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21 909 bytes (21.40K)
File date:
2024-08-11 05:45:01
Download count:
all-time: 29


      _  /\ _________ /\     Presented to you by:      /\ _________ /\  _ 
     /\\/  \Paradise?/  \_________/\______/\__________/  \_ Frame _/  \//\
    / /\_/\___________/\_>-----<   ________   >------<_/\___________/\_/\ \
Cola\/\_________________________\  /______\  /__________________________/\/
                                 \/ -=oF=- \/

                                  /   \
    __/\_________________________/  __/_____________________________________
    \_____      \_____    \_____    \__  \_________\__  \_____    \_____    \
    /    / /    /    /    /    /    /    /    /\___/    /    /    /    /    /\
   /    / /    /   ______/    /    /    /    /_/__/    /    /    /   ______/ /
  /____/_/    /____     /____     /__  /____     /__  /____/    /____     / /
  \____\/__  /\____\___/\____\___/\__\/\____\___/\__\/\___/__  /\____\___/ /
   FramE\__\/ /     \__\/     \__\/   \/     \__\/   \/   \__\/ /     \__\/
            \/                                                \/
                               And C&C Design!

      _  /\ _________ /\    ex.Jammie of Infect        /\ _________ /\  _ 
     /\\/  \_________/  \_________/\______/\__________/  \_________/  \//\
    / /\_/\___________/\_>-----<   ________   >------<_/\___________/\_/\ \
    \/\_________________________\  /______\  /__________________________/\/
                                 \/        \/

             Please n'joy da following bytes in no special order...

Hmm, At first.. I made this colly just    /
becouse of Cola/Balance/C&C asked me     /
if I could join the crew C&C Design     /
and thats is some kind of Ascii group  /
or what? Anyway, he asked me if I     /
could join and I think that would    /
be very fun... So now you can write /
Frame/Medicine/C&C rulez everywear /
there you think it have it right  /
to stand. Well.. Now I must ex-  /
plain why I chanched handle and /
group. Spread this news!...    /
-All members of Infect Sweden /
 left and builted up Medicine/
-Jammie renamed to Frame    /
So.. Thats it, well we left/
becouse of the German     /
section.. They are NOT so/
god! They need some Good/
and productive coders!!/
Ok, I renamed my lame /
handle to something  /
else b'coz Jammie is/
a very LAME handle!/
Frame is not the  /
best but its     /
better. Thats   /
what I think   /
hope you      /
instead! well/
C u all soon/
A lots of../
thanks to?/
\        /
 \O  l  /
  \a   /
   \ c/

                                   Included logos are...
                               Style 1 ----------- Sanity 1
                               Style 1 ---------- Kefrens 2
                               Style 1 ------------ Lemon 3
                               Style 1 ---------- Stellar 4
                               Style 2 --- Banal Projects 5
                               Style 2 ----- Melon Dezign 6
                               Style 2 ------------ Sonic 7
                               Style 2 -------------- DCS 8
                               Style 3 ---------- Complex 9
                               Style 3 ---------- Balance a
                               Style 3 ---------- Essence b
                               Style 3 ------------- TRSI c
                               Style 4 ------- Spaceballs d
                               Style 4 -------- Andromeda e
                               Style 4 -------- Fairlight f
                               Style 4 --------- Alcatraz g
                                   Included logos are...

                      Let the show begin....

        /\  \
        \ \  \      _
         \ \  \_____)\
          \ \         \
           \ \___ ____ \
            \/__/Y___/\ \_________________
                 ¦   \ \______________  _/ 
                 :    \/_____________|  |
                 .                 _||  |__  
                                  /\ ¦  ¦ /
                 .                \ \    /
                                   \ \  / 
                                    \ \/

      _  /\ _________ /\   End of the introduction     /\ _________ /\  _ 
     /\\/  \_________/  \_________/\______/\__________/  \_________/  \//\
    / /\_/\___________/\_>-----<   ________   >------<_/\___________/\_/\ \
    \/\_________________________\  /______\  /__________________________/\/
                                 \/        \/
                               Here is style 1

                          __         __   .        __        __ 
         __/\____________|  \______ |  \  |\______/  |    __/  |___
         \  _____  _________  ___  \|   \ |___ ___   |__  \_   |   \
         /\____  \/\/    __/  \/    \    \|   \|/    __/__/    |    \
        /    _/    /\    |    /\    \\    \    |     |   /\    |     \
        \_____     \_\____    \_\___|\    |\   |_____    \_\____      \
         Frame\____  /   \____  /   |____ |/__ |    \____  /________  /

       __                              __
 _____|  \  __________________________|  \  ____________________  __/\_______
 \_   |  _\ \_  _________   ___________  _\ \_  _________   _   \ \   ____  /
 /    _   \_/   ___/___/    __/  /    _   \_/   ___/___/    |    \/\____  \/\
/     |    /\   _/    /\    |   /     |    /\   _/    /\    |    /\   _/     \
\_____|    \_\___     \_\___|   \_____|    \_\___     \_\___|    \_\___       \
 Frame|____  /   \____  /             |____  /   \____  /   |____  /   \____  /

          __/  |     ________________ ___    _______  _________
          \_   |____ \_  _________   Y   \  /   _   \ \_   _   \
          /    |    \/   ___/___/   \_/   \/    |    \/    |    \
         /     |    /\   _/    /\    |    /\    |    /\    |     \
         \_____     \_\___     \_\___|    \_\___     \_\___|      \
          Frame\____  /   \____  /   |____  /   \____  /   |____  /

  __/\____________    _______________      _____      _________  __/\______
  \   ____  /\_   |__ \_   ________  |     \_   |     \_____   \ \_____  _/
  /\____  \/\/   ___/_/_   __/___/   |_____/    |_____/    _    \/    _   \_
 /     /    /\   _/  /  \ _/    /\   |    /\    |    /\    |    /\    |     \
 \_____     \_\___   \___\_     \_\__     \_\___     \_\___|    \_\___|      \
  Frame\____  /   \____  / \____  /  \____  /   \____  /   |____  /   |____  /

      _  /\ _________ /\      End of the style 1       /\ _________ /\  _ 
     /\\/  \_________/  \_________/\______/\__________/  \_________/  \//\
    / /\_/\___________/\_>-----<   ________   >------<_/\___________/\_/\ \
    \/\_________________________\  /______\  /__________________________/\/
                                 \/        \/
                               Here is style 2

  _____________  _____________  _____________  _____________  _______
  \_     _     \ \_     _     \ \_     _     \ \_     _     \ \_     |
  /      |     _\/      |      \/      |      \/      |      \/      |_______
_/       _      \_      _       \      |       \      _       \      |       \
\________         \_____|        \_____|        \_____|        \_____         \_

       _______  _______    _____       __  ___________________________
       \_  _  \ \_  _  \  /  _  \     |  \ \_  _______  ______   __  /
       /   |   \/   |  _\/   |   \____|   \/   __/__/   |____/\___ \/\
     _/    ____/    _   \_   |    \   |    \   |    \   |    \   |    \
Frame\_____|  \_____|     \__      \__      \__      \__      \__      \_

                      -=÷×$#===Banal Projects===#$×÷=-

  _______ _____  ______________________          ___________  _____________
  \_     Y     \ \_     _      ___     |        /     _     \ \_     _     \
  /     \_/     \/      ______/_/      |_______/      |      \/      |      \
_/       |       \     _/       \      |       \      |       \      |       \
\________|        \_____         \_____         \_____         \_____|        \_

              _______  __________________ _____________________
              \_  _  \ \_  ______  __   / \  /___ _______   _  \  
              /   |   \/   __/__/\/ ___/_/ \/ \/  \_   \/   |   \
            _/    |    \   |    \   |    \     \   |    \   |    \
       Frame\_____      \__      \__      \_    \__      \__|     \_

                       -=÷×$#===Melon Dezign===#$×÷=-

     _______________  ___________  _____________  _______ _______________
     \   ________  / /     _     \ \_     _     \ \_     |\_     _      /
     /\______    \/\/      |      \/      |      \/      |/      |_____/\
   _/      _/       \      |       \      |       \      |       |       \
   \________         \_____         \_____|        \_____|_______         \_

                 _____________  ______________________________
                 \_     _     \ \_     _      /\   ________  /
                 /      |      \/      |_____/\/\______    \/\
               _/       |       \      |       \     _/       \
               \________         \_____         \_____         \_
                     -=÷×$#===Dual Crew - Shining===#$×÷=-

      _  /\ _________ /\      End of the style 2       /\ _________ /\  _ 
     /\\/  \_________/  \_________/\______/\__________/  \_________/  \//\
    / /\_/\___________/\_>-----<   ________   >------<_/\___________/\_/\ \
    \/\_________________________\  /______\  /__________________________/\/
                                 \/        \/
                               Here is style 3

  /\ _ _____/\ _ _____/\ _ ______/\ _ _____/\        /\ _ _____/\ ___)   /
 /  \__    /  \__    /  \_      /  \  __  /  \_     /  \___   /  \\_    /
/     \___/_    \   /\    \ \  / \    ___/\    \___/_    __\_/_    _   /_
 /\    \    \    \    \    \_\    \_  \_   \    \    \    \    \    \    \
/  \______   \_________\____\ \____/___/    \______   \______   \____\    \_

   /\ _ _____/\ _ _____/\        /\ _ _____/\ _ _____/\ _ _____/\ _ _)   /
  /  \__    /  \__    /  \_     /  \__    /  \__    /  \__    /  \___   /
 /     __  /_    __  /\    \___/_    __  /\    \   /\    \___/_   ___\_/_
/ /\    \    \    \    \    \    \    \    \    \    \    \    \    \    \
 /  \______   \____\____\______   \____\____\____\    \______   \______   \_

   /\ _ _____/\ _ _____/\ _ _____/\ _ _____/\ _ _____/\ _ _____/\ _ _)   /
  /  \___   /  \___   /  \___   /  \___   /  \__    /  \__    /  \___   /
 /     __\_/______ \_/_______\_/\    __\_/_    \   /\    \___/_   ___\_/_
/ /\    \    \    \    \    \    \    \    \    \    \    \    \    \    \
 /  \______   \_____    \______   \_____    \____\    \______   \______   \_

                      /\ _ _____/\ _ _____/\ _ _______)  /   
                     /  \___   /  \__    /  \___   _____/ 
                     \    \ \_/\    __  /_______\_/\    \
                      \    \    \    \    \    \    \    \
                       \____\    \____\    \______   \____\

      _  /\ _________ /\      End of the style 3       /\ _________ /\  _ 
     /\\/  \_________/  \_________/\______/\__________/  \_________/  \//\
    / /\_/\___________/\_>-----<   ________   >------<_/\___________/\_/\ \
    \/\_________________________\  /______\  /__________________________/\/
                                 \/        \/
                               Here is style 4

    ______________  _____  ____________  _____  _____  ___   ___    _______
    \F\  _  /\_ _ \ \_ _ \ \_ _  /\_ _ \ \_ _ \ \_ _ \ \_ |  \  |   \  _  /
    /r/\__\/\/  |  \/  _  \/  |\/_/  |  \/  _ \_/  _  \/  |__/  |___/\__\/\
   /a/   /  /   l   \  |   \  l   \  l   \  l   \  |   \  l  \  l   \  /   \
  /m/      /    ____/  |    \      \      \      \ |    \     \      \      \
 /e/      /     |/     |     \      \ ____/       \|     \     \      \      \

       _______  _____  _____  _____    ___  ___ _  _____  _____  _____
       \F\_ _ \ \_ _ \ \_ _ \ \_ _ \  / _ \ \_ Y \ \_ _ \ \_ _ \ \_ _ \
       /r/  _  \/  |  \/  |  \/  _ \_/  |  \/ \_/ \/  |  \/  |  \/  _  \
      /a/   |   \  |   \  l   \  |   \  l   \  |   \  l   \  l   \  |   \
     /m/    |    \ |    \      \ |    \      \ |    \      \      \ |    \
    /e/     |     \|     \      \|     \      \|     \ ____/       \|     \

          _______  _____  ___ _____  ___    ___ __________ _  ___     
          \F\_ _ \ \_ _ \ \_ |\_ _ \ \_ |   \_ |\_ _  /\_ | \ \_ |__    
          /r/  |  \/  _  \/  |/  _ \_/  |___/  |/ _|\/_/  _  \/  __/_     
         /a/   |   \  |   \  |   |   \  l   \  |  \__  \  |   \  l   \    
        /m/    l___/  |    \ |   |    \      \ |        \ |    \      \
       /e/     __/    |     \|   |     \      \|         \|     \      \

           _______  ___    ____________  ___    _____  _____  _______
           \F\_ _ \ \_ |   \_ _  /\_ _ \ \_ |__ \_ _ \ \_ _ \ \  _  /
           /r/  _  \/  |___/  |\/_/  _  \/  __/_/  _ \_/  _  \/\/__/_
          /a/   |   \  l   \  l   \  |   \  l   \  |   \  |   \  /   \
         /m/    |    \      \      \ |    \      \ |    \ |    \      \
        /e/     |     \      \      \|     \      \|     \|     \      \

      _  /\ _________ /\        End of style 4         /\ _________ /\  _ 
     /\\/  \_________/  \_________/\______/\__________/  \_________/  \//\
    / /\_/\___________/\_>-----<   ________   >------<_/\___________/\_/\ \
    \/\_________________________\  /______\  /__________________________/\/
                                 \/        \/
                       Heres da traditional end words.

                 So, that was it. This collection tooked me 2
                 days to complete. Not so bad for my first 
                 collection ever, or? if you don't thinks so
                 then you can contact me at this address...

                              31133 Falkenberg

                 This addy is also for pure elite mailtrading
                 Well, well.. Credits for this collection goes
                 to Me and a little dollar to Cola/Balance/C&C
                 for a little thing, maybe you aleready have
                 anderstood what! And a lots of thanks to Vinzi
                 of Yodel for some inspiration! So that was the
                 credits. And now to the greetings...

                 Godfather                Trooper/?
                 Radavi/Effect            Eightball/Unlimited
                 Chaos/Desire             Falcon/Crash
                 Beholder/Dfn             Antex/Orient
                 Zenit/Compact            Jinx/Unlimited
                 Adder/X-Trade            Darkhawk/D-29
                 The Joker/LED            MDV/Savage
                 Ali/Interactive          Virtue/Legacy
                 Obelix/Platin            Immortal/Technology
                 Spaltterhead/Black Jack  Casket/Damones
                 Hacksaw/Chrome           Swerx/Samba
                 Mr.King/Vision           Mass/Nexus 7
                 Suhu/Banal Projects      Decadence/Vision
                 Fugazi/Taurus            Miklesz/Damage
                 Dr.Poison/Vixen          Cola/Balance/C&C
                 Caizer/Gac               Prospect/Chaos AD/Ram Jam
                 Pantera/Energy           Jeckbuzz/?

                 And ofcourse all members of Medicine and C&C!

                 And now a personal message to Cola/Balance/C&C 

                 Hey, what do you like this colly? I hope you
                 do! It's very small but I think it's nice.
                 Well.. You can take some logos for the mag or
                 what it is. Ok, with this moment I think I
                 have joined C&C, I hope so! N'joy the stuff
                 i sended to you! Next time I will maybe send
                 a new pack from me. All graphics and design
                 will be by me. So c ya very soon my friend! 

                 This collection was released in Januari -94

      _  /\ _________ /\ Its' sad but true.. It is the /\ _________ /\  _ 
     /\\/  \_________/  \_________/\_END!_/\__________/  \_________/  \//\
    / /\_/\___________/\_>-----<   ________   >------<_/\___________/\_/\ \
    \/\_________________________\  /______\  /__________________________/\/
                                 \/  And.. \/

                   Watch out for comming productions from....

            \                                                   /
             \                                                 /
              \___                    _                       /
              /                       |                      /\
             /                        |_________________    /  \
            /                         |                 \  /    \
           /                          |                  \/      \
          /                           |                           \
         /                            |                            \
        /                             |                             \
       /                              |                              \
    __/                               |                               \___
    \                                                                    /
     \                                                                  /

                               ______  _____
                               \____ \|     \
                               /    \ \      \
                             _/      \ \      \_

            \                                                   /
             \                                                 /
              \___                    _                       /
              /                       |                      /\
             /                        |_________________    /  \
            /                         |                 \  /    \
           /                          |                  \/      \
          /                           |                           \
         /                            |                            \
        /                             |                             \
       /                              |                              \
    __/                               |                               \___
    \                                                                    /
     \                                                                  /

                             C u all next time!!!