File Archive

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File size:
28 520 bytes (27.85K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:23:45
Download count:
all-time: 513


             bytes cloned and spreaded by another swap-creature:
                .                                           .
             ___|_________ _______ _______________________  |
                     / __/___ ___/__  _ _ _    ___  /    /__|___
             ___.___        / _/   /  / / /     _/ /    /   .
             kem|  /       /______/__/_/_/__  ________   ___|___
                | /_______/               /___/    /_____/  |k0.
                           kempy / moons + veezya

                              przemek kowalczyk
               [oct'99]      os. kopernika 13/14      [040/40]
                               34-100 wadowice

              swap + swap + ascii + swap + swap + and... swap!

                        _ _____        ___   ______
                               )_  __ _| (___) _  )_
                              __/__) (_    |   |___/
                       _ ___  |   |___|    |__
    · _____________ _    c!|______|mSS|____| |______ _  _ _____________ ·
 _ _:_\              ____       ____      _____      ____             /_:_ _
    |             ___\  (_   ___\  (_   __\_  (_   __\  (_              |
    |            _) _/   /___)  _   /___) _/   /___)   _ /__            |
    |           /   \      /    \_    /   \      /     /   /            |
    |           \___       \_____/    \____\     \__   \   \            |
    |             \  _______\   /______\    \  ___\ \_______\           |
    |              \/                        \/                         |
    |                                                                   |
    |               ÷  THE YARD BULLETiN BOARD SYSTEM  ÷                |
    |                                                                   |
    |                     - -------------------- -                      |
    |                                                                   |
    |                       WORLD HEADQUARTERS OF                       |
    |                                                                   |
    |         AEROHOLiCS (GRAFFiTi) ÷ DiSCiPLES OF AGEEMA (MUSiC)       |
    |       ARCADE (ASCii) ÷ AEROSOL (ASCii) ÷ SOUL SURViVORZ (MP3)     |
    |                     THE ASCii CHARTS (ASCii)                      |
    |                                                                   |
    |                      GERMAN HEADQUARTERS OF                       |
    |                                                                   |
    |       LOW PROFiLE (ASCii) ÷ SiCK OF iT ALL (GRAFFiTi/DRUGS)       |
    |    VORTEX (AMiGA) ÷ PHUNK (ASCii) ÷ 1OO PERCENT (AMiGA/ASCii)     |
    |           TEQUiLA (MUSiC) ÷ MOST VALUABLE PLAYAZ (MUSiC)          |
    |                                                                   |
    |                     - -------------------- -                      |
    |                                                                   |
    |                CONSOLES/AMiGA/ASCii/LiNUX/DAYDREAM                |
    |             GRAFFiTi/DRUGS/CLASSiCS/MP3/MOD/CHiPTUNES             |
    |                                                                   |
    |           2 NODES 33k6 / 2 NODES iSDN / 4 NODES TELNET            |
    |                                                                   |
    |                        STATiC TELNET iP                           |
    |                                                                   |
    |                                                                   |
    |       ZANER/LFC^BK^AHS^A!^SOiA -/- DiPSWiTCH/BK^A!^AHS^1OO%       |
    |         HASH/AHS^PZK^SOiA -/- NiNJA/PDX^HS  -/- MOOL/AHS          |
    |                                                                   |
 _ _|__   " THE iDEA OF STYLE iS THE KEY TO ALL FORMS OF ROCKiNG "    __|_ _
    · /_______________________________________________________________\ ·

                                                              _.    _.    _.   
 sof. [ episode six six six :: design & style experiment ]   / !__ / !__ / !___
----------------------------------------------------------- /___._/___._/___._/

    [ this was released in galza #6 // if you're on a pc, go and leech it ] 

                                   m u s i c a l   i n s p i r a t i o n
                       ._  in flames .......................... whoracle
                       :/  nine inch nails ...................... broken  _.
                       //  dream theater ........... a change of seasons  \:
                       /   nine inch nails ............. downward spiral  \\
                           tool ............................... undertow   \
                                   t h e   o n e s   t o   l i s t e n !

                                                                      drn\lp! _
   _______ _ _ _________ ¡ ____.   ______________   ____ _ _ ____,._ ________ /
  \\  ._   \ /  _.     / | \  _|___\ __  ._  __ /___\_   \ / ._    //       // 
  _   !/____(   \!    /  |  )____.  \ /  !/  \ /    ./    /  !/___( _       //
  /__ /    ___   )_______|____  /!  ___  /   _____  !\  ____ /    __\      //
   _ `----'   `----'   __!__  `----'   `----'     `----'    `----'        _/
 _ )                     ¡                                _.    _.    _.  )
 //                                                      / !__ / !__ / !___
///_______._________________________________________ _  /___._/___._/___._/
/         '
                                                              welcome here   _
                                                 the squirrel-wheel begins ._\
                                                fasten the left hand belts |
                                            remember not to think too much | 
                                  and your trip will be numbingly pleasant |¡
                                             non-caring is the easiest way !|
                               but to secure a passage to the second plane  |
                                            you have to complete level one  |
                                    their dead-smile lips turn on their tv  |
                                  while urban gravestones scrape the skies  |
                        rising over marionette cities and marionette skies  |
                                                       this is episode 666  |
            ........                                     destination chaos  |
       .....:...   :                           each and all an actor blind  !_
  _ __ : __ !  : _ :______:_________________________________________________:/
       :    :..:...:      :                                                 :
       :   ....:......... :  
       :...:...:        : ;  
           :            ·
           :    oo1 >  chrombacher
           :    oo2 >  shock g
           :    oo3 >  desoto
           :    oo4 >  mortimer twang
           :    oo5 >  karma
           :    oo6 >  stylez
           !    oo7 >  native
           :    oo8 >  special track
       ....:...         .
       :   :..:.........:
    ...:..  ..:......
    :  :.:..:.:     :
    :....:  :       ! 
            :     - : ------------------------------------------------------ >
                         a dark shadow  sweeps  across the land.  I have  .
                         returned when you wished that you have seen the  | 
                         last of me. as you might have guessed this is a _!
                         respect collection.  the artists  included  are \:
                         the ones who I consider the best at the moment. \\
                         some of them haven't released for a while,  but \\
                         i  couldn't  care  less.  maybe  I  should have  \
                         included shapechanger, folar, mogue, stezotehic  :
                      .  and   exocet  too,   because   they  were   the  !
                      |  inspiration  why   I   started  drawing  ascii.
                      :/ I designed my first ascii in '94,  but I joined
                      // a  "real" ascii group tropic!ascii only in '97.
                      // I  released  a collection,  but  TA!  died soon
                      /  after it.  so  I haunted  behemoth  for a while
                      :  and he let me join  alien technology  which was
                      !  a  big  surprise.  i wasn't that good you know.
                         I  released three collections in  '97  and  '98
                         under /\t. I also planned to release 'ithaka by
                         night',  but  it got  delayed and  delayed.   i
                         released  only one collection  in  '98,  but  i
                         drew  over  500  logos  that  year.    /\t  was
                         basically dead after  venturus quit doing ascii
                         and h7 left  so  I decided to leave the sinking  .
                         ship in '99.  I asked red demon if I could join  |
                         low profile  and  he said yes.  this was  a big _!
                         thing for me. I mean it's too cool to be in the \:
                         same group with  the artists I respect.  little \\
                         before than I joined lp!, a certain person came \\
                      .  to  ircnet's  #ascii   and  recruited  me  into  \
                      |  galza.  so in the god's year  1999  i'm a proud  :
                      !_ member of both low profile and galza.  and yes,  !
                      :/ i'm a group whore.  four groups in three years.
                      // then again maybe not.
                      /  soon  i'm  going to  release 'ithaka by night'
                      :  request  collection  and   'death  to  techno'
                      !  file description collection.  maybe  something
                         nice in galza #7 too. get ready.
          : ...:.......                -- daeron // low profile ^ galza
          :.:..:      :
            :       - ! ---------------------------------------------------- >
        ....:....     :
        :   :...:.....:
      ..!..   ..:....
      : :.:...:.:   :
      :...:   :  .  :
              !  !  :
                                 /:   t h e m   r e s p e c t e d   o n e s !

