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32 468 bytes (31.71K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:23:30
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all-time: 422


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\\_     #*¯ -¢- tRiViAL -¢- diNO -¢- mORTiMEr tWANg -¢- vELVEt jONEs -¢-    _//
  |            -¢- riCKz -¢- Orlingo -¢- rAMiREZ -¢- xXX -¢- 243 -¢-         |
  |             -¢- vIETCONg -¢- mATT -¢- rADAVi -¢- wHIRLWINd -¢-           |
  |                                                                          |

               We are the bubble gum that sticks in your hair
               We are the ingrown toenails on the foot of crime!
               We are the itches you cannot reach!
               We are the paper cuts that ruins your day...
               We are the parking meters that expires while you shop
               We are the plot-twists in the 2nd reel!
               We are the terror that flaps in the night!
               We are the toddler that naps in the night! ...Huh???
               We are the weirdos who're sitting next to you on the bus
               We are the winged scourge that pecks at your nightmares!
               We are the wrong number that wakes you at 3:00am

            Ø   ¬m¸        _æØØØØØa____
           Æ      ¬K_      Æ___     """ØØØØØØÆææmn______
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  |            -¢- riCKz -¢- Orlingo -¢- rAMiREZ -¢- xXX -¢- 243 -¢-         |
  |             -¢- vIETCONg -¢- mATT -¢- rADAVi -¢- wHIRLWINd -¢-           |
  |                                                                          |

                                Amiga Rulez
                                ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯

                         Everything is FICTIONAL!

                            The Crew is called:

                  ______\ .       __._________ _______
                 (_______\|(_______/|\       /(______/___
                ____   __________  ___  ________________
               /  _//_|  __  /  /    /_|  ________ /  _//_
               \___   |   \_/\___   /  |  _/    _/ \___   |
                 /____|____\  /________|_____|  \____/____|

                          The Creator is called:

                               ... .      . ...
                               :              :
                               .              .
        ..::::::.. __________________________________________.
      .:::::· ::::::.                                        |
     ::::::   ¦ ::::::._______     __.    .____  ______  ____|    ______
    ::::::·   |  ::::::.  ._  \_ _/  | ___|  __)/  ._  \/ ___|___/  ._  \.
    ::::::.   |   :::::: _l/  _/_    |/            |/     \._       |/   |
     ::::::.  |   ::::::_\      _.__ l_   _._______|   _._ l/   _._ l_   |
      ::::::  |   :::::·  \______|  \______|cRb/e^Dl____| \______| \_____|
       ::::::.¦ .:::::·                                   ...|...
                               .              .           :...:.:  :
                               .              .               :....:
                               :.. .      . ..:

                       And the Collection is called:

     _. ________ ____.   _. ________   ___|  |
   ./ l/   /  _// _._|__/ l/   / __/_./  ._  |
.__| _/  _/__. |  \|     _/  _/_ .__/|   |/  |_________________.
|  |_\      _|_|___l_    \      _l/    . l_  |                 |
|     \______|    /______|\_____/______|\____|                 |
|____________.                                                 ¦
             |         .oOOOOOOOOo.          _.         .      :
             |        OOOOO° °OOOOOo______ _/ |__.      |__ |__  __
             |       OOOOO    °OOOOO__   /_\_ .__|__.   (___|  )(__'
             |______OOOOO__.  .OOOOO/   /  |  |/    |          :
                    OOOOO  | .OOOOO°   /-  |  l  ___|          ¦
                    OOOOOo.|oOOOOO°________|______\            |
                     °OOOOOOOOOO°     _.        _  _ _____     |
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                           |        |  ._  \_/ ._ \_/   / / __/|_/ __/_
                       .cRb|________|  |/      |/      /_ \__._    .__/__.
                                    |__|   _._ l_ _.________ l/  __l/    |
                                       |____| \____|        \____/_______|e^D.

                             The final Chapter

                   And this is what the man has to say:

        Welcome to this fucked up thing I call A Ascii colletion
      I really HATE!!!! Making Ascii's and that's the reason why the
                 following logo's really look like shit..
I just made them in 1 hour orso, only to release this fucked up thing, so I
                          got it out of my mind..

You'll Probballlyeee Never see another ascii from Orlingo/Divine Stylers if
                I stay in the Ascii mood I'm in nowadays...

 I'm NOT!! leaving Divine Stylers, I just Quitted the ascii scene wich by
     ¯¯¯   the way really fucked up after A certain person started
  to release 'Ascii Gazette' That's one STUPID mag, from THE STUPIDESES
       'Person' in the Ascii scene,  and the stupidiediss name to..
                   Exluswieiweie or something like dat..

   The whole mag looks like shit, I expected much more from a person who
 calles himself ARTIST.. totally NO desing, shitty colours, and even worse

     And he RIPS texts from Collections too.. how lame can you get???

 Anyway, look at the logo's, read the words Radavi has to say, look at the
                greetings, and fuck your dog .............

                don't look at the design, I know It sucks.....

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ   .--[asc2]-- aµææø -[ d¡ViNE sTYLERs ]-.
   |           ¬OOOOø   ________.        |
   ¦  µoO*ÑOOÑæµOOOO#ø OOOOOo      ©Mt   ¦
   ·gOOO#   ¬¶OOOOOOOF °¤OÑOOææµo____    :
   oOOOOL     °OOOOO# ¸µæµæ毬°¶ÑOOOOOo,··
oOOÑÑOO--'°¬"¯¯  ¬""ÆOOOOOK________.O#ÑO#OOo
   | Kicked out the house Part II        ¦
   |                                     |
   `----- the ORLINGO goodbye song ------'

| Logo: Blue Nose
| For : Troop.....

  !                                                                       !
 _____     _____     ____ ___ ______                ______   _____________
|    /----|     |   |    |   |    - |-¡       /¯¯¯¬|      | (    ___    - |-¡
|       - |     !---|    !   |   ---' |/¯¯¯¬\¯     |    | |¯¬/-   \    ---' |
|         |         |        !        |            |      |        \        |

| Logo: Policy
| For:  Necrite

        ___________            ________`------'OOOOOOØOOO   OOOO
       |         _¬\----------|       /|¯¯¯¯¯¬|OOO OOOØOOO OOOO
       |       \____\   -     |      /¯¯¯\    |OOO OOO OOOOOOO
       |________\|            |___________\   |OOO      OOOOO
                 `------------'orl     `------'OOO OOO   OOOO
                                               OOO OOO    OOOO
                                               OOOOOOO     OOOO

| Logo: Releases
| For:  Necrite
                                       |       ¬| _________        _________
 ___________________________    __________  |   |/   _____________(     ____
|        ____/   ____/     /  _/     ____/      |¯/   ¬\      ___/ ¯/   ¬\
|    |     \     __)__    ¯¯¯¯\      _)__   |   |¯      \     _)_ ¯¯      \
`----|______\________/_________\________/   |   |________\______/__________\
                                       |    |   |

| Logo: Xessive
| For:  Necrite

                                                          /     /
    OOOO   OOOO                                .-----.  \/     /
     OOOO OOOO                                 `-----'        /
      OOOOOOO  .---------..--------- .-------  |     |\     ./.---------.
      OOOOOOO  |---------'|_______   |________ |     | \   // |---------'
     OOOO OOOO |                  |           ||     |  \  /  |
    OOOO   OOOO`--------- --------' ----------'`-----'   \/   `---------

         ____________.____________.__________   __________ __________
        |        ____|      -    ¬|        _¬\ |         ¬|       ___|
        |       ____||            |        ¯  \|       ---'       _|_
        `--------'   `------------^---|    ¯¯¯¯¯\_________|__________|orl

| Logo: XCS File_id
| For : Necrite

|                                 |
|                                 |

                               !!  RADAvi !!

                           Chat's in for a Break

      I was asked by the almighty mister orlingo, to write some lines
                      in his new and last collection.
So here I am, wondering what to write, because inspiration is totally gone,
 and all the inspiration I had before is inserted in another project I am
                        working for at the moment.
     You will see what I mean on a board near you in just some weeks.
                             Anyhow, here is:
           ________                  ____ _______
          |        \_________|¯¯¯¯¯!/   /¡      _\_
          |      ___/       (|     /  \/ |      __|_
    .-----|        4    l    |         \ |          \-----------------.
    |     |________/_________|_____\    \|___________\                |
    |                               \____\                            |
    | ________ _________ _____     _____    _____     _______         |
    | \      /_____    _|     |___|     |__|     |   |      _\_       |
    |  ¡      _   /  | \_     __/\_     __/|     |---¡      __|_      |
    `--|         /      |     |--.|     |--!         |          \-----'
    .--|________/_______|        ||        |         |___________\----.
    |                   `--------'`--------'---------'                |
    |                            _________           _____  ____      |
    |                            \       /_____      \    \/   /      |
    `-----------------------------¡       _   /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\    \  /-[orl]-'
                                  |          /     |  /\     /

                     but some people might know me as:

     .______.    ________       .____. _______      .______   ______
     | ____ |__._\____  /_._____|    |_\____ /_.____|    _/_._\____/_.
     | \____|  | _____    | ____|    | ______  |    |       |        |
     |___|     | \_       | \___.    | \_      |    |       |        |

         and there might be some people who do not know me at all,
                       well, that's just their loss!

And now I draw a blank, while I am supposed to write something interesting.
         Well, I can just say that I am the DUMBEST person alive,
    but you all know that, and it is not relevant for this collection.
           So let me just say, that I really don't like it that
                the ORLI-dude will stop his ascii-business.
              But if yo do something you don't like anymore,
                   I can imagine that you stop with it.
 In fact, within a month I will stop certain things as well, but you will
               all read about that in some other .txt thing.
  I just want to say to all people, if you don't like what you are doing,
              stop doing it, no matter the consequences are.
If you are doing something you dislike there is no-sense in continuing it.

That was all I had to say at this time, just look out for 2 textfiles from
                   my hand that are soon to be released!
Some people already have a clue of what it will be (atleast 1 textfile...)
                   but they might be suprised anyhow...

               Final word to orlingo: NO SLEEP TILL OSDORP.

Note from Orlingo: "I hope he isn't quiting his bbs.....
                    Although that would save me a lot of money.."

| Logo: Xzile
| For: Necrite

         OOOO   OOOO______________
          OOOO OOOO \            /-------.-----.
           OOO OOO   \____      /--------'     |  _________
           OOOOOOO      /¯     /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|     |--\        |
           OOO OOO     /      ¯¯¯¯/      |         \     ¯ |--|
          OOOO OOOO   /__________/       |__________\   ---'  |
         OOOO   OOOO            `--------'orl     `-----------'

| Logo: Junk
| For: Soultaker

           .                  ______           |___/
          -|- |             ||      \________) |  \
       `---'  `-------------'                       ¿orl?

 | Logo: Soultaker
 | For: Soultaker

     _______________                      .--------------------------.
    (                           _____     | LalalaLalalalalaLalalala |
  /¯¬/-    \---------.----.----|    /--.  | LololololololololoLololo |
 /          \    -   |    !    |       |  | Lililililililililililili |
/____________\-------^---------^-------'  | Lulululululululululululu |
                                   |     .-----. |  /       .-----.
                                  -|--   |-----| |_/.------.|   - |  ! ORL !
                                   |     |     | |\ |------'|---\-'
                                   `---- ·     · | \`----   |    \

| Logo: Trinitritrulenensnsnrjnejjrro
| For : Uhm... Ohja, Minor triet

                       |  T R I N I T R O T U L E E N | ?ORL¿

+ Tribe voor Soultaker +

      /------------  ______________ --------'            ___________
   .--\\/____   ___            _  / ---------\ ------/          ___/---(--.
   |OOO\/OO/     \Oo        _____/           /O     / ¯¯¯¬\      / O/)(/OO|
   |OOOOOO/       \OOo          \O\         /OO\       -  /o   ¯¯¯¯\)OOOOO|
   |OOOOO/_________\O/______    /OO\_______/OOOO\________/O____    /OOOOOO|
   `----------------------\____/----------------------------orl\  /---\---'
                            __                                  ¯¯ /\(/
                            \/                                     )¯

|  Logo: Vietcongo
|  For: Vietcongo The Bongo

                /       ____  |
            \  / ----' |-    -|-         [ ORLINGO/DIVINE STYLERS! ]
             \/ |¯¯¯¯| |___   |   CONG
                `----'        `--

 Sorry for this fucked up logo Toby, But I really mis the inspiration..

                    LUV LUV LUV LUV LUV LUV LUV LUV LUV

                    YES!!!!!!! it's the end!! finally..

        I'll NEVER!!! make another ASCII logo in my entire LIVE...
        I'm devoting my live to the demo-scene, and to Pro-Tracker

Greetings and stuff to

LUV                    the entire Divine Stylers Posse         LUV
  Luv           CLOAK,Whirlwind,Soultaker,apollo,tib,muad'dib     LUV
          Velvet Jones, Hawk, Chrombacher,vietcong,Mortimer Twang
                              Meneer Courbois               LUV

                       Iedereen die Houten bezoekt.

                             alle HipHoppers.

Respect to:

            Epsilon Design,whale,Ds!,huis van stijl,Mad,honey,
               Uhm... C-real, Mark ryder,Wishbringer..
           Sinterklaas, De Kerstman, Hifi Z'n Moeder (met pruik)

                               VELVET JONES

                     And the rest of the ascii-'scene'

Note to Relief: Thank's for making the Dope On PLastic Collections.
                It made me go out and buy Dope On Plastic 3...
                And that got me some new inspiration for some modules..

Note to Radavi: We're going to SWEDEN soon!!!..
                ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯
Note to MSW   : Code je moeder soms brei-programma's?

Note To Hi-Fi : Heeft je moeder echt een pruik???


  for comments about this Fucked up ascii fuck collecion, send E-Mail to


           |                                                 |
   ________      _____        ________ _____   __________     ________
  _\_____  \__ _(_____)______|       /(_____)_|     __   \_ _/  ____  \_
 |      |     |         \    |      /         |     |/     |    ________|_
 |      |     |         |\   |     /|         |     /      |    |         |
 l____________|_________| \_______/ |_________|____/_______|______________|
             -------  .::    .:  ---------------------------
   ______   _____    :::·   :::  ____        ______     ________ _ _______
  | ____/___     \   :::   .:::      |     _/  ___ \_  |    __  \__  ____/___
 _|______   |___| \__::::..::::..    |____|    ______|_|    |/_____ ______   |
|       /   |   |     ·:::::::::::.  |    |    |       |    |    .       /   |
|___________|   |____ .... ::::. _________l____________|____|    |___________|
                     ::::   ·::::
           |        ::::.   .::::                            |
           |         ·:::::::::·                             |dS!
           `---------           -----------------------------'

                               The LUV crew

             Directory "da'hood:divine" on Wednesday 24-Jan-73

       ds!-cab.txt                25116 ----rw-d 05-Nov-95 12:30:57
       ds!-back.txt               23100 ----rw-d 21-Oct-95 16:18:58
       ds!-grab.txt               47339 ----rwed 25-Oct-95 20:50:17
       ds!-bugg.txt               49226 ----rwed 14-Nov-95 21:21:24
       ds!-sys.txt                28951 ----rwed 19-Nov-95 15:53:17
       ds!-bubb.txt               41581 ----rwed 26-Nov-95 21:10:54
       ds!-blos.txt               51507 ----rwed 27-Dec-95 12:01:59
       ds!-styl.txt               70646 ----rwed 07-Nov-95 11:10:41
       ds!-magi.txt              116886 ----rwed Today     21:43:48
       ds!-alla.txt               54527 ----rwed Thursday  22:52:15
       ds!-syra.txt               73430 ----rwed Thursday  22:53:40
       ds!-whis.txt               43620 ----rwed 19-Nov-95 15:54:18
       ds!-stlo.txt               38089 ----rw-d 01-Jan-96 22:47:10
       ds!-girl.txt               78008 ----rwed 25-Oct-95 20:49:46
       ds!-lova.txt               51220 ----rwed 07-Nov-95 11:15:10
       ds!-koth.txt               32771 ----rw-d 19-Feb-96 22:49:03
       ds!-hopp.txt               44413 ----rwed 25-Oct-95 20:51:13
       ds!-bob4.txt              109986 ----rwed 26-Dec-95 19:17:39
       ds!-----.txt              122944 ----rwed 26-Dec-95 19:14:51
       ds!-zzzz.txt              240427 ----rwed 16-Jan-96 12:59:10
       ds!-purp.txt               55893 ----rwed 07-Jan-96 20:35:30
       ds!-desc.txt               36238 ----rwed 25-Oct-95 20:49:02
       ds!-dope.txt               43541 ----rwed 07-Nov-95 11:13:43
       ds!-kram.txt               52594 ----rwed 07-Nov-95 11:14:37
       ds!-Out.txt               240173 -----lUV 24-jan-73 12:45:13

                        25 files - 666 blocks used

                            Note to Xclusiwie:

                      CALLED DISKMAGAZINE OF YOURS...

                      Read the label and say it loud

                             ANOTHER WU BANGER

                             Musical support:

        White Wolf, The Gza, Reakwon The Chef, A Tribe Called Quest
     Extince, Jungle sounds on the Radio,Coolio, Beastie Boys,D'Angelo,
       The Rza,Leaders of the New School,Goodie Mob,Outkast,Das EfX,
                 Funkdoobiest,Cypress Hill,Everything else

                 Een lijkepikker hebben ze van me gemaakt
                 En van Toen tot Nu m'n leven gestaakt.

                               [ E . O . F ]

                .|   [ T · H · E     O · A · s · E ]
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           `-|     `--|------------------------------------'|____________/
             `--------'                                     `-----------'
   »· eFFECT eQUAL hQ ^ mO[l]EN, WhQ ^ sTOER & nUTTELOOS eUROPEAN hQ ·«

                   »· tONS oF cEWL uPLOADS eVERY dAY ·«
          »· aMIGA ^ pC-sCENE ^ aSCII ^ mUSIC ^ rEQUESTS ^ /X ·«
         »· aLL rUNNING oN a cEWL cOMMODORE 2000/030 28k8 poWER ·«

                            28k8 V.34 /
                         »· +31-[0]-30-6067278 ·«

                   _ _._____|_____|_____|_____:_____._ __
                      !     :     !     ·     .     !      
      .:[ COLDSLAM ]:.       SySOP : .:[ iNTERPHASe ]:.
    _______ ______ _________
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 _/    |    \_  |   /   /    \_ _____ ____ ____ _______ _______ ______-M- |
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  `----- oLDSKoOL ---------\_________/___\_____/_________/_______/______/-'

   GOdS : -E/\S-/fLT fATE!/OTL MC/CCn SKiNNY/PtK  -Mega Console Zone!- 
     .:[ AMiGA ]:. .:[ CONSOLES ]:. .:[ PC ]:. S!X & /X DOORS 
            __ ___|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_ _ __       
               _ _|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|__ _        
                  !     !     :     ·     .     !           
      pURE 28800 -=- 1.2 GIG onLiNE -=- NO nEWUSER OR SYSPASWORD!
     NODE#1- +31.575.571510 NODE#2 tELNEt ASK! NODE#3 tELNEt ASK!

                                                     [A¡RaDDer v3.4 By A¡Rcø]