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File size:
121 133 bytes (118.29K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:23:31
Download count:
all-time: 437


                             ·this file passed·
                        _ _____        ___   ______
                               )_  __ _| (___) _  )_
                              __/__) (_    |   |___/
                       _ ___  |   |___|    |__
                         c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _
                     ____       ____      _____      ____
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                 _) _/   /___)  _   /___) _/   /___)   _ /__
                /   \      /    \_    /   \      /     /   /
                \___       \_____/    \____\     \___  \   \
                  \ ________\   /______\    \ ____\ \_______\
                   \/      <(·tHE YARd·)>    \/ lOCATED iN gERMANY!
          [·aMiGA·aLL cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·aSCii·liNUX·hiPhOP·pECEE·]
            [· rUNNiNG oN 7 nICE nODES · iSDN/aNALOGUE/tELNET ·]
                 [· oPERATED bY zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH ·]

¦ _______________:______ _ ____ _ ___.    _ _________  _________________
| \___._    \_   ¦     /  ____/____  l______   _____/_/_    \____._    /
`-|   l/     /   :    /   \       /  /     /  ___/     /     \   l/  _/_.
  l___/     /\_______/___________/________/___________/_______\__/     /|
|     ._____________ ___.   _ ___.     /\____________:________________
|     | _  ______/  \   l______  l____/_ \_.   \     ¦     /______   /
`-----| \__.___/     \  /     /  /     /  \|    \    :    /      \__/---.
      l____|/_________\______/________/_________/\_______/________\     |
|   sUPPORTiNG: aMiGA, pC, mAC, sNES , hPA! <-> eIGHT fUCKiN` fAST nODES!
|	        	     4.5 gIG oNLINE !!!
|               .t.o.t.a.l. .p.r.i.v.a.t.e. .s.y.s.t.e.m.!.
|       nODE#1: +49-89- uSR 33.6!     <->      nODE#5: +49-89-iSDN!
|       nODE#2: +49-89- uSR 33.6!     <->      nODE#6: +49-89-iSDN!
|       nODE#3: +49-89- zYX 19.2!     <->      nODE#7: +49-89-iSDN!
|       nODE#4: +49-89- zYX 16.8!     <->      nODE#8: +49-89-iSDN!
  *** tRSI mEMBER hQ - hORIZON wHQ - tBI wHQ - mERLIN cHQ - fSW eHQ ***

       .___  ._     __.      ._         :    . __.         _
     __|   \_| \   / _|_   __| \   __/\ |    :/  |___  ___/ \_
   _/__|   / _  \_/ (_  \_/  _  \_/   _\|   _/  ____/_/  ____|
   | \____/  [   |   |  _/   [   |    / \_  \___    \__ ____)\
   |   | |       |   _   \_      |  _/   /   |        / \_/   \_      __
   |   | |   |   |   |____/  |   |      /    |       /         /-=--=-\/-.
   |   | l___|  _| __|   l___|  _| ____/l____| _____/| _______/          |
   |   |  rBLl_/ l_/         l_/ l_/         l_/     l_/                 |
   |   |                                                                 |
   |   |            __/\__              [·P·A·R·A·D·I·S·E·^·L·O·S·T·]    |
   |   |          <-\ oô /                                               |
   |   |            /_\/_\           ·» dECISION eUROPEAN hEADQUARTER «· |
   |   |              \/->           ·»  oSIRIS  eUROPEAN hEADQUARTER «· |
   |   |                      .      ·» sUSPECT! eUROPEAN hEADQUARTER «· |
   |   |           __.    .   :      ·»   rEAL   eUROPEAN hEADQUARTER «· |
   |   | .::::::. /  |____:   |___   ·» oUTLAWS!  gERMAN  hEADQUARTER «· |
   |   |::::···::/  ____/__   ___/   ·»   lSD!     dISTRIBUTION sIDE  «· |
   |   |:::    :\___    \_|   |      ·»   sAD!     dISTRIBUTION sIDE  «· |
   |   |:::    ::|        /   |                                          |
   |   |  \_..:::|       /|   | [nODE o1]·[28k8]·[+49-¿]·[fASTLINE v.34] |
   | ______/::::·| _____/ | __| [nODE o2]·[64k0]·[+49-¿]·[bSC iSDN x.75] |
   l_/ |         l_/      l_/   [nODE o3]·[64k0]·[+49-¿]·[bSC iSDN x.75] |
       |                              - - - -- -- --- --- ------ -- - -  |
       |                                                                 |
       |        ·cANNiBAL/hELLFIRE·cANNABIS·fLOOD!·dATA dIVISION·        |
       |                      ·mOSH/dECISION·rEAL!·                      |
       |                                                                 |
       `-=-> [aMIGA!]·[cONSOLE]·[/X\]·[/T\]·[pORNO]·[h/P/A]·[cBM 64] <-=-'

             If you want to read this file then download it!


|    USS-ENTERPRISE B.BS             _____   CO-S'S.                       |
|    DD-MMM-YY HH:MM             _.-'     `-._          MARIO              |
|    SYS PICARD               .-'  ` || || '  `-.       ELVIN              |
|   _______________  _      ,'   \\          //  `.     SIGMA-SEVEN        |
|  /               || \    /'  \   _,-----._   /   \    KIRK LYt0x!        |
|  |_______________||_/   /  \\  ,' \ | | / `.  //  \   THE WHITE KNIGHT   |
|     |    |             _] \   / \  ,---.  / \   // \                     |
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|     )   ,-'       _,-'  |- |\-._ | .---, |  -|   == | GVP 040/30MHZ      |
|     || /_____,---' || |_|= ||   `-',--. \|  -| -  ==| 12MEG 32BIT RAM    |
|     |:(==========o=====_|- ||     ( O  )||  -| -  --| LINE AMPLIFIERS!   |
|     || \~~~~~`---._|| | |= ||  _,-.`--' /|  -| -  ==| BATTERY BACKUP     |
|     )   `-.__      `-.  |- |/-'  | `---' |  -|   == | 4! GIGS ON-LINE    |
|     |     /  `--------\/ ,   | /  \     /  \ |\   - | 3 28K +3 NET NODES |
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|    A&S                                        NODE #'S..                 |
|    RAZOR   SITE                                      =1-412-233-0805 MAIN|
|    S ! X SITE                                        =1-412-233-3413     |
|                                                      =1-412-233-2611     |
|    FOR FUN NOT STATUS                                =3xI-NET            |

        ______          >> BYTE PLANET - NOT JUST A TRADERSTATiON! <<
  ._____\    /______======================================================÷
  |    ¼|    \\    /.____ ______sCf/-T!                                   :
  |______     \\__/ ¦\  ¼\\    /________    + 4 6 - 4 9 0 - 2 1 9 2 9     ¦
÷=======/______\______    \____________/__________ sPX sWEDISH HQ!        ¦
 __________ ______  /______\_____    ¼\    ______/\   hOT oR nOt wHQ!     ¦
 \________  \    /. __          /______\______ _/  \    aLPHA fLIGHT aFF! :
  |      ____\__/ |/ ¼\____________         /_______\=====================÷
  |_______|________    \_________ ¼\____________                          ¦
.                /______\______     \     ___  ¼\____________ ______      ¦
:    sUPPORTiNG:              /______\______/    \    ______/\\    /______:_
¦  AMiGA, cONSOLE, C64                     /______\______ _/  \____________/
¦  aND a sPECIAL cONF fOR pICS oN sCENERS!             /_______\_____    ¼\

________________________________· [ b O F ] ·_________________________________

                              (c) copyright 1996

     all rights of the owner and of the work represented herein reserved.
           public performance, commersial use, hiring or rental of
                        this collection is prohibited

            Our intention in divine stylers is not to ripp styles or
                      to start any quarrels and wars

          Any simularities to other artist's previous released work
                           * are fully coincidental *
  There are so many packs released these days that the chance that you have
         a style that is 100% different from all the others is none.
        It is also a FACT that artists DO get influenced by others
                       whether they want it or not.
             If you realize that, you can tell the difference
                   between influenced work and rippoff.
        Check out if your 'own' style is so fucking extraordinary.
            Please remember that before you start talking shit

            If you find the style that trivial represent too much
       lookalike yours; contact him instead of writing bullshit in your
      own collections that he probably dont ever get the chance to view.

                  were to reach him can be found in another
                           part of this collection.

                   Besides all that boring mumbo jumbo;
          feel free to use (if you find any:) sT^'s asciiwork in
              your own collections, at your board or whatever
                     as long as the tag remains intact.
           (and if it is in a collection; full credit of course)

               In short .. You may use sT^'s work if you let
                        him have full credit for it ..

             That's what this is about ay? friendship n' stuff ?

                     a__            ___
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  .... . .
  : tRiViAL  rAdAVi  mOR7iMER  diNO  fELIX^dABId  oRliNGo  243  kRUSTy!
  :           rICKz  xXX  wHiRLWINd  rAMiREz  mATt  sTRAUSS
  .. .................................................... . . ........ .
                                                             ... . ....:

                                .. feat ..

                                      .....        ....
        .   . ...               .: ...:t0!:....  ..:  : .....
                : . ___/\_       ..:          :..:    :.:  .:
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              :.:              : :.:..: :   ..:Ed:... :.:....: _/_     /     /
                               :...:    :...:       :...:      \/___________/

                                                                 .. The man ..

  .. has returned ..

                                                  .. with a new fleshy part ..

  .. to the 'Tribute To Trash Metal' Series ..

                                                                  .. Called ..

                       .. Peace Sells, But Who's Buying? ..
                       -[ Tribute To Trash Metal Part IV ]-

                              ....                ...
                       .: ....:  :...             :.:... .   .
                        ..:        .:               :
                   .  /\:__ .  /\__: .  /\___ .  /\_:_ .  /\__
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                    ..:..       ..... :.         (___/:
                    : :.:... ...:E^d:..:              .
                    :...:  :.:

              .. Peace Sells ..

              ( ©1986 MEGADETH )
           ( Lyrics: Dave Mustane )

  What do you mean, "I don't believe in god"?
  I talk to him everyday.
  What do you mean, "I don't support your system"?
  I go to court when i have to.
  What do you mean, "I can't get to work on time"?
  I got nothing better to do.
  And, What do you mean, "I don't pay my bills"?
  Why don you think i'm broke? Huh?

  If there's a new way,
  i'll be first in line.
  But, It better work this time.

  What do you mean, "I hurt your feelings"?
  I didn't know you had any feelings.
  What do you mean, "I ain't kind"?
  I'm not just your kind.
  What do you mean, "I couldn't be a president,
  of the united states of america"?
  Tell me something, It's still "We the people,"

  If There's a new way,
  I'll be first in line.
  But, It better work this time.

  Can you put a price on peace?
  Peace Sells...,
  Peace Sells...,
  Peace Sells...,But who's buying?
  Peace Sells...,But who's buying?
  Peace Sells...,But who's buying?
  Peace Sells...,But who's buying?
  No, Peace Sells...

       .                                                              .
       .         _ _ _ ___ ___ ___  __ _ _ ___ ___ _ ___ _ _          .
       ¡----bHm-(_) ` |_ _| - j   |-\ | | | _/|_ _(_)   | ` |-sOS-----¡
       |        `-^-'-'`-'`-'-^---^---^---^---'`-'`-^---^-'-'         |
       |                                                              |
       |   Well,Well you've actually leeched this .. Hmm .. Where     |
       |   is the world going to ?? Maybee .. you've leeched the      |
       |   wrong file or sumthin' ?? I cannot believe that your       |
       |   purpouse today, out there, in the realms of TELiA, was     |
       |   to leech this file. <sigh> Anyway .. i'm starting to       |
       |   get a bit bored of this serie now. But this ain't the      |
       |   last part, no no, but maybee the next one will be ...      |
       |   I believe iv'e reached one of those periodes when you      |
       |   don't even wanna touch the computer. I'm so god damn       |
       |   bored of this 'SCENE' or what you intend to call it.       |
       |   Can't you guys realise that 'THEIR AIN'T NO SCENE' !!      |
       |   It died a couple of years ago. I'm so tired of these       |
       |   god-damn people who think they own this (well we could     |
       |   call it scene, for now) 'scene' .. I won't mention any     |
       |   names but. YOU! YEAH! YOU who's reading this who-ever      |
       |   you may be. Please hold what you're doin and think!        |
       |                                                              |
       |  Is this a scene??                                           |
       |                                                              |
       |                         Will it ever be some kind of scene?? |
       |                                                              |
       |                                                              |
       |    What could we do to maybee make the situation better??    |
       |                                                              |
       |                                                              |
       |   I remember .. some amount of years ago .. ( Those who      |
       |   where involved with the scene, should remember it to )     |
       |   There was a MAJOR difference between the almighty          |
       |   'ELITE' folx and the 'LAMER' crowd. BUT those 'ELITES'     |
       |   never let those 'LAMERS' in. They never reached very       |
       |   far when they tried to (for an example) start a new        |
       |   account at some kinda 'ELITE' bbs. So it's time to         |
       |   think again. What is the MAJOR difference at the           |
       |   'scene' of today and the SCENE of yesterday ??? If you     |
       |    cannot answer that, then you're one of those who          |
       |    really don't belong at the 'scene'. I recall the          |
       |    ( for an axample, the modemScene ) scene as a quite       |
       |    unfriendly place, it's was some kinda mystery over it.    |
       |    But nowadays HA! .. jeeeez ..                             |
       |                                                              |
       |    Anyway as you may have noticed, i'm back with the divine  |
       |    posse again. Hmm .. hopefully this will last for a couple |
       |    of years from now. Well .. hope to see ya at the TCP in   |
       |    LKPG 30/3 (Hrmm .. some pirate commerciall here i think)  |
       |    let's just dominate the fuckin' house with some RAW unda' |
       |    ground vibbies !! Ok ?? Alright .. it's time for those    |
       |    asc² attempts again .. hmm .. feel free to puke or maybee |
       |    swallow summ hulahoops or something, but please don't     |
       |    hold me responsible for your looney acts. It's just a     |
       |    matter of brains .. doo-di-doo ......                     |
       |    ... 'da white maaaan's gotta guun complex!' ..            |
       |    oops a bit carried away i think .. hmm .. a tip : Don't   |
       |    listen too PublicEnemy when yar doin' asc²'s ..           |
       |    Ohh well .. i'll just leave you for yar readin' ..        |
       |                                                              |
       |                                    strauss / divine stylers  |
       |                                                              |
       :                                                              :
       .                                                              .

  |  /__________________________________________________________________
                                                                       /___ _

              ____   _____    ____   ___      ____    ____   ___     _______!_
    2F      _/    \_/     \__/    \__/ /_   _/  _/  _/    \__/ /_   /    ___|
           /   /____   /   _   /   _   _/__/   _/__/   /   _   _/__/\__   \
 ----- --+/__ /   /\______/___/   /__ /   ___ /   ____/   /__ /   _   /   / --
             \___/           /____\  \___/   \___/   /____\  \___/\______/

            Logo o1 - Eurotrade                   Req By - Ghost Rider
            Logo o2 - Dream Engine                Req By - ShellShock
            Logo o3 - Deja Vu                     Req By - ShellShock/Soxius
            Logo o4 - Whq                         Req BY - ShellShock
            Logo o5 - Depth                       Req By - Zcandaler
            Logo o6 - Depth [ANSI]                Req By - Zcandaler
            Logo o7 - Tommy [1]                   Req By - Tommy
            Logo o8 - Tommy [2]                   Req By - Tommy
            Logo o9 - Epsilon Design              Req By - Tommy
            Logo ¹o - Epsilon Design [DESC]       Req By - Tommy
            Logo ¹1 - The Macabre                 Req By - Daemon
            Logo ¹2 - The Macabre [ANSI]          Req By - Daemon
            Logo ¹3 - Virtual Illusions           Req By - Wizzard
            Logo ¹4 - Virtual Illusions [ANSI]    Req By - Wizzard
            Logo ¹5 - Soxius                      Req By - Soxius
            Logo ¹6 - Azkiness                    Req By - Soxius
            Logo ¹7 - Hilight                     Req By - Soxius
            Logo ¹8 - Europol                     Req By - Snafu
            Logo ¹9 - Snafu                       Req By - Snafu
            Logo ²o - Element                     Req By - Snafu
            Logo ²1 - Outlaws                     Req By - Snafu
            Logo ²2 - Relief                      Req By - Relief
            Logo ²3 - Plastic Flavour             Req By - relief
            Logo ²4 - Tropic Dreams               Req By - relief
            Logo ²5 - Jedi Arts                   Req By - Shock G
            Logo ²6 - DownLoad                    Req By - Mindscape
            Logo ²7 - DownLoad [ANSI]             Req By - Mindscape
            Logo ²8 - UpLoad                      Req By - Mindscape
            Logo ²9 - UpLoad [ANSI]               Req By - Mindscape
            Logo ³o - LogOff                      Req By - Mindscape
            Logo ³1 - LogOff [ANSI]               Req By - Mindscape
            Logo ³2 - GoodBye                     Req By - Mindscape
            Logo ³3 - GoodBye [ANSI]              Req By - Mindscape
            Logo ³4 - Mombasa Amiga BBS           Req By - Mindscape
            Logo ³5 - Mombasa Amiga BBS [ANSI]    Req By - Mindscape

                  .. Bonus Logos .. (Gifts 2 My Friends) ..

