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55 907 bytes (54.60K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:23:31
Download count:
all-time: 416


[one day you'll get a divine stylers production, the other day you don't !!!!]
            ]@@@[       .__.   .___.
       _____@@@@@_______|_ |___|   |___.___. _____   ___.______
      |     @@@@@  ./ _._/ |   |   |   |   |/  .  \./ __|__    |
      |    ]@@@@@i |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |  _.__/_.  ¦
      ¦    ]@@@@@[ |__ l   |___|__ l   |___|___|   |__ l_   |  :
      :    W@@@@@@.cRb\____|e^D.  \____|       |___|  \_____|  .
      .    @@@[@@@[             _. ______.
           @@@[Y@@@    ___.    / |_._._  |___. __.     ___.  __.____ ___.
      .   ,@@@[]@@@   / __|___/ ___|_|   l_  |/  |___./ __|__\____  \ __|___
          ]@@@  @@@[ .\___._  \. |   |___._  |   |   |  _.__/|.\._ _/.__._  \.
          @@@[  Y@@@ |___ l    | l   |   | __|__ l   |__ l_   |_|    |_ l    |
@     .  ]@@@   '@@@[    \_____|\____|____/     \____|  \_____| |____| \_____|
@@       @@@P    Y@@@    ,mm.
@@@.    .@@@[    ]@@@   ,@@@@,mm.  Trivial · Dino · 243 · Radavi · Dash!
@@@W    W@@@`    !@@@[ ,@@@@@@@@@  Orlingo · Tommy · Dj.Gizmo · Vietcong!
!@@@b  d@@@!      @@@[ W@@@@@@@@@________________________________ _  _   _
 I@@@  @@@P       @@@Wi@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@b@b @b  @b
 ]@@@,,@@@[       ]@@@W@@@ @@@A@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@b@b`@b `@b
 `@@@[]@@@`       !@@@@@@[ '*f      tHE oNLY wAY tO maKE sOMEoNES dAY!
  @@@[]@@@         Y@@@@@      
  A@@@@@@A         ]@@@@P
   ]@@@@[           M@@f
   ]@@@@[            ~`

  ____________________________________ ___ __ _  _
 _\·                        ______
 \_        _____   ________|      |_  ___________ ________
  |      __\_____ |__      \_     _/_|__        /         \
  |     _\          /       /     |   _/      _/          \\_
  |      _ ______._/       / _____|   \       \_.___________/
  :              |________/            \________|lo!/wl!
  .      what's wrong with me? why is my girlfriend in the USA?!
  .      why are my divine stylers brothers at the party 5 and
         i'm not?!.. why am I freezing my ass off here in cold
         sweden?!.. why is it dark outside?!.. why am I writing
         this crap?!.. why is it beatles on the radio?!.. why is
         there this big bomb?!.. why not test it in Paris?! why
         the ocean?!... why do I hate 2 get that damn phonebill?!
         why do we all love ascii?!.. why do we hate those big PC
         cd-rom rips?!, why is the scene what the scene is 2day!?
         why don't my girlfriend hold my hand and say something
         nice 2 me?!... why is she a exchange student?!.. why do 
         I miss her that much?!. why do I call those expencive
         calls to some fu*k'n BBS insted of calling her?!. why is
         the calls to the stated so expencive?!, is the calls to
         the states expencive, when I can talk to her?!. why do u
         read this bullcrap?!. why is the purple microdots so 
         expencive?! why use dope when there is girls?!.. why 
         is there Angelino Zooty's?! why can't thay give me some 
         money so I can go and see my girlfriend!?. why don't I
         just shut up and jurk off?!. why isn't there anything
         cool on the idiot-box?!. why am I supercharged?!. why
         don't you steal the family jewels?!. why don't you go
         and shoot some hourse?!. why use dope?!, why is there
         Vipers?!, why don't drive 2 the town and make whoopee?!
         why do I miss (c)mt as a ascii artist in ds! so much?!
         why did you leave us twang?!, why isn't there any cc's?!
         why don't I quit the scene and become something more than     .
         a ascii artist?!, why should I!?. why is my sterio quiet?!
         why isn't trivial calling me from tp5 as he said?!, why is    .
         the snow white?!, why am I wondering this?! why do I write    :
         why all the time?!, why was zombie zoo stolen?!, why isn't    :
         this text stopin?!, why doesn't I just quit this crap?!       |_
         why?!why?!why?!why?!why?!why?!why?!why?!why?!why?!why?!why?!   _\
           _  _ _ _ ____________________________________________________\ 


