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File size:
74 235 bytes (72.50K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:23:46
Download count:
all-time: 712


                             ·this file passed·
                        _ _____        ___   ______
                               )_  __ _| (___) _  )_
                              __/__) (_    |   |___/
                       _ ___  |   |___|    |__
                         c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _
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                \___       \_____/    \____\     \___  \   \
                  \ ________\   /______\    \ ____\ \_______\
                   \/      <(·tHE YARd·)>    \/ lOCATED iN gERMANY!
    [·aMiGA·aLL cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·aSCii·liNUX·hiPhOP··mP3·pC/iBM·cLASSICS·]
         [· rUNNiNG oN 8 nICE nODES · 2 iSDN/2 aNALOGUE/4 tELNET ·]
           [· sTAFF < zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH · cRAZY > sTAFF ·]
         [· aHS wHQ · b-GiRL wHQ · aRCADE wHQ · sRZ wHQ · lP! gHQ ·]
           [· pNK gHQ · sOiA gHQ · oMEN gHQ · mCE gHQ · pPH eHQ ·]
                       [· hOME oF tHE aSCii cHARTS! ·]

                                 __  ._   __
                                 (__ | ) (_/__
      _________________..::::.                        _ _________  _________
  .___\       /    .:::·· .::·__________        ________.____  ./__\       /
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        \/            :  ··::::...      \__|__/                      \/
                      ·      ····
                           p  a  l  a  c  e
                                * MOT!ON HQ  *
                            * TRADERS DREAN HQ  * 
                           * TRSI RECORDZ DK HQ  *
                              * DREAMCHART HQ  *
                              * HOODLUM DK HQ  *
                            * DATA DIVISION EHQ *
                               *  PUZZLES HQ  *

                            tHe oNEs mAK!Ng iT rUn
                         <0> +45-58ASK4IT 3NDs RD <0>

                           Sat Nov 18 08:23:41 1995

            .____________                        ____.
            | __________/__.                  .__\   l____
         .__l___________   |                  |    ._____/________.
         |                 |   t    /\    r   |    |              |
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          /_______________\                    /_________________\

                             s   t   a   r   t

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ______     ·.·:.··.          .__________
\     \    ._(())_.          |         /___.
 \     \____\ .. /____________"Hei, Onkel  |
  \                          /  Reinsdyr,  |
   \______          __      /|  er du helt |
         /  ascii   \/     / |klin kokos?!"|
        /    _      /_____/  |             |
   ____/     \         \____ | Grimlock/grt|
   \         /\______      / |____  grm&sht|
    \_______/       /_____/g®m   /_________|

.  . ..        .............................
   ___:____  __:_______ ____       ____ ___:___           _______       _______
 _/ ______/_ \_____   /_____ ___  /   ¬|      / _______ _/ _____/_  __ /      /
|   \      ¬\   __ __/__   ¬|  _\/ _   |     /__  ____¬\   |     ¬\   /   eD /:
|    \       \   |     ¬\   |  \  /    |   _/  ¬\ \__   \  |       \  _    _/ :
      :        :                           :                                  :
      :........:                           :..................................:

     is back after a very huge mega fantastic kjøttkake delay deluxe,

                                 and he's
                    not a member of these fab groups :

               ¦(_                    __
               | (_               __/\\//\__
               |  (_  ·Mo!/c!·  _/ __ \/ __ \_
               |   (_        _  )  \|.--.|/  (            ___________
              _| _ _/_ _____/(__\_ _/\/\/\_ _/_____/\  ___)    __)__/
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  __\/__            __ /_|________|_\ __ /_|________|_\ __   .
  \/__\/           _\_                                  _/_  :   _ _____
    \/          .  |     cONTRA! wHAT tHE fUCK tHEY       |  :        ·/_
                :  |         dO hERE ?     ______         |  :          /
        _ _________·  _ _________  _______|_  _ _|_________ ________ _
        _\\    ___/__///         \ \_       \_\\\_        /    _   ///
        \      \      /          \\_/        /  _/      _/     _      \__
         \  ___________________ _ _/        / __\       \__ _  |______  /
          \/    .  .            \\\  ______/     \______  /// _|      \/
                :  |               \/                   \/.  .
                :  |                                      |  :
                :  |     (-rAPId-) · sTYLEz · mOGUE!      |  :
                :  |       H2o! · mESS · [-TReAcH!]       |  :
   /_           :  |                                      |  :      __
    /_____ _    :  |                                      |       __\/__
                :  |_  uR aDD¡CT¡ON ¡S 1 mORE t¡ME bACK  _|       \/__\/
                   '/____________________________________\`         \/

                     .                                             .
  ©nUp! .____     _ _:____     ____   ____    _____     .____   _ _:____
     ___|_   \_ _____¦_   \_ _/  _/_ (____)  /    / ____|_   \  ___¦_   \  _o
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                        \/                    `----/---

      _________   ._____.       ___|  \       ______         ______
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    / \      /  \ |    \__      /  !    \\/_\________  \\/_\________  \
   /   \__       \|     |/     /  ____   \/         /   \/         /   \
  /______|        \___________/______/    \________/     \________/     \
         |_________\          .::/         \g®m   /_______\      /_______\

  .- - ----- - --  -
  : __     ________________________
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  :  \_\\_    / \_    __\_    __\
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 -:- - -- -/      \---:- ____________________________________________  __ :
  : oFF-  /        \  :_/   ____/   _ __/  __ __/___/   _ __/   ____/ / / :
  :sPRING/          \ \_____  \_   _/ \_  /_  \_  \_    / \_    / \_ /_/  :
  :                   :/  _/   /   ____/   / ¯¯/   /   /   /  _/¯  /      :
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                      : /        \      /________\  /_______/        \    :
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       .--- -- -- -- -- -- --- --- -- -- ------ --- ---- -  -- - ----- - -'
     ._)          HoTWire,                                °O. \\ __/\__   
     |                     rEL!Ef,                      ° o    \·)_'`_(  
     |                             vIEtcONg,                ·   \  \/   
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         |  /__/  \./ ____/ \|      _/:/______//_     \|        \|    / /  |
         l_________l_________l______\ :____/ gZ!l______l_________l___/ ·   |

                      /\ \
    .______.   |    /____\_\·                              ··::|........:.
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    |      |      |_           _|      |      |_     l____ _|__    l____ _|__
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      ·    l______|                    l______|      l______|  |   |      |
      : :.     |                                  _            |   |      |
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      ·        `-----÷-------------------÷------/__\----÷-splat'

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   <- - --\____\------\/-------\/---[P]--\/-------\/--------\/->

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                .\   \________/  \\ \__\/   ¯\___________/\·
                :.\___\       \  /_\/_________\          \ \
                |                                          |
                `----------(    ALPHA FLIGHT    )----------'

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                                _\ (o) /_     :
                          .____/_ \___/ _\____¦__ _
                          |      \_   _/      |       /\
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            \/            .     \/            / \/             \    \/
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      _/   \_ \      /   \     / ___/     ___/_/  \/  \__/    \__/  \/  \_
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         \/aC!   \/       .\/                 |_              \/      \/
                          |   .---------.     \/
                          |___¦_ _   _ _¦_____| H2o!
                              ¦         `--------------.
                              ¦ dIGITAL gRAFFITY !     ¦

                   .___  ____.        .____    _____      .____
              ____.|   \j    |____  __l_   \  /    /·  .__l_   \_
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                 : )_\/\/_ (___|¯\_/ ¯\__\¯\__)(___|_\/\/_( :

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                               p r e s e n t s

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    /_____/_____/_____\     \_____/     /     /_____/¼:.. .
    ¯                /_____/           /___/\/
                     ¯                 ¯   /\


               but indeed a member of these fab(?) groups :

                           |                  |                         
    .----------------------|------------------' .-----------------------.
 ___|______________________|____________________|_________________   ___|___
/____  /______ /_____ /__ ___/_____ /_ ____/__ ___/___/____  /__  |_/_____ /_
 /  |___/_  _ __/_ |/  /_  |  /_ |___/____  /_  |  /_  /_ |___/_  |  /_ |___/_
/__ l_   /  |    / lmute/  l   / l    / |/   /  l   /   / l    /  l   / l    /
    |                      |                    |                       | 
    `---->            <----|--------------------|-----------------------'

       g [÷] r [÷] o [÷] t [÷] e [÷] s [÷] t [÷] i [÷] c [÷] l [÷] e
       -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -

         :_\                                                       /_:
         ¦                                                           |
         : · lORD cHAOS · gRAVEDANCER · U-mAN · cOUNt zERO · mAGZ! · |
          __________  __.         __________  __________  __.        ¦
         _) .      (__) |_________) .      (__) .      (__) |__      :
         |  |_________  _        |  |        |  |        |  __/______.
         |___        |  |        |  |        |  |        |  |        |
         |  |        ¦  |        ¦  |        ¦  |        ¦  |        |
         |  ¦        :  |        :  ¦        :  ¦        :  ¦        |
         |_ :        ___|        __ :        __ :        __ :    sYz |
           \_________|  |________| \_________| \_________| \_________|
         |__                                                       __¦
         : /_______________________________________________________\ :

                                 s h o o t

                              prompenterer a

                ___________   __________        _______
              ._\____     /_._\ _______/_.______\     /_.
             g|     |       |   __/      |      /\      |
             ®|     |       |            |              |__ _
             m|_____|      _l_          _l_            ___///
                    |______\ /__________\ /____________\

                         .__\ .____/__.
                         |    |       |
                         |    |       | o  L L y
                     _ __|    |       l__ _
                     \\\___   l      ___////  /

                        ._\___  /_.
                        |    |    | /\ /Y\ |E |D :
                       _|    |    |_ _
                       \_____|   __///

               .__\                                     /__.
               |                                           |
               |                                           |
               |          " Hei, Onkel Reinsdyr,           |
               |                                           |
               |                er du helt                 |
               |                                           |
             .________                                     !
             |       /   ______           ______      ______________
        .____|      /__._\ ___/______.____\____/____._\_____       /_.
        |   _l         |   \         |              |      |         |
        |   \_.        |             |              |      |         |
      __|     |        |             |              |      |         |
      \_______|      __l_           _l_            _l______|        _l
              |______\  /___________\ /____________\       |________\
               .                                     g®m   .
               |                                           |
       .________                     .________             |
       |       /   ____________      |       /   ____________   .________
  .____|      /__._\          /_.____|      /__._\          /_._| ______/__.
  |   _l         |      ..      |   _l         |      ..      | l________  |
  |   \_.        |      ||      |   \_.        |      ||      |            |
__|     |        |      ||      |     |        |      ||      |            |__
\_______|      __l_     ··     _l_____|      __l_     ··     _l_          ___/
        |______\  /____________\      |______\  /____________\ /__________\
               |                                           |
               |                                           |
               |             k l i n   k o k o s "         |
               |                                           |
               |__                  ? ! ?                __|


                              or in english :
       (transelated with the new quick-o-trans-matic machine deluxe)

     " Hello, Uncle Raindeer, are you completely kaputt in yer head? "

                     /\ (\\/
                     \    \\
                    ___(·)  )
                   (______/ \________________.
                    `````  \.                |_
                            |                |(_
                              |||        |||
                              |||        |||
                             _|||       _|||

                        portrait of Onkel Reinsdyr
                (apparently completely cocos in his head..)


                                              : blah! ich bin nicht      :
            .-------------------------------. `--------.geafraid aus you!:
 ________   | ich will gekickzen ihre ass!! |   _((((((`-.---------------'
 \   _ ./_. `-.-----------------------------'  _o-----| -'
  \___\/--' --'                            6   \_ __) |
    |________                               \____`----'\
    |--------                                        l  \
    l                                               / \ /
   / \     <--.                         .----->    /   \
  /_  \_      :                         :         _\   /_
              :                         :
.-------------'                         :
:                                       `--some wanna-be musician in Abyss
`-some 12-year old kid in shoot

                     Ops.. just got influenced by the
                     tragic abyss-shoot war  which is
                           going on these days..

