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38 903 bytes (37.99K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:23:33
Download count:
all-time: 990

Screenshot (by Demozoo)



                          /\_____________________/\ .
                        ._)                       (_:_ _
                        |                           |
                        |   t  h  e    y  a  r  d   |_ _
                        | - --------------------- - \///_ _
                        |                           |
                        | Amiga/Ascii/Graffiti/N64  |
                        | Gameboy/NeoGeoPocket/Snes |
                        | Psx/Ps2/Dc/Smd/Oldies/Mp3 |
                        | Unix/Drugs/Chiptunes/Mods |
                        |                           |
     __________    _____|      ________             |
 _ __\_ ____   \_ _\_   |__ _ _\_____  \_           |
        /  \    /      ___/       _/    /_ __ _     |
   _ __/   \\__/        |         \____/            |
      /      \_         |______                     |
        _ ___ /_________|    /___  _____ _ __ _     :
            \/          |        /\                 .
                   _____|       /  \   _______    _______
                _ _\_   |      /   .\ _\_____ \_ _\_____ \_ __ _
                     \____    /     \\    _/  _/__    /
                        |/   /       \\   \    _ /   /
                            /          \   \   //
               _ ___________\__________/____\  /_________ __ _
                        .                    \/     .
                        : AHS/DTR/BLACK SiSTA/ROYAL :
                     _ _| AEROSOL/LiGHTFORCE/MANGOO |
                     \\\/ LOW PROFiLE/BAD KARMA/UP! |
                        | SOiA/MOPLAYAZ/TQL/PVM/100 |
                        | H E A D   Q U A R T E R S |
                        |                           |
                        | the  idea  of  s t y l e  |
                        |                           |
                        |     is  the   k  e  y     |
                        |                           |
                        |   to  all  f o r m s  of  |
                        |                           |
                        | r   o   c   k   i   n   g |
                        |_          __             _|H2o!
                          )_______ /\_\ __ _______(
                          \/       \/_//_/\      \/
 [SOF] if there is none TY advert above - the file might been modified!  [SOF]
            ·.                                                 .
         . .:.::......... .  .             .   . ... ........:.:.:. .
            :::::                                            ::.::
            :::::   _____    ____   _____   __________  ______ :::
            . ___ __\__  \___\_  \__\  _/___\___  /_  \/     /__ .
       _____|_) //    /   \  _/ _/__   __/__  _    /  \/    // (_|_____
    _:_)   /|   /    /    / /      /       /  /  _/   /    /     |\   (_:_
   \\_         /_________/__\_____/_______/______\___/_____\            _//
     |_                                                                 |
     |/   ________________________   _______________  ____   _____      |_
     ·    \ _    _ /   /    /   _/___\___  /_    _ /__\_  \__\  _/_     |/
    (|    /_/    /_\ _/    /    __/__  _    /    /_\  _/ _/__   __/__   ·
     |  tR!/    //   \_   /         /  /  _/    /    /      /       /  (|
     ·    /_____\_____/___\________/______\_____\____\_____/_______/-T! |
     |_ _ ___                                                    ___ _ _|
     :////  /           .____                   ____.            \  \\\\:
    //__________________:_ (/· dRE/\M tHE/\TRE ·\) _:___________________\\
            . ...       |/                         \|        .....
            :::::            LiVE @ tHE eVOKE 2k             ::.::
         . .::.::............. ..   .      .  ... . .........:::::. .
            : ·. - ave -- diP -- gD! -- (\S! -- lo! -- zNr - ·: :.



