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File size:
16 171 bytes (15.79K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 225


	       ______________			  ________________________
	       \	    / ···[ dASHZERO ]···  \			 /
     _______  _______ .::::.|____ ___  _________ _________ _______  _______
    _\	 _  \_\  __  \:   `:.\	 /   \_\___    /_\   __  /_\   _  \_\	_  \
    \_	 /   \	 \_   \:::..\_	_     /_  ____/ /_   \__/ \    / _/__	/   \
     |_______/____|___/. `:::|__/      |__	 |_________\__/     |_______/
		      ``::::'  /_______| /_______|           /______|dZ! |
	       |	    `--------------------+			 |
               :                                                         |
               §            ....                ...                      |
                           . ...:···:::::::···:...`:: .                  |
                          . ::··· >>> o F <<< ···:: :                    |
                          . ::::::··.·...·.··:::::: :                    |
                            ..::::... ..    . ..:::::                    |
	  ,,,.. 							 |
	    `·:::::·,.							 |
	     `:·     ·:.						 |
	      ::.     ::· ____ __  ________ _________			 |
	      ·::      ::.\  /|  \_\	_  \\  __   /_			 |
	     .::'      :::_  \|   \     \__/   \___/ /  ···[ DUPE! ]···  |
	     ::·    ..::·'|_______/_______\_________/                    |
	 `:.·:::::::·'' dZ!                                              |
			    __.__.__.__.__.__.__.__.			 |
      .----------------···> |-'|-;|- `, |- |/ /  `, <···-----------------'
      | 			  .
      | 		 a new asc±i collection called
     ,,.·			      _____.
      `:::._______  ______   ___ _____\_   ____ __  _________ ____ __ dZ!
    § .:::·\  /|  \_\	 /___\	|    /	  _\   /  \_\	__  /_\   /  \
  ·:: :::::_  \|   \	/   \_	_  _/__   \_  //   \_	\__/ \	 //   \_
  :::·`:::·|_______/___      |__/     |    |__/     |_________\__/     |
  `·:::::·'           /______| /______|    : /______|           /______|
      | 			      |    |
      | 		       _   _  |    :
      |    _________ ______   (/___\) :    ____ __   * JULKINEN ELŽIN! *
      |   _\   __  /_\	  /___\  __  \|   _\   /  \
      |   \_   \__/ \	 /   \_  \_   \   \_  //   \_
      |    |_________\__      |___|___/____|__/     |
	      __.__._ .__. _ .__.__.__.__.				 |
      .--···> `, |_/|^/|-  |.\|_/|-;|_>`, <···---------------------------'
      |       "         "              "
      |     Hi there. Just wanted to say that, this is my first
      |     collection, I have done asciis before for one Ascl's
      |     colly called Hmm.., and I've done one part of three for
.     |     Dupe's first colly (with had no name).
·:    |
::·   |     So I'm a newcomer. To please me, request some asciis.
:::   |
::::  |     Btw, only the last two asciis are requested, so
::::· |     consider others as a tribute.
·:::: |
::::::| 				    - Dashzero/Dupe
·:::::::								 |
::::::::·..								 |
:::::::::::::::·,,,,,.......						 |
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·...				 |
·::::::::::::::::::·'''''·                                               |
___________________________________________________________________\	 |
\								    \·01·|
| iT sAYS: eXPLOITED			fOR: mANGLE		     \	 |

			\			     /
			|    ···[ eXPLOITED! ]···    |
   ..::::·.. ____ ____________ ______	_______ .    ________________________
 ,::·'  ,:::·\   /   /\    _  \\    /___\   _  \:   _\__   __/\  __  /    _  \
·::::::::::'\__    _/__    \__/    /   /_   /   \   \_      \    \__/ \   /   \
:::·  `''' ..|__/     |______\____      |_______/    |_______\________/_______/
 `::.	 .:·'  /______| |        /______|       /_   |
  `·:::::·'             :                            : dZ!
			§ operated by mangle/kiima!  §

|     /___________________________________________________________________
|·02·/									 /
|   / iT yELLS: hAZARD			    fOR: mICE			 |

