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40 944 bytes (39.98K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:23:23
Download count:
all-time: 591


[sof!] power on! deez nuts industries is in tha house! today we have 3o.o1.99 
    Deez _\/_ Nuts!
   \ _          _ /
 __\___ ______ __ /__
.\__  /_\__, /_\ \  /.
|  /     _____\   \  |
 DeezNuts Industries
  presents another
  ascii collection
     by Twister

              run only on - dbpal (64ox512) or pal hires laced  
                  otherwise you will see very ugly ascii...                           


              ______    _________     _______           :  .......  :
           __/_____/___/        /____/__    /           :  :   ..:  :
          /   \___        ___      ____/   /            :  :........: 
         /      \/   __   \/   _ _ \/     /_______  ______  
        /___________/=/_______/==/_______/      // //    /____
                                               // //    //   /__
        ______________________________________// //____//___//_/.
    _____\\  __  ____  _______    _____   _________  _____  _______  
    \\      /  \/   /_/   ___/___/   _/__/   __   /_/__  /_/      /__
     \\    /            ___/  /__   ____/    \/__/        _   ___/  /
      \\__/   \/   _ _  \/    _        _     /____/\      /   \/   /____
         /____/____/=/_______/=/_____/=/____/====/_______/=/______/   // 
           g  o  a  -  m  e  t  r  i  c  -  s  u  i  c  i  d  e  !  //_____ 
         _____    _______  _____  _______   _____   ________  _______    // 
        / ___/___/   /  /_/__  /_/      /__/__  /__/____   /_/   ___/   //
      _/_______     /  _        _   ___/         _    \/       ___/__  // 
     /       \/   _    / /\     /   \/  _  /\    / _     ____  \/   /_//
     :  ..........  ........                                
     :  :   ...  :  :::    : ......                                
     :  :.....:  :  :::    : ::   : ....  
     :...........:  :::....: ::...: ::.: .



                      [ now ya entering into magic... ]
                      [ of goa-metric     ] 

                          ..:::...:\  /| \..:::::.                        
                          ::..:.___ \/ | /\....::: 
                          ::..:|\  \/  |/  \:::...
                          ..::.| \ /   |\   \:.:.:
                          ::...|  Y    | \ /|...::
                          ..:::|__|    |  Y |:::..
                          ::..:::.|    /\ | /::...
                          ...:::..|   /::\|/..::..
                          :::...::|  /|..:::...:::
                          ::::...:| / |::...:::... 
                   [ prepare mind for big impression... ]
                          ..:::...::::/\/  \::...: 
                          :::..:...::/ /\  /:...::
                          ::::...:::.\// \/\::::..
                          ..:::./\:/\/ \ /  \:::..
                          :::../\ /  \  \   /|:.:: 
                          ...::\ \   _\/ \ / |::.. 
                          ..:::.\ \ |  /\ Y /:...: 
                          :::..:/\ \| /  \|/:...::
                          :..::/ / /\/   /...:::..     
                          :..::\  /  \  /:...:::..

                    [ you will see only pure ascii... ]
                          ..:::../  \./\\.::::...: 
                          :::..:.\___/  \\__:..:::
                          ::::.../   \  /\__\.::..
                          ..:::./     \/ /  /::...
                          :::../\     /\/__/:.:.:: 
                          ...:/  \___/  \  \::::.. 
                          ..::\  /  /\   \__\:...: 
                          :::..\/__/::\  /  /...::
                      [   nobody can runaway now...   ]    
                      [ must see tonight show  ]

                          :::...:/\ //\::..:.:::..
                          ..::../  / \/___.::.:...
                          :::../  / \ /\  \:::..:: 
                          ...:_\  \  /__\ //\::.:. 
                          ..:.\ \  \/ \__\/  \...: 
                          :::::\_\    /  /\   \:::
                          :..:..::\  /  /  \  /:..     
                    [ otherwise you will be another guy ] 
                    [  who commit suicide...just try... ]                    

                     .                                                 .
                     .                                        ....... .:
      ...............: ...................................... :..............
     _:_                                                    :    _  :       :
  .__\:      _                  wELCOME iN!                 :   \/  .       :
  |   :     \/                                              .               :
  _______               _____                 ______        .     ____      :
  \     /______  ____  _\   /_____  ____   ___\ _  /._____     ___| _/______:
  _\   /\    _|__| _/__\  _/_\  _|__\ _/___\    / /_|    / ____\ ___/_\    /:
 \//____\    \  ___/_\    \ \   \     \        /   \    (/       \   \\   /_:
     /________\_\   \  ____\ ____\_    \     _______\_   \      __________\\/
  |   .        /_______\    \     /__________\       /____\_____\           :
  |   :            _                                                ·aV!·   :
  |_  :_     _    \/                                        _               :
  ·/  ·/    /\\           _      aMIGA oNLY                \/              _:
  /__ /___ / \\\ ________(//___________________________ _ _________________\·
 /   /     \  //                                       \//

            Welcome  in my another ascii collection. This is very
            strange  collection,  title  is  very  eccentric, but
            title  is only a title... look carefuly on this colly
            and  if  you  are  good you  will see 3rd or even 4th
                                t w i s t e r
                                     o f
                g a r b a g e + v e e z y a + d e e z n u t s
                                i n  1 9 9 9  

                           now let's kick some ass...

                   ....      ............... . .... 
                   :  :..... : ...             :  :..... 
                ...:..::   : :...: logo: o1    :..::   :
                :.:    :   :....             ..... :   :.......
               ·       :...::  :  amigaeuro  :.. : :...::  ::.:
                            :..: . ..............:      :..:   · 

                               :                :
                  _________    :     ________   :        __________
                 /        /\   :    /____   /\  :       /         /\
             ___/_____   /_/___:___/       /_/__:______/______   / /
            /·   ____/       /                      /·   ____/  / /
           //    \/   .:                   ________//    \/ .: / /
          /____________ ·         _______ ·\___    ___________/ /
          \___________//   \/  .:/\_____//   \/.: /\__________\/
                     /_____/____/ /    /_________/ /
                     \_____\____\/     \_________\/
                    __________  :        ________:__
                   /         /\ :       /·         /\
                  /   ______/_/_:______//   __    /_/________
                 /·  ___/        /          \/____          /\
                //   \/         /         .:/\___/         / /
               /___________ ·  /     ______/ /  /·  ___   / /
               \__________//      .:/\_____\/  //    \/.:/ /
                  twr/dzn/_________/ /        /_________/ /
                         \_________\/         \_________\/
                                :   amigaeuro    :

                   ....      ............... . .... 
                   :  :..... : ...             :  :..... 
                ...:..::   : :...: logo: o2    :..::   :
                :.:    :   :....             ..... :   :.......
               ·       :...::  :    bajzelek :.. : :...::  ::.:
                            :..: . ..............:      :..:   · 

                         ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
                         :                         :
                         :      _ ·  _  __ |  __   :
                         .     __|| __||__|| |__|  .
                  _______: ___|__|||__ |_  |_|____ :_______
               .__\__   /__\     _|              /__\    _/__.
               |    /_       b - a j z e l e - k        /    |
               |_    /         _____ ___ ______         \   _|
                \___\__ _.                         ._ ___/__/
                         :       issue nr xx       :
                         .                         .
                         :.. ... ... ... ... ... ..:   

                   ....      ............... . .... 
                   :  :..... : ...             :  :..... 
                ...:..::   : :...: logo: o3    :..::   :
                :.:    :   :....             ..... :   :.......
               ·       :...::  :     decree  :.. : :...::  ::.:
                            :..: . ..............:      :..:   · 

                      __________          ___________         _________ 
                     /·        /\        /·         /\       /·       /\
          __________//   _____/_/_______//   __    /_/______//  _____/_/_
         /              ___/           /     \/___         /   ___/     /\
        /_______        \/        ____/   .: /\__/   _____/    \/   .: / /
        \/·   \/   __________ ·   \/    ____/ / /·  ___/    __________/ /
        //     .: /\________//      .: /\___\/ //   \/  .: /\_________\/
       /_________/ /twr/dzn/__________/ /     /___________/ /
       \_________\/        \__________\/      \___________\/

                   ....      ............... . .... 
                   :  :..... : ...             :  :..... 
                ...:..::   : :...: logo: o4    :..::   :
                :.:    :   :....             ..... :   :.......
               ·       :...::  :      emb    :.. : :...::  ::.:
                            :..: . ..............:      :..:   · 

                       :         : embrion issue ??
                      _:_______  :           ______
                     /·       /\ :          /· ___/\___
                    //   ____/_/_:_  ______// /____   /\
                   /    ___/       \/            \/  / /
                  / :.  \/                        .:/ /
                 /_____________          __________/ / 
                 \____________/:.  \/   ·/\________\/
                      twr/dzn/_____/   //\/  .........
                       :     \____/_______\  :  .... :
                       :         :\________\ :.....: :
                       :.........: . .. .............:

                   ....      ............... . .... 
                   :  :..... : ...             :  :..... 
                ...:..::   : :...: logo: o5    :..::   :
                :.:    :   :....             ..... :   :.......
               ·       :...::  :    embassy  :.. : :...::  ::.:
                            :..: . ..............:      :..:   · 

      ________            ______              ________          _____  _____
     /·      /\          /· ___/\____        /·      /\        /·   /\/    /\
    //  ____/_/__  _____// /____    /_______// ,____/_/_______//   /_/    / /
   /   ___/      \/           \/   /       /_______          /___     ___/ /
  / :. \/                      .:_/______        \/     ,___/   /  .:/\__\/
 /___________         _________     ____/ _________________   ·/____/ /
 \__________/:.  \/  ·/\______//    \/   /\_________/:.  \/  //\____\/ 
           /_____/  //\/     /__________/ /twr/dzn /_________/ /
           \____/______\     \__________\/         \_________\/ 

                   ....      ............... . .... 
                   :  :..... : ...             :  :..... 
                ...:..::   : :...: logo: o6    :..::   :
                :.:    :   :....             ..... :   :.......
               ·       :...::  :    gemini   :.. : :...::  ::.:
                            :..: . ..............:      :..:   · 

                            :                   :
                __________  :      __________   :     __________
               /         /\ :     /·  /     /\  :    /·        /\
              / ________/_/_:____//        /_/__:___//      .:/_/______
             /· \___            /         /____    /   __    /____    /\
            //    \/.:   ______/  .:\/                 \/            / /
           /_________ · ___/   _____/____ ·       _____/____ ·      / /
           \________//  \/  .:/\____\___//     .:/\____\___//    .:/ /
                   /_________/ /       /________/ /twr/dzn/_______/ /
                   \_________\/        \________\/        \_______\/
                            :                   :
                            :    gEMINi/cREw    :

                   ....      ............... . .... 
                   :  :..... : ...             :  :..... 
                ...:..::   : :...: logo: o7    :..::   :
                :.:    :   :....             ..... :   :.......
               ·       :...::  :     juen    :.. : :...::  ::.:
                            :..: . ..............:      :..:   · 

                    ······      _________        ___________
                     ·:::::.   /·   /   /\      /          /\ 
                       ·::::: //   /   /_/_____/          / /
                         ·::::    /           /    __   ·/ /
                          .::::.         ____/  .: \/  // /
                        .:::::·_____ ·  ___/   ____/___/ /
                      .:::::·\_____//   \/  .:/\___\___\/
                    .::::::twr/dzn/__________/ /
                  .::::::·        \__________\/


                   ....      ............... . .... 
                   :  :..... : ...             :  :..... 
                ...:..::   : :...: logo: o8    :..::   :
                :.:    :   :....             ..... :   :.......
               ·       :...::  :    oldtad   :.. : :...::  ::.:
                            :..: . ..............:      :..:   · 

                         ______        _____________     ___________
                        /     /\      /            /\   /         ·/\
                _______/:.   /_/_____/___      ___/_/__/______   // /
               /                        /                   \/   / /
              /                ______         ________       .: / /
             /·   ___   ______/·   \/   ____    _____/ ·_______/ /
            //    \/ .:/\____//     .: /\__/:.  \/    //\______\/
           /__________/ /   /_________/ / /___________/ /twr/dzn
           \__________\/    \_________\/  \___________\/

                   ....      ............... . .... 
                   :  :..... : ...             :  :..... 
                ...:..::   : :...: logo: o9    :..::   :
                :.:    :   :....             ..... :   :.......
               ·       :...::  :    przemk0  :.. : :...::  ::.:
                            :..: . ..............:      :..:   · 

                     :                                  :    
        __________   :    ________  pRZEMk0  _________  :       _________
       /         /\  :   /       /\         /·  /    /\ :      /·       /\
      /_____    /_/__:__/___, .:/_/________//       /_/_:_    //       / /
     /·   \/             ______/          /              /\__/  ___   / /
    //  .: ___    __     \/        ______/  .:\/       _/        \/.:/ /
   /______/\_/·   \/___________ · ___/  ______/___ ·   \_   ________/ / 
   \______\///  .:/\__\_______//  \/ .:/\_____\__//     /.:/\_______\/ 
           /_____/ / :       /________/ /twr/dzn/______/__/ /
           \_____\/  :       \________\/        \______\__\/
                     :                                  :

                   ....      ............... . .... 
                   :  :..... : ...             :  :..... 
                ...:..::   : :...: logo: 1o    :..::   :
                :.:    :   :....             ..... :   :.......
               ·       :...::  :     roger   :.. : :...::  ::.:
                            :..: . ..............:      :..:   · 

                __________         _________           ___________
               /         /\       /·       /\         /·         /\
              /   __  .:/_/______// ______/_/________//   __    / / 
             /·   \/___             \___            /     \/___/ /
            //    /\__/               \/      _____/    .:/\___\/
           /_____/ / /·  ___   __________ ·  ___/   _____/ /
           \_____\/ //   \/ .:/\________//   \/  .:/\____\/
                   /_________/ /twr/dzn/__________/ /
                   \_________\/        \__________\/ 

           short   message:   hi   mr.musician!   you  answered  my
           contact-letter,  how  nice! Please make few chip modules
           for  Veezya's  Embrion...  Soon i will be go by train to
           Koszalin  on  c-party of course, see you there! Wish you
           good place on music-compo =)

                   ....      ............... . .... 
                   :  :..... : ...             :  :..... 
                ...:..::   : :...: logo: 11    :..::   :
                :.:    :   :....             ..... :   :.......
               ·       :...::  :     roover  :.. : :...::  ::.:
                            :..: . ..............:      :..:   · 

            __________         _________          __________
           /         /\       /·       /\        /·        /\
          /   __  .:/_/______//       /_/_______//    ____/_/_________ 
         /·   \/___              ___        /        ___/            /\
        //    /\__/              \/        /         \/       __  .:/ /
       /_____/ / /·  ___   __________ ·   /    __________ ·   \/___/ /
       \_____\/ //   \/ .:/\________//      .:/\________//    /\___\/
               /_________/ /twr/dzn/_________/ /       /_____/ /
               \_________\/        \_________\/        \_____\/ 

                   ....      ............... . .... 
                   :  :..... : ...             :  :..... 
                ...:..::   : :...: logo: 12    :..::   :
                :.:    :   :....             ..... :   :.......
               ·       :...::  :     sobol   :.. : :...::  ::.:
                            :..: . ..............:      :..:   · 

                 _________           ______            ______
                /·       /\         /· ___/\___       /·    /\ 
               //   ,___/_/________// /____   /\_____//    /_/_
              /________                  \/                    /\
              \/:.   \/           .:                       .: / /
              /__________ ·  ___  _________ ·  ___  _________/ /
              \_________//    \/ /\_______//    \/ /\________\/
                       /________/ twr/dzn/________/ /
                       \________\/       \________\/

           short mesage: yo sobol! sorry for my last diley, i don't 
           have  enough  time for this... here you have ascii-logos
           for  ya,  enjoy!  If  you wan't more then i will make it
           more and more... CU you in Koszalin.


                   ....      ............... . .... 
                   :  :..... : ...             :  :..... 
                ...:..::   : :...: logo: 13    :..::   :
                :.:    :   :....             ..... :   :.......
               ·       :...::  :    swonyo   :.. : :...::  ::.:
                            :..: . ..............:      :..:   · 

                                                            :  :.....
            .....................                        ...:..::   :
            :                   :                       .:.:    :   :....
       _____:___    swonyo    __:______           _____  _____  :...::  :
      /·       /\            /·       /\         /    /\/   ·/\      :..:
     //   ,___/_/___________//       /_/________/    /_/   //_/________
    /________        /         ___                                    /\
    \/:.   \/       /           \/                                   / /
    /__________    /\    ·__________ ·  __     ___     ____   ___  ·/ /
    \_________/:.       //\________//   \/    /\_/:.  /\__/:. \/  // /
            :/_____/____/ /twr/dzn/_____/:.  / //____/ / /________/ /
            :\_____\____\/      : \____/____/ / \____\/  \________\/
            :                   :..... \____\/
            :...................::   :
                                 :   :.......·
                                 :...::  ::.:

           short  message:  hi  hip-hop  maniac!  ascii for you are
           ready  to  use,  enjoy!  i think you will be on Astrosyn
           party'99   in   Koszalin.  What's  up  with  Ded  Fisz#2 
           magazine? See you on C-P! SIARA rulez =)

                   ....      ............... . .... 
                   :  :..... : ...             :  :..... 
                ...:..::   : :...: logo: 14    :..::   :
                :.:    :   :....             ..... :   :.......
               ·       :...::  :     team57  :.. : :...::  ::.:
                            :..: . ..............:      :..:   · 

                       _____________         _________ 
                      /            /\       /       ·/\
                     /___      ___/_/______/_____  //_/________
                     \__/·    /         /   ____/      /      /\
                       //        ______/:.  \/               / /
                      /_____ ·  ___/  ____________         ·/ /
                      \____//   \/ .:/\_________/:.  \/   // /
                          /_________/ /twr/dzn /_____/____/ /
                          \_________\/         \_____\____\/ 
                                  ::::::: ::::::
                                  :::        :::
                                  :::.....   ::: 
                            tEAm      ::::  ::::   57
                                      ::::   :::  
                                  ....::::   :::

                   ....      ............... . .... 
                   :  :..... : ...             :  :..... 
                ...:..::   : :...: logo: 15    :..::   :
                :.:    :   :....             ..... :   :.......
               ·       :...::  :      tomi   :.. : :...::  ::.:
                            :..: . ..............:      :..:   · 


                    .........:  :   ·
                    :  ::   ::..:  
                 ...:..::   :....................... 
                 :.:    :...::                     :
                ·      ______:______       ________:__ 
                      /            /\     /·   /     /\
                     /___      ___/_/____//         /_/______
                     \__/·    /                    /____    /\
                       //                  .:\/            / /
                      /_____ ·  ___   _______/___        ·/ /
                      \____//   \/ .:/\______\__/:.     // /
                          /_________/ /twr/dzn /________/ /
                          \_________\/         \________\/     
                             :                     :.....   
                             :        tomi         ::   :    ...·
                             :.....................::   :....:.: 
                                                 ...:...::  :
                                                 :.:     :..:

                   ....      ............... . .... 
                   :  :..... : ...             :  :..... 
                ...:..::   : :...: logo: 16    :..::   :
                :.:    :   :....             ..... :   :.......
               ·       :...::  :     venom   :.. : :...::  ::.:
                            :..: . ..............:      :..:   · 

                           _________         __________ 
                          /·       /\       /·        /\
                 ________//   ____/_/______//        /_/_________
                /·   /       ___/              ___         /    /\
               //   /        \/                \/              / /
              /_   /    _________ ·  __    _________ ·        / /
              \/     .:/\_______//   \/ .:/\_______//   \/ .:/ / 
              /_______/ /      /_____/___/ twr/dzn/_____/___/ /
              \_______\/       \_____\___\/       \_____\___\/

           short message: hi Venom! I'm waiting for yours XXL pack,
           i  think  it will be a good pack. Want some ascii?  Then
           you have... some... Take care and write to me soon.

                   ....      ............... . .... 
                   :  :..... : ...             :  :..... 
                ...:..::   : :...: logo: 17    :..::   :
                :.:    :   :....             ..... :   :.......
               ·       :...::  :     virge   :.. : :...::  ::.:
                            :..: . ..............:      :..:   · 


                                                 .....:  :
                           ......................:   ::..:...
                           :                    ::   :    :.:.
               __________  :      ___________   ::...: __________
              /·    /   /\ :     /·         /\  :     /         /\
             //    /   /_/_:____//   __    /_/__:____/·    ____/_/
            /_    /   /____    /     \/___          //    ___/   /\
            \/:.                   .:/\__/  _______/      \/  .:/ / 
            /________        ·______/ / /·  \___   ____________/ /  
            \_______/:.     //\_____\/ //     \/.:/\___________\/
                   /________/ /       /__________/ /twr/dzn  
                   \________\/        \__________\/
                     .....:   virge!           :
             ·...    :   ::....................:
              :.:....:   : 
                 :  ::...:  

                   ....      ............... . .... 
                   :  :..... : ...             :  :..... 
                ...:..::   : :...: logo: 18    :..::   :
                :.:    :   :....             ..... :   :.......
               ·       :...::  :   xxl pack  :.. : :...::  ::.:
                            :..: . ..............:      :..:   · 

                          ¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾
                          ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾
                             ¾¾¾¾       ¾¾¾¾    ¾¾¾
                          ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾
                          ¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾
                         _________       ________
                        /_____   /\_____/  _____/\___ 
                       /    \/ _______     \/      _/\___
                      /_______/   ___/  _______    \_   /\
                      \______/____\/___/\_____/_____/__/ /
                      twr/dzn\_________\/     \_____\__\/    
                          xxl -  pack na twojâ miarë


                   ....      ............... . .... 
                   :  :..... : ...             :  :..... 
                ...:..::   : :...: logo: 19    :..::   :
                :.:    :   :....             ..... :   :.......
               ·       :...::  :     zetox   :.. : :...::  ::.:
                            :..: . ..............:      :..:   · 

          _________     :                       :               .::::·
         /       ·/\    :     zetox/team57      :     ·::::.  .::::·
      __/___,   //_/____:_______________________:_______·::::::::·_____
     /   _______/                                        ·::::::·     /\
    /:.  \/           __________      ____                .::::.     / /
   /_____________ ·  ___/  /\__/    ·/\__/   ___  ·_____.::::::::.__/ /
   \____________//   \/   / / /:.  // / /:.  \/  //\___.::::::::::._\/
        twr/dzn/_________/ / /_____/ / /_________/ /  .::::·  ·:::::.
               \_________\/  \_____\/  \_________\/ .:::::·
                        :                       :



                    today ascii-logos  was requested by:
              amifan - bajzelek...............................
              azzaro - embassy................................
              roger - roger, virge............................
              sobol - sobol...................................
              swonyo - oldtad, przemko, zetox, team57, swonyo,
              ........amiga euro, gemini, tomi, juen..........
              thorin - emb....................................
              venom - xxl pack, venom, roover, decree.........
                            total 19 ascii-logos


   ___.       ____   /\____    ___.                                ______
 ._\ _|_______\__/. /    _/____\  |__    ._____________  _________/     /
 |   \__          |_\_____        __/____|    __      /__\__           /____.
 |____|/     _          /|        |\          |/     _    |/_____     /|    |
   t0!/     /|______________________________________/|____|    /________    |

       no file name       original title        lenght      released  
       1. [ptk!-mare.txt]=[    manic reach    ]=[138.344kb]=[13.o4.98]
       2. [dzn-pac.txt]===[paranormal activity]=[82.353kb]==[26.11.98]
       3. [dzn-chs.txt]===[ christmas time'99 ]=[3o.146kb]==[25.12.98]  
       4. [dzn-goa.txt]===[ goametric suicide ]=[4o.944kb]==[3o.o1.99] 
       soon will be released...

       5. [dzn-rol.txt]   [   rhythm of life  ] co-operate with cnr/kore. 
       6. [dzn-our.txt]   [     our family    ] about garbage members

          I have many ideas&plans, but not enough requests on ascii!
            So be a cool dude and help me, requesting ascii-logos.

                     some news from deez nuts industries:
                               Cnr left for Kore.    
                       now deez nuts have only one member!       
                     soon will be joined another ascii-maker          
                 i have planning fusion with other ascii-team  

                                                           .    .
                                                  ..      :::  .::..:.   .
                      ...:::::.                 ·::::.  .:::   .:::::  .:::
                  ..::::::·:::::   ....       ...::::::.:::  .::::::::.:::
 |   ..::::.  .::::...   .::·.:::·  ::::.::::··  ·:::.::::::::·     ....   |
 | .:::··::··. · :::: .:::·.::::·    :::::::      :::::::·::::· ..::::::::.|
 |:::·   ·  ::: ::::.::·  .:::::.    ::::::      .:::::: .::: .:::·· ··::::.
 ::::     .:::· :::::· ...::::::::..:::::::::::::::::::· ::::::·        ::::
 ::::. ..::::· :::::::::·::::  ··::::· ::::        ::::  ·:::·          ::::
 |·:::::·:::·.:::::______:::.____..____::::. .:.___·::::___.:._________::::|
        :::::· ::::       ::::::::··    ··::::·     ·::::.·:::::.....:::::
      .::::·   ::::        ·····                     ·::::·  ··:::::::··
     .:::·     :·                                      ·:·
      absurd·agravedict·anxiety·apathy·beret squad·black maiden·butchers
     coolgangst·crew·dark team·deck six·decree·dreamland·drinkers·embassy
     exile·grave rave dancers union·high voltage·iris·kore·linear·link124
     mantra·mawi·missing link·nah-kolor·phase truce·power of manga·potion
         prl·reality·rainbow design·rave network overscan·sativa mea
            special greets fly to this ascii-makers (known by me!)
          acid, azzaro, budgie, cnr, fighter for future, luk, tomak

                  if you are an ascii-maker then please         
                  make for me this ascii-logos:             
                   twister, garbage, veezya, deez nuts      
                   dzn.diz, embrion, unknown               
                             wanna contact?                     
              just take a pen and write on this addy:       
                        bartosz ptaszynski               
                               robotnicza 2                 
                             14-53o frombork                    
                       for swapp and ascii of course...     
             also for join to deez nuts, just write...  
                 beginners please fuck off! (swapp offers)      

                            :                  :
                        ____:____  ___ _____   :   _______ 
                       /        / /__//    /  _:__/___   /        
                      /    ____/___  /____/  /  _____/  /
                     /    ___/    /_________/   \/     /
                    / :.  \/                       .: /
                   /_____________          __________/twr  
                            :   /   __    / ___:_
                            :  /:.  \/___/ /    /___
                   the end! : /______\    /____//__/
                            :                  :

                        (c) deez nuts industries'99

[eof!] now you may safe turn off your computer... today was 3o.o1.99 / 23:59