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49 201 bytes (48.05K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:23:34
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all-time: 544



       \  |  /
        \   /           ________ ______ ______
         \|/            )__   __\)  \  \)  __ \
-  - -----+----------------\  \  \      \  \__/_-------------------------.
         /|\ [ 27-Jul-95 ]  \ _\  \  _\__\  ___/                         |
        / |=\================\(====\(=====\(=====eFFECT uNIVERSE hANGOUT=|
   _______|__\___ ______ ___ ______ ______    ______ ______ ______ ______|
   )   _  \)  \  \)  _  \)  \)   __\)   _ \   )  _  \)   _ \) ___/_)  _  \
   \   \__/\   \  \   \  \   \   \__\   \  \  \   \  \   \  \____  \  \__/_
    \  _\ | \  ___/\  _\_/\  _\  ___/\  _\_/   \  ___/\  _\_/\  ___/\  ___/
          |                                                              |
          | tHURSTY fOR wAREZ??? wELL lET uS aT tHE pUNICA oASE hELP yA  |
          |                                                              |
          | aSCII cONFERENCE. aMIGA sTUFF ^ pC cRAP ^ NO cONZOOL!!       |
          |                                                              |
          |      dIAL nOW!! +31-[0]340-267278 2 n0DEZ rINGDOWN pOWER     |

                   / \
                  /   \
                  ¯T T¯
            .------' j
            ¡ T¯¯¯¯¯¯
        ----' l_
        aSSWiPe! - iT iS aNOtHEr $LAß pROdUCTiOn. aNd tHAt wAS sOME aDDs!


                                dear, please take a look at
                                this, there seems to be a
                                problem with the telli!

                                dork, what have u done!? the
                                poor machine seems almost

                                i can see that, my little munchie-
                                cookie. so what shall we do?

                                well, there is only two good
                                ways to get rid of this...

                                tell me dear! we must do something!

                                ok, the first way is a classic,
     __/\_                      regular punsh on the screen.
/\  / \
  \/   \                        ok honeybunny, lets do it.      _
 _/\/\_/ /\             _/\  /\                       _         \        _
      /\/  \  _            \/ /                       /         /       /
      \     \_/\     __    /  \          _           /\        /\  _    \    /\/
      /\/\  _/  \_  /  \  /   /\    /\   \__     _   \ \____/\/ /\ \\   /\  /
    _/   / /    / \/   /\/    \ \  / /\    /     /\  /  \  /  \/  \/ \_/  \/
    \   / /   _/  /   /\       ¯¯\/  \ \  /\__  /  \/   / /   /    \  /\
        \/    \   \__/  \__/       __/ /\/  \ \/\   \   \/ /\/\     \/  \
        /         /   __/         /  \/      \/  \         \           _/
        \_        \  /  \_        \             _/          \_
         /         \/    /`¾¾¾¾. _/                  ¾¾¾¾.       .¾¾.
                   /       `¾¾¾¾  .¾¾¾               `¾¾¾¾  .¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾
                   \_       ¾¾¾¾.¾¾¾'           .¾¾¾. ¾¾¾¾.¾¾¾'  ¾¾¾¾
                            ¾¾¾¾¾¾'  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾. .¾¾ ¾¾.`¾¾¾¾¾'    `¾¾'
                            ¾¾¾¾¾¾.  `¾¾¾   ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾.`¾¾¾¾.     __
                           .¾¾¾¾`¾¾¾. ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾' ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾.`¾`¾¾¾.  `¾¾'
                          .¾¾¾¾¾  `¾¾.¾¾¾ `¾¾¾.    ¾¾¾¾¾.   `¾¾¾.
                                           `¾¾¾.   ¾¾¾¾¾¾.   `¾¾¾

                                so, how does it look?

                                well, a bit better but still kinda
                                strange... lets try the other way!

                                ok, but that one is kinda dangerous...

                                now you're talking! what is it!?

                                well, my bunny-bear, it hasn't got
                                a real name but people use to call it;

_ _/\_____ __/\________/\______
 ______   \ _____    ______    \
\/    ____//    /    /    /    /
/____     /____/    /_____    /_ ___ __ ___________ __ _ _   ___ _  __   __
_ ______ /________ /________ /_//__//_//
       \/        \/        \/

_  ____ _____ __/\________/\________/\___/    /_ __/\___/\________/\______
            //__   ___________    __   __    __/___   ______    ______    \
             \/    ___/_/    /    /    /    /    /    /    /    /    /    /
           __/____     /_____    /    /\____    /    /\____    /____/    /_
        __   __ _____ /________ /___ /________ /___ /________ /________ /_/
                    \/        \/   \/        \/   \/        \/        \/bIS

               A  T O T A L L Y  N E W  E X P E R ¡ E N C E

                             brought to you by

                             .........         .................
            .................: _____ :.........:       :::::::::
            :    ____________ /___ /____________ ::::::     `:::
            :  _/   ________ /___ /_______  ____ ::::  ::.   :::
            :  \_________ \ /    /__    _/  \    ::::  ::'   :::
            :  _/      _/  \_   /   \_  .    \   ::::::     ·:::
            :  \____________/________/__|     \  ::::  ::.   :::
            :......................xOr..|      \_::::  ::'   :::
                                       :|_______/::::::     .:::

     " A N D  Y O U  T H O U G H T  G O D S  D ¡ D N ' T  E X ¡ S T ? "


 ____/\________ ¦                                                         |
___ ______     \:__/\__________/\__________/\____/\________               |
  \/     /     /_ ______     _______     __    _______     \              |
  /     /     / ·/     ______/     ¬     /     /     /     /              |
 /     /     /  /     /    __     /     /     /     /     /               |
/______     /__/______     /_____/     /     /_____/     /_               |
_ ________ /_____________ /__________ /____ /__________ /_/               |
-bIS!    \/     :       \/          \/    \/          \/                  |
                ¦                                                         |
                |                                                         |
                |                                                         |

                        so watch it now, because

                    ·                   ·                   ·
               _ __/________ ____  ____/_____________________\__ _
             _ __ /  ______/_\ \ \/   /        /____ \    _\  \ __ _
            ///_// ______/   \  \ \  /________/    / /    __\  \\_\\\
             _ _/__ __________\ / /  \__/_/__ _____\ \____/ /  /
               /      $LAß /___/_/\___\             \ \  /_/__/_ _
              ·                                   _ _\_\     /
              -<(· hEY! iT's a bONUs $LAßßiE! ·)>-    \     ·

                 aNd iT's mAdE uNdEr tHE wORkiN' tiTLe:

                                 _ _/
          ·                   ·    /\     ·
        _ _\_________      __/_   /  \ _ _:_____     ·
            \       ¬\  ·  \/    /  \ \___l__  ¬\ __/_
             \_____/  \/___ ___ /___/\ \¯   /  _ \\/
          /\   /      /   ¬\\ ¬\ __   \ \  /   T  \_ _
         /;;\ /      /      \\  \\¬\ _ \  /   ____/\              ·
         \;;;\\______________\\__\\_\\\ \/-----'    ·         _ _/
          \;;;\ _______________          .           ·       __ /\
           \;;;\\    _________/__________·_ _________:_ _____\//  \        ·
            \;;;\\  ________/    ¬\______¡_________/_!   _  ¬\/  \ \______/_
      °      \;;;\\                \    ¬\   ¯T     ¬\   T    \   \ \¯   /
      :       \;;;\\                \     \   |       \        \   \ \  /
      `--.     \;;;\\________________\___ /___!__ ____/_____ __/____\  //\_
     2Nd :      \;;;\               \/_ \/       \/_       \/    $LAß\/ ¯¯\
 .-------'       \;;;\ ____________ /___________ /___________________      ·
 : eD·¡·t¡ON!     \;;//;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/
 `-------.         \//;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/
      .--'           ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
      ·   back on the fucking track again with the followup to my latest
      .   colly, dzain-ya.txt ... mostly just to prove that i'm NOT one
          of them ass-wipes lame 'one-colly/year' or 'one-colly-just-2-
      .   prove-that-i-also-could-use-my-keyboard'... though they mostly
          sertainly cant! fuck 'em! well, i'm not one of them! so, lets
          go on with this then:

   fatal 1 · fatal 2 · fatal 3 · epsilon design · slab · pathetic !? · mtj ·
  splat 1 · splat 2 · juan · take me away · xtacy · honey · royal · flashback
asswipe · tomb stone · ah! · no way · atx · prodigy · fuck freak · multijuniors
   zorro · xor · tic toc · terminal silence · brain dead · biscrok · crusader

          3o fresh logos almost all of them made in my new style; glenz-edge's
          just found it out, doubt that anyone ever used it before...? anyway,
          can you handle it? sure you can! asswipe! asswipe! over 'n out...

                        .  L E t S   d O   ¡ T  .

  _ _ _/_____________________________    ·
      /  ______/.\ \__________/.\   /___/_ _
     /  /___/  __ \ \  \ /    __ \ /   /
 _ _/  /   _ __/__/ /__//_ ___/__/____/
   /  /       /  / /         /  / $LAß
  ·             ·           ·

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(o1)------------------( fatal 1              )----------'

                  ·                              /\
             _ __/______________________________/  \_______
                /                /             /    \      ¡
               /________________/\____________/      \  ___l___
           __ /__________/   _    \     /        _    \ \      \ __
           \//     /         /     \   /         /     \ \      \\/
            /     / _ ______/\      \_/____ ____/\      \________\__ _
           /     ·            \      \            \      \$LAß    \
          ·                    \____ _\__ _        \___ _ \__ _    ·
                                       \                   \
                                        ·                   ·

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(o2)------------------( fatal 2              )----------'

                         _ /______________________    ·
                          / ______/\_______/\    /___/_
                         / /___/ _  \  /  _  \  /   /
                     _ _/_/ _ ___/   \/___/   \____//\
                       /        /_____\  /_____\    ¯¯
                      ·                ·        · $LAß

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(o3)------------------( fatal 3              )----------'

          ·                              ·                           .
      _ _/__________ ___________________/_____ ______ ______ ________:_ _
        /________/____       , ¬\ _____/______¡    /__   _ ¬\  _¬\   ¡
       /  _____/     ¬\_________/________¬\  ¬\   /  ¬\  ¯   \  \ \  |
   _ _/________________\   ! _ ____     '_/____\    ___\_____/   \___!
     / ________      `-----'      `------'    `------'      `----' ¡
    · _______ ¬\___________________________ ________ ________:_ _  |
             \  \________/____ _____/______¡ ______/_  _¬\   ¡     |
              \  \ ____/     ¬\_______¬\  ¬\ \______¬¡  \ \  |     |
   _ __ ______/  /_____________\     '_/____\_ ___!  !___\___!     |
    _ __________/             `-------'      \    `--'        $LAß |
           !____________________________ __ _ ·  _ ___ ____________!

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(o4)------------------( epsilon design       )----------'

      _ __/____________________ ___________________ __ _
         /  __________/_______¬¡___   __    /    ,¬))_)))
   _ __ _\________________  ¬\ l   \  /    /     ' \
  ///_//__//_________    '  _/___  _\/    /     ___/
                   `--------'   `--'/    /-------'
                                   /    / $LAß
                                  /____/_ _

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(o5)------------------( slab                 )----------'

       _ ________       ___________     _______      ····· _ ______
         ,    _ ¬\_____¡_______   /____/      /___________.       /
         ;    ¬)  \ _ ¬\    T¯\  /   _/______/__________ /:______/__
      _ __________/ ¬   \   |  \/¡   T ____/   ¬\   ¯T:\/::\       ¬\
        /   ¬\      T    \  |    ¯   |           \   |:::::          ·
       /      \ _ __|     \_!____T   !____________\  |:::::_________ _\
      ·        ·    l__ _  \     `---'         l_____!:::::$LAß
     /                      ·_________              :::::::
    ·                        \       /_____    . .:::::::::
                              \     /    _¬\
                               \___/\____/  \
                               /  ¬\  T   __/
                               \___/  l___T
                                      /  ¬\

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(o6)------------------( pathetic !?          )----------'

             ·            ·                 .
              \_        _/               ___:_ _
           __ /\        /\ __       __  (___¡ _
           \//  \      /  \\/       \/__l__ ¦l_)
    _ ______/    \____/    \_________/    / |_______ _
   ¡ \\    /______\  /______\_______/_______!$LAß  // ¡
   | //            \/        \  !                  \\ |
   | \\   pRESENtS            \_!_   tOdAY:        // |

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(o7)------------------( mtj                  )----------'

 __________ ________________________________________________________ /\
 \        //\  _________/_          ,  ¬\   /__  __  ¬\            //  \
  \      //  \___________¬\_____________/  /  ¬\  \    \__________//    \
   \    //_________     '_/_____!_______________\__\    \___!$LAß /      \
    \  /         `-------'                          \    \       /________\

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(o8)------------------( splat 1              )----------'

                        ·              ·
             ·      _ _/________   _ _/______                ·
           _/_________/      , ¬\__  /   __ ¬\______________/_
        ·  / ________/__________/ /_/     /   \            /
    _ _/___\___________¬\  /     / ¬\    /\    \__________/
      /             /   /_/     /    \  /  \    \  T
     /_________________/  _ __ _______\/    \    \_! $LAß
                      /                \     \    \
                     ·                  ·     \____\

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(o9)------------------( splat 2              )----------'

         ·         ______/_ _           ·     ·
         _\_______/     /__ _______ _____\ ___:__ _
        ___\______)    /  ¬\      ¬\      \   ¡ _
    __ /     \   ¬\   /     \   _   \      \  |l_)
    \//            \        /   /    \   \  \ |
     _\____________/_______/___/\     \___\___!
       \  `======================\     \===='
        ·                      _ _\_____\$LAß

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(1o)------------------( juan                 )----------'

        ·                .           ·    \            ·
        _\_______________: _________/_    /\  ________/_
          \__  __/  ¬\  ¬l/  / ____/___  / \\/_¬\ ___/_
            |  T   _  \  _  ( ___)    ¬\/  /\/\__\__) ¬\____
            l__!___/   \_!\__\__________\ /  . l________\  .;;;.
                  /     \             /__/  ;;    ...    .;;'
             _ __/_______\  ..  ;;         ;;  ... `;;  ;;' T
                /  T       ; `; `;; ,;;   ;;  ;;';;  ;;;;   |
               ·   |      ;;;;;; `;;;;;;,;;  ;;;;;;; `;;;   |
                   |     ;'    `;  ;; `;;;' ;;'   ;;; ;;;   |
                   |                ;  ;;'         ;;; '    |
                   | $LAß                           ;;;;    |

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(11)------------------( take me away         )----------'

                                 ·               _____/_
           ·        ____________/_      ______  /    /
         ___\_ ____/___________/________\_   ¬\/    /
         \   \/   /   ¬|   _  ¬\  _______/_      __/
         /        \    |   /    \ /       ¬\     |
     _ _/____/\____\___!__/      \__________\____!
       /                 /        \          \   `
      ·                 /          \ $LAß     ·
                       /____________\__ _

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(12)------------------( xtacy                )----------'

                        ·                                        ·
                  _____/_ _                                _____/_ _
                 /¯   /                                   /    /
          ·     /    /       ·             ·      ·____  /    /
     _ __/____ /    /_______/  __      _ _/______/_   ¬\/    /
        /     /    / ¯__   / ¯_ ¬\_______/  ____/__ __   ___/
       /     /    /   /   /    \  \     / ____/   ¬\T     T
      /    __    /       /      \  \   /            \     | $LAß
     /     /____/_______/_ _ ____\    /______________\_ _ !_ _
    /_____/_ _         /          \__/_ _             \   :
         /            ·             /                  ·  `
        ·                          ·

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(13)------------------( honey                )----------'

                                     ·              ·
       _ __________              _ _/____    ______/_
      __ _______   \_____________  /    /___/     /__
               ¬\   \   _  ¬\   ¬\/    / _ ¬\    /  ¬\
                /   /   T    \__    __/  /   \  /     \
     _ __ ______\   \      __/ T    T   /     \        \
                 \   \------'  l____!__/       \________\ _
                  \   \               /         \$LAß    \
                   \   \             /           \        ·
                    \___\_ _    _ __/_____________\
                         \         /
                          ·       ·

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(14)------------------( royal                )----------'

  _ _\______________  _______           _____     ·
      \   _________/_/   _  ¬\_________/    ¬¡____:__ _
       \  \___/     /__  /    \ (_____/__    |    ¡
       /   \       /  ¬\/      \________¬\   ¯    |
      /    /      /     \       \     /   \  T    |              ·
     /____/______________\_ _    \________/__|    |        _____/_ _
                       /  \       \          l____!       /¯   /
                   _ _/____·_______\  __________   ______/    /
                     /      ¬\_______/_________/__/     /    /
                    /     T  /   _  ¬\  \        ¬\    /    /
                   /      _  \   /    \  \         \        \
                  /       l   \ /      \            \  \     \
             _ __/____________//        \____________\__\     \
                /             /          \$LAß        \  \     \
               ·             /            \            ·  \_____\_ _
                            /______________\_ _                  \
                                            \                     ·

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(15)------------------( flashback            )----------'

           ·                          ·
           _\_ _        ·         _ _/_          ·                 ·
            /\_______ _/_________   /\    __  ___:_ ____________ _/_
           /, \_______/_________/__/  \/\/ ¬\/___!    ,¬\  ______/__
          / _  \________¬\________¬\  //\\  /   ¬\______/ _____)   ¬\
         /__|   \______ _/_________/\_/  \_/\_ __/___\_______________\_ _
          T |    \      /                    \                 $LAßT  \
          `-|     \----·---------------/\-----·--------------------'   ·
            l______\                   ¯¯

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(16)------------------( asswipe              )----------'

 ______________                            ___________
 \____________/_______  ________ _________/__________/___________________
    |     ¯T   _ ¬\  _\/_  /¯  _)  ______/__     ¯T   _ ¬\  _¬\  \  ____/__
$LAßl______!_______\__\/__/______)-------- ¬\_____!_______\__\___/ ----'  ¬\
                                 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                    ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(17)------------------( tomb stone           )----------'

                ,,,,   `;;,     _____
          ,;;,  `;;;;.   ;;;   /     \------------------------------.
        ,;;;';;,  `;;;;;;;;;;, \     /                              |
      ,;;;;''';;;,  `;;;,  `;;;,\___/   ·   a   ·   h   ·   !   ·   |
    ,;;;;;'     ;;;,, ;;;;,  `;;;, ¬\                               |
  ,;;;;;'        ;;;;; ;;;;;,   \___/-------------------------------'$LAß

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(18)------------------( ah!                  )----------'

                                                     ;;;;.      .;;;;
                                 ';;;                  ;;;;   .;;;;
                .                 ';;;;           ,;;;   ';;;;;;
             ..;;;        ,;;       ';;;    ,   ,;;;'  ;;  ;;;;'
           .;;;;;;;;    ,;;  .;;;;;.  ';;;,;;;,;;;'  ;;;;; ;;;;
        .;;;;;  ';;;;; ;;;  ;;;'  ';;   ;;;;`;;;;  ;;;' ;;; ';;
     ,,;;;;;      ';;;;;;   ';;;;;;;'    ';'  '; .;;;''';;;;  '
                    ';;'                       .;;;'     ;;;;,
                                             .;;;'  $LAß

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(19)------------------( no way               )----------'

               ,,              .,,,,      ,;;;;;'
            ,;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;,  .;;;;'_ ____________________ __ _
          ,;;;;';; ;;;;'     ';  ';;;;;;;;;'                    ___//_///
        ,;;;;;;;;; ;;;;            ;;;;;;;      a     t     X    |
      ,;;;;'   ,;; ;;;;         .;;;; ';;;;;,                    |
    ,;;;;;;;  ;;;; ;;;;      ,,;;;;;    ';;;;;,  _ ______________!
                                          ';;;;;;,         $LAß

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(2o)------------------( atx                  )----------'

          ·                                         _ _/___ __
        _ _\__________                                /   // /_
            \     __ ¬\____________________________  /   //_///
      _ __ __\_____/  /__ ¬\ __\_____ \____/ ___/_¬\/   /
      \\\_\\_________/  /  / `/ ¬\  ¬\ \  ¬\ \____\  __/
               \    \   \  \      \__/  \   \  ¬\  \  \
                \____\___\  \_____/_____/___/____\  \__\
                          \  \                    \  \$LAß
                           \__\_ _              _ _\__\
                               \                    \
                                ·                    ·

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(21)------------------( prodigy              )----------'

           ·          ·          ·            ·
       _ _/________ _/__________/__  ________/_ _
    _____/ _________/ ¬\       /  ¬¡/  /    /_______________________ __ _
   ¡    /  ______/ |    \ ____/_   /  /    /                    ___//_///
   |   /     T     ¯    / /    ¬\  \  \___/     ·                |
  _! _/______!_________/_________\_!\__\__! ___/_              . |
   ¡  \   _______/ _¬\  _____/_    _ ¬\  ¬¡/  /              .:: |
   |   \  ____/    ¬_/  ___/  ¬\   ¬   \  /  /             .:::: |
   l____\    T   \   \          \  T    \ \  \___________________!
      _ _\___!___!\___\_ ________\_!____/_!\__\_ _           $LAß
          \            \          \            \
           ·            ·          ·            ·

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(22)------------------( fuck freak           )----------'

    /\\/       ____                       ____  __
__ / \\/\_____/¯  /_____________ ___ ____/¯  / /_/ ___ ________________
\//   \/ \   /   /   /________/_¡___!   /   /¯\___¡___!  _¬\___ \ ____/_
 /    ¡   \ /   / __/___ ¯T    ¬\_ ¬\  /   / \ \    /¬\  T  \ ¬\ \_____¬\
/_____|    \___/  \   __\_!    _/ \  \____/ _/\ \  / _/_____/  / /______//\
    _ |     \ `--------'__ ----'_____/  `---'/\\  /--'    `----\ \ __    ¯¯
   l_!l______\$LAß      \/                   ¯¯ \/              \_\\/

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(23)------------------( multijuniors         )----------'

    ________________/_ _
    \   _______    /_____________________ ___________________
     \___\     ___/__    __  ¬\_________¬\_______¬\     __  ¬\
       /       \    ¬\   `/    \     `/  /    `/  /     `/    \_ _
   _ _/_______________\   .  __/______\  \_____\  \         __/\
     /            `----- -¦- -'        \  \$LAß \  \---------'  ·
    ·                     ·             \  \     \  \
                                      _ _\__\  _ _\__\
                                          \        \
                                           ·        ·
 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(24)------------------( zorro                )----------'

                         ___/_ _
                  ___   /  /
                  \  \ /  /
                   \  X  /       ·          ·
                    \/_\/ ________\_ ________\_ _
                    /\¬/\/    __   \_________ \
                   /  X  \    `/    \     `/  /
               _ _/__/ \__\       __/______\  \
                 /       `---------'    $LAß\  \
                ·                            \  \

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(25)------------------( xor                  )----------'

               ·             ·                ·          ·
               _\_________ _/_____   ______ _/________ _/_
                 \______/__/_____/-. \______/ ,  \_____/-.
                   `--'_ __!` _____!_  `--'\_____/` _____!_ _
                         `-----'   :       $LAß`-----'   :
                                   .                     ·

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(26)------------------( tic toc              )----------'

               ·               ·             ·       \_
 ___________ _/____ ____________\__  _____ _/__      /\______
 \___________/____/________¬\  _ \  /\_____/ _ \____/  \  __/___
    |    ¯T  ___/   ¬\   `\  \ ¬\ \/ _\   ¬¡ ¬\ \  /  _ \ \    ¬\
    l_____!_ _________\_ _/  /___\  /  \___!___\  /   \__\_______\_ _
          :            \  \  \    \/\___\__     \/     \          \
 ·        ·    ·        ·  \  \          \      /_______\     ·    ·
 _\_________ _/__________ __\__\__________·     _____________/_
   \ ________/______/ __/_\_   ____/__  _ \____/___/_   ____/__
  __\__________¬\  ¬¡ \    ¬\ ___/   ¬\ ¬\ \  / /   ¬\ ___/   ¬\
 /______________/___!_ ______\_ _______\__\  /________\_ _______\_ _
                    :         \            \/          \     $LAß\
                    .          ·           /            ·         ·

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(27)------------------( terminal silence     )----------'

 _ ________              ·        ·
  __._____¬\           _/     _ _/___________           ·
    ·    \  \______    /\_______/\\_________¬\_________/_   /\__________
    ¦    /  /_____¬\  /  \_____/  \___;__  \  \   ____/__  /  \________¬\
    :    \  \   `\  \/  _ \   ¬¡ _ \    /   \  \ ___/   ¬\/  _ \  ·   \  \
   _;____/  /    /  /   /  \   | ¬\ \  /____/  /          \  /  \_;___/  /
 _ ______ _/_____\  \__/    \__!___\  //____ _/____________\/_   \______/
          /       \  \/      \      \/       /             /\     \$LAß
         ·         \__\_ _    \             ·             /  ·     \
                    /__\_______\_ _                      /__________\_ _
                        ·       \                                    \
                                 ·                                    ·

