
                              \oOKinG FoR cReATiV/
                          .    \iTY. eXPoSiNG mY/
                                \ThOuGHTs aND f/
                                 \EElinGS iN T/
                                  \hiS aRT fO/
                                   \Rm, AlSo/
                                .  .\KnOWn /:..
                                  .::\ aS:/::..                      .
                    . - ------------ -\--/-------- ____  _____   .
       ·            . . .. __     _____\/__ _____ \\__//.\__//. ..;. .
                 . :.   · /  \ ::.\   _   //  _  \..___:.___     .x.
   ·              ·o:..: /    \ .: \  /__//  /\__/ /.  \/   \\ .  ':.
      ·    .      .:.._ /  /\  \____\_   /  /:.___//   /\:  //    : .
  ·  .   .  .  .. ..:__/  /__\  \   _/   \  \_/   \   /. \_//   .+Wb!
 ..:_________ _ ._..o ___///_____\______/:\________\_/:::: :. _____ ___.
.::/                                       ·  ·              ··.. . . /\:.:
 ./________BeliEVe iT oR nOT, ThiS iS mY VeRY fiRST aSCii aTTeMPT!___/  \
·:\         ThiS TiMe mY cReATiViTY iS pUt inTO aSCii-ChaRacTERs,    \   \
 ·:\      oN ThEiR oWN ThEY DoN'T mAKe -AnY- sENSe, mAYBe i mOUlDed   \   \
 ··:\  ThEM iN sUCh a WaY, ThaT ThEY bEGiN To meAn sOMeThiNG fOR yOu...\  /\
· ·::\ reLAx & eNjOY mY aSCii fAnTAsiES!     +wiShbRinGeR/deliGhT!/hOS! \/:/.
  · ·:\__________________________________________________________________\/


      |                ______
 _    |_____  ______  (______   _                                         _
 \\---|     )(______)________)-//-----------[ hOUSE oF sTYLE ]------------\\
 |    `                                                                    |
 |      ThiS CoLLeCTiOn feATuReS 40+ ReQuESTS fRoM sCeNeRS wORLDwiDe       |
 |               PluS sOme - GiftS - fOr ThE PeOPlE whO DeSeRVE iT!        |
 :                                                                         !


     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Apollo/pdx requested 1 BIG apollo logo. I will   
    \   /-/  \--\_____    perhaps make the other requests later to be in-   
\----- /__\  _\______//---cluded in another collie.. Enjoy..               

      ________ _____________    _________    ____          ____      ______
     /\   \__/ \__________  \  /   _____/   /   /         /   /     /   ____
    /  \   \     \   \___/  / /   /\   \   / __/_        / __/_    /   /\   \
   /   /\   \    \___ \____/ /   / /   /  /  \   \      /  \   \  /   / /   /
  /   /__\__ \     \   \     \   \/   /  /   /\_  \    /   /\   \ \   \/   /
 /___/\\___/  \_    \___\     \   \__/  /______/___\  /___/______\ \__/   /
           \___/               \__/+wB!                               \__/

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Axeblade requested an ascii for the BEST! hardcore
    \   /-/  \--\_____    /punk band in music history! Beats Offspring, Bad
\----- /__\  _\______//---Religion and the rest..!!                         


        ________  __ ________  ___________ _____    _____
    _   \_____  \/  /  ____  \ \_  ______/ \_   \__/   _/
   ///\   \   \  \  \  \  /  /  /  \___/    _\  (___  /_
   \\\/    \___\    /\  \/  /___\   /_______\    /\    /__
     _ ________ \__/__\_/__/___ _\_///_______\  /  \__///_

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Well, this is the 'bigger' version of the NOFX   
    \   /-/  \--\_____    logo.. Catch NOFX live next week in Amsterdam!!
\----- /__\  _\______//---Mmm maybe next time a Chronicle Ascii for you... 

      ______  _______ ________     _______ _____    _____
      \\_   \/  ____ /   _____) __/ ___   \\_   \__/   _/+wB!
       /  \  \  \   /   /\   \ /  __\_____/__\  (___  /__
       \   \  \  \ /   /_/   //   \___/    \     /\     /
    NOFX\___\  \/ \\___\____/N\____/NOFXNOFX\___/OF\   /NOFXNOFXNOFXNOFX        

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Well, this is what we all would like to have when
    \   /-/  \--\_____    active with sum modem, but what is it ? i dunno, 
\----- /__\  _\______//---i have no idea, Request by CC-man/Prestige...

                  _______      _______
                 /       \    /       \
                /   /\___/   /   /\___/
               .\   \  _____ \   \  _____
             .  .·   \/    /  \   \/    /
              _·::\___\   /    \___\   /
          _ ·_·:o:.___ \_/ALLiNG __ \_/ARD!
               ·:· ·

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Well, this is the guy himself who sells those     
    \   /-/  \--\_____    thingies. I think it's a very inspiring handle,  
\----- /__\  _\______//---an original idea and very effective too!

     _______      _______       ________  _________   ____  ________  __     
    /       \    /       \      \__  _  \/  ______/  / _____\__  _  \/  \   
   /   /\___/   /   /\___/    __  /   \  \  \    \  /  \   \  /   \  \   \
   \   \  _____ \   \  _____ / \\ \    \  \  \    \/   /\   \ \    \  \   \
    \   \/    /  \   \/    / \_//  \    \  \  \    /  /__\__ \ \    \  \/  \
 ____\___\   /    \___\   /  ____  _\___/\    /\__/__/\\___/  \ \___/\     /
 \\__ ___ \_/ALLiNG __ \_/ARD  __    ____\\__/____________ \___//____ \___/+wB!

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Well, i wonder who this guy is. His name:        
    \   /-/  \--\_____    Cyberchrist. Look up the meaning of fringe benefits
\----- /__\  _\______//---in your dictionary, and you can find out the meaning
                          of Phringe too..

      . .                      .   .                                .
.::··     .          . ..       ..                         .. ·     .
.  :·· ·o.::o:     ____    ::oo::.oo.:. .                     .  . .::o::...  .
·      __________ /   /  ___  _____oo. ___  ____________             ·:··
       \__ ____  \\  /__ \_ \/ _   /oo/   \/  _______   \_________     .
        /   | /  /  __  \ /   /\__/.o/  \  \  \/  __/___/__ _____/      . .
    ___/____|/  /    /\  \ ...\  .:oo\   \  \  \  \____   / __/__        ·
<<-\\__________/  __/    /:o:. \/ · \_\   \  \/ \   _/   /   L\  \
_ ____ \    /_/ -\\     /\_____/\    /-\___\    /_______/_________\\\-->>  ___ _
     \\ \__/ _\___/\   /___      \__/       \__/wiShB!·    ..            //
 __ _//  ---- -.:..-\____///-- - ---- ->> :::----<< oo . ..oo:. .        \\_____
___________ . ::.o.. ..  .        ·      . .  _______oo______  _____________
\_______   \ ___·:.___ ____  __  _________ .:/  ___  \oo   _ \/ __ \.  __  /
  /   \/   /_\  _____//    \/  \ \  _____/.:/ __\____/oo\__/    /___\\  /_/__
  \   ___    /  __/__/   \  \   \/  __/____/  \____/_oo:. /    /  ___\_     /
___\   \/   /    L\  \    \  \/  \   L\   /    /__ /   \ _\\   \__\   /    /___
__\\_______/__________\____\_____/________\___/  _\\___/ __\'_____\\______///_

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Requested by Agressor/Delight. It was one of the 
    \   /-/  \--\_____    first ascii's i made about 1 month ago. Well, it's
\----- /__\  _\______//---quite okay for a bbs add.. Contact the staff for
                          the numbers to this fast system..

. .                       sTAff:  deMaX/deLiGHT! aGReSSøR/deLiGHT!
 ..                 ·    .¯¯¯¯¯¯  eXoTiC/deLiGHT! cRuGER/SkiDRoW! CeNTURioN!
.::··              ...   ..                                .. ·
·o.::::      . .  ..::oo::.. . .                       .  . .::o::...  .
::_·_______________________________  ___________________ ________________  _____
_  \\   __ \  \_______  \  _____\_ \/ _  /     _______  \ \\__  / ____\_ \/ _  /
/  / \  \   \  \   | / ./  __/___/   /\_/ /\__// / \  \  \  /  / __/_  /   /\__\
\  \_/ ./ \  \/ \  |/ //\   L\  /.·..\/  / ___ \ \_//  \  \/  /  L\  \/. ..\
_\   .:/___\____/ _/  /__\_____/.·:·::\  \/   \_\  '  /_\    /\______// .::/___
\_\.:o/:.____________//_______________________/__\   /___\  ///_____________//_
   \·:·                       . .:.:o:. \ . ....:.\_/:.o.:\/+WB!. .
    \:. . deLiGHT sWeDiSh HQ!  . ..·.··..\  . ::.   . :::. .  ·
                                      ·               .:

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Weird people request weird things. Dusty/ptl  
    \   /-/  \--\_____    requested: Yabadobadoo Time, on 1 line, 10 chars
\----- /__\  _\______//---high. Well, i put it this way.. hope you like it!

                    ___  iT's:
  ____  ____________\  \       ________         ____ ________  ____________
  \__ \/  __/\______/\  \______\______/________/   //  _\__  \/  _\__  __//
 ___\___  / \   \/   /\____   /   \/   /  _____)  / \  \  /  /\  \  /  /+wB!
 \  __/  /  _\__/\  / \___/  /_\__/\  /\  \__/   /   \  \/  /__\  \/  /_
__\ \___/ ________\/____ \  / ______\/_ \___/   /oBAd_\__\_/ __ \_/__/ _
   \/                     \/                \__/
                            -* Time! *-

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Mmm.. one of my first, bit unfinished logo's.. put
    \   /-/  \--\_____    it in here anyway, coz it looks quite nice.. request
\----- /__\  _\______//---by D`Style.. Antik => Anti-Kommunism..           

             __ _               __       ____  /   /     ____    ____
         ___/ // \_____  ______/  \____  \_  \/_  /     _\__/   _\__/
          ___//   _/   \/   ___    ___/__ /    \_/_     \    \  \    \ __
             /    \_    \   \_/    \__/  \         \_____\_   \ _\    \\ \__
            /  /\  | \   \   \     /  \__/   /\     ____//_    \ __   ___  __
        ___/  /__\ |  \   \/  \   /    /    /__\    .\     \    \ /    // /
       __//___//__\|___\______/__/\___/____///__\____\\     \___/ \___/+WB!

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Goofie requested ToonTown.. As far as i can re-  
    \   /-/  \--\_____    member it's the name of a bbs with lots of modules
\----- /__\  _\______//---online, but then again i could be wrong!         

______  ____   __________ ______  _____  ______
\   _ \/ __ \ /   ______/_   __ \ \_   \/  ___/
 \__/    /___/   /\   \ /   /\   \/  \  \  \
   /    /   /   / /   //   / /   /\   \  \  \
   \\   \   \   \/   / \   \/   /  \   \  \/ \
____\___/____\   \__/__ \___\__/____\___\    / ___
              \__/___        _ ____\\    \__/ __//       __________
                      ______  ____    _______ ________  /   ___ _____  _____
                      \   _ \/ __ \  /   _____\____   \_\   \   \_   \/  __/
                       \__/    /___\/   /\   \    /   /  \   \  /  \  \  \
                         /    /    /   / /   / __/   /   /\   \ \   \  \  \
                         \\   \    \   \/   /  \    /    \/   /  \   \  \/ \
                      ____\___/___ _\___\__/__  \___\    /___/ _  \___\    /
                                                     \__/+wB!/hOS      \__/

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Yess Gozz (gZ!) i like your collections very much.
    \   /-/  \--\_____    Just good design and some bullshit lines inbetween!
\----- /__\  _\______//--- :) Keep up the good work and make me a             
                           Wishbringer logo plz.. thanks!

            __________      ___________________  __________
            \__  __   \    /   ______\  _     /  \  _     /
             /  __/___/__ /   /\   \ _\_/    /   _\_/    /
            /   \____   //   / /   / \    __/____\    __/______
            \______/   / \   \/   /  .\   \____   \   \____   /
            ___ __/   /___\   \__/_ ..:\_____/___/ \_____/   /
           //_____\__/_ /__\__/ ____\·::::. __________//_\__/+wB!

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Yeah.. Gozz again.. some other style.. created    
    \   /-/  \--\_____    with a smaller font. Well, what to say.. hope to  
\----- /__\  _\______//---see more collies from you soon!                  

                 ___________    ________________   _________
                 \_  ______/_  /   ___ \_____   \  \_____   \
                  /  \____  / /   / /   /  /   _/___   /    /____
               ___\____/   /__\   \/   /__/    \   / _/   _/\   /_
               \\______\  /____\   \__/___\____/\_/___\   \____///_
                        \/      \___/                  \__/+wB!

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Halloween State, made for Hellraiser.. Hotwire AND
    \   /-/  \--\_____    Sasha would pass it on to you.. Hope you like it..
\----- /__\  _\______//---Well, Good luck with the bbs...                  

   ___  ___          __     __
  /   \/   \___     /  \   /  \  ____________  ____                 _____  ____
__\  _/_   /_  \   /   /  /   / / ________   \_\   \________________\_   \/  ___
\__  ____  _/   \ / __/__/ __/_/   /\  \ /   /  \   \_  ____\_  ____/  \  \  \
 /    /   / /\   /  \   /  \   \  / / __/   /   /\  _/  ___/_/  ___\\   \  \  \
 \   /   / /__\ /   /\ /   /\   \ \/  \    /    \/  \   L\  \   L\   \   \  \/ \
__\ /   /_____\\\______\________/_____/\___\    /____\_______\________\___\    /
___/   /________\___\ ____________________\\\__//__________________ _______\__/_
   \__/+wB/DLT! __________              ____               ..  . .    ..  .
           --- -\    __  /_____________/    \_______________________::.··   ·
             - --\    /_/_____  ___//__      _\____   ___/\_  _____/::·· ·
* NO NUP! *    ___\_      / \    \   /   /\   \   \    \  _/  ___/_.::·.  .
           - --\   /     /___\    \ /   /__\   \___\    \ \   L\   \::·  ·
             -- -_______/-\\ _\____/   /__\\_______\\____\_\________\::·
                            . .·::/___/::· ·  .                ..  .:::· · ·
                                                              .  ·  · ··
                  - %% rUNNinG oN: A4000/040! 12mEG Ram! %% -
¯¯¯¯¯   (- HeLLRAiSeR, AVEnGeR, Dr.LekToR, dEAdLiGhT, NiCk, RuDe DuDe -)
       %% SuPPoRTS: %%*%% aMiGA! %%*%% PC! %%*%% cONSOLE! %%*%% H/P/A %%
                   %%( nODE #1  +44(0)12xx xxxx 28k8 USR )%%
                   %%( nODE #2  +44(0)12xx xxxx 28k8 USR )%%

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Ice/Chaos Design requested quite some ascii's..
    \   /-/  \--\_____    Well, this is the first one, dedicated to this   
\----- /__\  _\______//---guy nuking abbilities!! Go for it :)            

                   /\   _______
                  /  \ /       \   ________
               ___\__//   /\___/ __\______/   ..haiL oUR nuKe-heRO!
               \    \ \   \  ____\   ___/__
              __\  //__\   \/    /\   L\   \  whAT wOUld The woRld Be liKe
                \\_/___\\___\   /__\________\__ wiThOUT peOple liKe YoU ?