                   ______|_                  :
                ___\___  |_____ _______ ____/| _____ ______
    __/\___ ____\     /  |    //   _   \\    |/    //     /___  ___/\__
    \cDr    \   /____/   :         /        _/    //_____/   /     m's/
    /_  __ /__________\    _____________  _\\_________________\ ___  _\
      \/               \   /   .      /______|                     \/
                        \ /
                         /  DTR! presents LIVE ASCii SESSiON @ EVOKE 2k

            __          ____________/_ __ _ ( zNr/DTR! )--- ->>__
.____ _____(__)-->>     \          /      ______          <<--(__)_____ ____.
l   //    _     .------· \  _ _/_ /______.:   _/___ .-----·    _       \\   l
: _//    //_   (_   __/---\   /  /      _/l  | /   (_    /---. \\ _     \\_ :
. l     ////   _/  .     / \  \ /       \ .  |/   /_/ _     /   \\\\      l .
        _ __ _/   /_____/---.  /._       \  _/  //_\  \____/---.__ _
<<-+----\\\_\\______________\\//_/ .oO+  /  \   \\_ ___________\\///-----+->>
:    _______.____.        __   \________//___\     \_____   _.    ___       :
.   (_   __/\_   l.----·_(__)-.     ._____   /__________/___\/   /  /---.   .
l    /  /    l   |l_  ///\   /----. \_   /   (__   /---./  _)_.--\____   \_ l
`--_/  /_  _/|  (__7 /_ /   /l   /  _/  /_____ /      /l  l/ /__    _/  __/-'
   \_______\     l|   //   /    /__/__ /_\    \_ ____/---. ._   \       \\_\
            `----'l___\\___\   /_\    \_       / \       \_|/    \_------'
.--------------------- - /_____________/----/_____________//      /_- ------.
l                                                         /________/        l
:_                                                                         _:
.\\-->> aVENGER <-+-> diPSWiTCH <-+-> lORD cHAOs <-+-> zANERSKi <-+-> <<--//.
o                                                                           o
.              .                                            .               .
`--------------+----<· dream theatre live productions ·>----+---------------'
               l                                            l
     .         :                                            :          .
     l         ._                                          _.          l
 <<--+---------//          f i r s t    w o r d s          \\----------+-->>
     |               +((----------------------------))+                |
     |                                                                 |
  ___|_  hey its zaner live from the evoke party in germany, you can  _|___
 /__///  not imagine how stoned I am right now, but who cares..I just \\\__\
     l   started our 4 player co-op called live @ the evoke 2k from    l
     .   just four the dtr stars, met a lot of guys here already and   .
     |   lois lane, avenger and dip were around at the ascii compo too |
     |   but I came on SAT evening and so here I am, made some asciis  |
     |   and sketches into avenger's blackbook. Lordee aka Lois Lane   |
     |   came around as mr taais aka teis/moplayaz arrived, whee you   |
     |   can imagine I guess, haujobb people grilling outside and btw  |
     |   soon my co-op with mortimer twang of the lo'pro will be out!  |
     |   watch out and enjoy this short but LIVE collection from the   |
     |   evoke. Zanerskee is off the mic. Who comes up next? -zanjah   |
     .         _                                           _           .
 <<--+---------\\--------(  gRAB tHE mICROPHONE  )--------//-----------+-->>
     l                                                                 l
     :                                                                 :
     .                                                                 .
     .                               _/  | .                           .
     .                           __. | X | |                           .
     :                         _/  | | X | |
     :                       . | X | | X | |                           .
     :                   diP | | X | | X | |
     :               _______ | |  ____   | |      _______              :
     :            ___\_    / _ ·_/   //_ ____  __\\_    /              :
     :           _)   /   /_\\/_      _//   //_    /   /               :
     :           \   /   //    (_     \      _/   /   /                .
     :           /_______\      /______\     \ _______\                :
     :                _ ________\  . _ _______\                        :
     :     v i T T U         . . _ | . _ . .     r U N K K A R i       :
   ____               _____  | | X | | X | ·___            ____        :
 _\\_ /___    _______\\_   \_  |  ____ ___ /  (_   _____ _\\_ /___   _
_) _/    /___\\_    /  /    /__  /   (_  _/    /__\\_   \_ _/    /__\\/_
\  \     \_    /   /  /     \  _/     /  \     \_   /    / \     \_    (_
/___\_____/   /   /___\______\ \      \_ _\_____/  /    /___\_____/     /
      _ __________\      _ _____\______/ . . _ _________\     _ ________\
                             . . _ . . _ | |                           .
