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File size:
75 772 bytes (74.00K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 435



w    w    w    .    t    h    u    g    l    i    f    e    .    o    r    g
              ,  ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
        . __________;;;;_____________________;;;;____  t·H·U·G·L·I·F·E
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                                             ``````````` ``  `
w    w    w    .    t    h    u    g    l    i    f    e    .    o    r    g
             This file passed The Ascii Archive at THUGLIFE.ORG.
         Home to over 137 +/- ascii groups, and even more releases.
      Interviews & Reviews. Always the latest in Ascii News/Releases.

                               __ _/\¦/\_ __    
               __/\__ _ _  __ _/(_)  |  (_)\_ __  _ _ __/\__  iF U sOFT
aMIGA          \    /   ( /_/\\_     |     _//\_\ )   \    /  gET lOST!
 tERROR        /_  _\     \_\/_/   @ | @   \_\/_/     /_  _\
  wORLDWIDE      \/           \__   _|_   __/           \/   sHARP aS a kNIFE
          _ ___ _____/\_ ___/\__/\__).(__/\__/\___ _/\_____ ___ _
          \\\__\\_____ (_) __ ___  (_¦_)  ___ __ (_) _____//__/// dAS fLEISCH
fICKEN   _          \___  /  \/| _ _ _ _ _ |\/  \  ___/          _ GEWORDENE
uND     /(___ _/\_____ / /_ _ _| | | | | | |_ _ _\ \ _____/\_ ___)\  bOESE
tOETEN /    (_)  \_    \/    \\_ |_|_|_|_| _//    \/    _/  (_)    \ 
      /          _/      _  _ _| | | | | | |_ _  _      \_          \
      \                  ( (_)\_ | | | | | _/(_) )                  /  
    /\ \   WE W¿LL NEVER      _/ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ \_       WE W¿LL NEVER  / /\
    \/ /     SURRENDER  _ __/\\__ _\   /_ __//\__ _  COMPROMISE!   \ \/
      /                 \\\__/  \/  \_/  \/  \__///                 \
      \                  ¯  __/\           /\__  ¯                  /
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              ONL¿NE UNTIL BUST \__/ _ \__/ ONL¿NE B¿S ZUM KNAST
                                  __/ \__
                                  \_____/   WE WOULD DiE FOR COMMODoRE


          Upload time: 05:01:37           Upload Date: 10-31-1999
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      |:     :|                |             |     :          |:     :|
      :       :                |             |                :       :
                         ..  S P A C E D   O U T  ..
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                       v i s i t   t h e   l e g e n d
                               |             |
                               |_           _|
                               :/           \:
                             ///___ _   _ ___\\\

           F A C T i O N                      World Headquarters
           L o W  P r O F i L E               World Headquarters
           F A i R L i G H T          United Kingdom Headquarter
           R O Y A L                  United Kingdom Headquarter
           R A M  J A M               United Kingdom Headquarter
           L i g h t f o r c e        United Kingdom Headquarter
           L o o k e r   H o u s e    United Kingdom Headquarter
           X!-T r e K                 United Kingdom Headquarter
           O u t l a w s              United Kingdom Headquarter
           DiGiTAL CoRRUPTiON         United Kingdom Headquarter
           F A i T H                  United Kingdom Headquarter
           Save Our Souls             United Kingdom Headquarter
           Tristar & Red Sector Inc   United Kingdom Headquarter

           |           UPLOADED BY chill                       |
           |        fROM Faction Ascii Dept iN dOCKiNG bAY 01  |
        |          IN SPACE NO ONE CAN HEAR YOU SCREAM!           |


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
  ×××××××××××××××××××× ·evil·to·he·who·evil·thinks· ×××××××××××××××××××××××
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

           n  i  n  e  t  e  e  n    n  i  n  e  t  y    n  i  n  e

           a     c  o  l  l  e  c  t  i  o  n    i  s    b  o  r  n

                      _____   ___    ___ ____   ____
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        ¼            `---------'-^-----''----------'------'        ¼
        ¼                          [..of..]                        ¼
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                /     |   |  |  |  \      \|   |  |  |  |    \
               /      |   |  |      \      \   |  |  |  |     \
             _/       |      |       \_     \_ |     |  |      \_

    p  r  e  s  e  n  t  s    e  x  p  e  r  i  e  n  c  e    f  i  v  e

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  |    |  |  Y \  |   Y \  (___)    \   _(__  | _|   |_ |  Y \  |   __)
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  |  |   \|  |   \|  \_/  \|   |  |   \|   |  | /     \ |  |   \|____  \
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  |        \ `     \  |     \  |  |     \  |  |         \  `     \  |    \
  |         \_______\_|      \_|  |      \____|          \________\_______\_
          t  h  e     y  e  a  r     o  f     d  a  r  k  n  e  s  s
           :                 :                                          :
           |                 |                                          |
          _:                 :    _ _____________________________ _     :_
          \\                 |                                          //
           \                 :    l · U · m · i · N · a · t · u · S     /
        _ _:_______          .    _ _____________________________ _     |
           |       \ __      :                                          :
           |        \\/  ____:    chapter one : the year of darkness    |
           | sTZ!/sE \  /    |                                          :
           :          \/     |  the fifth asc² experience by chill^fTN  |
        _____   _______ ________ _____  ______ ________ ______  _____   :
       /   _/___\      \\       \\    \_\__   |\       \\     \_\  _/___|
      /    \    \_      \   \   /     _/  /___|    \   /      _/_____   \
      \__________/______/___/  /______|____________/  /_______| /_______/
           .               /___\                  /___\                 |
           |      /\         .½½½½½½½½½½½½½|             |½½½½½½½½½½½½½½:
           |_____/  \ __    _|.............. first words ...............|_
                     \\/    \\.............| index       |..............//
                      \      \.............| artwork     |............../
                       \_____|.............| credits     |..............|
                             :.............| respects    |..............:
                             |.............| file Info   |..............|
                             |.............| history     |..............|
                             :.............| messages    |...............
     _                   _   :½½½½½½½½½½½½½`-------------'½½½½½½½½½½½½½½:
  .-\\( the first words )//--'                                          |
  |    ______ ___   _____    ___    _ ___ _  _____ ___        __ _____  :_
 _.   / ___)_)   |_|_  __) _|   |_ | Y   Y )|     |   |___   |  |   __) //
 \\  /  __)  |       |   \(__   __)| |   | \|  _  |       |__|  |     \ /
  \ /    |   |   |   |__  \/     \ |   _    \  |  |   |   |  _  |____  \|
  :/     |   |   `---' |   \      \|   |     \ |  |   `---'  |  |   |   \
  /      |   |     |   |    \      \   |      \|  |     |    |  |   |    \
_/       |   |     |         \______\__|       \__|     |       |         \_

  Well it's been some time since my last collection.During which time I had
  a HD crash killing all my asc² work,collections and tools.Having lost the
  "feeling" for ascii I've not really used the computer much,apart from the
  odd IRC session it's been  sitting dormant.During one of these particular
  sessions  on Irc I   had the pleasure of  chatting to zaner and dipswitch
  the latter of who suggested I grab Cygnus Editor and get busy.Well as you
  can see this collection is the result.This collection and the three or so
  chapters that will follow are  dedicated to event of the century,to those
  who have been living  under a rock I  refer to the solar eclipse recently
  Indeed  this  is  the year of darkness, temporary  as it may have been we
  were all shrouded in the cover of perpetual night.

  I wonder how early  man would have viewed such  a planetary event.Fearing
  some  omnipotent  being would descend  from the skies I'm sure they would
  have fled to the safety of their caves.And I'm sure even in this,the dawn
  of a new millenium,the event  struck fear and panic in the hearts of many
  people all over the globe.

  The primary title "Luminatus" is my homage to the art of HRgiger.Those of
  you not familiar with this artist,he was responsible for the artwork from
  the Alien  series  of movies.This  man has the  deepest,darkest soul I've
  encountered,which is reflected in  his artwork.Through his (ab)use of LSD
  he has tapped into the  darkest side of the human mind,I highly recommend
  you check out his artwork through  whatever medium you have access to.I'm
  sure you will  agree with me after viewing his work,this  man has touched
  something primevil in his soul,the results of which are astounding.

