File Archive

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File size:
45 347 bytes (44.28K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:23:29
Download count:
all-time: 528


                             ·this file passed·
                        _ _____        ___   ______
                               )_  __ _| (___) _  )_
                              __/__) (_    |   |___/
                       _ ___  |   |___|    |__
                         c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _
                     ____       ____      _____      ____
                  ___\  (_   ___\  (_   __\_  (_   __\  (_
                 _) _/   /___)  _   /___) _/   /___)   _ /__
                /   \      /    \_    /   \      /     /   /
                \___       \_____/    \____\     \___  \   \
                  \ ________\   /______\    \ ____\ \_______\
                   \/      <(·tHE YARd·)>    \/ lOCATED iN gERMANY!
       [·aMiGA·aLL cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·aSCii·liNUX·hiPhOP·pC/iBM·cLASSICS·]
            [· rUNNiNG oN 7 nICE nODES · iSDN/aNALOGUE/tELNET ·]
           [· sTAFF < zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH · cRAZY > sTAFF ·]

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ   .--[asc2]-- aµææø -[ diViNE sTYLERs ]-.
   |           ¬ØØØØø   ________.        |
   ¦  µæØ*ÑØØÑæµØØØØ#ø ØØØØØE      ©Mt   ¦
   ·gØØØ#   ¬¶ØØØØØØØF °¤ØÑØ#ææµµ____    :
   øØØØØL     °ØØØØØ# ¸µæµæ毬°¶ÑØØØØØæw·
øØØÑÑØØ--'°¬"¯¯  ¬""ÆØØØØØK________.Ø#ÑØ#ØØø
   |  dS! iS bACK wiTH aNOTHER gr8 aZKi  |
   ¦ cOLLECtiOn cALLED "sUPER dOPE nO 1" ¦
   ·    sTARiNG: diNO/ds! & fRiENDS!     ·

          _____                      ___ ___\______/___  ______ _________
  ________\_   \ ________ _________ /   /         _______\     /   ___  /_____
_/   ______/  ___\______/_\       \/   /_________/    ___ \  _/    \___/      \_
\____________/             \________________/   /________\   \_________________/
          _______    _______ _         _______                ______
_______   \   __/____\__ _________    / _____/___ _______    / ____/____
\   __/___ \____      ___\       /__ /  \_       / ___  /__ /  \__  ___/_
 \______      \________/  \________ /___________/  \___/   /_____l_______\
<---\____________/-----------\____________/----\______________/-\   __/_______
                                                                 \______      \_
   -  < ? - ¿ >  d  e  v  !  n  E  s  t  Y  L  e  r  s  < ¿ - ? > -

_                                                                             _
\\--[      p       r       e       s       e       n       t       s      ]--//

                      a nEw sMALL aZkie cOLLECtiOn cALLEd

        _____         __________ ______________________ _________
       /   _/________/    /    /_\______    /      ___/_\____    \
       \_______     /    /    /     _______/      ___/    __/   _/____
   .---------------^---------/_____/dNo    `--------/_____\          /
   |            _____                                      `--------/
   |          __\__  \_______________ _______________________
   `---------/    /      /   ___    /_\_____     /       ___/-------------.
            /    /      /    \__   /     _______/       ___/              |
            `----------^----------/_____/       `---------^   ________    |
                                                              \_     /    |
                      [ super dope no1 - (c) DS! 1995 ]      __/    /_    |
                                                         no /________/----'


               _____      _______
           ____\__  \_____ \____/  _________          _______________
          /      /       /--------/         \        /    ____      /
         /      /    ___/        /     \     \------/     \___     /

                            with special guests

                           Mortimer Twang/ryl^ds!
                           rEL!EF / oS!

            _                                                  _
    .------//--------( divine stylers - sUPER dOPE no1 )-------\\--------
    .  hiHOOO! ds! is back (allready :)) with a new quality ascii
    :  collection, this time it's DiiiiiiNOOOO/ds! who is wrote a colly..
-  -'  If you missed my first ds! colly - then you realy missed something!
       anyway, this colly is called "super dope no1", I realy don't know
       why, and I realy don't cair either! it's the other logos thats makes
       the collection, not the name!

       - if you have any problems of any kind, just look at this piece of
         file and it might help, you will get in an other world, and it's
         just fantastic, nobodey can hurt you, and everybodey is just
         friendly -                                                     .-  -
                               hope you like the collection, I did :)   :
                   -    - --------------------------\\------------------'
                           greetings and shit after the art show.......