     :                       | | X | | X | | dTR                       :
     .                         |_  | | X | ·                           :
     .                           \_| |  _|                             :
                                   · |_/                               :
     .                                                                 :
     .   Dipswitch on the keys... We are now sitting here and waiting  :
         for the demo compo. Some are asleep, some are awake, and some :
     :   are something in between... Like we. ;) Lord Chaos gone       :
     :   asleep, Avenger is following his organizer's duties somewhere,:
     .   and Zaner and I are sitting here trying to shorten up the     :
     :   time. Btw, it's 5:17 am, if you didnt knew... hmmm dont know  :
     :   what to write... rrRRRRUNKARi ! Assembly'2k wild entries are  :
     :   great btw, I just wish I could understand more of the finnish.:
     :   On this place my mega greets go out to the Haujobb Finland    :
     :   squad, Droid & Melwyn. I am feeling proud that the coming     .
     :   HJB&CDX demo was tested and partly developed on my lameass    .
     :   pc =)... And of course many props out to the core of the      :
     :   organizer team... Btw the Amiga Ascii compo went really well, :
     :   thanx to Matt/HJB's Amiga and many many nice entries. There   :
     .   will be a TAC Evoke special, no doubt !  damn I dont know     .
     .   anything to write now... be back later ! vittu perkele !      .

     :                                                                 :
 <<--+----------------------( 10 vor 10 records )----------------------+-->>
     |                                                                 |
     :        .:::::..    .---------.       ___                  .:::::..
     . .::::: ::::  :::.   \       /_______/ _ )_ 10      .::::: ::::  :::.
         `::: :::   ::::    \     /  .   _/ |/  /_  vor     `::: :::   ::::
zNr/DTR!  :::  ::: ::::' _.  \   / .\ ·. \        \    10    :::  ::: ::::'
         .:::.  ``:::'   \/   \ /.  ·.·   \_ ._    \        .:::.  ``:::'
<<--  .:::::::::. ---------->> //__________/_l/     \_<<-.::::::::. ------->>
                                ·            /_______/                 .
     :                                                                 .
     .                                                                 :
 <<--+------------------------( * f l a s h * )------------------------+-->>
     l                                                                 l
     :                                                                 :
     .   oke, its me zanerskee again on the keyboard, 25 feet high.    .
     :   actualy I finished this dezign box and the 10vor10 above,     :
     :   btw, the thing in the O is an Clock at 10 to 10 time. well,   :
     :   Dipswitch was just on the turn a few minutes ago, but anyway  :
     :   I'm going to write some nonsense so its topic is flash. Well  :
     .   will continue later, -zaner (6am)                             .

     .   Inspiration, what is it about? Its a feeling you get when ya  .
     .   listen to music, watch art or see abstract things or just     .
     :   recognize regular things as abstract. Style, What do you feel :
 .__ |_  when you hear those 5 letters which were born on exactly the _| __.
/__/ //  thing what them letters mean. Inspiration and Coordination   \\ \__\
     l   in a deadly Combonation. Free your mind and let yourself go!  l
     :   peace, -zaner  (a few hours later I guess) and now its time   :
     .   for Dipswitch to kick something on the screen, beam me up...  .
     |                                                                 |
<<---+---- · --------------------------------------------------- · ----+--->>
     |                                                                 |
     :                           a  g  e  e  m  a  ··  b  l  u  e  s   :
     .      \· zNr/dTR!  .____                                         .
            /\   ______ (_  _/---.   .____      ____ .___     \.