  This collection contains solely board logos,the reason for which is after
  I had considered the amount of artwork I wanted to do it was considerable
  and as this is a "redesign" of my style after the HD crash I did not want
  to release some  400k ascii collection  so I will split the overall colly
  into chapters; BBS logos,group logos,personal logos and diz's/nfo's.

  2 complete this introduction I feel I must comment and commend the people
  responsible  for The Ascii charts.I'm all for constructive criticism in a
  field such as asc² art.It is very difficult to "measure" an artists skill
  as it is the individuals own perception of his art that is being measured
  a difficult task indeed.But so far the people responsible have been up to
  now correct in all their  analysis of the art.But it would be  impossible
  to suggest  set guidelines for ascii art as  it is purely an  individuals
  use of the charset to convey a message to the viewer.But I agree with the
  views of the  team as far as massive,unreadable,archived collections have
  no place on the BBS scene.That will no doubt stir up some contraversy and
  should you wish to reply,dont.

  Well I hope  you enjoy this collection,should you wish to make a  request
  then mail  me on Spaced Out or Liberation.I don't use Inet much at all at
  the moment but I'm in regular contact with the sysop's of these boards so
  your request will reach me.And if you are an ascii artist I'd like to ask
  for some personal logo's (chill) and group logo's/diz's (faction).Thanks!

      ._                                                             _.
      |/_ _                                                       _ _\|
      `=\o/== Peace to you brother,in this the year of darkness ==\o/='
        \/                                                         \/

                         .  |  .                 |
                            |                   :|
                           \|/                  ||
                         - -O- -                ||
                           /|\                  ||
                          . | .                 ||
                            |                   :| _ ______  ______ _
     _  _____._____________ |____________ _______|         \/
             |   __       /_|\____      /   _____/____     /\
     bY!/sE  |____/      /      _/     /    __\       \    \/
       ______|   /________\_.___________\________._____\___/\_____ _
    _ ___ ______ _______    |                    |     _______ ______ ___ _
   ///__//_____//_______    [     the index      ]     _______\\_____\\__\\\
                            |                 .  |  .
                            |.                   |
                            |          /        \|/
                            |:        //      - -O- -
                            ||        //        /|\
                            ||                 . | .
                            ||                   |
                          __||__ _         _ ____|__
                   _     _\ |:                   | /_     _
                .__)\____\\\|                    |///____/(__.
                |           `--------------------'           |
                |<01):........... Spaced Out                 |
                |                 Liberation ...........:(02>|
                :<03):........... Retrograde                 :
                |                 Cryogenics ...........:(04>|
                |<05):........ Electric Warrior              |
                |                  Death Row ...........:(06>|
                |<07):........... Specialist                 |
                :              The Wrath of Khan .......:(08>:
                |<09):............ Los Endos                 |
                |               Restricted Area ........:(10>|
                |<11):............ The Yard                  |
                :                Cosmic Trance .........:(12>|
                |<13):........... Kings Crown                |
                |                Digital World .........:(14>|
                |<15):............ Acid Slam                 |
                |                Bustin Loose ..........:(16>:
                :<17):............ Vultures                  |
                |                Canadian Mist .........:(18>|
                |<19):........... Winterland                 |
                |                 Checkpoint ...........:(20>|
                |<21):............ Nightline                 |
                :                  Eternity  ...........:(22):
                |<23):.......... Techno House                |
                |                 Last Legend ..........:(24>|
                |<25):.......... Access Denied               |
                |                  Boondocks ...........:(26>:
                |<27):............ Dial Hard                 |
         .......'                                            `.....
 ........:   ____ ___       ___    _ ___ _   _____ ___   ___ ____ :........
 :___:   : _(__  |   |___ _|   |_ | Y   Y ) |     |   |_|_  Y   / :   :___:
    .:.. :|   _  |       (__   __)| |   | \ |  _  |       | | _/  : ..:.
    :  :_:|   |  |   |   |/     \ |   _    \|  |  |   |   |    \  :_:  :
    :  :  |   |  |   `---'       \|   |     \  |  |   `---' _   \   : .:.
  _: :_:  |   |  |     |/         \   |      \ |  |     |   |    \  :_: :_
 :_:_:____|      |     |           \__|       \___|     |   |     \___:_:_:

.-] lUmiNatuS [-================-.'''```.-========-] tHe yeAr of dArkneSs [-.
|                           ½_   |      |   _½                              |
|    The first Chapter      ½½   |      |   ½½   Artist's Comments:         |
|                            ½  _|__--__|_  ½                               |
| ascii no. : [01(of)27]    _½__\\__\/__//__½_   Running Ami-express.       |
| ascii type: BOARD LOGO   _%½½½ \ (__) / ½½½%_                             |
| ascii says: Spaced Out  _½½ ____) _  (____ ½½_          Greetings Zoltrix |
|                         ½½¼/~¯  \  ' /  ¯~\¼½½                            |
|__________________________ /      \__/ ©sTZ \ _____________________________|

      _____  _______ ____ ____  _____     __    _____ __ _     ___
     |   __)|   __  (__  |  __)|  ___)   |  |  |     |  Y \  _|   |_
     |     \|  (__| | _  |  |\ |   _) ___|  |  |  _  |  |  \(__   __)
     |____  \       | |  |  | \|  | \|   _  |  |  |  |  |   \/     \
     |   |   \ `----' |  |  |  \  |  \   |  |  |  |  |  |    \      \
     |   |    \  |    |  |      \     \  |  |  |  |  |  `     \      \
     |         \_|       |       \_    \_   |  |     |         \_ [©L]\_
     `----------''-------'--------'-----'---'  `-----'----------'------'

.-] lUmiNatuS [-================-.'''```.-========-] tHe yeAr of dArkneSs [-.
|                           ½_   |      |   _½                              |
|    The first Chapter      ½½   |      |   ½½   Artist's Comments:         |
|                            ½  _|__--__|_  ½                               |
| ascii no. : [02(of)27]    _½__\\__\/__//__½_   Running F.A.M.E            |
| ascii type: BOARD LOGO   _%½½½ \ (__) / ½½½%_                             |
| ascii says: Liberation  _½½ ____) _  (____ ½½_      Greetings Hellraiser |
|                         ½½¼/~¯  \  ' /  ¯~\¼½½                            |
|__________________________ /      \__/ ©sTZ \ _____________________________|

      ____   ___ __   _____ ___     ____    ___    ___ _____ ____
     |    | (___)  | |  ___)   |___(__  | _|   |_ (___)     |    \
     |   _|_|   |  |_|   _)|       | _  |(__   __)|   |  _  |  _  \
     |  |   \   |  _ \  | \|   |   | |  | /     \ |   |  |  |  |   \
     |  |    \  |  |  \ |  \   `---' |  |/       \|   |  |  |  |    \
     |        \ |  |   \    \    |   |  |         \   |  |  |  |     \
     |         \_       \_   \_  |      |          \_ |     |  |  [©L]\_

.-] lUmiNatuS [-================-.'''```.-========-] tHe yeAr of dArkneSs [-.
|                           ½_   |      |   _½                              |
|    The first Chapter      ½½   |      |   ½½   Artist's Comments: none    |
|                            ½  _|__--__|_  ½                               |
| ascii no. : [03(of)27]    _½__\\__\/__//__½_   Running Daydream?          |
| ascii type: BOARD LOGO   _%½½½ \ (__) / ½½½%_                             |
| ascii says: Retrograde  _½½ ____) _  (____ ½½_          Greetings [sonic] |
|                         ½½¼/~¯  \  ' /  ¯~\¼½½                            |
|__________________________ /      \__/ ©sTZ \ _____________________________|