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(28)------------------( brain dead           )----------'

 _\_________         ·               ·                       ·
   \_______¬\_____ _/_____________ _/__________________  ___/_
     .    )  )_____/ ______/_ _____/________¬\  __¬\  ¬l/  /
     ¦    ¯\ ¯\   ¬¡________¬\ \    ¬\   `/  /  \'  \  /  /
  ___;_____/  / .  !      /   \       \   \  \       \ \  \
 /_________ _/--÷--'_ ______ _/________\---\  \______/__\  \
            /   :            /          \   \__\_ _  $LAß\__\__
           ·    .           ·            ·      \            \
                                                 ·            ·

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(29)------------------( biscrok              )----------'

       ·                 ·              /\                   ·
   _ _/_______________ _/_ __________  /  \_______________ _/________
     / _____/________¬\/  ¡ ¬\______/_/  _ \______¬\_______/________¬\
    /   \     ¬\  `/  /   ¯   \______¬\  /  \____)  \ ___/  ¬\   `/  /
    \___________\__\  \_____ _/_______/_/    \______/_________\_ _\  \
                   _\__\     /         /      \$LAß            \   \__\_ _
                     \      ·      _ _/________\                ·      \
                      ·              /                                  ·

 ¡¯                                                                        ¬¡
 | `½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½$LAß^2Nd÷eD¡T¡ON!½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾½¾' |
      `--------(3o)------------------( crusader             )----------'

                                        ouch! that hurt!

                  ____| kOMMENtAREr: |__________________________________
                  \_  `--------------'                                _/
                   |    jEE: hata era lurviga equal-katter. bloooh!   |
                   |   pULP: tack for insperation till inledningen!   |
                   | xClUZiWe: gulle-gubben! du ar så aktiv!          |
                   |   nB!: yoyoyo. mkt skit nu. sluta forsoka!       |
                   | mAESTRo: m7j jungle. haha.. loads of crap now?!  |
                   |  cRAdY: internet supplier? easy work hah?        |
                   |  bLOb: why don't you just stop it? hahaha!       |
                   | cUtTEr: men jag tycker om stallet! :)            |
                  _! pLEbS: hurru, nu vill jag ju slå dig! :)         l_
                                                         | cOMMENTs |

  _ ____________________________________________________________________/_
    ____ \________/__________/_______ \_______/___________/____________/
      `\  \____/     \________ \  `/  /____/     \ \         \   |
       /  /           \     /   \ /__/            \           \  |
  _ ___\  \____________\_ ______/ ¦_ ______________\_ _________\ ¦
        \  \$LAß        \    `----'                 \        `---'
         \  \            ·                           ·
          \__\_ _              fUtURE iS tODAY. sO i fORGOt
              \                tHEM >tOTALLY< iNACtiVE aZKI
               ·               aRtiSTS aND iNCLUDEd tHEESe,
                               aWESOMe, aND >aCtiVE< gURUS!

 terminal silence -÷- your wild!-collection was the most advanced azki i've
                      EVER seen. this is what askii is all about. do MORE!
 grimlock         -÷- two extremly good coolections recently, and your men
                      are almost in the same class as xCz's, really awesome!
 xcluziwe         -÷- really nice new style, and your azki-men are the best!
 fatal            -÷- active now hah? good ascii!
 splat            -÷- improvements on your dot-askii, you still are the best
                      dots-artist, no doubt about it.
 stash            -÷- nice ascii.
 zorro            -÷- digital grafitti, as far as i've only seen top ascii.
 mephisto         -÷- you and zorro really are great artists.
 crusader         -÷- nice ascii.
 nup!             -÷- nice ascii.
 chromebasher     -÷- nice ascii.
 biscrok          -÷- nice ascii.
 treach           -÷- nice ascii.
 karma            -÷- nice ascii, with an attitude, or message, nice.
 snuffy           -÷- nice ascii, you and ts could do heavenly ascii together.
 mogue            -÷- here is one active azki-guru. always here for us.

                               tHESE miGHt  nOT bE aLL tHE  aCtiVE aRtiSTs
                               oF tODAY, bUT tHEY sTANd fOR wHAt I cONSiDEr
                               iS bEiNG >gOOD< >aCTiVE< aNd >oF tOdAY<.

                               wATCh oUt! tHiS LiSt wiLL fOR sURe bE uP-
                               dATEd aS sOON aS tHEm gOOd aRTiSTs sHOw
                               uP oNCe aGAiN. kEEP oN dRAWiNg!

_ _____ _ ____ ·____________·_____._______ _
 __ __ \______/___________ __\_ _ ·   ___///
  .  ¬\ \ _  /    _¬\_____! _ \___:_ _ T
  ¦    \ \/ /¯¯\  /  \   ¬\ ¬\ \  ¡    | $
 _·____/ /______\/    \  _/___\ \ |    | L
 __ ____/_    `-/      \-'     \__!    | A
 and u thought /  gods  \ didn't exist?| ß
              ·- ------ -·          .--'
- -( $LAß/dZAiN n°2: 2Nd eDiT!On! )-÷-(aSC2)

 _______________________________________________________________________ _/_ _
 mA¡N aZK¡ bY: ...................... $LAß/dZA¡N
 gUESt aZK¡ bY: ..................... bISCROK/p^A (iN oRdEr oF aPPERANCe)
 pROdUCEd fOR: ...................... dZA¡N
 rELEASEd aT: ....................... o5.o8 (eUROPEAn) - 1995. - 18.oO.Oo
 nAME: .............................. dZAiN-2!.tXt
 s¡ZE: .............................. 46oOo
 L¡NEs: ............................. 11oo
 eD¡TOr: ............................ cYGNUSEd 3.o (3.1+ sUCKs)
 pROdUCE t¡ME: ...................... 5 dAYs
 oThEr $LAß pROdUCT¡ONs: ............ dZAiN-yA.tXt (94.o4.28 - 18.oO.Oo)
 _______________________________________________________________________ _\_ _

                                honey-bunny, i think it's all over

                                are you sure?

                                quite. well, what are we doing here
                                anyway? let's go.

                                yeah, let's forget about all this
                                and leave it as it was.

                                you said it. come on sugarpuff.

                                i'm coming to you my lover-mushroom.

                                of cause you are. you always do, don't

                                for sure.

                                                        /       \
                                            ..::;::..  / f¡N¡7O. \
                                           ¡ ________) \_ _______/
                                           l_`--°'\°¬)  / /
                                           /______·)¯\  \/
                                          ( \±±±±±)  /
                                             T____T xCz

        aSSWiPe! - iT wAs aNOtHEr $LAß pROdUCTiOn. aNd hERe iS sOME aDDs:
        ¯¯¯¯T T¯
            l `------.
             ¯¯¯¯¯¯T |
                  _| l_
                  \   /
                   \ /


       \  |  /
        \   /           ________ ______ ______
         \|/            )__   __\)  \  \)  __ \
-  - -----+----------------\  \  \      \  \__/_-------------------------.
         /|\ [ 27-Jul-95 ]  \ _\  \  _\__\  ___/                         |
        / |=\================\(====\(=====\(=====eFFECT uNIVERSE hANGOUT=|
   _______|__\___ ______ ___ ______ ______    ______ ______ ______ ______|
   )   _  \)  \  \)  _  \)  \)   __\)   _ \   )  _  \)   _ \) ___/_)  _  \
   \   \__/\   \  \   \  \   \   \__\   \  \  \   \  \   \  \____  \  \__/_
    \  _\ | \  ___/\  _\_/\  _\  ___/\  _\_/   \  ___/\  _\_/\  ___/\  ___/
          |                                                              |
          | tHURSTY fOR wAREZ??? wELL lET uS aT tHE pUNICA oASE hELP yA  |
          |                                                              |
          | aSCII cONFERENCE. aMIGA sTUFF ^ pC cRAP ^ NO cONZOOL!!       |
          |                                                              |
          |      dIAL nOW!! +31-[0]340-267278 2 n0DEZ rINGDOWN pOWER     |

                                                          [-AquaAdder v1.0-]