           /  \ /   __/__/_     /\  (   _/---. _\   \\/  \_   /\       l
     _ _ _/    \   /    / / ___/---. \_     /\/   .        \ /  \      :
    /_\\\\   Oo \  \_  /_.          \_/ ___/---.---\_  /____\    \_ _ _·
    \__\\/       \ ______)\___________)         \_---\/ ___/  oO  ////_\
     .  `---------'  ____\/\_________\____________)\  \/  /       \\\\__\
     |   \_________\/                 \____________\)    `---------'   |
<<---+--- -        - ---------- -- - --             -- -- \_________\ -+--->>
     l                                                                 l
     :                                                                 :
     .  rewind, greets to my sisters at the b-girl platform: mortee,   .
        orlingo, kofee, maleeek, and the rest of the paranoial team.
     .                                                                 .
     :                                                                 :
     .  d  i  s  c  p  l  e  s   -+-   o   f   -+-   a  g  e  e  m  a  .
     l                                                                 l
     |                                                                 |
     :  heya dipper on the keys again... getting more and more sleepy  :
     :  and so the text will get more and more contextless...;)        :
     :  damn, where are our 2 other dreamtheatrians ?  I hope they     :
     :  will contribute after the demo compo... boah it is really      :
     :  quite in the hall... the first time since friday. just a si-   :
     :  lent touch of a brand new 10vor10 rec promo swinging through   :
     :  the air. grraaaaaaaaah... i am sleepy as hell, and zaner is    :
     :  rolling another spliff, so i hope i wont pass out with the     :
     :  head on the keys in the next 10 minutes. but atm it's my       :
     :  fingers on the keys still...;)                                 :
     .                                                                 .
        according to xxx/haujobb zaner won the "craziest hairstyle"
     .  compo...;) and xxx himself must have won the "most ridicu-     .
     :  lous backpack" competition =)                                  :
     :                                                                 :
     .  a propos haujobb: the next thing you'll see will be the        .
        file_id for the haujobb&calodox demo coming hopefully in a
     :  few hours. here it goes:                                       :
     .                                                                 .
     :              .____.   _      _____                              :
 __ _l          ____|    | _\\/_ _ /_   //_____                        l_ __
/__\\\         _)   |    |/    (_    \_       /                        ///__\
     |         \    _    |      /     /      / hAUJOBB &               |
     :         /____\____|     / _____\_____/   cALODOX                :
     .         <------ _ ______\ ------------------------->            .
     :                                                                 :
     :           "TRUE" - wATCHiNG a bEER - hAViNG a dEMO              :
     :               haujobb&calodox evoke'2k pc demo                  :
     :                                 _____    ________               :
     :                 ___ _____. ____\\  _/_ __\___   (_              :
     :                _) _/     |/      _/  (_     /    /              :
     :                \  \      |       \    /    /    /               :
     :         <-diP- /___\_____|________\ __\ __/\____\ ->            :
     :                                                                 :
     :                                                                 :
     .  not that masterpiece but hmmm... i go in the background        .
     .  and pass the keys to zanerious...                              .

     .                                                                 .
     :  -dipswitch @ 7am / left the keys alone...                      :
     |                                                                 |
     l                                                                 l
     : oke, as expected zanerious grabbed the mic aka the keybaaawrd.  :
     . brb - oke music changed and I'm in a relaxed position I guess   .
       most people went sleeping as told before I guess..I will leave
    _. the place in the early hours, like 10-11am well still no sleep  ._
    \\ and then the summerjam w\ pharaoe monch awaits me in cologne    //
     : when I wake up / I'm still so high that I might die, so we'll c :
     . - Anyways, Some greetings and congrats to Darkus/HJB^ASL who    .
       became dad the last week. Another mind-split now so the words
     . I tell seem much less planned or sorted then ever, I'm still    .
     : so high from the 10vor10 promotion pardee on friday, well this  :
     : is also a reason why I made some 10vor10 ascii :] Nevertheless  :
     : My last w33d is rolled up in lightspeed as expect from the      :
     : lightforce! Well, what else can I say Oooh this track gives me  :
     : a straight fresh feeling now, hehe could type more and more but :
     : it won't end in a cool way now. Will chill and relax now // We  :
     . will see again in the next parts of the collection, Avenger &   .
     : Lord Chaos will also do a lot of stuff maybe I just can share
       a few hours w\ them until I leave finally. Well so far this     .
     . dtr-allstar collection was great for me. Greets to the other
       dtr-members at this point of time: Shaolin and Gravedancer!     .
       something that flashs threw my mind now, trivial: do not loose  :
     . the number again when you come around. Peace!                   :
     : me signing out @ 7.20am.                                        :
     .               tschayna aka zanerskee aka zanerious aka orkster. .
     |                                                                 |
<<---+--------------------( n e x t   p a r t )------------------------+-->>
     |                                                                 |
     l - Rewind, Dipswitch is laying under the desk and is going to    l
     :   sleep until the demo-compo starts. Well I just can't, last    :
     .   words : "zanerski: Wheeeeew, What kind of talk-flash ya have" .

  _ _. - Oke, I think I got addicted to writing and ascii now until w\ ._ _
 (_\\\   ever goes on...changing music to find the karma that I need.  ///_)
     |                                                                 |
     . -zanerski @ as the sun came out of it's grave, or was it just   .
     : mc cluesos superiour track on the new promo. Well combo deluxe. :
     .                                                                 .
     |                                                                 |
     l                                                                 l
     .  again me, I just got the background information from faxe/bm   .
     :  who is one of the organizers that the demo-compo will be held  :
     .  at 8am. Well good news.. I think I will move over to the next  .
     .  corner where the Mo'Playaz chill w\ Tony Hawks on DC :]        .
  _  |                                                                 |  _
  \  |                                                                 |  /
   \ |                                                                 | /
    ·--->>   lets see who grabs the keys as next,.. -10eriousim!   <<---·
     |                                                                 |
     .                                                                 .

 _______.              _____                                           .
 \      |_____________/    /____                                       :
__\_____|_.          /____/   _/_________
\_        |        _/  __\__            /_           it's ave's turn...
 /________|________\   \  /______________\     ____
     .        __________\__    ____/_.        /   /____
           ave\     _     |    \    _|_______/___/   _/_________       .
    _|_       .\    _     |     \   )       /_  \__            /_      .
      /-------|_____|_____|\    /____________\   /______________\      .
    _.___:__________________\  /.___________      __________           :
     |   :                   \/ |          /__ ___\___    _/___________
  ...|...:                      |_       _/   U     _/    \     _     /_
     |                        dTR/_______\__________\______\____/______\ ..
     |_     ___                                                        .
-  ---/-----\_|---------------------------------------- ----   --     -:--- -
     |                                                                 :
     | well.. finally i got the chance to  draw a little bit on this   :
     | collection. the end of evoke is near, we are just waiting for   :
     | the compo results. all left will be a huge mess :)              :
     | the party itself went pretty smooth this time, well..except that:
     | 16years old drunken and stoned girl who kept us busy all night  :
     | long. damn children.                                            :
     | the democompo was a little weak if you consider the high        :
     | pricemoney (totally about 3000 euros only for the demo compo),  :
     | but especially the pixel graphics were of high quality.         :
     | i guess i'll draw some logos now, since i run out of ideas      :
     | what to write ..  -avenger/dTR                                ..:
 - --|---------------------------------------------------------------:---  --
     :                                                               ···.
     .       .                                                          :
     :                                                                  :
  . .:..  . .: ....... .  .
     :       ..:
     . _ _   :                                                          .
