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File size:
17 282 bytes (16.88K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 176


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      jUST tHE tRUTH tO bE sAID:      // ,---,~-,_\  ;'_---,   \\|   |
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   \_____\ \______    /   _____|_\___\/       `;::    ! `-,_,        !  !!;!
          \_\     \___\     _/    \            ;'::                    ;:::;;
Greetings!   \_____\  /\           \
--------------------\_\______      /\ ---- sTUFF i'LL uPLOAD iS gOING tO sUCK
we love you all! as   \      \____/  \ ar      fLOODING tHOSE aRTSY bOARDS
there is some filelimi-\______\   \  / se arse     wITH mY sTUPID FUKK!
tation for the compo we have   \___\/  aarrrrse!
to keep it short(: thousands */ #include <stdio.h> /* to hell with flanders to
of greetings wouln't fit !!! */ #include <math.h>  /* hell with flanders to he
arse arse arse arse arse arse*/ #include <time.h>  /* ll with flanders !!!! */
int  main ( ) { /*|¯¯¯|*/ { int u=0,v=0,w =0, tb[80*25], y=0,x=0,j =0,i=0 ;int
index=0;for(u=0 /*;¯¯¯;*/ ;u< 100; u++) {for(y= 0; y<4; y++) { if(y ==0)w= 32;
if(y== 1) w=58; /*!   !*/ if(y==2 )w=33; if(y ==3) w =102 ;for( x=0; x<5; x++)
{index++; tb [ /*/     \*/ index ] = w;} } } while(1 ){for (y= 0;y <25; y++ ){
for(x =0; x< /*,-       -,*/80;x++){/*__,----""¯¯"--,__*/ ; ; w = ( int ) 40 +
(40* sin(x/ /*;           ;*/32.0/*,-"                 "-.*/ ) ) + 40 + ( 40 *
sin(( x+y+ /*/             \*/( /*;       __,---,__       ;*/ index ) )/16.0))
+40+ (40* /*|¯¯"---------"¯¯|*//*/     ,-¯         ¯-.     \*/  sin ( sqrt ( (
double)(x /*|               |,--;    ,;               ;,    ;---,____  !arse*/
*x+y*y))/ /*|               |  /    /                   \    \       "-, !ar*/
16.0));   /*:               | ;    ;                     ;    ;         ; se*/
   /* _,--'¯|               | |   ;                       ;   |          ", */
/* ,-¯      |               | |   |                       |   |            ;
  /_,--¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯'--,_        : |   |                       |    .;           ;
 ,;/ ¯¯           ; ';      | ;   |                          ./             ;
/ l ¯      ¯¯¯¯'---,_       |  ;   ;                    ,--¯¯               |
| !          ____  / ';     |   !   |           ___,---'                    |
! | ¯     ¯¯¯----,¯ ,-      :    \   ;     _,--'                           ;
!;|\;      ___   / ¯';      |        ___ --\-\_                           ;
 \ ;;;    --;='-,_-,=       |    ,-"   ,    - "-\                        ;
    ¯'--.___    / ';      __|   /,-¯¯          \ \                  i am so */
putchar( /* ¯¯¯¯'""  ----"    ,-'    _          | |            sorry, but i */
tb[w]);}putc('\n',stdout);}/*;    -             / /      had to do it again */
index++;usleep(90000);for/* /   ,"  .         /  /  for the very last time! */
(u=0;u<2;u++){int i,temp;/*;   /   ;   ,-    .' mv dkd-dead.txt dkd-dead.c  */
temp=tb[0];for(i=0;i<2000/*;  !   /   /    -'  gcc  -o dead dkd-dead.c  -lm */
-1;i++);tb[i]=tb[i+1];   /*'_ ;   ;   |  :"  and finally run it with ./dead */
tb[i]=temp;}printf("\033c"/*  ;   ;    \   should do quite well on some bsd */
);}} return 0; } /* to hellll  \   \     linux osx or whatever box...if not
with flanders! arse!!!! i lied  __ ____  do not leave me a message ! fix it
i'll do it again and again! .-~¯  l    |__ ____  on your own :-P ... greets
----------------------------|  _,-·¯1-~¯  l    |_______ ----------------------
        __ ____             l___,-1 |   ,-·¯1-~¯_ \    \_ _____
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      .-~¯ l_   |_______       ¬~`--l__     |     |          iSdEAD!
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 /      \¯¯¯\  ;.   ___,----    ¬~`--l_____|  cANT'T wAIT tO    ¬~--'-----'
! //·~-._   \ ; /  / ,---     \  |
 || ,---,~-,_\  ;  _,-~¯¯`\\ |\/-,        rEAD sCENES rEACTION !!!
! `-,  {};_,- /   ' _----, ||| | |
N    ¯¯¯¯   /      -_  {};,-'    /              bUT wTF iS uP wITH
 :    ,--  ;        ¯¯¯  __  ,_|
 `;:     / ;'     \  --- '   .;;              mY fREAKING cONNECTION ?!
 `;::    ! `-,_,   !  ! \   ;;:!
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    fINALLY eVIL dUDE      /        ________      \ |       |___    ||     |
       iN hIS hOME,      ,---~~¯¯¯¯¯        ¯¯~~---,;   ____;    ___;|   __;
    wILL sTAY wITH hIS  /         _____________     \¯¯¯     ¯¯¯¯     ¯¯¯
        mSG aLONE      `\__,-----'  ,          ~--,  ;
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a    ¯¯¯¯   /      -_  {};,-'    / qUICK
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