    (sorry every requester, but it was just some truble with this colly)
    . ...:................... ... .. .  .                    . ....:. .
         :                                                         :
         :                         _________µµµ_______             :
         :                        ¶P¶P°°"""""___"""°°¶#ma_         :
         :                       ___µµæ**4¶P°°""""°°°*w_ ¶K        .
         :                 __µµm@P°""___µµµæææØØØØØææµ_صØ&µæwwwwwwµ__
         :           ___µw@¶°"__µææØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØæmµ__   ¬°@m_
   °ÑØØØØØØØØØØØØÑ@PP°"___µÆÑ@P°ØØØØØ#             ØØØØØ#_ÆØØØØØØ#______
     ¬ØØÑZ"¯¯¯     __æø#P°¯     ¶ØØØØ   ___        ØØØØCæØØØØØ#@¶°°""""°#
      ¶ØØØØm__ __æØ@P"           ¶ØØØØæØØØ"      _ÆØØØÑØØØK__µwm*@@@- _Æ#
       ¬¶ØÞ"°ÑW@P"                ¬¶ÑØØ@°      _µØØØP°¶ØØ#@P"       _æ@"
         ØÞ                                    °"¯     ¶°        _µÑP"
         ¬#_  _                                       _       _æP~ -©Mt/dS!
         .¬¶m_°¶Ñæm,                                _µ@   _aø@"¯   ·
             °*µµa_                              _aØ@Ñw_µæ@°       :
         ·     ¶Ø "¶mw_                       _µø@"   ¬"           ·
         ·      ¬#_   ¬                  __æø*°"                   :
         :        ¬¶mw____      ___.øµµw#@°                        ·
         :            ¯"°°¶¶¶¶¶¶¶°°"¯¯                             :
         :                                                         :
. ... ...:.........................................................:... . ..
         :                                                         :
         · tABLE oF cONTENSE                                       ·
         #  logo name                 special 4                 line
         1  sHiT hOLE                 riCKz                     200
         2  sWiTCHbACK                sWitCHbACK cREW           220
         3  zYNC                      zYNC                      240
         4  mORtiMER                  mORTIMER tWANG            257
         5  tRiVIAL                   tRiViAL                   273
         6  diNO                      mY sELF :)                293
         7  wAREZ r' US               sLURRY                    309
         8  sLURRY                    sLURRY                    328
         9  aNAZTAZia                 BEA\/iS                   345
        10  mORDOR                    dEFECT                    370
        11  dARK tERRiTORY            dEFECT                    386
        12  dASH                      dJ giZMO                  420

        **  cOMMERCiAL bREAk          fOR mORtiMERS pROJECT     440

        14  diViNE stYLERS            aLL iN oUR cOOl gROUP :)  504
        15  aSCII                     dJ giZMO                  524
        16  wAILiNG diVA              mORtiMER tWANG            539
        17  rOYAL                     dJ giZMO                  559
        18  cONFUSiON                 dJ giZMO                  574
        19  iNTENS                    sLURRY                    590
        20  a tAStE oF E              mY sELF :)                604
        21  Undercover                aGRESSOR                  628
        22  Delight                   aGRESSOR                  653
        23  Demax                     aGRESSOR                  666
        24  Aquarius                  aGRESSOR                  680
        25  Console Corner            aGRESSOR                  699
. ... ...:.........................................................:... . ..
         :                                                         :

       _____       ,___            .---\/\/----------+-- - -      -      -
   ____\__  \_____/  _/_________   |  logo           |  request/given to
  /      /       /_______      /   |-----------------+-- - -      -       -
 /      /    ___/       /     /    |  shit hole      | riCKz              _

 ________      ______    ____     _____
/     __/-----/     /    \___)---/    /_
\________    /   __/___dNo/     /    __/ ----------------------------------.
  .--\______/    \__      \____/    /______                                |
  |         `-----'/______/    `----------/      [ riCKz gAY cORNER :) ]   |
  |                            ______                 ______               |
  |                           /     /    __________  /     /               |
  |                          /   __/____/_  ___    \/     /______,-------/-'
  `-------------------------/    \__      \ \__    /      `     /    ___/____
                            `-----'/______/--------`-----------/     _______/

       _____       ,___            .---\/\/----------+-- - -      -      -
   ____\__  \_____/  _/_________   |  logo           |  request/given to
  /      /       /_______      /   |-----------------+-- - -      -       -
 /      /    ___/       /     /    | sWiTCHbACK      | sWiTCHbACK cREW    _

   _____                     ____    _____               _____
  /   _/________    _____   (___/___/    /_   ______    /    /
  \______      /---/    /____/     /    __/  /    _/---/   _/__________
       `------/        /    /_____/    (____/         /    \_          \
   .----------^-----/______/      `--------/_________/-----'/__________/
   |                           switchback        ______
   |        ______          _____     ______    /     /
   |       /     /______,---\__  \   /    _/---/   __/________
   |      /      _     /    __    \_/         /    \_       _/_______
   |      `-----------/____________/_________/------'\              /

       _____       ,___            .---\/\/---------+--- - -      -      -
   ____\__  \_____/  _/_________   |  logo          |  request/given to
  /      /       /_______      /   |----------------+--- - -      -       -
 /      /    ___/       /     /    | zYNC           | zYNC                _

                 _____  ___________________       ______
        _________\_   \/     /      /      \-----/   __/-----,
    .--/       _______/---.     .--/____\       /           /---------.
    |  ^------------/dNo  ^----/         \_____/`----------^          |
    |                                               [ zYNC iS hERE ]  |
       _____       ,___            .---\/\/---------+--- - -      -      -
   ____\__  \_____/  _/_________   |  logo          |  request/given to
  /      /       /_______      /   |----------------+--- - -      -       -
 /      /    ___/       /     /    | mortimer       | mortimer twang      _

 _______      _____________________  ___    ______       ________  ________
 /     /-----/  __    /   ,___/   /_ \__)__/     /------/   ____/ /   ,___/
 `--/___/----`-------/___/dNo/   __/__/   /`--/___/----/   ____/_/___/
                             `-------/___/             `---------'

       _____       ,___            .---\/\/---------+--- - -      -      -
   ____\__  \_____/  _/_________   |  logo          |  request/given to
  /      /       /_______      /   |----------------+--- - -      -       -
 /      /    ___/       /     /    | trivial        | trivial             _

  /     /_    __________
 /    ___/____\_____    \       _____      ______
/     `    /     __/   _/____,--\____)----/     / _____   _______
`---------/______\          /      /     /     /--\____)__\__    \_______
                  `--------/______/     /     /      /    __      /     /
                                  `----------/______/     \_     /     /______
                                                    `-----------/ dNo  `     /

       _____       ,___            .---\/\/---------+--- - -      -      -
   ____\__  \_____/  _/_________   |  logo          |  request/given to
  /      /       /_______      /   |----------------+--- - -      -       -
 /      /    ___/       /     /    | dino           | dino :)             _

               _____      _______
           ____\__  \_____ \____/  _________          _______________
          /      /       /--------/         \        /    ____      /
         /      /    ___/        /     \     \------/     \___     /
        /`----------^  /________/`------\__________/`-------------^

       _____       ,___            .---\/\/---------+--- - -      -      -
   ____\__  \_____/  _/_________   |  logo          |  request/given to
  /      /       /_______      /   |----------------+--- - -      -       -
 /      /    ___/       /     /    | wAREZ r' us    | sLURRY              _

         ____        _____    __________
   _____/   /________\__  \___\_____    \     _____________     _________
  /    /   /    /  __       /    __/   _/____/    ________/_____\___     \
 /    /    `   /   \___    /_____\          /    ________/       ________/
/`-------------`----------/       `---------^---------'---------------/
            __________    __
           _\_____    \  /_)     _______        _________
          /    __/   _/____     /      /-------/     ___/_______
         /_____\          /    /              /\_______        /
                `---------^    dNo-----------/----------------/

       _____       ,___            .---\/\/---------+--- - -      -      -
   ____\__  \_____/  _/_________   |  logo          |  request/given to
  /      /       /_______      /   |----------------+--- - -      -       -
 /      /    ___/       /     /    | sLURRY         | sLURRY              _

 ________       _____
/    ___/______/    /     ______      _________       _________  _____________
\_______      /     `----/     /-----_\_____   \     _\_____   \/     /      /
   \---------/          /           /    __/   /____/    __/   /____ /   ___/
             `----------`----------/_____\         /_____\         /----'dNo
                                          `--------^      `--------^
                      [ slurry pupped up for a chat ! ]
       _____       ,___            .---\/\/---------+--- - -      -      -
   ____\__  \_____/  _/_________   |  logo          |  request/given to
  /      /       /_______      /   |----------------+--- - -      -       -
 /      /    ___/       /     /    | aNASTAZia      | bEA\/iS             _

      _____                                                          _____
  ,---\__  \_                                                    ,---\__  \_
 /    __    /                                                   /    __    /
 ^---------/_____         [*]  a N A S t A Z i a  [*]           ^---------/
     ,-----/    /                                                  ,----/
    /    /     /                                                  /    /
   /____/-----^_____            +4X-XX-XXXXXXX               _____`---^
           ,---\__  \_                                 ______\_   \
          /    __    /                                /    _______/
          ^---------/_____         ____          _____`---------/
                    /   _/_______ /   /_     ,---\__  \_
                    \______     //   __/___ /    __    /
                     /---------' `--------/dNo--------/

                            (whow!, I like this logo alot! / dino)

       _____       ,___            .---\/\/---------+--- - -      -      -
   ____\__  \_____/  _/_________   |  logo          |  request/given to
  /      /       /_______      /   |----------------+--- - -      -       -
 /      /    ___/       /     /    | mORDOR         | dEFECT              _

   _____     ______________ ________        _____  ______________ ________
  /     \,---\    ___     /_\____   \    ___\__  \_\__  ___     /_\____   \
 /        /   \_  \__    /    __/   /___/     /      /  \__    /    __/   /___
/_____\  /     /--------/_____\        /     /    __/---------/_____\        /
       \/_____/                `------/`---------^                   dNo----/

       _____       ,___            .---\/\/---------+--- - -      -      -
   ____\__  \_____/  _/_________   |  logo          |  request/given to
  /      /       /_______      /   |----------------+--- - -      -       -
 /      /    ___/       /     /    | dARK tERRiTORY |   dEFECT            _

        ___\__  \____     _____   ________      _______
       /     /      /-----\__  \__\____   \    /    __/______
      /     /    __/      __    /   __/   /___/     _      _/______
      `---------dNo`-----------/____\        /______/\            /
                                     `------/         `----------/
                       ________        ________
                      _\____   \  r   _\____   \  r
                e    /   __/  _/___  /   __/  _/___
           _______  /____\        / /____\        /     ____
          /    __/___     `------/        `------/  ___(___/
     t   /     _____/                              /     /  i
  ______ `---------/                              /_____/
 /     /_                                                ______
/     __/___          d a r k  t e r r i t o r y        /     /_ t
`----------/                                           /     __/___
            _______                         _________  `----------/
            \dNo   \,---/    ________     _/   ___   \_
          ___\_        /    _\____   \    \    \__    /  o
          `-----------^ y  /   __/  _/___  `---------/
                          /____\        / r

                ( whoow, i like ascii's with circles! / dino )

       _____       ,___            .---\/\/---------+--- - -      -      -
   ____\__  \_____/  _/_________   |  logo          |  request/given to
  /      /       /_______      /   |----------------+--- - -      -       -
 /      /    ___/       /     /    | dASH           |   dJ giZMO          _

                _______  ______            ______        ________
     __________/      /__\     \___  _____/  ___/___    /       /
    /      ___/      /    ______   \ \_________     \  /    ___/__________
   /     _/         /     \___ /    \/        /      \/     \\_           \
  /      \___/     /         /       \      _/        \      \/           /
 /________________/_________/________/      \__________\_____/           /
                                dNo/________/               /___________/

             ( it's from my old style, i made this logo a long time ago,
               like 2-3 month :) .. but dJ giZMO wanted a logo, so. here
               it is anyway! )

       _____       ,___            .---\/\/---------+--- - -      -      -
   ____\__  \_____/  _/_________   |  logo          |  request/given to
  /      /       /_______      /   |----------------+--- - -      -       -
 /      /    ___/       /     /    | cOMMERCiAL     |   mORTiMER tWANG    _

       - a cOMMERCiAL bREAk fOR mORtiMEr tWANg's cOMiNG mUSiC pROjECt -

                       _ØØØØØØØØØØØØÑ#¶¶¶#ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØ_       ·
                       ÆØØØØØØØ@°"         ¬¶ÑØØØØØØØØØØF
                      jØØØØØØ°                _¶ØØØØØØØØF       ·
     w a i l i n g    0ØØØØÑmw_            _w¶°°m°#ØØØØØF  d   i   v  a
              ·       0ØØØF aµZ*_         w" _awµ¸¬¶ØØØØ        ·
         .....:.. ... 0ØØØÞæØØØQ¬w      _P  æØ@@Ø#  ØØØ#........:..:..
           :  ·       JØØØQØF _Øh_t     " _Æ"    0  ¶ØØÞ        ·  :
          .:..:.       #ØØ~¬KJØ  ¶_      ƶL  _[ Ø  JØØ        .:..:.
           ·  :        ¶ØØ  ¬K¶Wµø¶     Æ  ¶ØØ# æ~  ÆØØ         :  ·
              :         ÑØK  ¬L_  #     ¬K    _P   ,ØØØÞ        ·
              :         ¬ØØç   °*P       ¬¶mm¶"   ,ØØØØQ        ·
              :          0ØØw       ____        .aØØØØØ#m       ·
              :      4_  JØØØØKm_    ¯~      _æØØØØØØØØØØ#,'    :
              ·       ¶WµÆØØØØØØ#m_ *Ø#ø  __*°¶ØØØØØØØØØØP~     ·
              ·        ¬¶ØØØØØØØ# ¬¶wµµµæ*°~   ¶ØØØØØØØP"       ·
              .          ¬°¶ÑÑ#°      ______    °¤ø¤°"¯  ©Mt/dS!
      _______    __________  ______, /     /  ______,.________  _________
   _ (______(/\)(_______(_\ |_____\ /_____(_ |_____\ ( )______)(______(_) _
   \-^            ______(___________         ___________    __________--^-/
        __________\     \|        _/-------\/          /________     /__
      _/         ____    l________\_________\_________/        ___    _/
      `------------------`        .                   ----------------'

                        [%] wAiLiNg diVA pROJECt [%]

      aRENt yOU tiREd Of aLL tECNo-ChiPtUNEs? tHEy rEALLy sUCk, RiGht?
                  dON't yOU tHiNk iT iS tiME tO cHANGe tHAt?
           dO yOU MiSS tHE sTRiCtlY rHYtHm fEELiNG iN ChiPtUNEs?
                         wELL tHiS iS -tHE- cUrE!
             sPOOKy hOUSe tUNEs, tRiBaL bEAts, wAiLiNG biTCHEs
                  aLL kINdS oF hOUSe rEpRESENtEd iS hERE

                     aVERAgE mOdlENGTh bElOW 25 kAy(!)

      - wAtCh Out fOR tHE diViNe sTYLErS dESc aND yOU wONt miSS iT -

                                                        mORTiMER tWANG/ds!

                   sorry dino! lets go on to the requests!

       _____       ,___            .---\/\/---------+--- - -      -      -
   ____\__  \_____/  _/_________   |  logo          |  request/given to
  /      /       /_______      /   |----------------+--- - -      -       -
 /      /    ___/       /     /    | dEViNE sTYLERS |   aLL iN dS!        _

         __\__  \__________            ______             __________
        /    /      /     /_____ _____/     /______ _____/    _____/
       /    /    __/     /     (/    /     /      (/    /    _____/_
 _____       _____               _____     ________  ________    ______
/   _/______/    /_        _____/    /    /  _____/ _\____   \  /    _/_______
\______    /    __/__,----/    /     `---/  _____/_/   __/  _/__\______      /
 `--------^----------\_____   /`--------^---------/____\        /-----------^
                  - ----------'                         `------/

       _____       ,___            .---\/\/---------+--- - -      -      -
   ____\__  \_____/  _/_________   |  logo          |  request/given to
  /      /       /_______      /   |----------------+--- - -      -       -
 /      /    ___/       /     /    | aSCII          |   dJ giZMO          _

                ______   _____          _____     ______
 .----------,---\__   \_/   _/_________/   _/----/     /______----------.
 |  ascii  /   __       \_______      /         /_____/      /  ascii   |
 `---------^------------^------------/_________/dNo  /______/-----------'

       _____       ,___            .---\/\/---------+--- - -      -      -
   ____\__  \_____/  _/_________   |  logo          |  request/given to
  /      /       /_______      /   |----------------+--- - -      -       -
 /      /    ___/       /     /    | wAILiNG diVA   |   mORTiMER tWANG    _

  _____    _____   ______         ______             ____       ______
 /    /---/    /---\___  \_______/     /____________/    \-----/    _/_____
/       ______/    __     /     /      `    /      /          /     \___   \_
`------'      `----------/`-----`----------^`-----/-----\____/---------/____/
              __\___   \____    wailing diva        ________
             /     /       /____________ _______,---\___    \_
            /     /     __/      /     (/      /    ___      /

                  ( jesus!, i'm realy tired of this shit! / dino )
       _____       ,___            .---\/\/---------+--- - -      -      -
   ____\__  \_____/  _/_________   |  logo          |  request/given to
  /      /       /_______      /   |----------------+--- - -      -       -
 /      /    ___/       /     /    | rOYAL          |   dJ giZMO          _

     _________      _________
    _\____    \    /   ___   \________          ________   ________
   /   __/   _/___/    \__    \      /______,---\___    \_/       /_____
  /____\         /------------^\_   /      /    __       /             /
        `-------/         \_______________/`------------/`------------/dNo

       _____       ,___            .---\/\/---------+--- - -      -      -
   ____\__  \_____/  _/_________   |  logo          |  request/given to
  /      /       /_______      /   |----------------+--- - -      -       -
 /      /    ___/       /     /    | cONFUSiON      |   dJ giZMO          _

  ____                      ________        _____
 /  _/---,___________      /  _____/__ ____/   _/_______________________
/       /  __  /     \)---/   __/    (/   /\_____    /    /  __   /     \)---,

          ( ihk!, that was a looooong word, that style looks abit like
            mortimers style / dino )
       _____       ,___            .---\/\/---------+--- - -      -      -
   ____\__  \_____/  _/_________   |  logo          |  request/given to
  /      /       /_______      /   |----------------+--- - -      -       -
 /      /    ___/       /     /    | iNTENS         |   sLURRY            _

  ,----.______        _____      _____    .______        ______      _____
 /    /       \)-----/    /_    /  __/___/       \)-----/    _/_____/  __/___
/____/------\_______/     _/dNo/  ______/------\_______/\______    /  ______/
                    `---------/________/                `---------/________/

       _____       ,___            .---\/\/---------+--- - -      -      -
   ____\__  \_____/  _/_________   |  logo          |  request/given to
  /      /       /_______      /   |----------------+--- - -      -       -
 /      /    ___/       /     /    | a tASTE oF e   |   mY sELF :)        _

     ______      _____         ______   _____          _____      ______
 ,---\___  \_   /    /_    ,---\___  \_/   _/_________/    /_    /   __/___
/    __     /  /     _/___/    __     /\_____        /     _/___/   ______/
 |  hOUSE    __________    ________           _________       tRUE     |
 |   aND    /   ___    \__/     __/___       /      __/___ uNDERGROUND |
 |  tRANCE /    \__      /     ______/      /      ______/ cONFERENCE! |

well, there you have it!
OH NO NO NO! Mortimer called me and toled me that Agressor want some logo's
so this goes for you agressor.

       _____       ,___            .---\/\/---------+--- - -      -      -
   ____\__  \_____/  _/_________   |  logo          |  request/given to
  /      /       /_______      /   |----------------+--- - -      -       -
 /      /    ___/       /     /    | UNDERCOVER     |   aGRESSOR          _

   ________________      _____________   __________ __________
  /    /      /    \-----\______      \_/     ____/_\_____    \
 /     `     /    \ \     /    /       /     ____/     __/   _/____ ___
 `----------^------\_____/------------^---------/______\          //__/\
        _____                                   ________`--------/ \__\/
       /   _/-----,    u n d e r c o v e r     _\____   \
      /          /                            /   __/  _/___
      `---------/_______              _______/____\        /
     ___       /  ___   \_           /    ____/    `------/
    /\__\     /   \__    /          /    ____/   ___
    \/__/     `---------/____ _____dNo------^   /\__\
                       /    (/    /             \/__/

       _____       ,___            .---\/\/---------+--- - -      -      -
   ____\__  \_____/  _/_________   |  logo          |  request/given to
  /      /       /_______      /   |----------------+--- - -      -       -
 /      /    ___/       /     /    | dELIGHT        |   aGRESSOR          _

  ___________  ________________            _______       ______      _____
 _\_____     \/     ____/     /________dNo/    __/______/    _/_____/    /_
/      /     /     ____/      `   /      /     \__     /    _      /     _/___

       _____       ,___            .---\/\/---------+--- - -      -      -
   ____\__  \_____/  _/_________   |  logo          |  request/given to
  /      /       /_______      /   |----------------+--- - -      -       -
 /      /    ___/       /     /    | demax          |   aGRESSOR          _

            ______   _____________             ______  ___________
         ,--\__   \_/    ____/    \,-------,---\__   \_\    /    /
        /     /    /    ____/        /    /    ___    /_\__/____/
       /__________/--------/-----\  /____/-----------/____/---'

       _____       ,___            .---\/\/---------+--- - -      -      -
   ____\__  \_____/  _/_________   |  logo          |  request/given to
  /      /       /_______      /   |----------------+--- - -      -       -
 /      /    ___/       /     /    | aquarius       |   aGRESSOR          _

                   ::::'        aquarius       `::::
    _____   _______::::________  _____   _______::::___    _____________
 ,--\__  \_/  __   \::/   /   /--\__  \__\____   \:(___)__/   /   /   _/_____
/   ___   /   \_  _/_/       /   ___   /    _/  _/::/    /       /\____     /
`--------/`-----)___/--------`--------/_____\      /----dNo-----/----------/
                   ::::                      `----/:
                   ::::.        aquarius       .::::

       _____       ,___            .---\/\/---------+--- - -      -      -
   ____\__  \_____/  _/_________   |  logo          |  request/given to
  /      /       /_______      /   |----------------+--- - -      -       -
 /      /    ___/       /     /    | console corner |   aGRESSOR          _

  _______              ________________                _____     _________
 /     _/---,_________/    \    /    _/____________dNo/    /____/    ____/
/__________/   __    /____\____/\______    /   __    /     `   /    ____/
           `--------/             `-------^---------/`--------/--------/
        C          O          R          N          E           R



   _______     ______     ____   ____   _____                ____________
  /  ____/_____\__   \   /  _/__/  _/__/    /_   _____,-----/    /  ____/___
 /   \__    /        /__/    __/    __/    __/__/    /     /    /   \__    /

Mortimer T/ds!^dve^royal - Liked da colly?! hope u liked the whiling diva logo!
                           I'll see if i can make some house tunes. guess not:)
Tango/wl!                - make some logos for me in your next colly
Dj Gizmo/Royal/dS!       - Sorry about the phonebill, telia sucks!
Zync/dve                 - just voice me when you whant the gfx to our game!
rADAVI/eFT/rYL/dS!       - see if I can call holland soon again!..
                           (you will get some wild palms logos soon!)
trapdoor/sr              - how is the life in skidrow these days!?
mAdmOOSe/dve             - Code on dude ! :)
riCKz                    - whOOOOw, SwitchBack rules :) use the new logos!
Bill Clinton             - How is it in the states?, say hello to LEA 4 me!
Fatal/e^d                - could you make some "dino" and "divine stylers"
                           logo for me please?!
U-MAN/whale              - how is it with the ascii order at switchback? :)
NUP/whale                - could you make some "euphoria" & dino logos for me?
trivial/ds!              - I love you 2 man, I don't know if u can have my
                           sister.. (SICKOOOOOO!)
Elsk/ATV (helsingborg)   - I love your style dude!, keep on painting!
mER/Helsingborg painter  - oh boy dude, I love the painting you made on EXILO!
slurry                   - liked the logos ?
kESTREL/sOS              - make some "dino" , "divine stylers" and "euphoria"
                           logos in your next collection!. (thanks!)
bea\/is                  - I think the logo I made 4 you is realy cool! :)
dEFECT                   - hope you likes the logos, thanks 4 your request!
Atlas                    - Working hard on that intro?
Simpen & dORa mAe        - Could you make an intro for me?
xcluziwe/sos             - Sorry, but you know, euphoria isn't a group, so you
                           cant write in your collections that your a member
                           of euphoria, coz euphoria is my upcoming bbs!
                           but anyway, could you make an "dino" & "divine
                           stylers" logo for me?!
dASH                     - do you know that there is a dj & graffiti painter
                           in helsingborg that's called dASh?. but who cairs
                           right ?
roadhogz                 - hope my collys get some nice votes :)
STEZOTEHIC/STYLE         - make some logos for me man, (cool design with your
                           bbs in your collection..)
orlingo/ds!              - nice ds! collection man.. make some "dino" and
                           "euphoria" logos 4 me please..
Virus/Legend             - have you got any new fresh cardz?
Michal Stipe             - I like your music alot! R.E.M. rules..
count zero               - hiya.. love your style, make some logos 4 me please!
c-real/p^d               - luv yar style man, could you make me some "dino" &
                           "divine stylers" and "euphoria" logos?!
Taste/oct                - you might not see this, but hi anyway!
aGRESSOR                 - hope you likes the logos, thanks 4 your request!
                           (sorry that I had 2 wait)
Bill Gates               - hiya!, liked da colly? well just sent me some money
                           then, you got 2mutch allready. (MS sucks bigtime!)
Mom & dad                - ihk, dont get too mad at me when the phonebill
                           comes, OK?
all devine stylers       - hope you liked my collection.. more 2 come!
all graffiti painters    - get out there and let the concrete live!
all in mOb / stockholm   - You are Stockholms bomers no1!
all Ascii painters       - Make some "dino" , "divine stylers" and
                           "euphoria" logos 4 me in your next collection!
all sysops               - feel free to use my logos. it's just cool to see my
                           "dNo" tag everywhere!
all others               - just upload this colly to all boards you know!
all who is waiting for my
board to open up...      - Well, soon baby, soon! just need money to a new 4mb
                           72pins memory simm.. that's all. hope 2 open soon!
                           I will releaze some kind of bbs intro i think, don't
                           realy know..

... and to all other i missed (i know you are many, but just tell me that
I missed you in the greetings, so I can add you next time, or just add me in
yours and you will get some greetings in my next colly.... )

       ______     _________      _________  _______        ______
      /    _/----/       _/_____/   _____/--\___   \_______\_    \
  :::/__________/____\         /   _____/      /    /    ________/:::

aSCIi, dESiGN aND eVERYTHING bY        : diNO/ds!
mUSIC sUPPORT bY                       : r.E.M. & sOME tRANCE cD'Z
bOARD sUPPORT                          : zOMBIE zOO, sECRET gATE, sWiTHBACK
cLOTHES sUPPORT                        : sOME t-SHIRTS aND jEANS
tV sUPPORT                             : fiLMNET, mTV & tCC
UNDER WAIR SUPPORT                     : bj0rn borg (and more)

                               other ds! info.
         __\__  \__________            ______             __________
        /    /      /     /_____ _____/     /______ _____/    _____/
       /    /    __/     /     (/    /     /      (/    /    _____/_
 _____       _____               _____     ________  ________    ______
/   _/______/    /_        _____/    /    /  _____/ _\____   \  /    _/_______
\______    /    __/__,----/    /     `---/  _____/_/   __/  _/__\______      /
 `--------^----------\_____   /`--------^---------/____\        /-----------^
                  - ----------'                         `------^
       d    i    v    i    n    e       s    t    y    l    e    r    s
             i    n    f    o    r    m    a    t    i    o    n

          Zombie Zoo (ds! whq) has got a new sysop and a new number.
          the new number is +46-13-177889 (no sys pw or nup!)
          the new sysop is slurry but dJ giZMO is around abit 2.
          it's just that dJ giZMO got some problems with the swedish
          telephone company. so he moved the bbs to a friend.

          ds! got a netherland hangout, WILD PALMS and the number
          is +31-340237959.

          look out for more quality ascii collections from ds!
          and don't forget mortimers new chip music project
          wiling diva !

                                        -ADIOS AMIGOS! diNO/dS!-

_._      <<(· THE YARD ·)>>        \      .   ______  _______       ____._
 ¡/                                 \     |_ /     / ___     \ _____\   ¡
 |   1\36k6 sLOT·2\iSDN sLOTS       _\   (__\\____/__\ /______\   _/ \  |
 |  4\iSDN sTATiC tELNET sLOTS     /__________________/  /________\mt^lp|
 | aMiGA·cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·iBM  _ ________ _             ____ ________  |
 | aSCii·liNUX·hiPHOP·dAYdREAM  \ \      ///   ________./    ¡\      /  |
 | aEROHOLiCS·bGiRL·pUREpHUN·sOiA  \     \____/    _  /¡    _|_\     \__|
 | lP!·oMEN·aRCADE·pHUNK·mENACE     \     \   \____\  \!___/    \____/
_!___ ______ ________________________\_____\__/________:   \____________._
 ·   \\     \\               ________________\                          !
       \_____\\______________\ cONTACTING: · zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH ·