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36 562 bytes (35.71K)
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2017-05-19 23:23:31
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                             ·this file passed·
                        _ _____        ___   ______
                               )_  __ _| (___) _  )_
                              __/__) (_    |   |___/
                       _ ___  |   |___|    |__
                         c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _
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                  \ ________\   /______\    \ ____\ \_______\
                   \/      <(·tHE YARd·)>    \/ lOCATED iN gERMANY!
       [·aMiGA·aLL cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·aSCii·liNUX·hiPhOP·pC/iBM·cLASSICS·]
            [· rUNNiNG oN 7 nICE nODES · iSDN/aNALOGUE/tELNET ·]
           [· sTAFF < zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH · cRAZY > sTAFF ·]

_  ___      _______          _____________                 ______/   /__    __
_\_\__\_____\______\_________\____________\_______________/    _/   / _/___/__
  \_\  \_____\      \_________\            \______________\________/____   \

Divine Stylers - est 1995 - (disest. 1996 by house of style)

                    Credits: All Stoopid stuff exhept these goodlooking
                             things are made by mortimer twang....

                             'DS' and 'HOS' by Gozz (no tags)
                             'dino-body-double' by Grimlock

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ   .--[asc2]-- aµææø -[ d¡ViNE sTYLERs ]-.
   |           ¬ØØØØø   ________.        |
   ¦  µæØ*ÑØØÑæµØØØØ#ø ØØØØØE      ©Mt   ¦
   ·gØØØ#   ¬¶ØØØØØØØF °¤ØÑØ#ææµµ____    :
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øØØÑÑØØ--'°¬"¯¯  ¬""ÆØØØØØK________.Ø#ÑØ#ØØø
   | 'The Paybakk' (the true story about ¦
   | orlingos driveby' by MORTIMER TWANG |


                  |                                        !
         aææØØØæµ_!                                       _µæØØØØæµ_
       æØØØØ@@#ÑØØØm_                                  _æØØØØÑ@@ÑØØØæ_
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       ·::::::.::::::··           ·'       `·:::::::.      | ·:::::: .:::::
         ·::::·'  |                           `·:::::::..  ! .:::::: ::©Mt:
                  |                              `·::::::::..::::::· ::::::
                  |                                  ``·::::::::··
                  | D ¡ V ¡ N 3   S 7 Y L 3 R S   ¹ 9 9 6  ¡

                 aLOTS OF COOL ANd CHiLLiN mEMBERs SiNCE 1995

                         t h e   t r u e   s t o r y

               _¡_____________________________________________¡__ _
                !                                             |
             ______             _____                         !
            _)     \  _______ _(_____\__           _____________
  __________\     __\/      |/         /__________/     _      /©Mt_______
  \          \_____\/       |_________/           \_______  __/           \
   \__________\    /________|          \_____\_____\  /_____) \____________\

                  M E E T S   T H E   T R I B E F A T H E R
           ____________ ____  /      / ____  ____________  ___________ ______
__________/_          /_)   \/     _/_/____)_)           \/    _     /_)     \
   _   _    \________/     __\    /___      \___\__\______\____  ___/ \     __
___/__/______\       \______\______/\________\©Mt            (_________\_____\
                ¡                                                                                                              ( hahaha brag! )
                |    (= we call it clash of the titans =)     ¡
                |                                             |
                |   in the tonites episode of 'the payback'   |
            _ __|_____________________________________________|_ _
                !                                             !


                           ____\__   _|
                         ./     _/   \.
                         |_     \   __:_____
                          /_________\      /_______
                    -----------------\______      /------

                        d i v i n e    s t y l e r s

                   _______       ___________ ________
                 ./     _/____ ./    __    /_\      /_______
                 |     /_     \|_     /      :\______      /
                 l_____ /      :/____________:      /_____/

                         h o u s e   o f   s t y l e


            _   ______                   /      |    ________
____________\\_(     /____ _            /    ©Mt|   /    ___/__  _____
\     __    \_   .__/(__ ///  _________/__ _    |__/__________/-_)   /____ _
 \________  _\\___/        \--'_   _      \\____|  _    \   !___\         \\)
   \     ___)      \________\  /___/_______/  \__________\       \_________\
----\----'  - --- ------------/-----------------------------------------------
                                     OF    __ _
                       /           /__________________\
                      /______   __/    \©Mt

            e   p   s   i   l   o   n       d   e   s   i   g   n

                          ( as Dino's Body Double )

                       t o n i t e s   e p i s o d e :

   ________              _____________
  /       / _______     /    __      /__ _
 /     __/_/_ ____/____/______  ____/   \\\-------------------------------.
/     /___////___        \   (___________\                                !
\_______//------/_________\_                                         _____hOs
   ______     _____   /     |__ ©Mt         _ _____   _  _____  ----_)   /____
  /     /___ _\ ___)_/_    _l  |   ____    _\\\ ___)__/-_)   /____  \        |
_/_____/    )_    _,   \_____  _\_(    \__/____  _,  /__\         \--\______ !
______________\_________\  `---\\____\    __   \____/    \_________\
_____/                                \_________\                         ¡
   ¡         T    H    E          P    A    Y    B    A    K    K         |
   |                                                                      |
                                        remixed by ©Mt/house of style (tm)

                           SHIT HAPPENED SO FAR...

               . _( )_  .             -·-    _
           . °o (_____)   _____________¡____//_     _________  . ° .   .
             . ·        __\                _  /_ __/__/  __ /   ° o  .
                _______ \  \  _          _// / /__  /  __///__  .  ·
         _ _____\ __ \ \_\  \ \\_       //  / /  / /_ ///    /______ _
         \\\_\ \ \\\\ \ \_\  \ \\\         / /  / ///   _   / /  /_///
              \_\/\____\/__\  \           / /__/ /     //  /\/__/
                            \__\         /_/   \/_________/      ©Mt

          Linkoping, Sweden, Europe. The City is silent. All you can
        hear is the wind. But if you listen closely you can hear some
       sound from the ghetto. As we all know, every city has a ghetto.
             Ghettos have different names. In Linkoping, the most
                    criminal area is called 'skaggetorp'.
     But Skaggetorp is not famous bcoz that its a dangerous place to be.
         No, the most attractive thing in Skaggetorp is actually the
   Divine Stylers Clubhouse. The House that the whole Divine Stylers Posse
                 used to drink 'olde English' and 'martini'.
                  until the tribe father and former of this
       very special group, Mortimer Twang mysteriously dissappeared...
          a war started. the Whole house of style got badly injured
     after Orlingo and his hood did a drive by at the house of style(tm).
                               Its payback time

                                : :..........................................
:                       ....... : House of Style (tm) posse is cruisin around
::                      ::::: : :           Looking for the way to Skaggetorp
:::                     ::::: :::                 Its hard to find the way on
::::....................:::::                        the swedish country side

          |(where is the god damn tape? )|
                   |                          .-----------------.
                   |                          | mortimer: Word! |
 .-----------------!----------------.         `-----------------'
 | Axeblade: We gotta get even, man |---------^---.
 `--------------------------------.-' Nike: word! |-------------------------.
      .---------------------------`--------------.' whirlwind: (puff) word! |
      |ramon:(puffin on a blunt, passin it round |--------------------------'
                                         | wishbringer: word, holmes |
   ...ala is the way that we rock when...  ____________________
...ural line that the refu...,_______     /    / _      _     \
                            _.-------\___/____/ ( }    ( }     \____________
                            \\                \¯¯\\¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯/         ©Mt\_
                             \\                \  \\  |       /   ___       //
                               \        ______  \     |      / ______\   __/-

            :::::                       ::::   : :
            :::::                       :::: ::: :
            :::::                       :  :.:   :...........................
    :::     :   :   :::                 :
    :::     :   :...: :            :::  :  Nike demands to get some real shit
....: : ... :         :............: :  :     in the loudspeakaz, all the way
      :.: : :                        :  :            up to sweden they had be
      ::: : :                        :..:                 listening to fugees
          :::                        ::::
          :::                        ::::

                                 | Nike: Yo, turn this shit off,essê    |
                                                          _          |
        __.----------------------------------------------( )---._    |
       (___ looking for a tape with some real drive by musak... _)   |
          `-------.---------------------------------------------'    |
  .---------------^---------------/-----------------.                |
  | ramon: (caugh) there goes dino.. lets tail hio! |----------------'
    |      | whirlwind: word! |     | axeblade: word  |----------------.
    |      `--.---------.-----'-----^-.-------------.-'mortimer: word! |
    |         !         | nike: word! |             `------------------'
    |     ______________/-----------.-'--------------------------.
    ` ___/ ..  ..  ..  ..\___  _____| wishie: (puff) wooooooord! |
     _\_/___________.---._\_/_      `----------------------------'
   _(__              ¯¯¯     _)__
   \  \\ .---------------.  //  /
    \__\\\_______________/ //__/
   ©Mt\______________________/  (screeeeech! car stops )
            suddenly, the doobiest gang in the lowrider spot dino
                        walkin down the skaggetorp ave.

                                    :::  ...
                                    : :..: :
                     :::::::::::::::: :::: :
                     ::::::::::::::::      :................ .. . . .
   :::               :
   :::   ::::::::::: :         ramon, suggests that they should let dino lead
   : :.. ::::::::::: :              them to the secret hideout they have been
:  :   : :         :.:                living in for some months since orlingo
::::   :::                                did start the asciighettostilothing
                                              | mortimer: Word! |
 .----------------------------------.         `-----------------'
 | Axeblade: i know where hes goin' |---------^---.
 `--------------------------------.-' Nike: shhh! |-------------------------.
      .---------------------------`--------------.' whirlwind: (puff) word! |
      |ramon:(loadin his glock, passin ammo.... )|---------------------.----'
      `---.------------------------------.-------'-------------------. !
          |                              | wishbringer: word, holmes | ¡
          |                              `--------------.------------'----.
          |                                 .%%%%%%%    | he looks like a `---
          |                                 %%    __    `----. grimlock-doode
          |                                 %%---(//)_       `---------. to me
          |                                (_   ______)  <------ dino  `------
          !                                  | / ____)         ________|\
________________                             l_\____)    ____  \         \
/              \                           ./        \   \   |  \ divine  \
                \____________              |   _      \___|  |  / stylaz  /
©Mt¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯/            \_            |   |_______\  |  | /________ /
\      |       /   ___       //       .--> |___|    |_____|__|     !   |/
 \     |      / ______\   __/-        |     \__\    |  ___         !
__\____|_____/_/`---'//___/                    |____|_/  /         !
                                              stoned is the way of the walk

                                       :::::                       ::::   : :
                                       :::::                       :::: ::: :
                                       :::::                       :  :.:   :
                               :::     :   :   :::                 :
                               :::     :   :...: :            :::  :
...............................: : ... :         :............: :  :
                                 :.: : :                        :  :
                                 ::: : :                        :..:
                                     :::                        ::::
                                     :::                        ::::

  | ramon: (deep breath)  Ok, lets do it, ready ?? (puff) |
    |      | whirlwind: word! |     | axeblade: word  |----------------.
    |      `--.---------.-----'-----^--------------.-.'mortimer: word! |--.
    |         !         | nike: word! (cough,puff) | `-----------------'  |
    |                   /------!----.----------------------------.        |
    `                  ("      :    | wishie: (puff) wooooooord! |        |
                        \      :    `-------------!--------------'        |
     ____________________·_____:_______________________________________   |
    /                                                                  \  |
   (_  _____________________________________________________________  __) |
    / /  mØØØØØØØØØØm_     .-----(----.      _.-------.--_:      ©Mt\ \ --'
   / / ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØ_    `----------'    _\\     _       \_        \ \
  / /  ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØ=-     mm¦ØØ     Ø(  ( _wutwang_    )=-       \ \
 / /   ØØØØK_o_Y_o_ØØØØ   ØØØØØØØ ØØ   ØØØØ\__(  , ¯ ,  )__/ØØØØ       \ \
/ /   ___ØØ._  - _.ØØ____ØØØØØØØØ    ØØØØØØØ__`\_____._/ØØØØØØØØ        \ \
 /   /    Ø `--\\'      (  ØØØØØ      ØØØ\))         \\     ((_          \ \
/___/___l_______~________\___ØØØ________ØØØ\____,     ~    ___/___________\ \
        Everybody in House Of Style knows the routine. Schlik-schak...
                 (car moves in perfect driveby speed, again)

                                    :::  ...
                                    : :..: :
                     :::::::::::::::: :::: :
                     ::::::::::::::::      :................ .. . . .
   :::               :
   :::   ::::::::::: :
   : :.. ::::::::::: :
:  :   : :         :.:
::::   :::

                                          _________________(   )_________
                              _________(   driveby music in the background
                        _(     ..... hangin out the window ... ratatata
                    ___(             .... with my magnum.... boom....
                   (___          ...some puto..ratatatatatata .. schick-schak
                      _(             ....local kid-.... rhahahahahahahah
                     (____ .... there is something u cant understaaaand...
                         (________ i just could kill a man ratatatata

                                             _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _
                                                __/      ·     /___
                                                \_ _________,    /
 <--- dino                                       (__\ .  .  )____)__________
                                       ¡________   _\________/_/ ___________
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  __|      ÷÷| /           / / `-.
                                     `-l________|/_ \ ©Mt    / /    /
                                         \ ×'____   /\      / /  \./
hit                                       \__j _\__/  \    / /    \
hit                ,                        /__/       \__/ /_______________
hit              _()_                                __/____
hit            _/    \_                              \     \\
hit           (________)                              \     \\   ___________
hit          .-|......|-.                              \_____\\ /
hit         {.=||||||||= }                               \_     \ \\\\\\\\\\
hit          `-|!!!!!!|-'         __ lost                 /      `----------
______________(________)____     _)/ tac2                /__________________

   ________              _____________
  /       / _______     /    __      /__ _
 /     __/_/_ ____/____/______  ____/   \\\-------------------------------.
/     /___////___        \   (___________\                                !
\_______//------/_________\_                                         _____hOs
   ______     _____   /     |__ ©Mt         _ _____   _  _____  ----_)   /____
  /     /___ _\ ___)_/_    _l  |   ____    _\\\ ___)__/-_)   /____  \        |
_/_____/    )_    _,   \_____  _\_(    \__/____  _,  /__\         \--\______ !
______________\_________\  `---\\____\    __   \____/    \_________\
_____/                                \_________\                         ¡
   ¡         T    H    E          P    A    Y    B    A    K    K         |
   |                                                                      |

                        E   P   I   L   O   G   U   E

                               3 weeks later...

          | ramon: Oh look there's orlingo! |
                   |                          .-----------------.
                   |                          | mortimer: Word! |
 .-----------------!----------------.         `-----------------'
 | Axeblade: you know what to do... |---------^---.
 `--------------------------------.-' Nike: word! |-------------------------.
      .---------------------------`--------------.' whirlwind: (puff) word! |
      |(still puffin on a blunt, passin it round)|--------------------------'
                                         | wishbringer: word, holmes |

music: now take a deep breath...
        ... then pass it to the left..  .
        / __________________________ \                      .-/
_______/ /                          \ \________             | |.-.
©Mt  \  (____________________________)  /     /          .-.| || þ
\     \ /                            \ /     /           | l| || |
 \     \\             __             //   __/   MEXICO.  `--. `' j   orlingo
  \     \\            \/            //   / /____2_miles_____| |_______.____
   \_____\\_                      _// __/_/                 | |
       \_______j             l________/

                       .::::::'  `·::::::::::::.
                      :::::::         `::::::::::·.
                     ::::::::            `::::::::::.
                     ::::::::               `:::::::::.
                     ::::::::                 `::::::::.
                     ::::::::         ..:      :::©Mt:::
                     ::::::::.  .:::::::       ::::::::'
                     `:::::::::::::::'        .::::::'
                      `·:::::::·''        ..::::::·'



                         L E T   U S   H O P E   S O


                              HARDWARE STORES


                                |                                       |
                                |                                       |
                                |                                       |
                                !                                       !
                              .......                                ......
                            .::::::::::.                            ::::::·
                          ·:::::'`·:::::::. .:.           .        .::::::
                          ::::::.   `·::::::::'       ..::::.      ::::::'
    ......      ..........·::::::.     `·:::'    ..:::::::::::     ::::::
`:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.       '...:::::·'  `:::::::.  :::::::
    ::::::.            ··:::::::::::. ...:::··''         ·::::::. ::::::·
    ·::::::           .:::::· ·:::::::··'                 ·::::::.::::::
     ·::::::     ..:::::··      ::··    ::::::::::::: ::   ·:::::::
      ·::::::.::::::··          ·         `·:::::::.        ·:::::: .:::::
        ·::::···                :            `·:::::::..    .:::::: ::©Mt:
                                ¦               `·::::::::..::::::· ::::::
                                ¡                  `·:::::::::··
                                |                                       ¡
                                |  Ok, Ok, It was a bit short but what  |
                                |  the fuck I mean. Now that the TRUTH  |
                                |  is out there ;) Hope that you all    |
                                |  understand that this collection is   |
                                |  made just for fun and that i also    |
                                |  still am in love with orlingo....    |
                                |    But he is cheatin on me. He Sleeps |
                                |  With radavi,(sob),and dino.... Please|
                                |  Dino, Stop foolin around with my man.|
                                |  sob.... Uh oh, you are readin... well hrmm
                                |                                       |
                                |  Some personal greets and so on....   |
                                |                                       |
                                |  Orlingo: goddeleijke vormgeevers do  |
                                |           need you. The tribefatha    |
                                |           has spoken. snail mail kix. |
                                |                                       |
                                |  Dino&t^: Tycker inte ni också att    |
                                |           det börjar bli dax för en   |
                                |           låda martini snart? Tyvärr  |
                                |           kan ni inte ringa mej nu.   |
                                |           FELIA har knullat bort min  |
                                |           lina helt ünd hållet...     |
                                |                                       |
                                |  Radavi:  goddeleijke vormgeevers     |
                                |           kick buttski, as far as i   |
                                |           know. But, this is what     |
                                |           really happened ;) By the   |
                                |           way. What did ya think of   |
                                |           the 'bigger' modules i sent |
                                |           you...???                   |
                                |                                       |
                                |  Msw:     Thanx for dedicating a      |
                                |           collie to me! I will show   |
                                |           my gratitude in my next     |
                                |           collie, released under      |
                                |           House of Style, though...   |
                                |                                       |
                                |  DS!:     This collie is a joke       |
                                |           between my no 1. SoulBro    |
                                |           Orlingo and me... So Dont   |
                                |           Get illin if you dont understand.
                                |           Peace My brothers, the      |
                                |           tribefatha of soul has spoken
                                |                                       |
                                | Grimlock: Hope You arent too upset of |
                                |           tha fact that i let one of  |
                                |           your men play dino in this  |
                                |           episode of the paybakk...   `
                                |           (we didn't use real bullets ;)
                                |           so he is still alive and    .
                                |           kickin....                  |
                                |                                       |
                                | every1:   Our (radavis;) PO bOX dont  |
                                |           exist anymore!!!!           |

  If you have requests to me pass them to dino/dS! on the IRC orsumthin..
Or to.... radavi, orlingo, trivial, Slurry (flying carpet), ramon,
    anyone of my friends and they will tell me if they are in the muuud

       and i Send RESPECT to these painters who allways inspire me:

        . m I S f I t . t R E A C h . u M A N . r A M O N . N i K E .
       . W h I R L W i N d . f U N K i . t A N G O . a C i D   K i D .
          . d E S E R t . c Y B E R G O d . d i N O . k R U S T y .
         . s T Y L E w A R S . s A t A N s   f I R E . r E L i E f .
       . n U P . g R i M l O C k . m O G U E . m S W . s A L - o N E .
     . e X O C E t . s C A R f A C E . r A P i D . S t E Z O t E H ! C .
          . a X E b L A d E . w I S h B R i N G E r . d E S O t O .
     . s T Y L E Z . s T R A t O S . f A t A L . c R O M E b A C h E r .
        . c R U S A d E R . t R i V i A L . v i E t C O N g . h 2 0 .
                . k A R M A . z A P h O d . m E S S . g O Z Z

         I still respect those who arent mentioned here but you dont
                      inspire me as much as these does!

  I am slowly slowly workin on a Respectful Gratitude collection for You
                             mentioned upthere.

                 Oh... Ok... gotta go now... take care.,,,

                                                           mortimer twang
                                                     aka.  omar sharif
                                                     aka.  velvet jones
                                                     aka.  Julio iglesiaz
                                                     aka.  monique tempelton
                                                     aka.  the DS! tribefatha
                                                           and so on...

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         ¬#Ñ_   `::¶¶Ø¤:::   ¬#ØØæww      .µæØØØ°  `::¤Øض¶::'    æØM:©Mt
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