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««[ L¡Ne ¹ ]«««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««[ sPLATTEr/aZk 1996 ]«««

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           _ ___/  .:::·       fOR  gDm \ cOLLy     __            _\
           ¸..¸  .:::·             _                \/           /
         .:::· .::::· _ _ ________ /         _______/           /
         ·:::::::::·              /          \     /___________/

_____________      _____ _            _____________ _ _____    _ ____\        ¡
      _     /____ /    _____________  \    _______/___ ___/ ________  \       |
   __ /    /     Y     \    _______/___\________     /_____    _    \  \      |
   \       \          __\________     /       \/    /     /    _     \ \\     |
____\       \_________\        \/    /          ___/\____/ ____\      \_\     |
 ..  \_______\         \         ___/ \_________\        ... /_________\ \____!
::.                     \________\       ______________.:::::.. ¸
 ·::. _______________                    \            /·:. ·::. )pL@®
 ..:·                \_ ________________  \_       __________·::...
::.          _ ___    /                /__ /       \        /    .::
 :::          _ _/   /        _ __          \      /\      /   .::·
  ::.               ____      \_ /          _\______   ___/_..:·
   ::.         ___      \    _ _/          /      ___       \:·
    :::.        \/       \                /       \ /        \.....
 .::::·                   \           __ /         \          \   ::   .
::_ _ _____           _____\ _________\ /           \ _________\.::·  ::
·::.      /___________\                /_____________\        ·:::....:·
   ·:. .

               ¸.....¸ _____ _   _  __                   __ _ _
             .:::···::/     ____ _ \\_ n E W ' Z K E W L _//_____ _
          __ ::·  .:·/      \     \____ _ _______________  _\  _ ______
          \   ·:.¸      ¸.....¸                         /_/  \/       /
           \   ·:::::::::::::·                                       /
            \  _ _   .:::::·   [²5] pURPLe dREAm                  _ /
             \__ /  .::::·              _                         \/
           _ ___/  .:::·       fOR  gDm \ cOLLy     __            _\
           ¸..¸  .:::·             _                \/           /
         .:::· .::::· _ _ ________ /         _______/           /
         ·:::::::::·              /          \     /___________/

     ____________                 ______________               ..¸
    ¡           /  ________ _    ¡             /____ ___________·::....
    |    ___   /_ /         /    |     ___    /    /       _   /      ·:.
    |   /_____/  Y      _________!__  /______/    /        /  /___ ·:::::::·
    |     |            ¡      _    /     |      _/____      _/    \    ·:
    |     |__          |   _  /   /      |      \     \ __         \ ...:  .
    !     ! /_____ ____|   \      \      !_______      \ /__________\ ·::::::.
    :     : ·     :    l____\      \     :      /_______\         .... ·:.
    ·     . ¡     ¡     _    \      \    ·                .......:::·:::::::.
 ___________l__   |   _ /   /_\______\_  .  __________   ::.....      ·::. ·:.
 \     _______/   |   \     \     _   /    /      _   \_______:·______ _·::..¸
  \    \_ _       l____\     \    /  /____/_      _    \      \/            ::
   \              |     \     \    _/       \_____\     \     \/         ...:·
    \        _    | ¸    \_____\____         \  /        \_____\        ::
     \_______\ ___! )pL@®          /__________\/__________\  /          ::....
                                                            /__________ _ ..::

               ¸.....¸ _____ _   _  __                   __ _ _
             .:::···::/     ____ _ \\_ n E W ' Z K E W L _//_____ _
          __ ::·  .:·/      \     \____ _ _______________  _\  _ ______
          \   ·:.¸      ¸.....¸                         /_/  \/       /
           \   ·:::::::::::::·                                       /
            \  _ _   .:::::·   [²6] lOOKEr iD.d¡z                 _ /
             \__ /  .::::·              _                         \/
           _ ___/  .:::·       fOR  gDm \ cOLLy     __            _\
           ¸..¸  .:::·             _                \/           /
         .:::· .::::· _ _ ________ /         _______/           /
         ·:::::::::·              /          \     /___________/

 _____                     ____________
¡     ¡      _____  _____ ¡           /_
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|     !_____|     /    / e|    _/     /
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l____       |   _          /   /       /
:   /_______l___/         /___/       /:
¡              /_________/   /_______/ ¡
|                                      |
|                                      |
|                                      |
l___________                     ¸     |

                ::: ::.....                     .· :
           .....    .... :: .............     .·   :.....
         ..:::  ....::      :           :   .·          :.....
          ...   ::    ......:           :..·                 : ..
         ..::   ::... :..   .    ..              .::·.   ·   :..:
             ::    ::   :.  .   · ·::::.    .:::::·     .:         .
             ::::: ::..     ·:.         ·  ·          .::·    ::.. .
                 :.   ::     ·::.                     ·:.        : :...
                               :·   .:::::::::..       :·   .....:   ::
                      .:::·.. ··  .·  ... ..   ·:::.  :·    :: .... .::
                  .:::::·   ·::.    .::·::· ·               .. ::.. ..
                .·            ·:::.::·                      ··       ·:. .
               .:....¸ _____ _   _  __                   __ _ _
             .:::···::/     ____ _ \\_ n E W ' Z K E W L _// _ __ _____
 ....     __ ::· ·.:·/      \     \___________ __________  _____ __ _ /
  ·:::    \   ·:.¸      ¸.....¸           _ _//         /_/         \/_____
    ·::.   \   ·:::::::::::::·                                            /
      ·:.   \  _ _   .:::::·                                      ___    /
 .......::.  \__ /  .::::·       nO mORe lOGOs tH¡s t¡Me          \ /___/
 :.        _ ___/  .:::·                            __             \
 ·::.  .......¸  .:::·             _                \/              \
   ·::·  .:::· .::::· _ _ ________ /         ________\          _____\
         ·:::::::::·              /          \     /___________/_______
           ·:::::::.     ..·     /____________\                /       \
              ·::::::.  ::·                                   /         \
                 ·:::::::·                                       _ ______\
                    ·::::.  ...sHOULd bE sELF-eXPLANATORy, bUt...
                   ..  ·:::  iF sOMEONe dOESN't gEt tHE iDEa oF
                 .::·:. .:: wHAt dO tHE tEXTs aFTEr \ mEAN ..hERe:
                ·:::. .::·
                  ·::::·     _
                             \ tHANx -  tHANx fOR oNe mADe fOR mE.
                             \ cOLLy -  rEQUESTEd iN a cOLLECTIOn.

    ......._...... ..... ...... ........ .... .... .... .... ..... ...
    : ø  _\/_  __  _                                         _     ø :
    :    \/\/ /_/ // /                        mESSAGES!     (ö)      :
_ __·___ ____ __________  _ __ ________/\ _ __ ________   ,-lW|-'    ·
    :               ___/_.         _____/         ____/__. _/¯\/     ·
    ·              __/  ¬|_____/\___    ¬\______  \___  ¬| _ __ ________/\
    .  _______          _| _____/ l       \___ ¬\   |    |          _____/
 __ __/      ¬\__ _____/____    ¬\________/ l/   \__|    |______ ____    ¬\
    \_ __   __ _/         l       \_  /           \ l____|  ___/_. l       \
    /    \ /    \ _ ___ __________/ö)/______|      \       __/  ¬|_________/
   /______Y      \              `-|W|-, sHL!l_______\           _|   ·
    .     l_______\               \X_       _ _ __ ___ ________/_    .
    ·                                                  _  __  _\/_   .
    : ø     mESSAGES                                 \ \\ \_\ \/\/ ø :
    :..... ....... ...... .... ..... ..... ........ ..... ..... .....:

              2 Gdm: Zdrastvuyte tovarishch GDM :) hehe.. Kak zdarovye?
                     Harasho? ..Nu Ya nie mogu tebe vstretit na ¡RC..
                     Nu nastoyashchy ili ty nie sedish mnogo na ¡RC ili
                     eto moya oshibka... nu nie mogu nichevo durnovo
                     skazat v etoy kollekcji potomu shto moi roditeli
                     znajut Russkiy ludshe chem Ya :) potomu Ya nie mogu
                     napisat nichevo ..hmm shto Ty dumaesh o Chechenii?
                     ha? Dumaesh chto b etoy Voynye kokoy-to sens est?
                     ¡li dumaesh Ty shto eta Voyna durnaya? Dumaesh Ty
                     shto Chechency bandity ili geroe b etom konflikte?
                     Ya znayu shto mnogo Russkich pogiblo b etoy voynye
                     ...Ya znal niemnozhko soldatov iz Afganistana i oni
                     dumali shto Rossiya mogla bez problema okonchit etot
                     konflikt i oni mogli brotit doma - nu "tovarishchi"
                     na vyerhushce skazali - "bit Mudzhahedinov".  Dumaesh
                     Ty shto Lebed okonchaet etu voynu ili niet - ya dumayu
                     shto eta voyna eto naslednij Afganistan..
                     ..Kontroversyjnye voprosy, Ya znayu, nu skazhy shto-to
                     ob etom na IRC ili v novoy kollyekcji..

          2 Sal-one: We have to discuss some serious stuff on the ¡RC m8!
                     About my stay in N'lands and all that.  Lyke could
                     ¡ stay at Your crib for 2 days or should ¡ look for
                     some hotel instead? ..well, we'll discuss that wack
                     stuff later.  Okee dokee.. what will be the date of
                     Patrick's ¡RC day?  Another matter - will You be able
                     to show me around A'dam (tag/piece photo-taking safari
                     heheheh).. if Your pieces are still around ¡ would love
                     to have pictures of them taken too ..for sure.. ;)
                     ¡Tz gon' be phat gee! hehe [as You might guess ¡ just
                     finished reading THE SOURCE] hmm.. ¡ hooked up with a
                     local writer crew, but most of them suck bad.. totally
                     wack stylez wit' bubblez and starz ..kome on, itz 1996
                     time for some newzkewl :) don't You think? ¡ could really
                     appreciate it if these were freestyle piecez or well done
                     stuff.. but the quality needs more work.. so i will not
                     bring the photos of them piecez wit' me.. oKeE ..PeAcE!

         2 Scarface: hEy GanGsTa-GaBBeR! how was Norway? and..Spain?
                     Do ¡ remember what You said about Your holiday
                     destinations? One thing that really suxx is the
                     fact that ¡ will not be able to listen to Balans
                     when in Netherlands... unless you tape some of it
                     and bring it to A'dam :) heheh.. why not?
                     Give greets from me to your neighbourhood gangstaz
                     (guys we talked about, You know).  Keep your gabba
                     head up all the time.. Take care of the future!
                         ...and if you didn't check it yet..
                      try this ftp:
                               dir: pub/music/people/maszive
                     ..for some crazy MODz (in .XM & .s3m format :[ )
                                      dOe¡ !

        2 Gdm & Dmd: Luker Haus :) hehe delaete nastojashchy zajebistye
                     ASC¡¡.. dmd - Ya dumayu shto tvoi kollekcya KEYBOARD
                     FUCKUP eto klassika ascii.. tvoy styl sevodnya tozhe
                     haroshyj.. tolka celikom inoy.. spasiba za vse logo
                     vy dla mnie zdelali.. Do svidaniya na ¡RC! dmd - sdelaj
                     kokoe-to SPLATTER ili VINYL SOULZ logo jesli mozhesh.

           2 Relief: It was pretty neat to meet You on ¡RC, especially
                     since it was the release of Your collection date.
                     As you can see above, there is some strange logos
                     above that ¡ did for You.. as requested ..hope You
                     will like the wikkid stylez of mine ;) ..

      2 Norby & qBa: Macie pozdrowienia od Magica/Nah-Kolor.. pogadalem sobie
                     z nim na ¡RC-u.. fajny koles. No tyle tylko mam do
                     przekazania wam tym razem, niestety.. do uslyszenia.

          2 Shelter: Pretty darn quick work with the HGE logo, eh?
                     About 5 minutes or so... Next time try to remember
                     what the heck is the logo for [heheheh] ..whatever..
                     we'll meet on ¡RC any time soon (as you are most likely
                     aware of right now.  Work on the style and release some
                     shit soon mate! hemm.. hehe.. cool heheh ;)