           ______  ______       __  ________  _____________________
          /  _   \_\__   \   __(_/_/   /   /__\__  \__     __/  __/__
         /   \___/   / __/__/     /   /   /  __      /    / /   ____/_
         \____\ /____\_____/_____/\______/__________/____/  \________/dNo
         |    m      e      s      s      a      g      e      s    |
         .....                                                      :
             :        ...Welcome xxx to divine stylers...
                      hope you'll enjoy this collection !     :
                                                         :....:  :
                  :    ** T * R * I * V * I * A * L **
         trivial sOOOOOOOOOOrrY that I spelled your name wrong !!!!   :
         can you forgive me?!,. pleease, I'll do anything for you!!   :
     ....(allmost, or, nothing, or, verry little, noo,just kiddin!)...:
     :   I realy thought your ds!-----.txt was cooooool, keep goin!
     :   hope you and that one night stand get 2gether or something             
     :   (you called me from some train station now!!!  I guess you 
     :   call me everytime I'm doing a new ascii collection, luv!!!
     :......** A * S * C * I * I ** B * R * O * T * H * E * R **....
                                                                   :      __.
         _____      _____            _____    ____ _____     _____ :     /  |
  _______\__  \___./     \________.__\____)_./   /_\__  \__./  __/_:___./___|
 /     ---        |    \          |         /   /    /     |-----  :   |dNo_
 `----------------|_____\  /------'--------/___/-----------'-------:---'\__)
                         \/                                        :
                -***- pLEEEEEEEEASE dO mE aN dINO lOGO! -***-      :
                aND sTOP pLAYiNG aROUND wITH tRIVIAL'S dICKIE
                      wHEN I tALK wiTH hIM iN dA pHONE..
                hE cAN'T cONCENTRATE hiMSELFE wHEN yOU aRE aLL
               oVER hIM :) hAhA! aNYwAY bE a nICE giRL aND tAKE
              cAiR oF triViAL fOR uS, yOU aRE tHE oNLY oNE iN dS! 
               tHAT kNOW tRiViAL fROM tHE iNSiDE [i gUESS]...  
                                        tAKE:cAiR       / diNO
               :    ***  m O R T I M E R     t W A N G *** 
               : i like your ascii style! (with german accent)
               :                       ............................
               :.your 2 disk ascii collection from the party 95   :
                 was just 2 much.... you are a hell of a ascii    :
                 artist, keep going!. i'm w8ing for more house,   :
                trip hop, swingdinghopplasvejsan music from you!  :
                              all ascii artists 
                               hi hoooolaa booh!
                         make some logos for me okay?!
                    you know that you are the best anyway, so
                  I don't have to write alot of luv crap here!
                  :                            :        :
                  :              d I V A S     :        :
                  :............................:        :
                      cool that (c)Mt, t^ and you girls :
                     found each other on tp5.. respects!!
                     yUk - yUk - yUk - yUk - yUk - yUk
                     y come back to the ascii scene!.y
                     U               :               U
                     k ascii god's can't just stop!! k
                     yUk - yUk - yUk - yUk - yUk - yUk
                           all in divine stylers
                           well, ehh.: hello! :) 
                               :     :.....:
                       hope that you aren't angry or so
                      bcoz I missed you in one greeting?!
                            big respect to you !    :
                            and from t^ too :) :)   :







              ,gmm.   Copyright (c) Divine Stylers inc. 1996               
           V@A*@@mms_    all rights of the owner and of the work represented                                        
          ,Wf    ~~V*@m_  herein reserved. public performance, commersial use,                                     
         gA`          ~*@s  hiring or rental of this collection is prohibited!                                
       ,Wf               V@s  Our intention in divine stylers is not to ripp                                 
      ,Wf                  VW.  styles or to start any quarrels and wars!                    
     gA`           iW       'Ms  Any simularities to other artist's previous                    
    dA             ]@        'Ms  released work * are fully coincidental *                        
   gA`        ,____.@[         Mb  There are so many packs released these days                        
  i@`      ,gWA****M@!         '@i  that the chance that you have a style that                    
  @[      gAf`                  !@. is 100% different from all the others is                  
 ]@      dA                      Mb  none. It is also a FACT that artists DO                
 @[      @[                      '@i  get influenced by others whether they                 
i@`      ]@                       YW  want it or not. If you realize that, you                  
]@        MW_    ,__gmm@@-        '@i  can tell the difference between                              
 @[        ~*@@@@A**f~~            Mb  influenced work and rippoff. Check out                           
 !@.                               ]@  if your 'own' style is so fucking      
  VW.                              @@  extraordinary. Please remember that     
   !@.                             ]@  before you start talking bullshit!     
    'MW_                           ]@  If you find the style that dino (dNo)    
      '*@m_.                       WP  represent too much lookalike yours;   
         ~*MWm__                  dA  contact him instead of writing bullshit     
            '~**@@mms__      ,__gWA  in your own collections that he probably          
                  ~~V**@@@@@A-vC!  dont ever get the chance to view.

           feel free to use (if you find any:) diNO's asciiwork in
              your own collections, at your board or whatever
                    as long as the tag remains intact.
           (and if it is in a collection; full credit of course)

                              ok, here we go!

                  logos for all known ascii groups coming up!

                  e       n       j       o       y       !

                                                                                                                             _________                                                 ______
...........................             ...   _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96                                                /      __/_____.                                          /   __/______.
         ..  ......       :             :.:...\__/...........................                                              /       \_      | i D D E N   M E S S A G E S   r U L E .__\___         |
  .... .:::  :::: ...:::. :   logo says   : aRCLiTE                         :                                              `--------'\_____|                                       `---------------'
 :::  .::::  `::::::::::: :   comment     : hello legends! hope u like it   :                                                                     n u m b e r o     u n o 
  `:::::::'      ...:::'  :...............:..                               :
                                          :.:                                                                                                   hello hello helloooo trivial!
                                                                                                                                            it was cool with the hidden messages 
                                                                                                                                            in your collection so I made one 2...
                   ..:..: .::^uMn, ð, gEm, SyK, kRm, dZG, ÷e÷, sc, Mo! ^::.
       _____   ______:     _________  ______     ____   _____      ______   
 ______\__  \__\__   )____/        / /dNo  /_____\___)_/    /_.   /   __/__.
/     ---    /    ...:   /   _____/_/          /      /     __|__/     ____|_

...........................             ...   _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96
         ..  ......       :             :.:...\__/...........................
  .... .:::  :::: ...:::. :   logo says   :  Art                            :
 :::  .::::  `::::::::::: :   comment     :  let's open a ascii gallery :)  :
  `:::::::'      ...:::'  :...............:..                               :

..........       ______     ____________          ____________      ....
:  ______________\__   \____\_____      )________/           /___...:..:
: /        ---          /                       /            ____|__:___
: `--------------------/------------\__________/`-------------------:--/dNo
:     ...                                                           :.......
:.....:.:             rS! - eNf - rAt - tTx - fCKW - rIP!

...........................             ...   _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96
         ..  ......       :             :.:...\__/...........................
  .... .:::  :::: ...:::. :   logo says   :  cONtRa                         :
 :::  .::::  `::::::::::: :   comment     :  nice logo right?! :)           :
  `:::::::'      ...:::'  :...............:..                               :

: __________             ________       ______      _______           ______ :
:/         / _________  /       /      /     /_.  __\__    )__________\__   \:
/    _____/_/   ---   \/  ___  /------/     ___|_/              /    ---     /
:                                                                            :

...........................             ...   _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96
         ..  ......       :             :.:...\__/...........................
  .... .:::  :::: ...:::. :   logo says   :  cAStLE oF iLLUSiON             :
 :::  .::::  `::::::::::: :   comment     :  i'M sATISFIED wiTH tHAT oNE! ;):
  `:::::::'      ...:::'  :...............:..                               :

   ......     ......     ......     ......     ......     ......     ......
   :    :.....:    :.....:    :.....:    :.....:    :.....:    :.....:    :    
   :                                                                      :
   :                    ppX  bDh  nMr  -j.j-  [M!]  vRs                   :
   :________        _____   ______      _____      ______     _______     :    
   /       /   _____\_   \_/   --------/    /_.   /     /____/   ___/__.  :
  /    ___/___/  ---      /_____      /    ___|__/          /    ______|__:
  `-----------`----------/   `--------`----------`----------`------------/dNo
   :                        ______  _                                     :
   :                        (____/ /_____                                 :
____    _____     _____           /   ______    ____               ______ :
(__/___/    /____/    /______________/   -------(__/______________/     / :
/     /         /         /    /    /_____      /     /   ----   /     /-----/
`-----`---------`---------`---------'  `--------`-----`----------`---\______/

...........................             ...   _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96
         ..  ......       :             :.:...\__/...........................
  .... .:::  :::: ...:::. :   logo says   : cAUSTIC dESIGN                  :
 :::  .::::  `::::::::::: :   comment     : iSN't iT cOOL wiTH cIRCLE lOGOS?:
  `:::::::'      ...:::'  :...............:..                               :

                                    ______                           .
       o    ()                     /   __/_____                    o
     _                   ___ ___ __\____       | _____                 ()
    (_) .   o           /   |   |`-------------'/    /_.         .  _  .
         _    . _______/        |              /    ___|__  _____  (_)   _
    o   (_) ____\__   |`--------'              `----------'/    | o     (_)
  ______   /    --    |                                   /     | ______                                        h i d d e n    m e s s a g e    t o 
 /   __/___`----------'                                   `-----'/   __/___.
/          |                                                    /          |                                      c a u s t i c      d e s i g n
`----------'                                                    `----------'
   _______         c a u s t i c             d e s i g n        _____
 __\____  \___                                                __\___ \______                                         I realy like this logo..
/      /     | ______    zd! - ÷f!÷ - sMA -  sF!  ________   /     /  \    /
`------------'/   __/__.                         /    ___/__.`----/_______/                               so I hope you'll greet me and ds! for it ?! :) 
             /    _____|_                       /     \__   |
             `-----------'______          _____ `-----------|dNo
                         /   __/______   /     |
                       __\_____       | /      |
                       `--------------' `------'

...........................             ...   _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96
         ..  ......       :             :.:...\__/...........................
  .... .:::  :::: ...:::. :   logo says   : dEStiNY                         :
 :::  .::::  `::::::::::: :   comment     : hOPE yOU lIKE iT..              :
  `:::::::'      ...:::'  :...............:..                               :
     ______    _____       _____      ____     __    ____      ______
   __\___  \_./  __/__.dNo/  __/____./   /__._(__)_./    \----/     /____
.-/     /    |   _____|_._\__       |    ___|      |   \_____/`-------  /___
| `----------'----------'-----------'------'`------'----'        ------/___/

...........................             ...   _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96
         ..  ......       :             :.:...\__/...........................
  .... .:::  :::: ...:::. :   logo says   : dEZiGN                          :
 :::  .::::  `::::::::::: :   comment     : well, ehh. don't know what 2 say:
  `:::::::'      ...:::'  :...............:..                               :
   ______    ______         _____     ___   ______     ____      ____________.
 __\___  \_./   __/__dNo____\__  \ ._(__/_./  ___/___./    \----/            |
/     /    |    _____|_|       __/_|      |   \_     |   \_____/ D! sc Sk!n  |
`----------'-----------'-----------'------'----------'----'   | ßmR aBn! rD! |

...........................             ...   _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96
         ..  ......       :             :.:...\__/...........................
  .... .:::  :::: ...:::. :   logo says   : diGitAL gRAFitti                :
 :::  .::::  `::::::::::: :   comment     : hope you lite it :)             :
  `:::::::'      ...:::'  :...............:..                               :
       ______    ___    ______     ___    _____       _____    ____
     __\___  \_._\__)_./  ___/___._\__)_./    /__.____\__  \_./   /_____.
    /     /    |      |   \_     |      |     ___|  --       |          |
                           [2o!]              [m!]
    ______     ______       _____    _____    ___    ____    ____    ___
   /  ___/___._\__   )______\__  \_./  __/__._\__)_ /   /__./   /__._\__)_.
  /   \_     |    .____/   --      |    ____|      |    ___|    ___|      |
  `----------'----'    `-----------'----'   `------'-----' `-----' `----dNo

...........................             ...   _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96
         ..  ......       :             :.:...\__/...........................
  .... .:::  :::: ...:::. :   logo says   : diViNE sTYLERS                  :
 :::  .::::  `::::::::::: :   comment     : dS! bRoTHERS aLL aROUND dA gLOBE:
  `:::::::'      ...:::'  :...............:..                               :
                                          :.:                                                                            .-------c-o-n-t-a-c-t---------.
                                                                                                                         d i v i n e       s t y l e r s 
              ______    ___  ____  ____ ___   ____      _____                                                            `-f-o-r---b-e-s-t---s-t-u-f-f-'  
            __\___  \_._\__)_\   \/   /(__/_./    \----/  __/__.            
           /     /    |      |\______/      |   \_____/   _____|_                                                          divine stylers^recordz inc.
 .---------`----------'------'       `------'----'    `----------'---------.                                         
 |  _____      ____   _____      ____       _____      _____      _____    |
 | /  __/____./   /__.\    \---./   /_____./  __/__.  _\__  )___ /  __/____|                                                   divine stylers inc. 
 |_\__       |    ___|_\___    |          |   _____|_/    .____/_\__    dNo|                                                1:   dS!
 |-----------'------'`---------'----------'----------'----'    `-----------|                                                2:
 `-----------------(t^)-(orl)-(dNo)-(vC!)-(st^)-(cG!)-(&mORE:)-------------'                                                3:

...........................             ...   _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96
         ..  ......       :             :.:...\__/...........................
  .... .:::  :::: ...:::. :   logo says   : ePSiLON dESiGN                  :
 :::  .::::  `::::::::::: :   comment     : tAKE cAiR oF t0! fOR uS! :)     :
  `:::::::'      ...:::'  :...............:..                               :                                                
     _____       ______   _____      ___    ____                 ____         
    /  __/__.  __\__   \ /  __/____._\__)_./   /_____._________./    \----,  
 __/   _____|_/    .___/_\__       |      |          |   ---   |   \_____/   
_\_\----------'----'   `-----------'------'----------'---------'----'  /_/_  
\_\__   ______    ______       ____       ___    ______     ____      __/_/  
   \_\__\___  \_./   __/__    / __/_____._\__)_./  ___/___./    \----/_/dNo  
     /     /    |    _____|_._\__       |      |   \_     |   \_____/       
               fTL - HrP - fRM - cRb - s% - cDr - t0! - ©nb

...........................             ...   _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96
         ..  ......       :             :.:...\__/...........................
  .... .:::  :::: ...:::. :   logo says   : gROtEStiCLE                     :
 :::  .::::  `::::::::::: :   comment     : cOOL nAME! hOPE u lIKE thE lOGO!:
  `:::::::'      ...:::'  :...............:..                               :
  ____    ____           ___   ____    _____    ___   ___   _____  _. ____
 /  _/__._\_  )________./  /_./ __/_. /  __/__./  /_._\_/_./    / / |/ __/_.
/   \_  |   .___/  --  |   __|  ____|.\__     |   __|     |  __/_/  |  ____|.
|-------'---'   `------'----'`-------'--------'----'`-----'------'--'-------|

...........................             ...   _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96
         ..  ......       :             :.:...\__/...........................
  .... .:::  :::: ...:::. :   logo says   : hONEY                           :
 :::  .::::  `::::::::::: :   comment     : well,..... hi! :)               :
  `:::::::'      ...:::'  :...............:..                               :

          _______                    ______       ______    _____              
         /    __/_____.____________./      \-----/   __/__. \    \-----,       
        /     \_      |    ----    |     \______/    _____|__\__      /       
        `-------\_____|------------'------'     `-----------'-------dNo    
                           gZ! + pAd + uMn + sTw + dK!

