File Archive

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File size:
39 658 bytes (38.73K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 372


.---- --- -- - - --- ----.                   .__     .--- --- -- - - -- -- ---.
| -+ LordsCave Almere +- |  __/\___ ____: ___|  \    | -+ LordsCave Almere +- |
|                        .   _     Y    |/   |   \   |                        .
:  Nd1: +31/36-533-5138  :   |     :    |\_____   \  :  Nd2: +31/36-534-4665  :
.                        .   |    \_/   |/   |/    \ .                        .
:       ZyXEL 19K2       :   |  ___|    |\   ._____/ :      UsR V34 28K8      :
|                                                               .____.        |
|          __/\_________/\_________/\______________ ___/\_______|    |__      |
:         /   __________   ____________    /____   \ __   _______    __/      |
:         \____    \  /   ____/__/   _/___/_ __/  _/ /   ____/__|    |        :
.         |  |/     \/    \     /    \     / \__   \/    \     /|    |        .
:         |  . _____/\_______  /\_______  /___/   _\\_______  / |    |        :
.       +-|____/------------\_/--------\_/---/_______/-----\_/--|____|-+      .
.                                                        _____                :
          ___________/\  ______________/\_____ ___/\_____\_   \ :______       .
.        /____________ \  _______   \_______  \\__  ______|    \|    _/
        / \__   | /__/  \  |  __/  _/ |   |/   \_/ ____/__|   . \    |        .
        \   /   |/ \__   \ |  \__   \ |   .     /  \     /|    \     |
.        \___   |___/     \|___/     \|______  /\_____  / |    |\____|        .
^                                                                             ^
H=------ ------ --- - sYSoP: LoRD MaDNeSS aKa DeaTHFLoWeR - --- ------ ------=H

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ          ._____
.\_____   /_____    __   ._____/ _____   /
¦   _/___/.    l    /    l_    |   _/___/.
        mADe bY:    sCARFACE/eDGE!
     "dUNNO!" dUTCH bOARDz! pART dEUX!

   _____________________ ___________________________________________
   \_           \_      Y    \_      _    \_      _    \_           \_
    |      |     |      |     |      |     |      |     |      |     |
    |      l.    |      |     |      |     |      |     |      |     |

                             pART 2.01a beta!

 (if you have the fully cracked & registrated version, then send it 2 me!)

                  .                                         .
                  . .. . .. . .. . ... . ... . .. . .. . .. .
             . ...:.                                       .:... .
           .  . ...                                         ... .  .

      Well, welcome again to another asc²-© by the man also known as 
                             "The Lumberjack!"

         It seems like only a week ago I'd released my first one!
                     (but that's probably bcoz it is!)

                          Anywayz, enuff crap...

     This time around I decided to make some "rEADY-2-uSE" board ads,
    in addition to the regulair ads! -> I'll leave that 2 the sysops!:)

           Again you'll only find dutch boards in this colly...
             Maybe sumday, sumwhere, I'll make a foreign 1 2!

           .  . ...                                         ... .  .
             . .....                                       ..... .            
                  : .. . .. . .. . ... . ... . .. . .. . .. :
                  .                                         .

                          Life's a piece of shit,
                           When you look at it,
               Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true.
                        You'll see it's all a show,
                       Keep 'em laughing as you go.
               Just remember that the last laugh is on you.

     ______________ ______.________._____________
     \_      \_    Y  \_   \   \_   \   \_       \_                 ·
      |   |    \_. |    \_  \    \_  \    \_  |.   \_               :
      |   l.    /  |     /        /        /  |     /               ¦
      l____    /____    /__\     /__\     /____    /==[pART dEUX!]==¦
          \___/    \___/    \___/    \___/    \___/-----------------'

                     Completely coded in CeD-Pro V3.5


     _/ _______/  _   _/  _  \_   _  \_   _   _/  _   _/  _   _/  _    _/
     \_____   |   |___|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |___|   |    |
      |   |   |   |   |   _   |    --{|   |___|   _   |   |   |   _____|
      |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   ___||   |   |   |   |   |   |
 __   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | __
 \ \\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\\ \
  \ \\                [·sCARFACE^eDGE^mODEM^oRGANIZER!·]                \\ \
      |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
      |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
      |_______|_______|   |___|   |___|   |   |   |___|_______|   |   |
                      |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|d!         |_______|

      ______________________________________________________  _____.
      \_______\_      _    \_           \_      _____\_     \/     |
       |       |      |     |      |     |      ______|     /      |
       |       |      |     |      l.    |      l     |      /     |

     .----------------------)>-[ I N D E X ]-<(---------------------.
     ¦                                                              ¦


                         tHE uNDISCOVERED    }-R2UA!
                           tHE hOUSEhOLD     }-R2UA!
                            aTMOSPHERE       }-R2UA!
                            nIGHT tOWN       }-R2UA!
                             bOONDOCKS       }-R2UA!
                      tHE aLTAR oF sACRIFICE }-R2UA!
                          mYSTICAL pLACES    }-R2UA!

                         R2UA! -> Ready 2 Use Ads!

                            [.tOTAL cONFUSION.]
                            [.tHE lAST rESORT.]
                            [.rUINS oF wISDOM.]
                            [....eSTA lOCO....]
                            [.wORLD oF eLITE..]
                            [.sOUTHERN tRIBE..]
                            [...nIGHT tOWN....]

    Ahh.. fuck it! I hate making indexes (sounds like a dissease eh?!)

  · -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------.
   Madam, without you, life would be like a broken pencil... pointless! |
  ·- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------'
     `---------------------.                   .--------------------'

          ___  /\___ «*»·-=[ THE UNDISCOVERED ]=-·«*» ___/\  ___

_____________.____________      ·
\____   ______\  \_   ____\_    :.---------------------------------------.
 .·|      \_   \   \_  __\____  ¦¦   T·H·E· ·U·N·D·I·S·C·O·V·E·R·E·D!·   ¦
 ::|       /  __    /  \     /  ¦¦iNFECT eHQ! dELIGHT dHQ! mYSTIC bETA hQ¦
 ¦:l__    /___/    /____    /::.¦¦     sYSOP ¡Z -[mAUD'dIB/dELIGHT!]-    ¦
____._______._________________________________  ·[nO^nUP]^[aMIGA^cONSOLE]·
\_   \  \_   \   \_       \______\_   _______/  :.-----------------------.
:|    \   \_  \    \_  |    \_     \_____   \_  ¦¦ +31-229-444-42   28k8!¦
:|    /    /        /  l_    /      /        /  ¦¦ +31-229-414-42   28k8!¦
:l____    /__\     /____    /__   ·/____    /::.¦¦ +31-229-pRIVATE! 28k8!¦
\_   ___\_       \_   \   \_   ____\_  ___  \_   ____\_       \_ -O-:
:|   |    \_  |    \_  \    \_  __\____  _   /__  __\____  |    \_: ¦
:|   l     /  |     /  /     /  \     /  \     /  \     /  l_    /  ¦
:l____    /____    /____    /____    /___/    /____    /____    /::.¦

    · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------.
             What does 'it' mean in the sentence "What time is it?" ? |
    ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------'

            ___  /\___ «*»·-=[ THE HOUSEHOLD ]=-·«*» ___/\  ___

_____________.____________    ·     _ _   _ _   _ _   _ _   _ _
\____   ______\  \_   ____\_  : ·   _//\  _//\  _//\  _//\  _//\   ·
  ·|      \_   \   \_  __\____¦ ·   _\\/  _\\/  _\\/  _\\/  _\\/   ·
  ·|       /  __    /  \     /¦ :                                  :
  :l__    /___/    /____    /.¦ ¦ eFFECT hIDDEN hQ! ^ mO[l]EN wHQ! ¦
  `--\___/----\___/----\___/--' `----------------------------------'
____._________________.______________________    ·tHE cLEANING-lADIES
\_   \   \_       \_   \   \_   _______  ____\_  : .---------------.
·|    \    \_  |    \_  \    \_____   \_  __\____¦ ¦  mSW/eFFECT!  ¦
·|    __    /  |     /  /     /        /  \     /¦ ¦  hAWK/eFFECT  ¦
:l____/    /____    /____    /____    /____    /.¦ ¦ rADAVI/eFFECT ¦
`-----\___/----\___/----\___/----\___/----\___/--' `---------------'
____._____________________ _________    ·
\_   \   \_       \_      |\_       \_  :   [aMIGA]^[PC]^[mODULES]^[mORE!]
·|    \    \_  |    \_  __|_|__  |    \_¦ .--------------------------------.
·|    __    /  |     /  \     /  l_    /¦ ¦ nODE #1  +31-340-267-278  21k6 ¦
:l____/    /____    /____    /____    /.¦ ¦ nODE #2  +31-340-pRIVATE  14k4 ¦

    · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------.
                           Do you have lysdexia?                      |
    ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------'

             ___  /\___ «*»·-=[ ATMOSPHERE ]=-·«*» ___/\  ___
_____________________  .________._____________·    .                  .
\_____  \___    ___  \/ \_       \_   _______/: .--^------------------^--.
·|   Y    \_     \_       \_  |    \_____   \_¦ ¦    [-fRIENDS iNC!]     ¦
·|   _     /      /  \/    /  |     /   /    /¦ ¦ [-lAST pOETS sOCIETY!] ¦
:l___/   ·/___   /___/    /____   ·/____    /.¦ ¦     [-cRYOGENIC!]      ¦
`----\___/---\__/----\___/----\___/----\___/--' `--÷------------------÷--'
___________._______________________________    ·[nUP]^[aMIGA^cONSOLE^aSC²]
\_   __   / \   \_   ____\_  ___  \_   ____\_  : .-÷------------------÷--.
·|    ___/   \    \_  __\____  _   /__  __\____¦ ¦ +31-340-889-039  28k8 ¦
·|    ·||    __    /  \     /  \     /  \     /¦ ¦  [-dELITE/lPS/cRY!-]  ¦
:l_____|l____/    /____    /___/    /____    /.¦ ¦ +31-340-889-039  28k8 ¦

    · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------.
             Jesus died for your sins. Make it worth his time.        |
    ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------'

             ___  /\___ «*»·-=[ NIGHT TOWN ]=-·«*» ___/\  ___
____.________________________.________________ .
\_   \   \______\_   ___ \_   \   \___    ___/ :.---------------------------.
·|    \    \_     \_ \___  \_  \    \_     \_  ¦¦[-mAF!A wHQ!^gANGLAND dHQ!]¦
·|          /      /   /    /  __    /      /. ¦¦·[-aMIGA! 0/2^cEWL cONFS!]·¦
:l___\     /__   ·/___     /___/    /___   /::.¦¦[-a¹²°°/²5mHZ/6mB^²48mB hD]¦
______________________.________.____      ..--------------------------------.
\____   ____     \_    \   \_   \   \_    :¦sYSO iZ: iNFERNO/mAF!A/gANGLAND!¦
  .|      \_  |    \_  /\    \_  \    \_  ¦¦ cO-oPZ: bART sIMPSON ^ dIABLO! ¦
  ·|       /  |     /    \    /        /. ¦¦+31-703-871-583 (14k4) sOON 28k8¦
  :l__    /____    /_____    /__\     /::.¦: .::[-N·I·G·H·T·-·T·O·W·N!-]::. :
  `--\___/----\___/-----\___/----\___/sCf!'·                                ·

   · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------.
                        Sex is like a bridge game;                   |
               if you have a good hand no partner is needed.         |
   ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------'

              ___  /\___ «*»·-=[ BOONDOCKS ]=-·«*» ___/\  ___
\_   .  \_   .  \_   .  \_  \   \_   .  \_   .  \_   ___\_  \   \_   ______/
·|   l_   \_ |    \_ |    \_ \    \_ |    \_ |    \_ |    \_ \·  /_____   \_
·|   l_    / |     / |     /       / l_    / |     / l     / __    /       /
:l____    /___    /___    /_\     /___    /___    /___    /__/    /___    /

     [·tRIStAR aND rED^sECTOR ¡NC!··lSD!··oRIGIN! aMIGA eUROPEAN Hq!·]
             [·sUNFLEX iNC. dUTCH hQ!·] [·pARADOX dIST.sITE!·]
       [·tHE oRGANIZED cRIME aMIGA dIST!·] [·aRT-cORE! eUROPEAN hQ!·]
                            sYSOP: [-s/\L-oNE!-] 
                    [eCS/tRSI/tRSI!] [aSTRO/mOVEMENT!]
         ---»> nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORD! <«---

-[ +31-(0)-548-040-653 ]--[ +31-(0)-548-021-716 ]--[ +31-(0)-548-021-848 ]-
     -[ 16k8 dUAL ]-          -[ 16k8 dUAL ]-          -[ 16k8 dUAL ]-

   · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------.
        If it wasn't for C, we would be using BASI, PASAL and OBOL.  |
   ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------'

       ___  /\___ «*»·-=[ THE ALTAR OF SACRIFICE ]=-·«*» ___/\  ___
    ________________._________________________     _________________  ·
·T· \_____  \_      |___     ______  \_  ___  \_   \_      \_   ____\_:
 ·  .|   Y    \_  __|_|__     \_  Y    \_  _   /__  |   |    \_  __\_ ¦
·H· ·|   _     /  \     /      /  _     /  \     /·:|   |     /  \    ¦
 ·  :l___/   ·/____    /___  ·/___/    /___/    /.:·l____   ·/____\::.¦
·E· `----\___/----\___/---\__/----\___/----\___/--'`----\sCf/---------'
|   __________  \_    ___\_  ___  \______\_   ____\___\_    ___\_   ____\_
|____    \_  Y    \_  |    \_  _   /__     \_  __\_     \_  |    \_  __\____
|         /  _     /  l     /  \     /      /  \         /  l     /  \     /
l____   ·/___/    /____   ·/___/    /__   ·/____\___   ·/____    /____    /
¦:.        :                                 :           :               .:¦
¦-²·³g¿GS!]^[·A²°°°/68°³°/6888²/²5mHz pOWER·]^[·2/nODES·]^[·aM¡·0-dAY oNLY!¦
¦·nODE 1 : +31-47-463321 (28.8DS!)·]^[·nODE 2 : +31-47-pRIVATe!! (16.8DS!)·¦
`------------------------[-S·T·O·O·P·I·D- -W·H·Q-]-------------------------'

   · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------.
            If at first you don't succeed, work for Microsoft.       |
   ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------'

           ___  /\___ «*»·-=[ MYSTICAL PLACES ]=-·«*» ___/\  ___
____________._____________________________________________________.    ·
\_      \_   \   \_   ________    ______\_    __________  \_      |    :
·|        \_  \    \_____   \_     \_     \_  |    \_  Y    \_  __|____¦
·|   \/    /___     /   /    /      /      /  l     /  _     /  \     /¦
:l___/    /____    /____    /___   /__   ·/____    /___/   ·/____    / ¦
________________.________________________________________ ·.---------------.
\_   __  \_     |_______  \_    _______ ____\_   _______/ :¦ mYTH wORLD hQ ¦
·|    ____/   __|____  Y    \_  |    \_  __\________   \_ ¦¦ fOUR! nODEZ!! ¦
·|    |   |   \     /  _     /  l     /  \     /   /    / ¦¦ nUP rEQUIRED! ¦
:l____|   |____    /___/   ·/____   ./____    /____    /:.¦¦mYSTICAL pLACES¦
`-------------\___/----\___/----\___/----\___/----\___/---'¦aLL nODz 28k8!!¦
.------------------.--------------.------------------------'               ¦
¦··sYSOP: tHC/mYTH·]^[·21k6 pOWER·]^[·/X 4.x·]^[·68030 40 mHz·]^[·1.3 gIG··¦
¦···cO-OPZ: eUROSOFT/mYTH-^-cREW-1/mYTH-^-t/\RGET/tFA-^-bABYFACE/lEGEND!···¦
¦···nODE 1+2+3: +31-104-779-507 <rINGDOWN> ·]^[· nODE 4: +31-104-774-218···¦
`---------------------------[-M·Y·T·H- -W·H·Q-]----------------------------'

   · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------.
           Never hit a man with glasses; hit him with your fist.     |
   ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------'

              ___  /\___ «*»·-=[ STALLION ]=-·«*» ___/\  ___
________________________________.________.____________________.____     ·
\_  _________   ______  \_      |        |_______\_       \_   \   \_   :
·l_____   \_     \_  Y    \_  __|____  __|____     \_  |    \_  \    \_ ¦
·|    /    /      /  _     /  \     /  \     /      /  |     /        / ¦
:l____    /___   /___/   ·/____    /____    /__   ·/____   ·/__\     /:.¦

   · -- - -------------------------------------------------------------.
     I know where I'm going... I just can't remember how to get there. |
   ·- -- --------------------------------------------------------------'

           ___  /\___ «*»·-=[ TOTAL CONFUSION ]=-·«*» ___/\  ___

\____   ____     \___    ______  \_      |
   |      \_  |    \_     \_  Y    \_  __|____
   |       /  |     /      /  _     /  \     /
   l__    /____    /__    /___/   ·/____    /
     \___/    \___/  \___/    \___/    \___/sCf!
\_   ___\_      \_   \   \_   _____\   \_   ___________\_       \_   \   \_
 |   |    \_ |    \_  \    \_  __\  \    \_____   \_     \_  |    \_  \    \_
 |   l     / |     /        /  \    /     /        /      /  |     /        /
 l____   ·/___    /__\     /____\____    /____    /__   ·/____    /__\     /
     \___/   \___/    \___/         \___/    \___/  \___/    \___/    \___/

  · -- - ----------------------------------------------------------------.
   You can never tell which way the train went by looking at the tracks. |
   ·- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------'

               ___  /\___ «*»·-=[ CYCLONE ]=-·«*» ___/\  ___

     ____________._____________________._____________._____________      ·
     \_   ___\_   \   \_    ___\_      |\_       \_   \   \_   ____\_    :
     ·|   |    \_  \    \_  |    \_  __|_|_   |    \_  \    \_  __\____  ¦
     :|   l     /___     /  l     /  \     /  |     /        /  \     /. ¦
     ¦l____   ·/____    /____   ·/____    /____   ·/__\     /____    /::.¦

   · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------.
                 SDRAWKCAB spelled backwards is backwards.           |
   ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------'

           ___  /\___ «*»·-=[ THE LAST RESORT ]=-·«*» ___/\  ___
_____________.____________      · _______._______________________________ ·
\____   ______\  \_   ____\_    : \_     |_______  \_   ________     ___/ :
 .·|      \_   \   \_  __\____  ¦ .|   __|____  Y    \____    \_      \_  ¦
 ::|       /  __    /  \     /  ¦ :|   \     /  _     /        /       /  ¦
 ¦:l__    /___/    /____    /::.¦ ¦l____    /___/    /____   ·/___    /::.¦
 `---\___/----\___/----\___/----' `----\___/----\___/----\___/---\___/----'
       __________________________________________________________ .
       \_  ___  \_   ____\_    _______     \_  ___  \___     ___/ :
       .|    _   /__  __\________   \_  |    \_  _   /__      \_  ¦
       :|    \     /  \     /        /  |     /  \     /       /. ¦
       ¦l____/    /____    /____   ·/____   ·/___/    /___    /::.¦

   · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------.
                        Nothing is better than Sex.                  |
                   Masturbation is better than nothing.              |
                Therefore, Masturbation is better than Sex.          |
   ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------'

           ___  /\___ «*»·-=[ RUINS OF WISDOM ]=-·«*» ___/\  ___

   _____________._______________._________________ __ ___________________·
   \_  ___  \_   \   \______\_   \   \_   _______//\_\\_      \_  ______/:
   .|    _   /__  \    \_     \_  \    \_____   \_\/_/ |   |    \_  __\  ¦
   :|    \     /  /     /      /        /        /::.  |   |     /  \ .  ¦
   ¦l____/    /____    /__   ·/__\     /____    /:::::.l____    /____\::.¦
\_    |  |   \_______\_    _______\_           \_           \_           \_
 |    |  |    |       |            |     |      |     |      |    |  |    |
 |    l  |    |       l______      |     l.     |     |      |    |  |    |

   · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------.
                 I'd like to meet the man who invented sex           |
                     and see what he's working on now.               |
   ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------'

              ___  /\___ «*»·-=[ ESTA LOCO ]=-·«*» ___/\  ___

                 ___________________________________     .
                 \_   _____    ________     ______  \_   :
                 .|    __\________   \_      \_  Y    \_ ¦
                 :|    \     /        /       /  _     / ¦
                 ¦l_____    /____   ·/___    /___/    /:.¦
          _________    _______________________________________
          \_      |sCf!\_           \_           \_           \_
           |      |_____|     |      |      |_____|     |      |
           |      |     |     |      |      |     |     |      |

 · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------------.
  Don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy |
                  it today you can do it again tomorrow.                 |
 ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------'

           ___  /\___ «*»·-=[ WORLD OF ELITE ]=-·«*» ___/\  ___

  ____.______________________________._________  _ _ ___________________·
  \_   \   \_       \_  ___  \_      |\_       \_ \\\\_      \_   _____/:
  .|   /\    \_  |    \_  _   /__  __|_|__  |    \_.  |   |    \_  __\  ¦
  :|          /  |     /  \     /  \     /  l_    /::.|   |     /  \ .  ¦
  ¦l_____    /____   ·/___/    /____    /____   ·/::::l____   ·/____\::.¦
         ______________________    _____________________________
         \_      _____\_      |sCf!\__________     ____    _____\_
          |      ______|      |_____|       |       |      ______|
          |      l     |      |     |       |       |      l     |

  · -- - ----------------------------------------------------------------.
   You can get more of what you want with a kind word and a gun than you |
                        can with just a kind word.                       |
  ·- -- -----------------------------------------------------------------'

           ___  /\___ «*»·-=[ SOUTHERN TRIBE ]=-·«*» ___/\  ___

_____________________._______________.__________________________.____     ·
\_  _______      \_   \   \___    ___ \   \_   ____\_  ___  \_   \   \_   :
.l_____   \_  |    \_  \    \_     \_  \    \_  __\____  _   /__  \    \_ ¦
:|    /    /  |     /  /     /      /  __    /  \     /  \     /        / ¦
¦l____    /____   ·/____    /___   /___/    /____    /___/    /__\     /:.¦
         _____________________________________     _____________
         \___    ___          \_______\_     l_____\_      _____\_
           |      |      l_____|       |     |      |      ______|
           |      |      |     |       |     | ---  |      l     |

   · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------.
    If at first you don't succeed, give up, no use being a damn fool.|
   ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------'
  `---------------------.                         .--------------------'

         _____|_      _____      _____        _____        _____|_
   _ _ _/    ¬\____ _/    ¬\____/    ¬\______/    ¬\______/    ¬\____ _ _
    \\\\__   _    ¬\\_____________   __________    /   ¬\___      __////
        /    \     \\/        ¬\/   (__    ¬\/    __    \\/      \\
      _/      \     ·\_        ·\_    l     ·\_    \     ·\_      ·\_
      \_______/       /_____     /_____       /____/       /___     /
      ¦        ¯¯¯¯¯¯·      ¯¯¯¯·      ¯¯¯¯¯¯·      ¯¯¯¯¯¯·    ¯¯¯¯ ¦
      :       _____|_  _____        _____        _____|_            :
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                  ¯¯¯¯·      ¯¯¯¯¯¯·      ¯¯¯¯¯¯·      ¯¯¯¯¯¯

   · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------.
           College is like a woman; you work so hard to get in,      |
             and nine months later you wish you'd never come.        |
   ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------'


        _____|_      _______      _____    _____        _____|_
T.H.E _/    ¬\____ _/      ¬|_ __/    ¬\__/    ¬\____ _/    ¬\____ _ __ _
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  :           ¯¯¯¯¯¯·      ¯¯¯¯¯¯·    ¯¯¯¯·      ¯¯¯¯¯¯·      ¯¯¯¯¯¯    :
  :    _____|_      _____        _____  O.F.  _____        _____|_      :
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  \\\\__   \_________   ___  ¬\\__  _     ¬\___  ____  ¬\\___________/  :
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  ¦ _/     \      ·\_    \     ·\_   /      ¬\_     /    ¬\_        ·\_ ¦
  : \________       /____/       /_____       /____/       /_____     /_·__
  ¦  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\______//¯¯¯¯\______//¯¯¯¯\______//¯¯¯¯\______//¯¯¯¯\____////
  ¦      ¦   ¯¯¯¯¯¯·      ¯¯¯¯¯¯·      ¯¯¯¯¯¯·      ¯¯¯¯¯¯·    ¦ ¯¯¯¯   ¦
  `------O-     _____|_ _____     _____        _____|_        -O--------'
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         |:::\_____    /_____     /_____       /_____       /::|
                   ¯¯¯·      ¯¯¯¯·      ¯¯¯¯¯¯·      ¯¯¯¯¯¯

   · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------.
                      I doubt, therefore I might be.                 |
   ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------'

                                                            :   :
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          |    Y   Y    _   Y    |   :    _   Y    _   Y    _   |
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          |    ¦   |    ____|    :___|    |   |    _   |    |   |
          |    :   |    |   |    ·   |    |   |    Y   |    |   |
          l________l____¦   l________l________l____|___l________¦sCf
                        ·                                       ·

   · -- - -----------------------------------------------------------.
                   A day without sunshine is like night.             |
   ·- -- ------------------------------------------------------------'

     :   :              :   :                                        :   :
     ¦   ¦              ¦   ¦                                        ¦   ¦
.____|   |________ ___. |   |________ ____.   .________ ________ ____|   |
|    _   |    _   Y   l_|   |    _   Y    |   :    _   Y    _   Y    _   |
|    Y   |    Y   |   | |   |    Y   |    ¦   ¦    Y   |    Y   |    Y   |
|    |   |    |   |   : ¦   |    |   |    :___|    |   |    _   |    |   |
|    |   |    |   |     :   |    |   |    ·   |    |   |    Y   |    |   |

                       .--¦÷·tHE nITTY^gRITTY·÷¦--.
·                      `--'`------------------'`--'                      ·
.  .------------------------------------------------------------------.  .
: ·:uSeD.sTuFF.1.: cYgNUS eD pRoFESSIONAL v3.5                        ¦· :
¦ .¦uSeD.sTuFF.2.: aMiGA 1200 w/120mB sHiT                            ¦. ¦
¦ :¦uSeD.sTuFF.3.: lArGE aMoUNTS oF eRhMMMM....                       ¦: ¦
| ¦:uSeD.sTuFF.4.: sOfT sLoW mUzAK -> pInK fLoYD, dIrE sTrAITS (???;^)¦¦ |
|·¦`-------------------------------.(i aIn'T kIdDIN'!!;).-------------'¦·|
|.|     .---------------------------------------------------------.    |.¦
|.|     :gRtZ.1.: aLl iN -EDGE-                                   :    |.|
|.`-----¦gRtZ.2.: aLl iN tHe dUtCH sCeNE (iT dOeSN'T sUcK!)       ¦----'.|
 |:.    :gRtZ.3.: aLl tHe aMiGA sCeNERS iN tHa wHoLE bLoODY wOrLD!:   .:|
 ¦:::.  `---------------------------------------------------------' .:::¦
 |:::::.   .--------------------------------------------------.   .:::::|
 |:::::::..:pErS.mSgZ.1.: jENNIE/dIFFUSION (Sorry 'Bout Dlay!):..:::::::|
 `---------¦pErS.mSgZ.2.: gREIG hARPER! (Lost Yer Addy!)      ¦---------'
           :pErS.mSgZ.3.: mICHEL rIGO! (Same As Above!)       :

                     sPeCIAL.tHaNKS.2.: rADAVI/eFFECT!
                    (Thnx For The Wicked Quotes Man!!!)
                          aNd.2.: dELITE/lPS/cRY!
                           (For the xtra askii!)

                  .                                         .
                  . .. . .. . .. . ... . ... . .. . .. . .. .
             . ...:.                                       .:... .
           .  . ...                                         ... .  .

    For ordering/requests... contact me at one of these -EDGE- boards!

       (NUP required)  sTICKY fINGERS  +31-713-20878  (NUP required)
                       pREMIUM         +46-243-87645
                       bUMBLE bEE lAND +47-225-08551

        .oR yOU cAN cONTACT mE aT mOST oF tHE mAJOR dUTCH bOARDz!.

           .  . ...                                         ... .  .
             . .....                                       ..... .            
                  : .. . .. . .. . ... . ... . .. . .. . .. :
                  .                                         .

 And yez... I've forgotten some boards & requests, but I just didn't feel
                        like making any more 2day!
              So all you other guys will get them via pv-msg!

        Sorry, but I feel like shit (not that I know how it feels!)

                  (well, my shoes do! .. but sadly enuff,
                   I haven't trained them to speak yet!)

      (which is strange when you think of it.... training shoes...:)

	     ¦     I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay,                ¦
	     :     I sleep all night and I work all day.         :
             |                                                   |
           Chorus: He's a lumberjack and he's okay,              |
 	     |     He sleeps all night and he works all day.     |
             ¦                                                   ¦
	     :     I cut down trees, I eat my lunch,             :
	     ¦     I go to the lavatory.                         ¦
             ¦     On Wednesdays I go shopping                   ¦
 	     :     And have buttered scones for tea.             :
             |                                                   |
         Mounties: He cuts down trees, he eats his lunch,        |
	     |     He goes to the lavatory.                      |
 	     ¦     On Wednesdays he goes shopping                ¦
	     :     And has buttered scones for tea.              :
             |                                                   |
           Chorus: He's a lumberjack and he's okay,              |
	     |     He sleeps all night and he works all day.     |
             ¦                                                   ¦
	     :     I cut down trees, I skip and jump,            :
 	     ¦     I like to press wild flowers.                 ¦
	     ¦     I put on women's clothing,                    ¦
	     :     And hang around in bars.                      :
             |                                                   |
         Mounties: He cuts down trees, he skips and jumps,       |
	     |     He likes to press wild flowers.               |
	     ¦     He puts on women's clothing,                  ¦
	     :     And hangs around in bars.                     :
             |                                                   |
           Chorus: He's a lumberjack and he's okay,              |
	     |     He sleeps all night and he works all day.     |
             ¦                                                   ¦
	     :     I cut down trees, I wear high heels,          :
	     ¦     Suspendies and a bra.                         ¦
	     ¦     I wish I'd been a girlie,	                 ¦
	     :     Just like my dear pappa.                      :
             |                                                   |
         Mounties: He cuts down trees, he wears high heels?      |
	     |     Suspendies...and a bra?                       |
             ¦                                                   ¦
             :     ...he's a lumberjack and he's okay,           :
             ¦     He sleeps all night and he works all day.     ¦
             |                                                   |
             ¦     ...he's a lumberjack and he's OKAAAAAAAAAAYYY.¦
             ¦     He sleeps all night and he works all day.     ¦
             :                                                   :
             `----[·sCARFACE/eDGE! mODEM^sECTION^oRGANIZER!·]----'

                                 Ahh SHIT!

                       Even more boring ads 2 come!

.---- --- -- - - --- ----.                   .__     .--- --- -- - - -- -- ---.
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:       ZyXEL 19K2       :   |  ___|    |\   ._____/ :      UsR V34 28K8      :
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:         /   __________   ____________    /____   \ __   _______    __/      |
:         \____    \  /   ____/__/   _/___/_ __/  _/ /   ____/__|    |        :
.         |  |/     \/    \     /    \     / \__   \/    \     /|    |        .
:         |  . _____/\_______  /\_______  /___/   _\\_______  / |    |        :
.       +-|____/------------\_/--------\_/---/_______/-----\_/--|____|-+      .
.                                                        _____                :
          ___________/\  ______________/\_____ ___/\_____\_   \ :______       .
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        / \__   | /__/  \  |  __/  _/ |   |/   \_/ ____/__|   . \    |        .
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^                                                                             ^
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