      _\  __ ·           _                     __.                      :
    __\_\/_//_    _____  \//                 _/  |                      ._
   _)   \/   (_ _\\_   \_                    | X |                      //
   \    ||    /    /    /                    | X |                      l
   /____||____\        /         mO'pLAYAZ!  | X |                      :
            _ _________\      - ------------ | X | ---------------------·-
     :       .                               | X |  tHE lAST mOD hEROES :
     .   diP : dTR                           | X |                      .
     .       : ______           _____        | X |  _____
   --+->>  _ _/     /___  _ ___\\_   \_  ________ _\\_   \_     _____   :
     l    _) \     //  /_____    /    /_\\_     /    /    /____\\_   \
     .    \   \___/  _//    /   _    //   /    /    _    /        ___/  .
     .    /_____\    \     /____\____\        /_____\____\        \_ _  _
              _ ______\____\      _ ___    __/ _ .    _ ________ _      _
     :       .                         \___\ . X |                ......\\
 . . ... .  .:...                            | X |                :
     :       :..                             | X |                l
     .    . .. :.. .  .   .    .     .       | X |                |
             · yo tEiS on tha mic here..     | X |           ..:::·:::.
             · ..just wanna to say hi and    |  _|                .
             . that it's way too khou here   |_/ ·                .
               at ev2k wid ma mans zaner.dip.lois.etc..           :..·
             . phat asc2's goin'round and 'lot'f fun here..          :
             · had a way too phat booze, fucked up some peops        .
               minds and finally got up ma lame pc to make shit      ·
             . anyways, b tru 2 tha game as we are for ya'll wid     :
               our music from tha massive moplayaz force .. heheheh  .
             . oh, yea.... deviat, junk and avenger made some khou   :..
             | fast signed tags on some papers, but tha best tag       ·
     .       l is from ma man zanerskee anyways.. and yea, them        :
     :       : 2 ascii logos here from dip and avenger're also         .
  <<-· <<----' douphest  ... man, hi to  ma homez m.tee, dks           :
     :         kofi, niwa, geniuz and all'em wich couldn't             .
     .         make it here .. take it ez .. peez out..                l
     :                                                                 |
   --+------>> tEiS/mO'pLAYAZ -- -     --------- - -    ----  ---------+-->>
     :                                                                 :
     l                                                                 l
     .  avenger battles dipswitch while teis is chilling, mo'playaz!   .
  ___|                                                                 |___
  \__.                                                                 .__/
     :_                                                               _:
     //                  ._____                                       \\.
     ._____  .___________|    /
_____|    |__|__         |   /..........................................:.
\_   |    |   _/   _     |__/                                           :
 /___|____|___\__________| ______.         _______ mo'playaz            :
  :                  ______\___  |_________\_    |____________  _____   :..
  :               ___\        /  |    _     /    |  |_  _    /__\_  /_______
 .:.             |   /_______/   |_   _    /.___ |_ _/  _   /_  ___/      _/
   :.......avedTR|____\    /______/___|_____| /_____|___|____\____________\

     .                                                                 .
     |                                                                 |
     l                                                                 l
     .          well it was more than just a great weekend             .
     :                                                                 :
  _  |                                                                 |  _
  \  |                                                                 |  /
   \ |                                                                 | /
    ·------------------------------>> lois laneee finally on the keys --·
     |                                                                 |
    _.                                                                 ._
    \\                                                                 //
     :                                                                 :
     .                                                                 .
 ·...:                                                                 :...·
 :                                                                         :..
 .     ______        _____       ______  _____  _______                      :
 .    /    _/________\    \  ____\_    \/    /__\     /______    (lo!\dTR)   .
_:__ /    /     /    /    /_/   _      /\_       \    _     / _______________:_
 |   \_________/_____\______\_________/__________/____/_____\                |
 |     ______         ______     ______     _____    _____       _______     |
 |    /    _/________/_     \____\     \____\    \  /    /___  __\     /__   |
 `-- /    /     /     /     /    /     /    /    /_/\_       \/  /____/  / --'
·..  \_________/\__________/__________/_____\______\_________/___________\
  :                                                                        _.
  ·      oooh! oooh! oooh! oooh! wassup, luckee lordee luciano slamming    \/
       tha kees for the dream theatre massive.. finally i got to know my    |
  :    man zANEr and his awesome aphroe, so it's all good here in aachen.   :
  .      unfortunately, i am fucking stressed out and busy all the time     .
  :    doing stuff here and there, also organizing a bit and have not got
       that much time to really calm down and chill with my peeps from
  .    the dream theatre. but nevertheless i managed to put up an ascii
       for the competition and one more for this nice collection!
         also very cool thing is that my man teis finally made it to come
  ·    to another party since evoke 1997, thou i met him in between too,
  :    it's always a pleasure to meet the mo' playaz head niggah himself
       in action at the partyplace. i have never seen him as drunk as
       there on evoke, luckily nobody started quarrelling ;)
  .      the pardee in general works out quite cool once again, old
       school amiga demo show going on on the big screen, also lots of
       foreign people here this time, haujobb party massive in full
  .    effect and and and.. thou the compo entries are not as good as
       the years before, god knows why.. germans get lazee, maybe..
  .     so well i will give the keys over to whoeverwantstotypenow and
  :    tour a bit around on the party place again, maybe see you later
  ·    again.. is still active (from time to
  .    time) and i will be very happy to hear from you :), if you are
  :... one of my old school contacts.. peace out!                  _.   _l
     :......                                                       \/--.\\
           :                                                        .
_____________   ______________________________________              l_
\           /___\_     /     _      /           /    /____          //
 \      ___/    -     /_    (/     /_         _/    /_   /          |
  \____|_______________\_____\______\_________\______    \          :
        \      |_____           ________\___   ____/_\____\_____________
        _\_____|.  _/________   \          |   \    _|_____\_    _     /
        \_      |_          /_   \    _    |    \   )       /_  (/    /_
      ave/______|____________\    \________|    /____________\___\_____/dTR
           .                                \  /                    .
        ...:                                 \/                     |
        :                                                           l
        .                                                           :
       << the party is over | the party is over | the party is over >>
        ·                                                           ·
        :                                                           :
        .           .____                               .____       .
                 ___|_  (    _____  _____       ____ ___|   (       ..
       _:______ _\  _/  /____\_  /__\ __/_______\_ /_\  | / /_ ______:_
        .       \   \    _   _/ / _ __/    _   __/  _  \_/   /
      _ ______ /_________\___\____\_\|_____\___\|___\___|_____\ ______ _
        ____.       ._____                  ____.
        )   |__  ___|    / _____       ____ )   |__     _____  _____ :
       _\  ___/__\  |_  /__\ __/_______\_ /_\  ___/_____\_  /__\ __/___
       \   \|   _   _/   _ __/    _   __/  _   \|   _   _/ / _ __/    /
      ..:                                                            :..·
      ·                                          _____                  :
   ...:        _____.          _____.      ____  )  _/ _____.  _____
   :  ______.  \  __/   ______ \  __/  ____\_ /_ \  \  \  __/  )  _/ zNr^DtR
   . _\  _  )_  \ )_    \    /  \ )_  /     /  /__\  \  \ )_   \  \
   : \_  /   /_ /  /____/   /   /  /_/__  _/  /_  .\  \ /  /____\  \
   .  / ._     \  /)   _\  /_/\/  /)   _\_______\ l/   \_ /)   _\\  \
   | /__l/      \______\  /\   \_______\    /___________/______\l/   \_.|
 <-+-- /_________\ - /__________\ ------------------------- /__________/+-->
   l                                                                    l
   :   DTR-INFO.TXT  - iNFO FiLE               - DTR ALLSTARS           :
   .   DTR-GLV2.TXT  - GLOBAL ViLLAGE 2        - DiPSWiTCH              .