      ___.        _                           episode six hundred sixty six
_¡__ /   !_______ /____________________________________________________ _ ___¡_
 |  /     _   _ /._\                                                         |
 | /______(_ /_/ !_______                                                    |
 |        _ /     _   _ /.                                      cRb  <  oo1  |
 |  drn!  ///_____(_ /_/ !______                                             |
_|_______________ _ /     _    ///___________________________________________|_
 !                 /______(____/                                             !
                                         ._________________ //______________.
   _________ _ _ ______ _ _ ___          |               _////              |
  \\   _.    \ /   ._   \ /  ./______    !  chrombacher  ) /                !
   _\  /|_____(   -|\   _/   |_     /_ _____ _____ ____ ____ ___ ___ __ ___ _              
   /___ !     _    !----)__ -!\  _____\\____\\____\\___\\___\\__\\__\\_\\__\\
       `-----' `---'       `----'        .               _                  .
                                         |               )  epsilon design  |
     drn\lp!                             !_____________ /___________________!

      ___.        _                           episode six hundred sixty six
_¡__ /   !_______ /____________________________________________________ _ ___¡_
 |  /     _   _ /._\                                                         |
 | /______(_ /_/ !_______                                                    |
 |        _ /     _   _ /.                                      -sg  <  oo2  |
 |  drn!  ///_____(_ /_/ !______                                             |
_|_______________ _ /     _    ///___________________________________________|_
 !                 /______(____/                                             !
                                             _            .
                                  _________ ¡.      ......:.. . .
                            drn! ¡  _      '||      :  .  :
                                 | '        !|      :  !  :
                           ____. !           | . ...:.....:
                          \\  _|_________    !      :
                    oooo  _\____.     _ /_ __________  oooo
                 < ------ /___  !_  __\ _\   _.     / ------ >
                    .         `----'  _\     _!    /_
                . ..:......      .    /______\   ___\
                    :  .  :      |        `-----'
                    :  !  :      |           .
                    :.....:.. .. |¡       _, |
                          :      !|,_________! lp!
                          .      _!

      ___.        _                           episode six hundred sixty six
_¡__ /   !_______ /____________________________________________________ _ ___¡_
 |  /     _   _ /._\                                                         |
 | /______(_ /_/ !_______                                                    |
 |        _ /     _   _ /.                                      dto  <  oo3  |
 |  drn!  ///_____(_ /_/ !______                                             |
_|_______________ _ /     _    ///___________________________________________|_
 !                 /______(____/                                             !
                       d     e     s  :  o     t     o
                       ___ ___ ______ ¡ ______ ___ ___ 
                    ._\\__\\__\\      !      //__//__//_.
                    |          _____________.           |
                    |        _\\            |           |
                    !      ____ \ __        |___________!__
                   ________\_    \ /   _ _ _!_     ._   : //
            ___ _._\       ./     /     \\\\:/     !/     /_._ ___
          _\\__\\:/_____   !\   ____        ____   /    ___\://__//_
                    .   `------'    `------'    `------'.   
               drn! !___._            ¡  ......    _.___! lp!
                                 .... | .:..  :
                                 :    !  :.:..:
                              ...:..       :  
                              :  :.:.......:

      ___.        _                           episode six hundred sixty six
_¡__ /   !_______ /____________________________________________________ _ ___¡_
 |  /     _   _ /._\                                                         |
 | /______(_ /_/ !_______                                                    |
 |        _ /     _   _ /.                                      ©Mt  <  oo4  |
 |  drn!  ///_____(_ /_/ !______                                             |
_|_______________ _ /     _    ///___________________________________________|_
 !                 /______(____/                                             !
                             .......   .......          ......
                .......      :   ..:...:.. ..:.... .....:..  :
                :     : .....:.. : :   : : : : ..:.:... :.:..:
                :   ..:.:..  :.:.:.:   :.:.:.: : : :  :   :
                :...:.: :.:....: :.......: :...:.: :..:...:
                ____:_____:____        ________:______:____.
                \ _ :..   : _ /________\ __    :..    :  _.|
                 \\          /          \ /               !| 
                  \        ¡  /          \            _ _ _!_
            drn!  _\  !.   | /       . ...\  !.        \\\\:/_  ^lp!
         < ------ /_:______!/           _:____            _._\ ------ >
                    :     . `-----:----' :    `---:------' :
                ....:.. ..:.......:... ..:....... :     ...:....
                :   :.:.:.:  .... :..:.:.:   ...:.:..   :  :   :
                :.....: :....:..:....: :     :  : :.:...:..:   :
                             :..:      :.....:..:   :   :......:

  :: hey, what kind of fucked up design is this?
  :: gee, i don't know. i call it 'dotties suck' 

      ___.        _                           episode six hundred sixty six
_¡__ /   !_______ /____________________________________________________ _ ___¡_
 |  /     _   _ /._\                                                         |
 | /______(_ /_/ !_______                                                    |
 |        _ /     _   _ /.                                      kRm  <  oo5  |
 |  drn!  ///_____(_ /_/ !______                                             |
_|_______________ _ /     _    ///___________________________________________|_
 !                 /______(____/                                             !
                              \:                |
                              \\    k a r m a   |
                              \\_               |¡
                               \(               !!
                               :\             _______
                               |       _     /      /_______ _ _ __. _______ 
                               !    _ \\----/      /    _    \ /   !/      //
   ___ __ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ __ /__\   /      /     /    _\    . /     /_
 _\\__\\_\\___\\__\\___\\___\\__\\_\  ,____\      __    \----/_____!/      _,
                                            `----'  `----\        . `-----'     
                                                ¡¡                |  drn\lp!
                                                !|                |_
                                                 |                :/
                                                 |   // a L !     /_

      ___.        _                           episode six hundred sixty six
_¡__ /   !_______ /____________________________________________________ _ ___¡_
 |  /     _   _ /._\                                                         |
 | /______(_ /_/ !_______                                                    |
 |        _ /     _   _ /.                                      sYz  <  oo6  |
 |  drn!  ///_____(_ /_/ !______                                             |
_|_______________ _ /     _    ///___________________________________________|_
 !                 /______(____/                                             !
                            _____.____ ! ______,._
                 _____.   _\\    '    \ /        //_   ._____
            drn! \    |______\ __      /     __ /______|    / ^lp!
             ___ _\____._  ,. \ /    _/_     \ / .,  _.____/_ ___
          _//__//____ /:\  __________):\  _________  /!\ ____\\__\\_
                     /----'       ,______(         `----\

      ___.        _                           episode six hundred sixty six
_¡__ /   !_______ /____________________________________________________ _ ___¡_
 |  /     _   _ /._\                                                         |
 | /______(_ /_/ !_______                                                    |
 |        _ /     _   _ /.                                n7v & dez  <  oo7  |
 |  drn!  ///_____(_ /_/ !______                                             |
_|_______________ _ /     _    ///___________________________________________|_
 !                 /______(____/                                             !
            .......            ._\        |._________
            :     :            |          ||        /_.
            :     :       drn! !          ||          |
    ......  :.....:    ____________.__    ||          |
    : ...:......       \_          ' /    !!          |
    :.:..: ____:_______ /___  _____ /_. _______       |            
      :    \   : ._    /   /  \   _/  !/      /       |         _ /
      :    _\    !/   /   /_  _\  )/  /      /_       !  native // aerosol
 .....:... /___:_/__ /_____\  /__ /__/________\ - --------------/----------- >
 :    :  :     :    /____________/       ..           ¡        //
 :    :..:.....:               .         ||          _!
 :   ....:...  _ ___ ___ ____ _!___  __  !|         \\:
 :...:...:  :  //__//__//___//____//_ //_ !_________\\
     :......:                                        \

              .__________.__.  drn\lp!  _____ _._ ___________       .___,._
    _ _____   |          '  |   ________\_    \:/   ._      /_______|     /
    //__  /___!__          _!___\       ./     /    !/_____(  .,   ._____/_
       /______._          __.________   !\   _____  /     _____    !\ ____\
             _!             !_       `------'     `------'     `-----\
             \_             _/
              `             '
           d e z . . . . . r i p
              .             .                      

      ___.        _                           episode six hundred sixty six
_¡__ /   !_______ /____________________________________________________ _ ___¡_
 |  /     _   _ /._\                                                         |
 | /______(_ /_/ !_______                                                    |
 |        _ /     _   _ /.                              hseven & h7  <  oo8  |
 |  drn!  ///_____(_ /_/ !______                                             |
_|_______________ _ /     _    ///___________________________________________|_
 !                 /______(____/                                             !

                           _:_ _________________ _._
                           \:((                 \\:_
         _______.          \\     h s e v e n    _\\
        \\      !_______    \_                   \: 
         \     ._     _/__. :( ______ _ _ __. __ ___ __ _ _ ____,.__
         \\    !/     \   |____\_ ._  \ /   !/   \ /._  \ / _.     //
   drn!  _\    /       )___._   / !/___(    /     / !/___(  \!     /_  ^lp!
< ------ /____/       ___ /!\ ___ /    ____/     __ /    ___/     __\ ------ >
              `------'   `---'   `----'    `----' .`----'   `----'   
                            :_                   _:
                           _:/   a e r o s o l   \:_

                          ._____ ____._
             _._____ ____.|.-   \\   :/
             \:_   //  -.||          // 
              \\         ||          //
              :          ||          :
     _______. !          !!          !
     \      !_______________ ____ _____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ __ ___ __
 drn! \    ._     _        //___//____//__//___//___//__//___//_//__//_//_
      _\   !/     (.      /_         .
      /____/_______!_______\ ------- | --------------------------------- >
              .          ..          |                    h s e v e n
              |          ||         _!
              |_         ||         \:_
             _:/         |!_________\\\

  :: asl-enj.txt - truly hardcore design! one of the best collections in '99

                           __                   ...
                         __¾¾____________________ :...
                           ¾¾          .       ¾¾___ :
                      _    ¾¾   _______¡_______   ¾¾    _ 
             ...      \ __ ¾¾ __\     _!_     /__ ¾¾ __ /      ...
            .: _______\\\  ¾¾          ¡          ¾¾  ///_______ :.
            : :\        \  ¾¾                     ¾¾  /        /: :
              |            ¯¯                     ¯¯            |  
              |         collection design 'n concept by         |
              |         -------------------------------         |
              |         daeron of low profile and galza         |
              |            __                     __            |
              !        < - ¾¾ ------------------- ¾¾ - >        !
                           ¯¯                     ¯¯             
        lyrics were taken from a song called 'episode 666' by in flames  
              .     _      __                     __      _     .
             _|____ /      ¾¾                     ¾¾      \ ____|__  
              !   //     _ ¾¾ __               __ ¾¾ _     \\   !
                  /-----'  ¾¾  /_______________\  ¾¾  `-----\ 
                         . ¾¾___                  ¾¾ 
                         :... ¾¾__________________¾¾__
                            :..                   ¾¾  

         [ dedicated to the best death metal band around 'in flames' ]

      ___.        _
_¡__ /   !_______ /_______________________¡_
 |  /     _   _ /._\                      |
 | /______(_ /_/ !_______    six six six  |
 |        _ /     _   _ /.                |
 |  drn!  ///_____(_ /_/ !______          |
_|_______________ _ /     _    ///________|_
 !                 /______(____/          !

                                                              _.    _.    _.
------------------------------------------------------------ / !__ / !__ / !___
 eof. [ episode six six six :: design & style experiment ]  /___._/___._/___._/

        .                    _____: . O  o                               O
   _____|_____.      _____  .)    |____o [ t . H . E  - y . A . R . d ]_o .
 _|      /   .|_____/_   /_ : _   |                                       :
 \      /    |/      /   _//  \   ahs.bgirl.arcade.srz.tac.asl.lfc.bk.lp! |
  |____/|____/      /__________\  up.soia.pnk.omn.mce.1oo.vtx.pvm.mvp HQs |
            /______/     _ _:   _____          ______  __________ ________:
                         \\\.  /    /__________\_   /_/  _      //  ._   /.
consoles.amiga.graffiti.mp3 ! /    /|    /   _      \    /     /    |/    |
ascii.mp3.modules.chiptunes |/_____     /____\_______\___\________________|
classicgames.linux.drugs.dd :_  t^/____/   _.  one of the finest in +49!  |
                             (_____________)| ___________ _______ _ ______:
                                       _ _ ___)         (_)               :
                              #1 33k6.  #2 28k8.  #3 64k isdn #4 64k isdn
                              #5 telnet #6 telnet #7 telnet   #8 telnet