...........................             ...   _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96
         ..  ......       :             :.:...\__/...........................
  .... .:::  :::: ...:::. :   logo says   : hOUSE oF sTYLE                  :
 :::  .::::  `::::::::::: :   comment     : sTYLE tAKES tIME, riGHT!? :)    :
  `:::::::'      ...:::'  :...............:..                               :
                 _____                          _____     _____
                /  __/____.________.____ ____. /  __/___./  __/__.
               /   \_     |   --   |    |    |_\__      |   _____|_.
            | ______                                               :_/\_  
     _______|/   __/__.       (nK) (rN!) (ab) (WhW!) (©Mt)       .--\__/--.  
    /  ---  |    _____|                                          `-kINGS!-'
    `-------|----'   _____     ____    ____      ____     _____    :  
            |       /  __/___./   /__. \   \---./   /___ /  __/__. |
            `-----._\__      |    ___|__\__    |        |   _____|_|

...........................             ...   _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96
         ..  ......       :             :.:...\__/...........................
  .... .:::  :::: ...:::. :   logo says   : iNFERNO gRAFitti                :
 :::  .::::  `::::::::::: :   comment     : hope u like it..                :
  `:::::::'      ...:::'  :...............:..                               :

        ___    ____      _____   _____      _____    ____
      ._\__)_./    \----/  __/_./  __/_.   _\__  )__/    \----,_______.
      |      |   \_____/   ____|   ____|_./   .____/   \_____/   --   |
  .---`------'----'    `---'   `---------'----'    `----'    `--------'-----.
  |                             Sn - mute - gOd                             |
  |_______     ______       _____    _____    ___    ____    ____    _______|
   /  ___/___._\__   )______\__  \_./  __/__._\__)_ /   /__./   /__._\__)_.
  /   \_     |    .____/   --      |    ____|      |    ___|    ___|      |
  `----------'----'    `-----------'----'dNo`------'-----' `-----' `------'

...........................             ...   _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96
         ..  ......       :             :.:...\__/...........................
  .... .:::  :::: ...:::. :   logo says   : jEDI aRTS                       :
 :::  .::::  `::::::::::: :   comment     : rANX mAKE sOME diNO lOGOS 4 ME?!:
  `:::::::'      ...:::'  :...............:..                               :
                                                                                                         P R I V A T E    A S C I I    R E Q U E S T    T O   R A N X
        __    _____       _____    ___                                                                   .----------------------------------------------------------.
 ______/  \_./  __/__.  __\__  \_._\__)_.        -sg *%* rX *%* mXm *%* r!                               |        could you make me an diNO & euphoria logo?!       | 
/     /     |   _____|_/    /    |      |    ____    _____    ____    _____                              |               whould be grate! thanks m8...              |
`-----------'----------'---------'------'____\_  \_._\__  )__/   /_. /  __/__.                           |              I realy love your ascii style!              |
                                        /   --     |    .___/    __|_\__     |                           |                                                          |
                                        `----------'----'   `-----'`---------'                           |      the divine stylers logo you made is fantastic!      |

...........................             ...   _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96
         ..  ......       :             :.:...\__/...........................
  .... .:::  :::: ...:::. :   logo says   : mEGA sTYLE                      :
 :::  .::::  `::::::::::: :   comment     : hope u like it...               :
  `:::::::'      ...:::'  :...............:..                               :

              _____      _____       _____                 ___
 ____  ____  /  __/__.  /  __/__ ____\__  \_.       ___   /__/\
/    \/    |/   _____|_/   \_   |   --      |      /\__\  \__\/
`----\/----'`----------'--------'-----------'      \/__/
                                _____    ___   ____      ____    _____
        aQua - sPS - lzd       /  __/__./  /__.\   \---./   /__ /  __/__.
                              _\__     |   ___|_\__    |       |   _____|_.

...........................             ...   _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96
         ..  ......       :             :.:...\__/...........................
  .... .:::  :::: ...:::. :   logo says   : mO'sOULS                        :
 :::  .::::  `::::::::::: :   comment     : cOOL nAME... uSE thE lOGO! :)   :
  `:::::::'      ...:::'  :...............:..                               :
                         __   _____                     ____     _____
         __      _______ \_) /  __/__.______.____ ____ /   /__. /  __/__.
    .----\/----./  ---  |   _\__     |  --  |    |    |       |_\__     |
    `----\/----'`-------'  `---------'------'---------'-------'---------'
               dto             mR!           tS           vnz
...........................             ...   _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96
         ..  ......       :             :.:...\__/...........................
  .... .:::  :::: ...:::. :   logo says   : piONEER dESiGN                  :
 :::  .::::  `::::::::::: :   comment     : hope you will use it sometimes. :
  `:::::::'      ...:::'  :...............:..                               :
         ______  ____          ____      _____      _____      ______
        _\__   \_\__/_.______./    \----/  __/__.  /  __/__dNo_\__   )___
       /    .__/      |  --  |   \_____/   _____|_/   _____|_/    ._____/
       `----'  `------'------'----'    `----------'----------'----'
                             cRL             n$O
          ______    _____       _____     ___    _____     ____
         _\___  \_./  __/__.   /  __/___._\__)_./  __/___./    \----/
        /    /    |   _____|_ _\__      |      |   \     |   \_____/
...........................             ...   _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96
         ..  ......       :             :.:...\__/...........................
  .... .:::  :::: ...:::. :   logo says   : fILE_iD.dIZ                     :
 :::  .::::  `::::::::::: :   comment     : fOR tHE dESCRIPTiON oN BBS's!   :
  `:::::::'      ...:::'  :...............:..                               :

   .--[asc2]-- aµææø -[ d¡V¡NE sTYLERs ]-.
   |           ¬ØØØØø   ________.        |
   ¦  µæØ*ÑØØÑæµØØØØ#ø ØØØØØE      ©Mt   ¦
   ·gØØØ#   ¬¶ØØØØØØØF °¤ØÑØ#ææµµ____    :
   øØØØØL     °ØØØØØ# ¸µæµæ毬°¶ÑØØØØØæw··
øØØÑÑØØ--'°¬"¯¯  ¬""ÆØØØØØK________.Ø#ÑØ#ØØø
   | pURpLEMiCrOdOtS - sTARING: diNO/dS! ¦
   | cOSTARING: sc,lo!,cRb,©Mt,rX,vC!,t^ |

...........................             ...   _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96
         ..  ......       :             :.:...\__/...........................
  .... .:::  :::: ...:::. :   logo says   : sAVE oUR sOULS                  :
 :::  .::::  `::::::::::: :   comment     : cOOL dISKmAG xCz!               :
  `:::::::'      ...:::'  :...............:..                               :
                    ______        _____  ____  _________
                   /   __/___.____\__  \_\   \/   /  __/__.     
       ._________._\__       |   --      |\______/   _____|_.________.
       |         `-----------'-----------'       `----------'        |
       |   xCz   $LAß                       ______       bHm   pSS   |
       |                ________.____ ____._\__   )___               |                                              xcluziwe keep going with you'r magazine !
       |   tK!  czar   /   --   |    |    |    ._____/      wBr      |                                                    I need the information for my
       |               `--------'---------'----'                     |                                                   school work thing... you know!
       |____________                        _____     _______________|
             /   __/___.________.____ ____./    /___./   __/___.
           ._\__       |   --   |    |    |         |\__       |

...........................             ...   _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96
         ..  ......       :             :.:...\__/...........................
  .... .:::  :::: ...:::. :   logo says   : sTYLE                           :
 :::  .::::  `::::::::::: :   comment     : hope u like it!                 :
  `:::::::'      ...:::'  :...............:..                               :

      _____      ____   ____      ____      ______  .----------------------.
 dNo /  __/____./   /__.\   \---./   /____./   __/__|   sTZ    zS!    cP   |
   ._\__       |    ___|_\__    |         |    _____|_                     |
   `-----------'------'`--------'---------'---------|-'    qTZ     kiD     |

...........................             ...   _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96
         ..  ......       :             :.:...\__/...........................
  .... .:::  :::: ...:::. :   logo says   : tWiStED                         :
 :::  .::::  `::::::::::: :   comment     : hELLO aSCii gODS ! :)           :
  `:::::::'      ...:::'  :...............:..                               :
      ____                ___    _____      ____    _____      ______
     /   /__.        dNo _\__)_./  __/____./   /__./  __/__.  _\___  \__.
    /    ___|----/\----./      |\__       |    ___|   _____|_/    /     |
  |         HTW  -  tGø  -  rLf  -  sCf  -  sAL1  -  pR!De  -  dV$        |

...........................             ...   _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96
         ..  ......       :             :.:...\__/...........................
  .... .:::  :::: ...:::. :   logo says   : uNiqUE aRt                      :
 :::  .::::  `::::::::::: :   comment     : mY girlfriend called from USA   :
  `:::::::'      ...:::'  :...............:.. so I feel real good now! :)   :
                    _____       ___    ______.             _____
       _____ _____./     \----,_\__)_./ __   |_____ _____./  __/__.
     ./     |     |    \_____/       |\__/   |     |     |   _____|_.
     |`-----------'-----'    `-------dNo/____|-----------'----------|
     |   RcL              _____    _______     _____           dRS  |
     |         pO!  ______\__  \_._\__    )___/    /__.             |
     |  »WLK       /    --       |    .______/     ___|        v!r  |
     `-------------`-------------'----'      `-------'`-------------'

...........................             ...   _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96
         ..  ......       :             :.:...\__/...........................
  .... .:::  :::: ...:::. :   logo says   : uNitED aSCII aRtiStS            :
 :::  .::::  `::::::::::: :   comment     : hope u like it!.. (hi rLf!)     :
  `:::::::'      ...:::'  :...............:..                               :
                    ____      __    ____    _____    ______
           ___ ___./    \---,_\_)_./   /__./  __/__._\___  \__.
          /   |   |   \____/      |    ___|   _____|    /     |
          `-------'----'   `------'------'`---------'---------'
                   _____    _____     ______  ___     ___
       M@!      ___\__  \_./  __/___./     /._\__)_._(__/_.   rLf
               /  --      |\__      |   __/_|      |      |
       _____    ______     ____    ___    ______     ____    _____
    ___\__  \_._\__   )___/   /__._\__)_./   __/___./   /__./  __/___.
   /  --      |    ._____/    ___|      |\__       |    ___|\__      |
   `----------'----' dNo `------'`------'----------'------'`---------'

...........................             ...   _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96
         ..  ......       :             :.:...\__/...........................
  .... .:::  :::: ...:::. :   logo says   : uPPERcLASS                      :
 :::  .::::  `::::::::::: :   comment     : cOOOOOOOL nAME dUDES!           :
  `:::::::'      ...:::'  :...............:..                               :

          _____  _____  _____    _____    _____  __.   ____    ____    ____
 ___ ___._\__  \_\__  \/  __/_dNo\__  )__/    / /  |___\__ \_./ __/__./ __/__.
/   |   |   .__/   .__/   ____|/    .___/  __/_/   |  --     |\__    |\__    |
`-------'---'  `---'  `--------'----'   `------'---'---------'-------'-------'

                      Mb    7M    kAM    mAZ    OEP    SP

...........................             ...   _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96
         ..  ......       :             :.:...\__/...........................
  .... .:::  :::: ...:::. :   logo says   : wHALE                           :
 :::  .::::  `::::::::::: :   comment     : hOPE yOU lIKE it!               :
  `:::::::'      ...:::'  :...............:..                               :
              _____        _____    _____      _____       .------\__/------.
          dNo/  __/____.___\__  \_./    /____./  __/__.    |  uMn c0! -DtN  |
.----/\----./   \_     |  --      |          |   _____|_.  |     adk! lc!   |
`----------'`----/_____|----------'----------'----------'  `----------------'

...........................             ...   _/\_ diNO/diNiVE sTYLERS 95-96
         ..  ......       :             :.:...\__/...........................
  .... .:::  :::: ...:::. :   logo says   : wiLD sTYLE                      :
 :::  .::::  `::::::::::: :   comment     : hOPE yOU lIKE it!               :
  `:::::::'      ...:::'  :...............:..                               :
                              ___    ____     _____
                             _\__)_./   /___._\__  \__.
                .----/\----./      |        |   /     |
            _____ dNo! ____   ____      ____      ______                            
           /  __/____./   /__.\   \---./   /____./   __/__.                       
         ._\__       |    ___|_\__    |         |    _____|_.                     

                           g  r  e  e  t  i  n  g  s
        _____                _____.          ____  _____
       / .__/__  ___________/ _   |_________|    \|    /____  _______
    s_/  l_   /__\   / _   /  _}--|_   ._   :     \   /  ._/__\    _/___s
    c\_______/   / _/  _)_/_ _____|/   |/  _|___7____/   l_   /\_      /c
.--------.  /    \__)_____ _      /    l____|.------/________/________/-----.
|        `-/_____|---------------/_____|-----'                              |
|                                                                           |
|     trivial, mortimer twang, dj gizmo, slurry, zync, radavi, orlingo,     |
|       vietcong, ranx, lea, rickz, princip, aerosoul, u-man, count0,       |
|         nup, tango, kestrel, bea\/is, simpen, xcluziwe, dora mae,         |
|          dash, jucke, stezothic, relief, c-real, nike/hos, taste,         |
|           agressor, scroud, nero, 243, divas, la fayette, bobo,           |
|             killaraven, kru5ty, satans fire, hotwire, tommy,              |
|              juan, phase, demax, cluster, mogue, delite,                  |
|               dondog, data/pdx, hifi, madboy, xXx, tRz,                   |
:                fatal, whirlwind, and all other I know!                    |
.                                                                           |
            and all the friendly dudes I missed and luv so much!            |
         and ofcoz to everyone that vote for me and ds! in art^mag!         |
                 -    - - --------------------------------------------------'

                & OFCOZ A BIG HELLO 2 EVERYONE AT THE PARTY 95 !!!
                      HOPE YOU ALL ARE HAVEING A GOOD TIME... 
                        ): SORRY THAT I COULDN'T COME! :(

                           ...respects 2 everyone...

     ______             .   ____      .        ________
    / .   /sc      ___ _|_ _\_  \___ _|_ ______\     _/__
  _/  |__/_ ______/ _   |    /   \    |_     __/\_      /   'tHE cREDiTS'
  \______ _  _   /  _)__:_ ______/    |/     |/________/
<------.  /  /  /________ _   .-\_____/      |------------------------------->
       `-/   \__}-------------'      \_______|
                [ (c) by        :  dino                        ]
                [ releazed in   :  divine stylers              ]
                [ releaze date  :  95-12-26                    ]
                [ releaze time  :  10.00 pm                    ]
                [ hardware      :  peze 486 66mhz & large HD   ]
                [ software      :  ms-dos editor + amiga font  ]
                [ wether        :  snow, snow, & more snow     ]
                [ guest stars   :  mortimer twang - dS! logo   ]
                [               :  scapechanger - credz, greetz]
                [               :  lord chaos - intro          ]
                [               :  Chrombacher - ds! intro logo]
                [               :  ranx     - divine stylers   ]
                [               :  VietCong - (c) iff2ascii    ]
                [               :  Trivial - don't remember :) ]
                [ luv of my life:  Lea Topan & trivial :)      ]
                [ best artist - :  t^, rLf, yUk, uMn, sc, vC!, ]
                [ at the moment :  ©Mt, rX, mo!, nK, & more..  ]
                [ written in    :  pure assembler              ]
                [ best feliee   :  dS! home vidio (tm)         ]
                [ dope          :  purple microdots            ]
                [ viper         :  mortimer twang & trivial    ]
                [ up first on   :  interchange    - sweden     ]
                [               :  uzi suicide    - usa        ]
                [               :  wild palms     - holland    ]
                [ message 1     :  cru5ty - ascii gods don't   ]
                [               :  just end's doing ascii's    ]
                [               :  bcoz thay bought a peezee.. ]
                [               :  t^ and me got pc's.. and we ]
                [               :  are doing ascii's (or what  ]
                [               :  you might call it :)) but   ]
                [               :  comeon and join ds! pc asc2 ]
                [               :  force.. we need you !!      ]
                [ message 2     :  ©Mt & t^ hope you enjoy the ]
                [               :  time in denmark, sorry that ]
                [               :  I couldn't come. but you    ]
                [               :  maybe know how hard life    ]
                [               :  could be 2 you!?            ]
                [ new y. promice:  zippo! I can't keep them    ]
                [               :  anyway..                    ]
                [ music         :  local radio station         ]
                [               :  twangs old gr8 house tunes  ]
                [ modem speed   :  usr 28k8 v34                ]
                [ food          :  BLT, Adam & Eve on a raft   ] 

                    |                                 |     _ /
                    :  d i v i n e        -           :     \/
       _____________._____      ______    -___________:___________
       \_    _     /     |     /     /    |     _     ./     _    |
        |    /    /      |    /     /     |    ./     /      /____|
        |________/|______|\________/|     |____|_____/|________/
 _____________________    _____________   ____________________ __________
 \     _ /____       /  |/     /      /_./     _    |    _   /_\      _ /__
 _\_   \/  |/       /   /    _/      /  |      /____|    /     |\_    \/   |
 |_________|_______/|________|__________|________/ |_____\_____|___________|
            ____    .                                 .         rX/jA!
            \ _/    :                  s t y l e r s  :

                       Available from Divine Records:
    Recorded in MTV live studio's New York. (c) Divine Records^Stylers '95
              PVC - PVC AFFAIR  [- tOPQ hARDtRANCE  - 179 Sek -]
             TRANCED OUT - 777! [- vERY niCE tRANCE - 179 Sek -]

                 Fanclub Email: DS!@Exmandato.Se

             Fanclub snailmail: diNO / Divine Stylers
                                Po box 7143
                 divine stylers inc. merchandise warehouse
                                c/O Trivial
                                Vassgatan 7
                             644 35 Torshalla
                      Divine Stylers Stocks. 14.53 $ / Each
                  Send Money To Divine Stylers^Bank Of Zrich        

         __      _________ |o          o  ________   ________
 .-------\/-----(_________\||l________)|l/        )l/________)----------. 
 |                                                 `---                 |
 |                                                                      |
\_        wILD PALMS    nEDERLANDS hOOFDKWARTIER    mANNE: rADAVi       |_ _
 |          cLUBLAND    mERCHANdiSE hOOFDKWARTIER   mANNE: tRiViAL      |
 |        sWiTCHBACK    sWEDISH hOOFDKWARTIER       mANNE: riCKZ        |
 |  sOUTHERN cOMFORT    aUSTRALiAN hOOFDKWARTIER    mANNE: 243          |_
 |                                                                      |
 |               ____  |-    _      _|     ____   ____  ___,            |
 |              (______l_____)(____/|l__,l/____)|/____)(______          |
 |                 ---'          ---'    `--    `    \    ---'          |
 |                                                                      |

                   I guess I have 2 zip along now.. see you!

[one day you'll get a divine stylers production, the other day you don't !!!!]
[eOF]-------------------------------------------------------------[aDDS r' US]