   ·   DTR-SG!.TXT   - STYLES GALORE!          - AVENGER                ·
   :   DTR-JOY.TXT   - JOY OF LiFE             - SHAOLiN               OoO
  OoO  DTR-WAFM.TXT  - WE ARE FAMiLY - M^S'2k  - DiPSWiTCH              l
   :   DTR-TITS.TXT  - TITBITS                 - DiPSWiTCH              |
   l   DTR-EV2k.TXT  - EVOKE'2k LiVE COLLY     - DTR ALLSTARS           |
 <-+--- ------------- ------------------------- -------------------- ---+->
   |                                                                    .
   :                 .oO> wHO iS dREAM tHEATRE tODAY <Oo.               .
  _.                                                                    ._
  \\               ·· aVENGER ·· diPSWiTCH ·· gRAVEDANCER ··            //
   l                ·· lORD cHAOS ·· sHAOLiN ·· zANERSKi ··             l
   .                                                                    .
  <·>                 -------- -- ----------- -- ---------             <·>
   |                                                                    |
   :                     .oO> oUR cOOL bOARDS!<Oo.                      :
   .                                                                    .
                               The Yard - WHQ                           .
   .                           Absolute - GHQ
   :                     The Northern Palace - DKHQ                     .
   .                          Dial Hard - CHHQ
   .                                                                    .
   :                                                                    :
   :    _______             _____.______                                :
_____.__\_    /____   ______\    ||    /______________ _                :
\    |   /   /.  _/___\_    -   _||___/.|        /  _///___             :
 \  _|___\____|  )     /        \_     ||_     _/\_       /.            :
--\____/ ---- |_________|________/_____|-|_____\___________|ave'dTr ------ -
   .                                                                    :
   :                                                                    :
   :    Main design by Zaner                                            :
   :    Additional design by Dipswitch                                  :
   :    Logos and texts by Avenger, Dipswitch, Lord Chaos & Zaner       :
   :    Additional text by Teis/Spaceballs^MVP                          :
   :    Additional logos:                                               :
   :    "Dream Theatre" #1 by Threaz/Twisted                            :
   :    "Evoke" by Crusader/Mo'Soul                                     :
   :    "Dream Theatre" #2 by Darkus/Aerosol                            :
   :    File_id.diz by Crusader/Mo'Soul                                 :
   :                                                                    :
   :..                                                                ..:
   . :................................................................: .

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ:_ __   ____ ______ ___ ____ ___.:___ ___ _:
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:   ./   /  / /  /  _)          ||   \.    |
|cDr|______/__\__________/\_____\/____|m's o
| _______:___ ___ ____ ______ ______ ___   |
  _   _  |  // _//    \\_   _\\_   // _/_  :
 .|   |  \    _)        |   |  /  /  _)  \.

     DTR doin' it live on Evoke'tw0kAYY!
       Ave/Dip/Lo!/Znr feat. Teis/MVP
- ---------------------------------------- -@END_FILE_ID.DIZ
                         /___________ø_ [%* tHE YARd BBS 2k! *%]
     ._________________///   ________:                          ____
  ___|_______ ____.    /  ___\_      |___   ___\      _____  __/_   \
  \     _   //   _|__  __/_    \     |   \ /    \  __/_    \/   /    \
   \___/    ø   /    \/   /    /     |_   /      \/   /   _/   /      \
     _/     :  /_     \_ /____/¯\_____/  /       /   /_    \__________/
     \______|    \_____/_________/ /____/        \_____\_____//
         \_______|                     /____________\©nUP


   ÷ 0d aMIGA/aSCII/hANDhELDS/n64 - dC/pSX/sNES/mP3/oLDIES/c64/lINUX/dRUGS ÷
       ÷ pRIVATE sYSTEM - tHREE diAL-UP nODES - fiVE 24/7 tELNET nODES ÷