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Intersphere, sysop Ice/cds.. it's the only bbs i
    \   /-/  \--\_____    can NOT connect to. It's got some terrible modem 
\----- /__\  _\______//---at the answer side. I'm very sad i can't be a part
                          of the MOST insane board in holland! (How do i
                          this? 'someone' told me :))

      ::o.··:.                                   ______ __  _
    .:oo:·   :                       _   __ ____/// _____
   :oo:·     ______  ________  ____________________/ _  /+wB!  ___  ____
  .oo:.___  _\   _ \/ ____\__\/ _  \ __  \___ ____ \ \_/_______\__\/ _  \______
 .:oo:/   \/  \__/   / _____/  /\__/  /__/_/  | /  / __  \ _____//  /\__/_____/
 /o\:/  \  \   \/   / __/__/   \___\_  ___/___|/  /   /   \__/__/   \ / __/__
/   \\   \  \/  \  /   L\  \    \   /  \_________/   /    / L\  \    \   L\  \
\___/:\___\_____/ /_________\   /\______/_\   /_\___/    /_______\   /________\
   _  ___  ___\\_/________ \\\_/__ ______\\\_/_____\\___///_____ _\_/___ ___  _

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Well, Ice also requested O-kee! It's the same like
    \   /-/  \--\_____    OKAY, but pronounced in a different way it creates
\----- /__\  _\______//---a diverse, multi-cultural sound effect, or in other
                          words VERY irritating when a group of people kinda
                          attacks you with O-kee, OOO-keee, O-kee? etc..  :)

                      .     .  ..:.   .·...·
                               . .. _____:o:· ·
     --   ---  ______. ----.·____·o/    /+wB! --->> ------>>---------____ --
         - -- / __   \\    .:\_  \/ _  /.:·___________ ___________  /    \
          ¯¯ /   /\   \ __·:·:/     \_/\·:·\_  ______/ \_  ______/  \    /.
     -  -- -/   / /   /// \.:/.        \\·:·/  ___/__  _/  ___/__    \__//
      ___ _/   / /   / \\_/·//   /\     '\_/_  L\    \\    L\    \     _
     ______\   \/   /______/    /__\________/_________\\__________\\\-(_)))- -
     _____\\\______//_____\\___///_______ _______________ ________ ____ __

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Well, also one of my very first Ascii's made for 
    \   /-/  \--\_____    Killraven/Mystic. Ofcourse it was not good enuff
\----- /__\  _\______//---for him, he's never satisfied.. :) Well, guess he
                          wasn't in a good mood when reviewing this piece of..

          _____ o::·.·
   ____  /    / :.::____ _______ __ ____  ____________   ____________  __
  \\_  \/ _  / .:o_/   /__//   /__\\\_  \/    ______  \  \__   ______\/  \
    /     \_/\ ·_/ \  / __/   / ___  /   /\__/    \ \  \  /   /_____/ \   \
   /.         \/ \_/  \/   \  \/   \/.   \_/  /\   \ \  \/  ./ __/_    \   \
  //   /\      \   \.  \/  /   \/  //    /   /__\   \_\    //  \   \ \  \/  \
  \___//\\     /\__/\\    / \     /\____/___/ _\\_____\\___/________\_\_____/
         \\   /·     \___/   \___/

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Dream Machine (BBS) requested by MF1, as far as
    \   /-/  \--\_____    i guess, someone from Germany, but i'm not sure..
\----- /__\  _\______//---Dream Machine reminds me of a song of Godmachine,
                          also adored by Console Freak LyT0x! Too bad the
                          bassplayer died sometime ago.. Godmachine kixx!

                       [x] - -- e n T e R  T h e -- - [x]
         ___________  ___  ______            ___ _________  ______
         \________  \ \_ \/ _   /________   /   \  __  _  \/  __  \ -- -
          /   | /  ./  /   /\__//  _____/  /     \  /   \  \  \    \-- -
         /    |/  //  /    \   /   __/__  /  /\   \ \    \  \  \   -- -
         \    /   / __\     \ _\    L\  \/  /__\__ \ \    \  \  \    \-
  _      _\__/   /___\\\____/ _\\________\____\\_/  \_\___/\    /\___/
         __  ___/_______________________________ \__//_____\\__/______
  ____  _________    ___       ______      _____           ___  _____
 / _  \/  _   __/   /   \     /      \    / _  /     /\   /   \/  __/ ________
/   \  \  \    \   /     \   /  /\___/ ___\ \_/_    /  \ /  \  \  \  /  _____/
\    \  \  \    \ /  /\   \ /   \/   \ \__  __  \  _\__/ \   \  \  \/   __/__
 \    \  \  \    /  /__\__ \\    \_   \_/    /   \ \   \  \   \  \/ \    L\  \
 _\___/\    /\__/_____\\_/  \\____/____/\___/    /__\  /___\___\    /_________\
   ____\\__/____ _______ \___/___ _______ __\______/_\///_______\__/+wB! ___//

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Motive Power/Mystic requested this ascii for his 
    \   /-/  \--\_____    BBS called Orgasm.. I couldn't find the time to
\----- /__\  _\______//---'come' with an ejaculate logo.. FREAK! :)        
                                         ^^^(a.k.a. Upload)                           

               .          .·
         .     ·       .
       · .        . .·                              .
           ·. .:...·. ..                    .
     .   . . ::o::.  .   ..    .                 .
           .·:o::o:··  ·    .      .        .  .
         .·   :o:  .                        ..·
       ______ _:__  _____________     __  .:o:________  ____  ______
  -- -/ __   \\·_ \/ _  \_____   \   /  \ .··\.  __  / / _  \/  __  \--- -
--- -/   /\   \ /   /\__/  __/___/_ /    \  . \\  /_/_/   \  \  \    \- --  -
 ---/   / /   //    \ /    \____   /  /\  \____\_     \    \  \  \   --  --  -
- --   / /   / \     \\       /   /  /__\  \    /    / \    \  \  \    \-- -
___\   \/   /___\    /_\_____/   /  ///_____\_______/___\___/\    /\___/+wB!
__\\\______///___\  /_______/___/  /______._:_._·__ _________\\__//______ __ _
                 \\//           \_/    ·. ..:::. .  .  .
                                 .  ··  ···:o::·· ·
                                       .·::o:o::··  ·
                                    .·   .··::o·.    ·.
                                .·      ·    · · ·      .
                                       ·     :

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Well, my fav. place: The Undiscovered, Holland's
    \   /-/  \--\_____    kewlest! Also one of my first ascii's.. as of
\----- /__\  _\______//---today The Undiscovered is also House of Style HQ,
                          so contact me (+nike, axeblade, whirlwind, ramon)
                          on here for ascii ordering

STaff:                        .
¯¯¯¯¯                         .         .
mUAd'diB/inFeCT/deLiGHT   . ..o:..    ..:o:...          mOTiVE PoWeR/MySTiC
wiShBRinGeR/deLiGHT    .      ··        ·    ··  ....   JaKe/PReSTiGe
KiLLrAvEn/MySTiC!  .  ..     .                     :o:.
    o              .::o::. d i S C o V e R   T h E  :o:.
  .o:          .  ..::oo::.. . .          ___    ..:::..
.:/\___________________ooo________________\  \______________  ___ _____________
:/  \  \   \  \______  \oo\      / __ \  _ \  \\\__ \ ____\ \/__ \_____\_____  \
/   /\  \   \  \  | / ./oo_\_¯7_/_ /(__7 /\ \  \ /  / __/_/   //__/__/_!  | / ./
\\  \/  / \  \/ \ |/ ///\/  /    / \/  \ \/ )\  Y  /  L\  \   \\   L\  \  |/ //
_\o____/___\____/_/  //__\______/\   .:/\   '/\   /\______/  . \\______/__/  /
____________________/___ ____:o:_.::oo::.\__/__\_/o::..____:oo:. ___________/WB!
                   .  .. ..:::o:.::o:.: :::oo::·.::·       .:o:.
  MYSTiC TooLS HQ            .:o    ·:   :··· . nODe·1 +31-2294-xxxx - 28k8 USR
 DELiGHT DuTCH HQ             :.    . .   ·     nODe·2 +31-2294-xxxx - 28k8 USR
  iNFECT eURO  HQ             .            .    nODe·3 +31-2294-PRiV - 28k8 USR

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    UMF logo requested by The P/\NTER/TRSI. I have no
    \   /-/  \--\_____    idea where umf stands for, but i do know it has 
\----- /__\  _\______//---something to do with government coverups, ufo's
                          and other X-files Cases :) Well, it's only of 
                          REAL concern to USA guys, for us euro's it's 'just'
                          interesting, if you like The X-Files, that is.

                      __                                . .
                _____/  \  ________  _________     _______...  .
                \\__ \   \ \___ _  \/  __  __/  __/ ___   \::.
                   /  \   \  /   \  \  \    \  /  __\_____/o: ·
                  /   /\   \_\    \  \  \    \/   \___/.··:· .
              ___ \   \/    /_\    \  \  \    \    /_ __·  ·
              \____\   \_____/_\___/\    /\___/\  /__ _//  .
             .  ..::\__/::·         \\__//      \/+wB!
                   ··o··  ·

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    And here we have some UMF-diz logo for their 
    \   /-/  \--\_____    productions, like all the usual Top Secret FBI
\----- /__\  _\______//---info and build-schemes of Ufo's and stuff.. or
                          not ?

______  ______________________  ___________
\\__  \ \_  __\________\___   \ \_  ______/
   \   \_/   /  _\   \/  \/   /  /  \___/
+wB!\___/   /   \____/\__/\   \__\   /_ _
  ____  \__/_____  _______ \__/_ _\_/____
  \\   is proud to present in 1995 :    /

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Paragon & Melvin, or Paragon or Melvin requested
    \   /-/  \--\_____    this THING ascii, i think for the former applause
\----- /__\  _\______//---mag/pack ?!? Dunno much about the mail scene..   
                          Hope you like it.. and reply my letter i sent to
                          one of you some time ago.. perhaps with an issue
                          of Thing..? Please ? :)

           . .          ____        .   .                                .
·         ______  ____ /   /    /\   . ___  ____________             ·:··
          \   _ \/ __ \   /__  /  \   /   \/  _______   \              .
           \__/    /___\ __  \_\__/__/  \  \  \/  __/___/__             . .
             /    /  /    /\  \_   _/\   \  \  \  \____   /              ·
             \\   \ /    /    //   \  \   \  \/ \   _/   /
         _____\___/_\___/    /_\    \__\___\    /_______/::·__
          \\  _________\____/___\___/_\\____\__/+wB!___.o·_//

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    ProSATANus (Scary.. :)) requested an ascii called
    \   /-/  \--\_____    CRAP for his PC group called CRAP which means    
\----- /__\  _\______//---Chemical Reaction After Pissing.. I hope you have 
                          no probs reading this on a pc.. if you were able
                          to get this damn collection to work, coz you never
                          know with a CRAP pc :)

         _______       ____  ____          ________    _____________
        /       \      \__ \/ _  \        / _____//    \__________  \+wB!
       /   /\___/    _   /   /\__/  _    /  \   \    _   \_  \___/  /  _
       \   \  _____ (_) /    \     (_)  /   /\   \  (_)  \____\\___/  (_)
        \   \/    /     \     \        /   /__\__ \        \   \
     ____\___\   /       \    /       /___/\\___/  \_     __\   \
     \\__ ___ \_/heMiCaL _\__/eACTiON  ________ \___/fTeR __\\__/iSSiNG..

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    One of my recent ascii's made for Quartz/Mystic. 
    \   /-/  \--\_____    Hello there Klipporita Lettjo Snifa ! (that's all
\----- /__\  _\______//---i learned from the finnish words you gave me and  
                          which i allready knew by myself coz i have always 
                          been interested in finnish culture. But maybe you
                          don't understand what i wrote above. That could be
                          coz i wrote in finnish slang! And now colour my
                          ascii!! :)

     _________     __         _______ ____  ____               __________
    /   _____/____/  \       / _____/ \__ \/ _  \______  ____  \  _     /
   /   /\   \ \__ \   \     /  \   \    /.  /___/\   _ \/ __ \ _\_/    /
  /   / /   /   /  \   \   /   /\   \  //   \     \__/    /___\\    __/______
  \   \/   /   /   /\   \_/  _/__\__ \ \     \      /    /      \   \____   /
   \  / __/___ \   \/    /   \\\___/  \_\    ./\/\  \\   \    .: \_____/   /
   _\_\ \____/__\__/    /\__/_____ \___/_\  /.\/\/\__\    \___________\\__/+wB!
       \/   _____  \___/_________\\     __\/·o·\/\/ _ \___/ __________
                                          . ·:o.\/      ·
                                              ·.       ·

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Made for Ramon/HOS! I enjoyed his last collection
    \   /-/  \--\_____    so much i decided to honour him :) What i wrote  
\----- /__\  _\______//---underneath it are his words not mine :) Well, i
                          send you some tape and letter soon.. bye

          ________    ________ _______________   _________________  _
         _\____/  \  _\______/_\_______\___   \ /  _\__  \______  \/ \
         \   |/   /_ \   \/   / _\   \/  \/   / \  \  /  /  \   \  \  \
    ______\  |\____/__\__/\  /__\____/\__/\  /___\  \/  /____\___\    /____
     _____ \_| ___ ________\/____ ________ \/ ___ \__\_/___ _ ____\__///_
          \___/   i luv you mary jane..   \__/+wB!-hos-

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Support Ascii made for Ramon, but ofcoz anyone can
    \   /-/  \--\_____    use it!!i                                         
\----- /__\  _\______//---                                                  

                /  \
   _____________\__ \______________________________________________________
   \    __  /___   \ \________  \__________  \  ____________ \\_____ _____/
    \    /_/__ /   /  \_ \___/  / \   \___/  / /\   \  \__/  /    /   \
  ___\_      //   /\  _________/  \____\\___/ / /   /  _____/    /    /
__\   /     //    \/   \   \    .   \   \/   /\/   /|   \/   \__/    /______
_\\\_______/ \____/____/\___\::.o.::.\___\__/_____/ |___/    /_\\___//____\\
                             ··:·::··                   \___/+wB!

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Again one of my very recent logo's. I think its  
    \   /-/  \--\_____    looks quite kewl. I hope you like it too Sasha!   
\----- /__\  _\______//---And i'm waiting got the new user lister too :)

___________    ________ _____________  ________     ____ ____/  \    __________
\________  \  / _____// \_____ _____/ / _____//    /   / \__ \   \   \    __  /
 /   | /  ./ /  \   \       /   \    /  \   \     / __/_   /  \   \   \    /_/__
/    |/  // /   /\   \     /    /   /   /\   \   /  \   \ /   /\   \___\_      /
\    /   / /   /__\__ \ __/    /___/   /__\__ \ /   /\   \\   \/    /   /     /
_\__/   / /___/\\___/  \__\___//__/___/\\___/  /______\___\\__/    / \_/_____/
__  ___/            \___/                   \___/             \___/+wB!/hOS

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Well, this guy was very lucky! I was in a good mood
    \   /-/  \--\_____    and spent some hours making 5 ascii's for him!   
\----- /__\  _\______//---His name is Scarface and his group Edge. No.1:   

 __________  _______     __________  ___     ______  _______ ______
_\    __  / /       \   / _____\__ \/ _ \___/ ___  \/ _____//      \__________
  \    /_/_/   /\___/  /  \   \  /.  /___/  __\____/  \   \/   /\___/__ _____/
___\_      \   \  ____/   /\   \//   \  /   \___/ /   /\   \   \  /   / __/__
\   /     / \   \/   /  _/__\__ \     \ \    /   /  _/__\__ \   \/   /   L\  \
 \_______/ __\___\__/   \\\___/  \    /  \  / __/   \\\___/  \__/   /_________\
           __ ___   \__/_____ \___\__/ __ \/ __ \__/_____ \___/ \__/+wB!

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Well, infact i was kinda forced to do all his req-
    \   /-/  \--\_____    uests, coz unfortunatly i couldn't use his logo's
\----- /__\  _\______//---(gotta find a good way to talk me out of this..)
                          Euhm.. well, while doing the laundry i messed up
                          your ascii's with the towels. Result: Not usuable,
                          but maybe next time! :)

   ___________ ___ /  \_______  ______ ___________ _______
   \_______   \\__ \   \_  _  \/  __  \\_______   \\__   / __ ________
     /   \/  _/__/  \   /   \  \  \    \ /   \/   /_/  _/____  ______/
     \   ___    /   /\  \    \  \  \    \\   ___    \  \____ \  __/__
   ___\   \/   /\   \/   \    \  \  \    \\   \/   / \   /   /   L\  \
 //__\\_______/_-\__/   /_\___/\    /\___/________/___\_____/_______  \___
    ____//__________\____     _\\__//___________//__\\__     ______\___\\
   /  \                                                                    __
   \   \________________ __________       ___   ________ _____  __ _______/  \
    \_____   /  _/_____//  _/_____/  .   /   \ _\______/_ __  \/  /  ____/   /
  __\____/  /   \___/_ /   \___/_ __::· /   _/_\__ \/   /   \  \  \  \__/   /
 \\____\   /\___/____/ \___/____///____ \___\____/_/\  / \___\____/\___/   /___
        \_/____\\_                \\___              \/+wB!/hos   ____\\__///_

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Yeah, Edge, is this group called. I think it's not
    \   /-/  \--\_____    the same as the console group Edge, but it would 
\----- /__\  _\______//---be nice if it was, though Scarface seems to be 
                          truly legal to me!

                 ___________\________  \_____   \_________
            .  . \_   _____/ /   | /  ./  __/___/__ _____/
          .  .. __/   __/___/    |/  //   \____   / __/__
            . ..\      L\   \    /   /\      /.  /   L\  \
           __ __:\_________ _\__/   /__\____/   /_________\+wB!_
        _   ____//_______  ________/_______/.·://______ ______///-->>
                                        . . .:o.. .
                                           · :. ·

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Premium.. i presume the name of some BBS.. mmm   
    \   /-/  \--\_____    Another request from Scarface..
\----- /__\  _\______//---                                                  

________________________    _ __ _____  ______    __ ____/  \  ____  _________
\__________ \__________ \_________ _  \/  __  \  /  \\__ \   \/ _  \/  __  __/
__\___ \__/  /\   \__/  /  ______/  \  \  \    \ \__/  /  \  /   \  \  \    \
\___________/  \  _____/__ __/__\    \  \  \    \/   \/   /\ \    \  \  \    \
    \   \      /   \/    /  L\  \\    \  \  \   /    /\   \/  \    \  \  \    \
_____\   \_____\___/    /________\\___/\    /\__\   /__\__/    \___/\    /\___/
  ____\___///______\   /_________ ____\\\__//____\_//_____\   /_____\\__//_____
                · ·:\_/+wB/hoS!                            \_/
                 · ·:::· ·
                     ·  ·

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    And here we have Number 4, Sticky Fingers, the name
    \   /-/  \--\_____    of some dutch BBS.. I changed the R of fingeRs a 
\----- /__\  _\______//---bit Scf as you can see.. i disliked the other R, 
                          so this is the 'final' Sticky Fingers..

       __________                  _______   _____    ____         _____
       \   ___  / ___________ /\  /       \  \_   \  /   /  ______/   _/
        \    /_/__\____ ____ /  \/   /\___/   _\__ \/   /   \___  \_  \
      ___\__     /   /   /___\__/\   \  _____ \_____ \_/\   ___\____   \
      \    /    /   /   / \    \ _\   \/    / _/    \    \__\  ____/   /
    __\\  /____/___/   /___\  //_\\\___\___/_ \_____/\     / \   \    /___
   //___\//_____\\ \__/__  \\ /______  ______\\_______\___/___\______///_
  ____________   /\     ___  ____________            ____  ____  __________
  \__   ___   \_/  \__ /   \/  _______   \ _________ \__ \/ _  \ \   ___  /
   /  __\______ \__/ //  \  \  \   __/___/_   _____/   /   /\__/  \    /_/__
  /   \___/   \     / \   \  \  \  \____  \   ___/__  /    \    ___\__     /
  \    /      \\   /.  \   \  \  \    /   /\   L\   \ \     \   \    /    /
   \  /       __\_//____\___\    /\__/   / _\________\ \    /___ \  /____/__
    \/+wB!/hOS    _ _________\__/___/   //______       _\__/_____ \//_____\\

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Well, this looks nice.. Voices, mm wasnt that the
    \   /-/  \--\_____    diskmag from Iris or something ? Dunno.. The last
\----- /__\  _\______//---request from Scarface!! Pheww.. i made it.. thank
                          you my lord...

       ___    /________________      _______            __________
         /   /   ____/   _____/ __  /       \_________  \   ___  /
        /   /\    \ /   /\   \ /  \/   /\___/\_______/   \    /_/__
        \   \/    //   / /   //\__/\   \  _____ __/___ ___\__     /
       __\  /    /_\   \/   //   \__\   \/    / L\    \\    /    /
     \\___\ \___/___\__/___/ \   /_\\\___\___/___\\____\\  /____/____
           \__///___          \_/+wB!/hos       _________\//_____\\__

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Sealapex requested a Pitstop Ascii for the bbs
    \   /-/  \--\_____    he was just starting. Well, hope you find this one
\----- /__\  _\______//---fitt your needs.. Well goodluck and bye..        

          ·  · ·:__. .:     <- G o D S  wHQ! ->
_____________ ·:/  \:_____________________ _____________ :____________________
\__________  \·:\__/\____ ____\________  / \_____ _____//   _____\__________  \
--- - \___/  //   \:·  /   \     \    /_/__    /   \·::/   /\   \:·\_  \___/  /
 -\____\\___//    /   /    /   ___\_      /   /    / ·/   / /   /..\____\\___/
-- -\   \ ___\   / __/    /____\   /     /___/    /___\   \/   /::. _\   \
 -- --___\___\\_/  _\\   //___\\\_______/___\\___//__.:\______/::·__\\\___\
        %%( RuNNiNG oN:  A4000/040, 14mEG Ram, 1 GiGabYTe hD-SPaCe! )%%
             %%*%% sTAff: sEaLaPeX^GDS^EXC & mYTHRAL^cOOLtOWN %%*%%
                   -  -%%( NoDE #1: +47 (0) 333 87955 )%%-  -

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Intox Design, a very TALENTED group consisting 
    \   /-/  \--\_____    of some french guys, who live in Holland. Request
\----- /__\  _\______//---by Shaq/Intox, a.k.a. as Intox on some boards...
                          Look out for their game called Hyper out when
                          you least expect it.. (yeah right..)

             /\               ____________
            /  \ ______  _    \_____ ____/ _________ _____    _____
         ___\__/ \__   \/ \       /   \   /   _____/ \_   \__/   _/
         \    \   /  \  \  \     /    /  /   /\   \  __\  (___  /__
        __\  //__ \   \  \  \ __/    /_ /   /_/   / _\     /\     / ___
       ___\\_/__/  \___\  \/ \__\___//_ \   \____/__\ \___/  \   / /__\\
                        \____/           \___/                \_/
    ___________              __________   _____   _________      ___  ______
    \________  \__________   \    __  /  _\   /_  ______   \    /   \/  ___/
     /   | /   /\________/    \    /_/__ \_\_/_/  /  __/___/__ /  \  \  \
    /    |/  //  /  ___/__  ___\_     ./  /   \  /   \____   / \   \  \  \
    \    /   /  /    L\   \ \   /    //___\    \_\     _/   / __\   \  \/ \
    _\__/   /   \______\___\ \_______/ \__\\___/_ \________/____\\___\    /
    _______/                                                          \__/+wB!

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Homeless BBS.. Artcore fun hq, if you could call
    \   /-/  \--\_____    artcore a fun group (Oopps.. no offence.. ). Well,
\----- /__\  _\______//---anyway, i made this one for Slime (and perhaps 
                          primus. - gimme your addie slime dewd..!

  / _  /+wB!_____________  _________           ____       __________ __________
__\ \_/_   /   ______ _  \/  __  __/________  /  _/_______\    __  / \    __  /
\__ __  \ /   /\   /   \  \  \    \_  _____/ /   \_  _____/\    /_/__ \    /_/__
 /   /   \   / /   \    \  \  \    \  ___/_ / __/_/  ___/___\__     /__\__     /
/   /    /   \/   / \    \  \  \   /  L\   /  \  \   L\  \   _/    /\   _/    /
\__/    /_\   \__/ __\___/\    /\_/\______/   /\  \_______\  \____/__\__\    /_
 _\\_______\__/______  ___\\__//____  ___ \_____\___\  ____\_/___________\__/_

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Requested by Taz Devil of Ruins of Wisdom.. One of
    \   /-/  \--\_____    the fastest traders arround i think (on pc) or   
\----- /__\  _\______//---something.. Enjoy!

   __________________/  \_____ /\ ______  _____ __________
   ____________ \\__ \   \___ /  \\\_   \/  ____\    __  ///
     \    \__/  /  /  \   \   \__/ /  \  \  \    \    /_/__
      \   _____/  /   /\   \_ /   \\   \  \  \ ___\_      /
      /    \/   \ \   \/    //    / \   \  \/ \\   /     /
 --- -\____/    /--\__/    / \___/---\___\    /-\_______/+wB!-
           \   /      \___/____    _______\__/
            \_/         --/    \__/ ___   \
                      - -/  /\ /  __\_____/
                    -  -- - \//   \___/
                      - --\   \    /
                           \  /\__///-- -
           _________  ______\/___ __   ___    _
________  /   _____ /\ _ __________ ___________ _ _________ ____  ______
\____   \_\   \    /  \  \    __  / \________  \ / _______ / _  \/  __  \ -- -
    /   /  \   \  _\__/   \    /_/__ /   | /  .//   /\   \/   \  \  \    \-- ---
 __/   /   /\   \/   \  ___\_      //    |/  ///   / /   /\    \  \  \   -- - -
 \    /    \/   /\    \ \   /     / \    /   / \   \/   /  \    \  \  \    \- -
  \___\    /___/__\   /__\_______/___\__/   /___\______/____\___/\    /\___/

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    vIc requested Planet Console from all ascii  
    \   /-/  \--\_____    painters.. wonder which ascii he's gonna use, or 
\----- /__\  _\______//---is using.. One of the better boards in Austria.. 

.   _________________               ___  _______ __  ______________    .
 .  \__________  \  / _ ________   /   \/  ___________\_____ _____/ · ...·
 ·:.__\___\___/  / /___ __      \ /  \  \  \ /  _____/    /   \   . ·.::::.
 __::___________/ /    \/   /\   \\   \  \  \   __/__    /    /     ·:sNES:·
 .::::. \   \ \   \/   /   /__\   \\   \  \/ \   L\  \__/    /_____  ·:::::
·:sEGA:·_\   \_\______/   / _\\_____\___\    /________\\\   //____\\\   ·:·
 ·::::· ______//_________/_______________\__/____________\_/_______ __ .· .
.·. ·_________  _________             __________    ______  ____      . ·
 .  /   _____/ /   _____/ ____  __    \   ___  /   /      \/   /    ________
.  /   / ___  /   /\   \ /    \/  \    \    /_/__ /   /\   \  / ___/  _____/
  /    \/   \/   / /   //   \  \   \ ___\_      //   / /   /  \/   \  __/__
  \    /    /   /\/   / \    \  \/  \    /     //   /\/   /\   \/  /   L\  \
___\__/    /\  /_____/___\    \_____/   /_____/ \__/_____/  \     /_________\
  ___ \___/  \/+wB!_______\___/___  \__/__  _________________\___/_______ __ _

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Traitor requested by Traitor/Delight/Mystic.. If
    \   /-/  \--\_____    you want to know how to transfer as many megs as 
\----- /__\  _\______//---possible in as little time as possible ask him..:)
                          Besides he's fond of heroins, euh ?        

                           . ·..·.  .
                          · ··:oo:·.  . .·
                               ··:oo:· ·
 _______________________    ____  ·:o:·  ______________________________
 \_____ ____\\  _______ \  /    \  ·:oo: \_____ ____//_ ______________ \
     /   \    \   \__/  / /      \  ·:oo:·   /   \   /   /\   \  \__/  /
    /    /     \  _____/ /   /\   \ /  · \  /    /  /   / /   /  _____/
 __/    /______|   \/   \  _/__\_  \\    /_/    /__/   /\/   /|   \/   \
 _\\___///_____\___/    / __//______\\  /_\\   //_\\__/_____/ |___/    /
                   \___/__/      \____\/____\_/___________________\___/+wB!

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Well.. this kewl delight logo was made for my    
    \   /-/  \--\_____    current group. A nice group with a nice atmos-
\----- /__\  _\______//---phere! Guess i stay with them for some time to   

         __                                        ___
 _______/  \  __________  ___       __  ___________\  \_______ ___________
/  _____)  / /  _/_____/ /   \    _(__)_\_  ______/_\ \____/  \\_________/
\  \__/   / /   \___/_  /   _/____\    / /  \____  / \   \/   /_   \   \
 \___/   /__\___/____/__\___\____/_\  /__\____/   /___\   \____/ ___\   \___
____\\__///_______________________\\\///______\  /_____\___\_______\\\__///

     - wiShbRinGeR!
   \_____  __   ______    Also one of my first ascii's.. this HOS diz made 
    \   /-/  \--\_____    for the guys in House of Style..                
\----- /__\  _\______//---                                                 

        ___  _____   __
   +WB!/   \/  __/___\/ _________
     __\  _/_  \__ _ \  \   __  /   '95
 --\\\__  ____  /  /\ \  \   /_/__
      /    /   /\  \/  ___\_     ///--
     .\   /   /  \    .\   /    /
 ____ \\ /   /oUSe\  //_\______/tYLe!______
---- \ \/   /------\_/----------------------
      \/     P R e S e N T S :

      |                ______
 _    |_____  ______  (______   _                                         _
 \\---|     )(______)________)-//-----------[ hOUSE oF sTYLE ]------------\\
 |    `                                                                    |
 |         LeT'S heAd fOr The cRediTS, GReeTiNGS & AddiTiOnAl STuFF :      |
 :                                                                         !

Maybe you noticed that you had requested something from me but it's not
in here! Well, don't worry, i have your requests still at hand. They will
appear in my next ascii collection. (releasedate: unknown) It's possible
we meet in a production i've been planning for months (years).. The 
ORIGINAL - Dutch Trader Charts -  But we can only hope and pray for this
modem scene mag to appear on a bbs near you very soon! Okay, now let's
go for the creds and stuff.......

.____.   ._______.____|_ \.______________.   ._______________________________
|    | __|  ___  \     /  \   _______/   | __|   _______/  _______/  _______/
|    |/  \    /   \   /    \ ____/  \    |/  \  ____/  \______   \______   \
|    |    \_ /     \_ \     \_ /     \_  |    \_  /     \_  |     \_  |     \_

                __________           ______.       __.
      __________\____    //__________\     | /\ __/  |________ _  _
     /    _    /____/    /        /   _    |/ ·\     _     /___
     \    /___/__ _/  __/ _______/    /    .   \\    \   _/   /_____
    __\_ /      /_\_   \_  __/ \\_   /     |    \\    \_//____     /
       \\______/   \\___/  \    \\\______/_|     \\____\_    /   _/__ _  _
         \           \ \________\\__ _  /__________\D! /________//
          ·           ·          \                             /
                                  ·                           ·
1st Wishbringer Ascii................................made by: nIKE
1st Loveless Ascii...................................made by: raMoN!
2nd Loveless Ascii...................................made by: ZaCK!
Credits Ascii........................................made by: DeSeRT
2nd Wishbringer Ascii................................made by: raMoN!

                     Everything else done by wiShbRinGeR!


I luv the ascii styles of the following dewds:

-rs! -redSkiN!-redSkiN!-redSkiN!-redSkiN!-redSkiN!-redSkiN!-redSkiN!-redSkiN!
Skin SkinSkinSkinSkinSkinSkinSkinSkinSkinSkinSkinSkinSkinSkinSkinSkinSkinSkin
mAZ! mAZ!mAZ!mAZ!mAZ!mAZ!mAZ!mAZ!mAZ!mAZ!mAZ!mAZ!mAZ!mAZ!mAZ!mAZ!mAZ!mAZ!mAZ!
H2o! H2o!H2o!H2o!H2o!H2o!H2o!H2o!H2o!H2o!H2o!H2o!H2o!H2o!H2o!H2o!H2o!H2o!H2o!
Nup! Nup!Nup!Nup!Nup!Nup!Nup!Nup!Nup!Nup!Nup!Nup!Nup!Nup!Nup!Nup!Nup!Nup!Nup!
sTZ! sTeZoTeHiCsTeZoTeHiCsTeZoTeHiCsTeZoTeHiCsTeZoTeHiCsTeZoTeHiCsTeZoTeHiCsT
fTL  faTaLfaTaLfaTaLfaTaLfaTaLfaTaLfaTaLfaTaLfaTaLfaTaLfaTaLfaTaLfaTaLfaTaLfa
rN!  rAmON!rAmON!rAmON!rAmON!rAmON!rAmON!rAmON!rAmON!rAmON!rAmON!rAmON!rAmON!


The music which influenced me while painting:

Suede - I know a girl.. she walks the asphalt world..
Dinosaur Jr. - show me how you do it, and i promise you i'll run 
               away with you...
Smog - This is not gonna be a hit, so why even bother with it ?
Godhead Silo - Are you satisfied ?
Beastie Boys - Sure Shot..
Public Enemy - Burn Hollywood Burn
Gorefest - EEERASE
Headcrash - You want freedom ?
Godmachine - Let me oooout..
Notwist - Johnny & Mary..
NOFX - All their songs are sooo kewl!
Propaghandi - Stick the american flag up yuor ass..
Charmin' Children - Always nice, always polite.. to the dog
Sebadoh - Carefull roxx!
Weezer - OOhh wheee Ohh i looked just like Buddy Holly..
My Bloody Valentine - The CD Loveless..
Nemo - And i build a house of pancakes for you..
Lemonheads - It's a shame about ray..
Nirvana - Polly sez her back hurts..
Pavement - I want a Raaange Life.. 
Silver Jews - There is a house in New orleans..
Jimi Hendrix - The American Anthem!
Nuclear Assault - Another forest dies, bring on the acid rain..
DeLaSoul - 3 feet high and rising.
Ice Cube - Stupid Racist but groovy tunes!
Guided by Voices - Lo-fi gods ?
Fuschnickens - TRUE fuschnick (are you ramon ?)
Tribe Called Quest - Q-tip ruelt!
Bettie Serveert - Lamprey seems to be kewl..
Third Bass - Whites CAN rap..

And inbetween some ambient, trance, MOBY, Prodigy, Goldy, sum jungle
beats, Barry white >>soul hero (can you imagine i like THIS ?), sum
songs from R.E.M., Massive attack, MC Solar, ex-guitarist of RHCP
-> John Briscanti or something.. Does anyone of you has his album ?
It sounds soo kewl (like Janes addiction..), John Lennon, Lenny Kravitz,
blablaaah and lots more.. and don't forget:
                          2UNLIMITED IS FOR WIMPS!!


I would like to greet the following people (in no order):

mUAd'diB - Hallooo.. video... :)
aRRaY - swappen is zooo leuk ermm..
VeTeRaN - Die andere ascii was sleggt!
JaKE/PSG - Nice chats
PyXiS - mm die loveless ascii was niet veel.. dat kan beter! :)
KiLLRaVEN/MST - wat bedoel je met 'faces' (in een van je)
MoTiVE PoWER/MST - interessant die priv.mail op je bbs .. har har..
DeAThKNiGHT/PSG - dont smoke too much!
eURoBYTe - Middenmeer ruelt?
fUNZ - pompom..
iCE/CdS - O-nee!
DuTCHie/CdS - Je lult teveel :)
DeLiTe - Jij ook :) 
SCARfACE/eDGE - Je request teveel.. maybe i use yer asciis next time.. :)
DuSTY/PTL - DTC.. here we come (i hope)..
aXEBLADE/HOS - mm Suede komt in Grueningen.. leuk voor mij ?
nIKE/HOS - Coole ascii's!
SiR iQ - Knowledge is the key to everything.
TRaCK - How's studenten-life ? 
WhiRLWiND - Kewl chats! Shitty bbs :)
I-GO - Handen af van de auto-telefoon!
GUARdiAN - Is het aangeboren of gewoon tijdelijk, die luiheid van je ? :)
GeRMANAToR - Misbruik jij chinese jongetjes van 6 jaar ?
JaY oNE/MoTiVE - THX voor gfx etc..!!
ANDaBaTA - Toffe teeps!
iKiLLedhER! - We miss your chats! :)
cOBRA - Cambodja Veteraan..
MoRTiCiAN - Smashing pumpkins bores me..
BaZZmAN/MLW - The only kewl mellow memb! Nice tunes..
sKaTe BoB - Ahoj!
D`sTyLE - See you sometime..
STePheN KinG - Kan je Pim van Partyzone naar de eeuwige jachtvelden sturen ?
QuartZ/MST - Colour some asciis or dont..
Spirit - High in the Sky.. 
RaMoN/HOS - Ummja jumba kewl collection man!
PiNoKiO - How's life ?
sHAQ/iNTOX - Bonjour Laurent :) Thx for Black Crypt etc..
ThARG - Talk to you sometime again!

SDD/DLT - Buying a fuehrer-schein of 'our' money ? :)
sUNDaNCE/DLT - PC Sucks.. :)
FuGiTiVE/DLT - Parents suck too ?
MeRCURY - D.of XTC has improved alot!
TaLON/DLT - DLT is cosy! :)
TRaiToR - Still alive ?
e$G/DLT - since..'87 ??
aGReSSoR/DLT - Kewl chats.. keeps delight going..
DeMAX/DLT - Nice bbs..
mFM/DLT - Nice crack patches..
eXoTiC/DLT - Howdy! 
mYSTiF/DLT - Looong time no see! I will call you a.s.a.p.!!
CiRCUiT bReAKeR/DLT - Back from the dead.. kewl chats!

KaMenSKi/pdX - You're my favourite too! HoHo! Is it also possible for a mortal
               like me to reach your status ? :)
PHiL! <SWiSS> - Damn cool chats in the past!! I'll be back for sure! :)
FURY/PSG - See you somewhere...
iRONCoDE! - See ya soon on Castle M/F Rock ?
SNiKe! - Chat you maybe later?! No hard feelings..
CeNTuRiON - Mail maniac!
DaLaMaR/LED - Congrats with the kewl dream charts..

ThE bLACK CAT/HLM - Thanks for the nice time in hlm.. bit inactive tho'..
S./V\./V\./HLM - So whats up ?
Bod/HLM - c64 WAS kewl..
HiJaCK/HLM? - Hip Hop ruelt! Where are you ?

PaRAGoN^MeLViN - Biohazard ruelt?
aSTRO/CNCD - Afentoe ff lekker ruzie maken :)
PaNTeRA/GODS - Whats up ??


RAYON/MLW - I NEVER TOLD you to code the charts, i ASKED if you wanted to
            code it on a voluntaery basis..!! Nevermind, i don't need your
            crap! Wait for the REAL Dutch Trader Charts! (Not in AMOS..)

CD, WAR PiGS etc etc..


I would also like to thank:

My guitar for giving me alot of inspiration and joy!
Christian for the fun with our band :)
All guys i met on the c64 scene esp. Frank, Sander S., Joost M., 
Jurgen, Marcin, Tom, Kryzstof and some others..
Tamara for pure pleasure, Angela for being fabulous! 
Bjoern for giving me one good reason not to smoke mary jane (the other
reason is i can't smoke coz of bad lungs.. i'm glad?)
Aitel for some more motivation & Demian - written by Herman Hesse for
so much valuable insights about life (read this book!)
& all the people i forgot to mention in here, who i might have met 
sometime on a bbs or somewhere else but who cares!

I would like to send my best wishes to my brother and his friends,
esp. the girl whose mother died in a terrible car accident. :(

              That's all for now! See ya in my next collection!!

                      ____\_ _  __  _   ______\_  /   //
                     /   //_  _/_/\_  _/ ____//  /   /
                    /   /  \  _\_\/_ _\____  \  / __/_
                   /   /\_  \/      \/    /   \/  \_  \
                  /  _//\____\      /\   /_____\  /    \
               _//____/  _//_______/__\ /    /   /______\\_
                \         \     _//____/    /   /        /
       ____\_                    \       __/   /         _/____
      /   //  ____                       \_  _/_\_        \\   \
     /___/_ __\   \    ______ __ ____ __ /_____//  _______ _\_  \_
    / \__  \\/_\_  \_ /      \\//  _ \\// \    \  / _____// _/  _/_
   /   /    \/ _/  _//  -rN-  \/   /  \/   \    \/  ___)_/  \     \
_//__________\ \    /__________\  /   /_____\   /\ /    /____\     \
 \       _//____\     \    _//___/______\\_  \ /__\_______\\_ \     \
          \      \_____\ _  \            /    \____\\_     /   \_____\ _
                        \/                          /                 \/

                                                    blOWN a WiSH.....

doN'T foRGeT To CaLL The UnDiSCoVeRed To ORdeR SoMe aSCii'S oR enJoY
iTS keWlneSS (Hows about that for some advertising :)) :

_____  /\______.___  ______  
\____\/____/   |  ¬\/  __ ¬\_---  -- --- ---------------------------------.
_/   \/  ¬\_   _    \_ \____/__     >.T.H.E. .U.N.D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R.E.D.<   ¦
\_____     /___|     /___     /:.   >.+31.229.444.42...+31.229.414.42.<   !
-:---l____/----l____/---\____/---- --- --- --  -     >.+31.229.4ELITE.<   :
 ¡                   ______.                         ________             |
 |   DELiGHT DHQ!    \     |___  ____ .____ _  ______\      /______       O
 O  MYSTiC BETA HQ!  \\_   |  ¬\/    \|   _____\__  ¬\\____/    __/__  /\ |
 |HOUSE OF STYLE HQ! _/    ·    \_   \\   ¬\_    |    \_  ¬\______  ¬\_\//¡
 ¦                  .\___________/___|\_____/_____     /____/   ______/ · :
 :        - -- --- ------------------------------l____/--\______/------   .
 . _ ______   _____________. ___________    _______ _ _____    ________ _ :
 : //  ___/__/   __ ¬\     |/     / __ ¬\___\____ ¬\_  __ ¬\___\____  ¬\\ ¦
 ._/   |    ¬\_  \/   \_   ·     /  \____/__   \/  _/  \____/__    |    \_:
 |\_____      /________/   _____/ _ __     /___/    \____     /_____     /|
 !                                                                        !
 ¦                               [JAKE/PSG]                               ¦
 : >.A.M.I.G.A.<>.C.O.N.S.O.L.E.<>.6.8.O.4.O.P.0.W.E.R.<>.U.S.R.2.8.K.8.< :
 !                nIKE! * aXEBLADE! * wHIRLWIND! * wISHBRINGER!           ; 

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ        ___  _____   __
   +WB!/   \/  __/___\/ _________
     __\  _/_  \__ _ \  \   __  /   '95
 --\\\__  ____  /  /\ \  \   /_/__
      /    /   /\  \/  ___\_     ///--
     .\   /   /  \    .\   /    /
 ____ \\_/   /oUSe\  //_\______/tYLe!______
---- \  /   /------\_/----------------------
      \    / P R e S e N T S :
  wiShbRinGeR'S aSCii cOlleCTiON eNTiTLeD:
------- \/-<- L o V e L e S S ->- -  -------

FILE_ID edited with DIZ-Ed V2.0 by nocTurne deSign/OGN - USER: WiSHBRiNGER