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File size:
115 007 bytes (112.31K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 367


 ___                 ________________________________________________________
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   |        few years later
   |        on october 5th, 1996
   |        in a small city laying on polish seaside
   |        demon wakes up...
   |        dreamkeeper - who`s soul do you want to keep today?
   |                 |
   |        have an amazing experience...
   |                 |
   |                 |
   |                 |
   |                 |                                      .___ ____.
   | p r e p a r e 4 |                                      l___\\   |__
   |     ________    |              ________                ._____\  ._//__ _
___|____/       /    |_____________\\_     /        .____.  :        |
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   |                 |   __________                ______\\_     /_________
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   |    c o L L y    |                                   //_.   \ ___
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   |                 |
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   |                 |                        \\X///
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   |                 |                         /_  j_
   | presented to ya |                          ) /° \
   | by t · h · e    |_______              ____/¬¯  \ \
   |               .-\\___  (_.sCII _ ___oO)|___|__  \_\
   |               |    _/    |  ___ ___          /__/ /
   |              ____  \_    |-\\  |  (-.aKERS     (_/________.
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   |                 | . |____|__  \_/   |-\  _____/eDERATION  |
   |                 | ¦        /___|    :  \/ __/  _ _________|
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   |                 |       |_________ _$Ð!
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   |                 |
   | d e s i g n e d |
   | a      n      d |
   | co n d u c t ed |
   |              by |
   |                 |       __________ _ ___
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   |                 |   ____     _____ ¯ \\ ____
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   |                 |             · o f ·
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   |              )______________| ·Ac!D/D°G·           l___¸      |
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   |                 |             · and ·
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   |                 |          _________ ___
   |                 |       ___)        \\  |
   |                 |      |             ¬  |
   |                 |      |    · asc² ·    |
   |                 |      |   · makers ·   |
   |                 |      | · federation · |
   |                 |·Ac!D |                | D°G·
   |                 |    ____    __  _  °·  ____
   |                 |   /   (__  \ \/¬\__   )  ¬\__
   |                ,|,-\\____ (,-\\  ·  (,-\\ __/ ( (
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   |                 |      l________________|
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   |                 |
   |                 |             · and ·
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   |____   ______ctp!|___  ______  ______    _____ ______  ______  _____-amf
  .\·  ¬\_ \·   ¬\___|· ¬\_·    ¬\_·    ¬\__/·   ¬|\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_\·  ¬\_
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   /_____\ /___)_\,/_____\ /____\  /____\  /_____\|_____|  /____|  /_____\
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   |                 |
   |                 |             · and ·
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   |                 |       ____________
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   |                 |      | · przyjaciele · |
   |                 |      | · stefana  b. · |
   |                 |      l_____¸           |
   |                 |           /____________|
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   |                 |
   |                 |
   |                 |         ___  ____________________    .
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   |                 | .\\         lOs lUder fiK lyst       |¦
   |                 |_:_\            tiL At præSEntEre     |¦
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   |                 |¦|   en dyGtig cOllY trOr jeG..  _\\ _:
   |                 |¦|                           ___\\  _\·
   |                 |·|  [-nie wiem kurwa,   ____\\  ___\\
   |                 |_|_   co tu pisze ;)-]  \   ___\\
   |                 | ://____________________\\ \\
   |                 |
   |                 |
   |                 |
   |    s  ·  e  ·  v  ·  e  ·  n  ·  t  ·  e  ·  e  ·  n  ·  t  ·  h
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   |       c  ·  o  ·  l  ·  l  ·  e  ·  c  ·  t  ·  i  ·  o  ·  n
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   |                 |
   |                 |
   | e n t i t l e d |
   |                 |____________________________.
   |_______________________                    ¯°O¦
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                          ¦ d r e A m l A n d   4 ¦
                       ___¦__  _______  _____  __ ¦
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                      |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
                      | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
                      | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
                      |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
                       /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\-amf
           ______   _____ ¦______  __       _____ |_____      ___
          .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_  __|·¬\_
          |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
          |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
          |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
          |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
           /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\
                          ¦                       ¦ ctp!
                          ¦ e      x     i      t ¦
                          ¦ f  a  n   t   a  s  y ¦
                          :                       :
   .______________________· an  ascII  collectIon ·
   |                 .____________________________.
   |                 |
   |                 |
   |                 |
   |                 |
   |                 |
   |                 |       _____________________________________ _
   |                 |       \                                   //
   |                 |       \\   dmD!^lkr
 __________ _________ ________\_____     ________ ______    _______ ___________
_\__      //_       //    _   \\  _/____|    _   \\   _|____\      \\         /
\  /_____/  /      /      /       \          /        \      \      \ /______/|
 \_________\\________|         .________|        .____________\______\________|
  \                  `---------'        `--------'
     \_____________  ·  P   R   O   L   O   G   U   E  ·
   |                 |
   |               __|___                         ·
   |    ___ ______)\    /________________________ :  hello  dewdz and welcome
   | .__) _\\_____  \                             ¦  into   the   seventeenth
   | |  _(  \ ___/   \/                           |  ascii  kollektion  where
   | |       \)                                   |  ctp`s  logos are.  it is
   | |                                            |  nice  to  look  at  this
   | |                                            |  piece  of time, learn of
   | |                                            |  making  logos  and work.
   | |                                            |  real  hard  work in azke
   | |                                          · |  bussiness.    over   one
   | |                                          : |  year  ago  i  publish my
   | |                                          ¦ |  first  ascii  product  -
   | |                                   _ __ __| |  "ozone friendly".  there
   | |                  ._________________________|  was   at  intel  outside
   | |                  |                            party  2  and  this  waz
   | |                  |  into  my  new collection  suxx  i  know, but there
   | |                  |  contained almost half of  was  the  first  time...
   | |                  |  hundred  of  ascii logos  yeah,  over  260 kbytes,
   | |                  |  in  new style.  i called  almost 170 logos in pure
   | |                  |  this style "fantasy-x4".  style.    ech,  memories
   | |                  |  you  said  -  hey!  it`s  lurez.  now you can look
   | |                  |  that same style you used  .______________ ___ __ _
   | |                  |  in  "dreamland".  mhh...  |  __ __ _
   | |                · |  no,   it  is  not  true.  | |                |
   | |                : |  this  style  is based on  | ¦                |
   | |                ¦ |  that  old.  i make a big  | :                |
   | |         _ __ __| |  facelifting    of    all  | .                |
   | | _ __ ___ ________|  letters   and  work  sum  |                  |
                           hours  to draw new logos  |                  |
 dedicate  to my friend -  from  begin to end.  now  |                  |
 qki/seven up - beginning  you could see results of  |                  |
 swapper   and  beginning  one  week  works.  tempo  |                  |
 ascii   maker   but   my  was  fast,  i  know, but  |                  |
 professional  friend  ;)  everything is allright i  |                  |
 dewd,  i  hope  that you  hope.  this collection i  |                  |
 like  diz  works...  now  __________________________|                  |
 message  to all of you -  |  __ __ _                                   |
 if  you  want new logos,  | |                                          |
 letter forms, votesheets  | ¦                                          |
 or similar ascII stuff -  | :                                          |
 contact me or any member  | .                                          |
 of   my   ascii  family.  |                                            |
 please  spread that file  |                                            |
 everyehere  you  can and  |                                            |
 use  logos included here  |                                            |
 everwhere  you  want  :)  | signed by ctp/mawi^amf^psb     ___(\   _   |
 nothing  to add.  relax,  ¦ on the october 5th of 1996    /_____\ _) __|
 feel    the   vibrations  : ____________________________________\\__(
 around and watch...       :
   |                 |
   |                 |
   | c o n t e n t s |          _____                       _____
   |                 |         /    /                      /    /-cR
  _______ ________ _________ _/____/___________ ________ _/____/__ ________
  /   _______ __   \______   \_   _____ ____   /_\____   \_   _____ \    __/__
 /   |     /   /         /    /   /_     _____/\     /    /   /_    /____    /
 \________/________/____/_   /_________ ________\_ _/_   /_________ ________/
  -------------------- / ----------------------- \-/ -------------------------
   |                 |
   |                 |
   |             7up  acid  amf  anadune  appendix  bigoz
   |             candy  ass  clan  contact  crazy drivers
   |             dave  delayers  don`t send erotic design
   |             floppy  greets  heki  hlor  dezing  klaf ____.
   |             lamers  mawi miko63 mystic narcyz newcon     |
   |             norman otton phase truce psb qix qki ram     |
   |             jam  rektum  rno  sagrael seti show time     |
   |             squeezers  the  end  the  founder u'race     |
   |                 .         vega venal viper yoyo zoom     |
   |                 ·                                        |
   |             fourty 6 pics [re]quested & [unre]quested    |
   |                                          ,_______________|
   |                 |
   |                 |             _ __
   |           __________ _  _    /(_)/ _     _  _ _________
   |          |                /\_)   \_)\__      __        |
   |          | _  __ _   ////               \\\\   \_ ___  |
   |          | )\_) \)\ \\\\\_____     _____///// _ (/   \ |
   |          | \  _  _  \\\\`=====\\_//====='//// (   _/)/ |
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   |          | _)          |    _________    |     __/)/   |
   |          | )_          |   / ·  .  · \   |     (__¯_   |
   |          |  _\  _)     |   ¯¯¦  :  ¦¯¯   |    _  (_)\  |
   |          | /(/  (_     )     |     |     (    (\   _/  |
   |          ¦ \      \    (     `--°--'     )     /  /    ¦
   |          ¦  \_         ¯\               /¯       /     ¦
   |          :  ____________j\_____________/l____________  :
   |          · /            \               /            \ ·
   |           /                                    -Ac!D- \
   ___    ___    ____     ___    ___    ___     ___    __    ___    ___
 ,'   }-,' | }-,' __/-, ,'___}-,'___}-,'___}-,-'___}-,'\_}-,' __}-,' | }-,
 |°  ___)  _   ) --' °| | `-'__) `-' _) `-' °)  |-' °)     )  `-  )  '___)
 l____\ l__|___|______| l____\ l__|   \______|_______|_____|______|____\
              ·   _    _          ¦----\           _    _   ·
   |          ¦___\\___\\_________________________//___//___¦
   |                 ·
   |     a  ·  r  ·  t    ispiRed by  t h e  P r o d i g y `s  kUhl mUsic.
   |                 :                        nOw look at stuff I pRepaRe.
   |                 |
   |                 |
 __|                 |___________________________________________________  __

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: 7up                         | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: qki/7up                     |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 0 1  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

                        :  ___(___                .:|
                        ¦     )                  .::|
         _____   ______ |______  ______  _____ .::::|  ____  ______
        .\·  ¬\_ \·   ¬\_\·  ¬/__\·   ¬\_\·  ¬ \::::___|· ¬\_\·   ¬\_
        | /____|_   ___ |  _ /  |   ___ |       |·::\  |    |   ___ |
        |______ | |  (/ |  (/   | |  (/ | _     | ·:|  ¦    |    (/ |
        |    \/·| |    ·|      ·| |    ·| (_   ·|  ·|      ·|      ·|
        |_/\   __ |_/\____   /\_  |_/\____/  /\_|   |_   /\___  /\__|
         /_____\|_____\  /_____\|_____\  /_____\   · /_____\ /____\-amf
                        |                           |  ctp!
                        ¦ s · E · v · E · n · U · p I
                        :                           :

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: acid                        | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: acid/dxp^dgs^sdc            |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 0 2  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

                        _____  ______   _____     ___
                        ____¬\_\·   ¬\_ _____)_ __\·¬\_
                      _/___   |       | )·   /|/___\  |
                      | \)    |       |       | \)    |
                      |      ·|      ·|      ·|      ·|
                      |_   /\__ |_/\____   /\___   /\_|
                       /_____\|_____\  /_____\ /_____\-amf

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: amf                         | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: seti/mawi^amf               |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 0 3  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

                           : (___        .. ... . :
                           ¦_____  ______  ______ ¦-amf
                            ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_
                           /___   |       |       |
                          | \)    |       |      ·|
                          |      ·|      ·|    ___|
                          |_   /\___ /\/\___ /\_(ctp!
                           /_____\ /___\_\ /___\  |
                          | a    s    c    i    i |
                          | m   a   k   e   r   s |
                          ¦ f  e d e r a t i o  n ¦
                          :                       :

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: anadune                     | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: norman/and^dgs              |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 0 4  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

                          ·     .::               ·
                          ¦  ..::·                ¦
                          ¦.::::· t  h  e  mighty ¦
           ______  ______ ¦ _____     ___    ____ ¦______  ______
            ____¬\_\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_ __\·¬\___|· ¬\_\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_
          _/___   |       |/___   |/___\  |\ |    |       |   ___ |
          | \)    | _     | \)    | \)    |  ·    | _     | |  (/ |
          |      ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|      ·| (_   ·| |    ·|
          |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___   /\___/  /\___|_/\__|
           /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /____\-amf
                          ¦                       ¦ ctp!
                          : a  n  a   d   u  n  e :
                          ·                       .

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: appendix                    | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: klaf/frs^sqz^smk^hd!        |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 0 5  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

                      · . .. ... ....     .    .   .  :
                      :    .    .   .    .... ... .. .¦
       ______  ______ ¦______  ______  ______     ___ ¦______  _______
        ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_ __\·¬\_ _____)_\·   ¬/_
      _/___   |   ___ |   ___ |   ___ |       |/___\  | \·   /| \/  / |
      | \)    |    (/ |    (/ | |  (/ | _     | \)    |       | __ /( |
      |      ·|      ·|      ·| |    ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·| )/ ¯¯·|
      |_   /\___  /\____  /\____|_/\____/  /\___   /\___   /\___/  /\_|
       /_____\ /____\  /____\  /____\  /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
                  ctp!¦                               ¦ -amf
                      ¦ a   p   p   e   n   d   i   x :
                      :                               ·

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: bigoz                       | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: klaf/frs^sqz^smk^hd!        |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 0 6  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

                   ___ _ __ _____  ______  ______    _____
                  .\ (___   _____)_\·____  \·   ¬\_ /·  ¬/.
                  | ___ ¬\_ \·   /|  \) ¬\_   ___ _|____\ |
                  | \)    |       |       |    (/ | ______|
                  |      ·|      ·|      ·|      ·| \/   ·|
                  |_   /\___   /\ |    /\___   /\___   /\_|
                   /_____\ /_____\_/_____\ /_____\_/_____\-amf

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: candy ass                   | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: iceman/st5                  |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 0 7  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

     ______   _____  ______     ___     ___       _____  ______  ______
    .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_ __\·¬\_ __|·¬\_ctp! ____¬\_\·  ¬(_ \·  ¬(_
    |       |/___   |       |/___\  |/ (|   |   _/___   | /____|_ /____|_
    |       | \)    | _     | \)    |  _    |   | \)    |______ |______ |
    |      ·|      ·| (_   ·|        _(/   ·|   |      ·|    \/·|    \/·|
    |_|_/\____   /\___/  /\___   /\_| /  /\_|   |_   /\___/\   ___/\   _|
     /____\  /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\-amf /_____\ /_____\ /_____\

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: clan                        | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: yoyo/mawi^clan              |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 0 8  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

                       ______  __ ctp!  _____  ______
                      .\·   ¬\_\(____   ____¬\_\·   ¬\_
                      |       | ·   ¬\_/___   |       |
                      |       |       | \)    | _     |
                      |      ·|      ·|      ·| (_   ·|
                      |_|_/\____   /\___   /\___/  /\_|
                       /____\  /_____\_/_____\ /_____\-amf

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: contact                     | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: steel/st5                   |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 0 9  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

           ______  ______  ______  __  _ __ _____  ______  __
          .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___-amf
          |       |   ___ |       |  __(__ /___   |       |  __(__
          |       |    (/ | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |       |     ¬(_
          |      ·|      ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|      ·|      ·|
          |_|_/\____   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___|_/\____   /\_|
           /____\  /_____\ /_____\ /_____\_/_____\ /____\  /_____\ctp!

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: crazy drivers               | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: heki & iglo/cds             |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 1 0  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

                   ______  _______  ______ _______    ___
                  .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬(_ ____¬/_)·   ¬/_ __|·¬\_
                  |       |  __   |/___   |_____\ |/ (|   |
                  |       |   )___| \)    | ______|  _    |
                  |      ·|    ·| |      ·| \/   ·| (/   ·|
                  |_   /\___    | |_   /\___   /\___/  /\_|
              -amf /_____\ /____|  /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ctp!
              ___  _______ ______  _______ ______  _______ _____
           ___\·¬\_\·   ¬(_ _____)_\·   ¬/_\·   ¬\_\·   ¬(_\·  ¬\_
          _)___\  |  __   | \·   /|   _ / |   ___ |  __   | _____(_
          | \)    |   )____       |   (/  | |  (/ |   )__________ |
          |      ·|    ·| |      ·|      ·| |    ·|    ·| |    \/·|
          |_   /\___    | |_   /\___   /\___|__/\___    | |_/\   _|
           /_____\ /____|  /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /____|  /_____\

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: dave                        | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: dave/frs^u'r                |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 1 1  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

                          ___   _____  ______  ______
                        __\·¬\_ ____¬\_\·   /__\·   ¬\_
                      _/___\  |/___   |  _ / ¬|   ___ |
                      | \)    | \)    |  (/   | |  (/ |
                      |      ·|      ·|      ·| |    ·|
                      |_   /\___   /\___   /\___|_/\__|-amf
                       /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /____\ctp!

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: delayers                    | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: steel/st5                   |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 1 2  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

          ___  ______  __       _____     ___  ______  ______  _____
        __\·¬\_\·   ¬\_\|____   ____¬\_ __|·¬\_\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_\·  ¬\_
      _/___\  |   ___ |     ¬\_/___   |/ (|   |   ___ |       | /____(_
      | \)    | |  (/ |       | \)   ·|   _   | |  (/ |   /__________ |
      |      ·| |    ·|      ·|        __(/  ·| |    ·|    ·| |    \/·|
      |_   /\_  |_/\____   /\___   /\_|  / /\__ |_/\___     | |_/\   _|
       /_____\|_____\  /_____\ /_____\  /____\|_____\ |_____|  /_____\-amf

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: don`t send                  | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: steel/st5                   |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 1 3  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

              |÷(___ ______ ___ __ _     _
          ___ |______  ______  __          _____   ______  ______     ___
        __\·¬\_\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___-amf  .\·  ¬\_ \·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_ __\·¬\_
      _/___\  |   ___ |       |  __(__    | /____(_   ___ |       |/___\  |
      | \)    |    (/ | _     |     ¬(_   |______ | |  (/ | _     | \)    |
      |      ·|      ·| (_   ·|      ·|   |    \/·| |    ·| (_   ·|      ·|
      |_   /\___   /\___/  /\___   /\_|   |_/\   _| |_/\____/  /\___   /\_|
       /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\     /_____\|_____\  /_____\ /_____\
              . i  h a v e   g o t   t h i s   s t u f f            ctp!
              |______________________________  ·

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: erotic design               | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: def/flp^erd^hd!             |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 1 4  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

               ______  ______  ______  __ _ __ ___ __  ______
              .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_·    ¬\_\(___    _____)_\·   ¬\_
              |   ___ |       |   ___ | ___(__  \·   /|       |
              | |  (/ |  /_____    (/ |      (_       |       |
              | |    ·|    ·| |      ·|      ·|      ·|      ·|
              |_|_/\____    | |_   /\___   /\___   /\___|_/\__|
               /____\  /____|  /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /____\
              ctp!___  ______  _____   ______  ______  ______-amf
                __\·¬\_\·   ¬\_·   ¬\_  _____)_\·_____ \·   ¬\_
              _/__ \  |   ___ | _____|| \·   /|  \)  (_       |
              | \)    | |  (/ |______ |       |       | _     |
              |      ·| |    ·|    \/·|      ·|      ·| (_   ·|
              |_   /\___|_/\____/\   ___   /\___   /\___/  /\_|
               /_____\ /____\  /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: floppy                      | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: def/flp^erd^hd!             |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 1 5  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

              ¦               ¦
              ¦               ¦
              ¦______  __     ¦______  ______  ______     ___
              .\·   ¬\_\(____  \·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_ __|·¬\_
              |       | ·   ¬\_    __ |   ___ |   ___ _/ (|   |
              |       |       |    (/ |    (/ |    (/·|  _    |
              |    ___       ·|      ·|       |        _(/   ·|
              |_ /\_( |_   /\___   /\___ /\_____ /\___| /  /\_|
              |/___\   /_____\ /_____\ /___\   /___\   /_____\-amf
              ¦  ------------ ¦ ----------------      ctp!
              ¦  f  ·  l  ·  o  ·  p  ·  p  ·  y
              ¦               ¦
              ¦               ¦

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: greets                      | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: qki/7up                     |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 1 6  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

               ______  ______  ______  ______  __      _____
              _\·_____ \·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___  .\·  ¬\_-amf
              |  \) ¬(_       |   ___ |   ___ |  __(__| /____(_
              |       |   /___  |  (/ | |  (/ |     ¬(_______ |
              |      ·|    ·| | |    ·| |    ·|      ·|    \/·|
              |_   /\___    | |_|_/\____|_/\____   /\___/\   _|
               /_____\ /____|  /____\  /____\  /_____\ /_____\ctp!

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: heki                        | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: heki/cds                    |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 1 7  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

                       __ ctp! ______  __ __   ______
                      .\(_____ \·   ¬\_\·| ¬\_  _____)_
                      |     ¬(_   ___ |  ____(_ \·   /|
                      | _     | |  (/ |  )    |       |
                      | (_   ·| |    ·|      ·|      ·|
                      |_/  /\___|__/\___/  /\___   /\_|
                       /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\-amf

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: hlor dezing                 | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: sagrael/mst^lamers^hd!      |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 1 8  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

                      | ¦           ¦ |
                      | ¦           ¦ |
                      | `------__---' |__      ______  ______
                      | .-----.\(---.  \(____  \·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_
                      | ¦     |  ¯¯¯¬\_     ¬\_    __ |       |
                      | ¦     | _     |       |    (/ |   /___|
                      | ¦     | (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    ·|
                      | `-----|_/  /\___   /\___   /\___    |
                      | .------/_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /____|
                  ___ |_¦____    ___¦_  _____  ______  ______
                __\·¬\_\·   ¬\ _/    ¬| _____)_\·   ¬\_\·_____
              _/___\  |   ___ |)____\ | \·   /|       |  \) ¬(_
              | \)    | |  (/ | ______|       | _     |       |
              |      ·| |    ·| \/   ·|      ·| (_   ·|      ·|
              |_   /\___|_/\____   /\___   /\___/  /\___   /\_|
               /_____\ /____\  /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
                      | ¦ctp!       ¦ |  ---------------------
                      | ¦           ¦ |  h  ·   l  ·  o   ·  r
                      | `-----------' |  d · e · z · i · n · g
                      | .-----------. |  ---------------------
                      | ¦           ¦ |-amf

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: klaf                        | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: klaf/frs^sqz^smk^hd!        |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 1 9  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

                      __ ___   __       _____  ______
                      \·|  ¬(_.\(____   ___ ¬\_\·   ¬\_
                      |  ____(_     ¬\_/___   |       |
                      | \)    |       | \)    |      ·|
                      |      ·|      ·|      ·|    ___|
                      |_/  /\___   /\___   /\___ /\_(-amf
                       /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /___\ctp!

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: lamers                      | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: sagrael/mst^lamers^hd!      |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 2 0  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

               __ -amf  ______ ______  ______  ______  _____
              .\(_____  ____ /_\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_\·  ¬\_
              |     ¬(_/___   |       |   ___ |  __   | /____(_
              |       | \)    |       | |  (/ |   )__________ |
              |      ·|      ·|      ·| |    ·|    ·| |    \/·|
              |_   /\___   /\___ /\/\___|_/\____    | |_/\   _|
               /_____\ /_____\ /___\_\ /____\  /____|  /_____\ctp!

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: mawi                        | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: heron/mawi^coala            |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 2 1  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

                       ______  ______  __  __  ______
                      .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·\ \¬\_ _____)_
                      |       |/__    |  (/\) | \    /|
                      |       | |¯    |       |       |
                      |      ·| |    ·|      ·|      ·|
                      |_ /\/\___   /\___   /\___   /\_|-amf
                       /___\_\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ctp!

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: miko63                      | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: miko63/iris                 |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 2 2  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

               ______  ______  __ ___  ______  ______  ______
              .\·   ¬\_ _____)_\·| ¬(_ \·   ¬\_\·____  \· __(_
              |       | \·   /|  ____(_    __ |    __\_  ____(_
              |       |       | \)    |    (/ |    (/ |  )   ¬|
              |      ·|      ·|      ·|      ·|      ·|      ·|
              |_ /\/\___   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___   /\_|-amf
               /___\_\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ctp!

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: mystic                      | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: sagrael/mystic^lamers^hd!   |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 2 3  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

               ______     ___  _____   __      ______  ______
              .\·   ¬\_ __|·¬\_\·  ¬\_ \(___    _____)_\·   ¬\_
              |       |/ (|   | /____(_  __(__  \    /|       |
              |      ·|  _    |______ |     ¬(_       |       |
              |       __(/   ·|    \/·|      ·|      ·|      ·|
              |_ /\/\_| /  /\___/\   ___   /\___   /\___|_/\__|-amf
               /___\_\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /____\ctp!

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: narcyz                      | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: narcyz/fci^mst              |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 2 4  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

               ______   _____  ______  ______     ___    ______
              .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_ __|·¬\__/·   ¬|
              |       |/____  |  _    |       |/ (|   _|____\ |
              | _     | \)    |  (_____      ·|   _   | ______|
              | (_   ·|      ·|     | |       ___(/  ·| \/   ·|
              |_/  /\___   /\__     | | (_____|  / /\___   /\_|
               /_____\ /_____\|_____| |_____|   /____\ /_____\-amf

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: docent newcon               | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: newcon/psb                  |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 2 5  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

                      ¦                       ¦
               ______ ¦______  _ _ __  ______ ¦______  ______
              .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_\·\ \¬\_\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_
              |       |   ___ |  (/\) |       |    __ |       |
              | _     | |  (/ |       |       |    (/ | _     |
              | (_   ·| |    ·|      ·|      ·|      ·| (_   ·|
              |_/  /\___|_/\____   /\___|_/\____   /\___/  /\_|
               /_____\ /____\  /_____\ /____\  /_____\ /_____\
                 ctp! ¦ --------------------- ¦ -----   -amf
                      ¦ d ·  o  ·  c  ·  e  ·  n  · t
                      ¦ n ·  e  ·  w  ·  c  ·  o  · n
                      ¦ --------------------- ¦ -----
                      ¦                       ¦

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: norman                      | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: norman/and^dgs              |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 2 6  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

               ______  ______  ______  ______   _____  ______
              .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_
              |       |    __ |       |       |/__    |       |
              | _     |    (/ |   /___        | \)    | _     |
              | (_   ·|      ·|    ·| |      ·|      ·| (_   ·|
              |_/  /\___   /\___    | |_ /\/\___   /\___/  /\_|-amf
               /_____\ /_____\ /____|  /___\_\ /_____\ /_____\ctp!

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: otton                       | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: otton/hv                    |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 2 7  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

                   ______  __      __      ______  ______
                  .\·   ¬\_\(___  .\(___  .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_
                  |    __ | ___(__| ___(__|    __ |       |
                  |    (/ |     ¬(_     ¬(_    (/ | _     |
                  |      ·|      ·|      ·|      ·| (_   ·|
                  |_   /\___   /\___   /\___   /\___/  /\_|-amf
                   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ctp!

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: phase truce                 | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: peer/pht                    |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 2 8  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

                          ·                       .
                          : b e w a r e     o · f :
                   ______ ¦__       _____  _____  ¦______
                  .\·   ¬\_\(____   ____¬\_\·  ¬\_ \·   ¬\_
                  |   ___ |     ¬\_/___   | _____|_    __ |
                  |    (/ | _     | \)    |______ | |  ¯| |
                  |      ·| (_   ·|      ·|     ¯·| |   |·|
                  |_ /\_____/  /\___   /\___      | |_____|
                   /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /____________|
                   __ ctp! ______    ____  ______  ______
                  .\(___  .\·   ¬\___|· ¬\_\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_
                  | ___(__|       |· |    |       |    __ |
                  |     ¬(_   |___   ¦    |       | |  (/ |
                  |      ·|    ·| |      ·|      ·| |    ·|
                  |_   /\___    | |_   /\___|_/\____|_/\__|
                   /_____\ /____|  /_____\ /____\  /____\-amf
                          ¦                       ¦
                          ¦ p · h  ·  a  ·  s · e ¦
                          : t  · r ·  u  · c ·  e :
                          .                       ·

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: psb power                   | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: mroova/psb                  |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 2 9  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

                           ______  _____  __
                          .\·   ¬\_\·  ¬\_\(_____ctp!
                          |   ___ | /____(_ ___ ¬\_-amf
                          |    (/ |______ | \)    |
                          |      ·|    \/·|      ·|
                          |_ /\_____/\   ___   /\_|
                           /___\   /_____\ /_____\
                          p  ·  o  ·  w  ·  e  ·  r

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: qix                         | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: qix/fci^kk                  |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 3 0  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

                           ______  ______  _______
                          .\·   ¬\_ _____)_\·   ¬/_
                          |   ___ | )·   /| \/  / |
                          |    (/ |       | __ /( |
                          |      ·|      ·| )/ ¯¯·|
                          |_   /\___   /\___/  /\_|
                           /___)_\ /_____\ /_____\-amf

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: qki                         | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: qki/7up                     |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 3 1  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

                           ______  __ __   ______
                          .\·   ¬\_\·|¬ \_  _____)_
                          |    __ | _____|| \    /|
                          |    (/ | )·   ¬|       |
                          |      ·|      ·|      ·|
                          |_   /\___/  /\___   /\_|-amf
                           /___)_\ /_____\ /_____\ctp!

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: ram jam                     | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: vega/rj                     |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 3 2  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

             _______  ______ _______      ______  ______ _______
            .\·   ¬(_ ____¬/_\·   ¬(_     ____¬(_ ____¬/_\·   ¬(_
            |  __   |/___   |       |   _/· (/  |/___   |       |
            |   )___  \)    |       |   |       | \)    |       |
            |    ·| |      ·|      ·|   |      ·|      ·|      ·|
            |_    | |_   /\___ /\/\_|   |_   /\___   /\___ /\/\_|
             /____|  /_____\ /___\_\-amf /_____\ /_____\ /___\_\ctp!

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: rektum                      | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: hotstepper/rkm              |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 3 3  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

               ______  ______  __ __   __        ____  ______
              .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_\·| ¬\_ \(___  ___|· ¬\_\·   ¬\_
              |       |   ___ | _____|_  __(__|  |    |       |
              |   /___  |  (/ | )·    |     ¬(_  ¦    |       |
              |    ·| | |    ·|      ·|      ·|      ·|      ·|
              |_    | |_|_/\____/  /\___   /\___   /\___ /\/\_|-amf
               /____|  /____\  /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /___\_\ctp!

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: rno                         | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: tft/rno                     |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 3 4  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

                             _    _ __ ___ ___¦__     _______ ¦___ __ _
                                    ____ _______//_______   //____
                                       ______ ¦ _____  ______ ¦______
                                      .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   /__\·   ¬\_
                                      |       |/___   |  _ / ¬|   ___ |
                                      |   /___  \)    |  (/   | |  (/ |
                                      |    ·| |      ·|      ·| |    ·|
                                      |_    | |_   /\___   /\___|_/\__|
                                       /____|  /_____\ /_____\ /____\
               ______  ______  __ctp!  _ _ __  ______  ______  __ __
              .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___  .\·\ \¬\_\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_\·| ¬\_
              |       |   ___ |  __(__|  (/\) |    __ |       | _____(_
              | _     | |  (/ |     ¬(_       |    (/ |   /___  )·    |
              | (_   ·| |    ·|      ·|      ·|      ·|    ·| |      ·|
              |_/  /\___|_/\____   /\___   /\___   /\___    | |_/  /\_|
               /_____\ /____\  /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /____|  /_____\
       ______  _______ ______  ______  _____   ______  ______  ______
      .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_\·  ¬\_ \·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_
      |    __ |   _ / |   ___ |       | /____(_       |/___   |       |
      |    (/ |   (/  | |  (/ |   /__________ |       | \)    | _     |
      |      ·|      ·| |    ·|    ·| |    \/·|      ·|      ·| (_   ·|
      |_   /\___   /\___|_/\____    | |_/\   ___|_/\____   /\___/  /\_|
       /_____\ /_____\ /____\  /____|  /_____\ /____\  /_____\ /_____\
       -------------------------------------- ¦ ------------- ¦ -----
       R  ·  a  ·  v   ·  e     N  ·  e  ·, t  ·  w  ·  o  ·  r  ·  k
       O  ·   v    ·    e   ·    r   ·    )   ·    c   ·    a   ·   n
       -------------------------------------- ¦ ------------- ¦ -----
                                              ¦               ¦ -amf

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: sagrael                     | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: sagrael/mst^lamers^hd!      |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 3 5  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

           _____    _____  ______  ______  ______  ______  __
          .\·  ¬\_  ____¬\_)·____  \·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(____
          | /____(_/___   |  \) ¬(_       |/___   |   ___ |     ¬\_
          |______ | \)    |       |   /___  \)    | |  (/ |       |
          |    \/·|      ·|      ·|    ·| |      ·| |    ·|      ·|
          |_/\   ___   /\___   /\___    | |_   /\___|_/\____   /\_|-amf
           /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /____|  /_____\ /____\  /_____\ctp!

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: seti                        | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: seti/mawi^amf               |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 3 6  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

                       ______  ______  __ _ __ ___ __
                      .\·  ¬(_ \·   ¬\_\(___    _____)_
                      | /____(_    __ |  __(__  \·   /|
                      |______ | |  (/ |     ¬(_       |
                      |    \/·| |    ·|      ·|      ·|
                      |_/\   ___|_/\____   /\___   /\_|-amf
                       /_____\ /____\  /_____\ /_____\ctp!

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: show time                   | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: vega/rj                     |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 3 7  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

    ______   __ctp!  ______  _ _ __      __ _ __ ___ __  ______  ______
    |·   ¬\_ \(_____ \·   ¬\_\·\ \¬\_   .\(___    _____)_\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_
    | _____|_     ¬(_    __ |  (/\) |   |  __(__  \·   /|       |   ___ |
    |______ | _     |    (/ |       |   |     ¬(_       |       | |  (/ |
    |    \/·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|   |      ·|      ·|      ·| |    ·|
    |_/\   ___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|   |_   /\___   /\___  | |  _|_/\__|
     /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\     /_____\ /_____\ /__|_|_|/____\-amf

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: squeezers                   | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: timer/sqz                   |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 3 8  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

   _____   ______ctp!____  ______  ______    _____ ______  ______  _____-amf
  .\·  ¬\_ \·   ¬\___|· ¬\_·    ¬\_·    ¬\__/·   ¬|\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_\·  ¬\_
  | /____(_    __ |  |    |    __ |   ___ _)____\ |   ___ |  __   | /____(_
  |______ |    (/ |  ¦    | |  (/ | |  (/ | ______| |  (/ |   )__________ |
  |    \/·|      ·|      ·| |    ·| |    ·| \/   ·| |    ·|    ·| |    \/·|
  |_/\   ___   /\___   /\___|_/\____|_/\____   /\_  |_______    | |_/\   _|
   /_____\ /___)_\,/_____\ /____\  /____\  /_____\|_____|  /____|  /_____\

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: the end                     | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: me                          |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 3 9  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

            __      __      _______      _______ _______    ___
           .\(___  .\(_____ \·   ¬(_    .\·   ¬(_\·   ¬( ___\·¬\_
           |  __(__|     ¬(_   ___ |    |   ___ |       |)___\  |
           |     ¬(_ _     | |  (/ |    | |  (/ | _     | \)    |
           |      ·| (_   ·| |    ·|    | |    ·| (_   ·|      ·|
           |_   /\___/  /\___|_/\__|    |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\_|-amf
            /_____\ /_____\ /____\       /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ctp!

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: the founder                 | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: the founder/scm^u'r         |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 4 0  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

                                              ____________.__ _
                                       _ _.___)  . .. . °O¦ctp!/amf
           ______  ______    ____  ______ ¦   ___  ______ ¦______
          .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\___|· ¬\_\·   ¬\_ __\·¬\_\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_
          |       |    __ |  |    |       |/___\  |    __ |       |
          |      ·|    (/ |  ¦    | _     | \)    | |  (/ |   /___|
          |    ___       ·|      ·| (_   ·|      ·| |    ·|    ·|
          |_ /\_( |_   /\___   /\___/  /\___   /\___|_/\____    |
           /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /____\  /____|
           ------------------------------ ¦ ------------- ¦ ------
           t  ·  h  ·  e     f  ·  o  ·  u  ·  n  ·  d  ·  e  ·  r
           ------------------------------ ¦-------------- ¦-------
                                      _ __¦___________(¯¯¯·¯ ¯

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: u'race                      | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: hotstepper/rkm^u'r          |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 4 1  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

                      _ __.__________)/
                          ¦O°  . ... (____._ _
                     ____ ¦______   ______¦______  ______
                  ___|·  \_\·   ¬\_ ____¬/_\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_
                  |· |    |  __   |/___   |       |   ___ |
                  |  ¦    |   )___  \)    |       | |  (/ |
                  |      ·|    ·| |      ·|      ·| |    ·|
                  |_   /\___    | |_   /\___|_/\____|_/\__|
                   /_____\ /____|  /_____\ /____\  /____\-amf
                     ---- ¦ ------------- ¦ --     ctp!
                     u  `  r  ·  a  ·  c  ·  e
                     ---- ¦ ------------- ¦ --
                       ¯ ¯·¯¯¯¯)__________¦__ _
                              /(          ·

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: vega                        | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: vega/rj                     |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 4 2  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

                       _______ ______  ______   _____
                       \·   ¬/_·    ¬\_\·____   ____¬\_
                      |   _ / |   ___ |  \) ¬\_/___   |
                      |   (/  | |  (/ |       | \)    |
                      |      ·| |    ·|      ·|      ·|
                      |_   /\___|_/\____   /\___   /\_|-amf
                       /_____\ /____\  /_____\ /_____\ctp!

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: venal                       | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: drf/venal                   |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 4 3  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

                   ______  ______  ______  ______  __
                  .\·  ¬/__\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\(____
                  |  _ / ¬|   ___ |       |/___   |     ¬\_
                  |  (/   | |  (/ | _     | \)    |       |
                  |      ·| |    ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|
                  |_   /\___|_/\____/  /\___   /\___   /\_|-amf
                   /_____\ /____\  /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ctp!

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: viper                       | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: viper/zoom                  |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 4 4  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

                   _______  ______ ______  ______  ______
                  _\·   ¬/_ _____/_\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_
                  |   _ / ||     /|   ___ |   ___ |       |
                  |   (/  |       |    (/ | |  (/ |   /___|
                  |      ·|      ·|      ·| |    ·|    ·|
                  |_   /\___   /\___ /\_____|_/\____    |-amf
                   /_____\ /_____\ /___\   /____\  /____|ctp!

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: yoyo                        | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: yoyo/mawi^clan^twilight     |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 4 5  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

                          ___  ______     ___  ______
                        __|·¬\_\·   ¬\_ __|· \_\·   ¬\_
                      _/ (|   |    __ |/ (|   |    __ |
                      |  _    |    (/·|  _    |    (/ |
                      |_(/   ·|        _(/   ·|      ·|
                        /  /\___      | /  /\___   /\_|-amf
                       /_____\ /______|/_____\ /_____\ctp!

                                             ______  _______  _____  __
  c t p ` s   e x i t   f a n t a s y     _ .\·   ¬\_\·   ¬/_ _____)_\(___
 .________________________________________) |   ___ | \/  / | )·   /|· __(__
 |                                          | |  (/ | __ /( |       |     ¬(_
 | azkee title: zoom                        | |    ·| )/ ¯¯ |      ·|      ·|
 | dedicated 2: viper/zoom                  |_|__/\___/  /\___   /\___   /\_|
 | asc2 number 0 4 6  in 17 th collection... /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\
 |                   ______   _____  ______  __ ctp!  _____  _____  |   ___-amf
 | nobody  can hear .\·   ¬\_ ____¬\_\·   ¬\_\(___    ____¬\_\·  ¬\_| __|·¬\_
 | you,  when   you |       |/___   |       |· __(__ /___   | /____(_/ (|   |
 | falling     down |      ·| \)    | _     |     ¬(_ \)    |______·|  _    |
 | into the madness |    ___       ·| (_   ·|      ·|      ·|    \/  _(/   ·|
 |_________________ |_ /\_( |_   /\___/  /\___   /\___   /\___/\   _| /  /\_|
                   ) /___\   /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /_____\|/_____\

                          ¦O°  ÷(___ ___ __ _   .
                          ¦         .  ..  ...
                         _¦___ ______  ______  ______
                       _/·   ¬|\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_\·   ¬\_
                      _|____\ |    __ |    __ |       |
                      | ______|    \/ |    \/ |       |
                      | \/   ·| _  / ·| _  / ·|      ·|
                      |_   /\___/  /\___/  /\___ /\/\_|
                       /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ /___\_\-amf
                          :                     ¦ ctp!
                          ¦  z  o   o    m      :
                        __¦________________     ·
                                           )÷   ,

 ___                 ________________________________________________________
   |                 |
   |                 |
   |  e  n  u  f  f  |
   |  w  ·  i  ·  z  |
   |  i     ·     t  |
   |                 |
   |                 |
   |   jpwwâ____
   |   ©L   ¯"°°9*mwÒâ____
   |   #     _       ,¯¬"#
   |  ]F  jMQ#P*qg_âøQL ]F  ·t·O·d·A·Y·'S· ····.
   |  #  #QQQ    QQ#Ç   ©                      :
   | jP  åQQ#    QQQ#  j#      · h · O · t · E · S · t ·
   | ÞF   °9ϵ_âdQ#P¯  øF                      :
     #   âÏQ_ ¯¯"¯     #  _ _______ ______ _  _:____ _  ________  ______ _
    ]F   ÏQQQQÏggx¸   jF.-\\\_    /-\ ___///.-\ ___///.-\_ ____/.-\ ___///.
    #  µ#@P°°9@#QQQk  © |_   /   /_   --'--_|_  --'--_|     |   `------  _|
   j#  ©QL      ãQQ#  #  /___\   \\\_______\-/_______\\\____|!shp//______\
   øF   °¢Ïwµ_jâ#ÏP¯ øF ------\___\--:------------------------------------
   °¶**mwwâ___¯ ¯    #               ^····· ·r· ·f·l·y·i·n·'· ·t·o·
   |                 ·
   |              acid  action  barbi  belos  blue  boobba
   |              bubba   cook   dave   def  digital  zone
   |              dr.szach  drf fame fuzz heki heron hogan
   |              hotstepper  hiv iceman iglo inikep jacko
   |              jacool  jaxx jim jumbo klaf korball kyle
   |              largo  madel  magiel mc.rudi miko63 mips
   |              mr.uhu  narcyz  norman  otton  peer pinx
   |              pingpong  proton  pulsar  qix qki raptor
   |              rick sagrael sas scraby seti sharp skizo
   |              sleeper  solar steel tft the knight timi
   |              totem  van  ghorne  vega viper yoyo zany
   |                zibi zoltan and all 4gotten m8s around
   |                 |                     - salute dewdz!
   |                 |
   |                 |
   |  f e e l i n g  |
   |  b  e t t e  r  |
   |              ?  |                             ,____.
   |                 |                _m@@m.      WA****@s
   |                                 WA~` V@[     MWi   ]@
   |   a     b  ·  i  ·  t          ]@   gg@!     W@@mmgWA
   |               o  ·  f          !@mm@A@|     dA'~***~
   |         p  ·  h  ·  u  ·  n     '~~~ Y@.   dA
   |                                       @[   @[
   |                 |                     Y@  ]@
   |                 |                     ]@  @[
   |                 |                     ]@ ,@!
   |                 |                     ]@ ]@
   |                 |                     ]@ ]@
   |                 |                     ]@ ]@
   |                 |                     WP ]@
   |                 |                     @[ ]@
   |                 |                     @[ ]@
   |                 |                    i@` d@
   |                 |                  gsd@@@@@mms_
   |                 |               _m@A`'~  'f~~V*@@s_
   |                 |          _gmW@*~               V*@m.
   |                 |      _m@@*f~`                     VW_
   |                 |    g@*~                            '*W_
   |                    gWf                                 '*W.
   |                  gWf`            _s                      VWs
   |                ,WA`           _W@*`        ,s             'VW.
   |              ,mA~         ,gm@*`            VW.             'Ms
   |             gA~         _mAf~       -D       '@s             'MW.
   |           g@f        ,gW*~                    'VW.             !@s
   |         ,dA        _W@P`     g.                 !@@mmmmms.      'VW.
   |        i@f       ,W*`V@m.    '           ,s      g@f~~~~VMW.      VW.
   |       gA`      ,WA`    VMs                `    ,WA`       V@.      YW
   |     ,Wf       ,Wf        V@s        .         ,Wf          Y@      'Ms
   |    ,Wf       i@`          'Mb.     'f        g@f           '@i      ]@
   |   ,@!       i@` |           V@s             dA`             @[       @[
   |  i@`       i@!  |            '@i           WA               @[       @[
   | ,@!       ,Wf   |             V@.         dA               i@`       @[
   | WP        WP    |              @[        dA                dA        @[
     @[       ]@`    |              @[       gA`               gA`        @[
    i@`       ]@     |              @[      gA`               d@`         @[
    @[        ]@     |              @[     i@`               g@`          @[
    @[        'Ms    |             i@!     WP              g@f`          ]@
   ,@!         '*W.  |             WA     i@`             g@`            ]@
   ]@            V@s               @[     !@s.           g@`             dA
   ]@        ,    'YW              @[      '*@m_        d@`   _         i@`
   @[   ,z   V@s   '@i             @[         ~*@s     i@`  ,W*`  ,g.  ,Wf
   @[   W[    'YW.  @[             @[           '@[    @P ,mA`   g@f   WP
   @[   @[     i@[ ]@            _WA             YW    V@_Wf    i@`  ,WA
   YW. _@@i   ,@@bmA`      __mmm@A~   _gmms      !@mm_  V@A`   i@b__m@f
    V@@A~V@mmmA`V*f  |   g@A*f~~`    dAf~~@i      '~VMW  !@s_gmA~V**~`
           ~~~       |  ]@`         i@`   Y@________mWA   '**f~
   |                 |  !@mmmmmmmmmmW@     V********~` ctp!/amf
   |           am  i |   '~~~~~~~~~~~`
   | s t r o n g l y |
   |          enough |
   | 2   b e c a m e |
   |           a gr8 |
   |     a r t i s t |
   |               ? |
   |                 |
   |      __.        |           _.                    __________
   |    ./ _|___  ___  ____.   _/ |__.   ______  _______ ____   /_
   |  __|  \._  \.___)/ ___|___.  .__|__/  ._  \._ ._  \_ _/   /_.\.__
   ¦._)_|   |/   |  ._\___.    |  |/    |  |/   | _l/  _/_\___.__| |_(_.
   ¦| (_|___|    |__l___ \|    |_ l_    |_ l_   |_\       |   l/ __|_) |
   :|       |____|      \______| \______| \_____|  \______|_____/cRb   |
   :|__ __                                                        __ __|
   ·.__))_\            This collys I made in my career           /_((__.
    |O°                ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯               °O|
    |·  no.  archive name   original title                  lenght b  ·|
   .|   ÷----------------------------------------------------------÷   |
    |   01.  amf-ozfr.txt   ozone friendly                 250,936 b   |
    |   02.  amf-wtw.txt    waterworld                      81,000 b   |
    |   03.  amf-asc².txt   e=asc² (common)                153,944 b   |
    |   04.  amf-93°f.txt   93° fahrenheit                  69,550 b   |
    |   05.  drf_vbet.txt   vibrobeton (common)            222,000 b   |
   .|   06.  amf-bmn.txt    bring me noise                  81,020 b   |
   :|   07.  amf-back.txt   back on plastic (common)        55,000 b   |
   ·|   08.  amf-sayo.txt   sayonara fuckhead              191,200 b   |
    |   09.  amf-rame.txt   rame                            41,500 b   |
    |   10.  amf-fire.txt   firestarter (common)            80,000 b   |
    |   11.  amf-turb.txt   turbo (common)                 200,000 b   |
   .|   12.  amf-pf.txt     phun faktory                   193,100 b   |
   .|   13.  amf-dre1.txt   dreamland 1: hexagonal heretic 247,000 b   |
    |   14.  amf-dre2.txt   dreamland 2: jericho           178,227 b   |
    |   15.  amf-dre3.txt   dreamland 3: fantasia          229,160 b   |
    |   16.  amf-rzoo.txt   radiation in zoo               121,000 b   |
    |   17.  amf-exit.txt   exit fantasy (dreamland 4)     115,007 b   |
    |    __  _        _____                                   _  __    |
    |   -\/-(/-÷-----'.___.`---------------t---o---t---a---l--\)-\/    |
   ·|          _____ _|___|_ ______                                    |
   :|         / ___/_\__ __/____  /          own collys: 1,798,700 b   |
   ·|        /  /   ¬\|  ¬| \____/        common collys:   710,944 b   |
    |       /_________\   |___|  -ÐÅ!               all: 2,509,644 b   |
    |                 |---|                                            |
   ·|   -/\-(\-÷--------------------------------------------÷-/)-/\-   |
   .|    ¯¯  ¯                                                ¯  ¯¯    |
   :|                          soon available:                         |
   :|          "3er4 millenio" & "pain and heartbeat pumping"          |
   ¦|  __ _                             _                        _ __  |
   ¦|_(_//_) ... .         . ... ___ __/ ___  ... .       . ... (_\\_)_|
   |  )___________________________) \\/_/ (__________________________(
   |                 ·
   |                 |___________________________________________________.
   |                                                                     |
   | g  ·  u  ·  e  ·  s  ·  t     a  ·  r  ·  t  ·  i  ·  s  ·  t  ·  s |
 <-+-------------------------------------------------------------------> |
    ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                 |
                                                       |            acid |
                                                       |     chrombacher |
                                                       |           crazy |
                                                       |            dave |
                                                       |             dmd |
                                                       |      hotstepper |
                                                       |             qki |
                                                       |          relief |
                                                       |           sharp |
                                                       |           tango |
                                                       |                /\
                                                       |               / |\
   .___________________________________________________|               ¯||¯
   | «------------------------------------------------------------------'|
   |   r e s t   o f   l o g o s   a n d   d e s i g n   b y   c t p !   |
   |.------------------------------------------------------------------» |
  _||_               |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯·
  \| /               |
   \/                |
   |                 |
   |             now |                      ..
   |      s  o  m  e |                     : .:
   | r e q u e s t s |                     ·::·
   | f r o m          .: ._____.___      .·
   | me             .::· |   __|__/__. .:·
   |            ..::·::       __     |::·
   _________ .:::·  .:   .:   |/     |::      .
 ._\_ ___ _/_.:·   :· .::::---/______|:::. ·::::
 |    \      |·  .: .::::··            ··::::::::
 `-----\_____|  .:.::::  ___________       ····
   |           .:::··  ._\  _____  /____ _
   |          .::    | |    \  ___/        _______
   |          :      | `-----\_______ _ __ ____  /____.
   |                 |                \\\_\\____/    ¬|
   |                 |       ________ .               |
   |                 |    .__\_ ___   `----\__________|
   |                 |    |       /      |     ._____.
   |                 |    |              |_____|     |  ÷ÐÅ!÷
   |                 |    `-----/________|     /     |
   |                 |                  /     /|     |  _______
   |                 |                 /_____________|_ ____  /____.
   |                 |      __________.               \\\____/    ¬|
   |   ._____________|______) . .. ¯°O|      ..::: .               |
   |   |                              |   .··  ::::`----\__________|
   |   | if ye are tallented ascii    |  :
   |   | artist, please meke 4 my     |   ·...
   |   | pleasure diz beauty-lookin`  |      ·········...
   |   | logos sayin`:                |                 ·:.____.
   |   |                              |                  .:   ¬|
   |   |                        c t p |       :....     .:|  __|___
   |   | very                 m a w i |       :::::. ...· |    ___/__.
   |   | big                    7 u p |        :······    |     \|   |
   |   | thanks                 a m f |                   |--\       |___
   |   | mate :)  ____________________|                       \______|__/___.
   |   |_________(   |                                         ___\______   |
   |                 |                                        /        |/   |
   |               u |                                       /______________|
   |        probably |
   |            said |     ______________________ _
   |                 | ____)                    // |
   |                 ||     ·°  · how to... ·   ¯  | ·Ac!D/D°G·
   | ____      ____  ||  __       _____       ____ |   ____     _____
     )  ¬\__   )  ¬\__·  )¬\--,_  \   ¬\__   /   (__   )  ¬\__  \   ¬\__
, ,-\\ __/ (,-\\____ (,-\\· \  (,-\\     (,-\\____ (,-\\ __/ (,-\\ °·  (, ,
\_\_  (/ .° __¸  (_)  __¸  \ ·  __¸   ____)_¸  ---- __¸ (/    __¸   ____) )
 ( (_      _/(_      _/(_  _\_ _/(_ °· _)  (_      _/(_      _/(_    _)  )
     ¯¯¯¯¯¯    ¯¯¯¯¯¯ .  .¯   ¯    ¯¯¯¯      ¯¯¯.¯¯ .  ¯¯¯¯¯¯    ¯¯¯¯
   |                  |                             |
   |                  | for requesting high quality |
   |                  | ascii works and snail mail: |
   |                  |                             |
   |                  |  ctp/mawi^amf^squeezers    ,··..'
   |                  |  tomasz wisniewski        :  .···.
   |                  |  szeroka 35/8        .    : ·    ;
   |                  |  pl-75814 koszalin        :· ..·'
   |                  |  poland                   :·'
   |                  |                    .   °  `
   |                  |  or call:                   |
   |                  |  +48(0) 944-108-41    .     |
   |                  |  one node only :)           |
   |                  |                             |
   |                  |  also contact onther amf    |
   |                  |  member and my dear friend: |
   |                  |                             |
   |                  |  seti/mawi^amf      .    °  |
   |                  |  tomasz bieniecki           |
   |                 .|  walecka 54/9            .  |
   |                  |  pl-78440 czaplinek   °     |
   |                 .|                             |
   |                  |  or call:           .       |
   |                 ·|  +48(0) 944-108-41    .     |
   |                 .|  one node only, too :)   .  |
   |                 :| °.                      _   |
   |                 ¦l______¸  .  ..   ...    _\\  |
   |                 |       )_________________)\\\_|
   |                 |
   |                 |
   |                 |
   |     .----HS!-------------------------------------------------.
   |     |                                                        |
    _ .________     .________   _ .________     .___/\___   _ .___/\___
   .\\| ____ _/__.__| ______/__.\\| ______/__.__|___  __/__.\\|___  __/__.
   |    \.      ¬|________.   ¬|   .\/      ¬|      \/    ¬|      \/    ¬|
   |     |       |    .  ¬|    |   |         |      .      |      .      |
   |                                                              .
   |     .                __.__ __../__.___ ___.___               |
   |     |                \ | //__||  /|__/_\  | _/               |
   |     |:                                                      :|
   |     |::.....   ____.___ __\..___ ___ __.___.____ __.    ...::|
   |     `------- - \-- |__/_\__||__/_\  /__| \ |\__//  | - ------'
   |      an ascii makers federation production in the year of 1996
   |                  october fifth, seven thirty a.m.
   |                 |
   |                 |
   |                 |
   |                 |
   |                 |
   |               don`t forget to call our official board
   |                 |               .______
   |               __|_______    ____|     /   ______
   |          _  __\_ .___  /____\_ _|   _/____\_ __/___  _      __
   |      _ __\\_)   .|/  \/  (_    \       (_   . ____/_//_ __ _\/_ _
   |          .------|_________/-----\_______/---|_______ _ --. \/\/
   |         _¦________    ______        __________    _______¦__    HS!
   |       __\_ ______/____\_ __/___  ___\_ ._____/____\__ .__  /__
   |      _)_________   (_   . ____/_//_   .|/      (_    .|/ \/  (_
   |  - --`-----|/_______/---|_________/---|_________/----|________/-- -
   |                 |
   |                 |
   |                 |
   |     the sect bbs · official ascii makers federation distro site
   |                 |
   |                 |   node 1: +48 (096) 86-94-93
   |                 |   node 3: +48 (096) ask-4-it
   |                 |
   |            accept no imitations · dial or die, fuckhead!
   |                 |
   |                 |
   |         t h a t |
   |              is |
   |   e  n  u  f  f |
   |                 |
 ......../¯¯ t h e ¯¯\................
 ::      ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯              ::
 ·:  _________ _________ _________  :·  _________ _________ _________
 ·. (__   ____¥·        ¥·  ______) :· (·  ______¥·      __¥·        )
  · |· |     ¬| __   __ |  |·     | ·. |  |·    ¬|      | ¬|     |  ·|q
  . |  |· |   |  |·  |  | ________| .· | ________|  |·  |  |_____|   |k
  . |  |  |·  | -|---|- |· |      | .  |· |     ¬|  |   |· |·   ¬|   |i
    !  !  !   !  !   !  !  !      !  . !  !      !  !   !  !     !   !  .
    :  .  :   .  :   :  :  :      : ·  ·  :      :  .   :  :     :   : ·.
    .  :  ·   :  .   ·  .  ·      . .· :  ·      .  :   .  ·     .   · ·.
                                    :.                                 :.
   |            and  |              ::.............._____________......::
   |    s    e    e  |                              \__ e n d __/
   |              u  |
   |             in  |
   |     n  e  x  t  |
   |  collection by  |
   |        ctp/amf  |
   ¦                 ¦
   ¦                 ¦
   :                 :
   :                 :
   ·                 .
   .                 ·

@BEGIN FILE_ID.DIZ _ ______________________________ _
    ________   ____ ___   ________
  __)  ____(___) _ Y  (___)  ____(
  T    \T    T    \_/   T      T
  `-----|____|-----T____|------' HS!
 - ------------------------------ -
 ascii makers federation presents
ctp`s 17th collection "exit fantasy"
 - -----------[05/oct/1996]------ -

that is really