            2 Fatal: Gee M8 I am sorry about the problem you have with
                     the text included in the AZK releases by DRAW. The
                     thing is that what he put in the collection was
                     done by Paszczak about 3 months before.. so it was
                     actual at the time PSH wrote it.. since I have no
                     contact with Draw at all whatsoever, I couldn't
                     make him change this stupid text... I hope You are
                     not too anoyed already ...hmmm... about 1994 as the
                     year AZK started - Paszczak once again (he marked
                     his first collection release date as the start of
                     Azkiness.. well.. think what You want about that.
                     All I can do is to assure You that he really started
                     in 1994.  And if You want PSH to change his handle
                     there is no need to do it - he left the scene in
                     the end of may ... As far as I gather, the text You
                     put in E^D-BARC.TXT was pretty old (wasn't it?) so
                     You didn't note that PSH was not around since may...
                     Enuff corrections and shit..  great release, this
                     latest one (though some stuff is really dusty..if You
                     know what I mean)..i still don't know what was the
                     message to polish ascii supposed to mean - maybe
                     because it was out of any context (?)..nevermind
                     hEHEh.. wE sHOULd wORk oN iMPROV¡Ng yOUr pOL¡Sh
                             sWEAR¡Ng aB¡L¡Ty.. sEe yA oN iRc..


                     [btw. concept of AZK as the source of all evil and
                           menace to ascii scene makes me laugh real hard]

     ________    __________  ________ _____|___   | ·    .________________
   _/   ____/__ _\_____    \_  _    /_\   ____/   |/    _|      \        _|
  |    |/      |      /     /  /___/      \|      |     \_     _|\       \
  |____________|_____/     /_ ____________________|      |________________\
                     \_______|                  /        : -Dr!

                 aLl lOGOs ¡N tH¡s cOLLECTIOn aRe ©sPLATTEr
                 eXCEPt fOR fOLLOWINg ONEs, bY:

                       -aZKINESs    [sTz]  sTEZOTEH¡c/sE
                       -sPLATTEr    [gdm]  g.D.m/LkR
                       -pRESENTs    [dmD!] dMd!/LkR
                       -cONTENTs    [-Dr!] dRAKAr/aTRe
                       -nEWZ'kEWL   [-sg ] sHOCk G/jA!
                       -mESSAGEs    [sHL!] sHELTEr/nSA^SMK^hGE
                       -cREDITs     [-Dr!] dRAKAr/aTRe
                       -aZKINESs    [sTz]  sTEZOTEH¡c/sE
                       -cALL tHE... [pSh]  pASZCZAk/aZk¹
                       -nEWZ'kEWL   [pSh]  pASZCZAk/aZk¹
                       -hC&gABBEr   [rX]   rANx/jED¡ aRTs

                 n U F F'                               ______       ¡     ¡
_______________          ______  _ _______________     ¡      ¡ _ ___!     !_ _
       _      /__________\    /______      _     /_________   | _____       __/
     __/   __/      _     \______   /    __/    /    _    /   !/    /¡     ¡
     \        \   __/     /   _____/_    \_____/   __/   /   _/   _/ |     |
______\        \  \_____ /    \      \     | \     \____/    \      \!     |
.      \________\   \   /             \ ___!  \      \ ¡      \      \     |
·::.  .....   \      \ /_______________\  .... \      \!______!\      \    !
  ·::::  ::... \      \           .  . ...:: ·:.\      \   .....\______\   :
                                                 ·      ·      ::.    .   _
  pASZCZAk . xCLUZIWe . rELIEf . tANGo . zAPHOd . oRIOn . sOX¡Us·::.  !___\
     h2o . kARMa . dMd! . fATAl . tOMMy . cHROMBACHEr . bEHEMOTh      :
  tHe fOUNDEr . nO nAMe . bOO-Ya . dESOTo . dAVe . sKIZe . fLITe         ::
 sTRAUSs . mISFIt . gRIMLOCk . sLAb . nUp . vINZi . gOZz . u-mAn ..::  .... ..
                                                                       : :: ::
  sNIPe . rANx . sHOCk G . sHELTEr . vIETCONg . tB-303 . dAYTONa  ::::::
                                                                  ::     ::  .
      sTEZOTEHIc . hOMICIDe . dRAKAr . nICKo . dEVISTATOr . dRAW  :: ....    ·
                                                                       ::    :
  hOTWIRe . mORTIMEr tWANg . cRUSADEr . 2 fASt . gANGSTa . mOGUe  ::...::  :::
      eXOCEt . cZAr . c'REAl . sY kLONe . cYBErkId . pUNk . rAVe           ::
   sPEEDDEV¡L · gDm · wISe'K · bOHEMe · sCARFACe · rASTa · fOLAr  ::   .....

                          _             _
                       _ _/ mY rEQUESt: \_ _

                      tO aLl tHe aZK¡iNg pEOPLE..
                      oK iF yOu rEALLy wANt tO bE
                     uP tHERe,dO sOMe lOGos fOr mE...
                     [ iF yOu aRe oN tHe L¡St, yOu
                        sT¡LL cAn dO oNe ..tOo ]

                       - sPLATTEr       -aZKINESs

                    ·  v¡NYL sOULz      ·rEDRUm 781
                ·  sOUL pURPOSe     ·pHAt, wACk & hARAm

             ¡F yOu mAKe a lOGo fOr mE, yOu gEt oNe bACk !!!

             _·::·_____________________ _________
  ___________\ ·::.                    \\    ___ \_    /\
__\              ·::. eARTHQUAKe v           \ /  /   /  \__________
    m U S I C A l ·::.tHUNDERDOMe x||¡      __\    \_/     _ __    /
                    ::tERRORDROME ¡|¡       \    _   _     \  /   /
    s U P P O R t  .:·tERRORDROMe v|¡      /____ \\ // ____/   __
                  ::· tHe dREAMTEAM:            \_ Y _/      -_\/__
  f O R   t H I s ::  tHIs iS a dREAm cOMe tRUe..          _  \/\ (
                   ::.mODz fROm       \/  -_\/
    r E L E A S e  .:·           pub/music/people/maszive/   _______ _
    ¸....¸      ¸.::· bUSTa-rHYMEs "tHe cOM¡Ng"              \  _ _
  .:::· ·::. ¸.::·    rAGe aGA¡NSt.. "eV¡L eMP¡Re"
          ·::::·      b¡OHAZARd "mATa LEAo"                 _ /\_ __
.::::·      ··        aL¡Ce iN cHA¡Ns "fACEL¡Ft" "d¡Rt"     \    _ /
                      "jAr oF fL¡Es" "aL¡Ce iN cHA¡Ns"      /    \/
                      pROD¡Gy "f¡RESTARTEr"
                      dJ wAXWEAZLe "hAPPy gROOVEs 1"
                      mOKUm "f**KINg hARDCORe 1-3"
                      ..couple of taped songs by
                       dEFTONEs   kORn   s¡ELWOLf
                    nOFx   pARAD¡Se LOSt  bODy cOUNt

                    ..aNd a bUNCh oF oLd dJ v¡NYLs

 _\                                                                         /_
 \   h a r d c o r e & g a b b e r !                                         /
______ ____  __________________________________  ______________________________
\ _   |    |_\__   _ /        /   _     /    _/_|         .          /   _    /
 \/   _    |  _    \/   /    /.   /    /        |    /    |    /    /.   /   /.
.     \____|_______.    \_____|_______/|________|\_______/|    \_____|________|
|______\           |____|                                 |____|
 .        __________   ___________________________________ __________ rX/jA!.
 |   &   /     ____/___\__     /     _ /      _ /   _    /          /       |
 |______ \     \     .  _     /      \/.      \/.   /   /.    /    /. ______|
          \_____\    |_______/|________|________|________|    \_____|
              _ /____|                                   |____|
                 · tHESe 2 sTYLEs aRe mY fAVOUR¡Te oNEz  ·
                 ·                                       ·
                 :  mUS¡c ¡ l¡STEn tO jUSt hAs tO bE     :
                 `- aGGRES¡Ve-..hARDCORe...rAVe..pUNk.. -'
                     ...hARDSTEp jUNGLe..mETAl..rAp...

                   ________ __
                  |      ..\\/     ·
                  \       · \  ____:_ _
                  \\         \/    |
         sTZ!/sE  |                |
          ______   ______ ____  ____ /\ ________ ______ _____   _____
        __\__   \__\__   \\   |/   //  \\       \\__   |\  _/___\  _/___
      _/    _    \_   ___/    /  _/.    \   \   /  /___|_____   \____   \ .¸
      \_____\_____/_____\_____\____|_____\__/  /______\ /_______//______/  :
                  .                        /___\               .. ......¸  :
                 _|                :                           :: ::   ·:..·
                 \|         __ /\__|                           ::.::......
                  \:.       \//                                         ::
                  |\  _______/      [ p R O D U C T ¡ O N s ]           ::
                    \/                                                  ::
   ¸.:···[paszczak¹]·[soxius²]·the founder···draw···splatter···dave::·
:·   O1.  AZK-PPP6.TXT    Perky Punchy Peppy      ÷XX÷  PASZCZAK  ÷XX÷
     O2.  AZK-NNTD.TXT    No Need To Cry          ÷XX÷  PASZCZAK  ÷XX÷
     O3.  AZK-WICK.TXT    Wicked Sensation        ÷XX÷  PASZCZAK  ÷XX÷
     O4.  AZK-ONLN.TXT    Online Experience       ÷XX÷  PASZCZAK  ÷XX÷
     O5.  AZK-FAME.TXT    Fame And Fortune        ÷XX÷  PASZCZAK  ÷XX÷
     O6.  GOREKORE.TXT    GoreKore                ÷XX÷  SPLATTER  ÷XX÷
     O7.  AZK-GR8C.TXT    The Great Coalition     ÷XX÷  PASZCZAK  ÷XX÷
     O8.  AZK-COTT.TXT    In The Land of Cotton   ÷XX÷  PASZCZAK  ÷XX÷
     O9.  AZK-40GA.TXT    40 Gangstas             ÷XX÷  PASZCZAK  ÷XX÷
     1O.  AZK-DOOW.TXT    Doowutchalike           ÷XX÷  PASZCZAK  ÷XX÷
     11.  AZK-KREE.TXT    Kreepy                  ÷XX÷  SPLATTER  ÷XX÷
     12.  AZK-BURS.TXT    Burners                 ÷XX÷   SOXIUS   ÷XX÷
     13.  AZK-FUT.TXT     Futura                  ÷XX÷ THEFOUNDER ÷XX÷
     14.  AZK-ILUV.TXT    I Love Dixie            ÷XX÷  PASZCZAK  ÷XX÷
     15.  AZK-HELS.TXT    Helter Skelter          ÷XX÷   SOXIUS   ÷XX÷
     16.  AZK-RESP.TXT    Respect Yourself        ÷XX÷  PASZCZAK  ÷XX÷
     17.  AZK-ARTE.TXT    De Arte Azkitica        ÷XX÷  PASZCZAK  ÷XX÷
     18.  AZK!-OMS.TXT    One More Step           ÷XX÷ THEFOUNDER ÷XX÷
     19.  AZK-DIGG.TXT    Digging in The Nose     ÷XX÷  PASZCZAK  ÷XX÷
     2O.  AZK-RADI.TXT    Radioactive Mission     ÷XX÷  PASZCZAK  ÷XX÷
     21.  AZK-KSD!.TXT    Krazy, Sexxy, Dumb      ÷XX÷  SPLATTER  ÷XX÷
     22.  AZK-DST.TXT     Distress                ÷XX÷   SOXIUS   ÷XX÷
     23.  AZK-PICC.TXT    Picco is in Da House    ÷XX÷  PASZCZAK  ÷XX÷
     24.  AZK-MAD.TXT     Madness                 ÷XX÷    DRAW    ÷XX÷
     25.  AZK-CHDW.TXT    Chucky Da Wikked        ÷XX÷  SPLATTER  ÷XX÷
     26.  AZk-HCHO.TXT    hC hOODLUm              ÷XX÷  SPLATTER  ÷XX÷
     27.  AZK-BEAR.TXT    Bear                    ÷XX÷    DRAW    ÷XX÷
     28.  AZK-DESR.TXT    Dezerter                ÷XX÷    DRAW    ÷XX÷
     29.  AZK-N7A.TXT     nOt/aVAILABLe? n/A      ÷XX÷ THEFOUNDER ÷XX÷
     30.  AZK-rAVe.tXt    rAVEYARd                ÷XX÷  SPLATTER  ÷XX÷
     31.  AZK-nZKL.tXt    nEW'z kEWL              ·XX÷  SPLATTER  ÷XX·

                                                  ¹ lEFt tHe sCENe
                                                  ² lEFt aZk

        /m¡Lk mE! - mY f¡RSt cOLLECT¡On ¡S nOt oN tHe l¡St bECAUSe
                    ¡ rELEASEd ¡T bEFORe jO¡N¡Ng aZK¡NESs..

 _ __      __                               ____________________
    / nEWz  /______________________________/                   /__________
            Paszczak (news?) left the scene in May'96 and sold his Amiga  |
                     with no intention to come back to business.. it was  |
                     all the matter of money spent on the modemming and   |
                     ¡nternet connections... some girl was also involved  |
                     in this decision making                              |
              Soxius left Azkiness to become a free-lance ascii artist    |
                                                                          |                                                                      |
    Fast File System is offline since Scandic decided to have it closed   |
                     hopefully it will be back in 1997 - as promised      |
                     by Scandic himself.                                  |
    Bumble Bee Land  is no longer an Azkiness Norwegian HQ, it also       |
                     dropped other ascii groups hq apart from CONTRA      |
                     (it was demanded by CONTRA members supposedly).      |
_ _____                                                                   |
      /____________________________                     __________________!

      ____ _ _               _ _ ___
      \                            /
  _ ___\                          /___ _ _

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!____________ /__________/  . ¸....::·   ·:

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                     _ ____     _ ___   ___,      ___,
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                 \\_    /_   _   _   _ /   |    _/   |    _//
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  (__\\) `---(__\\\--///___)--/_____)--///___)  `---(__///`--/___\\\---(___\\\

  Dixie BBS         +48-71-6PRIV8   T  World HQ & Request Site    [WILDTHING]
  Monastery of Blur +01-25-50-600   T  U.S.A. HQ                  [CESSPOOL]
  Dragon Lance      +46-480-28276   T  European HQ                [DALAMAR]
  Fuck Shit         +48-89-279966   T  Eastern Europe HQ          [BILLY]
  Rave Phobia       +46-171-58134   T  Sweden HQ                  [AXETRO]
  Trash Yard        +48-22-7558394  T  Poland HQ                  [TRASH HEAD]
  X-Zile            +32-3-aSK4iT!   T  Belgium HQ                 [NECRITE]
  Drop Zone         +48-728-41652   -  Distro Site                [NORBY]
  HiLight           +46-8-7793478   T  Distro Site                [SOXIUS]
  Hollow Point      +48-71-724563   ?  Distro Site & Friendly HQ  [YASIU]

          _ ____      __ _     _ ___    _ ____    _ ____    ____ _
         _\\_  ¬\_ __( ¬\\\_ __\\_ ¬\_ _\\_  ¬\_ _\\__ ¬\_ / ___//__
     _ _/  (_)   /_  (\     Y:· (_))  \  (_)  _/_    ///  \\____   ¬\_ _
     \\\_   (_) _ /   \) .: .   _   _ /   _   _ /   //  _ /   (_))  _///

                                    T -telnetable (although not all the time)
                                       ..drop in on #amielite to check it..
                                    ? -maybe telnetable, maybe not
                                    - -not telnetable

                                     .  .

                                     ·  ·
                                     :  :
                                   __!  !__
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                              yOu jUSt wATCHEd...
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              pSH`----\\___)--///____)---(___\\\  `--/____\\\AZk
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                  _/:· l/  _/_  ___/___(  /¬\    Y   | \\¬\_
                  \_   _   _ /  \ _    _   _   _ _   |    _/

                                   \      /
                                 ¯ ¯      ¯ ¯
                            nOw gEt "AZK-VLSZ.TXT"
                                 _ _      _ _
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                                     :  :
                                     ·  ·
                                     .  .

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:                 |____|+TZ                          |____|              ...  :
|                                           _____                        :.:  |
:  .____.____.________ .________ .____.____|    /                             :
|  |    |    |    ___/_|  _____/_|____|    | __/|  ...   WHODINI'S MAGIK      |
:  |   \_/   |    |    |  \_     |    |    _    |  :.:    614-860-1841        :
|  |    |    |    _    |   |     |    |    |    |        SYSOP : WHODINI      |
:  |    |    |    |    |   |     |    |    |    | HACK/PHREAK/EXPLOSIVES/FRAUD:
|  |    |    |    |    |         |    |    |    |  OCCULT/LEGAL/ANARCHY/HUMOR |
:  |____|    |____|    |_________|____|____|    |                             :
+------ |____| -- |____| ----------------- |____| ----------------------------+

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