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51 604 bytes (50.39K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 249


_° m! ²_______________________________________________________________° bitch ²_

                    .                                 .
                    .                                 :
                    :                                 :
                    :                                 :
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                ____:____ _ __________ _ ________ _ __:_______
               _\   _   /____________/___  _____/___ _       /
              \\_____\   _     //_      /  \       / /______/
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |               o f               |
                    |                                 |
                    ·                                 |
                _ __|__________.______ _______________:____
                   _|\._  \    |    ./_\___._     / ._    /
                 _/ : l/   \_  |    |/     l/.___/  l/___/:
                 \__________/_______|________|  |_________|_ _
                 ©geoid!                              |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
   _________ ______ :________ _______ __________ _____:___________ _________
 __\__     /  __ _/__ _     /      _/___ _     /     /______    _/___     _/___
_\   /____/___)/    / /____/____       / /____/___ \\     /__       /__       /
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |  a n o t h e r   q u a l i t y  |
                    |  a s k e e - p a q  n a m e d : |
                    :                                 :
        $$$b    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b    $$$$$$$$$$$$
        $$$$    sss.   `$    $        $'   sss.   `$    sss.   `$$$$
        $$$$    $$$$    $    $$$    $$$    $$$$   .$    $$$$    $$$$
        $$$$    $$$$    $    $$$    $$$    $$$$$$$$$    $$$$    $$$$
        $$$$    $$$$    $    $$$    $$$    $$$$   `$    $$$$    $$$$
        $$$$    $$$'   .$    $$$    $$$    $$$$   .$.   $$$$    $$$$

               _____ ________       _______ __________ ___.____
              _\___/___     /_____._\___ _/___ _     /    |  _/___
             _\       /__ \\     /    _/     / /____/_\          /
°____________\_______/   \______//__________/_____\  \____|_____/pH____________²

- p r e s e n t a t i o n
- i n d e x
- l o g o s
1                            terebinth                                     byron
2                            alien tribe                                unscared
3                            seventh sin                         distant thunder
4                            heatwave                                       wave
5                            yelling                                       atmos
6                            goodbye #1                                    atmos
7                            goodbye #2                                    atmos
8                            bulls                                         atmos
9                            automsg                                       atmos
10                           feedback                                      atmos
11                           stats                                           me!
12                           c64                                           byron
13                           byron                                         byron
14                           bullshit                                      byron
15                           statz                                         byron
16                           distant thunder                     distant thunder
17                           dt!                                 distant thunder
18                           sense                                             -
19                           magic node                                        -
20                           chaos terrtiory                            unscared
21                           dashzero                                   dashzero
22                           index                                      dashzero
23                           words                                      dashzero
24                           megahertz                                    chrome
- d i z ' e s
1                            mice                                            me!
2                            ant                                        unscared
3                            dupe                                steve mcstretch
4                            mhz                                          chrome
5                            arla                                              -
- r e a l  a r t  ;)
1                            tha house                                      hash
2                            hazard                                          me!
3                            mice                                            me!
4                            insane boys                                    hash
5                            flavor                                            -
- w o r d s
- g r e e t s / r e s p e c t s / c r e d i t s
_° i take yer brain to another dimension, pay close attention: ²________________
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   1    terebinth           byron            \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
  ___________ _______ _______ _______ ____     .___________ _____ ____
  \__     __/ _     /  _    / _     /  __/__   :   _      /   __/    /____
m!  |     |   \____/   /___/  \____/   __  /   |    \    /    |          /
   .|_____|______/___\    \______/________/____|_____\__/_____|____/____/.
 .%'                  \___/                                              `%.
 %'                                                                       `%
 %.       infOrmatiOn ...                                                 .%
 `%.  .                                                               .  .%'
  `%%%'                                                               `%%%'
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   2    alien tribe         unscared         \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
                           ___      .  ___   ___
    ,-------------------(  \--\ \__, \ \_/_, \ /  )----------------------,
    |  ________________ _____________       . __________ _____________   |
    `--\__          __/      _      /       :        __/__     _     /---'
         |          |        /_____/        |        __  /     \____/
    ,----|_________m!______\      \_________|___________/_________/------,
    |                       \_____/  -- group of total strangers ;)      |
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   3    seventh sin         dt               \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
_____________ _ __________ __   _____ __________ __________ _______ _____
\    _______/___   _     /   \ /    /    _     /  _       /     __/     /_____
 \__________   /   \____/     \    /     \____/    \     /      |            /
m!  .%'            _____________          . _______________             `%.