            Logo ³6 - Peking Palace               Gift 2 - Doc
            Logo ³7 - Bitch Board                 Gift 2 - La Fayette
            Logo ³8 - No Impulse                  Gift 2 - Ray Ban
            Logo ³9 - Total Eclipse               Gift 2 - Zcandaler
            Logo 4o - Insanitary                  Gift 2 - Cluster
            Logo 41 - Club Bizarre                Gift 2 - Blade Runner
            Logo 42 - Repulse                     Gift 2 - The Silencer
            Logo 43 - The Seventh Gate            Gift 2 - Valtor
            Logo 44 - Zenturion                   Gift 2 - LaserMan
            Logo 45 - Flying Carpet               Gift 2 - Slurry

                                                         .. The show begins ..

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - EuroTrade                  /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - Ghost Rider          /               /lOGO o1
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

                       __________________/           /
                ______/                             /______
          _____/     ________________________      /      /_________
  ______________- ----\         \           /______________        /
  / _________  /_________________\ /_______/          __  /       /_________
 / ___________/ _______          \______\ /_______________\     _ ____________
 \______/sT^   _/     /____________                       _______ _________  /
              /_     __/          /_______________________/     /___________/
    /_____     \_____/ \ /_______/____________    / _______    /______/
        /________       \_____\ \_____________,__/________,___/
              /____________________        ________

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Dream Engine               /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - ShellShock           /               /lOGO o2
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

                           _____________/             /
               ___________/  _ _____________         /__________
         _____/ _ ____________  _________  /_________________  /__________
        /   _______          / ___________/_____________    / /  ___________
    ________/     / /_______/\______/     \_____________,__/-----/         /
    / _______    /\______\                                 \____\/________/
 ______________                                               _ ______________
 / _________  /_____________                   _ ________________ _________  /
/ ___________/ '           /______________________  '           /___________/
\______/  /___/           /__________   /________/_/           /______/
 ______      /___________/___________  /       /  /___________/
     /____________          /_________/_______/sT^   ___________/
               /_____________            ___________/

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Deja Vu                    /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - ShellShock/Soxius    /               /lOGO o3
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

                       _________________/        /
              ________/                /        /
        _____/       /                         /___________
       /    _______                  _______  /           /____________
    ________/     /__________________/     /__________________        /
    / _______    / _________  /     /     /______________    /       /
   /________,___/ ___________/___________/\______________,__/       /
    ______      \______/              ___________     _____________/
        /_________            --------/         /   _ ___________
               /               \_______________/- ----\         \
              /__________________         sT^/___________________\

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Whq                        /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - ShellShock           /               /lOGO o4
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

              __________                 __________
      ______ /          _________        \         \ ______
     /  ________________/_      /______________________    \
    /   /     /\          \____,        / _______     /     \
   /   /___________________\  /________/_______,     /       \
  /_____                                   sT^/_____/  \\_____\
        /_________/                            _________\

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Depth                      /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - Zcandaler            /               /lOGO o5
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

             ____________                         ____________
        ___ / _______   /                         \ _ _______ \ ___
     _________/     /_________________________________      /________
     / ________    / __________  / ________  /       /_____,        /
    /_________,___/ ____________/  _________/       __/   /________/
     __           \______/    /____/        \_______/sT^            __\
       /___________                                    \___________\

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aNSi     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Depth                      /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - Zcandaler            /               /lOGO o6
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

             ____________                         ____________
        ___ / _______   /                         \ _ _______ \ ___
     _________/     /_________________________________      /________
     / ________    / __________  / ________  /       /_____,        /
    /_________,___/ ____________/  _________/       __/   /________/
     __           \______/    /____/        \_______/sT^            __\
       /___________                                    \___________\

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Tommy [1]                  /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - Tommy                /               /lOGO o7
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

             __________                                    __________
    _________         /                                    \         \ ___
   _/       /________________      ____________     ____________      ________
  /_       __/          __  /------/          /-----/          /------/      /
   \_______/________________\_____\/_________/_____\/_________/______       /
     __                                                        sT^/________/
       /_________/                                              \_________  __\

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Tommy [2]                  /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - Tommy                /               /lOGO o8
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

                                    ___________________   ___________
         ________        __________/                  /__/          /
        _/      /_  ____/          ___________       /           _______
       /_      __/____________-----/         /  ___________ -----/     /
        \______/         __  /____\/________/---/         /_____      /
             /_______________\sT^         \____\/________/   /_______/
                 _____                                _________
                   /____________                _____/

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Epsilon Design             /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - Tommy                /               /lOGO o9
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

                  ____________________________________      ________
          _______/   _ ___________  _ __________     /_____/       /___________
         /_ _____________ _______/_____________/_________________ /           /
 _____________ _______  /______       /      /    /_        __  /_____________
 / ________  /_________/sT^  /_______/______/______/____________\'           /
/ __________/__/                                            /___/           /
\_____/                                                        /___________/
         _______                                           __ ________________
 ________/     /____________                   _______________   '           /
 / _______    / _________  /_______  _ __________ ________   /__/           /
/________,___/ ___________/_______/_____________/_________  /  /___________/
 ________    \_____/    /_______       /      /  /_________/
      /                       /_______/______/ ____                 /
     /___________________________________      /       ____________/

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - dESC     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Epsilon Design             /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - Tommy                /               /lOGO ¹o
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

           _______________ /_\   _______
           / __________  /_______/     / ePS¡LON
        . / ____________/ _________   /dES¡GN -96 .
        |   bLA bLA bLA .. aSC² ?? .. bLA bLA ..  |
        | bLA bLA bLA .. cOLLiE ?? .. bLA bLA ..  |
        |   bLA bLA bLA .. gr8 sTUFF .. bLA ..    |
        | bLA bLA bLA bLA bLA bLA bLA bLA bLA bLA |

                               .. We interrupt the show for a short message ..

       .. if you're into ascii .. Just call dis place ..

_ ___________            ____
 __ _______ /_________ __\__/__ _____________ pLACE a cALL tO tHIS fINE bBS
          /____________\ \  / /____________ /__________________________ _ _
                        \/  \/            /__________________________ __ _
   ______ ._______:_      ._:___.    ._____.       __oOOo__.._ _oOOo______
  /     ¼\|   ___ : \_ :  | :  ¼|___ |   __|_____./  _____/__\_\____     /
 /   /\   \   )/  :  | :  | :  ____/_|__.\___   ¼|  ________/__.  )/   _/_.
/___/______\__/   :  | :  |_:__|     :..|__/     |____        ¼|__/Oooo. ¼|
             /____:__| ·    :  |        | /______|   \____.oooO| /_(   )_eD
                  ·.........·  fTL______|                 (   )     ) /
ASCII ONLY BBS  _____     .          .______    .______    \ (     (_/
-------------- (_____     |____      |_____/    |______)    \_)
>80MB OF ASCII _     \.   |      _   |      _   |
               /______|   |______\   |______\   |    sTAFF: fATAL/e^D/oBS
 _ __ _____________  _ __                                     ____
_ _ _____________ /__\\\  _ EPSILON DESIGN WHQ __ /\__________\  /_______ _
                /_____\\\/  ------------------ \//             \/
                       \                       \/ + 4 6 - 2 1 - 3 3 0 9 7 5

                                                      .. End of short-break ..

 .. on with the show ..

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - The Macabre                /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - Daemon               /               /lOGO ¹1
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

           ___________                                  ___________
      ___ /          / -  [ ·  t  ·  H  ·  E  · ]  -    \          \ ___
     /  / _________________________________________________________________
   -------/           / _____________    / ______________/____________    /
   __              ______      _ _____________________________           __\
     /          /  /    /_________            /____________  /          \
    /__________/  /    ________  / /_________/______________/ \__________\
                 /____,_________/\______\   \_______/sT^

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aNSi     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - The Macabre                /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - Daemon               /               /lOGO ¹2
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

           ___________                                  ___________
      ___ /          / -  [ ·  t  ·  H  ·  E  · ]  -    \          \ ___
     /  / _________________________________________________________________
   -------/           / _____________    / ______________/____________    /
   __              ______      _ _____________________________           __\
     /          /  /    /_________            /____________  /          \
    /__________/  /    ________  / /_________/______________/ \__________\
                 /____,_________/\______\   \_______/sT^

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Virtual Illusions          /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - Wizzard              /               /lOGO ¹3
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

                          ____                  ____
            ____________ /   /                  \   \ ____________
           /   _ __________ /    _ _______       \   \\           \
        __________________/________      /_  ______________________________
  ------/        /      /         /     __/---\       \ _________    /    /_
   \____________/______/ /_______/______/______________\_________,__/______/
 _________               _ _________ _ ________                 _ ________
 /_______/______    ________ ______/__________/_____________________ ____/____
 /     /   /_  /_----\      \____     /     /      __  /  '        /___      /
/_____/\____/___/____________\/______/_____/___________\_/        /  /______/
 /___________//   /                                               __________\
             /___/                                          \____\

   - AKKK !?? This one SUCKED BIG TIME!!! ..
                     I'll do a new if yar not satisfied .. oki ??
         .. Ya know where to find mee ..

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aNSi     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Virtuall Illusions         /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - Wizzard              /               /lOGO ¹4
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

                          ____                  ____
            ____________ /   /                  \   \ ____________
           /   _ __________ /    _ _______       \   \\           \
        __________________/________      /_  ______________________________
  ------/        /      /         /     __/---\       \ _________    /    /_
   \____________/______/ /_______/______/______________\_________,__/______/
 _________               _ _________ _ ________                 _ ________
 /_______/______    ________ ______/__________/_____________________ ____/____
 /     /   /_  /_----\      \____     /     /      __  /  '        /___      /
/_____/\____/___/____________\/______/_____/___________\_/        /  /______/
 /___________//   /                                               __________\
             /___/                                          \____\

    - Same goes for this one .. ;)

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Soxius                     /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - Soxius               /               /lOGO ¹5
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

                       ___________/                  /
              ________/          /                  /________
      _______/       /                             /        /_________________
  __________               _ _______________               / _ __________    /
  / _______/___________________    '    ___/_______   __________ _______/_____
 /_______       /        __  /____/      /________/----\        \_____       /
       /_______/_____________\   /______/       /________________\  /_______/
 /____________                        /________/sT^  ____________________
        /________                           __________/
               /__________                  /

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Azkiness                   /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - Soxius               /               /lOGO ¹6
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

                 ___________________________/                  /
           _____/__                        /                  /
          /       / . .   a   n E W   . .                    /________________
  ____________________   __________________________________                  /
   \ _____________   /___\________  /   / _____/__________/                 /
    \____________,__/  ____________/___,       /        /______________    /
       _______     /________\      sT^/_______/________/   '          /   /
           /                                         /____/          /   /
          /____________________________                  /__________/________
    ________________________________/                       / ____________  /
    \                              /_________________      / ______________/
     \                                                     \_______/__
      \   . .   r E L E A S E   i S   b O R N   . .         / _______/_______
       \____________________________________________       /_______         /
                                              /             _____/_________/
                                             /____________  / _______/_______
                                                           /_______         /

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - HiLight                    /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - Soxius               /               /lOGO ¹7
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

             ___________                               ___________
       ____ /          /                               \          \ ____
  _______ //  _ ___________      ___________        _ _______      \ ________
  /     /_________________/____ /__________/___________     /________/      /_
 /______,       /       /     /_/        /_________   /_____,       /      __/
       /_______/_______/\______/________/__________  /     /_______/\______/
  /___                                 sT^/_________/                    ___
      /__________/                                           \__________\

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Europol                    /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - Snafu                /               /lOGO ¹8
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

            _______________/                          /
     ______/              /                          /
 _________________             _ _______________    /________________________
 / ____________  /   _____________             /_______________             /
/ ______________/-----\           \ /_________/           __  /            /
\_______/  sT^/____________________\_____\  /_________________\           /
 ________                               _______________
      /_________________/               / __________  /______________________
                    /                  / ____________/           __  /      /_
                   /                  /____/       /_________________\_______/

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Snafu                      /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - Snafu                /               /lOGO ¹9
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

        ____________/                         /
       /           /                         /______________________
      /                                     /                      /
 _________                                  _ ____________        /
 / ______/______________________________________ _________\   _____________
/______         /   '          /____________   / ________\-----\           \
     /_________/___/          /____________,__/\_______\____________________\
 /                /__________/sT^
/_____________                       ________________________/
            /                        /

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Element                    /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - Snafu                /               /lOGO ²o
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

               ____________                        ____________
       ______ /           /                        \           \ ______
      /     //           /                          \           \\     \
 ______________  _ _____________            _ _____________      \ _ ________
 / _________  /____ _________  /   ____________ ________  /___________      /_
/ ___________/    /_ _________/----/          /__________/  '        /     __/
\______/    \______/____/   \_____\/_________/_____/   /___/        /______/
  _____//                                              sT^/________/   _____
       /___________/                                       ___________\

      .. we interrupt the show 4 anotha important message ..

 . .   d O   u   s E A R C H   4   f R i E N D S H i P   a N D   . .

                                . .   j O Y - j O Y   f E E L i N ' S   ? ?   . .

     . .   d O   u   g O T   b A L L S   o F   s O L i D   r O C K   ? ?   . .

. .   d i D   u   e A T   y A R   s P I N A C H   . .

                         . .   w i T H o U T   c O M P L A i N T S   ? ?   . .

. .   d i D   u   f E E D   y A R   t O A S T E R   . .

                                     . .   t H i S   m O R N i N G   ? ?   . .

 . .   d O   y O U   g O T   a N   o R A N G E   . .

                                       . .   u P   y A R   n O S E   ? ?   . .

. .   i F   y A R   a N S W E R   w U Z   . .

                                         ' y E S   -   o F   c O U Z E   ! ! '

. .   o N   a L L   e X C E P T   f O R   t H E   . .

                                    . .   2  l A S T   q U E S T i O N S   . .

. .   t H E N   u   s H O U L D N ' T   c A L L   . .

                     ..............     .................  .......
                .....:  ________  :...  :_ _____________:..:...  :
                :      _/      /_____:..:   _________  /   :..:  :..
                :...../_      __/   /______ __________/      ......:
       ....   .....    \______/____,      /_______/   .......:       ......
       :..:...:   :.....    :     /______/            :..............:... :
    ......:    _______ :....: _ ______________           _ ______    :..:.:
    :    ,-----/     /___________   '         \ _____________   /_______:
    :.../____       /_________  /__/           \/ __________/___,      /:
        :  /_______/___________/  /_____________\__________\   /______/ :...
     _______      \______/sT^       ___________             _ _____________:
     /     /____________________- ---\         \__________     _________  /:
    /______,      /__________  /________________\________/____ __________/ :
       :../______/_____________\            p^D/______       /_______/.....:
           :                                        /_______/     :
   ·[ sUPPORTiN - aMiGA · pC · cONSOLE ]·[ o-3 dAYS wAREZ aMiGA/pC/cONSOLE ]·
           ·[ rUNNiNG - /X4.9 · aMiGA 3ooo/o3o/6 5GiG sTORAGE oNLiNE ]·
     ·[ sYSoP - ThE yEnCH ]·    ·[ cOsYSoPS - sTRAUSS ^ ZiP JaM ^ hAPPiS  ]·
           :                    ·[ ZadDo ^ GoNZo ^ sWOOP ^ lEGAZY&aNTHRAX ]·
           :                                                      :
     ·[ nODE^1 - +46·155·266441 · »33K6½ · nODE^2 - +46·155·266439.· »16K8½ ]·
           .         ·[ nODE^3 - +46·155·pRiVATE· » ??K? ½ ]·     .

                                           .. end of second important break ..

                                                  .. on with the show again ..

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - OutLaws                    /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - Snafu                /               /lOGO ²1
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

                ______________/                      /
       ________/             /                      /
      /                               ________     /
 __________________     ______________/      /_   /__________________________
 /            __  /------\           \      __/  /                          /
/_________________\___________________\_____/                __________
                     ________________________________________/ _______/_______
 /__________         /     /_ ___________   /    /\          \______         /
         /        sT^\______/___________,__/__________________\   /_________/
        /_______________                  _____________________________

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Relief                     /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - Relief               /               /lOGO ²2
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

               _______________                 ______________
        _____ /              /       _ ___________           \ _____
       /    //_ _______________________ _________/_____________\    \
  _______________ ____________  /     /_       /____________  /__________
  /             /______________/\______/______/______________/  _________\
  \  /_________/_______/                    \_______/sT^    \  ________\
   \______\             /                                    \_______\
   ____                /                             \               ____\
       /______________/                               \_____________\

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Plastic Flavour            /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - Relief               /               /lOGO ²3
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

              ________/                        /____________________________
             /       /                        /                            /
  ______________               _ __________    _ __________________       /
  / _________  /___________________ ______/_______      /_________/___________
 /  __________/   /_ __________   /_____         /     __/      /____________/
/____/      \______/__________,__/    /_________/______/_______/____________\
 \   _______\__________________   _____________________   ____________________
  \  ______\   /_  ________   /---/      /        __  /---\        \         /
      __________                   __________________________   sT^\_____\

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Tropic Dreams              /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - Relief               /               /lOGO ²4
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

                    _________________/                       /
           ________/                /                       /__________________
     ________     /                             _ _________ _                 /
    _/      /_______________________________________________/___________     /
   /_      __/          /        __  / _________  /       /____________/    /
    \______/ /_________/_____________\ __________/_______/____________\    /
           \______\                /____/sT^
     /   _______       _ ______________                        _ _______
 ________/     /__________ _________  /___________    ___________ _____/______
 / ________   /          /___________/________   /----/         /____        /
/________,___/ /________/______/  \__________,__/____\/________/   /________/
/________/                                       /__________________/
        /________________/                      /

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Jedi Arts                  /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - Shock G              /               /lOGO ²5
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

                 _____________                ____________
                /            /                \           \
       ______  /            /                  \           \  ______
      /   _______          /              __________________\ \     \
  ________/     /_________________________/     /__________/ \ \     \
 /       /     / _____________  / __________   /         /    \ \     \
/_____________/ _______________/__________,___/_________/      \ \     \
              \_______/                              _________  \ \     \
 /_____/ /         __________________________________/       /________   \
        /           \ _____________   /             /       __/______/________
       /____________ \____________,__/ /___________/\_______/______          /
                                     \______\sT^                 /__________/

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - DownLoad                   /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - MindScape            /               /lOGO ²6
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

       ___________________/                      /
      /                  /                      /_____________________
     /     _______                             /                     /
 __________/     /______________________________________________    /
 / __________   /          __  /    /\          \   '          /   /
/__________,___/_______________\_________________\_/          /   /___________
                                                  /__________/   /           /
/______/            _______              ______________________         ______
      /             /     /_______________\_ ______________   /_________/    /
_____/              \______/           __  /______________,__/__________    /
\   /_______________     /_________________\            sT^/___________,___/ /
 \                                   _______________________                /
  \.. ¡F u hAVE d¡SABLED, dON'T aBUSE ¡T .. oR sUFFER tHE cONSEQUENCES ..  /

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aNSi     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - DownLoad                   /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - MindScape            /               /lOGO ²7
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

       ___________________/                      /
      /                  /                      /_____________________
     /     _______                             /                     /
 __________/     /______________________________________________    /
 / __________   /          __  /    /\          \   '          /   /
/__________,___/_______________\_________________\_/          /   /___________
                                                  /__________/   /           /
/______/            _______               _____________________         ______
      /             /     /______________/__ ______________   /_________/    /
_____/              \______/           __  /______________,__/__________    /
\   /_______________     /_________________\            sT^/___________,___/ /
 \                                   _______________________                /
  \.. ¡F u hAVE d¡SABLED, dON'T aBUSE ¡T .. oR sUFFER tHE cONSEQUENCES ..  /

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - UpLoad                     /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - MindScape            /               /lOGO ²8
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

      _________/                       /
     / _____________ ______________   /                 _____________________
  ------\           \/ _________  /  /_________________/                    /
 /___________________\ __________/  /                                      /
                   /____/sT^                                            ______
 /___________     ____________________________________________ _________/    /
          /       /     /_            __  / ______________   /__________    /
         /_____/  \______/________________\______________,__/__________,___/
             / .. pUMP¡N ¡S a vERY bEAUT¡FULL cR¡ME ..   /___________/

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aNSi     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - UpLoad                     /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - MindScape            /               /lOGO ²9
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

      _________/                       /
     / _____________ ______________   /                 _____________________
  ------\           \/ _________  /  /_________________/                    /
 /___________________\ __________/  /                                      /
                   /____/sT^                                            ______
 /___________     ______________________________________________________/    /
          /       /     /_            __  /_______________   /__________    /
         /_____/  \______/________________\______________,__/__________,___/
             / .. pUMP¡N ¡S a vERY bEAUT¡FULL cR¡ME ..   /___________/

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - LogOff                     /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - MindScape            /               /lOGO ³o
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

                 _________________/                   /
       _________/                /                   /__________________
  /     /_             __  /_________   /            __  /  _______\ _______\
  \______/_________________\_________  /_________________\  ______\  ______\
                            /_________/                sT^\_____\  \_____\
     /.. cU lAD oR lESS .. aND fEEL fREE 2 cALL bACK aGA¡N .. /___/

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aNSi     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - LogOff                     /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - MindScape            /               /lOGO ³1
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

                 _________________/                   /
       _________/                /                   /__________________
  /     /_             __  /_________   /            __  /  _______\ _______\
  \______/_________________\_________  /_________________\  ______\  ______\
                            /_________/                sT^\_____\  \_____\
     /.. cU lAD oR lESS .. aND fEEL fREE 2 cALL bACK aGA¡N .. /___/

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - GoodBye                    /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - MindScape            /               /lOGO ³2
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

                         ____________________/                        /
          ______________/                   /               ______   /
  __________________________________________________________/    /  /
  /_________   /            __  /            __  /__________    /  /_______
 /__________  /_________________\________________\_________,___/  /       /
   /_________/sT^               ______
      _________________         /    /_________      _________________________
               _____/          /    ________  /------/      / _____________  /
              /    /          /____,_________/______       / _______________/
             /                                   /________/\_______/
            /.. hOPE 2 sEE yA sOON aGA¡N m8! ..    _________        /
           /______________________________________/     /__________/

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aNSi     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - GoodBye                    /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - MindScape            /               /lOGO ³3
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

                         ____________________/                        /
           _____________/                   /               ______   /
  __________________________________________________________/    /  /
  /_________   /            __  /            __  /__________    /  /_______
 /__________  /_________________\________________\_________,___/  /       /
   /_________/sT^               ______
      _________________         /    /_________      _________________________
               _____/          /    ________  /------/      / _____________  /
              /    /          /____,_________/______       / _______________/
             /                                   /________/\_______/
            /.. hOPE 2 sEE yA sOON aGA¡N m8! ..    _________        /
           /______________________________________/     /__________/

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Mombasa Amiga BBS          /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - MindScape            /               /lOGO ³4
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

     /                    /   _______________________________
        ___________      /____/       ___________           /
 -------/         /______________-----/         /          /
  \____\/________/          __  /____\/________/          /_________________
               _/_______________\        _ ____________                    /
/_________     /    /________________________ ________/_______________________
       /      /    ______  /____________    /_______        /____________    /
      /      /____,_______/_____________,__/      /________/_____________,__/
     /                           _ _____________
 ___________________     ______________________/____________________________
  \ ___________    /-----/         /         /_________   /____________    /
   \___________,__/\____\/________/_________/__________  /\____________,__/
 /                   ______                   /_________/sT^
/__________________  /    /____________    _ ___________          /
                /   /    ______  /    /_______ ________/______   /
               /   /____,_______/    ______  /_______        /  /
              /                /____,_______/      /________/  /
             /______________________________                  /

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aNSi     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Mombasa Amiga BBS          /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Req - MindScape            /               /lOGO ³5
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

     /                    /    ______________________________
        ___________      /____/       ___________           /
 -------/         /______________-----/         /          /
  \____\/________/          __  /____\/________/          /_________________
               _/_______________\        _ ____________                    /
/_________     /    /________________________ ________/_______________________
       /      /    ______  /____________    /_______        /____________    /
      /      /____,_______/_____________,__/      /________/_____________,__/
     /                           _ _____________
 ___________________     ______________________/____________________________
  \ ___________    /-----/         /         /_________   /____________    /
   \___________,__/\____\/________/_________/__________  /\____________,__/
 /                   ______                   /_________/sT^
/__________________  /    /____________    _ ___________          /
                /   /    ______  /    /_______ ________/______   /
               /   /____,_______/    ______  /_______        /  /
              /                /____,_______/      /________/  /
             /______________________________                  /

 .. End Of Requested Logos ..

                                                     .. Start of Bonus Part ..

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Peking Palace              /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Gift 2 - Doc               /               /lOGO ³6
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

                 ______________                _____________
        _____________         /                \            \ _______
        / ________  /_________________________________________________________
       /  _________/________  /   / _____/__________/  '         /________   /
      /____/    / ___________/___,       /        /___/         /_________  /
  _____________ \_____/      sT^/_______/________/   /_________/  /________/
  / ________  /_______________________________________________________________
 /  _________/ ____________   /    /_ ___________   /___________/ _________  /
/____/       \____________,__/______/___________,__/___________\ ___________/
 ______//                                                      \_____/ _____
       /_____________/                                  \____________

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Bitch Board                /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Gift 2 - La Fayette        /               /lOGO ³7
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

          _________________/                     /________________
  ______ /    _ ___________________           _  _____           /
  /    /___________________/      /______________    /_______   /
 /    ________  /        /       __/____________/____,      /  /_____________
/____,_________/________/\_______/_____________\    /______/  /             /
      ______                                                            ______
    / /    /____________________________________________________________/    /
   / /    _______  /           __  / ___________   /           /________    /
  / /____,________/________________\___________,__/ /_________/________,___/
 /____________________                            \_____\sT^
                  /____________________/                ______________/

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - No Impulse                 /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Gift 2 - Ray Ban           /               /lOGO ³8
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

          ____________   /   '         /           __  /   __________
         /              /___/         /________________\            /_________
 ____________              /_________/                          ______________
 /__________/                                                   / _________  /
 /        /  ___________                             _ _________ ___________/
/________/---/         /__________               _______ ______/______/_
       \____\/________/________  /  _____________/     /_____          /
   /                /  _________/----\           \______/  /__________/
  /                /____/     /___________________\sT^       __________/
 /___________________                     __________________/

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Total Eclipse              /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Gift 2 - Zcandaler         /               /lOGO ³9
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

                 ________ /        ________       \ ________
         _   ______________________/      /_________________   _____
        /  _/      /_          __  \     __/____________   /____    \
       /  /_      __/_______________\____/ \___________,__/    /_    \
      /    \______/                                      \______/     \
  ______________                                              ______________
  / _________  /                                _________     / _________  /
 / ___________/___________    ____________      / ______/_______ _________/
 \______/  /_____________/____/__________/___________          /____/
          /_____________\     /_       / ________  /__________/       \    \
/____/ /                \______/______/  _________/                  \ \____\
      /_______//                     /____/sT^               \\_______\
              /_____________/                   \_____________\

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Insanitary                 /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Gift 2 - Cluster           /               /lOGO 4o
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

                        _____________________/                     /
        _______________/                    /                     /
 ____________          _ _______                                 /
 /__________/____________ _____/_______________________         /_____________
 /        /   '         /___          /____________   /____________          /
/________/___/         /  /__________/\___________,__/  '         /     ____/_
            /_________/sT^                         /___/         /_______    /
  /___________________                                /_________/_______/   /
                 /______________________                     /        /__  /
                                     /____________________  /________/  /_  __
                                                    /          /_      __/   /
                                                   /    ________\______/___ /
                                                  /      \ ____________   /  _
                                                 /______  \___________,__/__ /
                                                      /       /            /
                                                     /____    \ /_________/  _
                                                     /         \____\_____   /
                                                    /      /------/      /  /
                                                   /      /______       /  /
                                                  /           /________/  /

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Club Bizarre               /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Gift 2 - Blade Runner      /               /lOGO 41
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

                                 /          \
                                /            \
                ______________ /        ______  ______________
  ____________________     _____________/    /_________       \ ______
  /_____________/    /_-----\           \   ________  /        \\     \
 /_____________\______/__________________\_,_________/        _ ______________
  ______       _ ______________________          _ ______________ _________  /
  /    /__________________/\________  /______________           /___________/
 /    ________  /       /____________/___________   //_________/______/
/____,_________/_______/______\     \___________,__/\____\           /     \
  _____                                                 \ /_________/  _____\
       /_____________//                                 \\____\sT^  __\

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Repulse                    /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Gift 2 - The Silencer      /               /lOGO 42
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

                _______________                   _____________
        ______ /              /                   \            \ ______
       /     //              /                     \            \\     \
  _____________       _ ____________                 _ ______    \\     \
  /           /__________ _______  / __________________ ____/_________________
  \ /________/________  / ________/---\         \     /__          /_______  /
   \____\  / __________/___/  /__________________\_____/__________/_________/
  /_____   \_____/sT^                                            \____/_____
        /______________/                                 \____________

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - The Seventh Gate           /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Gift 2 - Valtor            /               /lOGO 43
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

                 __________/                        /_____
       _________/         /   . .   t H E   . .          /
  ________                ________________________/     /_________________
  / _____/___________________     _______________________                /
 /____          / ________  /-----/         / ________  /____________   /
    /__________/ __________/_______________/ __________/  '         /  /
  /            \_____/                     \_____/   /___/         /____
 /______________                                        /_________/    /_
          /                        ________                   /_      __/
      _____________________________/      /____________        \______/
      /________   / ___________   /      __/________  /        /    /_______
     /_________  /\___________,__/\______/ __________/        /_____,      /
       /________/sT^                     \_____/                   /______/
     /_____________________                  __________________/

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Zenturion                  /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Gift 2 - Laserman          /               /lOGO 44
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

         __________________/                    /_________________
    ___________                           _______                /
  ___\______  /___________________________/     /_  __________  /
 / __________/ _________ /   '           /     __/---\        \
/_______\   / __________/___/           /\_____/_______________\
            \_____/        /___________/sT^                   _______________
   /                              _ ____________                            /
  /                     _______________________/______________________________
 /___________________   /           /        /           __  /   '           /
                  /     \ /________/________/________________\__/           /
                 /       \_____\       _________________       /___________/
                /____________________/               /

                                    _ ___________________ _
           _______________________ __ _/ pEACE sELLS,  /_  _
 ___________/_ __ _   Type - aSC²     /   bUT wHO'S   /
 \ Logo - Flying Carpet              /    bUYiNG ?   /
  \_____________________________ __ /               /__ _  _
      _____\_______________________/ © sTRAUSS -96'/___ __ _  _
     / Gift 2 - Slurry            /               /lOGO 45
    /_________________________ __/_______________/_ _  _
                 d i V i N E   s T Y L E R S    \
         _  _ __ ___ ____________________________\

______________  __ /           _ ____________             \ _________
 \   _________\_____      __________________/__________________________
  \  ________\     /_-----/      /        /   '           /________   /
   \_______\ \______/____       /________/___/           /_________  /
                      /________/            /___________/  /________/ _______
    /  _______________________________________________________________/     /_
   /   /_____________/ ___________   /          /_______  /_________ /     __/
  /   /_____________\____________,__/ /________/ ________/__________/\_____/
 /____________                      \_____\  /____/     \_____/  __________
          /__________________/                   __________________\

 .. End Of Logos ..

                                                 .. Start Of Credz n' Stuff ..

      :                                                            :
   - -÷-_-______      _________  _________     _________  ______- -÷- -
  ___ |_\_ ____/___.__\__    ·/__\___   ·/__.__\___   ·/__\___ ·/__| _ ____
 |cDr||     \      |   _/   _/    _/____/   |     /   /  .-----/   ||   e^d|
   - -÷------------------------------------------------------------÷- -
      :                                                            :

                           .. ProductName ..

                    Peace Sells, But Who's buying?
                  ( Tribute To Trash Metal Part IV)

                            .. Main Man ..


                         .. With help from ..

                  Mortimer Twang/dS!/hOS   (Divine stylers intro)
                  Tommy/Epsilon Design     (Strauss Logo)
                  Tommy/Epsilon Design     (Peace Sells, But who's.. Logo)
                  Behemoth/Save Our Souls  (Introduction Logo)
                  2Fast                    (Contents Logo)
                  Crusader/Epsilon Design  (Credz Logo)
                  H2o/Contra               (Greets Logo)
                  2Fast                    (AsciiRespects Logo)
                  Shapy/Dezign             (Messages Logo)
                  2Fast                    ("Where-2-Reach-Me" Logo)

                   .. tHANKS 2 u gUYS !! ..

                      .. Size At Release Date ..

                         .. Amount Of Rows ..

                   .. Music During Creation Hours ..
                     ( Total of the whole serie )

 Anthrax 'Efilnikufesin'
 Anthrax ' attack of the killer b's '
 Anthrax 'State of euphoria'
 Anthrax 'Persistence of time'
 Anthrax 'The island years'
 Anthrax 'armed and dangerous'
 Anthrax&Public Enemy 'bring da noice'
  Biohazard 'biohazard'
   Bolthrower 'Warmaster'
   Bolthrower 'Realm of chaos'
    Clawfinger 'DeafDumbblind'
    Clawfinger 'Use Your brain'
     Coolio 'Gangsta's Paradise'
      Cypress Hill 'temples of boom'
       Entombed 'Clandestine'
       Entombed 'Wolverine blues'
        Infinite Mass 'somekindashit ??'
         Massacre 'From beyond'
          Megadeth 'Rust in peace'
          Megadeth 'Countdown to extinction'
          Megadeth 'Youthanasia'
          Megadeth 'Peace sells..'
          Megadeth 'Hidden treasures'
          Megadeth 'so far, so good .. so WHaT!?'
           Metallica '.. and Justice for all ..'
           Metallica 'Master Of puppets'
           Metallica 'Kill 'em all'
            Ministry 'Kenandoah'
             Pantera 'Vulgar Display Of Power'
              Paradise Lost 'Seals The Sense'
               PublicEnemy 'it takes a nation of millions to hold us back'
               PublicEnemy 'Muse sick-n-hour mess-age'
                Red Hot Chilli Peppers 'One Hot Minute'
                Red Hot Chilli Peppers 'Blood Sugar Sex Magik'
                 Sepultura 'Chaos a.D'
                 Sepultura 'Third World Posse'
                 Sepultura 'beneath The Remains'
                  Slayer 'South Of Heaven'
                  Slayer 'Seasons in the abyss'
                  Slayer 'Reign in blood'
                   White zombie 'la sexorcisto : devil musik vol 1'
                    Wu-Tang Clan '36 Chambers..'

               .. Tribut too TrashMetal .. Was brought to you by ..

                                 STIGA SNOWRACERS
                                 GOTHIA TOBAK
                                 AB VIN&SPRIT CENTRALEN
                                 KELLOGS (CRUNCHY-NUT)
                                 ABU FISKE KROKAR

                :                                          :
             - -÷------------------------------------------÷- -
                :                                          :
        __________ _________ _________ _________ __________________
     _ _\____   ·/_\___    /_\___    /_\___    /_\__      /_____  /
            /___/_   _/  _/    _/   /_   _/   /_    \    / ______/_ _ _
           /    . |  \    \_   \___/  |  \___/  |    \__/  \
                · |   \    /          |         |     \ \   \
     _ _ __     : |_ __\  / _ ________|_________|______\ \__________ _ _
         /      : ¦     \/                                  ·
        /       : :                                         : H2o!
          ______·_______________________________________  __·______
    ______\     :                                       \/  :     /______
   |            :                                       /_  ·            |
   | //         ·          ( nO sPECIAL oRDER! )         /  :         \\ |
   | /                                                                 \ |

     ¢ Diver ¢ The Silencer ¢ The Yench ¢ Distler ¢ Beavis ¢ La Fayette ¢
     ¢ Legazy ¢ Vinyl ¢ Anthrax ¢ Wingnut ¢ BladeRunner ¢ Cluster ¢ Doc ¢
     ¢ Valtor ¢ Saboteur ¢ Keldon ¢ Aryan ¢ Killer ¢ LordShadow ¢ Floyd ¢
     ¢ Marillion ¢ Oden ¢ Dino ¢ Orion ¢ Fatal ¢ C-Real ¢ Darkwing Duck ¢
     ¢ Franky ¢ Axl ¢ Dj Gizmo ¢ Jan ¢ Jummen ¢ Slurry ¢ Mortimer Twang ¢
     ¢ Trivial ¢ Xclusiwe ¢ Warhammer ¢ Ray Ban ¢ Reverend D ¢ Laserman ¢
     ¢ Tix ¢ Zcandaler ¢ Qen ¢ Kidnix ¢ Dalamar ¢ Xtc ¢ Happis ¢ Treach ¢
     ¢ Gonzo ¢ Swoop ¢ Zaddo ¢ Jason ¢ PowerSlave ¢ MindScape ¢ Mathews ¢
     ¢ Power Slave ¢ Dj Gimbo ¢ Mindphaser ¢ Da Boz ¢ Zip Jam ¢ Slangen ¢
     ¢ Jessica ¢ Hando ¢ Cereal Killer ¢ Tommy ¢ Daemon ¢ Nibbla ¢ Gaga ¢
     ¢ GhostRider ¢ ShellShock ¢ Bo ¢ Soxius ¢ Wizzard ¢ Snafu ¢ Relief ¢

     .. And of course too all the beautiful people who iv'e forgotten ..

  |  /__________________________________________________________________
                                                                       /___ _
_____   ____!_ __
____ \_/  __|_/  \_/\  /\
/ _/  /\_  \/  /__/  \/2F\
\____/  /  /_ /  /____\___\
     \____/  \__/             __    ___  ____!_ __    ___   __   __    _____!_
                            _/  \__/ _/ /  __|_/  \__/ _/ _/  \_/ /_  /  ___|
                           /  /__/  _/_/\_  \/  /  /  _/_/  /__/  _/_/\_  \
                          /__/  /_ /  /  /  /  ___/_ /  /_ /  /_ /  /  /  /
    in no special order:          \__/\____/___\    \__/  \__/  \__/\____/

 ·» Dino ½·» Trivial ½·» Vietcong ½·» Shapy ½·
 ·» Jawa ½·» Juan ½·» Tbm ½·» Chromebacher ½·» Grimlock ½·
 ·» Mogue ½·» Fatal ½·» XcLusiwe ½·» 2Fast ½·» Mortimer Twang ½·
 ·» Cenobite ½·» Data ½·» Ranx ½·» Nup ½·» Harpoon ½·» Crusader ½·» Phase ½·
 ·» Paszczak ½·» U-Man ½·» Acid Kid ½·» Misfit ½·» Behemoth ½·» Tommy ½·» H2o ½·

             . .   m A J O R   g R O U P   r E S P E C T   . .

                              · Jedi Arts ·
                  .. You shurely are the mightiest !! ..

    _____  ____        .                        .                ________
    \_   \/  sc|_____ _|_ _____ _______      _ _|_ ___ _________|    ___/___
    _/         |   _   |   ___/__   __/__ ______|  __/____  _   |____      /
    \____\/    :   _}--:___     /____   /_\__   |  \_    /  _}--:_________/
<--------.|____l_______l_______/_______/   _/   |_______/_______|.----------->
         `-------------------------. _/    |____|.---------------'

Trivial      - OAH! Tack för att hjälper mig med min fiiiiiiiina
               TELIA räkning ;)) .. heh .. ringer inom en snar framtid
               för lite mera kufiska-insane-in-da-brain samtal ..

t0MMY        - Hmmmmm, ere' inte dax för en krogrunda snart ??
               Den siste vart ju inte så lyckad :)) ..
               Vi får lägga ett nyt fössök nån kväll .. ( UTAN BRUDAR!! ) ;)

bLADErUNNER  - TJO! Din gamla LAPP! ;) ..
               Vad sägs om att hälsa på i LKPG till sommarn' ??
               Jag hör av mig snart ..

dJ GiZMO     - Blire' nån andra bas elle'?? 8)

cLUSTER      - Det var länge sen vi tog en chat ..
               nog dax för det snart igen .. (;

vALTOR       - Hitta den där plattan .. FAAN så dyr den va !!

fATAL        - Har du fått tag på ST:ORG filmerna ?? Hmm ..
               upptäckte att det var ett PAR delar i ST:TNG .. ;)
               så jag tänkte nog sluta samla på dom ..
               ( Bara Runt 158 st.)

dOC          - .. ditt modem krånglar som FAAN ibland ..
               dom har nog gjort en MAJOR fadäs under reparationen ..

LeGaZy       - Jag vet hur det känns :) ..
               Börjar känna av ett själv nu ..
               Varför tror du jag har börjat träna som en gris för ..

aNTHRAX      - Vi får ta en span på ditt nya nät-agg nån dag ..
               Det e' lite trist kanske ..
               .. att behöva sätta på stereon varje gång,
               innan man kan slå på datorn :))

sLURRY       - Vad ska du göra i sommar ??
               Om du stannar hemma så får vi hitta på nåt ..
               Ringer nån dag ..

jUMMEN       - När flyttar du hit ?? Ska du bo hemma hos slurry eller ?? ..
               Med tanke på att hans hyra vart REJÄLT 'sänkt' .. :))

tHE yENCH    - Jag lider med dig buddy!!
               Synd att det blir som det blir en tid nu ..
               Jag måste hälsa på dig nån gång ..

ViNYL        - Dax för 'Den stora flytten' snart .. Can't WAIT!! :))
               När faen vare nu vi skulle spela i ullstämma ??
                .. Ringer dig .. (SNART) .. ;)

DiVER        - Din gamla harv .. hur går det .. ? ;)

La Fayette   - Hoppas det gick bra med 'You-Know-What'
               Glad för din skull.. Ringer snart igen ..

ORiON        - Hmm .. Den där rundan får vi ta nån dag ..
               Looking forward too it ..

fRANKY       - How's it goin' in Belgium m8 ?? Hmm ..
               ya know where to find me if ya wan't anything ..

MiNDsCAPE    - Heh .. TJO! .. well ..
               det går nog bättre nästa säsong tror jag ..
               Måste ju svetsa ihop laget först ..
               Ringer nån dag ..

tHE SiLENCER - There's nothing like the good ol' days !! ..
               Eller vad säger du ??

tO aLL aSC² aRTiSTS - Would you pleeeease, please, please,
                      do me a 'Strauss' logo ??
                      I'll give ya one in return ..
                       .. Thanks in advance ..

                .. Also Available from sTRAUSS/dS! ..

   -> dS!-wHiS.tXT ->  43622 -> 95/11/o7 -> Whiskas,FrukostenIngenKanMotstå
   -> dS!-fONU.tXT ->  67333 -> 95/11/2o -> Fonus,DetEndaSomVerkligenHjälper
   -> dS!-bLOS.txt ->  51429 -> 95/12/22 -> Blossa
   -> p^d-sos!.txt -> 1o4796 -> 96/o1/o6 -> Skeletons Of Society
   -> p^d-war!.txt ->  57569 -> 96/o1/22 -> War Ensemble
   -> p^d-sar!.txt ->  80299 -> 96/o3/1o -> Sarcastic Existence

   »[ dS!-pEAC.txt -> 106390 -> 96/o3/21 -> Peace Sells, But Who's Buying? ]½

                       ... ...._____.| o.._____-..|....._. . . .
                       :      (____\\| | (____\\| |_____\)
                       . iNTERCHANgE! ÷ wILd pALMs ÷ oNE eIGHt sEVEn
                       : sOUtHERn cOMFORt! ÷ dUMbfUNk! ÷ sWiTChbACk!
                       . mASTUrbAtIOn sTATiOn ÷ 12 iNCh ÷ + otHERs!?
                       .    ______ | _____    | _____   _____ _____
                       ....(_____\\|.`------, |/....\).(/____l`------,
                                      /____/                 | /____/

 ....... . .. . .. . ..................................................... .
 If you would like to join our divine posse, leave a comment and attatch    :
 some of your work to a letter at some at our hq's. Preferly at Dumbfunk!   :
 ........ . .................................. . . ...................... . :

  |  /__________________________________________________________________
                                                                       /___ _

   _!_____    _____                                               _____
    |    /__  \   /______  ___   ____    _!____       ___    ___  \   /__
    |   /  /\_/  /  /  _/ /   \_/  _/     |   /__/\   / /_  /   \_/  /  /
    |  /  /  /     /  _/_/  /__/  _/_     |  \  /2F\ /  _/_/  /__/     /
    |_______/__/  /_ /  /__/  /_ /  /  2  |____/____\_ /  /_ /  /__/  /  me
              /___\ \__/        \__/                  \__/  \__/  /___\

                                 -[ Another Step ]-
                                 -[ BitchBoard ]-
                                 -[ PekingPalace ]-
                                 -[ TheYenchHouse ]-
                                 -[ Zentur¡on ]-
                                 -[ Dumbfunk ]-

                                             .. End of shit .. u may go now ..

________________________________· [ e O F ] ·_________________________________

        ______          >> BYTE PLANET - NOT JUST A TRADERSTATiON! <<
  ._____\    /______======================================================÷
  |    ¼|    \\    /.____ ______sCf/-T!                                   :
  |______     \\__/ ¦\  ¼\\    /________    + 4 6 - 4 9 0 - 2 1 9 2 9     ¦
÷=======/______\______    \____________/__________ sPX sWEDISH HQ!        ¦
 __________ ______  /______\_____    ¼\    ______/\   hOT oR nOt wHQ!     ¦
 \________  \    /. __          /______\______ _/  \    aLPHA fLIGHT aFF! :
  |      ____\__/ |/ ¼\____________         /_______\=====================÷
  |_______|________    \_________ ¼\____________                          ¦
.                /______\______     \     ___  ¼\____________ ______      ¦
:    sUPPORTiNG:              /______\______/    \    ______/\\    /______:_
¦  AMiGA, cONSOLE, C64                     /______\______ _/  \____________/
¦  aND a sPECIAL cONF fOR pICS oN sCENERS!             /_______\_____    ¼\

  /                                 3 X N O D E S RING-DOWN + I-NET
 .. /\             /\               4 GIGS ONLINE
/// /\____ /\____ _/\____           LINE AMPLIFIERS!
// /  |   \_ _   \_ _    \_ ___ _   CO-S'S..
/ /   |   _/ \____/ \_____//__///   THE WHITE KNIGHT
_/    |   |___   \____   \_ .       ELVIN
\_    |   |  |    |  |    | |:      SIGMA SEVEN
 |    :   |  |    |  |    | ||:     LYt0x! MARIO
 |    .   |  :   _|  :   _| ||.     =1-412-233-0805 3413 2611 3xI-NET
 |________|_____/ |_____/ __                        .
  ./                  ___//           /\              /\\  .
////\____ _/\ .__:_____________/\_____/\____/\___  __ /\______/\______
/// _    \_  \|  |   _____________  \____  \___  \|  |   _    \_ _    \_
_/  \_____/   \  |    |  ______/ /   \  /   \ /   \  |   \_____/ \_____/
\_   __/_\_ _    |    |   __/_|     _/  ____/    _/==:\__   \_   __/_ .
 |   |   ||  \_  |    |   |   |  T  \|   | |  T  \|  |   |    |   |   ||:
 |   |   ||  |   |    |   |   |  |   \   | |  |   \  |   |    |   |   |||:
 |   :   ||  |   |    |   :   |  |   /   | |  |   /  |   :   _|   :   |||.
 |_______||  |___|____|_______|__|__/|___| |__|__/|  |______/_|_______|||.
          :  :  __|                               .  :   ___/  PHASE __||:

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ   .--[asc2]-- a摑  -[ diViNE sTYLERs ]-.
   |           ¼ØØØØ    ________.        |
   ¦  µæØ*ÑØØÑæµØØØØ#  ØØØØØE      ©Mt   ¦
   ·gØØØ#   ¼¶ØØØØØØØF  ¤ØÑØ#ææµµ____    :
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 ØØÑÑØØ--' ¼"..  ¼""ÆØØØØØK________.Ø#ÑØ#ØØ
   ¦--------------------------------- - -¦
   |      aSC: pACK bY sTRAUSS/dS!       |
   | eNTiTLEd 'PeaceSells,ButWho'sBuying'|

   ..:::::::::::::::::.  · uS¡NG /X\ 4.xx ·  .::.
 :::·  ::·      ··::::::                    :::;    «· cLOSED sYSTEM ·»
       ::        .:::::· · ¡SDN «)(» 28k8 · :::             ...
      ::·     ..:::::·   ..                 :::           .:::::
      ::...:::::··  .. .::::  tELNET sOON!  ::;          .:: ::::     ...
 ..::::::::··      ::::· ::;               :::          .:: :::::  .:::::: 
:::··:::·          :::: :::   ....    ... .:::   ...   .:: ::::::.:::::::::
     :::     ..:::.::: .:::.:::::::.::::::::::.:::::::.::: ::::· :::· ·::::
     :::   .:::··::::: :::::::  ::::·    ·:::::·   ·::::::...   :::   .:::;
     :::   :::; :::::: ·::::·  ::::·      :::::....:::: ···::::.:::..:::··
     ·::.   ··  ::::::     ..::::::      .:::·:::::·.::::; :::::::::··
      :::  ..::::::·:;  .:::··::::::...:::::: .::: .::::·  ::::::·   .::.
      ::::::··  :::    :::·   :::·:::::···::;.:::; ::::...::::·::    :::;
       :::·     :::   :::    :::;            ::::   ··::::··   ::...:::·
       :::   ..:::;   ::...::::;            ::::;  ..          ·:::::·
       ·:::::::::;     ·:::··        .::::. :::;  :::; 
         ···::::·        .....     .:::::::: ··  :::;      · dEC¡S¡ON eHQ ·
           :::·      ..:::::::::. .::· :::::    ::::  ...  · oS¡R¡S   eHQ ·
          .::·      :::··     ·:::::: ::::::..:::::::::::; · sUSPECT  eHQ ·
         .::·      :::·        :::::  ·::::::::::::·····   · rEAL     eHQ ·
        .::·       :::    ::. .:::::...  ···· :::·    ...  · oUTLAWS  gHQ ·
        :::        ·:::...::::::··:::::::.   :::;    ::::: · lSD      dST ·
       :::.          ·::::::::·.....  :::::  :::      :::; · sAD      dST ·
      ::::::......       .::: ::::::: ::::: :::;  ..:::··
     :::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::  ::::: ::::::::··    « pARAD¡SE lOST »
     ·::·b!d           ·::::; ·::::..:::::; ·:::··
                          ··   ·:::::::::·        « gET wHAT yOU dESERVE! »

¦ _______________:______ _ ____ _ ___.    _ _________  _________________
| \___._    \_   ¦     /  ____/____  l______   _____/_/_    \____._    /
`-|   l/     /   :    /   \       /  /     /  ___/     /     \   l/  _/_.
  l___/     /\_______/___________/________/___________/_______\__/     /|
|     ._____________ ___.   _ ___.     /\____________:________________
|     | _  ______/  \   l______  l____/_ \_.   \     ¦     /______   /
`-----| \__.___/     \  /     /  /     /  \|    \    :    /      \__/---.
      l____|/_________\______/________/_________/\_______/________\     |
|   sUPPORTiNG: aMiGA, pC, mAC, sNES , hPA! <-> eIGHT fUCKiN` fAST nODES!
|	        	     4.5 gIG oNLINE !!!
|               .t.o.t.a.l. .p.r.i.v.a.t.e. .s.y.s.t.e.m.!.
|       nODE#1: +49-89- uSR 33.6!     <->      nODE#5: +49-89-iSDN!
|       nODE#2: +49-89- uSR 33.6!     <->      nODE#6: +49-89-iSDN!
|       nODE#3: +49-89- zYX 19.2!     <->      nODE#7: +49-89-iSDN!
|       nODE#4: +49-89- zYX 16.8!     <->      nODE#8: +49-89-iSDN!
  *** tRSI mEMBER hQ - hORIZON wHQ - tBI wHQ - mERLIN cHQ - fSW eHQ ***
                                                          [-AquaAdder v1.0-]

_._      <<(· THE YARD ·)>>        \      .   ______  _______       ____._
 ¡/                                 \     |_ /     / ___     \ _____\   ¡
 |   1\36k6 sLOT·2\iSDN sLOTS       _\   (__\\____/__\ /______\   _/ \  |
 |  4\iSDN sTATiC tELNET sLOTS     /__________________/  /________\mt^lp|
 | aMiGA·cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·iBM  _ ________ _             ____ ________  |
 | aSCii·liNUX·hiPHOP·dAYdREAM  \ \      ///   ________./    ¡\      /  |
 | aEROHOLiCS·bGiRL·pUREpHUN·sOiA  \     \____/    _  /¡    _|_\     \__|
 | lP!·oMEN·aRCADE·pHUNK·mENACE     \     \   \____\  \!___/    \____/
_!___ ______ ________________________\_____\__/________:   \____________._
 ·   \\     \\               ________________\                          !
       \_____\\______________\ cONTACTING: · zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH ·