File Archive

File download


File size:
49 478 bytes (48.32K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:22:56
Download count:
all-time: 573


[sof] ······· [line ooo1] ········ [egotripsters must add their shit above...]

                    Das ist kein Traum - Das ist KEIN Traum!

 .                                .¼¼¼' `¼¼¼.                                .
 .                                s¼¼P   ¶¼¼s                                .
-:-----------------------------÷ .¼¼¼'   `¼¼¼. ÷-----------------------------:-
 :                               s¼¼P     ¶¼¼s                               :
 :                               ¼¼¼'     `¼¼¼                               :
 :                               ¼¼¼       ¼¼¼                               :
 :                        _______~~  _______~~  ______                       :
 :                  ____//  ____/___/   _   \__/ ____ \\____                 :
 :                  \       \_          /        \__       /                 :
 :                   \·      /                     /     ·/                  :
 :                   _\\    /     _ _        _    /     //_                  :
 :    .--------------\ \---/_____/¬-\_______/¬---/______/ /--------------.   :
 :    : ___ ____    ______     ______   ________    _______     ______   :   :
 : _____\  V   /___/ ____ \____\____ \_|       /____\   _  \_  / ____ \_____ :
 : \       __        \__           /   .______/       __/  _/ /  \__       / :
 :  \·      /          /          /    |    /         \     \      /     ·/  :
 :  _\\    /     _    /     _    /     |   /      _    \     \    /     //_  :
.---\ \---/_____/¬---/_____/¬---/_____/¯  /______/¬---- \     \--/______/ /---.
 :                               ¼¼s       ¼¼¼                               :
 :                               ¼¼¼.     .¼¼¼                               :
 :                               ¼¼¼s     s¼¼¼                               :
 :                               ³¼¼b     d¼¼P                               :
 :                               `¼¼¼.   .¼¼¼'                               :
 :                                ¶¼¼b   s¼¼P                                :
 :                                `¼¼¼. ,¼¼¼'                                :
 :                                 ¶¼¼¼_¼¼¼P                                 :
 :                                 `¼¼¼¼¼¼¼'                                 :
 :                                  ¶¼¼¼¼¼P                                  :
 :                                  `¼¼¼¼¼'                                  :
 :                                   ¶¼¼¼P                                   :
 :                                   `¼¼¼'                                   :
 :                                    %¼%                                    :
 :                                    ¶¼P                                    :
 :                                    `¼'                                    :
 :                                     ¼                                     :
 :                                     ¼                                     :
 :                                     X                                     :
 :                                     ¦                                     :
 :                                     .                                     :
 :                                                                           :
 :                                                                           :
 :            a   c o l l e c t i o n   o f   a s c i i   w e r x            :
 :                                                                           :
 :                   d o n e   b y   n e u r o d a n c e r                   :
 :                                                                           :
 :                     w i t h   t h e   b l e n d   o f                     :
 :                                                                           :
 :                                                                           :
 :                                                                           :
 :        _____     ______     ____:  ______                                 :
 :      _\\__ ¬\_._\\__  ¬\_ _\\__ |_\\___ ¬\_.                              :
 :    _/   __    :   _/   _/ |           /    |                              :
-:--÷ |     /        \     \ :                | ÷----------------------------:-
 :    |    /     _    \     \      : _       _|                              :
 :    `---/_____/¬-----\     \_____|-\______/                                :
 :                      \                                                    :
 :                       \      _______.  ______     ______     ______       :
 :  bud^neurodancer       \     \     ¯|_\\  __/_ ._\\  __/_ ._\\___ ¬\_.    :
 :  juice^vouck!^you?      \     \          ____/_|    ____/_|     /    |    :
 :                          \    /\         \     '    \                |    :
-:-------------------------÷ \         : _        _ _        _ _       _| ÷--:-
 :                            \__/\    |-\_______/¬-\_______/¬-\______/      :
 :                                 \___|                                     :
 :                                                                           :
 :                                                                           :
 :                                              i n t r o - d - a c t i o n  :
 :                                                                           :
 :  hello out there in our world. this is my first collection in             :
 :             arid  weed  blend.  the logos contained in this textfile are  :
 :  rather old, and with the beginning of the arid weed era :) i             :
 :             thought  its  a nice start/way to say "we are here to stay".  :
 :  this  collection  is not labeled as "old school" or whatever             :
 :             ranking.  personally, i think its rather ridiculous to put a  :
 :  certain  label  on ascii stuff - whatever you do is what you             :
 :             are  doing  now, and only history can tell what it will have  :
 :  been at the time you've done it. thats all about it.                     :
 :                                                                           :
 :                       wenn du ausloeschst sinn und ton... was hoerst du?  :
 :                                                                           :
 :                                                                           :
 :                                                                           :
 .                                                                           .

 .                                                                           .

     .                            ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼
    _|___________                  `¼¼¼¼¼¼'
  ___|_                             ¼¼¼¼¼¼
  \  :                              ¼¼¼¼¼¼
   \                                ¼¼¼¼¼¼
   |\                               ¼¼¼¼¼¼
   |                                ¼¼¼¼¼¼
   :          Part I. - miscellaneous¼logos, requests & donations
          Das ist kein Traum. KEIN Traum.¼Wir benutzen das elektrische
          System  ihres  Gehirns als¼Empfaenger. Wir sind nicht in der
          Lage  durch  Neurointerferenzen¼ des Bewusstseins zu senden.
                                    ¼¼¼¼¼¼                                 :
                                    ¼¼¼¼¼¼                                 |
                                    ¼¼¼¼¼¼                                \|
                                    ¼¼¼¼¼¼                                 \
                                    ¼¼¼¼¼¼                             _:___\
                                   s¼¼¼¼¼¼s  ¼¼                _________|_
                                  ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼ ¼¼                         :

\____                        ____ /___________________________________________/
\\   \ aurora borealis logo. \  //                                           //
 \\___\ self-stimulation work \//___________________________________________//
   \                           /                                           /

         _________________________  /  \  ___________________________
         \                       /(/    \)\                         /
          \                      ¯/      \¯                        /
          )\\_                   /_______\\                     _//(
          ¯¯                                                      ¯¯
                               a  u  r  o  r  a

          _____       ______:   _____      ______     _____      _____
        _\\__  \_____\\     |__\\__  \_  _\\__   \___\\__ ¬\_  _\\__  \_.
      ./   __   ¬     \     `¯   _/  _/ /    /    `    _/  _/ /   __   ¬|
      |     /          \         \   ¬\                \    \      /    |
      |:   /     /\         _    /     \ _        _    /     \    /     |
      ¬---/_____/  \_______/¬----\      \\_______/¬----\      \--/_____/¯
                                  \_____/               \_____/
    _____      ______     _____     ______      _____   _____.   __.  _____
.__\\__ ¬\_  _\\__   \___\\__  \_  \\  __/_   _\\__  \_|¯    |__\\_| /¯  _//_
|    _/  _/ /    /    `¯   _/  _/_/   ____/__/   __   ¬'     |¯    |_\____   \.
|    \    \                \   ¬\|    \    ¬      /                `     /    |
| _        _ _        _    /     \ _        _    /     _ _   | _   _ _        |
¬-\_______/¬-\_______/¬----\      \\_______/¬---/_____/¬-\___|-\___|-\_______/¯

                            b  o  r  e  a  l  i  s
          __ _                    ________                        __
          )//                    \\       /                      \\(
          /                      _\      /_                        \
         /_______________________\(\    /)/_________________________\
                                    \  /

\____                        ____ / __________________________________________/
\\   \ blizzard logo. hmmmm? \  //                                           //
 \\___\ requested by judy^soh \//___________________________________________//
   \                           /                                           /

            :           /
            :          /:    __________
  _ ________:           :___/          \                                     _
  \         :       ____:              / ----------------------------------///
    ______  : ____. \   |  ______     /
 .__\___  \_:_\   |__\  |__\__   \  _/____     ______    _______    _______
 |    _   _/|     |   \ :    ____/__\__   \   _\__   \_._\___   \_ _\____  \_.
 |    \    \|     |    \     \        ____/_./   __    |    /   _/      /    |
 | _        |    _|_    :        _    \     |     /    |   /     \     /     |
 :-\        |____\_/____|\______ /          |    /     |   \      \          |
    \______/:     ~     :    /  /__________/'---/_____/'----\      \________/'
 _          :           :   /                                \_____/nD
 \\\--------:           :- /             __________________________________ _/
            :_          :  \____________/
            :/          :
            / ..........:

    is it good if pc people choose amiga hardware names for their groups? :)

\____                        ____ / __________________________________________/
\\   \ crystal entity logo   \  //                                           //
 \\___\ requested by chandera \//___________________________________________//
   \                           /                                           /

                     i   h a v e   n o t   t h e   t i m e
         _________________________  /  \  ___________________________
         \                       /(/    \)\                         /
          \                      ¯/      \¯                        /
          )\\_                   /_______\\                     _//(
   _______¯¯  ______   ____  ____.  _____   _________      _____  ¯¯____.
 _/  ____//__\\___  \_|   ((/    | /   _//_\\       /__. _\\__  \__\\   |
|    \     ¬    _/  _/|          |_\___    \_______/   |/   __   ¬     _|____
|               \    \`---\      ¬    /     |    /     ¯     /         \     |
| _             /     \  /¯     ___         |   /           /       _   \    |
`-\_______/¬----\      \/      /   \_______/¯  /______/¬---/_____/¬-\________|
       /         \_____/\_____/                                        \
    /(/                                                                 \)\
   /                    t o   b r a i n w a s h   y o u                    \
   \                                         ___                           /
    \(\    ______      _____  _________      \  |  ________  ____ ____  /)/
       \ _\\  __/_ .__\\___ \\\       /______\\_|__\      ///   (/    |/
        |    ____/_|      /   .______//  ¬      ¬   \_______          |
        |    \    ¬      /    |    /                   \   `---\      |
        | _             /     |   /        _    _       \  __ /¯     /¯
        `-\_______/¬---/     /¯  /______/¬-\____|\_______\\\//      /
          __ _         \____/     ________                   \_____/
          )//                    \\       /                    \\(
          /                      _\      /_                      \
         /_______________________\(\    /)/_______________________\
                                    \  /
                     s o   l i s t e n   c a r e f u l l y

\____                        ____ / __________________________________________/
\\   \ fact file_id.diz logo \  //                                           //
 \\___\ requested by judy^soh \//___________________________________________//
   \                           /                                           /

                  1   5   1o    5   2o    5   3o    5   4o  44
                      ______       _____._____   __________
                    _\\  __//_____\\__  |   _//__\__  ____//
                    \     ____\      /  |   \     /     \
                     \_____\   \________|________/\______\
                    - ------------------------------------ -
                      f  i  n  a  l    c  h  a  p  t  e  r
                    - ------------------------------------ -

\____                        ____ /___________________________________________/
\\   \ gentech fullsize logo \  //                                           //
 \\___\ requested by judy^soh \//___________________________________________//
   \                           /                                           /

                                 :          :
                                 :          :
                                 :          :
                          \   \/                   /
      .....................\                      /......................
      |                     \                    /                 _____:
   ______     _______     ___\    ________      /_____     ______ |     |
._\\ ___/__._\\  ___/ .__\\___\  |:      //_.  /  ___/   _\\ ___/_|   __|___
|    \_   ~|    __/___|      / \ |______/  ~| /  __/___./    \   ~|   \__  ~\.
|.    /    |    \    ~|.    /   \     /~    |/   \    ~|.         |.    /    |
|:   /     |:_        |:   /     \   /      /:_        |:_        |:   /     |
`\__/      |-\________|---/      |\ /___   /|-\________|-\________|---/      |
    \__    |              \_____/' \   /__/_|nD!                      \_____/'
      /____|                        \    /                              |
      :...........................   \ //   ............................:
                                 :    \/    :
                                 :          :
                                 :          :

\____                        ____ / __________________________________________/
\\   \ gentech file_id.dized \  //                                           //
 \\___\ requested by judy^soh \//___________________________________________//
   \                           /                                           /

                  1   5   1o    5   2o    5   3o    5   4o  44
                               ____   ____   ___
                             ._\ _/_._\ _/_._\_ \\.
                   ._        |   \  |  ____|  /   |        _.
                  -|/--------|   /  |  \   | /    |--------\|-
                   (\        |__/   |__    |_\    |        /)
                   |/          /____|  \___|nD\___|        \|
                   |      _____  ____   ____   __.          |
                   |     _\   /._\ _/_._\ _/_._\ |_         |
                   |     \___  |  ___/|   \  |  _  \.       |
                   |        /  |  \   |      |  /   |       |
                   |       /   |__    |\     |_/    |       |
                   |      \\___|  \___| \____| \____|       |
                   |                                        |
                   |       presents...                      |
                   |               bla blub blahblah.       |
                   (\                                      /)
                   '                                        `

\____                       ____ / ___________________________________________/
\\   \ kwik·e·mart bbs logo \  //                                            //
 \\___\ a tribute to apu^dkb \//____________________________________________//
   \                          /                                            /

                  ____.                          ____.
                 |    |  _____             _____|    |  _____
                 |    |_/    /    _______. \    |    |_/    /
 :               |   /      /  ___\      |__\___|   /      /                 :
-÷-------------- |   \     /\ |    \     |          \     /\ ----------------÷-
 :               |    \      \|    /\    |           \      \                :
 :               |     \      `          | _    :     \      \               :
 :               :------\_____/\___/\___/¬-\____|------\_____/               :
 :                                  _____                                    :
 :                       __/\__   __\  _/__    __/\__                        :
 :           _  _ __ _._ \    /_ |    ____/_. _\    / _._ __ _  _            :
 :                    `  /_  _\  |    \     |  /_  _\  '                     :
 :                         \/    | _        |    \/                          :
 :                               `-\________|                                :
 :                 ___ ____    ______     ______     ________                :
 :                _\  V   /_.__\__   \_.__\__   \_ __\       |               :
 :               |    __    |    __    |    /   _/    \______|               :
 :               |     /          /        /     \       \                -nD!
-÷-------------- |    /     :    /     :   \      \ _     \ -----------------÷-
 :               :---/______|---/______|----\      \\______\                 :

\____                         ____ / __________________________________________/
\\   \ "live in latvija" logo \  //                                           //
 \\___\ requested by dipswitch \//___________________________________________//
   \                            /                                           /
                                                \    |
                                     ____.       \   |   _______:  ______
                                   .\\   |    .___\__|__\\      |_\\  __/_
          "live in lAtvija"        |    _|____|      |    \     |    ____/_.
       _:_________________________ |    \     |      |     \   _|    \     |
     _._|_ _                       | _   \_   |      | _      / | _        |
      | |                          `-\_______/|      |-\_____/  `-\_______/'
      | :                                     |      |   _____         :
      |                                       |      |__\\___ \_.      |
      |                                       |      |      /   |      |
      |                                       |      |     /    |      |
      |                                       |      |    /     |      |
      |                                       |      |---/_____/'      |
    ____.        _____   ________      _______:      |nD  ______.   _____
  .\\   |      _\\___ \_|       //_.__\\      |      |   \\     | _\\___ \_.
  |    _|____./   __    |______/   |    \     |      |____\     |/   __    |
  |    \     |     /    |    /     |     \   _|      |     \_   |     /    |
  | _   \_   |    /     |   /      | _      / |      |_         |    /     |
  `-\_______/`---/_____/'  /______/'-\_____/  |     _| \     __/`---/_____/'
      .                                       |_____/'  \___/          .
      |                                                              : |
      |                                                           _ _|_|_
      |______________________________________________________________| :
                                            "crUisin' over lEttland"

\____                         ____ / __________________________________________/
\\   \ outer space spaced out \  //                                           //
 \\___\ requested by anti-g    \//___________________________________________//
   \                            /                                           /

                 \                                        /
    ..............\                                      /.................
    :        ______\__     ________________    _______  / _______        _:_
----:--------\/  __ \ \____\/            \/____\/  __/_/__\/  __ \_------\_/---
    :       /    \/  \      \     .______         ____/       \/  //      :
    :      /          ·           |    /          \/ /        /   \       :
    :     \\_          /\         |   /      /\     /        /     \      :
    :        \________/  \________|   \_____/  \___/________/      /      :
    :                    ·                        /         \_____/       :
    :          ______    _\_______   ______   ___/____    _______         :
    :         /   __/_  _\/\__    \_/ __   \__\// ___/____\/  __/_        :
    :        _\____   \/    \/    /   \__      /  \/         ____/_       :
    :      _/    \/          \___/      /     /              \/    \_     :
   _:_    \\           /\     \        /     /\         |\          //    :
    :                           \          /                              :
    :............................\        /...............................:
                                    \  /

\____                        ____ / __________________________________________/
\\   \ south of heaven logo. \  //                                           //
 \\___\ requested by judy^soh \//___________________________________________//
   \                           /                                           /

               .::::::.                          _____.
   ______     ::      ::      _______._________ |     |                 .
  /   __/__. ::        :: .___\      '      _ /_|   __|___ _____________:__
._\___     |::'        `::|    \     .______/   `   \__   \.            : /
|    /     |::          ::|     \_   |    /           /    |            :/
|          |::          ::| _        |   /      .    /     |            |
|_________/'`:.        .:'`-\_______/nD /______/`---/______|           /|
  :          ::        ::          ______    ________                 /_|_
  :           ::.    .::        ._/   _  \_._\   ___/_                  |
 _|__          `::/\::'         |     /    `     ____/                  :
  | /             \/            |                 \                     :
  |/                            | _       _. _     \                    :
  |      _____.                 `-\______/ `-\______\   +49-xxxx-xxxxxx :
 /:     |     |       _______    ______      _______:  _______    ______:
/_:_____|   __|___ .__\  ___/ ._/ ____ \_.___\      |__\  ___/ .__\__   \_.
  :     |   \__   \|    __/___|   \__    '    \     `    __/___|     \    |
  '     |     /    `    \           /          \/  _.    \     `     /    |
        |    /     . _        .    /     . _      / | _        .    /     |
        :---/______|-\________|---/______|-\_____/  `-\________|---/______|

                                             dots are ugly, yeah

\____                         ____ /__________________________________________/
\\   \ the press bbs logo.    \  //                                          //
 \\___\ requested by eksec^dit \//__________________________________________//
   \                            /                                          /

                          _|_                     |_
                       __( :                      | )__
 __:__________________\\          _____           |   //____________________:__
   |                   ________  |     |       ______                       :
   :                  |       /__|   __|___   _\   _/_                      :
   :                  |______/  ¬'   \__   \_/¯  ____/_.                    :
   :                       /¯          /         \    ¬|                    :
   :                      /      _    /     _ _        |                    :
   :                     /______/¬---/_____/¬-\________|                    :
   :                       :                      :                         :
   :                       |                      |                         :
   :         _________   ______     ______     ______     ______            :
   :       ._\  __   ¬)__\_    \_  _\   _/_   /    _/_   /¯   _/_           :
   :       |    \/    _    _   _/ /¯  ____/___\____  ¬\__\____   \          :
   :       |    /____/|    \   ¬\     \           /          /    |         :
   :       ¬\     \   |    /     \ _        . _        : _        |         :
   :         \_____\  :--- \      \\________|-\_______/¬-\_______/¯         :
 __:___________________     \_____/nD                  _____________________:__
   :                  //__                          __\\                    :
                         (_:_                    _:_)
                           |                      |

\____                        ____ / __________________________________________/
\\   \ the sweet course logo \  //                                           //
 \\___\ requested by miracle. \//___________________________________________//
   \                           /                                           /

                             _   :     :           _
                     _______/ \  :     :       ___/ \
                     \        /_ :   __:___  __\   _/_
                      \______/  \:   \__   \/    ____/_
                           /           /         \     \
                          /      .    /     /\         /
                  _      ________:     :_          _              _
              ___/ \     \       :  ___/ \     ___/ \     _______/ \
             /   __/______\      :__\   _/_  __\   _/_  __\        /
           __\___          \     :    ____/_/    ____/_/   \______/
          /     /          /\         \          \            \
          \           /\         /\         /\         /\      \
           \____     /  \__/\___/: \___:___/  \_______/  \______\
             _  \___/            :     :                 _          _
         ___/ \     _______     /:\____:   _____     ___/ \     ___/ \
       _/  ___/____/   _   \____\      :___\    \_  /   __/_____\   _/_
      /    \           /         \     :    \_   / _\___          ____/_
      \                           \    :     /   \/    /          \     \
       \         /\         /\         :    /                /\         /
--------\_______/--\_______/--\_______/:---/      /\___     /--\_______/-------
                                 :     :nD \_____/     \___/
                                 :     :

\____                        ____ / __________________________________________/
\\   \ verbal verbatim  logo \  //                                           //
 \\___\ requested by shaun g. \//___________________________________________//
   \                           /                                           /

                                  ._________________________________.  ___:_
                                  |                                 | _)  |
                                  | verbal                          |_|___|
          ___________             :                          __.      |___.
          \         /_____     _____     _____     _____   _/  |          |
       .___\       /_\  _/_ ._\\_   \_ __\__  \_  _\__  \_|    |          |
       |    \          ___/_|    _  _/     _  _/ /   __   '   _|____.     |
       |               \         \   \     \   \      /       \     |     |
       `\       /   _       _    /    \ _       |    /    __   \    |     |
         \__   /----\______/`----\     \\______/`---/    /  \_______|     |
              /                   \____/-nD         \___/                 |
    _____    /_____     _____     _____     _____   _______    ___. ___  ___
.___\       /_\  _/_ ._\\_   \_ _\\__  \_  _\__  \_|      /_._\\__|_\  \/  /_.
|    \     /    ___/_|    _  _/     _  _/ /   __   :_____/  :           _    |
|     \   /     \         \   \     \   \      /   |   /                /    |
`\       /   _       _    /    \ _       _    /    |  /     _     _    /     |
  \_____/----\______/`----\     \\______/`---/    /' /_____/ \____|----\_____|
                           \____/ .          \___/                        .
                                  |___                                    |
                                  '___|_                                  |
                                  _)  | |                        verbatim |
                                 _|___| |_________________________________|
                                  :     '                                 `

   /___                  \_________________________________________________\
 //   / this line is of /\\                                                 \\
//___/ no further use. /__\\_________________________________________________\\
/                           \                                                 \


          _____     ______     ____:  ______                                 .
 .      _\\__ ¬\_._\\__  ¬\_ _\\__ |_\\___ ¬\_.                              .
 .    _/   __    :   _/   _/ |           /    |                              :
-:--÷ |     /        \     \ :                | ÷----------------------------:-
 :    |    /     _    \     \      : _       _|                              :
 :    `---/_____/¬-----\     \_____|-\______/                                :
 :                      \                                                    :
 :                       \      _______.  ______     ______     ______       :
 :  bud^neurodancer       \     \     ¯|_\\  __/_ ._\\  __/_ ._\\___ ¬\_.    :
 :  juice^vouck!^you?      \     \          ____/_|    ____/_|     /    |    :
 :                          \    /\         \     '    \                |    :
-:-------------------------÷ \         : _        _ _        _ _       _| ÷--:-
 :                            \__/\    |-\_______/¬-\_______/¬-\______/      :
 :                                 \___|                                     :
 :                                                                           :
 :                                                                           :
 :                           i n f o r m a t i o n                           :
 :                                                                           :
 :  what  is arid weed? well, arid weed is a more ore less loose             :
 :    group of ascii creators, founded mainly by vouck, and partly           :
 :      by me. real life came into the group with the joining of bud         :
 :        and juice. the motive behind arid weed is simply relaxed fun       :
 :          and  friendship. we don't put pressure on ourselves. we want     :
 :            to communicate and keep up what is for us real scene spirit.   :
 :                                                                           :
 :                                                                           :
 :                                                                           :
 :                                                                           :
 .                                                                           .

 .                                                                           .

      _____     ______     ____:  ______
    _\\__ ¬\_._\\__  ¬\_ _\\__ |_\\___ ¬\_.
  _/   __    :   _/   _/ |           /    |
  |     /        \     \ :                |
  |    /     _    \     \      : _       _|
  `---/_____/¬-----\     \_____|-\______/
[·--÷ neuroDancer's  ·   "6o4 mantra" ÷---·]
   _______.  ______   · ______     ______
.__\     ¯|_\\  __/_  _\\  __/_ ._\\___ ¬\_.
|   \          ____/_|    ____/_|     /    |
|   /\         \     '    \                |
|         : _        _ _        _ _       _|
¯\__/\    |-\_______/¬-\_______/¬-\______/

       :                        ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼
      _|_                        `¼¼¼¼¼'`¼¼¼¼¼'
 - --{___}-------------- --- -    ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼
       |                          ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼
       :                          ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼
                                  ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼
                                  ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼
    Part II. - board style, mostly¼for¼my¼own¼bbs (like public masturbation)
                                  ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼
                                  ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼
          Sie empfangen diese Uebertragung wie einen Traum. Wir senden
          aus  dem  Jahr  1-9-9-9.¼¼Sie  empfangen diese Uebertragung,
             damit  sie die Ereignisse, die¼sie sehen, veraendern.
                                  ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼
                                  ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼
                                  ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼                          :
                                  ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼                         _|_
                                  ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼       - --- -----------{___}-- -
                                 s¼¼¼¼¼ss¼¼¼¼¼s  ¼¼                     |
                                ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼ ¼¼                     :

\____                        ____ / __________________________________________/
\\   \ amiga classic italx'd \  //                                           //
 \\___\ asc2 self stimulation \//___________________________________________//
   \                           /                                           /

    ______    /\___  //\_______  //\_____/\  //\___   ________________________
   /      \ __\_   \__\_   _   \__\_/  ___/ __\_   \ /                        \
  /       //  _    /   /   /   /   /  _   \/  _    //  the cOmputer for the   /
 /       //   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   //      cReative miNd!     /
 \______//   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   / \________________________/
         \______/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__    /\______/nD

\____                        ____ / __________________________________________/
\\   \ big piles o' big shit \  //                                           //
 \\___\ asc2 self stimulation \//___________________________________________//
   \                           /                                           /
                         __.                  __.
                         \ | ___   ____  ___  \ | ___
                        ._\|/ _/_./    |_\_ \ _\|_\_ \
                        |  |  \  |  /  |  /  |  |     | evErythang for thAt lil
  icOn^paqs^toOls^stuff |  |     |     | /   |  |  /  | crappy pix on yOur wb!
_ _____________________ |__|\____|____/`-\___|__|-/___| _____________________ _

\____                        ____ / __________________________________________/
\\   \ infotainment ov gajah \  //                                           //
 \\___\ asc2 self stimulation \//___________________________________________//
   \                           /                                           /

     __.                  __.                                       __.
     \ | ___   ____  ____|  |_   ___   _. ___   ______  ____   ___ |  |_
     _\|_\_ \._\ _/_/    | __/_._\_ \._\|_\_ \._\_  _ \|    \ _\_ \| __/_.
    |  |  /  |  ___|  /  | \   |  _  |  |  /  |  /  /  | \  /|  /  | \   |
    |  | /   |  \  |     |  \  |  /  |  | /   | /  /   |  \/ | /   |  \  |
____|__|-\___|   \ |____/'\____|_/   |__|-\___|-\__\___|\____|-\___|\____|____
              \___\              \__/

\____                        ____ / __________________________________________/
\\   \ south of main menu... \  //                                           //
 \\___\ requested by judy^soh \//___________________________________________//
   \                           /                                           /

                          _____   ___   _.  __  __   _____ .____    __   ____.
                       ._\\    \.\\  \._\|_\\ \.\/._\\    \|    \._\\ \.\\   |
                       |  /  /  |/ _  |  |  /  |\/|  /  /  | \  /|  /  |  \  |
 .                     | /  /   |  /  |  | /   |  | /  /   |  \/ | /   |     |
-|--sOuth-of-hEaven's--|-\__\___|-/   |__|-\___|  |-\__\___|\____|-\___|\____|-
 |                                \__/nD                                     |
 |                                                                           |
 |    (a)bandOn confErence   (o)perAtor call      (z)ippy sEarch             |
 |    (b)ullEtins            (p)age lEngth        (m)ode [ascii/ansi]        |
 |    (c)omment to the krEw  (q)uick messAge scan                            |
 |    (d)ownlOad file(s)     (r)ead mEssage       (bbs)  nice systEms        |
 |    (e)nter a mEssage      (s)tatUs             (chat) with sOmebody       |
 |    (f)ile directOries     (t)ransfer prOtocol  (dedit)edit dEscription    |
 |    (g)oOdbye              (u)plOad             (fr)   files revErse       |
 |    (j)oin confErence      (v)iew stAts         (time) is a spirAl         |
 |    (l)ocAte filEname      (w)rite sEttings     (user) membErship list     |
 |    (m)ew file scAn        (x)pert mOde on/off  (wall) tagline wAll        |
 |  (olm)onlinEmessage     (req)uests bAse        (sent) sEnt-by edit       _|_
 |                                                                           |/

\____                        ____ / __________________________________________/
\\   \ friendly newbie title \  //                                           //
 \\___\ asc2 self stimulation \//___________________________________________//
   \                           /                                           /

     |                                                                    |
     |                     Welcome to the system as a                     |
   ______     ______      _______     _______.  _____      ______     ______
.__\____ \_.__\  __/_ .___\      |.___\      | /  __/__ .__\  __/_ .__\___  \_
|      /   |    ____/_|    \     ||    \     |_\____   \|    ____/_|    _/  _/
|     /    |    \     |    /\    ||     \    |     /    |    \     |    \    \.
|    /     | _        | _        || _        | _        | _        |    /     |
:---/_____/¬-\________|-\__/\____|:-\_______/¬-\________|-\________|---/      |
     _                                                               nD\_____/¯
     |                                                                    _
     |   The following questions will take you 2 or 3 mins to fill out;   |
     |   please answer the questions truthfully and DON'T DROP CARRIER.   |
     |                                                                    |
     |            We will ask you for further info if needed!             |
     |    If you don't understand something use "..." for your answer.    |
     |                                                                    |

\____                        ____ / __________________________________________/
\\   \ amiga warez conf logo \  //                                           //
 \\___\ requested by chandera \//___________________________________________//
   \                           /                                           /

                __.   __.                   __.    __             __
  ___   _: ___ |  |  |  |_   ___    _: ___ |  |_  |  |   ____   _|  | _:___
 _\_ \ _\|/ _/_| _|_ | __/_ /  /_  _\|/  /_| __/_ | _|_ | _  \ _\|  |_\| _/__.
|  /  |  |  \  | \  \| \   |\__  ||  |\__  | \   || \  \| \  /|  |  |  | \   |
| /   |  |     | /   |  \  |  /  ||  |  /  |  \  || /   |  \/ |  |  |  | /   |
|_\___|__|\____|_\___|\____|____/'|__|____/ \____||_\___|\____|__|\_|__|_\   |
[·------------------------»  a M i g a   w A r e z  «-----------------------·]

\____                      ____ / ____________________________________________/
\\   \ syspw & nup prompts \  //                                             //
 \\___\ requested by devil  \//_____________________________________________//
   \                         /                                             /

    ______  __  __  ______  ______  __  __  __
   /   __/ /  \/  \/   __/ _\__   \/  \/  \/  \ THiS iS A CLOSED, PRiVATE BBS
  _\__   \_\__    /\__   \/   /   /   /   /   / WHiCH GRANTS ACCESS ONLY TO
 /   /   /   /   /   /   /       /   /   /   /  ENLiSTED/iNViTED CALLERS. iF
/   /   /   /   /   /   /   /\__/   /   /   /   YOU WANT TO GAiN ACCESS YOU
\______/\______/\______/\__/nD  \__________/    MUST KNOW THE SYSTEM PASSWORD.

    ______      ___  ______  __  __  __
   _\__   \____/   \_\__   \/  \/  \/  \        THiS iS A CLOSED, PRiVATE BBS
  /   /   /   /    /   /   /   /   /   /        WHiCH GRANTS ACCESS ONLY TO
 /   /   /   /    /       /   /   /   /         iNViTED CALLERS. iF YOU WANT
/   /   /   /    /   /\__/   /   /   /          TO SiGN ON, YOU MUST KNOW THE
\__/\__/\_______/___/nD  \__________/           NEW USER PASSWORD.

\____                        ____ / __________________________________________/
\\   \ terminal fax silence. \  //                                           //
 \\___\ self stimulation work \//___________________________________________//
   \                           /                                           /

 __.                            ______
|  |                            \    /                 :____
|  |_  ____   ___   ______       \  /    ____  ___ .___|   /
| __/_|    \ _\  \ _\_    \_ _____\/___ _\  _|/ _ \|\  |  /
| \   | \  /| /  <   /  /  |      /\  /|   __|  _  | \   <
|  \  |  \/ | \   \ /  /   |·    /  \/ |   \ | /   | /    \
|     |\____|__\   \\__\___|_\  /______|    \|_\___|/  |   \___________________
`\____|         \__/          \/       |_____\     /___|    \nD
                                                       |     \

   /___                  \_________________________________________________\
 //   / this line is of /\\                                                 \\
//___/ no further use. /__\\_________________________________________________\\
/                           \                                                 \

   _:. _______/\________ _   `¼¼¼¼¼'`¼¼¼¼¼'`¼¼¼¼¼'
    ||/                       ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼
    ||                        ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼
    :|                        ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼
     :                        ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼
                              ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼
                 Part III. - closing titles, greetings, credits
                              ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼
                              ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼
        Unsere Technologie hat¼keinen¼Sender¼entwickelt, der stark genug
        ist,  um  ihr Denken oder¼ihr¼Bewusstsein zu erreichen. Aber das
           ist kein Traum! Sie¼sehen,¼was¼sich¼tatsaechlich ereignet.
                              ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼
                              ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼                         :
                              ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼                         |:
                              ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼                         ||
                              ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼¼¼      _ ________  ______/||_
                             ,¼¼¼¼¼.,¼¼¼¼¼.,¼¼¼¼¼.  ¼¼           \/       ·:
                            ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼ ¼¼

          Musical background during creation...      POF · Nataraja #3
                                             Visionary · Travelling V.
                                    Kopfuss Resonator · Spect-® Module
                                       Saafi Bros. · Mystic Cigarettes
                                                       X-Dream · Radio

          Inhale/Exhale...           Van Nelle Donkere Special Quality
                                                             Efka Blue
                                                        OCB R. Bolloré

          Credits...                    all design/layout/logos by MOI
                          all inspiration by the aScii world out there
                       all motivation by vOUCK!, bUd, jUiCE and myself

          Greetings (in no order) to...    Cockroach, Count Dan, Daze,
                          Cowo, Digiman, Dipswitch, eKsotic, Firedart,
                            GDM, Grimlock, LhA v1.50r, LSD, Kosjer^D.,
                          Moon, Mr. E, Ochrana, Razfaz, Sunbeam, Teis,
                       Toxic Sven & Robert, xCluziwe, aPU, RTM, all in
                     1oo%, all chaishoppers & all Karmamonsters & you!

                    Das ist KEIN Traum. Das ist KEIN Traum.

[eof] ······· [line 1o2o] ········ [kill all sysops who added below this line]