   .%'             \    _______/___       :      _        /              `%.
   %.               \__________   /       |       \      /                .%
   `%.  .              \_________/________|________\____/             .  .%'
    `%%%'                                                             `%%%'
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   4    heatwave            wave             \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
__________  _ ____________ ____________ _________
\        /_____    _     /    _       /       __/  % heatwave
 \            /    \____/     \      /        |    % +358.o.2HOT4YA
  \____/_____/________/________\____/_________|    % op: wave
       .        ____________   _ _____________ ___   ______ __________
m!   .%'        \        __/_____    _       /    \ /     /    _     /
     %.       .  \      /\      /    \      /      \     /     \____/
     `%.    .%'   \_____/\_____/______\____/____________/_________/
      `%.  .%'
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   5    yelling             atmos            \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
_________ ______ __________ _____  _ _______        . _____________ ________
\       /      /    _     /    _/____     _/____    :    _        /  ______/__
 \    _/      /     \____/   _/     /   _/     /    |     \      /   \_      /
m!\_____     /_________/___________/__________/_____|______\____/___        /
.%'     \_____/                                                     \______/
%.                 reasOn: atmos tuu t„nne!
`%   .          time left: 19
 `%.%'             status: pagin' sysop
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   6    goodbye #1          atmos            \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/

        __)                                                 (__
       |                                                       |
       __   __   __   _\    /_        __         __    __    _\
      (__, (__) (__) (__\  /__) (__| (_/___  ,  (__\  /  )  (__\
       . |                         |                           .
       |  __________    _ ____________ ___   ______ __________ |
       |  \        /_____    _       /    \ /     /    _     / |
       |   \            /    \      /      \     /     \____/  |
       |    \____/_____/______\____/____________/_________/    |
       |    _________________     :__________ _ ___________    |
       |    \      _        /     :    _____/___    _     /    |
       |     \      \      /      |    \       /    \____/     |
       |      \______\____/_______|___________/________/  m!   |
       |     ________________ _____________ ______ ______      |
       |     \_________     /     _       /      /      /      |
       |       \    __/    /      \      /     _/      /       |
       |        \_________/________\____/______       /        |
       |                                       \______/        |
       |    (rememba to kall pakk too!)                        |
       |__                                                   __|

 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   7    goodbye #2          atmos            \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/

      .                                                      .
         .                                                 .
         `%.                                             .%'
           `.                                           .'
            `%.                                       .%'
              `%.                                   .%'
               `%                                   %'
 ___________ _ __________ ______ ____________ _______ _ _____ _____ _________
 \     ____/___     _  _/     _  \_____     /    ___/__     /     /   _     /
  \    \_     /     / /       / /   __/    /     ___  /   _/     /    \____/
   \___      /_______/_________/__________/__________/____      /________/
 m!    \____/        .                         .          \_____/
                     `%.                     .%'
                       %.                   .%'
                       .%                   %.
                   .%%%:'                   `:%%%.
                   `%.                         .%'
                    `%.                       .%'
                      `%.                   .%'
                        `%.               .%'
                          ``%.         .%''
                             ``%.   .%''
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   8    bulls               atmos            \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
         :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :
   ______________ _ ______ ______ _______   _ _________  _ __________  m!
   \        ____/__      /      /      _/_____       _/_____  ______/___
: ::\        __   /    _/      /     _/      /     _/      /_______    /:: :
         ::   1 - axs-info
         ::   2 - rules
         ::   etc.
         :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :

 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   9    automsg             atmos            \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/

_______________ ____ ____ ________ _________ __  _______ _______ _ _________
\     _       /    /    /      __/     _  _/   \/      /  _____/___   _____/__
 \    \      /   _/    /       |       / /            /________   /   \_     /
,-\____\____/_________/________|________/______\/____/m!\________/____      /

 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   10   feedback            atmos            \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/

       _______________ _________ ________ _____________
       \         ____/   _     /    _     \______     / m!