                      NOTE! I am  N O T  taking part!

                totally depressing, pathetic and fucked up
                              . . . . .  . . .
                         < <<|p|r|e|f|/\|c|e|>> >
   |   | 
.__|   |__.      Oooonce again, Grimlock - the ultimate lamer, attacks  yer
|         |      board with a silly file_id, and an even sillyer  text-file
| . | | . |      called a colly. Ay, caramba! This  is my  contribution  to
| | | | | |      the world peace and eternal happiness. Some dude in Israel
| | | | | |      got shot down, atomic-bombs are still  being used,  whales
| |     | |      are getting killed, coloured are being supressed, my phone
| |_____| |      bill is  getting larger and larger, my wallet isn't, mill-
|_________|      ions  are  infected with AIDS,  Talkshows  are still being
           --.   transmitted, I have no friends, Jesus has left my life for
__       __  |   good, Party5 will be a extremely short party, ascii aren't
|         |  |   that fun anymore,  John  Candy is dead, My enemies aren't,
|         |  |   life sucks bigtime and even those used-to-be happy legomen
|         |  |   are now pissed  off at me cuz I didn't play  with them  in
|         |  |   a month or two.
|         |  |                               BUT!
|         |  |   Quentin Tarantino is making a new movie, Gary Oldman still
|         |  |   rules, Escom is alive and kicking, New  album by Apoptygma
|         |  |   Berzerk out soon, Stallone  is kooler  than ever,  Science
|_________|  |   Fiction is 'in', Churches  are  still  being torched down,
|         |__|   Flowers  are  still  smelling  flowers,  Christmas is just
) _______ (__)   around  the  corner,  Grotesticle kicks butt, Sky Tower is
    /|\    |     finally out of  order,  TV1000  are  still  showing  those
   · | ·   |     hardcore pornomovies  with  Buttman, TV3 are still showing
     |     |     Simpsons episodes, Both Laimbrain and Superted have bought
     |     |     a synth, Movies are  getting  better and better and Norway
     |     |     is getting richer and richer...sweden isn't (hah!)...
     |     |__.
     |        |  Is life worth living after all? The answer is: Coconut-Boogie

      n o  i n d e x  ,  s i m p l y  b e c a u s e  o f  J e s u s .

                                   U H ?

                          (did I make any sense?)

                          (do I ever make sense?)

                      (audience goes : Nooooooooooo!)

                                (hi, mom!)

 _____   _____
\  ___(__)___  /       /Y\       /Y\
 \_\\ \__/ //_/            /Y\
      \__/                               /Y\
      \__/  desert island w/cocospalm logo : Basic Instinct Logoff
 ·  .  :   .·. : · ·. \`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-

    __________    ___________   ____.
  ._\  ______/__._\   _.    /___\   l____
  |    \___     |   _  l   /___.    ____/_____.
__|             |   \__.       |    \         l___ _
\___           _l______|      _l_             ___/// g R t  b O a R d S . . .
g®m/___________\       l______\ /_____________\

                 Basic  Instinct    ++47-ONLY-4-LEGODUDES (ehq)
                 Bumble Bee Land    ++47-ONLY-4-LEGODUDES (hq)
                 Checkpoint         ++47-ONLY-4-LEGODUDES (schq)
                 Genetic   Waste    ++47-ONLY-4-LEGODUDES (whq)
                 Artic Circle      ++358-ONLY-4-LEGODUDES (hq)
                 Nausea            ++358-ONLY-4-LEGODUDES (hq)
                 Zillion   Hours   ++358-ONLY-4-LEGODUDES (finhq)
      _________   ______________ ____.
  .___\______ /_._\ ___________/_\ __l________.
  |      ___/   |   _____/         \          |
__|             |      |                      l___ _
\___           _l_    _l_________             ___/// a F l  b O a R d S . . .
g®m/___________\ /____\         /_____________\

       Main SourcE  +1-215-4269461   King dom.pcehq   +49-ONLY-ELITE
       One Nighter  +1-616-4573841   Digital bbs      +39-54-3918361
       Time Trials  +1-716-6812872   Forbidden planet +353-1-8205910
       Coliseum     +1-201-4322535   ShadOw wOrld     +31-18-452-982
       Fun Factory  +1-619-2260588   Future shock     +61-736-607-40
       Elysium      +1-408-2634354    +358-11237-203
       Black Hole   +1-801-5721303   Hemisphere       +1-904-2431905     

 _____   _____
\  ___(__)___  /       /Y\       /Y\
 \_\\ \__/ //_/            /Y\
      \__/                               /Y\
      \__/  desert island w/cocospalm logo : Confs
 ·  .  :   .·. : · ·. \`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-

        _________ ___________ ______. _ _________________ ._______
      __\ ______/__         /__    .|_______     _______/_| _____/__
      \_. \     __/_.  ||   __/_.  |l    __/_.   ___/ ___.l____  __/
        l_______\   l_______\   `--l_____\   l___\  g®m  l_______\ 

 _____   _____
\  ___(__)___  /       /Y\       /Y\
 \_\\ \__/ //_/            /Y\
      \__/                               /Y\
      \__/  desert island w/cocospalm logo : Devils Triangle
 ·  .  :   .·. : · ·. \`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-

    ____.______ ____.      .__ ____    `½½½___           .½½½'
____\___| ____/___  |____ _|_/__ _/_____| ___/__        .½½½'
\  ____/| _/     /  l   /      / \     /l____  /       .½½½'
 \______|_______/______/______/_______/_______/       .½½½'
                                           `½½½.     .½½½'
                                            `½½½.   .½½½'
                            .----------------`½½½. .½½½'- -
                            : t r i a n g l e `½½½.½½½' g®m
                            `------------------`½½½½½'--- -  -

 _____   _____
\  ___(__)___  /       /Y\       /Y\
 \_\\ \__/ //_/            /Y\
      \__/                               /Y\
      \__/  desert island w/cocospalm logo : Final Impact
 ·  .  :   .·. : · ·. \`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-

  ._________ ____ _____.         _____. ______
__| _______/_\__/___   |______ __\____l___  _/________
\_. ____/_.      __/__|l   __/_.    _/ __/_.\      __/____________________.
  l___\   l______\    l____\   l_______\   l_______\                      |
     |                                                     fINAL iMPACT!  |
     |                                                                    |
    _|__ ______. ________________     _____. ___________ ____.            |
____\__/____   |________  .____ /__ __\____l___  ______/___  l_________   |
\_.      __/_. l     __/_.l_______/_.    _/ __/_.\      __/_. _/    __/___l
  l______\   `-\/____\   l___\      l_______\   l_______\   l_______\g®m

 _____   _____
\  ___(__)___  /       /Y\       /Y\
 \_\\ \__/ //_/            /Y\
      \__/                               /Y\
      \__/  desert island w/cocospalm logo : Juan
 ·  .  :   .·. : · ·. \`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-

                  _____.______.         _________.  __________.
           .______\__  |      |_____.___\______  |__\____     |
       _ __|        /  |      |     |        _/  |      | g®m l__ _
       \\\___.        _l_.    l    _l_.         _l______|     __///
             l________\  l_________\  l_________\       l_____\

 _____   _____
\  ___(__)___  /       /Y\       /Y\
 \_\\ \__/ //_/            /Y\
      \__/                               /Y\
      \__/  desert island w/cocospalm logo : Kindergarden4 a)
 ·  .  :   .·. : · ·. \`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-

  |    |______
  |   /      /      .___ ___________       ___. __________ __________.
  _ _/      /_ _____|__/___   __   /___ ___\__|___   ____/___  _____ |____
  \\\_        \ _.      __/_.  /    __/_. _______/_. _/   __/_.\__   l __/
  |   \        \ l______\   `-/_____\   l______\   l______\   `--/_____\
  |    \________\   .--------------------------------.     g®m
  |_____|           :  k i n d e r g a r d e n  I V  :           :______:
  :     :           `--------------------------------'     :____ |      |
       .______     ______. __________.        ___. ________|_   \l      |
    ___| ____/___ _\_____l___  _____ |____ ___\__|___   ____/___ \      |
    \_.l \__  __/_.    _/ __/_.\__   l __/_. _______/_. _/   __/  \     |
      l_______\   l_______\   `--/_____\   l______\   l______\   \______|
                                                           |_____|      :
                                                           :     :

 _____   _____
\  ___(__)___  /       /Y\       /Y\
 \_\\ \__/ //_/            /Y\
      \__/                               /Y\
      \__/  desert island w/cocospalm logo : Kindergarden4 b)
 ·  .  :   .·. : · ·. \`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-

.____/    /   ____   ______.   ___._____ _______                        ____.
| __/    /_ __\__/_._\__   |___\__| ___/_.___  / _______________________\   |
| \_       \       |   |   |  ___/| _/   |\_ _/_.                           |
|___\       \ _____|___|___|______|______|_/____| kInda'gOrdAn porDey iV    |
     \_______\                 ._____   _____.______    ___._____   ______. |
        |                      | ___/_._\___ |___  /.___\__| ___/_._\__   | |
        |    __________________| \_   |  __/ |\_ _/_|  ___/| _/   |   |   |_|
        |____\              g®m|______|______|_/____|______|______|___|___|

 _____   _____
\  ___(__)___  /       /Y\       /Y\
 \_\\ \__/ //_/            /Y\
      \__/                               /Y\
      \__/  desert island w/cocospalm logo : Jungle Massive II
 ·  .  :   .·. : · ·. \`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-

        ______ ______ ____________ ____________ ______ ______________
  ______\__  /__    /______   _  /_____  _____/___ __/_______ ______/___
  \       /   _/   /     _/   / /    _/  \_     _/ \       _/ _/      _/
   \__________\ _________\ __/_______\ _________\ _________\ _________\
         ____    ________  ._______  ._______    ____       ______ ________
______  /   /__ _\_____ /__| _____/__| _____/__ _\__/____ __\    /__ _____/___
\     \/     _/      _/  _/l_____  _/l_____  _/        _/    \    _/ _/     _/
 \____\/_____\ __________\ ________\ ________\ ________\ _________\ ________\

                                ½½½½  ½½½½
                                ½½½½  ½½½½
                                ½½½½  ½½½½

 _____   _____
\  ___(__)___  /       /Y\       /Y\
 \_\\ \__/ //_/            /Y\
      \__/                               /Y\
      \__/  desert island w/cocospalm logo : Neurodancer
 ·  .  :   .·. : · ·. \`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-

  ___.         ________    ____.       ___________ _________    |      (__.
__) .|_____ ___) _____/___ )   |______ )  __     /_)  ..   /__  |         |
\___|l    (__ _. __/   __/_.   l   __/_.   /____/_.   !!   __/---------------.
:   l_______/  l_______\   l_______\   l____\     l________\  cOmiNg oNlinE! :
:     _____      _______    ___.        ________     ________    ___________ :
:_____\___(___ __\____ (___ ) .|_____ __) _____/___ _) _____/___ )  __     / :
:\_. ________/_.    _/  __/___|l    (___. \     __/__. _/    __/_.   /____/  :
`--l_______\---l________\-----l_______/-l_______\----l_______\---l____\ -----'
                                                                |__       |g®m
                                                                ·  )______|

                      I interupt my colly with this :

                        open letter to all of you!

          __________   __________      _____.._____   ._________
        ._\___     /_._\ _______/____._\    l|    /_._| _______/_.
     ___|    |       |   _/          |      /\      | l________  |__
     \_______|     __l__           __l__          __l__          __/
          g®m|_____\   /___________\   /__________\   /__________\

  n e w s / o p e n  l e t t e r  t o  a l l  o f  m y  f a n s  (eeeh..)

     The last couple of days I have received a huge amount of answers
     on my EALL addy where I announce my hardware for sale.
     Unfortunally, most of the answers were not from dudes who wanted
     to buy my equipment, but people who asked weither I was quitting
     the scene or  not. I am very  flattered  of  your concern, and I
     really didn't believe that you would care. Thanx for concerning.

     However, I am  of  course NOT going to leave the scene, although
     it isn't what it used to  be  (bah, does this sounds pathetic or
     what?). The reason  why I  am  selling my stuff is because of my
     financial  situation. This  is something  I'll  HAVE  to  do. Or
     else I'll get bankrupt or something. I will buy a new Amiga some
     day, and until then I guess  I'll have  to  use  my old Amiga500
     to make asciis and organizing Grotesticle.

     Oh,  if  you are a millionaire or something, and feel an urge to
     spend'em.  Then  answer  this messy and I will  tell  you how to
     get rid of them. 
                                       - Grimlock / Grotesticle^Shoot
                                              head dromedary

                           ok, let's continue...

 _____   _____
\  ___(__)___  /       /Y\       /Y\
 \_\\ \__/ //_/            /Y\
      \__/                               /Y\
      \__/  desert island w/cocospalm logo : Ninja Diz
 ·  .  :   .·. : · ·. \`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-

  _______ _______ _______    _____ _______
__\  _  /__     /_\  _  /__ _\__ /_\  ·  /__
\____|____/______/___|____/    /  /___|____/

 _____   _____
\  ___(__)___  /       /Y\       /Y\
 \_\\ \__/ //_/            /Y\
      \__/                               /Y\
      \__/  desert island w/cocospalm logo : Numen Finally Reached 200mb
 ·  .  :   .·. : · ·. \`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-

             _________.____.    .___       ._______    _________.
          .__\___     |    |____|   \  ____|  ____/_.__\___     |
   .------|     |     |    |    |    \/    |  __/   |     |     |------.
   :      |     |     |    l    |   \  /   |        |     |     |      :

                       f i n a l l y  r e a c h e d

                    |        .:: ::   :: ::   ::     |
                    |      .::·  ::   :: ::   ::     |
                                m  e  g  s

 _____   _____
\  ___(__)___  /       /Y\       /Y\
 \_\\ \__/ //_/            /Y\
      \__/                               /Y\
      \__/  desert island w/cocospalm logo : Papaya Diz
 ·  .  :   .·. : · ·. \`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-

._____. ____. ______. ____. ___.     ____.
|.___ |_\   l_..___ |_\   l_.  |___._\   l_.
|l____|   ·   |l____|   ·   |  l   |   ·   |
|__| _____|___|__| _____|___|_____ |___|___|
.----.   .                    `----'
:module  | " her kan man skrive mod. navn "
`----'___|__ _  _ 
         |         composed by: yebo/papaya

 _____   _____
\  ___(__)___  /       /Y\       /Y\
 \_\\ \__/ //_/            /Y\
      \__/                               /Y\
      \__/  desert island w/cocospalm logo : Pitstop
 ·  .  :   .·. : · ·. \`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-

      _________ ___   ____       ______   ____ _ __________  __________
    __)_____  /_)_/___)  /______ ) ___/___)  /______  _ _ /__\ _____  /
    \_ \_____/_    __/_  _/  __/_l___  __/_  _/  __/_ ( ) __/_ \_____/
     (___(g®m (____\  (______\  (______\  (______\  (_____\  (___(

 _____   _____
\  ___(__)___  /       /Y\       /Y\
 \_\\ \__/ //_/            /Y\
      \__/                               /Y\
      \__/  desert island w/cocospalm logo : Rom
 ·  .  :   .·. : · ·. \`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-

:__________ ........      |
|   ___   /      ·:::     | _________
|    l/  /___ . .  ::     l/        /
!    _      / : : .::              /
¦    /_____/      ::      \/      /__
·        :::::::::: ______||________/
  g®m     ·::::::·

 _____   _____
\  ___(__)___  /       /Y\       /Y\
 \_\\ \__/ //_/            /Y\
      \__/                               /Y\
      \__/  desert island w/cocospalm logo : Salg
 ·  .  :   .·. : · ·. \`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-

          __________       _________ ______ ___________________
       ___\  ______/____ __\______ /___ __/_________  ________/___
       \__ \_______  __/_      __/  __/_\        __/_ \__      __/
         /___________\  /___________\  /_________\  /__________\g®m

 _____   _____
\  ___(__)___  /       /Y\       /Y\
 \_\\ \__/ //_/            /Y\
      \__/                               /Y\
      \__/  desert island w/cocospalm logo : Shade
 ·  .  :   .·. : · ·. \`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-

                                .¼¼¼ ¼¼¼.
           _______ _______     .¼¼¼   ¼¼¼.     ____ __________
       ____) ____/___  __(_____¼¼¼_ _ _¼¼¼_____\__(___   ____/____
       \__.l___   __/_.\_.    __///(_)\\\__.  _______/_. _/    __/
          l_______\   `--l____\¼         ¼¼l_______\g®ml_______\
                           .¼¼¼           ¼¼¼.
                          .¼¼¼             ¼¼¼.

 _____   _____
\  ___(__)___  /       /Y\       /Y\
 \_\\ \__/ //_/            /Y\
      \__/                               /Y\
      \__/  desert island w/cocospalm logo : Sos
 ·  .  :   .·. : · ·. \`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-

      ._______                 ._______
      | _____/_.   .____.      | _____/_.
   .__l______  |___|    |___.__l______  |
   |           |  _      _  |           |
   |           |  \  ||  /  |  g®m      |

 _____   _____
\  ___(__)___  /       /Y\       /Y\
 \_\\ \__/ //_/            /Y\
      \__/                               /Y\
      \__/  desert island w/cocospalm logo : Stylez
 ·  .  :   .·. : · ·. \`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-

  .____________                                                ____________.
  |  _        /                                                \        _  |
  |  /       /                                                  \       \  |
  | /_______/__.  ·              ·        ·                   ·__\_______\ |
._l__________. |  :              :        :                   : .__________l_.
|            | |  ¡              ¡        ¡            ·      ¡ |            |
|            | |  |              |____.   |            :      | |            |
|            | |  l____          |    |   |           _¡___   | |            |
|            | |  .___/____.     |    | ._l_______.    |  /   | |            |
|            | |  |        |     |    | |         |    | /    | |            |
|            | |  |        |     |    | |         |    l/     | |            |
|            | |  |        |     l    | |         |    /      | |            |
|            | |  l        |________, | l         | ,_________| |            |
|            | |___________l  \_______l___________l________/  | |            |
|            l |g®m     .   _               _       .         | l            |
l______________l    < <<+   s · t · y · l · e · z   +>> >     l______________l

 _____   _____
\  ___(__)___  /       /Y\       /Y\
 \_\\ \__/ //_/            /Y\
      \__/                               /Y\
      \__/  desert island w/cocospalm logo : Sunrise Experience
 ·  .  :   .·. : · ·. \`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-

   _______ _____. ________. _______________     ____      _______    ______
___) ____/__    |______  .|______ ______  /__ __)__/____ _) ____/__ _)____/___
\_.l___  __/_.  l   __/__||   __/_\__.  _/__/_.      __/_.l___  __/_. _/   __/
  l______\   l______\    l____\   `--l____\   l______\   l______\   l______\
       8 hrs of deep trance^ 20-04  : e ÷ X ÷ p ÷ e ÷ r ÷ i ÷ e ÷ n ÷ C ÷ e :

 _____   _____
\  ___(__)___  /       /Y\       /Y\
 \_\\ \__/ //_/            /Y\
      \__/                               /Y\
      \__/  desert island w/cocospalm logo : TeknoRok
      \__/   comment : Husker ikke om det var 'TeknoRok' du req'et,
      \__/             Frenzy, hvis ikke kan jeg lage en ny en. =)
 ·  .  :   .·. : · ·. \`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-

      ._\  l___                              ____
   ___|   .___/_______. ___________________ /   /_______________________
.__\  |   |           | ____________ ______/   /____. ______________   /__.
|   __|   |           |__ _  ______/__  __/   /__  .|______   . .  /__    |
|   \___  l         ____///_. _/   __/_.\__     /__||   __/_. ` '  __/    |
|      /____________\       l______\   l__/    /   l____\   l______\      |
|                                        /____/                           |
|               ____________   _____________       ._______               |
|             ._\   _.     / ._\           /_._____|      /               |
|             |   __ l    /__|      . .      |   __      /__.             |
|             |   \__.       |      | |      |   \_         |             |
|__       _ __|      |       |      | |      |     |        |___ _      __|
  /_______\\\________|      _l_             _l_____|        ___///______\
                  g®m|______\ /_____________\      |________\

 _____   _____
\  ___(__)___  /       /Y\       /Y\
 \_\\ \__/ //_/            /Y\
      \__/                               /Y\
      \__/  desert island w/cocospalm logo : Whale Diz
 ·  .  :   .·. : · ·. \`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-

 ____((___  ___________  ///////___________.
 \ .   _  ¯¯           \///////            |
__\____)                    // blAhbLahBLa |
\                           /_             |
 \                            \  of wHale! |
  \____________________/\\\\\\\\           |
a      |                 \\\\\\\\          |
wHale95|"titletitletitle" ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯          |

 _____   _____
\  ___(__)___  /       /Y\       /Y\
 \_\\ \__/ //_/            /Y\
      \__/                               /Y\
      \__/  desert island w/cocospalm logo : Whale
 ·  .  :   .·. : · ·. \`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-

        _______ __________ _____________ _______ _____________
        \     /______  __/______  ___  /___  __/______   ____/___
         \__ /\   __/_.\_    __/_.\_    __/__\     __/__ _/   __/
           /______)   `--)___)   `--)___)   /______)   /______)

                        musical support this time :

                                           ¼¼¼¼     ¼¼¼¼
                                            ¼¼¼¼   ¼¼¼¼      
                                             ¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼   
                   __________    ___________   ¼¼¼¼¼
                ___\  ______/____\ ________/__¼¼¼¼¼¼¼
                \__.\______  ____. _/       __/¼¼ ¼¼¼¼
                   l_________\   l__________\¼¼¼   ¼¼¼¼
   ________    .___    ________ ______ ____¼¼¼¼_____¼¼¼¼___       ________
___\ ____ /____|__/____\ _____/___   /____¼¼¼¼  ..  /__  _/_______\ _____/___
\__. \_______.      ___.\____  ____. __/   ___. `'   ___.\     ___.\_____ __/
   l___\     l______\  l_______\   l_______\  l______\  l______\  l_______\
                        ::                      :: 
                       ·:: s e x  p I s t o l s ::·
                       :::         ----         :::
                       :::  wHu koilled bomba?  :::

                            oit rawls foueva'!


                         phunkxxy zcene longwhich
                               (heps, nup!)

                        _ ___________________ __ _
                      .                            .
                   .:¦|  v a m p i r e -  d o r k  |¦:.
                      · _ __ ________________ __ _ ·

                                ./ _\/_ \.
                               _|  (··)  |_
                              (_| \____/ |_)
                                 \_`  '_/
                                \  \__/  /

       Just want to thank the producers of, and the actors in, these
      fab movies. Movies which made, and make, my life not so boring
                    as it would have been without them.

            ____________.    ______________     ______________
         .__\________   | .__\            /__.__\ ___________/__.
         |  ____________|_|                  |    __/           |
        _|___             !                  |                  !
  .____/    /    ____ ________ __________    !   ____ ______. _____________
__| __/    /_____\__/____  __/______  __/________\__/____  .|______   ____/___
\_. \_       __.       ___.\      ___.\      __.       ____||    ___. \__  __/
  l__/      /  l_______\  l_______\  l_______\ l_______\   l_____\  l______\
 g®m/______/              .                  .                  .
     _ __|                |                  |                  |__ _
     \\\___              _l__               _l__               ___///
          /______________\  /_______________\  /_______________\

                           K I L L I N G  Z O E

  ._____            ___________        _________________.  ______________.
  | ___/__________._\ ________/______._\                |__\______       |
  | \             |  __/             |        ..        |        |       |
__|               |                  |        ||        |        |       l__
\__             __l__              __l__              __l________|       __/
  /_____________\   /______________\   /______________\          l_______\

                                  L E O N

                      .__\                       /__.
                      |                             |
     ____________     _______.           ________   |       _____________
  .__\          /__.__\      |______  .__\  ____/________.__\           /__.
  |      ____      |         |     /__|     \            |       ___       |
  |        |/      |         |        |                  |        |/       |
  |        /       |         l        |                  |        /        |
__|  .__           |                  |                  |  .__            |__
\___ l_____________l__               _l__               _l_ l________________/
   /________\ g®m    /_______________\  /_______________\ /________\
                      |                             |
                      |  f · i · c · t · i · o · n  |
                      |                             |
                      |                             |
                      |__                         __|

                          P U L P  F I C T I O N

                                         ____    ____
 .________ ______ _______ _______ _______\   \  /   /_______ .___ _________
 |_____  /  ____/__ ____/__ ____/_______  \   \/   /       /_l__/_______  /
_|\__  _/__ _/    /_____  / _/    /\__  _/_\      /  ||   /       /\__  _/__
\___l_____/______/_______/_______/___l_____/\    /_______/_______/___l_____/
                                             \  /
                       ____.________.________ \/.______
                 ._____\___|        | ______/_._| ____/_.
                _|   _____/|   ||   | \____   | l_____  l_
                \__       _l_      _l_       _l_       __/
               g®m/_______\ /______\ /_______\ /_______\

                        R E S E R V O I R  D O G S

        ____.                      ______________
      ._\   l____                ._\     _.     /
      |   ._____/_____.          |    _   l    /___.
      |   |           | r  u  e  |    \__.         | o  m  /\  n  c  e
  _ __|   l           |__ _  _ __|       |         |__ _
  \\\___            ____///  \\\_________|       ____/// 
       /____________\g®m                 |_______\

                          T R U E  R O M A N C E

         ___.               ________      ______      _____________
       ._\  l__       ._____\      /_.____\____/____._\______     /_.
       |    __/_______|     /\       |              |       |       |
   _ __|    \         |              |              |       |       |__ _
   \\\___            _l__           _l__           _l_______|      ___///
        /____________\  /___________\  /___________\        l______\

    ___________   ____________    ___________       ._________  ._________
  ._\         /_._\ _________/_.__\_______  /_._____|        / _|  ______/___.
  |             |   __/        |       __/    |     l       /_. l__________  |
__|  .____      |              |              |               |              |
\___ l__________l__           _l__           _l______.       _l__           _l
g®m/______\       /___________\  /___________\       l_______\  /___________\

                                           (not exactly a movie..)

                            T W I N  P E A K S

     and these movies whom I didn't have the spirit to make logos for
                     (but they are still VERY cool!!)

             Ereaserhead              Full Metal Jacket
             Wild Palms               The Excorcist
             Red Rock West            The Doors
             Sid & Nancy              Mask
             The StarWars Movies      My Own Private Idaho
             Total Recall             Bullet In The Head
             Dune                     Brainscan
             Fire Walk With Me        Judge Dredd
             Bad Lieutenant           Bladerunner
             Naked Lunch              Blues Brothers
             Blood In, Blood Out      Little Odessa
             Man Bites Dog            Nattevakten
             Kalifornia               The Monthy Python Movies
             Animal House             Dead Alive
             Freejack                 Ace Ventura
             Blue Velvet              Timegate
             Wild At Heart

       Note! There are many other kool movies out there which I have
            seen, but I can't remember their names now. Sorry.

      Movies that I unforunately haven't seen, but I'm sure are great
        - -- ------------------------------------------------- -- -

  Clockwork Orange, Elephantman (Lynch), All Other Lynch Movies I haven't
                   seen, 2001 and Many Hong Kong Movies

       If you have "The Elephantman" or any other Lynch movie which
                           aren't listed here :

                                Blue Velvet
                             Fire Walk With Me
                               Wild At Heart
                             Twin Peaks Series

        ..or if you know where to get them, then please tell me!!!

       If you have them, we can also trade movies. I have nearly all
       the movies I listed in my "Respect-To-These-Movies" list, and
       I have several more. Just leave me a  messy at any  board, or
                      write me a letter at this addy:

                                1800 Askim

       Please no Arnold-Schwarznegger-Is-The-Best-Dudes, not that I
       have  anything against Mr. Arnold,  but he is not THAT good!

                        (in a very specific order!)

          stylez nup! fatal snuffy elfin! terminal silence desoto
         phase acid kid  mogue stratos! jedi zygote u-man behemoth
       skize gozz xcluziwe chrombacher juan 2fast tbm zombie tango 
                    magz count zero relief pay scarface

                                            + all active painters!

                                 M e s s y
                             M e s s /\ g e s

Size : Party?? Party?? Kam an, man! Du ligner på en i Killing Zoe
Elfin : Elsker deg og dine ascii-skriblerier.. Not too active, though.
Term.S. : Kan ikke du skrive en historie om hvordan du ble seksuelt
          trakassert av en nær ascii-venn? Og om hvordan du prøvde å
          fornekte at du faktisk syntes det var opphissende?
Shade : Hei, herr sysop-gud. Har du noe på gang med Superted?
Slummy : Du leser ikke dette, ditt svin.. Bbs-tro soon?
Nigger : Hei. Fin mobil-telefon-svarer..
Stylez : You're the reason why I haven't released anything for so long.
         You are taking my motivation away. You are simply too good!
Xcluziwe : Thanx for noticing my disapperance.
Jorun : Ah.. endelig ble Hugin ferdig. Kjexx snart? Den nye modulen din
        er faktisk kool, men litt ensformig. Har du oxo et motivasjons
Supert. : Jaså, du har kjøpt deg synth du oxo? Du og Laimbrain må
          ha konsert some day.
Arcane : Er partyet koolt?
Acid : Det samme til deg.
Stratos! : Tenk at vi møtte hverandre i Oslo akkurat den dagen. Det
           skjer bare i 1 av 5985 tilfeller. Love you! Smask! Call me!
Kristian : Hei.. Var Ereaserhead kool?
Ekken : Hei, din lamer.. Vedder på at du aldri leser dette. Men jeg
        klarte iallefall å innstallere mousedriver på pesen din.
Håvard : BØIC forever!!! Hva mer skal jeg si?
Riber : Hei.. skal du lage mer gfx, sa du? Tryning i bakker m/ sykkel
        og pose med flasker (som knuser i fallet) regler!
Plusspant : Sorry.. Delay og sånt. Jeg suger!
Nup! : Where is that colly of yours?
Dr. Poop : Same to you, matie.
Traitor : You are pretty. So is Nup. I want more piccies of you!
          ... and yes.. I will send you that package some day.hehe.
Baffle : hei.. Er du på party nuh?
Magz : Er du oxo det? Den nye dooren din rewler!
Laimbrain : Vi må gjøre noe med Kjexx snart!
Kingpin : hei.. sorry for at jeg ikke har vært så snakkesalig i det 
          siste.. men du vet hvorfor. JEg elsker deg. Skal du på
          Party5 forresten? Tror, og håper, jeg skal det.
Defect : Du tok meg igjen du, din lille faen! Keep on!
Jedi : Money-related-problems-rule!
Doughboy : Are you still alive?
Neurodancer : Aw, I am infected with the kazy-virus! AArg.. huhi..
              When shall you call me voice again? Never? I love you.
              And I miss new modules from you.That's why I will send
              you some shit soon. Beware of the soon to come new
              norwegian dance group! It'll rule!
Krypton : WHAT IS HAPPENING IN SHOOT?!?!?!?!?!?
Estrup : Jeg har ikke tilgang til E-mail lenger.
Sca : Hei, din fotball dreng.
Mute : Thanx for the Grimlock logo. Den var flott. SOm du ser så har
       jeg brukt din Grotesticle logo her. Supert.
Chrombacher : You didn't include me in the "Guest-Artists" slot in
              your latest colly.. But you did use my ascii! Hmm...
Snuffy : Wow! Jeg elsker deg oxo! DU og jeg er ascii-guruene i norge.
         Derfor skal vi lage mange collies sammen på hver eneste fonkie
         party vi treffes. Dikt-collies. Si hei til din venn... han
         monolog-musikeren..hehe. Hei, Vegardo! Du er en sau av klasse!
         Si hei til Johannes, Vegard. Nei, dette ble mye messys inne i
         en messy. Jeg - slem ? Ja.... Tjabba. Æsj, du gidder aldri å
         gi meg messys i dine collies. Du din hatt!
Dedoto : Hey, dot you dot like dots dotsen't dot? Dot is kool, dot!
Nirvana : Æsj.. jeg gidder ikke skrive messy til flere. DU har masse
          kool gfx. FInt at du scannet bildene... Snart skjer det
          noe her.. håper jeg.. tjabba.

         I just KNOW I have forgotten someone. I am deeply sorry!

                     ._\  _____/_.
                     |    _/     |
                     |           | n  d  -  f /\ c e !
                   __|           |__ _
      _____________\___         ___///______________________________
   .__\               /_________\                                  /__.
   |                                                                  |
 ((-))                                                              ((-))
 ||-||                                                              ||-||
 ((-))                                                              ((-))
 ||-||  Aaah.. Now I am finished with this colly, and I must admit  ||-||
 ((-))  that  I  am a little reliefed. I was afraid my inspiration  ((-))
 ||-||  and ascii-motivation  was  gone  for  ever... L uckily, or  ||-||
 ((-))  more likely, sadly my motivation was just having  a little  ((-))
 ||-||  holliday. Jups, but now it's  back. Or atleast for a short  ||-||
 ((-))  while. Dunno  if  it'll  last, but I hope I can make a few  ((-))
 ||-||  more collies,  now  that  I have developed som new stylse,  ||-||
 ((-))  and all.                                                    ((-))
 ||-||  As I will sell my Amiga1200,  my  next  couple  of collies  ||-||
 ((-))  will most likely be made at my good,  old  Amiga500.  Yes,  ((-))
 ||-||  there still is life in it. Jadda, jadda, jadda.             ||-||
 ((-))                                                              ((-))
 ||-||  As I am writing this,  my  ass should have been at a party  ||-||
 ((-))  called  The Kindergarden IV,  but  the  standard no-money-  ((-))
 ||-||  prob  showed up, and made me stay here (which is home...).  ||-||
 ((-))                                                              ((-))
 ||-||  Just a  little  request  to  all  you  ascii-painters  who  ||-||
 ((-))  read this  (My guess: none) :  Please  write  more text in  ((-))
 ||-||  yer collies. I know collies originally was made  to spread  ||-||
 ((-))  the asciis to the requestors, but nowadays it  have turned  ((-))
 ||-||  out to be more than that. Collies should  be  fun to read.  ||-||
 ((-))  Not just cool asciis,  but  also  cool  text.  If you want  ((-))
 ||-||  to be the ultimate ascii-maniac,  then write some looooong  ||-||
 ((-))  stories. At least you would rule my world.                  ((-))
 ||-||                                                              ||-||
 ((-))                       - Uncle Grimlock With The Grimcock     ((-))
 ||-||                                                              ||-||
 ((-))                                                              ((-))
 ||-||                                                              ||-||
   |__                                                              __|

         I ' L L  B E  B A C K  S O O N . . . P R E H A P S . . .

  C A L L  A L L  T H O S E  K O O L  G R T  A N D  S H T  B O A R D S !


        Wanna join Grotesticle? We are now looking for more coders!
            You are not a coder? Well, you may give it a shot!

        Call Grotesticle  whq :  G E N E T I C  W A S T E
                          ehq :  B A S I C  I N S T I N C T
                         schq :  C H E C K P O I N T
                        finhq :  Z I L L I O N  H O U R S

        or these fine hq's : Artic Circle, BumbleBeeLand and Nausea


      This was a boring Comeback-After-Some-Months-Colly, wasn't it?
   You expected a colly with lots of kool humour and fonkie asciis, ey?

                              S  O  R  R  Y  !

            ____________     _______________             _____.
         .__\  ________/__.__\_____        /__.__________\____|__
         |     __/        |       |           |         ________/_.
         |                |       |           |                   |
         |                |       |           |                   |
     _ __|                |       |           |                   |__ _
_____\\\___              _l_______|          _l_                 ___///______
          /______________\        |__________\ /_________________\

                             -  e   n   d   -

                             Sat Nov 18 08:23:42 1995

                                 __  ._   __
                                 (__ | ) (_/__
      _________________..::::.                        _ _________  _________
  .___\       /    .:::·· .::·__________        ________.____  ./__\       /
  |    \     /  |     .  .::·          /___.  _/   _____|  _/ _/  \_\     /
  |  \  \   /   '  __::.:::_\__   _ __/_   |__\___ __l__.  \       / \   /
  |   \    /_______/ ::::· \____    ___/   |     / \ '  |___\_____/\    /
  l____\  /[rLf]    .::::::.   \____/\___  .  __/_______|    oS!l___\  /
        \/            :  ··::::...      \__|__/                      \/
                      ·      ····
                           p  a  l  a  c  e
                                * MOT!ON HQ  *
                            * TRADERS DREAN HQ  * 
                           * TRSI RECORDZ DK HQ  *
                              * DREAMCHART HQ  *
                              * HOODLUM DK HQ  *
                            * DATA DIVISION EHQ *
                               *  PUZZLES HQ  *

                            tHe oNEs mAK!Ng iT rUn
                         <0> +45-58ASK4IT 3NDs RD <0>

        .                    _____: . O  o                               O
   _____|_____.      _____  .)    |____o [ t . H . E  - y . A . R . d ]_o .
 _|      /   .|_____/_   /_ : _   |                                       :
 \      /    |/      /   _//  \    . ahs . bgirl . arcade . srz . tac .   |
  |____/|____/      /__________\  . lp! . soia . pnk . omen . mce . pph . |
            /______/     _ _:   _____          ______  __________ ________:
                         \\\.  /    /__________\_   /_/  _      //  ._   /.
  consoles.amiga.graffiti   ! /    /|    /   _      \    /     /    |/    |   |/_____     /____\_______\___\________________|
  classics.drugs.linux/dd   :_  t^/____/   _.  zANEr/diPSWiTCH/hAsH/cRAZY |
                             (_____________)| ___________ _______ _ ______:
  one of the finest in +49             _ _ ___)         (_)               :
                              #1 33k6.  #2 28k8.  #3 64k isdn #4 64k isdn
                              #5 telnet #6 telnet #7 telnet   #8 telnet