			 §			 \	     /
			 :   ···[ hAZARD! ]···	 |	     |
	   .::______   _______	________________  _______  _______
	  ·::_\    /___\   __ \_\____	/\  __	\_\   _  \_\   _  \
	 ::::\_  _    \_   _/  \   ____/\_  _/	 \    / _/__   /   \
	  ::::|__/     |___\____\__	 |__\_____\__/	   |_______/
	   `::::/...;::|	  /______|	    /______|
	    `·:/::::::::'|                       |           :
	       ``:::·''  `-----------------------' dZ!       §

___________________________________________________________________\	 :
\								    \·03·|
| iT sAYS: mANGLE			fOR: mANGLE		     \	 |

	       §		..			    §
	   ___ :__  _______ .:· `:·._________ ______   _________
	  _\  \/_ \_\  __  \`::: :::\	____/_\    /___\   __  /_
	  \_  \/   \_  \_   \:::·:::_	\_   \	  /   \_   \__/ /
	   |__/     |___|___/::':.::|_________\__      |_______/
	     /______|dZ!    .:· `::·		/______|    |
	       |		  `:.			    |
	       `-------->>> mANGLE cOMES tO cHAT! <<<-------'

|     /___________________________________________________________________
|·04·/									 /
|   / iT yELLS: mICE			    fOR: mICE			 |

			 § --···[ mICE! ]··· \	_	/
		___  ___ |:::_________ _________\      /
	       _\  \/_	\_::_\	 ____/_\   __  /_\    /
	       \_  \/	 /::\_	/     \    \__/ / \  /
		|__/	/|:::|_________\_______/   \/
		  /____/ ::::·		     |	  \  /
			.·::::.--------------'     \/  dZ!

___________________________________________________________________\	 :
\								    \·05·|
| iT sAYS: sTYLE			fOR: sTYLE cREW 	     \	 |

	       ..:::::·.  §		       __________________
	      ·::'   `::: :                    \                /
	     :::'     `:· |  ···[ sTYLE! ]···  |                |
	     `·::::·...  ____________ __________   ________	|
		   ``::·.\__  __/\  |/	  /    /___\  __  /_	|
	    ·..     ,::::_     \__  /  __/_   /   /_  \__/ /	|
	     `:::·,:::·' |______/|______\ |__      |______/     |
		``''      |                 /______|dZ!         :
			  `--------------------'                §

|     /___________________________________________________________________
|·06·/									 /
|   / iT yELLS: wHALE			    fOR: wHALE cREW		 |

			§		     \		 /
	     .·       . :  ···[ wHALE! ]···  |		 |
	     `::.  .::'____ __  _______  ______   _________
	      ·::  `::·\   /  \_\  __  \_\    /___\   __  /_
	      :::   :::_  _    \_  \_	\    /	 \_   \__/ /
	     ·::' · ::·|__/     |___|___/___      |_______/
	     ::·.::.:::  /______|dZ!	   /______|
	   .·::::'`·:::·.                    |           :
			`--------------------'           §

___________________________________________________________________\	 :
\								    \·07·|
| iT sAYS: rANX 			fOR: rANX		     \	 |

		§				   ______  §
		:   _______  _______  ____ __  ____|	/  :
		|  _\	_  \_\	__  \_\   /  \_\   |   /   |
		|  \_	/ _/__	\_   \_  //   \_\    _/_   |
		|   |__/     |___|___/|__/     |__/    /dZ!|

|     /___________________________________________________________________
|·08·/									 /
|   / iT yELLS: nUP!			    fOR: nUP!			 |

		   §				      §
		   :	 ____ __  ::· ,: ________     :
		   |	_\   /	\·::' ::·\    _  \    |
		   |	\_  //	 \::·,:::_    \__/    |
		   |	 |__/	 /·:::::'|______\ dZ! |

___________________________________________________________________\	 :
\								    \·09·|
| iT sAYS: pASCZAK			fOR: pASCZAK		     \	 |

     §			 .:::·..				    dZ! §
     :	 ________ _______·.	'_________ ________________  _____ ___  :
     |	_\    _  \\  __  \`:::·. \   ____/_\____   /\  __  \_\	  /  /	|
     |	\_    \__/   \_   \  `::·_  /	  \   ____/\_  \_   \	   _/_	|
     |	 |______\_____|___/.. :::|_________\__	    |___|___/___/    /	|

|     /___________________________________________________________________
|·10·/                                                                   /
|   / iT yELLS: aZKINESS                    fOR: aZKINESS cREW           |

        _______  _________:·  .·_______ __  _________ _________ _________
       _\  __  \_\____   /:: ::'   |   /  \_\   __  /_\   ____/_\   ____/_
       \_  \_   \   ____/_·: ::|   |  //   \_   \__/ \_____    /_____    /
        |___|___/___     /:::·'|___|__/     |_________\_______/_________/
                   /____/:::`::      /______|

___________________________________________________________________\	 :
\                                                                   \·11·|
| iT sAYS: nOVEMBER tRANCE              fOR: sTEVE mCSTRETCH         \   |

             §                \                 /
          ·· : ·[ nOVEMBER ]· | ··              |
            ________________  _______  ____ __   .....  ________
           _\__   __/\   _  \_\  __  \_\   /  \.:·' `:·_\  __  /_
           \_      \_    /  /__  \_   \   //   \::   ' ._  \__/ /
            |_______/___/     |___|___/___/    /:::. .:·|______/
             |         /______|dZ!       /____/   ``·::'
             |                |                 :
             `----------------'              ·· § ·[ tRANCE! ]·   ··

|     /___________________________________________________________________
|·12·/                                                                   /
|   / iT yELLS: 2fAST                       fOR: 2fAST                   |

                 ...... ________ _______  _________ _________
                ::: .:::\     _/_\  __  \_\    ___/_\__   __/
             §    .:::'\_     __/   \_   \_____    /      \_   §
             :  .:::' .:|______\_____|___/________/_________/  :
             |  :::::::: dZ!                                   |

___________________________________________________________________\	 :
\                                                                   \·13·|
| iT sAYS: mETHADONE                    fOR: cRACK (rEQUEST)         \   |

         §               \                        /                  §
         :               |   ··· mETHADONE! ···   |                  :
 ___  __ ________ ______________ _ _______  _______   _____  ____ _  ________
_\  \/_ \\  __  /_\__   __/\    / \\  __  \_\   _  \_/  __ \_\   / \_\  __  /_
\_  \/   |  \__/ \       \_        |  \_   \    /   \   |/  \_  //  \_  \__/ /
 |__/    |________\_______/___/    |___|___/________/________|__/    |______/
   /_____|               |dZ!/_____|              |            /_____|
         `---------------'                        `------------------'

|     /___________________________________________________________________
|·14·/                                                                   /
|   / iT yELLS: oRDER sERVICE               fOR: cRACK (rEQUEST)         |

 §   ______  _______  _______  ________ _______                          §
 : _/   _  \_\   _  \_\   _  \_\  __  /_\   _  \                         :
 | \_  |/   \    / _/__   /   \   \__/ \    / _/_    >>> sERVICE <<<     |
 |  |_______/___/     |_______/_________\__/    /                        |

| >>> eND oF lOGOS! <<<
>>> Regards hits following people <<<                                    |
STEVE MCSTRETCH -+- INOG -+- MICE -+- MANGLE -+- BELIAL -+- JED          |
                        LETHAL -+- DOSE                                  |
| >>> Respects hits these great artists & groups <<<
|       2Fast -+- Nup -+- Pasczak -+- Ranx -+- Trooper -+- Zeus
|                       Jedi^Arts -+- Style
>>> Credits <<<                                                          |
        Whole thing typed by    : Dashzero/Dupe                          |
        Texteditor              : Qedit v3.0                             |
        Total lines             : 385                                    |
        Time used               : Few hours                              |
        Music support           : Pelle Miljoona, Ismo Alanko, CMX,      |
                                  Sielun Veljet,                         |
                                  Modules by; Randall/Suburban,          |
                                  Droidnoise, Light/Orkidea              |
|                                   ____________
|                          §        \          /
|    _                     : >>> tHA eND! <<<  |
|    /                     |        |          :
`---/                      `--------'          §

 ____________ __ ________________
_\   _   \  |/  \     _  \  __  /_
\_   /   /  |    \    \__/  \__/ / Dupe!
 This time Dashzero/Dupe presents a colly
      >>> named Julkinen El„in! <<<