      ___   _____    ___    ___   _____ ____  ___     ____    __ _____
     |   |_|_ ___) _|   |_ |   |_|_    |  __)|   |___(__  |  |  |  ___)
     |       | _) (__   __)|       |_  | (_ \|       | _  |__|  |   _)
     |   |   || \  /     \ |   |   ||  |  |  \   |   | |  |  _  |  | \
     |   `---'|  \/       \|   `---'|  |  |   \  `---' |  |  |  |  |  \
     |     |      \        \     |  |  |       \   |   |  |  |  |      \
     |     |       \_       \_   |     |        \_ |      |     |   [©L]\_

.-] lUmiNatuS [-================-.'''```.-========-] tHe yeAr of dArkneSs [-.
|                           ½_   |      |   _½                              |
|    The first Chapter      ½½   |      |   ½½   Artist's Comments:         |
|                            ½  _|__--__|_  ½                               |
| ascii no. : [04(of)27]    _½__\\__\/__//__½_   Running Sigma Express.     |
| ascii type: BOARD LOGO   _%½½½ \ (__) / ½½½%_                             |
| ascii says: Cryogenics  _½½ ____) _  (____ ½½_       Greetings datastream |
|                         ½½¼/~¯  \  ' /  ¯~\¼½½                            |
|__________________________ /      \__/ ©sTZ \ _____________________________|

      ____  ___    __ __  _____ ____  _____  ____   ___ ____  _____
     |  __)|   |__|  Y  )|     |  __)|  ___)|    \ (___)  __)|   __)
     |  |\ |       | |  \|  _  | (_ \|   _) |  _  \|   |  |\ |     \
     |  | \|   |   |     \  |  |  |  \  | \ |  |   \   |  | \|____  \
     |  |  \   `---'-|    \ |  |  |   \ |  \|  |    \  |  |  \   |   \
     |      \    ||  |     \   |       \    \  |     \ |      \  |    \
     |       \_  ||         \_ |        \_   \_|      \_       \_  [©L]\_

.-] lUmiNatuS [-================-.'''```.-========-] tHe yeAr of dArkneSs [-.
|                           ½_   |      |   _½                              |
|    The first Chapter      ½½   |      |   ½½   Artist's Comments:         |
|                            ½  _|__--__|_  ½                               |
| ascii no. : [05(of)27]    _½__\\__\/__//__½_   Running Ami-express.       |
| ascii type: BOARD LOGO   _%½½½ \ (__) / ½½½%_                             |
| ascii says: Electric    _½½ ____) _  (____ ½½_              Greetings axl |
|             Warrior     ½½¼/~¯  \  ' /  ¯~\¼½½                            |
|__________________________ /      \__/ ©sTZ \ _____________________________|

            _____  ____   _____  ____    ___    ___   ___ ____
           |  ___)|    | |  ___)|  __) _|   |_ |   |_(___)  __)
           |   _) |   _|_|   _) |  |\ (__   __)|       | |  |\
           |  | \ |  |   \  | \ |  | \ /     \ |   |   | |  | \
           |  |  \|  |    \ |  \|  |  \       \|   `---' |  |  \
           |      \        \    \      \       \     |   |      \
           |       \_       \_   \_     \_      \_   |   |   [©L]\_
                _ ___ _    ___ ___   ___   ___ _____ ___
               | Y   Y ) _(__ |   |_|_  |_(___)     |   |___
               | |   | \|  _  |       |     | |  _  |       |
               |   _    \  |  |   |   | |   | |  |  |   |   |
               |   |     \ |  |   `---' `---' |  |  |   `---'
               |   |      \|  |     |     |   |  |  |     |
               |   |       \_ |     |     |   |     |     |

.-] lUmiNatuS [-================-.'''```.-========-] tHe yeAr of dArkneSs [-.
|                           ½_   |      |   _½                              |
|    The first Chapter      ½½   |      |   ½½   Artist's Comments:         |
|                            ½  _|__--__|_  ½                               |
| ascii no. : [06(of)27]    _½__\\__\/__//__½_   Running Ami-express.       |
| ascii type: BOARD LOGO   _%½½½ \ (__) / ½½½%_                             |
| ascii says: Deathrow    _½½ ____) _  (____ ½½_         Greetings Shadower |
|                         ½½¼/~¯  \  ' /  ¯~\¼½½                            |
|__________________________ /      \__/ ©sTZ \ _____________________________|

           __ _____   ____    ___    ___    ___   _____ _ ___ _
          |  |  ___)_(__  | _|   |_ |   |  |   |_|_    | Y   Y )
      ____|  |   _)|   _  |(__   __)|   |_ |       |_  | |   | \
     |    _  |  | \|   |  | /     \ |   _ \|   |   ||  |   _    \
     |    |  |  |  \   |  |/       \|   |  \   `---'|  |   |     \
     |    |  |      \  |  |         \   |   \    |  |  |   |      \
     |       |       \_   |          \_ |    \_  |     |   |   [©L]\_

.-] lUmiNatuS [-================-.'''```.-========-] tHe yeAr of dArkneSs [-.
|                           ½_   |      |   _½                              |
|    The first Chapter      ½½   |      |   ½½   Artist's Comments:         |
|                            ½  _|__--__|_  ½                               |
| ascii no. : [07(of)27]    _½__\\__\/__//__½_   Running Ami-express.       |
| ascii type: BOARD LOGO   _%½½½ \ (__) / ½½½%_                             |
| ascii says: Specialist  _½½ ____) _  (____ ½½_            Greetings Gunda |
|                         ½½¼/~¯  \  ' /  ¯~\¼½½                            |
|__________________________ /      \__/ ©sTZ \ _____________________________|

      _____   ___________ ____  ___   ____ ____   ___ _____    ___
     |   __) |   __  |___)  __)(___)_(__  |    | (___)   __) _|   |_
     |     \ |  (__| | _)|  |\ |   |   _  |   _|_|   |     \(__   __)
     |____  \|       || \|  | \|   |   |  |  |   \   |____  \/     \
     |   |   \  `----'|  \  |  \   |   |  |  |    \  |   |   \      \
     |   |    \   ||      \     \  |   |  |        \ |   |    \      \
     |         \_ ||       \_    \_|      |         \|         \_ [©L]\_

.-] lUmiNatuS [-================-.'''```.-========-] tHe yeAr of dArkneSs [-.
|                           ½_   |      |   _½                              |
|    The first Chapter      ½½   |      |   ½½   Artist's Comments:         |
|                            ½  _|__--__|_  ½                               |
| ascii no. : [08(of)27]    _½__\\__\/__//__½_   Running Sigma Express.     |
| ascii type: BOARD LOGO   _%½½½ \ (__) / ½½½%_                             |
| ascii says: The Wrath   _½½ ____) _  (____ ½½_     Greetings Genghis Khan |
|             Of Khan     ½½¼/~¯  \  ' /  ¯~\¼½½                            |
|__________________________ /      \__/ ©sTZ \ _____________________________|

       ___    ___   _____      _ ___ _  ___     ____    ___    ___
     _|   |_ |   | |  ___)    | Y   Y )|   |___(__  | _|   |_ |   |
    (__   __)|   |_|   _)     | |   | \|       | _  |(__   __)|   |_
     /     \ |   _ \  | \     |   _    \   |   | |  | /     \ |   _ \
    /       \|   |  \ |  \    |   |     \  `---' |  |/       \|   |  \
   /         \   |   \    \   |   |      \   |   |  |         \   |   \
 _/           \_ |    \_   \_ |   |       \_ |      |          \_ |[©L]\_
 `-------------'-^-----'----' `---^--------'-'------'-----------'-^-----'
             _____   ____   ___ ____ ___      ____ ____
            |     | / ___) |   Y   /|   |   _(__  |    \
            |  _  |/  __)  |   | _/ |   |_ |   _  |  _  \
            |  |  |    |   |      \ |   _ \|   |  |  |   \
            |  |  |    |   |   _   \|   |  \   |  |  |    \
            |  |  |    |   |   |    \   |   \  |  |  |     \
            |     |    |   |   |     \_ |    \_   |  |      \_
            `-----'----'   `---'------'-^-----'---'--^-------'

.-] lUmiNatuS [-================-.'''```.-========-] tHe yeAr of dArkneSs [-.
|                           ½_   |      |   _½                              |
|    The first Chapter      ½½   |      |   ½½   Artist's Comments:         |
|                            ½  _|__--__|_  ½                               |
| ascii no. : [09(of)27]    _½__\\__\/__//__½_   Running F.A.M.E            |
| ascii type: BOARD LOGO   _%½½½ \ (__) / ½½½%_                             |
| ascii says: Los Endos   _½½ ____) _  (____ ½½_             Greetings Exon |
|                         ½½¼/~¯  \  ' /  ¯~\¼½½                            |
|__________________________ /      \__/ ©sTZ \ _____________________________|

        ____   _____ _____        _____  ____       __ _____ _____
       |    | |     |   __)      |  ___)|    \     |  |     |   __)
       |   _|_|  _  |     \      |   _) |  _  \____|  |  _  |     \
       |  |   \  |  |____  \     |  | \ |  |   \   _  |  |  |____  \
       |  |    \ |  |   |   \    |  |  \|  |    \  |  |  |  |   |   \
       |        \|  |   |    \   |      \  |     \ |  |  |  |   |    \
       |         \_ |         \_ |       \_|      \_  |     |     [©L]\_
       `----------'-'----------' `--------'^-------'--`-----'----------'

.-] lUmiNatuS [-================-.'''```.-========-] tHe yeAr of dArkneSs [-.
|                           ½_   |      |   _½                              |
|    The first Chapter      ½½   |      |   ½½   Artist's Comments:         |
|                            ½  _|__--__|_  ½                               |
| ascii no. : [10(of)27]    _½__\\__\/__//__½_   Running ?                  |
| ascii type: BOARD LOGO   _%½½½ \ (__) / ½½½%_                             |
| ascii says: Restricted  _½½ ____) _  (____ ½½_     Greetings Minor Threat |
|             Area        ½½¼/~¯  \  ' /  ¯~\¼½½                            |
|__________________________ /      \__/ ©sTZ \ _____________________________|

    ___   _____  _____    ___    ___   ___ ____   ___    _____      __
   |   |_|_ ___)|   __) _|   |_ |   |_(___)  __)_|   |_ |  ___)    |  |
   |       | _) |     \(__   __)|       | |  |\(__   __)|   _) ____|  |
   |   |   || \ |____  \/     \ |   |   | |  | \/     \ |  | \|    _  |
   |   `---'|  \|   |   \      \|   `---' |  |  \      \|  |  \    |  |
   |     |      \   |    \      \     |   |      \      \      \   |  |
   |     |       \_       \_     \_   |   |       \_     \_ [©L]\_    |
                           ____ ___   _____   ____
                         _(__  |   |_|_ ___)_(__  |
                        |   _  |       | _)|   _  |
                        |   |  |   |   || \|   |  |
                        |   |  |   `---'|  \   |  |
                        |   |  |     |      \  |  |
                        |      |     |       \_   |

.-] lUmiNatuS [-================-.'''```.-========-] tHe yeAr of dArkneSs [-.
|                           ½_   |      |   _½                              |
|    The first Chapter      ½½   |      |   ½½   Artist's Comments:         |
|                            ½  _|__--__|_  ½                               |
| ascii no. : [11(of)27]    _½__\\__\/__//__½_   Running Daydream/Linux.    |
| ascii type: BOARD LOGO   _%½½½ \ (__) / ½½½%_                             |
| ascii says: The Yard    _½½ ____) _  (____ ½½_  Greetings Zaner&Dipswitch |
|                         ½½¼/~¯  \  ' /  ¯~\¼½½                            |
|__________________________ /      \__/ ©sTZ \ _____________________________|

               ___   ___   _____      __ __    ____ ___        __
             _|   |_|   | |  ___)    |  Y  ) _(__  |   |___   |  |
            (__   __)   |_|   _)     |  |  \|   _  |       |__|  |
             /     \|   _ \  | \     |      \   |  |   |   |  _  |
            /       \   |  \ |  \    `---.   \  |  |   `---'  |  |
           /         \  |   \    \   |   |    \ |  |     |    |  |
         _/           \_|    \_   \_ |         \_  | [©L]|       |
         `-------------'^-----'----' `----------'--'-----'-------'

.-] lUmiNatuS [-================-.'''```.-========-] tHe yeAr of dArkneSs [-.
|                           ½_   |      |   _½                              |
|    The first Chapter      ½½   |      |   ½½   Artist's Comments:         |
|                            ½  _|__--__|_  ½                               |
| ascii no. : [12(of)27]    _½__\\__\/__//__½_   Running Sigma-express.     |
| ascii type: BOARD LOGO   _%½½½ \ (__) / ½½½%_                             |
| ascii says: Cosmic      _½½ ____) _  (____ ½½_           Greetings Kernal |
|             Trance      ½½¼/~¯  \  ' /  ¯~\¼½½                            |
|__________________________ /      \__/ ©sTZ \ _____________________________|

                  ____  _____ _____  ___ _   ___ ____
                 |  __)|     |   __)|   Y \ (___)  __)
                 |  |\ |  _  |     \|   |  \|   |  |\
                 |  | \|  |  |____  \  \_/  \   |  | \
                 |  |  \  |  |   |   \  |    \  |  |  \
                 |      \ |  |   |    \ |     \ |      \
                 |       \_  |         \_      \_       \_
                    ___    ___     ____ ____  ____  _____
                  _|   |_ |   |___(__  |    \|  __)|  ___)
                 (__   __)|       | _  |  _  \  |\ |   _)
                  /     \ |   |   | |  |  |   \ | \|  | \
                 /       \|   `---' |  |  |    \|  \  |  \
                /         \     |   |  |  |     \   \     \
              _/           \_   |      |  |      \_  \_[©L]\_

.-] lUmiNatuS [-================-.'''```.-========-] tHe yeAr of dArkneSs [-.
|                           ½_   |      |   _½                              |
|    The first Chapter      ½½   |      |   ½½   Artist's Comments:         |
|                            ½  _|__--__|_  ½                               |
| ascii no. : [13(of)27]    _½__\\__\/__//__½_   Running Ami-Express.       |
| ascii type: BOARD LOGO   _%½½½ \ (__) / ½½½%_                             |
| ascii says: Kings Crown _½½ ____) _  (____ ½½_            Greetings Saint |
|                         ½½¼/~¯  \  ' /  ¯~\¼½½                            |
|__________________________ /      \__/ ©sTZ \ _____________________________|

 ___ ____ ___ ____  ____  _____       ____  ___   _____ _ ___ _  ____
|   Y   /(___)    \|  __)|   __)     |  __)|   |_|_    | Y   Y )|    \
|   | _/ |   |  _  \ (_ \|     \     |  |\ |       |_  | |   | \|  _  \
|      \ |   |  |   \ |  \____  \    |  | \|   |   ||  |   _    \  |   \
|   _   \|   |  |    \|   \  |   \   |  |  \   `---'|  |   |     \ |    \
|   |    \   |  |     \    \ |    \  |      \    |  |  |   |      \|     \
|   |     \_ |  |      \_   \_     \_|       \_  |     |   |       \_ [©L]\_

.-] lUmiNatuS [-================-.'''```.-========-] tHe yeAr of dArkneSs [-.
|                           ½_   |      |   _½                              |
|    The first Chapter      ½½   |      |   ½½   Artist's Comments:         |
|                            ½  _|__--__|_  ½                               |
| ascii no. : [14(of)27]    _½__\\__\/__//__½_   Running ?                  |
| ascii type: BOARD LOGO   _%½½½ \ (__) / ½½½%_                             |
| ascii says: Digital     _½½ ____) _  (____ ½½_            Greetings Steve |
|             World       ½½¼/~¯  \  ' /  ¯~\¼½½                            |
|__________________________ /      \__/ ©sTZ \ _____________________________|

                  __ ___ ____  ___    ___      ____ ____
                 |  (___)  __)(___) _|   |_  _(__  |    |
             ____|  |   | (_ \|   |(__   __)|   _  |   _|_
            |    _  |   |  |  \   | /     \ |   |  |  |   \
            |    |  |   |  |   \  |/       \|   |  |  |    \
            |    |  |   |       \ |         \   |  |        \
            |       |   |        \_          \_    |     [©L]\_
                   _ ___ _  _____ ___   ____         __
                  | Y   Y )|     |   |_|_   |       |  |
                  | |   | \|  _  |       | _|_  ____|  |
                  |   _    \  |  |   |   ||   \|    _  |
                  |   |     \ |  |   `---'|    \    |  |
                  |   |      \|  |     |        \   |  |
                  |   |       \_ |     |         \_    |

.-] lUmiNatuS [-================-.'''```.-========-] tHe yeAr of dArkneSs [-.
|                           ½_   |      |   _½                              |
|    The first Chapter      ½½   |      |   ½½   Artist's Comments:         |
|                            ½  _|__--__|_  ½                               |
| ascii no. : [15(of)27]    _½__\\__\/__//__½_   Running Ami-Express.       |
| ascii type: BOARD LOGO   _%½½½ \ (__) / ½½½%_                             |
| ascii says: Acid Slam   _½½ ____) _  (____ ½½_          Greetings Digiman |
|                         ½½¼/~¯  \  ' /  ¯~\¼½½                            |
|__________________________ /      \__/ ©sTZ \ _____________________________|

             ____ ____  ___      __  _____  ____     ____ ___ _
           _(__  |  __)(___)    |  ||   __)|    |  _(__  |   Y \
          |   _  |  |\ |   |____|  ||     \|   _|_|   _  |   |  \
          |   |  |  | \|   |    _  ||____  \  |   \   |  |  \_/  \
          |   |  |  |  \   |    |  ||   |   \ |    \  |  |   |    \
          |   |  |      \  |    |  ||   |    \      \ |  |   |     \
          |      |       \_|       ||         \_     \_  |   |  [©L]\_

.-] lUmiNatuS [-================-.'''```.-========-] tHe yeAr of dArkneSs [-.
|                           ½_   |      |   _½                              |
|    The first Chapter      ½½   |      |   ½½   Artist's Comments:         |
|                            ½  _|__--__|_  ½                               |
| ascii no. : [16(of)27]    _½__\\__\/__//__½_   Running Tempest.           |
| ascii type: BOARD LOGO   _%½½½ \ (__) / ½½½%_                             |
| ascii says: Bustin Loose_½½ ____) _  (____ ½½_      Greetings Trivialinko |
|                         ½½¼/~¯  \  ' /  ¯~\¼½½                            |
|__________________________ /      \__/ ©sTZ \ _____________________________|

                 __   __ _  _____    ___    ___ ____
                |  | |  Y \|   __) _|   |_ (___)    \
                |  |_|  |  \     \(__   __)|   |  _  \
                |  _ \  |   \___  \/     \ |   |  |   \
                |  |  \ |    \ |   \      \|   |  |    \
                |  |   \`     \|    \      \   |  |     \
                |       \_     \_    \_     \_ |  |  [©L]\_
                    ____   _____ _____ _____  _____
                   |    | |     |     |   __)|  ___)
                   |   _|_|  _  |  _  |     \|   _)
                   |  |   \  |  |  |  |____  \  | \
                   |  |    \ |  |  |  |   |   \ |  \
                   |        \|  |  |  |   |    \    \
                   |         \_ |     |         \_   \_

.-] lUmiNatuS [-================-.'''```.-========-] tHe yeAr of dArkneSs [-.
|                           ½_   |      |   _½                              |
|    The first Chapter      ½½   |      |   ½½   Artist's Comments:         |
|                            ½  _|__--__|_  ½                               |
| ascii no. : [17(of)27]    _½__\\__\/__//__½_   Running Ami-express.       |
| ascii type: BOARD LOGO   _%½½½ \ (__) / ½½½%_                             |
| ascii says: Vultures    _½½ ____) _  (____ ½½_          Greetings Vulture |
|                         ½½¼/~¯  \  ' /  ¯~\¼½½                            |
|__________________________ /      \__/ ©sTZ \ _____________________________|

           _ __ __ _   ____     ___    __ _   ___   _____  _____
          / Y  |  Y \ |    |  _|   |_ |  Y \ |   |_|_ ___)|   __)
         /  |  |  |  \|   _|_(__   __)|  |  \|       | _) |     \
        /   |  |  |   \  |   \/     \ |  |   \   |   || \ |____  \
       /    |  |  |    \ |    \      \|  |    \  `---'|  \|   |   \
      /     '  |  `     \      \      \  `     \   |      \   |    \
    _/         |         \_     \_     \_       \_ |       \_   [©L]\_

.-] lUmiNatuS [-================-.'''```.-========-] tHe yeAr of dArkneSs [-.
|                           ½_   |      |   _½                              |
|    The first Chapter      ½½   |      |   ½½   Artist's Comments:         |
|                            ½  _|__--__|_  ½                               |
| ascii no. : [18(of)27]    _½__\\__\/__//__½_   Running Ami-express.       |
| ascii type: BOARD LOGO   _%½½½ \ (__) / ½½½%_                             |
| ascii says: Electric    _½½ ____) _  (____ ½½_             Greetings Flux |
|             Warrior     ½½¼/~¯  \  ' /  ¯~\¼½½                            |
|__________________________ /      \__/ ©sTZ \ _____________________________|

         ____    ____ ____     ____      __ ___   ____ ____
        |  __) _(__  |    \  _(__  |    |  (___)_(__  |    \
        |  |\ |   _  |  _  \|   _  |____|  |   |   _  |  _  \
        |  | \|   |  |  |   \   |  |    _  |   |   |  |  |   \
        |  |  \   |  |  |    \  |  |    |  |   |   |  |  |    \
        |      \  |  |  |     \ |  |    |  |   |   |  |  |     \
        |       \_   |  |      \_  |       |   |      |  |  [©L]\_
                       ___ _   ___ _____    ___
                      |   Y \ (___)   __) _|   |_
                      |   |  \|   |     \(__   __)
                      |  \_/  \   |____  \/     \
                      |   |    \  |   |   \      \
                      |   |     \ |   |    \      \
                      |   |      \_         \_     \_

.-] lUmiNatuS [-================-.'''```.-========-] tHe yeAr of dArkneSs [-.
|                           ½_   |      |   _½                              |
|    The first Chapter      ½½   |      |   ½½   Artist's Comments:         |
|                            ½  _|__--__|_  ½                               |
| ascii no. : [19(of)27]    _½__\\__\/__//__½_   Running ?                  |
| ascii type: BOARD LOGO   _%½½½ \ (__) / ½½½%_                             |
| ascii says: Winterland  _½½ ____) _  (____ ½½_       Greetings fisherking |
|                         ½½¼/~¯  \  ' /  ¯~\¼½½                            |
|__________________________ /      \__/ ©sTZ \ _____________________________|

   _ ___ _  ___ ____     ___    _____  ___   ____     ____ ____         __
  | Y   Y )(___)    \  _|   |_ |  ___)|   |_|_   |  _(__  |    \       |  |
  | |   | \|   |  _  \(__   __)|   _) |       | _|_|   _  |  _  \  ____|  |
  |   _    \   |  |   \/     \ |  | \ |   |   ||   \   |  |  |   \|    _  |
  |   |     \  |  |    \      \|  |  \|   `---'|    \  |  |  |    \    |  |
  |   |      \ |  |     \      \      \     |        \ |  |  |     \   |  |
  |   |       \_  |      \_     \_     \_   |         \_  |  |  [©L]\_    |

.-] lUmiNatuS [-================-.'''```.-========-] tHe yeAr of dArkneSs [-.
|                           ½_   |      |   _½                              |
|    The first Chapter      ½½   |      |   ½½   Artist's Comments:         |
|                            ½  _|__--__|_  ½                               |
| ascii no. : [20(of)27]    _½__\\__\/__//__½_   Running Ami-express.       |
| ascii type: BOARD LOGO   _%½½½ \ (__) / ½½½%_                             |
| ascii says: Checkpoint  _½½ ____) _  (____ ½½_       Greetings Thundercat |
|                         ½½¼/~¯  \  ' /  ¯~\¼½½                            |
|__________________________ /      \__/ ©sTZ \ _____________________________|

    ____  ___    _____  ____  ___ ____ ___________ ___ ____     ___
   |  __)|   |  |  ___)|  __)|   Y   /|   __  |   (___)    \  _|   |_
   |  |\ |   |_ |   _) |  |\ |   | _/ |  (__| |_  |   |  _  \(__   __)
   |  | \|   _ \|  | \ |  | \|      \ |       ||  |   |  |   \/     \
   |  |  \   |  \  |  \|  |  \   _   \|  `----'|  |   |  |    \      \
   |      \  |   \     \      \  |    \    ||  |  |   |  |     \      \
   |       \_|    \_    \_     \_|     \_  ||     |   |  |      \_ [©L]\_

.-] lUmiNatuS [-================-.'''```.-========-] tHe yeAr of dArkneSs [-.
|                           ½_   |      |   _½                              |
|    The first Chapter      ½½   |      |   ½½   Artist's Comments:         |
|                            ½  _|__--__|_  ½                               |
| ascii no. : [21(of)27]    _½__\\__\/__//__½_   Running Tempest.           |
| ascii type: BOARD LOGO   _%½½½ \ (__) / ½½½%_                             |
| ascii says: Nightline   _½½ ____) _  (____ ½½_          Greetings 4player |
|                         ½½¼/~¯  \  ' /  ¯~\¼½½                            |
|__________________________ /      \__/ ©sTZ \ _____________________________|

        ____   ___ ____   ___     ___    ____    ___ ____   _____
       |    \ (___)  __) |   |  _|   |_ |    |  (___)    \ |  ___)
       |  _  \|   | (_ \ |   |_(__   __)|   _|_ |   |  _  \|   _)
       |  |   \   |  |  \|   _ \/     \ |  |   \|   |  |   \  | \
       |  |    \  |  |   \   |  \      \|  |    \   |  |    \ |  \
       |  |     \ |       \  |   \      \        \  |  |     \    \
       |  |      \_        \_|    \_     \_       \_|  |  [©L]\_   \_

.-] lUmiNatuS [-================-.'''```.-========-] tHe yeAr of dArkneSs [-.
|                           ½_   |      |   _½                              |
|    The first Chapter      ½½   |      |   ½½   Artist's Comments:         |
|                            ½  _|__--__|_  ½                               |
| ascii no. : [22(of)27]    _½__\\__\/__//__½_   Running Ami-express.       |
| ascii type: BOARD LOGO   _%½½½ \ (__) / ½½½%_                             |
| ascii says: Eternity    _½½ ____) _  (____ ½½_           Greetings Woober |
|                         ½½¼/~¯  \  ' /  ¯~\¼½½                            |
|__________________________ /      \__/ ©sTZ \ _____________________________|

          _____    ___    _____  ___   ____   ___    ___   __ __
         |  ___) _|   |_ |  ___)|   |_|_   \ (___) _|   |_|  Y  )
         |   _) (__   __)|   _) |       |_  \|   |(__   __)  |  \
         |  | \  /     \ |  | \ |   |   ||   \   | /     \|      \
         |  |  \/       \|  |  \|   `---'|    \  |/       `--|    \
         |      \        \      \     |  |     \ |         \ |     \
         |       \_       \_     \_   |  |      \_          \_  [©L]\_

.-] lUmiNatuS [-================-.'''```.-========-] tHe yeAr of dArkneSs [-.
|                           ½_   |      |   _½                              |
|    The first Chapter      ½½   |      |   ½½   Artist's Comments:         |
|                            ½  _|__--__|_  ½                               |
| ascii no. : [23(of)27]    _½__\\__\/__//__½_   Running ?                  |
| ascii type: BOARD LOGO   _%½½½ \ (__) / ½½½%_                             |
| ascii says: Techno House_½½ ____) _  (____ ½½_           Greetings Wizler |
|                         ½½¼/~¯  \  ' /  ¯~\¼½½                            |
|__________________________ /      \__/ ©sTZ \ _____________________________|

                   ___    _____  ____  ___     ____    _____
                 _|   |_ |  ___)|  __)|   |   |    \  |     |
                (__   __)|   _) |  |\ |   |_  |  _  \ |  _  |
                 /     \ |  | \ |  | \|   _ \ |  |   \|  |  |
                /       \|  |  \|  |  \   |  \|  |    \  |  |
               /         \      \      \  |   \  |     \ |  |
             _/           \_     \_     \_|    \_|  [©L]\_  |
                    ___   _____ __ _   _____   _____
                   |   | |     |  Y \ |   __) |  ___)
                   |   |_|  _  |  |  \|     \ |   _)
                   |   _ \  |  |  |   \____  \|  | \
                   |   |  \ |  |  |    \  |   \  |  \
                   |   |   \|  |  `     \ |    \     \
                   |   |    \_ |         \_     \_    \_

.-] lUmiNatuS [-================-.'''```.-========-] tHe yeAr of dArkneSs [-.
|                           ½_   |      |   _½                              |
|    The first Chapter      ½½   |      |   ½½   Artist's Comments:         |
|                            ½  _|__--__|_  ½                               |
| ascii no. : [24(of)27]    _½__\\__\/__//__½_   Running Sigma-express.     |
| ascii type: BOARD LOGO   _%½½½ \ (__) / ½½½%_                             |
| ascii says: Lost Legend _½½ ____) _  (____ ½½_             Greetings Junk |
|                         ½½¼/~¯  \  ' /  ¯~\¼½½                            |
|__________________________ /      \__/ ©sTZ \ _____________________________|

                      ____      ____ _____    ___
                     |    |   _(__  |   __) _|   |_
                     |   _|_ |   _  |     \(__   __)
                     |  |   \|   |  |____  \/     \
                     |  |    \   |  |   |   \      \
                     |        \  |  |   |    \      \
                     |         \_   |         \_ [©L]\_
                 ____   _____  ____  _____  ____         __
                |    | |  ___)|  __)|  ___)|    \       |  |
                |   _|_|   _) | (_ \|   _) |  _  \  ____|  |
                |  |   \  | \ |  |  \  | \ |  |   \|    _  |
                |  |    \ |  \|  |   \ |  \|  |    \    |  |
                |        \    \       \    \  |     \   |  |
                |         \_   \_      \_   \_|      \_    |

.-] lUmiNatuS [-================-.'''```.-========-] tHe yeAr of dArkneSs [-.
|                           ½_   |      |   _½                              |
|    The first Chapter      ½½   |      |   ½½   Artist's Comments:         |
|                            ½  _|__--__|_  ½                               |
| ascii no. : [25(of)27]    _½__\\__\/__//__½_   Running Sigma express.     |
| ascii type: BOARD LOGO   _%½½½ \ (__) / ½½½%_                             |
| ascii says: Access      _½½ ____) _  (____ ½½_             Greetings Siro |
|             Denied      ½½¼/~¯  \  ' /  ¯~\¼½½                            |
|__________________________ /      \__/ ©sTZ \ _____________________________|

                 ____ ____  ____  _____  _____   _____
               _(__  |  __)|  __)|  ___)|   __) |   __)
              |   _  |  |\ |  |\ |   _) |     \ |     \
              |   |  |  | \|  | \|  | \ |____  \|____  \
              |   |  |  |  \  |  \  |  \|   |   \   |   \
              |   |  |      \     \     \   |    \  |    \
              |      |       \_    \_    \_       \_  [©L]\_
                     __ _____  ____    ___ _____       __
                    |  |  ___)|    \  (___)  ___)     |  |
                ____|  |   _) |  _  \ |   |   _)  ____|  |
               |    _  |  | \ |  |   \|   |  | \ |    _  |
               |    |  |  |  \|  |    \   |  |  \|    |  |
               |    |  |      \  |     \  |      \    |  |
               |       |       \_|      \_|       \_     |

.-] lUmiNatuS [-================-.'''```.-========-] tHe yeAr of dArkneSs [-.
|                           ½_   |      |   _½                              |
|    The first Chapter      ½½   |      |   ½½   Artist's Comments:         |
|                            ½  _|__--__|_  ½                               |
| ascii no. : [26(of)27]    _½__\\__\/__//__½_   Running Ami-express.       |
| ascii type: BOARD LOGO   _%½½½ \ (__) / ½½½%_                             |
| ascii says: Boondocks   _½½ ____) _  (____ ½½_          Greetings Sal-one |
|                         ½½¼/~¯  \  ' /  ¯~\¼½½                            |
|__________________________ /      \__/ ©sTZ \ _____________________________|

     __    _____ _____ ____          __ _____ ____  ___ ____ _____
    |  |  |     |     |    \        |  |     |  __)|   Y   /|   __)
    |  |_ |  _  |  _  |  _  \   ____|  |  _  |  |\ |   | _/ |     \
    |  _ \|  |  |  |  |  |   \ |    _  |  |  |  | \|      \ |____  \
    |  |  \  |  |  |  |  |    \|    |  |  |  |  |  \   _   \|   |   \
    |  |   \ |  |  |  |  |     \    |  |  |  |      \  |    \   |    \
    |       \_  |     |  |      \_     |     |       \_|     \_   [©L]\_

.-] lUmiNatuS [-================-.'''```.-========-] tHe yeAr of dArkneSs [-.
|                           ½_   |      |   _½                              |
|    The first Chapter      ½½   |      |   ½½   Artist's Comments:         |
|                            ½  _|__--__|_  ½                               |
| ascii no. : [27(of)27]    _½__\\__\/__//__½_   Running Ami-express.       |
| ascii type: BOARD LOGO   _%½½½ \ (__) / ½½½%_                             |
| ascii says: Dial Hard   _½½ ____) _  (____ ½½_             Greetings Fury |
|                         ½½¼/~¯  \  ' /  ¯~\¼½½                            |
|__________________________ /      \__/ ©sTZ \ _____________________________|

              __ ___   ____ ____         ___      ____ ___        __
             |  (___)_(__  |    |       |   |   _(__  |   |___   |  |
         ____|  |   |   _  |   _|_      |   |_ |   _  |       |__|  |
        |    _  |   |   |  |  |   \     |   _ \|   |  |   |   |  _  |
        |    |  |   |   |  |  |    \    |   |  \   |  |   `---'  |  |
        |    |  |   |   |  |        \   |   |   \  |  |     |    |  |
        |       |   |      |         \_ |   |    \_   | [©L]|       |
        `-------'---'------'----------' `---^-----'---'-----'-------'

           ____     _______  _______  __|   :____   _______.____
         _/   _|__.____   /./  __  /./  _   |____)_/  _    | __/_
         \    \   |  _/  / |  ____/ |   \   |     \_  \____|__   \_
 .-----                                                              ------.
 :::.  Contents Logo: sTZ/sE  Index Logo:bY!/sE  Credits Logo: uMn/aC!  .:::
 :::::.                                                               .:::::
   ::.    File_ID.Diz: nup/dCS Respect Logo: ÷e÷  Info Logo: vtr/vDL   .::
   ::|                                                                 |::
   ::|     Message Logo: t/lp!  All other artwork by: Chill^Faction   |::
   ::|                                                           ______|
     |________ .......... _\_______¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾. _____.  :::::::::::     |_
___.___\_    /:   ......:   \     / ¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾     _|__:·        :      /___
   :   _/   /_:   ...::..____\    \ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾·   _|    /   :::::::     |
   |___\      /   `:    \    |\    \¾¾¾¾    \_________\    ::::::_____| :::
    ... \    /:........./__________¾¾¾¾¾¾ ÷e÷         :.        :       :::
    :::  \  /                        \                :::::::::::       :::
  zoltrix sal-one shadower pcp gunda mark-ryder exon ghandy candyman numen
vulture ice-d carnifex_ lazzer ecs boone Mixer wade exie zinko axl datastream
fungus etrigan highlander wraith radavi franky digiman apu^hlm fate muad 'dib
the_welder taxi gdm son_doobie tryac talon steel wizkid amon  dansken epsilon
lucas  d-vize ramonster evil_haka cruise snuskis storm mario whirlwind dentist
vampire b_dcs rage doc_us [sonik] crusader GK^OTL Zaner Trivial Hellraiser &
nes rebel^qtx pahn^trsi tulsadoom case & all the guys from channel #amielite many!

......                     ::                                                 :
     :                    ::::                                              :
     .                    ....                                              :
     :                    ::::................                              :
     :. ..................::::           :::: .... I n f o r m a t i o n ...:
          ::::            ::::         ..::::.
 __.____. :: ______ ______ ______ ___  ___ : _____  .__     __.______ ____.
.) |)   |___.) _  (_) ._ /.) ._ (_)  \/  /.__\_  (__| (__  .) |) ._ /.)   |__
|    ._ |  (|  /___.  |/  | _|/ _/   \/   |)   _.  \_  _/__|     |/  | ._ | (.
|    |/ :       _/ |  /   : \    |_ _/    |    \|      |  (|     /     |/ :  |
|____/__________|  |_________\____/_\__________________________________/_____|
- -- ------------------------------------::::--------------------:vtr^vDL- --
                                       ..::::.....::::::         ::::
Asc²ist ..Chill^fTN                    ::::       ::::::         ::::
Machine ../\miga 12oo
Program ..CygnusEd 4·2 Pro  Origlength ..o1o25 lines  Filename ..FTN-TYOD.TXT
Support ..Caffeine,Hashish    Origsize .o6264o bytes  Released ....[31/10/99]
         .        _______________________              .          ::
         .       /|                      |             .          ::
        .. . . ./ |                      | . . . . . . ...........::...
         .    ./__|   H i s t o r Y      |             .              .
         .    |                          | _ __        .              .
         .    |            o f       ._____.  //_______._______________
      .____.  |     ___.    ____    _|     |_ ______   _______ _____  //___ _
      |    |____.__(___|__./ __(____\_     _/   _   \._\___   \\    \_____
      |   _     |         |_____     |     |    /    |   _/  _/.\    \   /
      |___/     |_____________(/     |_____|_________|___\     |        /
   = ====/______|=============/______|============tF!/u'R!\____|_______/=== =
         .    .                          .             .
         .    |   c.H.I.L.L ^ f.T.N _____|_            .
        .. . .| \                  (.---- _) . . . . . ..
         .    | \\                   ¯¯¯¯|             .
|[No.#] Collection Title:      | Release Date: | Origsize:   |  Filename:   |
|[#oo2].Big A Little A.........:...11/12/1998..|1o359o.bytes.|.FTN-BALA.TXT.|
|[#oo3].The Word Of Power......:...21/01/1999..|.8o4oo.bytes.|.FTN-TWOP.TXT.|
|[#oo4].Death Of A Farmer......:...24/02/1999..|.4755o.bytes.|.FTN-DOAF.TXT.|
|[#oo5].Luminatus Chapter I....:...31/10/1999..|.6264o.bytes.|.FTN-TYOD.TXT.|
     :::::                               |Total:33518o bytes.|:::::::::::
     :::::                               `-------------------'         ::
--------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---\\:
  __  ____  ___       ______   ______ _____  ___t^lp!___     ______          .
./ _\/ . /.(  /_ _____\_  _/___\_  _// _  /./ _/____(  /_ ___\_  _/          :
|  \   |  |   _/  \   _/  \    _/  \/  /   |  \_  /.   _/ \  _/  \ ·messages·|
|___\__|__:________\  |\   \   |\   \__\___:___/___|______/  |\   \          |
--------- - -----/__________\________\---------------- -/__________\------- -:
 evil_haka: Well M you were true to your word
            you'll hear from me soon.Brøøøøøl  zoltrix: modern technology now|
            You lamuh packey m0nkey.           I bet it broke your heart to
                                               delete all those files.When r |
 REbEL^QtX: Good to have another uK BBS back  we gonna install myth^backup?!?|
            on the scene.Just like old times
            Your /X conference is the best!!  hraiser: Put that 16 year old  :
                                              down and do summit.hahahahhah  :
 Zaner: Great BBS man..I love your Linux conf Lets hopethe webpage goes on as:
        and very nice design also.Love the ol it looks very promising........
        ascii gazette as  well.You & the team                                :
        do a  great job.Looking forward to my                                |
        review... =p                          A big hi to all Faction membas |
------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- ---\\:

  World Premire of this collection   _ _                        _ _
     ..... ....                     .)\\-[ spaced out bbs U.K ]-//(.
          :......                   :                              :
        ________:                   |                              |_____
        \     _/   ________       __|_              _____     _____\__ _ |
      ___\__  \ :__\_     / ______\_  \  ____    __(   _/___ /      _/// |
     /   __/   \|   /    /./     __/   \/  _/____\_ _      // _     \    |
    /    |\     \   \_____|      \|     \  \      /./_____/  _\__________:
   /_____________\    \  /_______________\ /       |___________\   |
                l______\   t^/lp!   : /____________|               |
                                    |                 .____.       |
     node.1 - united kingdom        |            _____|    |______ :
     node.2 - united kingdom        |    _______/     /    _\    /_|
     node.3 - telnet dynamic        |   /      ·\    /|   _\      /|
     node.4 - telnet dynamic        |  /        \\________\/      \|
                                    | /___________\       /________\
        This collection was         |                              |
                                    |                              :
   First released On Faction WHQ    |_
                                    |/·   Master Of Ceremonies    _:
    Spaced Out - The Fine Line      |                            ·\|
    . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .     |      Z  O  L  T  R  I  X     |
                                    |                              |
   [==-=========-==========-===]    : _                        _ _ |

           F A C T i O N                      World Headquarters
           L o W  P r O F i L E               World Headquarters
           F A i R L i G H T          United Kingdom Headquarter
           R O Y A L                  United Kingdom Headquarter
           R A M  J A M               United Kingdom Headquarter
           L i g h t f o r c e        United Kingdom Headquarter
           L o o k e r   H o u s e    United Kingdom Headquarter
           X!-T r e K                 United Kingdom Headquarter
           O u t l a w s              United Kingdom Headquarter
           DiGiTAL CoRRUPTiON         United Kingdom Headquarter
           F A i T H                  United Kingdom Headquarter
           Save Our Souls             United Kingdom Headquarter
           Tristar & Red Sector Inc   United Kingdom Headquarter

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ                     ___
_ ___________  _____/  /_ ___________
 \\\  ______ \/  ___   _  /  ______  \
nup/  _/ _   /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /- ----
  /  //__/  /\____/  /__/\____/__/  /Faction
./__/   \  /     \  /           /___\-- ---.
|        \/       \/                       |
|          Chill^Faction presents          |
|                                          |
|Luminatus·Chapter One·The year of Darkness|

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
  ×××××××××××××××××××× ·evil·to·he·who·evil·thinks· ×××××××××××××××××××××××
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
   __________   ______________________  _____________________  _\_________
   \    ____/___\________   \______   \/     _______  ___   /__ _\____    \
   /\_______     /   ________/   _/    \    |      /  \____/   \_     |    \
  /_____________/______/   \_____|      \_________/_____________/__________/
         :                       :_______/-cRZ                      .
         |                       :                                  |
         !                                                          :
         !             -(· sPACED oUT ·)-(· 1oo % aMiGA ·)-         !
         |                                                          |
         :                         ___________                      !
         |             ____________\_____  __/____________          |
         :            /   __    \__     /  \____   ______/          :
         `-----------/     /    _/     /    _/       \_-------------·
 wHEN iT cOMES tO sUPPORTiNG tHE aMiGA, tHIS iS a 100% oNLY AMiGA bOARD!    |
            ___________    ____                                             |
     ______/   \__//   \__/____\      tHE tIME       05:01:37               |
   _/   \_/  :           //____\\     tHE dATE      10-31-1999              |
  /|      :  :  ..      /        \    tHE nODE          01                  |
 | |     ::     ::      \        /    tHE dEWD      chill                   |
 | |     :|     ||     \ \______/                                           |
 | |  _  ||     ||  __  |\  /  |      FiNE LiNE bBS aCCEPTS nO SHiT!        |
  \|     ||     ||      |   / | \                                           |
   | ___ || ___ || ____ |  / /_\ \    LEAVE tHE AMiNET oN dA fUCKiNG NET!   |
   |  _  ||  _  ||  __  | /  /    \                                         |
    \___/  \___/ |      |/__/      \  BACK oNLiNE oNCE aGAiN! cALL uS sOON! |
                 _\____/    \      /                                        |
 WE WANT YOU !  /____             /   100% pURE AMiGA fILEZ nOTHiNG eLSE !! |
 FIND US !     /     \           /                                          |
 CALL US !     \______\_________/     hOME tO gALAHAD^FLT aGa FiXES         |

                               __ _/\¦/\_ __    
               __/\__ _ _  __ _/(_)  |  (_)\_ __  _ _ __/\__  iF U sOFT
aMIGA          \    /   ( /_/\\_     |     _//\_\ )   \    /  gET lOST!
 tERROR        /_  _\     \_\/_/   @ | @   \_\/_/     /_  _\
  wORLDWIDE      \/           \__   _|_   __/           \/   sHARP aS a kNIFE
          _ ___ _____/\_ ___/\__/\__).(__/\__/\___ _/\_____ ___ _
          \\\__\\_____ (_) __ ___  (_¦_)  ___ __ (_) _____//__/// dAS fLEISCH
fICKEN   _          \___  /  \/| _ _ _ _ _ |\/  \  ___/          _ GEWORDENE
uND     /(___ _/\_____ / /_ _ _| | | | | | |_ _ _\ \ _____/\_ ___)\  bOESE
tOETEN /    (_)  \_    \/    \\_ |_|_|_|_| _//    \/    _/  (_)    \ 
      /          _/      _  _ _| | | | | | |_ _  _      \_          \
      \                  ( (_)\_ | | | | | _/(_) )                  /  
    /\ \   WE W¿LL NEVER      _/ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ \_       WE W¿LL NEVER  / /\
    \/ /     SURRENDER  _ __/\\__ _\   /_ __//\__ _  COMPROMISE!   \ \/
      /                 \\\__/  \/  \_/  \/  \__///                 \
      \                  ¯  __/\           /\__  ¯                  /
       \  __________________\__/           \__/__________________  /
i HATe  \(                    __/\       /\__                    )/ 
PC ANd I ¯                    \__/  ___  \__/                    ¯
WONt STOp                       __/\\_//\__
              ONL¿NE UNTIL BUST \__/ _ \__/ ONL¿NE B¿S ZUM KNAST
                                  __/ \__
                   ;)             \_____/   WE WOULD DiE FOR COMMODoRE

                   ^ ^ ^ SPONSORED BY FRAUENKOERPER ^ ^ ^ 

                         /___________ø_ (- THE YARD BBS -)
     ._________________///   ________:                          ____
  ___|_______ ____.    /  ___\_      |___   ___\      _____  __/_   \
  \     _   //   _|__  __/_    \     |   \ /    \  __/_    \/   /    \
   \___/    ø   /    \/   /    /     |_   /      \/   /   _/   /      \
     _/     :  /_     \_ /____/¯\_____/  /       /   /_    \__________/
     \______|    \_____/_________/ /____/        \_____\_____//
         \_______|                     /____________\©nUP

          tHE yARD tEAM: zANEr ÷ diPSWiTCH ÷ hAsH ÷ NINjA ÷ mOOL


  ÷ 2 nODES wITH 33k6 - 2 nODES wITH iSDN - 4 nODES tELNET wITH sTATIC iP ÷