        \      ____/     \____/     \____/    __/    /_____
       __\______/___________/__________/____________/     /
       \      ____/__    _        /   ____/___    |/     /
        \       __  /    \       /    \      /          /_
      %'       send  f e e d b a c k  to atmos ?
      `%.   .
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   11   stats               me!/ppe          \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
 _______________ ______________ _________________ ___________ ___________
 \     ________/___         __/      _          /         __/  _________/___
  \___________    /         |        \         /          |____________    /
     \___________/_________m!_________\_______/___________| \_____________/
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   12   c64                 byron            \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
          _______________    ___________   _______ _____
          \      _______/___/          /  /      /     /
           \     \         /    ______/__/     _/     /
            \     `       /     _____   /____        /
          .--\___________/_____________/ m! /_______/--.
          `----[ c64 - da legenda ]--------------------'
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   13   byron               byron            \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
        ____________ _ _____ _____ __________ __________ ___________
        \     _____/__     /     /    _     /      _  _/  _        /
      m! \      __   /   _/     /     /____/       / /     \      /
      Ö---\_________/____      /____\     \_________/_______\____/---·
                         \_____/     \____/
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   14   bullshit            byron            \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
           ____________ _ ______ _____ _______    _ _______
           \       ___/__      /     /      _/_____      _/_____
            \      ___  /    _/     /     _/      /    _/      /
             \_________/___________/___________ _/____________/
             .  _____________ _ ______          _____________
             |  \    _______/__      /______    \_        __/
             |   \_________   /            /      |       |
          \  |__   \_________/_____/______/_______|______m!
           \ _  )__
            \/     )_______.  b u l l s h i t !
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   15   statz               byron            \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
            ._________ __ _
         .__)              _ __________________
         |     _ ______________     _         /___________
    ______________          __/     \        /         __/_________
    \    ________/__        |________\______/          |   _______/__
     \_________    /________|               |__________|________    /
       \__________/                                   \____________/m!
         .          handle: mice!
        .|            city: .tul.dup.fsk.rg.haz.
        :|           ratio: 1:1234
         |            etc.
            )___ /____ __ _
              _ /
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   16   distant thunder     dt               \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
_______________      . ________ __________ ___________ ____________ ________
\_________    /      :   _____/__      __/   _       /   _        /      __/
 \     __/   /       |______    /      |     \      /     \      /       |
_____________ _____    _ _____ ____ ___________ __________ _________ _________
\__       __/     /_____     /    /   _       /______    /   _     /   _     /
  |       |            /   _/    /     \     /    __/   /    \____/    /____/
  |.______|_____/_____/_________/_______\___/__________/________/_____\    \
.%%'                                                                   \___/
%%'    distant thunder presents / chattii nyt / on tosi iilait ...
`%%.     .
 `%%.  ,%'
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   17   dt!                 dt               \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
                _ __ __________
_______________ ________      /
\________     /      __/     /
 \    __/    /       |______/
,-\_________/________|      \
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   18   sense               not req'd        \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
   ______________ _ ____________ ______________ __________ _ ____________
   \   _________/__      _     /    _         /  ________/__      _     /
m!  \__________   /      \____/      \       /___________  /      \____/
    . \__________/__________/_________\_____/  \__________/__________/
 %'   s e n s e !  t„h„n vAikkA jotAin infoA tAijotAin...
 %.    .
 `%. .%'
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   19   magic node          not req'd        \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
    _______  _______ ___________ ________        .__________
    \      \/      /   _       /  ______/___     :    _____/___   .%%.
     \            /    \      /   \_       /     |    \       / .%'  %.
      \____\/____/______\____/______      /_____m!___________/       :%
       .%      ________________ ____\____/_ ___________ __________  .%'
       %'      \     _        /      _   _/______     /    _     / .%
       %.       \     \      /       /  /     __/    /     \____/.%'
       `%.  .%   \_____\____/__________/____________/_________/
                     % +fin-o-magical % s'op: conrad %
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   20   chaos territory     unscared         \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
___________  _ ____   _ ___________ _________ _______
\    _____/__     /____    _      /     _  _/  _____/__
 \   \      /         /    \     /      / /_______    /
_________ ________ _________ _________    : ________ ________ ________ ___ ____
      __/  _     /    _    /    _    /    :      __/    _  _/   _    /   /    /
      |    \____/     /___/     /___/     :      |      / /     /___/  _/    /
______|_______/_____\    \____\    \______:_____m!_______/____\    \____    /_
  ct information ...                      :
                                          :      moor information ...
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   21   dashzero            dashzero         \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
                    __)                           (__
                   |                                 |
           ______________ ____________ __________ _ ______
           \________    /    _       /  ________/__      /_____
            \    __/   /     \      /__________   /           /
             \________/_______\____/  \__________/_____/_____/
              ______________ ___________ __________ __________
            __\________    /    _      /    _     /     _   _/
            \    _________/     \_____/     /____/      /  /
             \_________/ _ _________/_____\     \ ________/
                   |     dashzero / dupe             |  m!
                   |__                             __|
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   22   index               dashzero         \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
       ___________ ____________ ____________ ___________ ___ ______
   m!  \         /   _        /_______     /    _      /    |     /_
        \       /     \      /     __/    /     \_____/     _      /
 |  numbah                   what?                             who?       |
    #001                     hazard                            mice
    #002                     dupe                              dupe
 |  contains total of xx askii pieces; all 100% made by dashzero/dupe!    |
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   23   words               dashzero         \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
  ____________ _____   _ ___________
  \__      __/     /_____   _      /
    |      |            /   \     /
              ____________  _ __________ __________ _________ _______
    m!    .   \         _/____     _  _/   _      /_____    / ______/__
        .%'    \      /\     /     / /     /_____/   __/   /_______   /
       .%'      \_____/\____/_______/____\     \__________/  \_______/
       %'                                 \____/
       `%.       t„h„n hianOja lausahduksia ...
          `%.    .
           `%. .%'
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   24   megahertz           chrome           \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
                 ::                                      ::
            ________  ________ ___________ ________ _______________
            \       \/       /    _      /   _____/___    _       /
       : :: :\              /     \_____/    \_      /    \      / :: :
              \_____\/_____/__________/_____        /______\____/
              __________    _ __________ ___\______/ ___________
              \        /_____   _      /    _      /_______    /
       : :: :::\            /   \_____/     /_____/   ________/::: :: :
                \____/_____/________/_____\      \_________/m!
                 ..                        \_____/       ..
_° next da diz-part... sad but true: ²__________________________________________
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   1    mice                me!              \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
"$$$$$$ý$$$$$$ý$$$Ss. .sS$$$$
 $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$S S$$$$$$
 $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$$
 $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$$
 $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$$
 $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$$
a$$$$S$ $$$$S$ $$$$S$ `"""""'
+-------------------- .sS$Ss.
 mice's askii-pack #x $$$$$$$
 called: jokuhassu!   `ýS$Sý'
+--------( xx/xx/xx )-------+
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   2    ant                 unscared         \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
_______________ __________ _______
\     _       /  _       /     __/
 \    \      /    \     /      |m
%.    ant presents sumthan!
   `%%.  .
     `%%%' -xx/xx/xx-  [xx/09]
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   3    dupe                steve mcstretch  \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
,%$$"$$$$.°$$$ $$$$ $$$$"$$%, ,%$$"$$%,
$$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$.$$$$ $$$$ $$$$
$$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$±$
$$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$.$$$²sS$ý' $$$$"^~"'
`ý$$s±$$$ú`ý$$s$$ý' $$$$  m! `ý$$$$$$$
+------------------------------------ ›
 d u p e  art-paquet number  o n e !
Ö ---------¿ xx / xx / xx (----------°+
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   4    mhz                 chrome           \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
  _______  _______ _____       _________
  \      \/      /     /_____ _\___    /
   \            /           /   ______/
m!  \____\/____/_____/_____/________/
     ::                           ::
: :::::[  hippeliheijjaa! / s3m  ]::::: :
     ::     by  chrome / mhz      ::
     ::                           ::
: :::::[ relased on xx / xx / xx ]::::: :
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   5    arla                not req'd        \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
  (bit too late, arla is now merged with fusion!)   )________________(
 ,sS4ý"ýs,   ,4$$    m! ,4$$  ,sS4ý"ýs,
$$$$    $$s "$$$$ý4Ss,  $$$$ $$$$    $$s
$$$$,  ,$$$S $$$$ $$$$b $$$$ $$$$,  ,$$$S
"$$$$Ssý$$$$ $$$$ `"ý"' $$$$ "$$$$Ssý$$$$
  a r l a !  $ý"  p a q $ý"  0 6 / 9 6
_° da REAL art cummin' at cha next: ²___________________________________________
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   1    tha house           hash             \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
               ,$                                 infoo t„h„n jos tarvii!
 ,$          ,4$$           ,ssS4ý""ýs,           .
"$$4ý""'    "$$$$ý"ý4Ss,  d$$$$$     $$$          .
 $$    "ý$Ss, $$$    $$$$b.ý$$$$,   .$$$S.        .                       .
 $$      `$$$b $$   ,$$$$$$ S$$$$«ss"ý$Sý"        . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 $$b      $$$'$$$  $$$$$$$' "ýýýýý"
 $$$b.  .4ý" $ý"   "ýýýý"
 $ý"`"ý,$                             ,ss$4ý  ýSs,               .ssS4ý"ý4$$s.
     ,4$$             ,ssS4ý""ýSss, d$$$$$'    `$$s    ,s$$$b. d$$$ý     $$$S"
$s, "$$$$ýø"ý4Sss,  d$$$$$     $$$$s "$$$$,    ,$$$S.s$$ý"$$$$b $$$$Ss,,s$s"
$$$$ $$$$     $$$$$b.ý$$$$     $$$$$S $$$$$b,,d$$$$$'ý$s. `"""' $$$$      .sb
$$$$ $$$$    ,$$$$$$$ S$$$b,.,d$$$$Sý ýSS$$$$$$$SSý    `"ý4s.     "ýý$$ss$Sý"
$$$$ $$$$  s$$$$$$$$' "ýý&&&&&&&&ýý' .,,,,,,,,,. .4$$Sý"   d$$b.   .,.......s$
$$$$ $ý" , "ýýýýý" .s$p,,........,,s$$$$$$$$$$$' $$$$.    ,$$$$$b  `$$$$$$$$$$
$$$$p,,sS$$s,...,ss$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$M!CE$$$$s,. ""ýSss$$$$$Sý" .s$$$$$$$$$$
`"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""            """""""""""""'
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   2    hazard              me!              \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
    .                                                    .                 ,$
   ,$                                                   ,$                4$$
 ,4$$            ,sS4ý""ýs,    ,d$$$s.   ,sS4ý""ýs,   ,4$$       ,sS4ý""ý,$$$
"$$$$ýø"ý4Ss,  d$$$$     $$s d$$$$"ý4$s $$$$     $$s "$$$$ý4Ss, d$$$     $$$$
 $$$$     $$$$b."$$$,   ,$$$S """'_,s$ý $$$$,   ,$$$S $$$$ $$$$b $$$,   ,$$S$
 $$$$    ,$$$$$$ S$$$Sssý$$$$ ,s4ý"'    "$$$$Sssý$$$$ $$$$ `"ý"' $$$$Sssý$$$$
 $$$$ .s$$$$$$$' "ýýýý"  "ýý,d$$b  "ý$$$s.ýýýý"  "ýý" $$$$  m!ce "ýýýýý" "ýý"
 $ý"   "ýýýý"   .sSSSSs.    d$$$$$.   .$$$$    .ss.   $ý" .sSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSs.
 .sSSSs......sSSSSý  ýSSSSs. "ý$$$$$ss$$$ý' .sSSSSSSs. .sSSSý             ý$$
sSSý ýSSSSSSSSý          ýSSSs............sS$$ý    ýSSSSSý                 $$
$$ý                         ýSSSSSSSSSSSSSSý                               .$
$'      +- hazard! -+                             +- +358.o.87541o4 -+     $$
$$                                                                         `$
$$      +- infoa t„h„n ...                                          -+     $$
$"                                                                         $$
$       +- my„s t„h„n ...                                           -+     "$
;                                                                           ;
`.                                                                         .'
   .                                                                     .
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   3    mice                me!              \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
         « ,s$$$"$$$$$"$$$s. ,s$$$ ,s$$$"$$$$$ ,s$$$"$$$s. «
         « $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ «
         « $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ «
         « $$$$$.$$$$$.$$$$$.$$$$$.$$$$$       $$$$$s$$$$$ «
         « $$$$$.$$$$$.$$$$$.$$$$$.$$$$$.$$$$$.$$$$$.      «
         « $$$$$:$$$$$:$$$$$:$$$$$:$$$$$:$$$$$:$$$$$:$$$$$ «
         « $$$$$:$$$$$:$$$$$:$$$$$:`ý$$$s$$$$$:`ý$$$s$$$$$ «
        .«                                                  «.
       .%'                   mice / dupe                    m!.
       `%.                                                  .%'
        `%.  .           p r e s e n t i n g :          .  .%'
         `%.%'                                          `%.%'
          `"'                                            `"'
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   4    insane boys         hash             \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
  $$$'.s.`$$$$' `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  $$ dS$Sb $$',$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$',$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  $$."ýSý"  ,4$$ `~~"S$$$$$"~~~~"$$$$$$$$$$$$"',4$$ `~~"S$$$$$$S$&""""""'
  $".s$$$s,"$$$$"ý4Ss,    ,s$$$b.`$$$$$$$$$$$."$$$$"ý4Ss,`$$' .ssS4"ý4$$s.
  ".$$$$$$$,ý$$$  $$$$b. $4ý"$$$$b `$$$&"""""' $$$$  $$$$b .d$$«ý    $$$S'
   d$$$$$$$b $$$ ,$$$$$$ $$.        ,ssS4ý""ýs,"$$$ ,$$$$$ $$$$$$Ss,,s$$'
   `S$$$$$S'.$$$.$$$$$$'  `"ýSs.  d$$$$$     $$s $$.$$$$$$ '$$$$,     .sb
  $s,."ý"   $ý" "$$$$$'$$Sý"  d$$b.ý$$$$,   ,$$$S, "$$$$$'    "ýý$$ss$Sý"
  $$$$$"             $$$S.   ,$$$$$b $$$$sss"ý$Sý"                .,,,,s$
  $$$$' ,$            "ýS$ss$$$$$Sý" "ýýýý"           m!  ,s$$$b."$$$$$$$
  $$' ,4$$             ,sssssssssss,   .s$$Sý~   .s$s,   $4ý"$$$$b $$$$$$
  $$ "$$$$ýø"ý4Sss,  d$$$$$'   `$$$$s d$$$$'     `4$$$.  $$.      $$$$$$$
  $$$ $$$$    `$$$$$b.ý$$$$     $$$$$s`$$$$,.  .,4$$$$'   `"ýSs.  "$$$$$$
  $$$ $$$$    ,$$$$$$$ $$$$b,.,d$$$$Sý   "ý~$$$$$~ý"'.s$$Sý"  d$$b. "$$$$
  $$$ $$$$Sss$$$$$$$$' "ýý&&&&&&&&ýý' .s$$Sý `$$$ý   $$$S.   ,$$$$$b $$$$
  $$$ $ý"  "ýýýýýý"                  d$$$$'  ,4$$     "ýS$ss$$$$$$ý" $$$$
  $$"                                 "ý$$SssS$$ý                    "$$$
  `"ýý""ý i n s a n e  b o y s  k i c k i n '  y e r  a s s  '9 6 ý""ýý"'
 _ .________________________________________________)                (_____ _
 \  \                                              ____  .   __   ___     / /
  \  \   5    flavor              not req'd        \ \ \  \  \__, \_/_,  / /
   \_ \_____________________________________________                  __/_/
                                                      S       $
        .             .                           .            $   .
      ,S$           ,S$                                       $  ,S$
    ,4$$$      m! ,4$$$                          ,sS$&ý"ý&$Ss, ,4$$$
   "$$$$$ý"4Ss,   $$$$$  ,sS4ý""ýs,  ,s$4ý  ýSs,$$$$$'   `$$$$,$$$$$ý"4Ss,
    $$$$$   $$$$b.$$$$$d$$$$     $$sd$$$$'  `$$$s$$$$     $$$$$$$$$$  $$$$b
    $$$$$  .$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,   .$$$S$$$$    $$$$S$$$     $$$$$$$$$$ s$$$$'
    $$$$$ss`"ýýý"'$$$$$$$$$$$Sssý$$$$$$$$b  d$$$$$$$$     $$$$$$$$$$ `""'
    $$$$$         $$$$$ "ýýý"'   "ýý'$$$$$bd$$$$ýS$$$b. .d$$$$ý$$$$$
    $$ý"     $    $$ý"                `"ýýýýý"'  `"ý$$$$$$$"ý' $$ý"
            $           .
             $        s         - flavOr rOckin' thru '96 -
               S   S
                __________________    ________________________________
        ________\       _/    _   \ __\__      /______     \   ______/ _
     _  \_      /\       \    /    \    /    _/_     /     /_____    \ \
     / _/      /  \       \_        \_ /        \_  /     /     /     \_
°______\________/\_________/_________/ \_________/_______/_____________/_______±
 couple words before da end:
 (i hate these thangs very much, as ya can see ;)
 ..joojoo fourth coll' and still goin' on...
 ..btw, i discovered life's meaning, but won't tell it ;)
 ..and those reqs... i've usually call these boards:
 icezone, gateway, asylum, propaganda,
 divide overflow, tombstone, downtown,
 november trance and my own board; hazard, +358-0-8754104...
 and i'd like if requests would be in this "form":
 - what to do , adv/logo/diz/else , other info? -
 ..yes and dupe is lookin' foo' veryvery good askee/ansi/vga
 artists, so if ya think yar good, apply now!
 ..and i request again da MICE-logo for my next kollaaasiooon!
 cya soon, i hope.
         ________ _________ ___________ _________ _______ _________/
        _\  ____/___ ___  /___ _      /  _      /__   __/___ _____/____
        \   \_     /_|/  /   / /_____/   /_____/           /_______   /
°________\________/ \_______/______\ |_______\  \_________/  \_______/pH______²
fugitive, distance, pzyko, assassin, phobia, wizard, hash, dashzero,
geoid, shock-g, jam-o, dose, meeba, mind leader, vauhtiveikko,
squarepusher, conrad, corey, wave, mosh, ob fleur, suffer, gb,
sin fame (tnx foo' fd!'s numba ;), distant thunder, steve mcstrecth,
chrome, sliver, shaman, j.w pepper, tmk, etc.. .. .
and all brothas in art...
all tul, dupe, forsaken, fusion, ss, id, jade, rg, flavor, mfx, splat -members.
  ___________ _____ __  _
|____________ _________ _________ __________ ______ _________ ________ _______
\    __     /__  _____/__   ____/_  __     / _____/__  _____/_     __/   ____/_
|\   \|____/  /  __\  __/____    /  \|____/  __\  __/ /    __/     \ _____    /
| `---\______/_________\ _______/_______\ _________\ _______\ ______\ _______/.
`-(sms)--------------------------------[ Mice arvostaa noita tossa alhaalla ]-'
all ja! membas, phObia, sliver, nup, elvis, stezotehic.
imho: those guys can really draw...
   ____________ _________ __________ ________ _______ _________ _________
   \__  ______/_  __    /__  ______/_ _____  \ _____/_      __/     ____/_-sms
    /   |/     /  |/___/  / __\     /    \\   \     |/      \ _\_____    /
°__/__________/---|______/_________/__________/_____|________\ _________/______²
main artwork: m!
        mice: pH!
        dupe: geoid!
    presents: pH!
       index: pH!
       words: sQ!
      greets: pH!
    respects: sms
     credits: sms
    dupe-diz: dZ!
original size: 51604 bytes
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ____________ __ ________________
_\   _   \  |/  \     _  \  __  /_
\_   /   /  |    \    \__/  \__/ / Dupe!
      mice/dupe presents his 4th
      coll named:  B  I  T  C  H
                    .. the south will raise again ..
_° m! ²_______________________________________________________________° bitch ²_
 _________       _ _____     _ ______       ____    _ ____       _ _____
-\       l_____ ________`---,________`---,______`---,    _`---,        _`---,--
  \_     _     |    _     _/     _______/   _     _/    _/  _/___      /    /
---|     |     |    \     |      l     |    \     |     \       |          /---
- --( hazard )------( demo & art oriented board )------( +358-o-87541o4 )-- -