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72 890 bytes (71.18K)
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2020-09-16 05:45:02
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_______________________ .___ ________ _
 _       _____      ___ | _/___.     _
(_\___ ./  _  \.____)_ \| \_   | ___/_)
   \  ||   _   |    ____|  '   ||  /
    \_||___/   |    \)__\______||_/
: ::::::::/____|_____\tF!/u'R!::::::: :

azkberries presents da 5th beauty colly
        by boobba entitled
  'friendsheep shall be our powaa!'
_____________________________________ _








                   WHY WON'T WE STOP DA WARS BEETWEEN US???


                       HEY PEOPLE! DON'T BE SO STUPID!!!


                       STOP TO HATE YOUR AMIGA FRIEND!!!


                  'COZ THERE ARE ONLY 3 SHITS IN DA WORLD...

        .                   .         .               .
      H | T L E R  1939 - H | R O S H | M A  1945 - W | N D O W S  1995

        __                         _.-'||                           `-.
       /_/   ._              _.-'||    ||____.---'¯¯|  |¯`----.___    |
            / /  .-.   .-'| |    ||_,-' ;           |  |          |   | aC!d
        __  ¯¯   | |  |   | |_,-'  _.-'|:           |  |          |   | /dGs
       /_/   ._  ·-'  |.-'   _.-'||    |:           |  |          |   | hand
            / /        .-'| |    ||_.-' :           |  |          |   | MADE
        __  ¯¯   .-'  |   | |_.-'  _.-'|:           |  |          |   |
       /_/   ._  | |  |.-'   _.-'||    |:           |  |          |   |
            / /  ·-'   .-'| |    ||_.-' :           |  |          |   |
        __  ¯¯        |   | |_.-'  _.-'|:____.---'¯¯    ¯`----.___|   |
       /_/   ._  .-'  |.-'   _.-'||    ||____.---'¯¯|  |¯`----.___    |
            / /  | |   .-'| |    ||_.-' :           |  |          |   |
        __  ¯¯   ·-'  |   | |_.-'  _.-'|:           |  |          |   |
       /_/   ._       |.-'   _.-'||    |:           |  |          |   |
            / /  .-'   .-'| |    ||_.-' :           |  |          |   |
        __  ¯¯   | |  |   | |_.-'  _.-'|:           |  |          |   |
       /_/   ._  ·-'  |.-'   _.-'||    |:           |  |          |   |
            / /        .-'| |    ||_.-' :           |  |          |   |
        __  ¯¯   .-'  |   | |_.-'  _.-'|:           |  |          |   |
       /_/   ._  | |  |.-'   _.-'||    |:____.---'¯¯    ¯`----.___|   |
            / /  ·-'   .-'| |    ||_.-' |                             |
        __  ¯¯        |   | |_.-'  _.-'||____.---'¯¯¯¯¯¯¯`---.______  |
       /_/   ._  .-'  |.-'   _.-'||    |                            `-'
            / /  | |   .-'| |    ||_.-'
            ¯¯   ·-'  |   | |_.-'



   _____   _____   ___  ____  _ ______  ___    ___    ___ _ ______ _____
  _\____¬._\___ \ /  /__\__ ¬. \_____/-/_  ¬.-/_  ¬._(__/  \_____// ___/
     __/ |   ___/(  (|  __/__|____/____`/___|_ `/__|_   ¬. ___/___\___ ¬.
   _`-'__|__`-'__|\__\_`-'__\-\      //____\ /____\ /____|-\     /__`-'_|
    ¯¯¯     ¯¯¯        ¯¯¯     ¯¯¯¯¯¯                       ¯¯¯¯¯   ¯¯¯ g^p/aZb!
                     .:( A  Z  K  B  E  R  R  i  E  S ):.


                         AND IT'S THE 5TH COLLY BY...

 \|                      |/    ·  b  o  o  b  b  a  ·
  |                      |
  |_            _____    ·________ ________ _____     _____        ______
  ./           .\   _|___.\  _   /.\  _   /.\   _|___.\   _|___ ___\_   /.
  |            |   (__  /|   \_   |   \_   |   (__  /|   (__  /.\  _/    |
  |            |   __/   .        .        .   __/   .   __/   |   \_    |
  |            |_________|________|________|_________|_________|____|____|
  |             bD!/dGs  .
  |_                    _|_.____________________________._  · o  f  ·
   /____________________\ \|                            |/
                           |    ·  s e c t o r  5  ·    |
                           |_                           |
                           ./                           |
                           |                            |          ø#_      _æÞ
         _____    ______   | ______    ___      ________·_______  ¬#wÆ_aµµæ#°"
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      |      /   .  \      .         .    |    .        .   _    /. ##@@*#m_
      |__________|_________|_________|_________|________|___/_____|        ¶
                  bD!/dGs  .                            .                 _Æ
                           |_                           |         _     _µP
                            /___________________________|        Æ°   _µ@"



                            _____\             |
                           |      \\           |
                           |                   |
                                             ,   .
                       l E t   d A   3 E N D ) H | p

                           .    b  4 E V a !   .
                           |                   |
                           |                   |
                           |     ¸,,,,  ,==,==.·
                           |   _; _ _;  '|_  |`
                           |   \,(.).)   (oo) 7   _
                           |    \   ') _(_,  `)__//_
                           |  ,--\_°/-' _\--'/-,\ --'
                           · /     ¯   /  ¯¯¯   \¯¯
                            /         /          \
                           /   / amig/  /¯amiga\  \
                          /   /|     \  \       \  \
                         /\__/ |      \_/\______|\_/\
                        ////\\ |       \\\)-(__:| \\\)
                        ¯¯¯. ¯ |________T¯     :|  ¯¯
  ___ ___· ___  ___ __\    |   |--'||`--|  Y   :|      ___\___  ___\ \
  \_  \ ' \\__)_\  )\__\_  |   |   __   |  |   :|      \__ \  )/__/_\_\_
   \ ___\___ ___  ___  ___ |   |   ||   |  |   :|     _ _/
     \__ \  )\__)_\__)_\__)|   |   ||   |  |   :|          \___ ___
    _ _/            aC!d\  l__ |___||___|  |   :| dGs'96    \__)\__)_
                              __|_| _|_||__|___:|         ____
  __________ ____ _____ _____/____|/__(__(______|_________\   \ ____ __________
 _\   __   /_\   \    /_\____    /_ _\____    /_\   __   /_\   \   /_\   __   /_
_)    |/                    /_    /_)    /_____/    |/         /\        \_    /
\____________________________/   / \________\__________________/\_________/   /
                            /___/                    -bBå/aZb! /\        /___/
       · f r i e n d s h e e p · s h a l l · b e · o u r  · p o w a ·


                        AND HERE COMES DA FIRST LOGOZ..

                   ¸,¸               _ _    i. sumfing for acid!
              ,----``'----.             \  _
  _ __ _____ /     __   __ \ __________/\\/__________ ____ _
             )_   ____ ____/             \/
            / ,  (___p)___C)
            \_) _      ,__) \         h e y   a c i d ! ! !
             / /   \_____   (   i   h o p e   y o u   l i k e   i t !
             \      (/      / _
              \____________/ //__   · acid · dgs · doggy azkee ·
              ,-'  `-----'   /            · doggystyle ·
              |_    |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 _ ___ ______ ||    |  aC!d  ______________
              ||    ¦ dGs'96               \  ____ _____________
              ·|    ·                       \/

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                                 o 1 . a c i d

            . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

               _\                                     /_
               :              a  c  i  d               :
           \   _______   /__________    ____    __________
            \  \__      /_\  ______/____\  /____\  _ ___ /_
             \   /     /     \_)                   \\\    /
              \_/     /_\________________________________/

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                                  o 2 . d g s

            . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

 |   d a   d o g g y   a z k i . . .
 |             ______________
 | __________ _\   ______   /_ __________
 ·_\  _ ___ /_)    \_)__     /_\   _____/_
 _)   \\\    \        :/    /________    /

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                           o 3 . d o g g y a z k e e

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

          _V_ __________________________________________________________
         _> <_                                                         /
         >_@_<  __________ __________ __________ __________ _____ ____/
          >_<  _\  _ ___ /_\   __   /_\  ______/_\  ______/_\    Y   /_ __ _
          _!  _)   \\\         |/        \_)_       \__)_     ____    // ///
        . \\ _\_____________________________/___________/____________//_//
       .:. |//              ______.  -bBå/aZb!
      .: :.       __________\     !_____ __________ __________
     .:   :.     _\_____   /_\    /    /_\  ___   /_\  ____  /_
    .:::..:.    _)   _____/       \    \    \____/     \____/ /
   .:    ···:   \_________________l\____\____________________/
  .:·       ::
            ·:             · d o g g y · a z k e e ·

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                           o 4 . d o g g y s t y l e

            . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                 _\                                             /_
                 |       d       o       g       g       y       |
         ________________                                        |
         \  _ ________  /__________ __________ __________ _____ ____
          \ \\\___     /_\   __   /_\  ______/_\  ______/_\    Y   /_
           \          /      |/        \_)        \__)      ____    /
            ________________                              -bBå/aZb!
            \        ______/__________ _____ ____ _______    __________
             \_________   /_\_      _/_\    Y   /_\     /____\  ____  /_
              \      |/  / \____    __/  ____                   \____/ /
                 .                                               .
                 |_      s       t       y       l       e      _|

                   ¸,¸               _ _   ii. sumfing for budgie!
              ,----``'----.             \  _
  _ __ _____ /     __   __ \ __________/\\/__________ ____ _
             )_   ____ ____/             \/
            / ,  (___p)___C)
            \_) _      ,__) \         h e y   b u d g i e ! ! !
             / /   \_____   (   t h a n k s   f o r   d a   l o g o s !
             \      (/      / _
              \____________/ //__       · budgie · nexus ·
              ,-'  `-----'   /       
              |_    |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 _ ___ ______ ||    |  aC!d  ______________
              ||    ¦ dGs'96               \  ____ _____________
              ·|    ·                       \/

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                               o 5 . b u d g i e

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

               _ /__________________________________________________
                /                                                  /_
     __________/             b u d g i e / n e x u s                |
     \     ___/__________ ____ __________ __________    ____    __________
      \    __      /     /   /_\  _ ___ /_\  ______/____\  /____\  ____  /_
       \   |/     /               \\\        \_)_                  \____/ /
        \        /_____________________________|/________________________/
         \______/                                             -bBå/aZb!

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                                o 6 . n e x u s

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

              _\                   _> <_                  /_
              |                    >_@_<                   |
              | n   e   x   u   s   >_<  n   e   x   u   s |
              |                 _____|_____                |
          __________ __________ \    !    / ____ _____ __________/_
         _\    _   /_\  ____  /__\   |   /__\   \    /_\   _____/_
        _)     /        \____/       ¦                _______    /
        \_____/    __________________|       ______________l/   /
             /____/-bBå/aZb!         |_______\             /___/

                   ¸,¸               _ _  iii. sumfing for cook!
              ,----``'----.             \  _
  _ __ _____ /     __   __ \ __________/\\/__________ ____ _
             )_   ____ ____/             \/
            / ,  (___p)___C)
            \_) _      ,__) \         h e y   c o o k !
             / /   \_____   (   m a k e   s t h   f o r   m e !
             \      (/      / _
              \____________/ //__       · cook · define ·
              ,-'  `-----'   /       
              |_    |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 _ ___ ______ ||    |  aC!d  ______________
              ||    ¦ dGs'96               \  ____ _____________
              ·|    ·                       \/

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                                 o 7 . c o o k

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

              _\                                        /_
              |     c  o  o  k  /  d  e  f  i  n  e      |
              |                                 ______.  |
              |   __________ ...................\     !_____
              |_ _\  ______/_:  .............  :_\    /    /
                _)   \_)     :  :...  :  ...:  :      \    \

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                               o 8 . d e f i n e

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

               _\                                             /_
               :        d     e     f     i     n     e        !
               :          ________________                     :
     __________ __________\     _________/   ____    __________ __________
    _\  _ ___ /_\  ____  /_\  ________/______\  /____\    _   /_\   ___  /__ _
__ _)   \\\        \____/   \     ¬\                      /         \___/  ///
\_\\_________________________\______\____________________/    ____________//

                   ¸,¸               _ _   iv. sumfing for ctp!
              ,----``'----.             \  _
  _ __ _____ /     __   __ \ __________/\\/__________ ____ _
             )_   ____ ____/             \/
            / ,  (___p)___C)
            \_) _      ,__) \         h e y   c t p ! ! !
             / /   \_____   (  h o p e   y o u   l i k e   t h i s   c o l l y
             \      (/      / _
              \____________/ //__ · ctp · link124 · mawi · qki ·
              ,-'  `-----'   /    · radioactive · savedavinyl ·
              |_    |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ · seti · spok · thesect · trancetribe ·
 _ ___ ______ ||    |  aC!d  ______________
              ||    ¦ dGs'96               \  ____ _____________
              ·|    ·                       \/

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                                  o 9 . c t p

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                           :    c t p / m a w i     :
                           :      ____________      :
                      _\__________\___    ___/__________
                       _\  ______/_ /      \__\____    /_ __ _
                _ ___ _)   \_)     /        \     /_____// ///
                \\\__\\___________/          \_______\  /_///

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                              1 o . l i n k 1 2 4

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

               \                                             !
                \    l     i     n     k     1     2    4    |
                 \       ___                 ______.         |
         ______   \_____(___)_____ __________\     !_____    :____
        _\    /____\             /_\    _   /_\    /    /   /|\  //___
       _)           \           /       /          \    \    |  /    /
       \_____________\         /_______/    _______l\____\   | /__\ /
                      \_______/       /____/-bBå/aZb!

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                                 1 1 . m a w i

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::: ::: :
                ::                 m     a     w     i
                ::       __               _____
                ::   ____\/____ __________\    \ ____    ____
                ::  _\   \/   /_\   __   /_\    \   /____\  /____ _
         _ ___ _____)    \/         \_          /\              ///
         \\\  \\         /___________/   _______/\_____________///
           \\__\\_______/ -bBå/aZb! /___/

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                                  1 2 . q k i

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                                                         _ /_  _
                                                         ·/·  _V_
                       q   k   i   /   l   1   2   4    ·/·  _>.<_
                    ______________ ______.             ·/·   >_@_<
                    \    __      / \     !_____    ____/·     >|<
                     \   \_)    /___\    /    /____\  /____ ___|
                     _\        /         \    \           // /\\ _
                     \\\____  /__________l\    \_________//_/  |//
                           /_/  -bBå/aZb!  \____\

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                          1 3 . r a d i o a c t i v e

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

    __________  /\  __________    ____    __________         ________
   _\  _____ /_/  \_\  _ ___ /____\  /____\   __   /_        \      /
  _)   \___   /    \   \\\                    |/    /         \    /
 ·\______/   /      \______________________________/           \__/
  ·\    /___/________\                                  _______(__)_________
   ·\                                                   \      /  \        /
    ·\                                                   \    /    \      /
     ·\              sumthing..                           \  /      \    /
      ·\                                                   \/        \  /
       ·\                                                             \/
        ·\__________ __________ __________    ____    __________ __________
         _\   __   /_\  ______/_\__    __/____\  /____\        /_\  ____  /__ _
        _)    \_        \_)    \_       __/            \      /     \____/  ///
        \______/   _____________________________________\    /_____________///
              /___/                                      \  /-bBå/aZb!

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                          1 4 . s a v e d a v i n y l

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

       :             s  a  v  e    d  a    v  i  n  y  l              :
     __________ __________ __________ __________     __________  __________
    _\   _____/_\   __   /_\        /_\   __   /__  _\   __   /__\   __   /_
   _)_______        \_      \      /      \___/  / _)    |/    /     \_    /
  ·\______|/_________/   ____\    /_____________/  \_____|    /_______/   /
   ·\               /___/     \  /-bBå/aZb!              |   /       /___/
    ·\                         \/                        |  /
     ·\__________    ____    __________ _____ ____ ______| /          :
      ·\        /____\  /____\    _   /_\    Y   /_\    /|/__         :
       ·\      /                  /      _____              /.........·
        ·\    /__________________/    _____________________/
         ·\  /__ _              /____/
          _\//                              i  s  s  u  e   @   o  7

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                                 1 5 . s e t i

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

               _ ____ _______________________________
                       s  e  t  i      ____________/
                  __________ __________\___    ___/  ____
                 _\   _____/_\  ____  /__/      \____\  /____ _
             __ _)_______       \____/  /        \          ///
             \_\\______|/______________/          \________///

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                                 1 6 . s p o k

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

             s  p  o  k  /  l  1  2  4     ______.
           __________ __________ __________\     !_____
        _ _\   _____/_\____    /_\   __   /_\    /    /_
       _ ________         /_____/    |/          \    \\\
      _ _____________________\___________________l\    \\\
                                     -bBå/aZb!     \____\\\

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                              1 7 . t h e s e c t

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

      :               t  h  e     s  e  c  t     b  b  s               :
   _________ ______    _________    _________ _________ _________ _________
  _\__   __/_\    /____\  ___  /__ _\   ____/_\  ___  /_\  _____/_\__    _/_
 _)__   ____/   __        \___/  /_)______       \___/     \_)   \__      _/_
 \______________|/   ___________/ \_____|/__________________________________(
      .         /___/-bBå/aZb!                                         .
      :                                                                :
      :                                                                :
      :           place 4 sum shits..                                  :
      :                                                                :
      :                                                                :
      :                                                                :

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                          1 8 . t r a n c e t r i b e

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

    \                  /__________ __________ __________ __________ __________
     \____       _____/_\ ______ /_\   __   /_\    _   /_\  ______/_\  ____  /__
       /     _      \     \___         \_          /        \_)        \____/  /
      /    _\/_ _    \_______/   _______/   ______/   ________________________/
     /    \\/\/_\/_   \     /___/      /___/     /___/
    /          \/\//   \  __________    ____    ______     __________
   /                    \_\ ______ /____\  /____\ __ /_____\  ____  /__ __ _
  /                      \  \___                  |/          \____/  // ///
 /      -bBå/aZb!         \____/   __________________________________//_///
/__________________________\  /___/

                   ¸,¸               _ _    v. sumfing for the founder!
              ,----``'----.             \  _
  _ __ _____ /     __   __ \ __________/\\/__________ ____ _
             )_   ____ ____/             \/
            / ,  (___p)___C)
            \_) _      ,__) \         h e y   t i f i ! ! !
             / /   \_____   ( t h x   f o r   d a   l o g o z ! ! !
             \      (/      / _
              \____________/ //__ · blackwave · boopsi · draw · dropzone ·
              ,-'  `-----'   /   · fuckshit · orgazm · scum · scum.diz ·
              |_    |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ · the founder · trashyard · u'race · u'r.diz ·
 _ ___ ______ ||    |  aC!d  ______________   · voodka people ·
              ||    ¦ dGs'96               \  ____ _____________
              ·|    ·                       \/

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                               1 9 . b l a c k w a v e

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

          _______    _______    __________ __________\     !_____
         _\  __ /____\     /____\   __   /_\  ______/_\    /    /
        _)   |/                     \_        \__)         \    \
       ·\____________________________/   __________________l\    \
        ·\                          /___/   -bBå/aZb!        \____\
           ·\            sum shits here.. butt-hole! :)
              ·\_____                 __________
               ·\    \ ____ __________\        /__________
                _\    \   /_\   __   /_\      /_\  ____  /__ __ _
               _)     /\        \_      \    /     \____/  // ///
               \______/\_________/   ____\  /_____________//_///
                                /___/     \/

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                               2 o . b o o p s i

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

        :               s c u m   p r e s e n t s . . .                 :
        :                                                               :
        :        b        o        o        p        s        i         :
        _______    ................... __________ __________    ____    :
       _\  __ /____:   ...........   :_\____    /_\   _____/____\  /____ ___ _
   __ _)   |/     /:   :..  :  ..:   :     /_____/_______              //  ///
   \_\\__________/ :........:........:________\________|/_____________//__///

        :   i        s        s        u        e        x       x      :

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                            2 1 . d r a w [ n / a ]

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

     _A_     __________ __________ __________\   \ _____/_
     >o<    _\  _ ___ /_\ ____   /_\   __   /_\   \    /_ ___ __ _
    _¯|¯__ _)   \\\       \___         \_         /\    //  // ///
    \\l \_\\_________________/   _______/   ______/\___//__//_//
                            /___/      /___/-bBå/aZb!

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                             2 2 . d r o p z o n e

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

           :              d r o p   z o n e   b b s                :
   ________ ________ ________ ________   ________ ________ ________ ________
  _\ _ __ /_\ ____ /_\  __  /_\___   /_ _\____  /_\  __  /_\   _  /_\  __  /__
 _)  \\\      \__       |/       /____/_)  ____/     |/        /       \__/  /
 \______________/  ________________\   \______________________/  ___________/
           .   /__/                                          /__/  .  -bBå/aZb!
           :                                                       :
           :                                                       :
           :           s u m   t e x t   h e r e                   :
           :                                                       :
           :                                                       :

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                             2 3 . f u c k s h i t

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

          :                    f     u     c     k                    :
          :        __________ _____ ____ __________ ______ _____      :
          :       _\  ______/_\    /   /_\  ______/_\    //    /      :
          :      _) ______/                 \__)          \    \      :
          :      \______\_________________________________l\____\     :
          :                                                           :
          :                                                           :
          :                                                           :
          :                                                           :
          :                                                           :
          :                                                           :
          :                                                           :
          :        __________ _______       ____    __________        :
          :       _\   _____/_\     /_______\  /____\_      _/_       :
          :      _)_______        __               \___     __/_      :
          :      \______|/________|/   ________________________/      :
          :                       /___/-bBå/aZb!                      :
          :                                                           :
          :                 s       h       i       t                 :

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                               2 4 . o r g a z m

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

       _\                                                         /_
       |                s c u m   p r e s e n t s                  |
       |                                                           |
       |             o r g a z m   i s s u e   # o 3               | -bBå/aZb!
     __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____  ____
  _ _\   __   /_\ _____  /_\  ______/_\   __   /_\_____   /_\   \/   /___ __ _
         |/       \___        \_)_        \_         ____/      \/      // ///
_ ___________________/   _______|/_________/   _________________/      //_///
       .            /___/                 /___/                /______/
       |                                                           .
       |_                i t ' s   s o   e a s y . . .            _|

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                                 2 5 . s c u m

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

             _\                                                /_
             :   i t ' s   n i c e   t o   l i v e   i n . . .  : -bBå/aZb!
             :       __________________                         :        __ _
           __________\     ___________/_ _____ ____ ____  ____  :    _  /__ _
          _\   _____/_\    \___)       /_\    /   /_\   \/   /______ _\// ///
         _)_______     \              /                 \/         // \/ //
         \______|/______\            /__________________/         //__ _/

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                            2 6 . s c u m [ d i z ]

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                           ______ ______ ___ __ __  __/_
                          _\  __/_\ ___/_\  / /_\ \/ /___ _
                         _)_____    \_)           \/    ///
                         \___| /__________________/____///

                                  description here..


             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                           2 7 . t h e f o u n d e r

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                  t h e   f o u n d e r  ·························.
                __________ _______    __________                  :
               _\__     _/_\     /____\  ____  /___ __ _          :
_ _ _ _ _     _)              __         \____/   // ///          :
\\\\\\\\\\_   \______________ |/   ______________//_///           :
\       __/                   /___/                               :
_\     (_/__ __________ _____ ____ __________ __________ __________ __________
\    ______/_\   __   /_\    /   /_\    _   /_\  _ ___ /_\  ____  /_\ ______ /_
 \  /    /       |/                     /        \\\        \____/    \___    /
  \     /______________________________/    _____________________________/   /
   \___/                              /____/-bBå/aZb!                   /___/

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                            2 8 . t r a s h y a r d

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

     __________ __________ __________ __________ _______
    _\_      _/_\ ______ /_\   __   /_\   _____/_\     /____
   _)__       _/  \___         \_    \______         __ _  /            .
   \_________________/   _______/   ______|/   ______|/// / -bBå/aZb!   :
      .             /___/      /___/      /___/      /___/              :
      ·                    _____ ____ __________ __________ __________  :
  t r a s h   y a r d     _\    Y   /_\   __   /_\____    /_\  _ __  /_ __ _
       b   b   s         _) _____         \_         /_        \\\    // ///
      .                  \_________________/   _______/   ___________//_///
      :                                   /___/      /___/              .
      :                                                                 :
      :                                                                 :
      :                                                                 :
      :                                                                 :
      :                                                                 :
      :                                                                 :

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                               2 9 . u ' r a c e

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

        .... ......................................
                                 _______________  :
       _____ ____   _  __________\   _______   /__________ __________/_
      _\    /   /_ // _\____    /_\  \__      /_\  ______/_\  ____  /____ ___ _
  __ _)           /(       /_      \   /     /_)   \_)        \____/    //  ///
  \_\\______________________/   ____\_/     /_\________________________//__///
                           /___/     /_____/      . -bBå/aZb!
                                                  :.......... .... ...

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                             3 o . u ' r [ d i z ]

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .


                                     u ' r a c e  _ _____
                                _____ ____ __________   /
                               _\    /   /_\____    /_ /
                              _)               /_    //
                              \_________________/   //

                              sum shits right here..



             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                         3 1 . v o o d k a p e o p l e

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

             _\                                                         /_
             |              v o o d k a   p e o p l e                    |
  __________                              ______.                        |_
  \   __   /................... __________\     !_____ __________        |/
   \ _\/_ /_:  .............  :_\  _ ___ /_\    /    /_\   __   /_       |
    \\/\//  :  :...  :  ...:  :    \\\          \    \     \_    /      _|
     \  /_ _:........:........:_________________l\    \_____/   /      (__
     _\//                                         \____\   /___/-bBå/aZb!|
      \/ __________ __________ __________ __________ _______    __________
        _\____    /_\  ____  /_\   __   /_\____    /_\     /____\  ____  /__ _
       _)    /_____/   \____/      |/         /_____/              \____/  ///

                   ¸,¸               _ _   vi. sumfing for ushateck!
              ,----``'----.             \  _
  _ __ _____ /     __   __ \ __________/\\/__________ ____ _
             )_   ____ ____/             \/
            / ,  (___p)___C)
            \_) _      ,__) \         h e l l o   u h u ! ! !
             / /   \_____   (        w r i t e   s o o n ! :)
             \      (/      / _
              \____________/ //__ · freezers · monar · uhu ·
              ,-'  `-----'   /  
              |_    |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 _ ___ ______ ||    |  aC!d  ______________
              ||    ¦ dGs'96               \  ____ _____________
              ·|    ·                       \/

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                     3 2 . f r e e z e r s [ n / a ? ? ? ]

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

      _\                                                              /_
      |        l e t   t h e   w i n t e r   b e   f o r e v e r       |
    ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
   _\  ____/_\___   /_\  __  /_\  __  /_\____  /_\  __  /_\___   /_\   ___/_
  _) _______/   /_       \__/     \__/     ___/     \__/     /_     \___   /
  \_______\______/  __________________________________________/  _____|/  /
      .         /__/                                -bBå/aZb!/__/     /__/
      |_               f   r   e   e   z   e   r   s                  _.

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                                3 3 . m o n a r

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

         .\                                                       /.
         |            __    m       o       n       a       r      |
         |        ____\/____ __________ __________ __________ __________
       ____ ______\   \/   /_\   __   /_\    _   /_\   __   /_\____    /_
       \   \\         \/         |/          /         \_         /_    /
        \   \\        /_____________________/   ________/   _______/   /
         \___\\______/     -bBå/aZb!       /___/       /___/      /___/

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                                  3 4 . u h u

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

               _\ ________________________ ________ ____ __ _
                  \              u h u / f r e e z e r s
                   \             __________
       _____        \______ _____\        /_____ ______ _____        _____
      |_____|       _\     /    /_\     __     /_\     /    /_ ____ |_____|
       _____  ____ _)                   |/    /              //   /  _____
      |_____| \___\\____________________/    /______________//___/  |_____|
                                       /____/  -bBå/aZb!

                   ¸,¸               _ _  vii. sumfing for azkberries m8s!
              ,----``'----.             \  _
  _ __ _____ /     __   __ \ __________/\\/__________ ____ _
             )_   ____ ____/             \/
            / ,  (___p)___C)
            \_) _      ,__) \         h e l l o   g u y s !
             / /   \_____   (    s p r e a d   i t   a s   h e l l !
             \      (/      / _
              \____________/ //__ · azb.diz · azkberries · boobba ·
              ,-'  `-----'   /         · gulp · korball ·
              |_    |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 _ ___ ______ ||    |  aC!d  ______________
              ||    ¦ dGs'96               \  ____ _____________
              ·|    ·                       \/

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                             3 5 . a z b [ d i z ]

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                     __________ __________ ______ -bBå/aZb!
                    _\   __   /_\____    /_\ __ /____
                   _)    \_       ______/    |/     /_
                   \______/   _____________________///

                      azb presents another colly by..


             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                           3 6 . a z k b e r r i e s

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

           _\                                                      /_
           |              a  z  k  b  e  r  r  i  e  s              |
           |                                 ______.                |
           |            __________ __________\     !_____           |_
          _!           _\   __   /_\____    /_\    /    /           |/
          \._         _)    \_       ______/       \    \          _|
           \/         \______/   __________________l\____\        (__
           l                /___/                                   |
   _______ |  __________ __________ __________    ____    __________|__________
  _\  __ /____\  ____  /_\____    /_\____    /____\__/____\  ____  /_\   _____/_
 _)   |/         \____/      /_         /_                   \____/ \______    /
 \____________________________/   _______/   ____________________________|/   /
                             /___/      /___/      -bBå/aZb!             /___/

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                               3 7 . b o o b b a

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

  _> <_      .······················································.
  >_O_<      :                 b   o   o   b   b   a                :
   > <    _______    ................... _______    _______    __________
   ¯V¯   _\  __ /____:  .............  :_\  __ /____\  __ /____\   __   /_
   _|   _)   |/     /:  :...· : ·...:  :    |/         |/          \_    /
   \\ _ \__________/ :........:........:____________________________/   /
   _|//                                      -bBå/aZb!             /___/

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                                 3 8 . g u l p

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

               :        g u l p / a z k b e r i e s      :
               :        ________.________                :
              __________\       !       /_______    __________
             _\  ______/_\      :      /_\     /____\____    /_
         __ _)   \_)_     \     ·     /                 /_____/
         \_\\______|/______\         /_____________________\ _
                            \_______/_       -bBå/aZb!      \\\
                                _ __/

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                              3 9 . k o r b a l l

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

    _\                                                                    /.
   _____.      k o r b a l l / d i n x  p r o j e c t ^ a p a t h y      / !
   \    !____ ________ ________ ______    ________ ______    ______     /  |
   _\   /   /_\  __  /_\___   /_\ __ /____\  __  /_\    /____\    /____/__ |
  _)    \   \    |/       /_      |/         \_                       // /_l
  \_____l\   \_____________/  ________________/  ____________________//_/
          \___\           /__/               /__/   -bBå/aZb!

                   ¸,¸               _ _ viii. sumfing for my sector5 m8s!
              ,----``'----.             \  _
  _ __ _____ /     __   __ \ __________/\\/__________ ____ _
             )_   ____ ____/             \/
            / ,  (___p)___C)
            \_) _      ,__) \         h e l l o   g u y s !
             / /   \_____   (    s p r e a d   i t   a s   h e l l !
             \      (/      / _
              \____________/ //__ · 8ohms · atom · candyass · daniell ·
              ,-'  `-----'   / · explorer · facepack · garion · iceman ·
              |_    |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ · jim · plastic · qman · raptor · sector5 ·
 _ ___ ______ ||    |  aC!d  ______________ · skrapi · skyzol · st5 · vasyl ·
              ||    ¦ dGs'96               \  ____ _____________
              ·|    ·                       \/

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                                4 o . 8 o h m s

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

         _\                                                     /_
     ________________      8   o   h   m   s                     |
     \      __      /__________ _______    ____  ____ __________ |
      \     |/     /_\   __   /_\     /____\   \/   /_\   _____/_
       \__________/      |/         __         \/    \______    /
        \   __   /__________________|/         /__________|/   /
         \  |/  /                   /_________/           /___/
          \____/   -bBå/aZb!

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                                 4 1 . a t o m

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

       _______________     a t o m / s e c t o r 5  .....
       \   _______   /__________ __________ ____  ____  :
        \  \__      /_\_     __/_\   __   /_\   \/   /_____ ____ _
         \   /     /_\___     __/    |/         \/        //   ///
          \_/     /_\___________________________/        //   ///
           /_____/       -bBå/aZb!             /________//___///
                                                        :..... ..

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                             4 2 . c a n d y a s s

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

       .\                                                    /.
   __________ __________ __________ __________ _____ ____   / |
  _\  ______/_\   __   /_\    _   /_\ _ ____ /_\    Y   /__/  |
 _)   \_)         \_          /       \\\        ____     /  (c) sector5
 \_________________/   ______/    _______________________/    |
                  /___/     /____/ __________ __________ __________
                                  _\   __   /_\   _____/_\   _____/_
       i s s u e # x x           _)    \_    \______     _______   / -bBå/aZb!
                                 \______/   ______|/__________|/  /
                                       /___/                  /__/

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                              4 3 . d a n i e l l

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

    ________ ______ ____ ___ _
   !            d a n i e l l / s e c t o r 5
   |    ________ ________ ________   ____   ________ _____   _____
   |   _\ _ __ /_\  __  /_\   _  /___\__/___\  __  /_\   /___\   /___
   |  _)  \\\       \_        /                \__/                 /
   |  \______________/  _____/  ___________________________________/
   l_               /__/    /__/   -bBå/aZb!
    /________ ______ ____ ___ _

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                             4 4 . e x p l o r e r

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

  ________ ______ ____ ___ _
 .\                                                                 -bBå/aZb!
 !             e x p l o r e r / s e c t o r 5
 |    ________ ___ ___ ________ _____   ________ ________ ________ ________
 |   _\  __  /_\  !  /_\___   /_\   /___\  __  /_\___   /_\  __  /_\___   /_
 |  _)   \__/     ¦       /____/           |/       /_       \__/     /_   /
 |  \_____________l_________\________________________/  _______________/  /
 l_                                                 /__/              /__/
  /________ ______ ____ __ _

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                             4 5 . f a c e p a c k

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

     :    s e c t o r 5   p r e s e n t s   f a c e p a c k     :    _____.
   ________ ________ ________ _________   _________ ________ ________\    !____
  _\  ____/_\  __  /_\  ____/_\  __   /_ _\___    /_\  __  /_\  ____/_\   /   /
 _) _______/   \_       \_)      \___/ /_)   /_____/   \_       \_)       \   \
 \_____/________/  ___________________/ \______\________/  _______________l\___\
     .         /__/                                    /__/     .
     :               i   s   s   u   e   #   x   x              :

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                               4 6 . g a r i o n

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

   ________ ______ ____ ___ _
  !              g a r i o n / s e c t o r 5
  |     __________ __________ __________    ____    __________ __________
  |    _\  ______/_\   __   /_\____    /____\__/____\   __   /_\    _   /_
  |   _)   \_)_        \_         /_                    |/          /    /
  |   \______|/_________/   _______/   ____________________________/    /
  l_                   /___/      /___/      -bBå/aZb!            /____/
   /________ ______ ____ ___ _

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                               4 7 . i c e m a n

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

   __________ ______ ____ ___ _                       -bBå/aZb!
  |               i c e m a n / s e c t o r 5
  |       ____    __________ __________ ____  ____ __________ __________
  |    ___\__/____\  ______/_\  ____  /_\   \/   /_\   __   /_\    _   /_
  | _ _)             \_)        \____/      \/         \_          /    /
  | \\\_____________________________________/___________/   ______/    /
  l_                                                   /___/     /____/
   /________ ______ ____ ___ _

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                                  4 8 . j i m

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

    ________ ______ ____ ___ _
   |           j  i  m  /  s  e  c  t  o  r  5
   |            _______    ____    ____  ____ -bBå/aZb!
   |       _____\     /____\__/____\   \/   /______ _____ __ _
   |      _)                           \/         //    // ///
   |      \____________________________/         //    // //
   l_                                 /_________//____//_//
    /________ ______ ____ ___ _

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                              4 9 . p l a s t i c

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

              .                                                   .

              ·           s e c t o r 5   p r e s e n t s         ·
              :                                                   :
              ¦                    p l a s t i c                  ¦
              |                                                   |
   _________ _______    __________ __________ __________    ____  | __________
  _\____   /_\     /____\   __   /_\   _____/_\_      _/____\__/____\  ______/_
 _)    /____/               \_    \______    \___    ___/              \_)    /
 \________\__________________/   ______|/____________________________________/
              .             /___/   -bBå/aZb!                     .
              |                                                   |
              ¦                 i s s u e   # x x                 ¦
              :                                                   :
              .                                                   .

              ·                                                   ·

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                               5 o . q - m a n

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

    ________ ______ ____ ___ _
   !                     q - m a n / s e c t o r 5
   |        __________          ____  ____ __________ __________ -bBå/aZb!
   |       _\   __   /_ ____ _ _\   \/   /_\   __   /_\    _   /_ __
   |      _)    |/__  //___///_)    \/         \_          /    // /
   |      \_______\ \/        \_____/    _______/   ______/    // /
   l_              \_\             /____/      /___/     /____//_/
    /_______ ______ ____ ___ _

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                               5 1 . r a p t o r

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

  ________ ______ ____ ___ _
 !              r a p t o r / s e c t o r 5
 |    __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________
 |   _\____    /_\   __   /_\____    /_\_      _/_\   __   /_\____    /_
 |  _)    /_         \_         /_____\__    ____/    |/         /_    /
 |  \______/   _______/   _________\______________________________/   /
 l_       /___/      /___/                                       /___/
  /________ ______ ____ ___ _

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                              5 2 . s e c t o r 5

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

     _\                                                            /_
     |     s e c t o r 5   b r i n g s   y o u   t o d a y . . .    |
  __________ _________ __________ __________ __________ __________   __________
 _\  ______/_\  ___  /_\  ______/_\_      _/_\   __   /_\____    /_ _\  ______/_
_)_______       \___/     \_)    \___    ___/    |/         /_    /_)_______   /
\______|/____________________________________________________/   / \____ _ / _/
                                  -bBå/aZb!                 /___/        \/

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                               5 3 . s k r a p i

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

   ________ ______ ____ ___ _
  _\                                                           -bBå/aZb!
  !                ______.      s k r a p i / s e c t o r 5
  |      __________\     !_____ __________ __________ __________    ____
  |     _\  ______/_\    /    /_\____    /_\   __   /_\____    /____\__/___
  | __ _)_______         \    \     /_         \_         /_____/         /
  | \_\\______|/__________\    \_____/   _______/   _________\___________/
  l_                       \____\   /___/      /___/
   /________ ______ ____ ___ _

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                               5 4 . s k y z o l

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

   ________ ______ ____ ___ _
  !                ______.      s k y z o l / s e c t o r 5
  |      __________\     !_____ _____ ____ __________ __________ _______
  |     _\  ______/_\    /    /_\    Y   /_\_____   /_\   __   /_\     /____ _
  |    _)_______         \    \  _____         ____/      |/               ///
  |    \______|/__________\____\__________________________________________///
  l_                                                          -bBå/aZb!
   /________ ______ ____ ___ _

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                             5 5 . s t 5 [ d i z ]

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                       __________\___    ___/__________
                      _\  ______/__/      \__\  ______/_
                     _)_______    /        \________   /
                     \______|/___/          \     \/  /

                               descr. here..


             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

                                5 6 . v a s y l

             . .. ... .................................. ... .. .

   ________ ______ ____ ___ _
  !     __________       v a s y l / s e c t o r 5
  |     \   __   /__________ __________ _____ ____ ______
  |      \ _\/_ /_\   __   /_\   _____/_\    Y   /_\    /____ -bBå/aZb!
  |       \\/\//      \_    \_______     _____              /
  |        \  /________/   _______|/_______________________/
  l_        \/        /___/
   /________ ______ ____ ___ _




                            WANNA SUMTHING MORE???

                                   _\\`  |
                                  |  \   |
            ._\ _______ ________  |      | _____/\  _________.
            ! ·\·         _____   ·_____ |  ___ __\/         !
            |  ·\·       _\___ \_ _\___ \_ _)  Y /_          |_
            |   ·\·    _/ ____   Y  ______Y    _/  |         |/
           _|    ·\·   \_  `-'   |        |    |   |         |
           \|     ·\· .o(-.______|-.______|----|___|o.       |
         ____      _____    _____    _____   . __   _____    ______
         \ __|___ _\ __ \_ _\___ \_ _\___ \_ o° (_ _\ __ \_ _\ ___/_
       _/  \___  Y  ____/ Y   `/   Y   `/   Y \_/ Y  ____/ Y______  \_
       \_   `-'  |        |   _   _/   _   _/     |        |        _/
                                  .      .
            |    so just    [aC!d |      | dGs] contact us   |
            |                     |   \__|                   |
            |  for joining, ascii,|__,\\   votes, designs    |_
            |  requesting, and nothing else, try to get sum1 |/
            |             on one of those addies             |
          __|                                                |
          \_|    aZb WHQ             aZb SPREADING CENTRE   _|
            |_   p.o. box 26       niedzialkowskiego 47/8  (___
           _|/   114oo ketrzyn               418oo zabrze   _|/
           \/    poland                            poland   \/
            |                                                |
            |  or by phone (no modem!) +48 89 751 2955 [bBå] |
            |                          +48 89 751 5645 [g^p] |
            l__                       ·\·                    |
              _\  _____________________·\·         __________!
               \\/__ _                  ·\·       /__ _
                \/                       ·\·_/\  //
                                          ·\· _\//

   _\_____\                                                   /___
    ·\·   |                                         ____µæÀ_     |
     ·\·  |                                 ,µæ***¶¶""¯ ¸__Æp    |
      _______ _______         _______ _______#k         ¬ÃL     ____
     _\  -- /_\     /_ __ ____\     /_\     /_°Î_         ¬b____)  /__
    |     _/     __/   \/  ___ \         __/   ¬#_         ¬Ãµ     __/ |
    |___|   \_____________\  /___________________k          ¬Q________|
        |____\             \/   ctp!/L124     ÆØ°"¯ ___µµ***¶¶°" .
                                               °**¶¶""¯          |
   s o m e   a s c i i   r e q u e s t s   f o r   d a   f r i e n d l y
          a n d   p r o d u c t i v e   a z k i - d e w d s      .
          .                                                      |
          |                       · boobba ·                     |
         _|                        · gulp ·                      |
         \|                     · azkberries ·                   |
          |                       · azb.diz ·                    |
          |_                      · sector5 ·                   _|_
         ___)                     · st5.diz ·                   _ /
         \|                                                     \/
          |                ____µæÀ_                              |
          |     _____æ***¶¶""¯ ¸__Æp         ctp!/L124           |
     ____ |     \    /         ¬ÃL     ____             _______  | _____
     )  /_________  /°Î_         ¬b____)  /__ _ __ _____\  -- /_\__|   /
    |  __         \/  ¬#_         ¬Ãµ     __/   \/          _/   \  __/|
    |___/   \___________k          ¬Q____________________|   \________|
       /_____\       ÆØ°"¯ ___µµ***¶¶°"                   |____\ .
          .           °**¶¶""¯                                   |
          |      h i s t o r y   o f   a z k b e r r i e s       |

    o1 - bBå-SOS!.TXT - slice of shit  - boobba      - o1.o5.96 - 2o1239
    o2 - g^p-GLOM.TXT - gloom          - gulp        - ask gulp -  55585
    o3 - aZb-FACE.TXT - face           - gulp        - ask gulp - 143976
    o4 - aZb-NSOB.TXT - neverending..  - boobba      - o1.o1.97 - 439476
    o5 - aZb-SANH.TXT - sanshajn       - gulp        - 29.o1.97 -  782o4
    o6 - aZb-OVER.TXT - overcharge     - boobba      - o1.o2.97 -  6o345
    o7 - aZb-CDFM.TXT - comeback of..  - boobba^gulp - o3.o3.97 -  76176
    o8 - aZb-FSOP.TXT - friendsheep..  - boobba      - 24.o3.97 -  7289o
          .                                                       .
          |                                              ____µæÀ_ |
          |                                      ,µæ***¶¶""¯ ¸__Æp|
         _______    _______ _______ _______ ____ ¬#k         ¬ÃL  |
         ) ____/____\  -- /_\     /_\     /_)  /__ °Î_         ¬b_|
        |  \   __       _/     __/     __/     __/  ¬#_         ¬Ãµ
        |___\   (_____|   \___________________________k          ¬Q_
          .  \___|    |____\             ctp!/L124 ÆØ°"¯ ___µµ***¶¶°"
          |                                         °**¶¶""¯      .
          |                      g r e e t s                      |

     ambrosia ÷ amnesty ÷ anadune ÷ apathy ÷ appendix ÷ chaos bros ÷ define
    dinx project ÷ erotic design ÷ eternal ÷ fire ÷ floppy ÷ flying cows inc.
   freezers ÷ friends zone ÷ fucking united network ÷ genetic ÷ grasshopper d.
    honoo ÷ illusion ÷ iris ÷ limited edition ÷ looker house ÷ mawi ÷ mystic
 nah kolor ÷ nexus ÷ phase truce ÷ phuture303 ÷ ram jam ÷ rave network overscan
   rektum ÷ status ok ÷ sadist ÷ scoopex ÷ scum ÷ sector 5 ÷ skulls ÷ smellon
    subspace ÷ sunshine productions ÷ syndrome ÷ trsi ÷ union ÷ venal ÷ void
          .                 world fantasies ÷ zone51              .
          |                                                       |
          |                 ____µæÀ_                              |
          |         ,µæ***¶¶""¯ ¸__Æp  ctp!/L124                  |
      _______ _______#k         ¬ÃL ___________ _______ ______  ____
     _\  -- /_\     /_°Î_         ¬b_      ___  \     /_) ___/__)  /__
    |     _/     __/   ¬#_         ¬Ãµ  /  \       __/             __/ |
    |___|   \____________k          ¬Q/____\__________________________|
        |____\        ÆØ°"¯ ___µµ***¶¶°"                          .
          .            °**¶¶""¯                                   |
          |                  a s c i i   r e s p e c t s          |_
          |                                                       ./
         _|    ÷ black sista ÷ doggystyle ÷ link124 ÷ u'race ÷    |
         \ _                                                      |
          \/  ÷ acid ÷ blunt ÷ budgie ÷ ctp ÷ guma ÷ sundance ÷   |
          |                   ÷ the founder ÷                     |
          |                                                       |
          |                                                  ____µæÀ_
          |                               ______     ,µæ***¶¶""¯ ¸__Æp
     ______   _______ _______    ______   \    /____ ¬#k         ¬ÃL
     ) ___/___\  -- /_\     /____\    /_____  /_)  /__ °Î_         ¬b_
    |             _/     __/   ___\__       \/     __/  ¬#_         ¬Ãµ
    |___________|   \______________\/_____________________k          ¬Q_
          .     |____\                      ctp!/L124  ÆØ°"¯ ___µµ***¶¶°"
          |                                             °**¶¶""¯  .
          |                     c r e d i t s                     |
          |                                                       |
          |   all main art, design and such stuff was done by..   |
          |                                                       |_
         _|                 · boobba / azkberries ·               |/
         \ _                                                      |
          \/        the very special gueststars are those         |
          |              two veeery oryginal artists..            |
          |                                                       |
          |                  · acid / doggystyle ·               _|
          |                    · ctp / link124 ·                (___
          |                                                       ,/
          |    to acid: sorki for a little correction on da title |
          |             picture ('dgs' changed to 'amiga')        |
          |_                                                      |
          |/          also used sum very cool logoz by..          |
          |                                                       |
          |                 · budgie / doggystyle ·               |
          |                  · gulp / azkberries ·                |
          |                · the founder / u'race ·               |
          |                                                       |
          l_            -=- polacks roolz kurwa! :) -=-           |
           /____                                                  |
                \  ___________ ___________           _____________l
                 \/                      /___________\

            ____    ____     _______    _______  ___        ______
            )  /__ _)  /_____\     /_  _\     /__)  \_______\    /
           |   __/    __        __/ |  |   __/            ___\__
           |___________/   \________|  |____________    ______\/
                      /_____\             ctp!/L124 \__(

-watch da space coz the next collies from azkberries are planned to release-