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File size:
51 984 bytes (50.77K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:23:00
Download count:
all-time: 487


_._      <<(· THE YARD ·)>>        \      .   ______  _______       ____._
 ¡/                                 \     |_ /     / ___     \ _____\   ¡
 |   1\36k6 sLOT·2\iSDN sLOTS       _\   (__\\____/__\ /______\   _/ \  |
 |  4\iSDN sTATIC tELNET sLOTS     /__________________/  /________\mt^lp|
 | aMIGA·cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·iBM  _ ________ _             ____ ________  |
 | aSCii·liNUX·hiPHOP·dAYdREAM  \ \      ///   ________./    ¡\      /  |
 | aEROHOLiCS·dISCIPLES oF aGEEMA  \     \____/    _  /¡    _|_\     \__|
 | sOiA·lP!·oMEN·aRCADE·pUREpHUN    \     \   \____\  \!___/    \____/
_!___ ______ ________________________\_____\__/________:   \____________._
 ·   \\     \\               ________________\                          !
       \_____\\______________\ cONTACTING: · zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH ·

                                 __  ._   __
                                 (__ | ) (_/__
      _________________..::::.                        _ _________  _________
  .___\       /    .:::·· .::·__________        ________.____  ./__\       /
  |    \     /  |     .  .::·          /___.  _/   _____|  _/ _/  \_\     /
  |  \  \   /   '  __::.:::_\__   _ __/_   |__\___ __l__.  \       / \   /
  |   \    /_______/ ::::· \____    ___/   |     / \ '  |___\_____/\    /
  l____\  /[rLf]    .::::::.   \____/\___  .  __/_______|    oS!l___\  /
        \/            :  ··::::...      \__|__/                      \/
                      ·      ····
                           p  a  l  a  c  e
                                * MOT!ON HQ  *
                            * TRADERS DREAN HQ  * 
                           * TRSI RECORDZ DK HQ  *
                              * DREAMCHART HQ  *
                              * HOODLUM DK HQ  *
                            * DATA DIVISION EHQ *
                               *  PUZZLES HQ  *

                            tHe oNEs mAK!Ng iT rUn
                         <0> +45-58ASK4IT 3NDs RD <0>

                           Sun Feb 11 20:35:51 1996

               communicate now · the knowledge is here
           _______                   no limitations · new generation!
          /   __________  \______
         /    /   /    /____    /_________
      _ /____    /    /__ /   __________  \_______ ___________________  __ _
     |     /____/____/_  /    / \_/    /____   _  \_______            ||_ _
 _ _ |              /   /____    /    /   /    /  ______  \_______    |
_ __||____________________ /____/____    /    /   /    /________  \_ _|
                                   /____/____    /    /   /  \_____/
                                           /____/____/kRm/    /   /
                                                    /   /____    /
       is back with another asc²-collection called         /____/

                        _ _______                  ·
     ______  _   /\ _______/ ___/_____ ________ __/_________ ______  _
 ____\__   \/¬\_/  \__    / \\______ ¬\______ ¬\_/   __    /_\__   \/¬\_ __
      /   __   /    /    /    /  \_____/    /   /    /    /   /   __   /
     /    /   /    /    /    /    /   /    /   /    /    /   /    /   /
 __ /____/   /____/    /____/____    /____/   /____/____    /____/   /_____
       /____/    /____/_       /____/   /____/    /   /____/kRm/____/
                     /                           ·
                                                      · m i l l e n i u m ·

                      |  //  Presented to you by:  //  |

                 .____.                                   ._______
       _ _ ______|_   | _ _ _____    ___ ___________.____ |      /
        \\\\__    /   |  \\\\__  \  /   \\______    \__  \|     /
            /    /    |      /  \ \/ /   \/   _     |/  \ \    /
          _/    /_    |    _/    \  /    /    /_    |    \ \  /_ _
       dZG\___________|    \______\/____/___________|_____\  ////
                                               __.         \/      of
 ___________.____________________ ____________/__|___ _____________________
 \______    \______    /  ___   / \__  _     / \___  \\______    /____    /
  /   _     |/ \   ___/    \___/   /    \___/_   |    \/ \   ___/ \______/_.
 /    /_    |   \    \      \_   _/     !     \  !     \  \    \    /_     |
/___________|____\    \______/dZG\_____________\_______/___\    \__________|
                  \____/                                    \____/

 .- (· contains ·) -.
_|__________________|_________________________ ___ __ _
 |                  :
 :                  ·
 · (· preface ·) ......................................... first words

   (· logos ·) ....................................... requested stuff

   (· credits ·) ..................................... who made this?!

   (· greets! ·) .......................................... greetings!

   (· messages ·) .......................................... messages!

   (· contact ·) ................................... where to reach me
   (· commercial ·) .................... a word from our HOLY sponsor!    :
                     _ __ ___ ____________________________________________|_

 .- (· preface ·) -.
_|_________________|__________________________ ___ __ _
 |                 :
 :                 ·
 · Hello and welcome to a new askicollection from U-Man/ArtCore!
   Another collection to take place on your harddrive or floppy so
   what more can I say?! Well I can say that this is my eleventh
   and hopefully NOT the last collection from me... As always this
   production couldn't been made without YOU requesting stuff and
   so on, so I'd better thank you all before I forget it :)
   Hmm, want me to tell you all about of my vacation from the scene?!
   It was really kewl to be free from everything, I thought it was
   in the beginning but then, boom! I got this infection that NO ONE
   knew what it was, no doctor new anything, just that I was "almost
   dead" when I came to the hospital on my birthday. But I recovered
   this illness in three weeks and after that I had to do about three
   weeks homework I had missed... That's what I call true romance!
   As you could see in my old and good friend Karma's latest popstar
   collection, he said something that there are some dudes taking this
   thing called scene so seriously, why is there guys that's taking this
   shit so serious?! When I entered the scene I was a novice, I didn't
   know anything, but when I think of it now, what have I really learned
   from this?! I've got more friends, but what have I learned!?
   Well, one thing I've learned is to fuck the mainstream (hi Karma & Kain)
   and be as alternative I can be (it's very hard believe me :))
   But I've always been listening to alternative music, and some music have
   become popular and everyone's listening to them, let's take and example,
   The Prodigy will be good! Some years ago, no one knew a shit about them,
   but now, EVERYBODY is listening to them. So when people ask me what songs
   I listens to most, I usually says G-Force (since it's one of their best
   tracks I think :)) and their heads are thinking, 'was this really on
   Music For The Jilted Generation??' ... I'm also listening to some really
   nice alternative popmusic that Karma have sent me! Please send me more
   tapes mate! I really hope that his band will be big and famous rockers
   and sell billions and billions of CD's to little girls :) haha...
   Nahh, anyway, good luck mate and ofcoz a big lucky-gum to Kain and his
   group Immodium! I'd like to say hi to all my fellows in ArtCore, Uzi,
   2kAd, Squash and ofcoz the mega groups: G'Force and Dynamo! Ahhhhhh...
   Better go to bed now, have to get up early in the morning.             ·
                                                             l8er, Anders :
                     _ __ ___ ____________________________________________|_

                                                             · let's do it! ·

   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. Assault              .--------------. Psychic Santa      _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'
 _________  __________________________\__        /_    ______    ___________.
 \______  \/   _______/  ______________  \      /  \  /     /__ _\_____     |
  /   _/   \______   \______   \/    _/   \    /    \/     /   \      /     |
_/    \     \_   /    \_   /    \_   \     \_ /      \_   /     \_   /______|
\______\     /_________/_________/____\     /_________/__________/________|

   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. Atrocity Exhibition  .--------------. Speedy             _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'
 ____________________.___________________________ _____________._____
 \______  \______    |____    /   .________.    /_.___.____    |    /__
  /   _/   \    /    |  _/  _/    |   \    |   /  |   |   /    |   /   \
_/    \     \_ /_____|  \    \_   |    \_  |__/   |   |  /_____|______  \_
\______\     /____|______\    /_________/_________|___|_____|____________/
<----uMn\   /aC!----------\  /------------------------------------------->
         \_/             ( \/ ) e X h i b i t i o N

   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. Atrocity Exhibition  .--------------. Speedy             _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'
 \______   \_______    |____     /   ._____/     Using The Following:
  /   _/    \     /    |  _/   _/    |    \           Amiga 4000
_/    \      \_  /_____|  \     \_   |     \_     CyberStorm 040/40
\______\      /_____|______\     /__________/   Usr 28.8 V.Everything
<----uMn\    /aC!---------- \   / ----------------.AmiExpress v4.7 ------>
         \__/                \_/___________       |__________.______
                                \____.    /_:     |_____     |     /___
                                 /   |   /  |     |    /     |    /    \
        Squash Mega Hq         _/    |__/   |     |   /______|_______   \_
                               \____________|     |_______|______________/
         46-54-831561          <----------- |     : ---------------------.
                                      ____  |                  ____      |
                                     (___/ e`X h i b i t i o N \___)     |
 Staff: Speedy/Squash - Stain/Squash - U-Man/2000Ad/ArtCore/Squash/Dynamo|

   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. Booth                .--------------. Booth              _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'
   _________________________________ ____________.___|  \
   \_____._     /    .__________.   \ ______     |   |   \
    /    |/   _/     |    \     |    \     /     |   .    \
  _/     |\    \_    |     \_   |     \_  /______|   |     \_
.-\_____________/___________/__________/______|______|      /---------.

   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. Cola Chart           .--------------. Marwic             _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'
       _____________ ____________ ______       _________
.--> __\_____      /____.       /      /___  __\_____   \ <-------------.
|   /       /_____/     |      /      /    \/      _/    \              |
| _/       /      \_    |     /      /      \_     \      \_   ChARt    |
| \________________/_________/_______________/______\      /            |

   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. Cubiz                .--------------. Flexor             _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'
     ___________\__       /__     _____________ ______________________
   __\_____       /      /   \  __\_____      /____________________   \_
  /       /______/      /     \/      _/    _/         \/      ________/
_/       /       \_    /       \_     \      \_         \_     \       \_
\_________________/_____________/_____________/          /______________/.

   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. Datastorm            .--------------. Lacoste!           _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'
      |     _____________ _____________ ____________. _____________|
      |   __\___._      /_\___._      /_\___._      |_\___._      /|
      |  /      |/     /      |/     /      |/      |     |/     / |
      | /       /     /       /     /       /_______|     /     /  |
      |/_____________/_______/     /_____________|_______/     /   |
      |                  uMn/_____/aC!                  /_____/    |
      |                                                            |
      `--------------------------------------------[· s T o R m ·]-'

   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. Decades              .--------------. Speedy             _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'
     .......   .......   .......   .......   .......   .......   ........
    .... `::: ::::  `:: ::::  `:: ::::  ::: .... `::: ::::  `:: `:::....
    ::::. ::: ::::::    ::::. ... :::::.::: ::::. ::: ::::::    ....  :::
.-> ::::: ::: ::::' ::: ::::: ::: ::::: ::: ::::: ::: ::::' ::: ::::  ::: <-.
|   ::::::::' `:::::::' `:::::::' ::::: ::: ::::::::' `:::::::' `:::::::'   |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |

   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. Dr Power             .--------------. Rubik              _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'
      ________ ________________
   ________   \\________      /
          /    \/     _/    _/
         /      \_    \      \_
_________________/_____\      /
           __________ ______________   ______ ___________. _______________
         ________.   \ _____.      /___\__   \\______    |_._______      /
                 |    \_    |     /      /    \/    /    | |     _/    _/
              _________/    |    /      /\     \_  /_____| |     \      \_
        ___________|____________/_______/\      /__________|______\      /

   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. Forbidden Entry      .--------------. Fuzzy Navel        _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'

_||¯                                                                    |
\|                -+- <@> CoME oN ANd HANg oUT AT: <@> -+-              |
 \                                                                      |
 |                                                                      |
 | « - - ( F o R B i D D e N ) - - »                                    |
 |   _____________._______        ____________.____________ _______     |
 | __\__._       /|______ \_____._\____       |\____      //      /____ |
 |/     |/      / |/     \ \    \     /       |   _/    _//      /     \|
_/      /______/  |       \ \    \_  /________|   \      \_________     \_
\_________________|________\      /________|_______\      /______________/
 |                          \____/                  \____/              |
 |                                                                      |
 | sYSOPS: FUzZY nAVEL/mST^tRSi - ARTiC CAT/oTL^MsT - KiLLraVeN/mYSTiC! |_
 | sTAFF: cAPTAiN cAVEMAN/mST - dYNAMiC fLASh/tRSi - bLUE biRD/mST&tRSi |/
 |                                                                      /
 |     1.5gIGABYTES! a3OOO sERVER! '030-25mhZ! 10mB rAM! /X4.xx+!       |
 | __                                                                 _||

   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. Forbidden Entry      .--------------. Fuzzy Navel        _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'

                      « - - ( F o R B i D D e N ) - - »
     _____________   _____        ____________.____________ _______
   __\__._       /.__\___ \_____._\____       |\____      //      /____
  /     |/      /_|      \ \    \     /       |   _/    _//      /     \
_/      /______/  |       \ \    \_  /________|   \      \_________     \_
\_________________|________\      /________|_______\      /______________/

« - - ( F u C k · W h Q ) - ( M Y s T i C > A m I g A ^ /X < C h Q ) - - »

              S Y S o P : F u Z Z Y · N A v E L / M Y s T i C

   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. Final Impact         .--------------. Final Impact Posse _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'

 .---( f i N A L ) -----------------------------------------------------.
 |     ___________        __________________ ____________ ____________. |
 |    (______.__  \   ____\______     /__.  \\_____.    /_.______     | |
 |   /       |  \  \ /  _ \/  __/    /  _|   \     |   /  |     /     | |
 | _/        |   \  V  /   \_ \_____/   \     \_   |__/   |    /______| |
 | \_________|____\   /_____/_____|______\     /__________|________|    |
 |              uMn\_/aC!                 \___/                         |
 |                                                                      |
 `-------> .. sTAin .. uMAn .. eZCo^bOROMir .. eXEROn&mANiAc .. <-------'

   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. Instant Pleasure     .--------------. Nike               _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'
    ____________       ______________________.______ _______      ____________.
   (______.____ \_____/   ______________     |____  \\_____ \_____\______     |
  /       |    \ \    \_______   \     /     |  _/   \/    \ \    \     /     |
_/        |     \ \    \_    /    \_  /______|  \     \_    \ \    \_  /______|
\_________|______\______/__________/______|______\     /_____\______/______|--.
`----------------------------------------------uMn\___/aC!-.                  |

   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. Die Jugend           .--------------. Petronella         _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'
       ______________ ___     _____________
     __\___._       /____)  __\_____      /
    /      |/      /      \/       /     /_.
   /       /      /        \_     /_____/  |
|         ___________.  __________________________ ______       ________|_____
|  ______/      /    |__\____  ______.______     /.____  \_____.\___._       /
| /     /      /     |      /  \     |     /    /_|    \  \    |    |/      /
|/     /      /      |     /    \    |    /____/  |     \  \   |    /      /
/____________/____________/__________|____________|______\     |__________/
   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. Kyron Dome           .--------------. Karma              _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'
           ______________        _____________ _________        ______
   _______/      /      /____  __\_____      /     .    \  _____\     \
  /     _/     _/      /     \/      _/    _/      |     \/      \     \
_/      \       \_________    \_     \      \_     |      \_    \ \     \_
\________\       /_____________/______\      /_____________/_____\       /
|         \_____/                      \____/                     \_____/|
|             _______________________              /\     ____________   |
|           __\___._       /    .    \  ______    /  \  __\___._     /_. |
|          /      |/      /     |     \/      \  / /  \/      |/    /  | |
|         /       /      /      |      \_    \ \/ /    \_     /____/   | |
|        /______________/_______________/_____\  /______/______________| |
                                                     sYSOP: dANZiG/aRCLiTE
   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. Mandrom              .--------------. Mike               _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'
 _______          _________   _____     __________
 \____  \  _____ _\_____   \ _\__  \____ _____._  \
  /   \  \/     \     _/    \    \  \   \     |/   \
_/     \    /    \_   \      \_   \  \   \_   /     \_
\_______\  /______/____\      /____\      /__________/ <-----------------.
         \/             \____/      \____/_____ ________________         |
.->                                 ______    /.    ._________  \  _____ |
|  SYSoP: tHE FUGitiVE             |    _/   / |    |    \/   \  \/     \|
|                                  |    \   /  |    |     \_   \    /    \_
|  +46-523-60501 NO NUP/SYStEM PW  |_____\     |___________/____\  /______/
|                                      uMn\____|aC!              \/      |

   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. Maximum Anarchy      .--------------. Ziz                _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'

                            -( m A x i M u m )-
 _________ ______     _________ ___________________________     ______
 \______  \\____ \____\______  \\______    /   __    /    /__  /     /__
  /   _/   \/   \ \   \/   _/   \/   _/  _/     /___/    _   \/     /   \
_/    \     \_   \ \   \_  \     \_  \    \_   /    \_   /    \______    \_
\______\     /____\_____/___\     /___\    /_________/__/      /__________/

   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. Nato                 .--------------. U-Man              _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'
     _________        ________________ _________________._____________
     \_______ \_______\__________     \\__________      |    ._______/
 .--> /      \ \      \/       _/      \/        /      |    |      \ <--.
 |  _/        \ \      \_      \        \_      /_______|    |       \_  |
 |  \__________\________/_______\        /__________|_________________/  |

   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. Nike                 .--------------. Nike               _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'

     .               :
     |               | ________             __________  ________________
  ___|____           |(________).__________/         / _______.        /
.______   \          |          |         /         /|        |       /__.
|      \   \         |          |       _/        _/_|        |      /   |
|       \   \        |          |       \            |        |     /    |
|        \   \       |          |        \           |        |____/     |
|_________\          |__________|_________\          |___________________|

   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. No Impulse           .--------------. Speedy             _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'
   ________       _____________
   \_____  \______\_______.    \         sYSoPS: rAYbAN % sPEEdY % ??
    /    \  \     \/      |     \
  _/      \  \     \_     |      \_
.-\________\        /_____________/---------------------------------------.
|           \______/         ______.                                      |
|   _________        ________\____ |___ ______.    _____________________  |
¦  (_______  \   ____\_______    / |   \      |___/ ______________     /  ¦
: /     |  \  \ /  _ \/    |/   /  |    \     |   \______   \    /    / \ :
_/      |   \  V  /   \_  _____/   |     \_   |    \_   /    \_ /____/   \_
\_______|____\   /_____/_____|____________/_________/_________/___________/
| ---------uMn\_/aC!----------------------------------------------------- |

   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. The Party 4          .--------------. Cybertron          _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'
  _____________.___|  \ ____________
  \_______     |   |   \ _____.    /_.
   /     /     |   .    \     |   /  |
 _/     /______|   |     \_   |__/   |
 \__________|______|      /__________|
|                  ____________.______ _____________________.______
|                  \_____._    |____  \\______    /_____    |     /__
|                   /    |/    |  _/   \/   _/  _/     /    |    /   \
|                 _/     /_____|  \     \_  \    \_   /_____|______   \_
|                 \_________|______\     /___\    /______|_____________/
`--------------------------------uMn\   /aC!--\  /-----------------------.
                                     \_/       \/        _______         |
                                                        /      /___      |
                                                       /      /    \     |
                                                     __\_________   \_   |

   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. Psychic Santa        .--------------. Psychic Santa      _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'
                                 _ __  __ _
                                (          )
                                 ·        ·
                         - ÷ [ p S Y c h i c ] ÷ -
                                 .        .
    -|----_______________________|__      |____________._______ ----|-
     |   /  _______________  \_____ \     |______      |_____  \    |
     |   \______   \     _/   \    \ \    |     /      |   _/   \   |
     | _/      /    \_   \     \_   \ \   |    /_______|   \     \_ |
     | \_____________/____\     /____\    |_________|_______\     / |

   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. Rave, Rave, Rave     .--------------. U-Man              _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'
    ____________ ____________ ____________
.-> .______    /_.______    /_.______    /_. <---------------------------.
|   |    _/   /  |    _/   /  |    _/   /  |                             |
|   |    \   /   |    \   /   |    \   /   |       RAVe, RAVe, RAVe      |
|   |_____\      |_____\      |_____\      |                             |

   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. Rayban               .--------------. Speedy             _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'
  ____________ __________  _______
  .______    /_.______   \/      /____
  |    _/   /  |    _/    \     /     \
  |    \   /   |    \      \________   \_
.-|_____\      |_____\      /___________/--------------------------------.
|        \_____|   uMn\____/aC!  _____________ ________ _______          |
|                              __\_____      /______   \ ____  \_____    |
|                             /      _/    _/     _/    \    \  \    \   |
|                           _/       \      \_    \      \_   \  \    \_ |
|                           \________________/_____\      /____\       / |

   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. Rubik                .--------------. Rubik              _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'
     ___________\__       /__     _____________ ____           _______
   __\_____       /      /   \  __\_____      /_____)  _______/      /
  /      _/     _/      /     \/      _/    _/       \/     _/     _/
_/       \       \_    /       \_     \      \_       \_    \       \_
\_________\       /_____________/_____________/________/_____\       /

   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. Therion              .--------------. Static & Fanta     _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'
 ____________.___|  \ __________. ____________ ________________ _______
 \______     |   |   \\______   |_.______    /_.___________.   \ ____  \____
  /    /     |   _    \/    /   | |    _/   /  |     \     |    \    \  \   \
_/    /______|   |     \_  /____| |    \   /   |      \_   |     \_   \  \   \_
\__________|_____|      /_________|_____\      |_______/__________/____\      /
                 |_____/              uMn\_____|aC!                     \____/

   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. Weektop              .--------------. The Fugitive       _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'
        _______     _________.   _________.          ______
   _____\__    \  __\____    |_._\____    |_. ______/     /
<-/       /     \/      /    | |     /    | |/    _/    _/----------------.
_/       /\      \_    /_____| |    /_____| |     \      \_               |
\________/\       /____________|____________|______\      /               |
-- - ---uMn\_____/aC!-------------------------------\____/-[t·O·p]--- -- -'

   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. Wired                .--------------. Wired              _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'
.:::::::.                                                       ..........
:::::.                                                              .::::::.
::::.                    -| [· W · ¡ · R · E · D ·] |-                .::::·
:::::.    _______    ______     _____________ _____________   ______________
::::·_____\__    \  (______)  __\_____      /_\___._      /_._\___._       /
-|--/       /     \/        \/      _/    _/      |/     /  |     |/      /|-
:|_/       /\      \_        \_     \      \_     /_____/   |     /      /:|
:|\________/\       /_________/______\      /_______________|___________/::|

   .---------.                    .----------------.
   ||¯ Name  `--------------------'  Requested by  `---------------------.
   `--------. Ziz                  .--------------. Ziz                _||
            `----------------------'              `----------------------'

         /\____________  ________ /\____________
.------> \___________  \_ _______)\___________  \_ <----------------.
|         /    _________/_        \/    _________/_                 |
|       _/     \          \_       \_   \          \_               |

 .- (· credits ·) -.
_|_________________|__________________________ ___ __ _
 |                 :
 :                 ·
 · Art^Design by ... U-Man/ArtCore

   Programmed at ... Cryogenics Laboratories, Plasma Springs

   Guestwork ....... Karma/Arclite, Danzig/Arclite, Shapechanger/Dezign
                     CountZero/ArtCore, Biscrok

   Hardware ........ Amiga 5OO (i know h0h0), UsRobotics 16.8 DS etc.

   Software ........ CygnusEd Profession v3.5, NComm v3.0, DiAnsi v2.8
                     Lettermatcher v1.0

   Music support ... The Prodigy, Front Line Assembly, Hardsequencer
                     Moby, Ministry, Front 242, Ticket To Wonderland
                     Skinny Puppy, New Order, Westbam, Total Eclipse      ·
                     Cubanate, Laibach, Lassigue Bendthaus, Daf etc.      :
                     _ __ ___ ____________________________________________|_

 .- (· greets! ·) -.
_|_________________|__________________________ ___ __ _
 |                 :
 :                 ·
 · Stain/Squash, Karma/Arclite/Dynamo, Kain/Duplo/Dynamo, Chucky/Virtual
   Boromir/Trsi/Dpl/2kAd, Rhys/Delirium, Vegas/Outlaws, Speedy/Squash
   CountZero/Origin/ArtCore, Maniac/Equinox, Cluster/Insane, Neo Orc
   Fuzzy Navel/Mystic,The Silencer/Tds/Equinox, D-Zire/Tds/Spaceballs
   Core, Jlp, Distler/Hardbyte, Savage/Insane/Lsd, Boozer/Insane/Ambiance
   Mery/2kAd, Devil/Addonic, Mogue/Scoopex/ArtCore, Godhead, Ezco/Duplo
   Manta/Scoopex/ArtCore, Neutralizer/Over the Top, Mr Spock, Mr AGA
   Nightshade/Insane, Alfatech/Censor, Static&Fanta/Therion, Marvin
   Skin/Dezign, Shapechanger/Suburban Base/Dezign, Juan/Trsi/E^d, Colt
   Harpoon/Skid Row/E^d, Marwin/Duplo, Guybrush, Lord/Uzi, Mrk/Squash
   Cybertron/Alphaflight/Equinox/Orient, Marwic/Skid Row, Fatal/E^d
   Sham/Squash/Outlaws, Rubik/Squash/Equinox, Zleepy/Squash, Ten/Squash
   Psychic Santa/Assault, Psycho/Disorder, Qen/Squash, Necronomicon
   Mike/The Nuzzels, Yz, Sprocket, Rayban

   Asc² greets! to these heroes!

   Karma/Arclite, Shapechanger/Dezign, Danzig/Arclite, Skin/Dezign
   Amblin/Dezign, Desert/Dezign, Stezotehic, Crusader, Gem/Arclite
   Sy-Klone/Arclite, Exocet/Arclite, H2o, Maz/Upperclass, The Silencer

   Also big respects to all my mates in ArtCore! ·CountZero, Tango, Manta ·
                                                 Mogue, Rapid, Crazy etc· :
                     _ __ ___ ____________________________________________|_

 _  __________  ___|____________________ _______________ _____________ _____
|_||   \__    \/   |  _   / ______   __/_  .  __   ___/_  _    /  ___/___   |
 __|     \_        |  _)_/__.    /__.   /  |  \/  l_   /  _)__/__.  ____/   |
|         |  \  .  |  |  \_ |   /   l _/   _   \_  /  /   |   \_ |  __/     |
|     .   |___\/   |______/____/\_____\____|____/____/_________/____/sc     |
|  _ _|_ _     |   |                                                        |
|     |        `---'      Hold on to yourself!?                             |
|     ·              -+- ----------------------- -+-                        |
|                                                                           |
| Stain   Internet!.. Heard a new word last night! Sober-Space, the place   |
|         for you hehe!.. Party on friend!                                  |
| Karma   Hi baby! Hope to hear some tape from you sometime, and I'd also   |
|         like to thank you for all logos you've made for me during the     |
|         years hehe. See you around mate!                                  |
| Kain    Soon you'll be able to see some nice U-Man /X utils out on the    |
|         market!.. (I really hope so anyway! :))                           |
| Count^  Ehh, I don't know where you have got this info about Sweden being |
|  Zero   a sex-country haha! Nice collection you released some month ago!  |
|         I really loved your kewl logos I requested some years ago :) Hmm, |
|         bring Kylie Minogue with to Sweden will you?? :)                  |
| Boromir I got you now! You're the leadsinger for Rednex and you're the    |
|         one behind the Bryan Adams fanzine too haha! Anyway, nice to know |
|         you man!                                                          |
| Speedy  Haha, pling-plong ding-dong... So what was your thoughts of the   |
|         concert then (except for the party afterwards?? :))               |
| Shape·  Thanx for all logos! I heard about the Heineken museum down in    |
| changer Amsterdam, for some crowns you'll be able to drink as much beer   |
|         for 45 minutes, whatta PARTY!! h0h0                               |
| Sil*    To bad that they had to bust you! See you around, perhaps in      |
|         town?!                                                            |
| Savage  Have you got high yet?! I mean LSD h0h0, get in touch with me and |
|         * all * users at Final Impact again mate! :)                      |
| Mogue   More collections wanted!! I'd really hope to meet you sometime!   |
|         Perhaps I'm going to visit a girlfriend in Prague (I think it was |
|         the former capital of Tcheckoslowakia anyway) next summer, so     |
|         perhaps I'm gonna visit you if it's allright?? :) I'll try to get |
|         an account at your bbs VERY soon (we've been trying MANY times,   |
|         believe me!!) See you!                                            |
| Manta   When will 1000% Ohm be released then? Or are you waiting for the  |
|         1000:th order or?? :)                                             |
| Rhys    Have you really closed Neurobashing or?? :(                       |
| Neo Orc Let's start trading for real now or what do you say!?             |
| Skin    More kewl german styles wanted from you!                          |
| Harpoon When will you release your new one then?!                         |
| Marwin  Is Disorder down or what?! I've tried some times but... :(        |
| Rubik   Supra and Hassan is eliiite h0h0                                  |
|__.                                                                        |
 _ |                                (· origin final impact +46-55-018128 ·) |

 .- (· contact ·) -.
_|_________________|__________________________ ___ __ _
 |                 :
 :                 ·
 · If you wanna contact me for some reason, request ascii or just
   some friendly bullshit feel free to call these boards I'm on

        Final Impact ............................... +46-55-018128
        Atrocity Exhibition ........................ +46-54-831561
        Neurobashing ( Altered State ? )............ +46-52-234894
        Serpent Hill ............................... +46-88-00293
        Gang Bang .................................. +46-54-833882
        Inside Out ................................. +46-34-658697
        Trash City ................................. +1-7183188315

    Try these ArtCore boards too!

        Endless Pain ............................... +49-YouKnowit
        Central City ............................... +49-YouKnowit        ·
        Boondocks .................................. +32-Fuck-No!!        :
                     _ __ ___ ____________________________________________|_

 .- (· commercial ·) -.
_|____________________|______________________ ___ __ _
 |                    :
 :                    ·
 .----.                  .      ______ _    .----.                    ______ _
 |    |_______________  _|____ |       /____|__  |    ______________ |     sc/
 |    |    __   _    /___|    \|      / _     /  | ___\_  _     /   \|      /
 |    |_   \/   _)__/    |     \     /  _)___/   |/    /  _)___/     \     /
 |    _/    \_  l   \_   |    \     /   |    \_  /   _/   l    \_   \     /
 |    l______/_______/  _|____|\___/\_________/  \    \_________/   |\___/
 |    |           \______|                  |    |\____/    \_______|
 `----'                                     |    |                        ·
                                            `----'   (hi Shapechanger!)   :
                     _ __ ___ ____________________________________________|_

 .- (· commercial2 ·) -.
_|_____________________|_____________________ ___ __ _
 |                     :
 :                     ·                                .
 ·               .                                  _ __|_________
 __  _____ ______|______ ______________________________ |        /______  ___
|__||      \_    |    _/____  ____________.     __     \|       /       ||___|
 ___|       /    |    \_    \/     _/     |_    \/      \      /        |____
|         s/     :     /           \      _/     \_    \      /s             |
|         c\__________/     \/      \_____\_______/    |\____/ c         \.  |
|      .            _/      |________/        \________|                .\\  |
|____ _|_ _________ \_______| _______________________________________________|
       :      of    .
         _ _________|_________ ____________________ ._________
    ._____ __/\   sc|   _    /_________.    /  .   \!  __    /__________.
    !       /  \_   |   /   /   ___/   |___/   |    \   /  _/________   !
    |      /   _/   :   \   \_  |_/    |   \_  |     \  \   \_ _    /   |
    |    _/    l____|___|\___/  |\__________/________/  |\___/ _)__/    |
    |    \_____|            |___|                   |___|/     |   \_   |

              will soon be back with a co-op production with
 ___ .___ |    | _____ ___________________________ _______________ __________
|___||    |    |/    /_________         ______  ___\__    .______/           |
.____|   s|    /   _/   ._____/_________\_    \/     /    |_    \  s   ._____|
|        c|    \    \_  |_   \______     /          /     _/     \_c   | ____
|________ |    |\____/  _/    \_   /    /    \  / _/      \_______/____||____|
          |____|_/      \______/   \    \_____\/  \_______|
                \_______|    |     |\____/     |_______/
                             :     |
                                   :                  from · arclite! ·   ·
                                   .                                      :
                     _ __ ___ ____________________________________________|_

                         _ _____  and dont you forget that /\
             _ __  ________/   /______  _ ________ _____  /  \ _
                 \\\__    /   / \__   \/¬\______ ¬\____¬\/   //
                    /    /  _/___/   __   /   _    /   \ \  /
                   /    /  /_____/   /   /    /   /    /\  /
    .-------------/    /   /---/    /   /    /   /    /   /-------------.
    |            /____    /   /____/   /____/   /____/   /              |
    |               /____/       /____/   /____/   /    /               |
    |                                             /____/_               |
    |                        - --( iS A )-- -         /                 |
    l___________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________  |
 _ ___________ ¬\__   _ ¬\______ ¬\______ ¬\__     ¬\______ ¬\______ ¬\_|
    |   /   _____/    /   /   _____/    /___/_    ___/   _    /   _ ___/|
    `--/    /---/    /   /    /---/\____  \--/    /-/    /   /    /  \--'
      /    /   /    /   /    /   /    /   / /    / /    /   /    /   /
     /____/_  /____    /____/kRm/____    / /____/_/____/   /____/   /
         /       /____/            /____/      /     /____/   /____/

                                                          bye bye, Kylie!

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

bIS!.----------÷·A · R · t·÷----------.
__/\:_____/\______/\______/\_____     ¦
__  _________   _____   __  ____/     ¦
/   /   /   /   /   / __/   __/__     :
\___   /\___   /___/   \____    /_ ___:__ __
__ __ /______ /_______ /______ /_//__//_//
    \/      \/       \/      \/       ·
    :                                 :
    ¦  uMAn!/2kAd/aRTCoRe/uZi/sQUASh  ¦
    | iS bACk wiTh ·miLLENiUm· pARt·1 |

 .- (· commercial3 ·) -.
_|_____________________|_____________________ ___ __ _
 |                     :
 :                     ·
 · If you've leeched this production, you might aswell leech the
   new askiproduction from Karma/Arclite and the new /X-util from
   Kain/Duplo                                                             ·
                     _ __ ___ ____________________________________________|_

 .- (· commercial4 ·) -.
_|_____________________|_____________________ ___ __ _
 |                     :
 :                     ·
 · Hmm, I've probably said this EVERY year now, but this time I'm gonna
   be there! See you all in Herning, Denmark at The Party iV              ·
                     _ __ ___ ____________________________________________|_

                             Sun Feb 11 20:35:51 1996

                                 __  ._   __
                                 (__ | ) (_/__
      _________________..::::.                        _ _________  _________
  .___\       /    .:::·· .::·__________        ________.____  ./__\       /
  |    \     /  |     .  .::·          /___.  _/   _____|  _/ _/  \_\     /
  |  \  \   /   '  __::.:::_\__   _ __/_   |__\___ __l__.  \       / \   /
  |   \    /_______/ ::::· \____    ___/   |     / \ '  |___\_____/\    /
  l____\  /[rLf]    .::::::.   \____/\___  .  __/_______|    oS!l___\  /
        \/            :  ··::::...      \__|__/                      \/
                      ·      ····
                           p  a  l  a  c  e
                                * MOT!ON HQ  *
                            * TRADERS DREAN HQ  * 
                           * TRSI RECORDZ DK HQ  *
                              * DREAMCHART HQ  *
                              * HOODLUM DK HQ  *
                            * DATA DIVISION EHQ *
                               *  PUZZLES HQ  *

                            tHe oNEs mAK!Ng iT rUn
                         <0> +45-58ASK4IT 3NDs RD <0>

_._      <<(· THE YARD ·)>>        \      .   ______  _______       ____._
 ¡/                                 \     |_ /     / ___     \ _____\   ¡
 |   1\36k6 sLOT·2\iSDN sLOTS       _\   (__\\____/__\ /______\   _/ \  |
 |  4\iSDN sTATIC tELNET sLOTS     /__________________/  /________\mt^lp|
 | aMIGA·cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·iBM  _ ________ _             ____ ________  |
 | aSCii·liNUX·hiPHOP·dAYdREAM  \ \      ///   ________./    ¡\      /  |
 | aEROHOLiCS·dISCIPLES oF aGEEMA  \     \____/    _  /¡    _|_\     \__|
 | sOiA·lP!·oMEN·aRCADE·pUREpHUN    \     \   \____\  \!___/    \____/
_!___ ______ ________________________\_____\__/________:   \____________._
 ·   \\     \\               ________________\                          !
       \_____\\______________\ cONTACTING: · zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH ·