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219 384 bytes (214.24K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:22:54
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all-time: 530


                +--[ The Dawning Of Doom ]-[ Start Of File ]--+

  .     The Straight Edge Force In '95      .           .
  :  _________  ____________ ___________ ___|_ _________|___________________
  | /    .    \|     _     /    .      /    |_______    |_     __    _     /
  |/     |_    \     /   _/     |_____/     |     _/    |/     |/    _)___/
 _/      _/     \_   \    \_    |     \_    |     \_   _/     _/     |    \_
 \_______l_______/   |\____/___________/___________/   \______\____________/
  `----------- l_____| ------------------------ \_______| -------------sc--->

                   :_ ___/\  ____________________________ _.
                   |_)     \/                         __ (_|_
                   .                                  \/   .
                   |                                       |
                   |   Arclite Pesents A New Production    |
                   .                                       .
                   |              By mOGUE!                |
                   |   __                                  |
                  _._  \/                                 _.
                   |_)____________________________/\  ___(_|
                                                    \/     :

                                      _________ __ _ __.
                       .__ _ __ ______)              \_|
                       |_/                             .
                       .                               |
                       |   I Changed My Groups A Lot   |
                       |         Lot Of Times          .
                       .                               |
     ______  /\_______________________________________.____________________
  ._/    _ \/ _  ___   _____      __   ________/_.    :________     ______/
  |       \  /     |     \/      /     \__       |    |      \     __/    \
  |        \/      |     /      /       l        |    l       \     |      \
  l________|       |___________/__________       |_____________\____________\
           :_______|   .                l________|kAM/UC
                       |                               .
                       |   But Im As Always The One    |
                       .                               |
                       |  And Only Bitch In Ascii Biz  .
                       |                             __|
                       .__            __________ __ _\_|
                       |_/_ __ _______)

                   ._ ____________________________  /\___ _:
                  _|_) __                         \/     (_|
                   .   \/                                  .
                   |                                       |
                   |         Welcome To The Latest         |
                   .           Bitch! Production           .
                   |                                       |
                   |                Entitled          __   |
                   ._                                 \/  _._
                   |_)___  /\____________________________(_|
                   :     \/

                     .                                .
                    __\                              /__
                    \                                  /
                     \      The Dawning Of Doom       /
                     |\                              /|
                _____:___     ____.  _________        :_________
     ________  _\___    /____|    | _\___    / _ _    _\___    /______.
    _\___    \_         /    /    |/    /    /_ __)__/    /    /    __|__
   |    /     /   /____/   _/\    |    /____/       /    /____/    |    /
   |_________/____\  :\_____/\____|____\  _ ________/____\   \_____.    |
                     |                               :          ÷e÷|____|
              _______:             o··· f            |
              \      |               .               |
         _____|__    |  ___________  :  ___________  |  ____  ____
      .-/      _/    |-/      _    \-:-/      _    \-:-/    \/ _  \-.
      |       |      |       |       |       |       |     \  /     |
      |       |      |       |       |       |       |      \/      |
      |      _|      |      _|       |      _|       |      ||      |
      `-\____________|-\___________/-:-\___________/-|      ||______|
                     :               :               |______|
                     |/              ·              \|
                     /                               \
                    /__                             __\
                     _/_ _________________________ _\_
                     /                               \
                    ø                                 ø

                  .ze""    "ec.
               z$$$$         3$$$c
             d$$$$$F          $$$$$b
           z$$$$$$$b         .$$$$$$$c
          z$$$$$$$$$b       .$$$$$$$$$L
         $$$$$$$$$            $$$$$$$$$$
         $$$$$$$$$e.          $$$$$$$$$$
   ______$$$$$$$$$$$__________$$$$$$$$$$______________________ __ _
  _\ __
  \  \/                                                              _
   \          · Welcome to the Dawning of doom...                   ·/_
        This is my first production under the Arclite label and i    /
        really  hope it's  worst  to   be  a  Arclite  release ;)
        Okay, before romour  start going around let me  introduce
        you why i  left Contra!. It's some  time ago as i started
        in Ascii Business and i was a proud Member of Fire & Ice,
        Artcore! and Contra!. All over the time Arclite was still
        Active,  okay  they didn't  release  so many  Collections
        like  others groups  but did  you ever take a look at the
        quality instead of the quantity ? and so in my opinion is
        Arclite (as Exocet already  sayed in his last collection)
        maybe  the  oldest  ascii group  which  is  still  living
        nowadays, and this  was my  reason  to join aL,  oldskool
        rules ;)  i  got also  tired  of leading or/and  founding
   _    ascii  groups like  Artcore!  (together with  manta)  and
  _\·   Contra!  (with  H2o!) and  so  there  is  no  war or  any
  \     other problems between me  and H2o! or Contra at  all. So
   \    dont be worry about the facts, just believe In Arclite ;)
                                      Thx, yours Chris (mOGUE!) ·   _\
       _  __ _______________________________________________________\
                             $$$$$$$$$$$          $$$$$$$$$$
                             *$$$$$$$$$$          $$$$$$$$$$
                              $$$$$$$$$$          $$$$$$$$$"
                              ^$$$$$$$$$          $$$$$$$$%
                               ^$$$$$F"           ^"$$$$$"

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// oo1. 13Th Hour Requested By: Tango
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                                                                    _ __
                                      · 13Th Hour ·                 __ (_.
  ________    _______       _____                          ______   \/   |
  \_      |   \_     \    ._)    |_____  _________ _______|     _|_________
   |      |____(_     \_  |      |    (_/         _)      /     \_        /
   |      |     /      /_.|      _    _//         \      /|     _/      _/
   |______|___________//_||______|    \_._______________________\       \_.
 .  __                           |______|-Mo!                    \________|
 |_ \/
  (__ _

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------// oo2. 5Th Avenue Requested By: Skorpio
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

  ______________________ _      ______
 |                             _)   __|___  ______ ______
 | //                          \______.   _|     (_)     |_____
 | /    · 5Th Avenue ·         |      |   \_      .      |    (_.
 |                             |      |    |      |      _      |
 |                             ¯\__________|_____________|      |
  __________ _ _____________ _______ _   ___________     |      |
._)    _     \\\           /     __///___\_       _/_____|     _|______ _
|      _      \           /     _\       |/       \      /    /     __///___
|      \_______\_________/\____________._/       /      /|   /     _\       |
|_______\-Mo!                          |________/\___________\______________|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// oo3. Acid Attack Requested By: Kerosene
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

     _______ ___
   ._) __
   |   \/                       _ ___________ ________  __     _ _____
   |                            \\\    _    _/      _/__\(__   \\\_   \
   .      · Acid Attack ·     _/       _    \       \|   \ _|____ /    \_
   |                          \________/     \       \_.  |     //      /
    _ ____________ ______ ______ ____________ _  ________ ______  ________
    \\\    _     (_)     |_     |_     _    ///_/      _//      |/       /
  _/       _      .      _/     _/     _       \       \/      _/      _/
  \________/      |      |      |      \________\       \_.____\       \_.
          /_____________________________\-Mo!    \________|     \________|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  oo4. All Time Requested By: Gravedancer
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

    _________ ______    ______         _____   __ _____  _____  _____ _
    \ _  _   \\    /___ \    /____   _|     |__)/_)    \/    (_/    ______
   _/\/  _    \_  /|   /    /|    |  \_     |  /       \/     /    _\    /
  _\_____)_____/_______\__________|_ _|________________/______\_________/__
_|     |/  _  \    _     / \    /   \    /__ \    /__ /    ______    /   _/__.
\_     /   /   \  _/    / /    /|  /    /|  /    /|  /    _\   _/   /\__     |
 |_____\_______/  \____/  \________\________\________\_________\______\  ____|
 +---------- |_____| ----[All Time Top Uploaders]--------------[-Mo!]- \/ ---+

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// oo5. Amiexpress Requested By: Generation
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

   __ _
 ._) __          · Cosmic Circus - Amiexpress Tools Area ·
 |   \/
     _ ___________________  _____ _  __
     \\\    _      .      \/    /// _\(__  ________ _   ______ _______
   _/       _      |      \/       \_ \  |/     __///___\     /      /
   \________/      |      ||______._/    /     _\     ._/     \      \
           /______________|       |______\____________|_______/\      \_.
        _ ________ ___________ _______ _   _______________      \_______|
       _\\\  _     \_        /     __///__/      _      _/
      |     _/     _/      _/     _\      \      \      \           __  .
      |     \______\       \_.___________._\      \      \          \/ _|
      |______|      \________|-Mo!       |_______________/         _ __)

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  oo6. Amiga Requested By: Generation
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

   ._\                        /_.
   |      · Cosmic Circus ·     |
   |                            |
   | _ ____________ ______  _____ _   __ ___________ _  ____________ _
     \\\    _     (_)     \/    /// __)/_)      _  ///__)     _    ///
   _/       _      .      \/       .  /         \_     .      _       \_
   \________/      |      ||_______|      .______/     |      \________/
   .       /______________|-Mo! .  |______|     |______________\
   |                            |
   |       · Amiga Base ·       |
   |_                          _|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// oo7. Amon Requested By: Kerosene
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

      ___ _
    ._) __
    |   \/   _ ____________ ______  _____ _ _________ _ ________         .
    |        \\\    _     (_)     \/    /// )        \\\\_      \_       |
    |      _/       _      .      \/       \_            /       /       .
    |      \________/      |      ||________/_________._/       /        |
    |              /______________|-Mo!               |________/     __  |
    |  __                             _                              \/ _|
    |_ \/           · Amon ·          /_________________________________\

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  oo8. Antarctic S. Requested By: Tolpan
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                     ._)                       /_
                     |  · Antarctic Station ·   /
   _________ _ _______ _____  _________ __________ _____ ___  __   _______
 ._)   _   /// \_     \_    |_    _   /_\_       /    _/    |_\( _/     _/
 |     _      \_/      /    _/    _     _/     _/     \     _/ \ \      \
 |     \_____._/      /     |     |_____\      \_.     \_.  |     \      \_.
 |______\    |_______/______.     |-Mo!  \_______| ______|________|\_______|
     _______ ____ __________|_    |  __   ________  _______
    /     _//    |_    _   ///    |_ )/_ /        \ \_     \_
    \     \/     _/    _      \_  _/ / _//         \_/      /     __
   ._\     \     |     \____.__/  |    \_.________._/      /    __\/__
   |_______/____________\   |____________|      . |_______/     \/__\/
                                                |                 \/
                    /_  · Antarctic Station ·  _|
                     /________________________( `

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// oo9. Arctic Circle Requested By: Nup
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                              · Arctic Circle ·                 _ _______
                                                                     __ (_.
   .        _ ______________________ ______ _____   __   ________    \/   |
   |        \\\    _      _        /     _//     |_ )/__/      _/         .
   .      _/       _     _/      _/      \/      _/ /  \       \          |
   |      \________|     \       \_.      \_.    |      \       \_.       |
   |           Mo!-|      \________|________|___________|\________|       |
   |        _______| _  __|________ ______ _______                        |
   |      _/      _///  \_        /     _//     _/________ _              |
   |      \       \|    _/      _/      \/      |/     __///___           |
   |       \       \_.  \       \_.      \_.    /     _\       |          .
   .  __    \________|___\________|________|____\______________|          |
   |_ \/
     )_______ _

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o1o. Ascii Requested By: Mephisto
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

              _____ _
            ._) __          · Ansi^Ascii Stuff ·          __
            |   \/ _ ___________ ________ _______  __   __)/__        .
            |      \\\    _     /      _/      _/__\(__|  /   |       |
            .    _/       _     \      \       \|   \  |      |       .
            |    \________/    ._\      \       \_.    |______|   __  |
                         /_____|________/\________|____|-Mo!      \/ _|
                                  _  _ __ ___________________________\

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o11. Astro Requested By: Astro
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                              : (×)                      (×) :
             ___________ _ ________ _____  Astr0 Comes Up    :
           ._)    _    ////      _//     |_________ ________ :
           |      _       \      \/      _        /         \
           |      \______._\      \     _/      _//          \_
           |_______\-Mo! |________/_____\       \_.___________/
                              .          \________|          .
                              :                              :
                              :  Congrats.. U Catch'd Me On  :
                              :      My NonSexTripPhase      :
                              :                              :

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o12. Atmosphere Requested By: Delite
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

   __ _
 ._) __                     · Atmosphere ·
 |   \/  ___________ _ _____  _ _____  ______ ________ _  _______
       ._)    _    ///      |_\\\    \/      /        \\\/      _|
       |      _       \_    _/       \/    _//           \      \
       |      \______._/    \________||    \_._________ ._\      \
       |_______\     |      |-Mo!     |______|          |________/
          _ _________|__    |_____  ________ _  ___________ ______ _
         _\\\  _       /    |    (_/     __///__\_        /    __///___
        |     _/      /     _           _\      _/      _/    _\       |
        |     \______/______|      .____________\       \_.____________| __  .
        |______|            |______|             \________|              \/ _|
                                                                        _ __)

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o13. Backfire Requested By: Pyron
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

 .                                                                 _ ___
 |         _____       _ ___________ ________ ______                __ (_.
 .       ._)   _|______\\\    _    _/      _//      |________       \/   |
 |       |     \_             _    \       \/      _/      _/            .
 |       |      |      /______/     \       \_.    \       \_.           |
 |       |____________/  __  /_______\________|_____\________|           |
 |           ____________)/ ___________ _______ _                        |
 |         _/          _ /  \_        /     __///___                     |
 |         \          _/    _/      _/     _\       |   · Backfire ·     |
 .  __      \_________|_____\       \_._____________|                    |
 |_ \/                   Mo!-\________|                                  .
   )___ _                                                                |

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o14. Black P. Requested By: Black Phanter
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

    __ _
  ._) __                    · Black Phanter ·                      _ __
  |   \/ ______      ________ ____________  ________ ____          __ (_.
       ._)    _|____|__    _/     _      /_/      _/     |________ \/   |
       |      \_      /    |      _       \       \     _/      _/
       |       |     /     |      \________\       \_.__\       \_.
       |___________________________\-Mo!    \________|   \________|
   ___________ ___________ _______  ____       ____
 ._)    _    (_)    _      \_     \_    |_ ___|   (_. _______ _ __________
 |     _/           _       /      /    _/    |     |/    __///_\_       /
 |     \____________/    ._/      /     |     _     /    _\     _/     _/
 |______|          /_____|_______/______|     \_____\___________\      \_.
                                        |______\                 \_______|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o15. Black Opium Requested By: Evilive
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

   __ _                                                               _ __
 ._)·__    _____      _________ ___________  ________ _____           __·(_.
 |   \/  ._)   _|_____)      _/     _     /_/      _//     |________  \/   |
 |       |     \_            |      _      \       \/     _/      _/       |
 .       |      |     .      |      \_______\       \_.___\       \_.      .
 |       |____________|      |_______\-Mo!   \________|    \________|      |
             _________|_ ____|______ __  ______        _ _____  _____
            /          (_)   _     (_\(__)     |______ \\\    \/    (_.
          _//         .     _/        \  .     \     _/       \/      |
          \___________|     \_____.      |     |\    \________||      |
                      |______|    |____________________/       |______|
   (· Black Opium ·)

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o16. Blast Requested By: Blast
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

         __ _
       ._)· __
       |    \/                           · Blast Of Energy '95 ·
                  _____       ________ ___________  ________ _____
                ._)   _|_____|__    _/     _     (_/      _//     |_
                |     \_       /    |      _       \      \/      _/
                |      |      /     |      \_____ ._\      \      |
                |___________________________\-Mo! |________/______|   __  .
                                                                      \/ _|
            · Blast Of Energy '95 ·                                 _ __(

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o17. Blitz Mob Requested By: Pete
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

         _____       ________ __   ______________
       ._)   _|_____|      _/_)/ _|      ._      \          _ _____
       |     \_     .      |  /  \_      |/      /             __ (_.
       |      |     |      |      |      /      /_.            \/   |
                         _____  _____ _  _________  _____
                       ._)    \/    ///_/         \_)   _|________
      · Blitz Mob ·    |      \/      _//          \_   \_       /
    .                  |      ||______\___________._/    |      /
    |__ _              |______|-Mo!               |____________/

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o18. Big'n Diz Requested By: Rebel
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                                                                       _ __
                                                                       __ (_.
                                        _______   ___                  \/   |
     ____         __ ___________ _  ___ \_     \_ \//     _____   __ _______
   ._)  _|________\(_\      _  ///_ \\/  /      / _______|_   (___)/_\_     \
   |    \_     .   \  \     \_    |   ._/      /  \      _/    .  /   /     /
   |     |     |       \_____/    |   |_______/    \     |     |     /     /_.
   |___________________|-Mo!|_____|                 \________________\_______|
 .  __
 |_ \/                        · Big'n'Diz ·
   )__ _

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o19. Bbs Global S. Requested By: Flite
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

    .__ ___________________/\  ______________________________________ __:
   _|_/                      \/                                       \_|
  __|_________ _  ________            _____        _ ____________ _____ |_
  \       _  ///_|      _/_________ ._)   _|_______\\\    _     (_)     _/
   \      \_     .      |/         \|     \_              _      .      |
   _.______/     |     _//          \_     |      ._______/      |      |
    |     |____________\_____________/____________|      /______________|
    |                                                                   |
    |__                     · Bbs Global Stats ·               ·Mo!·  __|_
    |_/____________________________________________/\  _______________\_|                                                                   |
    :                                                \/

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o2o. Canadian Mist Requested By: Aweson
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

  _______ _ _________ _______ ________ _    _ ____   __  __________ _ ______
_/     _/ \\\   _     \_     \_  _   ///    \\\_  \ _\(__)     _  /// \_    \_
\      \_/      _     |/      /  _      \_ ___ /   \_ \  .     _       /     /
 \      \_._____/   ._/      /   |_____  /   //     /    |     \____._/     /
  \_______|    /____|_______/    |-Mo! \/__________/____________\   |______/
           _ _____  _____ .      |________ _ ___
           \\\    \/    (_|      /      _///    |_  · Canadian Mist ·
         _/       \/      .      \      \/      _/
  .  __  \________||      |      |\      \      |   · Illusion UsHq · __   .
  |_ \/            |____________________________|                     \/  _|
   (__ _                                                              _ __)

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o21. Caustic Style Requested By: Flite
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

   ________ _ ____________        ______ ________ _____   __   ________
 _/      _/ \\\    _     (_______|      /      _/      |_ )/__/      _/
 \       \_/       _      .      /      \      \|      _/ /  \       \
  \       \_.______/      |     /|      |\      \      |      \       \_.
   \________|     /_____________________________/      |______|\________|
                        ________ _____ ___ _____|_     |-Mo!
                       /      _//     |_   \   ///     | ________ _
   · Caustic Style ·   \      \/      _/    \     \_   |/     __///___
  .  __               ._\      \      |      ___.__/   /     _\       |
  |_ \/               |________/_____________|  |______\______________|
   /___ _

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o22. Chat Top Requested By: Radavi
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

  ________ _____     · Chat Top ·      ______
_/      _/      |______ _____________ |      |_ ____ _________  _ ____________
\       \|      |     (_)     _     (_.     __/     /         \_\\\  _       /
 \       \_.    _      .      _       |     \_    _//          \_   _/      /
  \________|____|      |      \______________|    \_._________._/   \______/
                |______________\             |______|-Mo!     |______|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o23. Conftop Requested By: Gravedancer
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

   ________  _________  ___________       ______              _ ____________
 _/      _/ /         \ \_       _/______|___   |_ ________  _\\\  _       /
 \       \_//          \_/     _/         __/   _/         \|     _/      /
  \       \_._________._/      \         _/    _/          \\_    \______/
+- \________| ------- |________/\________|_____\_____________/_____| -[-Mo!]-+

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o24. Console Requested By: Gravedancer
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                                                                     _ __
                                                                     __ (_.
   ________  _________  ________ ________  _________ ________        \/   |
 _/      _/ /         \ \_      /      _/ /         \      _/________ _
 \       \_//          \_/      \      \_//          \_    |/     __///___
  \       \_._________._/      ._\      \___________._/    /     _\       |
.  \________|         |_______ |________/-Mo!       |______\______________|
  )__ _        · Console - Super Nintendo & Genesis/Mega Drive Wares ·

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o25. Cosmic C. Requested By: Generation
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                  · You Connected To The - Cosmic Circus ·          _ __
                                                                    __ (_.
      ________  _______ _  ________ _____  _____ _ __    ________   \/   |
    _/      _/ /       \\\/      _._)    \/    /// \(_ _/      _/
    \       \_//          \      \|      \/       \_\  \       \
     \       \_._________._\      \      ||______._/    \       \_.
      \________|-Mo!     |________/______|       |      |\________|
            ________  __ ___________ ______      |      |________
          _/      _/__)/_\_        /     _/______|      /      _/
          \       \|  /  _/      _/      \       /      \      \
  .  __    \       \_.   \       \_.      \_.   /|      |\      \
  |_ \/     \________|____\________|________|___________________/
   (__ _

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o26. Instant Pleasure Requested By: Nike
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

    __ _                   · Instant Pleasure ·                      _ __
  ._)·                                                                 ·(_.
  |   __    ________ ________ _____ ____________ _ ________ __________    |
   ___)/____\_      /      _//     |_     _    /// \_     (_)        (__
 ._)  /     |/      \      \/      _/     _       \_/      .          _/
 |          /       |\      \      |      \______._/       |          |
 |__________________________/______________\-Mo! |____________________|
   _ _________ ___                   _______       _____
  _\\\ _     /  _/_______ _________ /     _/______|   __|_______ _____ _
 |    _/        |/    __/_\   _   (_\     \_)     /   \_       /   __///___
 |    \___.     /    _\       _     |\     \     /|   _/     _/   _\       |
 |_____|  |___________________/     ._________________\      \_.___________|
 .                           /______|                  \_______|          .
 |_                                                                      _|
   )_ _                    · Instant Pleasure ·                      _ _(

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o27. Crematory Requested By: Missed
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                                                                    _ __
      __________________ _______ _ _ _____  ______ ____________ _   __ (_.
    _/      ___        /     __///_\\\    \/     (_)     _    ///   \/   |
    \       \_/      _/     _\            \/      .      _       \_
     \       \_.     \_.__________________||      |      \________/
      \________|_______|-Mo!               |______________\
                   ______ ________ _ ___________ _ _____ _
  · Crematory ·  _|      /        \\\\_        /   \   ///
                 \_    _//           _/      _/     \     \_
  .  __           |    \_.___________\       \_.     ______/
  |_ \/           |______|            \________|_____|
   (__ _

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o28. Data Requested By: Gravedancer
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

     __ _
   ._) __
   |   \/   _ _____  _________________________________
            \\\_   \_)     _      _      _      _    (_.  · Data Of
        ______ /    \_     _      |      |      _      |
       |     //      /     \______|      |______/      |    Protest ·
       |____________/_______\-Mo! |______|     /_______|              __  .
                                                                      \/ _|
                                                                    _ __(

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o29. Darkside Requested By: Missed
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

    __ _
  ._) __
  |   \/      _ _____ ____________ _ ___________ ____  ________
              \\\_   \\     _    (_\\\_        /     |/       /
          ______ /    \_    _        _/      _/     _/      _/
         |     //      /    |________\       \_.____\       \_.
         |____________/     |-Mo!     \________|     \________|
              _______| _    |  _ _____
             /      _///    |  \\\_   \   ________ _       · DarkSide ·
             \      \|     _|____ /    \_/     __///___
            ._\      \    |     //      /     _\       |            __  .
            |________/____|____________/\______________|            \/ _|
                                                                   _ __)

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o3o. Radavi Requested By: Radavi
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                                                                      _ __
                                                                      __ (_.
                                  · Radavi ·                          \/   |
     _________ _ ___________    _ _____  ___________ _                __
     \_        \\\    _    (_.  \\\_   \_)    _    ///_ _____________ \(__
     _/      _/       _     _|____ /    \_    _       \\\           /  \  |
     \       \_.______/    |     //      /    \________\           /      |
.  __ \________|     /_____|____________/______\-Mo!    \_________/|______|
|_ \/
 (__ _

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o31. Delite Requested By: Delite
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

    __ _
  ._) __            · Delite Comes Up ·
  |   \/  _ _____                  ________ __   ______
          \\\_   \   ________ _   |      _/_)/__|      |_ _______ _
      ______ /    \_/     __///___|      |  /   .      _/     __///___
     |     //      /     _\       | -Mo! |      |      /     _\       |
     |____________/\___________________________________\______________| __  .
                                                                        \/ _|
                                                                       _ __)

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o32. Demo Warez Requested By: Mephisto
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                     · Demo Warez ·                                _ __
             _ _____                 _ _____  _____  _________     __ (_.
             \\\_   \   ________ _  _\\\    \/    (_/         \    \/   |
         ______ /    \_/     __///__\       \/    _//          \_
        |     //      /     _\       .______||    \_.___________/
        |____________/\______________|       |______|-Mo!
              _____ _ __________ ___________ _______ _   ________
       _____ |      \\\    _     \_        /     __///___\_      \
     ._)    ||    _/       _     _/      _/     _\       |/      /
     |      /\    \_.______/     \       \_._____________/      /_.
     |____  /\______|     /_______\________|             \________|
 .   __   \/
 |_  \/
  (__ _

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o33. Diablo Requested By: Diablo
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

         _ _____    __    ___________ _ _____        ________
         \\\_   \ __)/____)    _    ///     _|______|      _/_________
     ______ /    \_ /   .      _       \_   \_      .      |/         \
    |     //      /     |      \______._/    |      |     _//          \_
    |____________/______________\-Mo! |___________________\_____________/

      +-----------[  Diablo Breaks You For A Little Chat ]-----------+

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o34. Disaster Requested By: Rebel
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

    __ _
  ._) __
  |   \/                      · Disaster ·
    _ ____    __   _______ _________ ___________            _ __________
    \\\_  \ __)/_ /     _/    _     /     __   (_. _______ _\\\_       /
 _____ /   \_ /   \     \     _     \     \/     |/    __///_ _/     _/  -Mo!
|    //     /     |\     \    \___ ._\     \     /    _\      \      \_.
|__________/_____________/_____\   |_______/_____\_____________\_______| __  .
                                                                         \/ _|
                                                                       _ __(

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o35. Drakar Requested By: Drakar
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

   _____ _
 ._)·                             · Drakar ·
 |   _ ____ _ _________ _ ____________ ______  ______ _ _________ ___________
     \\\_   \\\_        \\\    _     (_)     |/       \\\    _    \_        /
 ______ /    \_/      _/       _      .     _/      _/       _    _/      _/
|     //      \       \_.______/      |     \       \_.______/    \       \_.
|_____________/\________|-Mo! /______________\________|     /______\________|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o36. Drukz Requested By: Mephisto
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

     ___ _
   ._) __                       · Drukz ·                           _ ___
   |   \/      _ _____  ___________      _____ _____                 __ (_.
               \\\_   \ \_        /_____|    ._)    |_____________   \/   |
           ______ /    \_/      _/      /    |     _/      __     \
          |     //      \       \_.    /|    |_____\       \/     /
   .  __  |_____________/\________|____________|-Mo!\______/     /_.
   |_ \/                                                   \_______|
    /___ _

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o37. Element Requested By: Nup
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                         · Element ·
    _______ _  ________            _ _____  _____ ________ _  _______ _____
   /    __///__)     _/_______ _   \\\    \/    (_)    __///__\_     \_    |_
  /    _\      .     |/    __///__/       \/     .    _\      |/      /    _/
  \____________|     /    _\     \_.______||     |__________._/      /     |
               |_____\_____________|       |_____|      Mo!-|_______/______|
  .  __
  |_ \/
   /___ _

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o38. Effect Requested By: Radavi
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                                                                  _ ___ _
     _ ___ _                   · Effect '95 ·                         (((_.
   ._)))                                                                  |
   |    ________ _    ____________ _______________ _    ________ _____    |.
  .|   /     __///_ _/         __/       _     __///_ _/      _//     |_  |:
  :|  /     _\      \         _/        _/    _\      \       \/      _/  |:
  :|  \______________\________|_________|______________\       \_.    |   |:
  :|                                                Mo!-\________|____|   |
   |                                                                   _ _|
   |_ _       · Effect '95 ·                                      _ __((( `
   ' )))__ _

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o39. Effect Id Requested By: Radavi
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

   ______  _________ _________   ______ ___
  /   __/_/      __/   _   __/__/    _//   |_
 /   _\         _/    _/  _\   \     \/    _/
 \______________|_____|_________\     \_.  |
  +-[Effect presentS]----[Mo!]-+ \______|__|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o4o. Energy Requested By: Blast
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                                                                     _ __
                    · Energy · Just The Slogan ·                     __ (_.
   ________ _   ________                       ____________ _        \/   |
  /     __///___\_      \_ _______ _   _______ \       _  //(_____ _____ _
 /     _\       |/       /     __///__ \_       \      \_     .    \   ///
 \____________._/       /     _\       _/      _/\______/     |     \     \_
 .  __        |________/\______________\       \_.     |______.      ______/
 |_ \/                                  \________|            |______|-Mo!
   )__ _

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o41. Energy Id Requested By: Blast
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

   _____ _____            __________
  /  __/_\_   \_ ____ ____\_   _   (_ _____
 /  _\   |/    /  __/_\_    \  \_  .  \   (._
 \_____._/    /  _\   _/   _/___/  |   \   :
       |_____/\_______\    \_. |___.    ___:_
 <-( Energy Trained )- \_____|[Mo!]|____| -'

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o42. Extreme Terror Requested By: Cannibal
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

      ._ _______________________________ _.
      |_))          ______ ___         ((_|
  _______ _  _____ /     /    |_________ _____ _ _ _____  _____  _______ _
 /    __///__\    /     /      _       /   __///_\\\    \/    (_/    __///___
/    _\      /    \     \_.   _/     _/   _\            \/     /    _\       |
\_________._/     /\______|___\      \_.________________||     \_____________|
      .   |______/             \_______|  .          Mo!-|______|
     _________  ________ _ _ ___________ _______ ______________________
   _|        (_/     __///_\\\_        /       /    _     _           /
   \_         /     _\       _/      _/      _/     \    _/         _/
    |         \_.____________\       \_.     \_._________\          \_.
    |___________|             \________|_______|          \___________|
      .                                   .
      |_       · Extreme Terror ·        _|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o43. Fatal Dreams Requested By: Javis
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

     _________________________ ______  __________ _ _________       ...
    _)         __      _     (_      |_     _   //(_)      _/         :
    \         _/       _      .      _/     _              | _____________
     \________|________/      |      |      \_______.      |             /_.
                  Mo!-/______________________\      |      |               |
        _ ____ _ ___________ _______ _ _ ___________|______| ______ ________
        \\\_   \\\_        /     __///_\\\    _    (_)     \/     //      _/
    ______ /    \_/      _/     _\            _     .      \/      \      \
   |     //      \       \_.__________________/     |      ||____ ._\      \
   |_____________/\________|                 /_____________|      |________/
                                        .    .                             .
                                        :..  |       · Fatal Dreams ·      |
                                             |_                           _|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o44. Fairyland Requested By: Data
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

    ____________ _________    __ ___________ _ _____ _
  _/         __/    _    (____\(_\_        /   \   ///
  \         _/      _      .   \ _/      _/     \     \_
   \________| ______/      |     \       \_.    .______/
                   /_______.      \________|____|-Mo!
                           |      |____________ _ ________    _ _____
                           |      .      _    /// \_      \_  \\\_   \
  .     · FairyLand ·      |      |      _       \_/       /____ /    \_
  |  __                    |      |      \______._/       /    //      /
  |_ \/                    |______________\     |________/____________/
   /_____ _

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o45. Fear Factory Requested By: Missed
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                                                                _ ___ _
      ____________ ______ _ _ __________ ___________               ·((/
    _/         __/    __///_\\\    _     \_        /
    \         _/     _\            _     _/      _/    · Fear Factory ·
     \________|\___________________|     \       \_.
    ____________ _______ _  _______| _    \________|  ___________ _ _____ _
  _/         __/   _    //_/      _///    |_ ______ _ \_        /   \   ///
  \         _/     _      \       \|      _/       \\\_/      _/     \     \_
   \________|      \_______\       \_.   _//          \       \_.     ._____/
            |_______\-Mo!   \________|___\____________ \________|_____|
 _ ___ _

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o46. Flite Requested By: Flite
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

             .___ _________________________.
             |  //                         |
             |_//                   ·Mo!·  |
             ._/      ____________ ____ __   ______
             |      _/         __/   _/_\( _|      |________ _
             |      \         _/     |   \ \_      /     __///___
             |       \________|      |      |     /     _\       |
             |                |___________________\______________|
             |  Flite Of                  _.
             |           Caustic Style   /_.
             |                          // |

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o47. Gangsters P. Requested By: Yoyage
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

    | ·Mo!·                          ø |
  ______________________ ___________ ______ ___            _________ ____
  \      _      _     ._ \     _   //    _//   |_ _____    \_      /   _/
   \     \_     _     |/  \    \_   \    \/    _/   __/___ _/    _/    \
    \_____/     \___._/    \____/   |\    \    /   _\      \     \_\    \
    .    |_______\  |______/   |__________/____\____________\___________/
  _________ _ _______ __________ _______ _   _ ____    __  _______
._)   _    \\\   _    \_       /   _   ///   \\\_  \ __)/_/     _/_______ _
|    _/    /     _    _/     _/    _      \_ __ /   \_ /  \     \/    __///__
|    \___________/    \      \_.   \_____._/  //     /    |\    /    _\      |
|_____|-Mo!     /______\_______|____\    |__________/___________\____________|
    .                                  .
    |      - Gangsters Paradise -    / |
    | ø                             // |

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o48. God's Harem Requested By: Lance
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

  ____________ _  _________     _ _____  __  ________
  \       _  ///_/    _    \_   \\\_   \ \( /      _/
   \      \_    /     /     (_____ /    \_  \      \     · God's Harem ·
    \______/     ._________.     //      / ._\      \
          |      |         |____________/  |________/
          |      |____ _  ________ _ ___________ _______ _ _ ____  _____
          |      |      ._)    _   \\\_        /     __///_)\    \/    (_.
  .       |      _      |      _     _/      _/     _\           \/      |
  |  __   |______|      .______/     \       \_._________________||      |
  |_ \/          |______|     /_______\________|-Mo!              |______|
   /___ _

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o49. Graffity Requested By: Mephisto
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                                              ._  ________________  _.
                                             _|_)                  (_|_
                                              |     · Graffity ·     |
   ___________ ________ _ _________ _________________ __ ______ __ ____ _
   \      _  (_\_       \\\   _   _/        __      __)/_)     |_  \  ///
    \     \_   _/     _/      _   \        _/      _/ /  .     _/   \    \_
     \_____/   \      \_._____/    \_______|_______|     |     |     _____/
          |_____\_______|    /______|-Mo!     .    |_________________|
                                              |                      .
                                             _|_    · Graffity ·    _|_
                                              |_) ________________ (_|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o5o. Gravedancer Requested By: Gravedancer
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                                             ._)                       __ (_.
   ____________ _ _________ _ ___________ _  |                         \/   |
   \       _  ///_\_        \\\    _   _ ____________ _______ _             |
    \      \_     _/      _/       _   \\\          /     __///___    G     |
     \______/     \       \_.______/    \          /     _\       |   r  D  |
           |      |\________|     /______\________/\______________|   a  a  |
           |   ___|_____ _ ________ ________ ________ _ ___________   v  n  |
   ________|_  \____   /// \_     _/      _//     __///_\_        /   E  c  |
   \       _/     _/      \_/     \       \/     _\     _/      _/       e  |
    \      |      |______._/       \       \_.__________\       \_.      R  |
     \____________|-Mo!  |________/ \________|           \________|         |
                                             .   __                         |
                                             |_  \/                        _|

        ___ _
      ._\·                                                · Engine No.9 ·
      |   This Ain't No Motherfuckin' Stick-Up Just Pick The
      |   Stick Up And Watch  It Roll Real Close Rolling Out
          Of  My Hand Till  It Cracks To  That Fuckin'  Dome        _ ___
      .   Living Off The Curb That Peels You From The Curb A           ·/_.
      |   Lick Rest  Off Do You Dig Many  In '93 Been Making              |
      |   Them Fools 'Bout Round Bumbing  Around Me You Will      __      |
      |   Want To Run From  Underground At The Best Walk The    __\/__    .
          Live From The  Verb On The  Beats I Won't  See You    \/__\/    |
      .   Fuckin' Head..                                          \/      |
      |                                                                   |
      |   Peers I Flow And    ______ ________ ______ ___ _______ _____    |
      |   Mother She Won't    )  _  \   _   /_\_   /   /_\__/   |_  _/__  .
      |   Drain    Herself   .   _   \_ /  /\  (__/   /|  _/    _/ _\   . |
      |   And   Won't   Be _::.__(____/_\____\____________\_____|______.::_
      |   Caught  In   All  ·::                                        ::·
      |   Live  In  A  Gig   ¦  The Sex, Murder ... Art! Posse In '95   ¦
      .   Worls Began Just   |                                          ¦
      |   Because  My Life   `------------------------------( Mogue! )--'
          Is    In    Rise
          Lyrical  Did ...

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o51. Hausfrau Requested By: Hausfrau
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                    .  ____________________________________________
                    : _\                                          /_ .
                    : |   ·Mo!·                                    | :
                    : ______       .             ______            | :
                    ._)     |_____.::___________|_     |_______ ________
                    |       |    (·:.)    _    ///     \      //      _/
                    |       _      :·     _       \_   |\      \      \
                    |_______/      .      |______  /__________ _\      \
                    . .    /_______.      |      \/           /________/
    ___________________ _________ _|      |                        . .
  _/         __       /     _   ///|      |______   ·Hausfrau! Of  | :
  \         _/      _/      _       \_    \     (_.                | :
   \________\       \_.     \______  /    |\      |     Illusion·  | :
             \________| _____\     \/_____________|                | :
                    . ._                                          _| :
                       /__________________________________________\  :

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o52. Hax Requested By: Dragon
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                                      _  _ __ _____________________________
   _______                                                             __ (_.
 ._)      |_______ _ ______________ _________                          \/   |
 |        |        \\\      _       \        \ ________________________     |
 |        _      _/         _        \        \                       /     .
 |________|      \_.________/      ._/        /  Hellfire Amiexpress  \     |
          |________|-Mo!   /_______|_________/\       Division!        \_.

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o53. Hax Id Requested By: Dragon
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

          _____ Hellfire /X Division ______
     ____|    (_____________ _ ___  /     /
   ._)   |     .     _     //(_   \/     /
   |     _     |     _             \     \_.
   |     \_____.     \______.      /\______|
 +-|______\ -- |______\ --- |_____/ --[Mo!]-+

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o54. Homeless Bbs Requested By: Slime
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

   +--------------------------------------------[ The Homeless Bbs ]---+
 Royal,      _____|    (_.             _ _____  ______
 Myth! And ._)    |      | _________   \\\    \/     (_________ _
 Contra!   |      _      |/         \_/       \/      .     __///___
           |      |______//          \________||      |    _\       |
 German    |      |-Mo! \_____________/        |____________________|
 Base..    |      |              _______________
           |      |________ _   /      _      _/    Sysop: Slime!
           |      .     __///___\      \      \      Co's: Mogue! And
           |      |    _\       |\      \      \           Whirlwind

   +---[ The Homeless Bbs ]--------------------------------------------+

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o55. Hotwire Requested By: Hotwire
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

     _____ _
   |     ______          _______  _ ___           __ ___________ ______ _
   _____|     (_ ________)      |_     | _____ _ _)/_\_        /    __///___
 ._)    |      /         .      _/     ||    (_.  /  _/      _/    _\       |
 |      _    _//         |      |      /\      |     \       \_.____________|
 |      |____\_______________________  /\_____________\________|-Mo!
 |______|                            \/
                                                              __  .
            · HotWire Of OffSpring ·                          \/ _|
                                                          _ _____\

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o56. Hpa Requested By: Mephisto
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                    ______     · Hack, Phreak And Anarchy ·
              _____|     _|___________ ________ _____             _ ___
     ___ _  ._)    |     \\\    _    _/      _//     |________     __ (_.
   ._) __   |      _   _/       _    \       \/     _/      _/     \/   |
   |   \/   |      |___\________/     \       \_.   \       \_.
            |      |           /_______\________|____\________|
  _ ________|___   |____ ___________ _______  ____________ ______
 _\\\  _       /   |     \_        /     __/__)    _     (_)     |________
|     _/      /    _     _/      _/     _\         _      .     _/      _/
|     \______/_____|     \       \_._______________|      |     \       \_.
|______|           |______\________|-Mo!           |      .______\________|
  _ ___________ ________ _____________________ ____|_     |_________ _____ _
  \\\    _      \_      \_    _     _        /     _/     |     .    \   ///
_/       _      |/       /    _    _/      _/      \      _     |     \     \_
\________/    ._/       /     \____\       \_.      \_.___|     |      ._____/
        /_____|________/_______\    \________|________|   |____________|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o57. Hunkpapa Requested By: Hunkpapa
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                                                                    _ __
          _____        ______           · HunkPapa Of AbNormal ·    __ (_.
        ._)    |______.)     |___ _ ___________ __                  \/   |
        |      |      |      \    \\\_        /   |________
        |      _      |      |\      /       /   _/      _/
        |______|      |__________ ._/       /    \       \_.
               |      |-Mo!       |_______________\________|
               | _ ___|________ _____________________ ___________
               | \\\  _       /      _      _       /      _    (_.
               |     _/      /       _     _/      /       _      |
  .   __       |     \_______________/     \_______________/      |
  |_  \/       |______|             /_______|             /_______|
    )__ _

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o58. Hydra Transfer Requested By: Radavi
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                                                                   _ _____
                                                                      __ (_.
          _____   · Hydra - Transfer ·                                \/   |
        ._)    |_________ ______ _    _ _____  _________ _ ___________
        |      |      .   \    ///    \\\_   \ \_        \\\    _    (_.
        |      _      |    \      \_ ___ /    \_/      _/       _      |
        |______/      |      .___._/   //      \       \_.______/      |
   .  __      /______________|   |_____________/\________|-Mo! /_______|
   |_ \/
    /_____ _

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o59. Immune Id Requested By: Zaphod
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

     __ ____  /\__  ___ __ ____ ____ ______
    _\(_)   \/    \/  (_. \   / _   _)  __/__
  _/  \     \/    \/    |  \   \/      _\    |
  \_________||____||    .______/    .________|
  +-[iMMuNe]------ |____| --- \_____| -[Mo!]-+

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o6o. Craze Requested By: Nike
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                                                               _ ________
                                                                     __ (_.
            ________________ _ ____________________                  \/   |
          _/      ___        \\\    _      ._      \ _______ _            |
          \       \_/      _/       _      |/      /     __///___
           \       \_.     \_.______/      |      /_.   _\       |
     .      \________|_______|-Mo! /________________|____________|
     |  __
     |_ \/                 Craze · Just A Slogan !?!?!?
       )________ _

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o61. Jazy Requested By: Jazy
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                                                                   _ __
                _____  __________ _ ________ ____ ____ __          __ (_.
                \_   \_)     _    \\\_      \     \    )/          \/   |
         _______ /    \_     _      \/      /      \     \_
         \     //      /     \______       /|      .______/    · Jazy
   .  __  \___________/_______\-Mo!/_______________|          Of Hellfire ·
   |_ \/
     )__ _

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o62. Last Calls Requested By: Gravedancer
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

  _______                                              _______
 |     _/_________ _______ ____     ______  _ _________\_    _|_____ _______
 |     |_)   _    /     _//    |_ _/     _| \\\   _   (_|    \_     /     _._
 |     |     _    \     \/     _/ \      \_/      _     |     |     \     \|
 |_____.     \__ ._\     \     |   \      \_._____/     ._____.     |\     \
+----- |______\ -|_______/_____| -- \_______| -- /______|-Mo! |____________/

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o63. Lord Chaos Requested By: Lord Chaos
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

        _____________________________________  .
     . _\                                   /_ :
     : |       · Lord Chaos Of Whale ·       | :
     : |                                     | :
     : |              ________               | :
     : |             |      _/________ _ ___________    _ _____
     : |             |      |/         \\\_        /    \\\_   \
     : |             |     _//           _/      _/_______ /    \_
     : |  ·Mo!·      |     \_____________\       \_.     //      /
     : |             |      |             \________|____________/
     : |      _______| _    |______ ____________ _              ________
     : |    _/      _///    |     (_)     _    ///   _________ /      _/
     : |    \       \|      _      .      _       \_/          \      \
     : |     \       \_.____|      |      \______ _//          |\      \
     : |      \________|    |______________\ . .  \____________________/
     : |_                                   _| :
     :  /___________________________________\

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o64. Magic Prods Requested By: Tolpan
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                   _ __ _                               _ __ _
                   \))·       · Magic Productions ·       ·((/

   _______________  _____ _______ ____________ _    __   __________________
 ._)              \/    (_)    _  \       _  ///_ __)/ _/                _/
 |                \/           _   \      \_     |  /  \                 \
 |                ||___________/    \_.____/     |      \                 \_.
 |________________|-Mo!       /_______|   |______|______|\__________________|
  ______ _______ ______   _ ___ ____      _____ ___   __  ______  ____ ______
._)  _   \_     /      \  \\\_ \    |__ _/   _//   |_ )/ /      \ \_  /    _._
:.  _/   _/   _//       \_ _ /  \_  \   \    \/    _/ /_//       \_/  \    \:
 :  \____\    \_.______._/ //    /  |\   \    \_.  |   \_.______._/  ._\    \
_:___|    \_____|      |________/_________\_____|__|_____|      |___ |______/

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o65. Marwic Requested By: Nike
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                    .__ _________________ _.
                 _ _|_/                  (_|
                    |                  _ _____
       _____  _____ __________ ___________    | _____    __  ________
     ._)    \/    (_)    _     \_        /    ||    (_.__)/_/      _/
     |      \/           _     _/      _/     /\      |  / \       \
     |      ||___________/     \       \_.____/\  ____|     \       \_.
     |______|-Mo!   .   /_______\________| .    \/    |______\________|
                    |                      |
                    |      · MarwiC ·      |
                    |_                   __|_ _

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o66. Master Order Requested By: Dragon
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

             __ __________________ __
            |_/                    \_|
            |    · Master Order ·    |
     _____  _____ _ ____________ ______________  ________ _ ___________
   ._)    \/    /_\\\    _     //      __     (_/     __///_\_        /
   |      \/             _      \      \/      /     _\     _/      _/
   |      ||_____________/      |\      \      \____________\       \_.
   |______|             /_______________/______|-Mo!         \________|
            |   _ ___________   _ _____              _ ___________
        ________\\\_        /   \\\_   \   ________ _\\\_        /
       /        \\_/      _/______ /    \_/     __///_ _/      _/
     _//          \       \_.    //      /     _\      \       \_.
     \____________ \________|___________/\______________\________|

            |__                   __|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o67. Mostly Harmless Requested By: Zaphod
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                                                    __ _____________ __
                                                   |_/               \_|
                           · Mostly Harmless ·     |                   |
  _____  _____ _             ________ _____ ________ _ _____ _         |
._)    \/    ///   _________/      _//     |_     _/   \   ///         |
|      \/       \_/         \      \/      _/     |     \     \_       |
|      ||________//         |\      \      |      |      ______/      _|
|      |-Mo!    \___________________/____________________| _________ /_|
|      |____________ _________ _ _____  _____________            _____________
|      |      _    (_\_        \\\    \/     .     _/________ _ /     _     _/
|      _      _      _/      _/       \/     |     |/     __///_\     \     \
|______|      \______\       \_.______||     |     /     _\      \     \     \
       |_______\      \________|       |___________\_________________________/

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o68. Mystical Places Requested By: Thc
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

   ____ _
 ._) __
 |   \/                     · Mystical Places ·
 |   ____  ____ _____ __  _______ ____   __   _______ _ _________ ________
   ._)   \/   (_)   /  (_/     _//    |_ )/__/     _/ \\\   _   (_)     _/
   |     \/        /     \     \/     _/ /  \      \_/      _     .     |
   |     ||_______.      |\     \     |      \      \_._____/     |     |
   |_____|        |_____________/____________|\_______|    /____________|
       _ ___________ _____ __________   ________ ________ _   ________
      _\\\  _      /    _/     _    (__/      _//     __///_ /      _/
     |     _/     /     |      _      \       \/     _\      \      \       .
     |     \_____.      |      \______ \       \_.__________._\      \  __  |
     |______|    |______________\-Mo!   \________|          |________/  \/ _|
                                                                      _ __(

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o69. Neutron Requested By: Gravedancer
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                                                                       _ ___
                                                                        __ (_.
                                                                        \/   |
   ________     · NeutroN ·      ____________  _________ ________  ________
   \_      \_ _______ _   ______|     .      |_        /         \ \_      \_
    /       /     __///__ \     /     |      _/      _//          \_/       /
 ._/       /     _\      /     /|     |      \       \_._________._/       /
 |________/\_____________\___________________|\________|-Mo!     |________/
.  __
|_ \/
 /___ _

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o7o. New York Subway Requested By: Dragon
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

   _______                   ____:___          - New York Subway -
   \_     \_ ______ _ _____ |    :  (_____ __ _______ __________ ____  _______
    /      /    __///_\    ||    :       /   /       \\_       /     |/      /
 ._/      /    _\          /\    :     _/  _//        _/     _/     _/     _/
 |_______/\______________  /\____:______   \_.________\      \_.    \      \_.
                         \/      :     |_____|-Mo!     \_______|     \_______|
  ________ _ ___     ______     _:_____      ____________ ____|_     |
 /      _///    |____)    _|____):     | ____)     _    (_)    /     |
 \      \|      \         \_     :     ||          _         _/      |
._\      \      |\         |     :     /\          \___________      |
|________/_______________________:_____/\  _________\         |______|
                                 :       \/

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o71. Night Town Requested By: Inferno
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

       ___ _
     ._) __                                       _____
     |   \/   ________   __ _____________________|    (________
     |        \_      \_ )/_\      _      .      |      .      |_
     |         /       / /   \     \_     |      _      |      _/
     |      ._/       /      .______/     |      |______.      |         .
     .      |________/|      |     |_____________|  Mo!-|______|         |
     |                |      |_________ _____        ________            .
                     _|      /         \     | ______\_      \_          |
   · Night Town ·    \_    _//          \_   ||     (_/       /          |
                      |    \_.________.__/   /\    ._/       /       __  |
                      |______|        |______/\  __|________/        \/ _|
                                               \/                  _ ___\

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o72. One Eight Seven Requested By: Whirly
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

     ________________________ __ _           _ __ ________________________
   ._\ __                                                             __ /_.
   |   \/                                                             \/   |
   | ______ ______                   _______   __ _________  ____     ____ |
   .       \\_    \_ ______         /    __/___)/_\    _  (__)   |____)    |_
   |        \/     /    __/_____   /    _\     /   \   \_   .    |    .    _/
   .______._/     /    _\      /   \____________________/   |    _    |    |
   |      |______/\___________/                        |_________|    .____|
   |        ________              · One Eight Seven ·            |____|    |
   |       /      _/________ _ _____________ _ _______ _   ________        |
   |       \      \/     __///_\           ///     __///___\_      \_      |
   |      ._\     /     _\      \           /     _\       |/       /      |
   |  __  |_______\______________\_________/\____________._/       /   __  |
   |_ \/                                             Mo!-|________/    \/ _|
    /________________________ __ _           _ __ ________________________\

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o73. No Vegetables Requested By: Jake
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

 +-----------------[ You Connected To ]---[ No Vegetables ]-----------------+
  \_    \_ ______        Staff: Jake/Prestige^Cream
   /     /       \
._/     //        \_
_:_______ _____ _________  ______ _____ ________ _ __     ______        ____
 :      /   __/_\    _  (_/   __/_)    |_   _  ///  _|___|__  _/______ /    _.
 :    //   _\    \   \_  /   _\        _/   _     \_\_     /  |/   __/_\    \:
_:____________________/  \________.    |    \___.__/ |    /   /   _\    \    \
 :                   |____|   Mo!-|__________\  |________/____\______________/
 +-----------------[ You Connected To ]---[ No Vegetables ]-----------------+

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o74. Nup Requested By: Nup
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

              __ _______________  _____________________________
             (_/ __               \                          ·/_
              |  \/  _ ________    \   _ __  _ _________ _     /
              |        ._      \_ __\     /  \\\  _     .       .
              .        |/       /    \     \     _/     |       |
              |      ._/       /     |\     \    \______.       .
                     |________/|____________/_____|-Mo!     __  |
                /_                                          \/ _|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o75. Nuclear Waste Requested By: Nike
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                    _ __ ___.
     .___ __ _          \\  |
     |  //               \\_|
     |_//   ·Nuclear      \_.
     ._/            Wast·   |
     |                      |
   ___________     _____ ________ _______             _ ______________________
   \_      __/____|    _/      _/      _/________ _   \\\    _      _        /
    /      \      /    \       \|      |/     __///__/       _     _/      _/
 ._/      /      /|     \       \_.    /     _\       .______/     \       \_.
 |________\______________\________|____\______________|-Mo! /_______\________|
     .           ______  ___________________ ________ _____
     |          |      ||      .     _      /      _//     |_ ______ _
     |_         |      /\      |     _      \      \/      _/    __///___
     ._\        |____  /\____________/      |\      \      |    _\       |
     | \\            \/             /_______________/____________________|
     |__\\__ _

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o76. Nuke Requested By: Nike
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

               ___ ________________________________________ ___
             ._)_/                                          \_(_.
             |__________      ______ ______         _________ _ |
             ._       _/_____|     (_)     |________\     __///_|
             |/       \      /      .     _/      _/     _\
           ._/       /      /|      |     \       \_.___________.
           |________/\_____________________\________|-Mo!       |
             .                                                  |
             |___                 · Nuke ·                   ___|
             · )_\ ________________________________________ /_( ·

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o77. OffSpring Requested By: Hotwire
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

     __          _________   _____________________
   __\/__       /         \_/         _        __/
   \/__\/     _//          \_        _/       _/     · OffSpring ·
     \/       \_____________/ _______|________|
       _____ _  _ _______ ___________ __  ______ ____________ _       __
      /      _._\\\  _    \_        /_)/__\_     \       _  ///_    __\/__
      \      \|     _/    _/      _/  /   |/      \      \_     |   \/__\/
     ._\      \     \_____\       \_.   ._/       /\______/     |     \/
     |________/______|     \________|___|________/   Mo!-|______|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o78. Oldskool Requested By: Nike
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

        .__ ________ _ _ _ _____ _ _ __ __ __  __ _ _ _
        |    ________  _ ____  ____________                _________ _______
     ________)     _/  \\\_  \/     _.     |_______ _______)        \     _/
    /        .     |_____ /   \     \|    _/     _/                 \\_   |
  _//        |     |    //     \     \    \      \_.      \\_.______._/   |
  \__________________________________/_____\_______|_________|-Mo!  |_____|
        .                                                   .
        |    · OldSkool ·                  · OldSkool ·   __|
             _ __ _ ______ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ ____________\_|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o79. On The Run Requested By: Jazy
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

              |   __            __   .
              |   \/ On The Run \/   |
              |              _____________
     _________  ________   _|      .      |_____
    /         \ \_      \_ \_      |      |    (_. ________ _
  _//          \_/       /  |      |      _      |/     __///___
  \___________._/       /   |______.      |      /     _\       |
          Mo!-|________/    _______|___   |______\______________|
              .             \_        /   |______________
              |      __     _/      _/    \      __      \_
              |    __\/__   \       \_.   |\     \/       /
              |    \/__\/    \________|________._/       /
                     \/              .         |________/

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o8o. Partnerz In C. Requested By: Ramon
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

    ._   _____________________________________________________________   _.
    | \_(                          _____                              )_/ |
     _ ________ _ ________________|__   |_____ _______ _ _____ _ _______  |
    _\\\ _      \\\   _     _       /   ._    /    __///_\_    \\\_     \
   |    _/    _/      _    _/     _/    |/   /    _\     _/     _//     /
   |    \_____\_______/    \      \_. ._/    \___________\      \/     /_.
   |     |           /______\_______| |_______/-Mo!       \______________|
   |    _|_____     ______________|_    | ____  _____ _
   |    \_     \_ _/     ___       /    ._)   \/    ///_______ _          .
   |    |/      / \      \_/     _/     |     \/      /    __///___       |
   |  ._/      /   \      \_.    \_.    |     ||____ /    _\       |      |
   |__|_______/     \_______|______|__________|      \_____________|      |
    .                                                                     |
    |  __                   · Partnerz In Crime ·                     __  |
    |_/ (_____________________________________________________________) \_|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o81. Performing Arts Requested By: Slime
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

  __________    _________               _________ __  ____ __ ___ __________
._)  _  ___/__ _\_      /____________ _ \_      /   \/   (_)/_\_  \     _  (_.
|   _/ /   __///_/    _/       _     \\\_/    _/    \/     /  |/   \    \_   |
|   \_/   _\    \     \_.     _/        \     \_.___||        /     \____/   |
|____|\__________\______| ____|_________/\______|-Mo!|_____________/    |____|
    _ _________________________ ___________ ____  ______________________
    \\\                   _     \_        /     |_                    _/
  _/      ·Performing     _     _/      _/      _/    Arts Presents·  \
  \_______________________/     \       \_.     |\                     \

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o82. Requests Requested By: Generation
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                                          ._\                         /_..
                                         .|    · Requests ·             |:
__________ ______ _             _____    :|             _______ ____  ______
\_       /    __///__ ________ |     |_____ _______ _  /     _//    |_    _/
_/     _/    _\      /        \|     \    (_)   __///__\     \/     _/    \
\      \_.__________//       __\_    |\        _\      |\     \     |\     \
 \_______|-Mo!     \_________)/_/_____________________________/____________/
                             /           ..                             ..
                                         :|                             |:
                                         :|_      · Most Wanted ·      _|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o83. Request Requested By: Missed
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                     ___ ___________________________ ___
                   ._)_/                             \_(_.
                   |                _______              |            ______
 ___________ _______ _    __________)      |_______ _______ _   _____|__    |_
 \_        /     __///___/          .      \      /     __///__/      _/    _/
 _/      _/     _\     _//     ____ |      |\      \   _\      \      \     |
 \       \_.___________\_______\.·/________________/__________._\      \____|
  \________|-Mo!   .            \/                       .    |________/
                   |                                     |
                   |___        · The Requests ·       ___|
                     )_\ ___________________________ /_(

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o84. Pete Requested By: Pete
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                                                                        _ __
           _ ____________          _____                                __ (_.
          _\\\  _     __/_____ _ _|     \  ________ _                   \/   |
         |     _/    /     __///_\_      \/     __///___       Pete Of
         | Mo! \____/     _\      |      /     _\       |  Performing Arts
  .  __  |______|   \____________________\______________|
  |_ \/
   (__ _

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o85. PlayStation Requested By: Jake
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                                                                   _ ___
   _ ____________ _____ __________ ______ __                        __ (_.
  _\\\  _       /    _/     _    (_)    /  (_.                      \/   |
 |     _/      /     |      _         _/     |   · No Vegetables ·
 |     \____.        |      \_________.      | · Playstation Area! ·
 |______|   |________________\    Mo!-|      |
           ________ _____ ____________|_     |  __   _________  ________
          /      _//     |_     _    ///     |_ )/__/         \ \_      \_
          \      \/      _/     _       \_   _/ / _//          \_/       /
 .  __   ._\      \      |      \_____.__/   |    \_._________._/       /
 |_ \/   |________/______________\    |______|______|         |________/
  /___ _

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o86. Prodigy Requested By: Generation
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                      .__ ________________________ __.
                      |_/                          \_|
                      |      · Cosmic Circus ·       |
    _____________________            _______  __  ____________ ___ _____ _
  ._)    _      _       /_____ _ ___|_     (__\(__)     _    (_)   \   ///
  |     _/     _/     _/     _      _/     .   \  .     \_    .     \     \_
  |     \______\      \_.    /      \      |      |______/    |      ______/
  |______|-Mo!  \_______|________ _ ______________|  .  |____________|
                      .                              |
                      |    · Prodigy German Hq! ·    |
                      |__                          __|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o87. Prodigy Requested By: Prodigy
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

  _ _______ ___________ ________     _ _____    __ ___________ _ ___ _____ _
 _\\\  _    \_        /         \    \\\_   \ __)/_\      _  ///_)   \   ///
|     _/    _/      _//          \_____ /    \_ /   \     \_     .    \     \_
|     \_____\       \_._________._/   //      /     .______/     |     ______/
|______|     \________| .       |____________/______|     |____________|-Mo!
                        |_     · Prodigy ·
                         /________________________________ __ _  _       _

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o88. Protest Requested By: Gravedancer
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

   ________ _
 ._)                Protest · We'll Turn You Inside Out ? · Protest
 |    _ ________ __________ _________ ______               ________ _____
 |   _\\\  _     \_        /         \      |_ _______ _  /      _//     |_
    |     _/     _/      _//          \_    _/     __///__\      \/      _/
    |     \______\       \_._________._/    /     _\      |\      \      |  .
    |______|-Mo!  \________|         |______\_____________________/______|  |
                                                                _ ________(

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o89. Quasar Requested By: Generation
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                     ._ _________________________________ _.
                     |_)                                 (_|
                     |          · Cosmic Circus ·          |
               ______        _ ____________ ___________________ ___________
      _________)     |_______\\\    _      /      _.      _     \_        /
     /         .     \      (       _      \      \|      _     _/      _/
   _//         |     |\      .______/      |\      \______/     \       \_.
   \_________/\|_____________|     /_______________/     /_______\________|
        Mo!-/__\     .                                     .
                     |    · Quasar Member Headquarter ·    |
                     |__ _                             _ __|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o9o. Day Dream Requested By: Radavi
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

      _____ _
    ._) __
    |   \/                         _ _____    _ ___________ ____ _____ _
    .                              \\\_   \   \\\    _    (_.    \   ///
    |       · Day Dream ·      ______ /    \_/       _      |     \     \_
    |                         |     //      \________/      |      ______/
                              |_____________/       /______________|
       _ _____  ___________ ______ _  ____________ _____  _____
       \\\_   \ \_        /    __///__)     _    (_)    \/    (_.
   ______ /    \_/      _/    _\            _           \/      |
  |     //      \       \_.__________.      \___________||      |
  |_____________/\________|          |_______\       Mo!-|______|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o91. Rave Culture Requested By: Kerosene
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

    _________ _ ___________ _ ____________________________________________
    \_        \\\    _    _____________ _ _______ _                   __ (_.
    _/      _/       _    \           ///     __///___                \/   |
 .  \       \_.______/     \\          /     _\       |  · Rave Culture ·  |
 |   \________|     /_______\_________/\______________|                    |
   ________ _____       ________ ____ ______       ___________ _______ _
 _/      _/      |_____|_     _/     |_     |______\_        /     __///___
 \       \|      \      /     |      _/     \      _/      _/     _\       |
  \       \_.    |\      \    |      |      |\     \       \_._____________|
 . \________|____________/__________________________\________|-Mo!
  /___ _

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o92. Raw  Requested By: Astro
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

        ._)·                          ·(_.
        |                                |
        |  - R·a·w -          _________ _ ____________ ______
        |                _____\_        \\\    _     (_)     | _________
        |  The Bulletin |     _/      _/       _      .      ||        (_.
        |      Board    |     \       \_.______/      |      /\          |
        |      System   |______\________|-Mo! /______________/\  ________|
        |_                              _,                     \/

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o93. Relief Requested By: Relief
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                         .__ _____________  /\___ __.
                        _|_/              \/      \_|_ _
                         |                          |
    _ ___________ _______ _   _________ __  _________ _  ____________
    \\\_        /     __///___)      _/_)/__)     __///__)        __/
      _/      _/     _\       .      |  /        _\              _/
      \       \_._____________|      |      .____________________|
       \________|-Mo!    .    |_____________|       .
                         |                          |
                         |   ·Relief Of Twisted!·   |
                      _ _|__                      __|_
                         |_/___/\  _______________\_|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o94. Rolf Requested By: Javis
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                    _                                  .
               _._/\\ _________________________________:__ _
                :   \/                             __  :ø
                :  ___________ ________ _________  \/  :
               _:__\_        /          \_      (______:___ _
                   _/      _//           |      .         __/
                   \       \_.___________.      |        _/
            _.______\________|           |__________._ __|
             :                 · Rolf! ·            :-Mo!
         _ __:_________________________________  /\_:_
            ø:                                 \//

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o95. S!d Requested By: Kerosene
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                                                                    _ __
                                                                    __ (_.
             ________________  ___________       _ ________         \/   |
            /              _/__\_________/_. Mo! \\\_      \
            \              \/             _|_______ /       \_   S!d..
           ._\              \            |        //         /   Presents..
   .  __   |________________/____________|__________________/
   |_ \/
     )__ _

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o96. S1d Id Requested By: Kerosene
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

     ________         _ _____
 .- /      _/______.  \\\_   \ ------------.
 |  \      \/     _|____ /    \_  · S!D ·  |
 | ._\      \    |     //      / PresentS: |
 | |________/____|____________/ -----------+-

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o97. Sad Requested By: Flite
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                        ._) __                       __ (_.
                        |   \/      · Sceptic ·      \/   |
       _______ ________ ________ _      _____________ __   __   ________
      /      _/      _//     __///______)   _       /   |_ )/ _/      _/
      \      \       \/     _\             _/      /    _/ /  \       \
     ._\      \       \_.____________.     \_____.      |      \       \_.
     |________/\________|-Mo!        |______| __ |_____________|\________|
          _____________________ _  _________ /           _._
        ._)         _         ///  \         \           \|
        |           _            \_/          \           \_.
        |           \___________._/           /\____________|
        |__ _____ ___\  .       |_ ________ _/_ ______________ ________
            \_   \   ________ _   /      _/__)/_\       _    (_\_      \_
      ______ /    \_/     __///___\      \|  /   \      \_     |/       /
     |     //      /     _\       |\      \      |\______/   ._/       /
     |____________/\______________________/______|      |____|________/
                        .                                 .
                        |_     · Amiexpress Design ·     _|
                        · )_____________________________( ·

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  o98. Seen Point Requested By: Tolpan
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

              ________ __ _
            ._) __                                  _ __ ________
            |   \/   · Seen Point Issue No.oX ·              __ (_.
   _______  |                                                \/   |
  /     _/______ _  ______ _ ______      ___________       __ ______ ____
  \     \/   __///_/   __///_\_    \_  ._)   _   __/____ __)/_\_    \_   |_
 ._\    /   _\    /   _\     |/     /  |    _/  /       \  /  |/     /   _/
 |______\_________\________._/     /   |    \__//        \_ ._/     /    |
            .          Mo!-|______/    |_____|\___________/_|______/_____|
            |  __                                                 .
            |_ \/                                             __  |
            · )________ __ _     · Seen Point Issue No.oX ·   \/ _|
                                                   _ __ ________( ·

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// o99. Shoot Requested By: Gravedancer
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

     ___ _                        _ __ _____/\  ___ _
   ._)·     ·s·H·o·o·T·   _____               \/        _______
   |       ______________|    (_.           ____________)      |_
          /      _.      |      |___________)     _     .      _/
          \      \|      _      |     _     .     \     |      |
         ._\      \      |______.     /     |__________________|   __  .
         |________/______|  Mo!-|___________|                      \/ _|
                                               ·s·H·o·o·T·       _ ___\
        _ ___  /\_____ __ _

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  1oo. Silent Moon Requested By: Tolpan
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

          __                         ·                               __
        __\/    ________  __   ______:_   · Silent Moon ·    ______  \/
        \/     /      _/__\(__|      : ________ _   ________|      |_
               \      \|   \  |      :/     __///___\_      \_     _/
              ._\      \      |      :     _\       |/       /     |
              |________/______|______:____________._/       /______|
                                     :            |________/
            _ _____  _____  _________:_ _______  ________
            \\\    \/    (_/         :         \ \_      \_
          _/       \/    _//         :          \_/       /     __
       __ \________||    \_._______ _:_________._/       /    __\/
       \/           |______|-Mo!     :         |________/     \/

                _:_                              _:_
               _)¦                                ¦(_
              _) |                                | (_
             _)  |                                |  (_
            _)  .|                                |.  (_
           _)   :|     /\                  /\     |:   (_
          _)    :|   _/  \   __      __   /  \_   |:    (_
         _)     '|_  \_   \_ \/  __  \/ _/   _/  _|`     (_
        _)       '(_ _)    (_ _ _\/_ _ _)    (_ _)`       (_
        \        _ /_\_      ) \\/\// (      _/_\ _        /
         \· /\__ \/   )__  _/ (o\__/-) \_  __(   \/ __/\ ·/   ·Mo!/aL·
          \/ _  _ __ ___ )_\__/\_()_/\__/_(_            \/
         _ __)  \_\__)   _) _/ __  __ \_  \/  _ __ __ _
           _)       __ _ \__\__\//\\/__/   __/ Y  Y  Y \._
           \       (_       _)`\/`'\/'(_ __\___|  |  |  |/__  /\__________
            \_ __ __/_    __\_/\ /\ /\_/_  (__/|__|__|__/   \/        __ (_.
          _./ Y  Y  Y \._\\\  __Y__Y__  /                             \/__ |
          \|  |  |  |___/   \/        \/                                \/ |
           \__|__|__|\__)              .   Nothing Satisfied, Nothing      |
                                       |   Will,   Cause  It  Wont  A      |
                                       |   Chance  To  Altered Spirit      .
                                           And Altered  Mind,  Take A      |
                Turn  For The Worse Soon  - Fear Has  Struck, Fear Is
                Struck - Maladjusted,  Assurance Wont Sit Well At All
                Cause  No One  Is Trusted,  U Got What U  Wanted, The
                Reason U Came - Control Of The Action, Control Of The

                See Through The Happiness,  See Through The Sappiness
                See Through The Front That Obscures All The Truth And
      .         See   Ugliness,   Torture,   Torture   And  Ugliness,
      |         Sefishness Just In A Guagmire Of Human Filth...
      .         Fear Has Struck, Fear Is Struck - Maladjusted
      | __
      | \/__    Fear That Rules A Twisted Fuck
      |_  \/
       /__________________ _

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 1o1. Sion Id Requested By: Zou^Zou & eCs
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

      ________  __             ________
 .-- /      _/__)/__  _________\_      \_ --.
 |   \      \/  /   |/         \/       /   |
 |  ._\      \     _//       ._/       /    |
 |  |________/_____\_________|________/     |
 `------------[ Sion Presents ]------[Mo!]--'

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  1o2. Sion Id Requested By: Zou^Zou & eCs
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

  ________     _____   _______ ____|       /
  \      /____(_____)_/   _   \  _ \      /
  /\____             /    \    \  \ \    /
 /________________  /\_________/__|\    /
 +-[Sion Brings ]-\/----------[Mo!]-\  /---+

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 1o3. Sion Id Requested By: Zou^Zou & eCs
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

 .--- -_________________/\________________
 | S   \   ____________/  \__   \/\___    \_
 | I  _/\______  \_    \_  \/    \   /     /
 | O  \ __________/____ /________/__/     / .
 | N   \/             \/-Mo!       \ ____/  |
 `--------------------------------- \/ -----'

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  1o4. Slime Requested By: Slime
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                                    .__ __________________________ __.
                             ·Mo!·  |_/                            \_|_
     ________________  __  ______  ______  ________                  .
    /      _.      _/__)/__)     \/     (_/  _    /     Slime Comes  |
    \      \|      |   /  .      \/      /   /___/_                  |
   ._\      \      |      |      ||____ /     _\   |   Up Right Now  .
   |________/____________________|  .   \__________|                 |
                                   _|__                            __|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 1o5. Sm Private Requested By: Tolpan
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

    _____ _
  ._) __
  |   \/                         ______________ _ ________  ________
                                /            _/ \\\       \/       (_.
  · Silent Moon Private Area ·  \            \_/          \/         |
                               ._\            \___________||         |
  _ ________ ___________ __    |______________/        Mo!-|_________|
 _\\\  _     \_        /_)/ _ __________ _ ___________  ______
|     _/     _/      _/  /  \\\          \\\    _    (_.      |_ _______ _
|     \______\       \_.     \         _/       _      |      _/     __///___
|______|      \________|_____|\________\________/      |      /     _\       |

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  1o6. Speedfreak Requested By: Tolpan
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                   ________ _ ____________                        _ _____
      .__ __/\  _ /      _/_\\\  _     __/_____ _   ________ _    \\\_   \
      |_/     \/  \      \|     _/    /     __///__/     __///______ /    \_
      |          ._\      \     \____/     _\     /     _\         //      /
      |          |________/______|   \____________\_______________________/
   ___________________ _______ _ _ ____________ ______
 _/         _        /     __///_\\\    _     (_)     |________
 \         _/      _/     _\            _      .     _/      _/
  \________\       \_.__________________/      |     \       \_.
      .     \________|             Mo!-/______________\________|
      |                                         .
      |__          · Speedfreak ·             __|
      |_/___  /\______________________________\_|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 1o7. Soa Mapus Size Requested By: -jD!
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                                                       _ ___
  ______ ___ _________  ___     · State Of Aversia ·      ·(_.
 /    _//   |_   _   (_/   |_ _____          _______  _______|_
 \    \/    _/   _         _/   __/___      /       \_)     _.
._\    \    |    \____.    /   _\     |    /   Mo!   \      _|
|_________________\   |____\__________|    \_________/______\|
  _______ _ __________ ______  _________ ____ __  _________  |
._)  _    \\\        /    __/__\_      /   _/_)/__)    _   \_|
|    _     \       //    _\    _/    _/    \  /  .     _     |
|    \_____ \______/\__________\     \_     \    |     \_____.
|_____\ _______________________ \___________/___________\ ___|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  1o8. Stress Requested By: Nike
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

    ___ _                                                          _ _____
  ._) __       ________ _____                                         __ (_.
  |   \/      /      _//     |_________ _______ _   _______________   \/   |
              \      \/      _        /     __///_ /      _      _/
  · Stress · ._\      \     _/      _/     _\      \      \      \
             |________/_____\       \_.___________._\      \      \
  .  __                      \________|       Mo!-|_______________/    __  .
  |_ \/                                                                \/ _|
   /___ _                                                            _ ___\

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 1o9. Stylewars Requested By: Gravedancer
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                ._ ___/\  ___ _ _  _ ___  /\___ _.
                |_)     \/              \/     (_|
                |                                |
                |                · Stylewars ·   |
    _______ ____| _ ______ ______                | __________ __________ _____
   /     _//    |_  \    (     _/_______ _ _____ |     _    (_\_       /    _/
   \     \/     _/   \         |/    __///_)    ||     _      _/     _/     \
  ._\     \     |     ___.     /    _\          /\     \______\      \_\     \
  |_______/____ ._____|  |_____\______________  /\______\  Mo!-\_____________/
                |                             \/ .
                |_                              _|
                |_)___  /\___ _ _ _ ___/\  ___ (_|
                      \/                 \/

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  11o. Sweet Dreams Requested By: Missed
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                      .__ __________
                     _|_/          (______________ __:_
     ______________   |    ·Mo!·                   \_|   ______
    /      __      | ______  ________ _    ________ _  _|      |
    \      \/      ||     (_/     __///__ /     __///__\_      |
   ._\      \      /\      /     _\      /     _\       |      |
   |________/____  /\______\_____________\______________|      |
          _ _____\/___________                       .  |      |
          \\\_   \ \_        / _______ _ ____________  _|_   __|_____
      ______ /    \_/      _/      __///_)    _      \/     /      _/
     |     //      \       \_.    _\          _      \/     \      \
     |_____________/\________|________________/      ||____._\      \
                      .                      /_______|     |________/
                      |                              .
                      |__     · Sweet Dreams ·       |
                     _|_/___________               __|_
                      :            (_______________\_|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 111. Swedish Ae D. Requested By: Kerosene
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

  __ _
._) __
|   \/               · Swedish Ae Dev ·
  ________ _ ___                         _ _____    __   ________ _    _____
 /      _///    | ______  ________ _     \\\_   \ __)/__/      _///___|    (_.
 \      \|      ||     (_/     __///_______ /    \_ /   \      \      |      |
._\      \      /\      /     _\          //      /     |\      \     _      |
|________/______/\  ____\________________________/______________/     |______|
                  \/-Mo!               _ _____                 |______|
    ___________ _                      \\\_   \            _____________ _
  ._)    _    ///________ _        ______ /    \_ _______ _\           ///
  |      _      /     __///___    |     //      /     __///_\           /
  |      \_____/     _\       |   |____________/     _\      \_________/ __  .
  |_______\    \______________|                \______________|          \/ _|
                                                                       _ __(

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  112. Temple Of D. Requested By: Aweson
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                   .___ /\_______ ___.
                   |  //         \\  |
                   |_//           \\_|
                   ._/             \_.       · Temple Of Dreams ·
        ______     |                 |
      _|      |________   ______  ______ _____________ _____
      \_      /     __/___)     \/     (_)    _      /    _/________ _
       |     /     _\           \/      .    _/     /     |/     __///___
       |_____\__________________||      |    \_____.      /     _\       |
                   .         Mo!-|____________|    |      \______________|
       _ ____ _ ___________ _______   _____________ ______  ______  ________
       \\\_   \\\_        /     __/___)     _     (_)     \/     (_/      _/
   ______ /    \_/      _/     _\           _      .      \/       \      \
  |     //      \       \_._________________/      |      ||_____ ._\      \
  |_____________/\________|          .     /______________|       |________/
                   ._               _|
                   ._\             /_.
                   | \\           // |
                   |__\\_______  //__|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 113. Tetris Compo Requested By: Radavi
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                                            _ __ _________________________ __.
    ______  ________ _    ____ ___________ __   ________                   \_|
  _|      |/     __///_ _|     \_        /_)/_ /      _/                     |
  \_      /     _\      \_     _/      _/  /   \      \                      .
   |      \______________|     \       \_.     |\      \  · Tetris Compo ·   |
   |______|              |      \________|_____________/                     |
      ________  _________|    __| _____ _ _ ____________                     .
    _/      _/ /         \    ) \/    ///_\\\  _     __/______               |
    \       \_//          \_    \/       \_   _/    /         \              |
     \       \_._________._/    ||______._/   \____//          \_          __.
      \________|-Mo!     |______|       |______|  \_____________/ _________\_|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  114. Thc Requested By: Thc
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

           ___ _
         ._) __                     _____
         |   \/       _____________|    (_ ________
                    _|      .      |     _/      _/    Thc Comes Up
                    \_      |      _     \       \     For A Small Chat
                     |      |      |______\       \_.
                     |_____________|-Mo!   \________|   __  .
                                                        \/ _|
                                                     _ ___(

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 115. The Chameleon Requested By: Aweson
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

  ._) __                                                               __ (_.
  |   \/                       · The Chameleon ·                       \/   |
 _|______ _   _________ ____  ____ _____ _ _______           ________ ______|_
  .    _///__|    _   /_)   \/   (/  __///_)    _/______ _  /    _   \\_    .
  |    \|    |    _         \/      _\          |    __///_/     \    \/    |
  |     \    _    \_________||    .________.    |   _\      ._______. /     |
  ._____.    |_____\     Mo!-|____|        |________________|       |_______.
  |_    |____|                                                             _|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  116. The Mp Requested By: Tolpan
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                .__ _____________________________________ __.
                |_/                                       \_|
     _______    |  _____                                    |
   _|      (______|    (_. ________ _   .   · ______  ______ _______________
   \_      .      |      |/     __///___.  _:_)     \/     (_)     _       /
    |      |      _      /     _\       :   :       \/      .     _/      /
    |______.      \______\______________:_  :_______||      |     \______/
           |_______\                    :   .        |_____ . _____|-Mo!
                .                       .                   |
                |     · The Mp ·                            |
                |__                                       __.

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 117. The Origin Requested By: Prodigy
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

       ___ _
     ._) __                    _____________
     |   \/                  _|      .      |______  ________ _
     .      · The Origin ·   \_      |      |     (_/     __///___
     |                        |      |      _      /     _\       |
                              |_____________|      \______________|
     _________ ___________ __ _____________ | __  _|______              .
    /         \\_        /_)/_\       _   (_| \(_ \_      \_            |
  _//          _/      _/  /   \      \_    .  \   /       /            |
  \____________\       \_.     |\______/    |   ._/       /         __  .
                \________|_____|  Mo!-|_________|________/          \/ _|
                                                                  _ ___\

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  118. The Payoff Requested By: Diablo
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

 +------------------[ You Connected To ]---[ The Pay Off ]------------------+

                ______ ______                          Myth Euro Hq
              _|     (_)     |_____                    Honey Euro Hq
              \_      .      |    (_. ________ _       RoadHogz Courier Hq
               |      |      _      |/     __///___    Visage Dutch Hq
               |_____________|      /     _\       |   Royal Console Dutch Hq
                             |      \______________|   Accession Dutch Hq
                 ·           |      |-Mo!               ·
     _ _________ : __________|_    _|____ _            _:___________
    _\\\  _    (_:_)    _     (    \    ///   _______ _):        __/__________
   |     _/      :      _    .      \      \_/        \ :       _/         __/
   |     \_______:______/    |        ______//         \:_______\         _/
   |______|      :     /______________|    \____________:_       \________|
                 .                                      .

 +--[ Diablo ]-[ Delite ]-[ Scarface ]-[ Boldy ]-[ =Zen= ]-[ QuickSilver ]--+

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 119. The Pub Requested By: Flite
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                    _       __ ___ _/\_ ___ __        _
                  ._\               \/                /_.
            _____ |   · The Pub ·                       |
  _________|    (_.                 _ ____________      ______ _ ____________
_|    .    |     _|______ _        _\\\  _      _/_____|     (_\\\  _       /
\_    |    _    /     __///___    |     _/      \      /     .     _/      /
 |    |    |___/     _\       |   |     \______/      /|     |     \______/
 |_________|   \______________|   |______| Mo!-\____________________|
                  .                                     .
                  |_                      · The Pub ·  _|
                  '/_       __ ___ _/\_ ___ __        _\`

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  12o. Tolpan Requested By: Tolpan
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

              .__ _______________________________/\  _ __.
              |_/                                  \/  \_|
        ______ ________ ______. _ __________ _ ___________ ________
      _|      /        \      :_\\\  _       \\\    _    (_\_      \_
      \_    _//         \_    |     _/     _/       _      |/       /
       |    \_.________._/    |     \______\________/    ._/       /
       |_____ |        |______|______|         Mo!-/_____|________/
              .                                          .
              | ·Tolpan Breaks You Dick For A Smalltalk· |
              .__                                      __.

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 121. Tower Of S. Requested By: Gravedancer
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                                                                  _ ________
   ______ _________  _____                                              __ (_.
 _|      /    _    \_)    | ______  ________ _ ___________              \/   |
 \_    _/     \           ||     (_/     __//(_\_        /                   |
  |    \_._________.      /\            _\     _/      _/   ·Tower Of Souls·
  |______|-Mo!     |______/\  _________________\       \_.
                            \/                  \________|   ________
     _________  _____________  ________ _________ ______     \_      |______
    /    _    \_)         __/ /      _//    _    \      |_____|_    /      _|
  _/     /     \_        _/   \      \/     \     \_    \      /    \      \
. \_____________/________|   ._\      \__________._/    |\      \  ._\      \
|  __                        |________/          |______________/__|________/
|_ \/
  )________ _

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  122. Toxin Refinery Requested By: Missed
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

           ______           ______          __
         _|      | _________\     \ ______ _)/_ ________________________
         \_      |/         .      \     /  /   \_                      \_
          |     _//         |      /     \       /  - ToX¡N              /
          |_____\_________________/\      \_._._/           REF¡NERY -  /
                                  __\_______| |________________________/
  __________ ______ _   __________)/_________ _______ _  ________ _ _____ _
  \_       /    __///__/     ____ /   ._     /    __///__\_       \\\   / (_.
  _/     _/    _\     \       _/      |/    /    _\      _/     _/     /    |
  \      \_.___________\  ____\|____._/     \____________\      \_.____     |
   \_______|            \/          |_______/         Mo!-\_______|   |_____|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 123. Top Callers Requested By: Flite
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

   _______ _ __________ _______ _____           __________ _____
 _/     _/ \\\   _    (_)    _/    _/_______ _  \_       /    _/  Top Callers
 \      \_/      _     .     |     |/    __///_ _/     _/     \          __  .
  \      \_._____/     |     |     /    _\      \      \_\     \         \/ _|
   \_______|Mo!-/__________________\_____________\_____________/     _ _____\

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  124. Top Dl Cps Requested By: Flite
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

    _ ____         ___________        __ ______      ______________ ______ _
.___ .    |_ ______)   _     /  _ ___|_  \_    | _ _/    _.    _   /    _. __.
|    |    _/  _   .   _/    /   .    _/   |    |   \     \|   _/   \    \|   |
|-Mo!|    |   /   |   \____/    |    |    |    |    \     \_. \__ ._\    \   |
|___ |_________________| ______ _______________| ___ \______|__|  |______/ __|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 125. Top Downloaders Requested By: Flite
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

  _____  _____  _____ __   _____  _____   _____ _____  _______ _______ ____
__\__  \/  _  \_)   /   |__\_   \_\   /__/  _ __\__  \_\_    /_\_    /  __/__
\   /   \_ \       /\   |   /    /   /      \ \   /   \_(___/\  /   /\___   /
 \  _____/_________/\___|__/____/\_____________\  _____/______\_\_____\  __/
- \/ ---[ Top Downloaders ]-------------------- \/-Mo! --------------- \/ -- -

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  126. Top Msg Writers Requested By: Flite
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

    ____         ___________    ___  ____ ______ ______  __ _________ ___
  _|    |________)   _     /  ._)  \/    /    _/   _  (_.\/ \_      /   _._
. \_    .   _   .   _/    / _ |    \/    \    \    \_   | _ _/    _/    \| __.
|  |    |   /   |   \____/    |    ||__ ._\    \____/   |   \     \_\    \   |
|_ |_________________|-Mo! __ |____| __ |______/ _ |____| __ \___________/ __|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 127. Top Ul Cps Requested By: Flite
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

    _ ____         ___________        __ ______      ______________ ______ _
.___ .    |_ ______)   _     / _ ____|   \_    | _ _/    _.    _   /    _. __.
|    |    _/  _   .   _/    /  ._)   /    |    |   \     \|   _/   \    \|   |
|-Mo!|    |   /   |   \____/   |    /|    |    |    \     \_. \__ ._\    \   |
|___ |_________________| _____ |_______________| ___ \______|__|  |______/ __|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  128. Top Uploaders Requested By: Flite
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                             .             |                   ________
   ______ _________  _ ______|_____        .        ___________\__    _|______
 _|      /         \_)\\  _       /        | ______|     .      _/   /      _/
 \_    _//          \_   _/      /         ._)     /     |      |    \      \
  |    \_._________._/   \___.__/  · Top   |      /|     |      |___._\      \
  |______|-Mo!     |______|  |     Ulls ·  .____________________|   |________/
                             .             |

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 129. Trade Station Requested By: Black P.
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

            .__/\___________________________ __.
            |_/                           __ \_|_
            .                             \/   |
            |        · Trade Station ·         .
            |                                  |
            .     ____ _________ _ ___________ |    _ _____
            |   _|     \_        \\\    _    (_.    \\\_   \  ________ _
            |   \_     _/      _/       _     _|______ /    \_)    __///___
            .    |     \       \_.______|     \      //           _\       |
            |    |______\________|  Mo!-|      .___________________________|
     _______|______ _____________ ______|      |_________ ___________
    /      _.      |_     _     (_)     |_     /         \\_      _ /
    \      \|      _/     _             _/   _//          \/      //
   ._\      \      |      \______.      |    \_.________._/       /
   |________/______________\     |_____________|        |________/
            .  __                              |
           _|_ \/                             _|
            |_\____________________________  /_|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  13o. Trsi Records Requested By: Nike
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

   ________ _                                                  _ ________
 ._) __                          ________________ _____ _ __         __ (_.
 |   \/      Tristar And       _|      _        /     _.__)/__       \/   |
 |         Red Sector Inc.     \_     _/      _/      \|  /   |           |
             · Records ·        |     \       \_\      \      |
  ___________ _______ _    ________  _______ _ ___________  _ _____  ________
  \_        /     __///_ _/      _/ /       \\\\_        /  \\\_   \/      _/
  _/      _/     _\      \       \_//          _/      _/_____ /    \      \
  \       \_._____________\       \_.__________\       \_.   //    ._\      \
 . \________|              \________|-Mo!       \________|________ |________/
 |  __                                                                __  .
 |_ \/                                                                \/ _|
   )________ _                                                _ ________(

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 131. Twisted Requested By: Scarface
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

    ._ ________________________________ _.
    :_)                             __ (_:
    |   ·Mo!·                       \/   |
   _|_______        ______   __   _______|______                 _ _____
   _|      (______ |     (___)/__/      _.      |_ _______ _     \\\_   \
   \_      .      ||      .  /   \      \|      _/     __///_______ /    \_
    |      |      /\      |      |\      \      /     _\          //      /
    |___________  /\_____________________/______\________________________/
    |           \/                       |
    |                  · Twisted ·       |
    |_                                  _|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  132. Ufo Requested By: Mephisto
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

            .__                               __.
            .                                   |
            |   ·uFo·    .______________________|ø__ _
            | ___________|        _.             _______________
            ._)          /        \|            _/              \
            |           /|         \___________ |      Mo!      \\_
           _._______________________/           | ________________/
            |                          ·uFo·    |
            |_ _______________________________ _._
            |_\                               /_|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 133. Valhalla Requested By: Rebel
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                        ._)·                                ·(_.
                        |     _____                 _______    |
_ _________  ___________|____|__   |_____ _________|_    _/____|__________ _
\\\        ._)    _     .     _/   |    (_)    _     |   |     .     _   ///
 \         |      _     |     |    _           _     |   |     |     _      \_
  \_______________/     |     |____|     ._____/     |___|     |     \_______/
                 /______._____|    |_____|    /______|   |_____.______\-Mo!
                        |                                      |
                        |__           · VaLLhaLa ·           __|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  134. Visage Requested By: Scarface
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

            ._ ______________________/\
            |_)                        \  ____________________ _.
            |                           \/                    (_|
   _ ____________ __  ________ _ _________ ____________ _       |
   \\\          (_)/_/      _/ \\\    _    \       _  ///_  ________ _
    \             /  \      \_/       _     \      \_     |/     __///___
     \________.      |\      \________/      .______/     /     _\       |
            . |______________/   Mo!-/_______|     |______\______________|
            |                                                   .
            ._                                · Visage ·        |
            |_)______________________/\                        _.
                                       \  ____________________(_|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 135. Vision Requested By: Cat
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

   _____ _
 ._) __      · ViSiON ·
 |   \/                     _   ________  _     _________ ________
 .        _ _____________ _//_ /      _/__\\_ _/    _    \\_      \_        .
 |        \\\           /  /   \      \/   \  )     /     \/       /        |
 |         \           /|      |\      \      .________.  /       /         |
            \__________________________/______|    Mo!-|_________/      __  .
                                                                        \/ _|
                                                                    _ _____\

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  136. Wakka W. W. Requested By: Zaphod
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

        _  _ __ ___ __________________________________________________
                    .           ______      ·WaKKa WaKKa WHoo!·       /
               ____::._________|_    _|______ ____       _ ____________
       ______ |     :·   _    ///  _/      _/    _|______\\\    _     /_
      _\     ||     :    _       \_\       \_. _/      _/       _      |
      |      /\     :    |________/ \________|_\       \_.______|      |
      |______/\  __.::___|                      \________|      |______|
       ______  \/  ::           ·Mo!·        ______
      _\     | ____.::___________ ______    |     _|______ __________ _
      |      ||    ·:     _     /_     _|___|__ _/      _/     _    ///
      |      /\     :     _      |   _/      _/ \       \_.    _       \_
      |____  /\____::.____|      |___\       \_._\______._|    |________/
           \/       :·    |      |    \________|        |______|
                    ______|      |                 .
            ______ |     /|      |______ _________::._________
           _\     ||      |      |     //          :·         \
           |      /\      |      _    _//          :          \\_ _
           |______/\  ____|______|    \_._________.::___________///
                    \/           |______|         ·:
    /__________________________________________________ ___ __ _  _

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 137. Sardonyx Requested By: Tolpan
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

 .__ ___________________________________________________________________ __.
 |_/                                                          ______     \_|
 |___________________________  _ ____            _______ _ ___\_    \ _____|_
 /     _.     _     _       /  \\\_  \   ________\_     \_ \    \    \    _.
 \     \|     _    _/     _/ ____ /   \_/        \/      /  \    \   /    \|
 |\     \_____/    \      \_.   //    _//      ._/      /    _______/\     \_
 _ _____/    /_____ \_______|_________\________|_______/_____|-Mo!    \____.
 .                                                                         |
 |__               · Sardonyx - The Diamond Among Stones ·               __.

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  138. Wasted Times Requested By: Madboy
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

     _____        _ ___________  ________ _____                _ _____
   ._)    | _____ \\\    _    (_/      _//     |_ _______ _    \\\_   \
   |      ||    _/       _      \      \/      _/     __///______ /    \_
   |      /\    \_.______/      |\      \      /     _\         //      /
   |____  /\______|     /_______________/______\_______________________/
        \/     _______  __    _____  _____ _                 ________
      __     _|      (__\(____)    \/    ///   ________ _   /      _/
    __\/__   \_      .   \  .      \/       \_/     __///___\      \
    \/__\/    |      |      |      ||________/     _\       |\      \
      \/      |____________________|-Mo!     \______________________/

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 139. Week Top Requested By: Gravedancer
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

       ___________  +-[ Week Top Uploaders Of The xXXXXXXXXXx xXXXXx Bbs ]-+
     ._)          | _____ ________ _ _______ _ ______
     |            ||    (_)    __///_)   __///_)     |______________
     |     Mo!    /\          _\        _\          _/            _/
     |____________/\  ______________________________\             \_.
                    \/                               \______________|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  14o. Welcome Requested By: Astro
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                 .__ _________________________ __.
                 |_/                           \_|
                 |                               | ·Mo!·
    ____         |      · Welcome To Raw ·       |
  ._)   | ____  _______  ______ _______  _______  ____  ____
  |     ||   (_/    __/__\_   _/     _/ /       \_)   \/   (_. _______ _
  |     /\    /    _\     |   \      \_//             \/     |/    __///__
  |_____/\  __\___________|    \      \_._____________||     /    _\      |
          \/     .        |_____\_______|        .     |_____\____________|
                 |__                           __|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 141. Whale Requested By: Lord Chaos
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                                           _____________________________  .
                                        . _\                           /_ :
            ______ ______               : |          · Whale ·          | :
     _____ |     (_)     |______ ____________ _ _______                 | :
   ._)    ||      .      |     (_)     _    ///      _/________ _       | :
   |      /\      |      _      .      _      _      |/     __///___    | :
   |______/\  ___________|      |      \____  /      /     _\       |   | :
            \/-Mo!       |______________\ . \/_______\______________|   | :
                                        . |                             | :
                                        : |_         · Whale ·         _| :
                                        :  /___________________________\

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  142. Wild Palms Requested By: Radavi
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                 _____           __  _________   _ _____
               ._)    | _________)/__)      _/   \\\_   \
        .__ __ |      ||      .  /   .      |______ /    \_ _____ __.
        |_/    |      /\      |      |      |     //      /       \_|
        |      |______/\  ___________.      |____________/          |
        |               \/           |      |-Mo!                   |
        | _ __________ _ ___________ |      | _____  _____ _ _______|_
        |_\\\  _       \\\    _    (_.      ._)    \/    ////      _.
        |     _/     _/       _      |      |      \/       \      \|
        |     \______\________/      |      |      ||______._\      \
       _|______|             /_____________________|       |________/
        |                                                           |
        |__                    · Wild Palms ·                     __|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 143. Witch Board Requested By: Trash
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                                      ______                          _ ___
         ______   __   ______ _______| _    |_____                     __ /_.
  _____ |     (___)/ _|     _/      _///    |    (_.                   \/   |
._)    ||      .     \_     \       \|      _      |
|      /\      |      |      \       \_.____|      |     · Witchboard ·
|____  /\______|      .______|\________|    |______|
     \/        |      |-Mo!              _ __________ ___________   _ _____
               |     _|_______ ________  \\\    _     \_        /   \\\_   \
 .  __         |     \_      /         _/       _     _/      _/ _____ /    \_
 |_ \/         |      |    _//         \________/     \       \_.    //      /
  /___ _       |___________\_____________/     /_______\________|___________/

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  144. Wonderland Requested By: Junk
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

   ._ _________________________________ _.
   |_)                                 (_|
   |           · Wonderland ·            .
    _____                                |
  ._)    | ______ _________  ________    _ _____                ___________
  |      ||      /         \ \_      \_  \\\_   \   ________ _  \_        /
  |      /\    _//          \_/       /____ /    \_/     __///_ _/      _/
  |____  /\____\___________._/       /    //      /     _\      \       \_.
   .   \/              Mo!-|________/____________/\______________\________|
   |               _______ _ ___________ ________    _ _____
   |               \_      \\\    _    (_\_      \_  \\\_   \
   .                |    _/       _      |/       /____ /    \_
   |_               |    \_.______/    ._/       /    //      /
   |_)_____________ |______| ___ /_____|________/____________/

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 145. X-Tassy Requested By:
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                        .__ _______________________  /\___ __.
                        |_/                        \/      \_|
    _______             | _____ ____________ _ ______ _______|___ ______ _
    \      \_______ __ _|     (_\     _    ////      /      _.    \    ///
     \     /      / \/ \_      |      _       \      \      \|     \      \_
     /     \      \_.   |             \_____.  \    ._\      \      _______/
  ._/      /\_______|   | _____________\    |______ |________/ _____|-Mo!
  |_______/             |                                    |
                        |             · Xtassy ·             |
                        |__                                __|
                        |_/ ___/\  _______________________ \_|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  146. You Gotta Say Y. Requested By: H2o!
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

             ._)  __                               (_.          _______
           . | __ \/           _ _______ ____  ___________ _____\      \
             | \/              \\      /     |/     _     \\     \      \_
           · |               _/       /      |      )      \     |\      /
           . |     ·Mo!·     \_________      |_____________/____________/
           : |                  ______|      |_ __________ _       __
      __________ _  ___________|      |_     _/     _     //     __\/__
     /          //_/     _     \      _/     |      _       \_.  \/__\/
   _/       |_    /      (      \     |______|      |_________|    \/
   \_________/    \_____________/_____|      |     _|_____ _       __
            |______|  ________ _ _ __________|_    \      //       \/
           : .       /       _//_\\_____      /     \       \_     __
           : |       \       \         _     /      _________/     \/
           : |    _ __\____   \_____________________|____ _
           : |    \\      /  _/ _ _________ _   /       _//        __
           : |  _/       /      //     ___///___\       \          \/
           : |  \_________      /     _\        |\       \
           : |           |      \________________________/
           : |          _|     _|_________           .             __
           : |          \_    /     _     \          |             \/
           : |           |   /      (      \         |
           : |       ____|   \_____________/     ______
  ____________ _ _ __\     _________|_     |_ __|    __|_____ _  _ _________
 _\     _     //_\\__ \   /     _     \    _/   |   /     ___//__\\__       \
 |      _            \ \ /      )      \   |    _  /     _\        _/      _/
 |      |____________|\  \_____________/___|    |__\_______________\       \_.
 |______|  . .         \      _  _______ |______|    .             _\_____ __|
           _________ _  \      \/   ___/____         |     ______ /      _//
          /     ___///___\     /  _/      _/_________ _   /      _\      \
         /     _\        /     \  \       \/     ___///___\      \_\      \
         \____________._/      /\__\       \_.  _\        |\      \_______/
           . .        |_______/     \________|____________________/
   __________|_                                      .          __
  _)   __    |                                       |       __ \/
     __\/__  |  You Gotta Say Yes To Another Excess  |       \/       _
     \/__\/  |                                    _ _|________________)
       \/    |        Featuring Energ¡zed II         |
  _______________ _________ ______________ __________ ____________ _______
 _)    ____   __/_\ _  _   \     _       /   __     /_________    \_   __/__
 \      _/    _\   \/  _    \_   /___   /|    /    /    \_  _/     /  _)    |
  \_____\  ____________|___  /____| \  _______\  ________/__\  ___/___\  ___|
         \/  .             \/        \/        \/    .       \/        \/-Mo!
   ______________   _______________ ______   _ ___  ________  ____________
  /   _______    \_/   ______     /    __/__.____/ _\___   (_/   _______  \
_/    _\   _/    _/    _\   /    /    _)    |    \_     ____/_   _\    /   \_
\  ________\  ___\  ________\  _______\  ___|_____/________  /____________  /
 \/         \/    \/         \/        \/            .     \/             \/
           : .         ______________ _  _           |
           : |         \       _      _              |
           · |        _ \______\      /              |
           . |        \          _________           |
             |    _  _ ___      _\       /        __ |
           · |           (____________  /      __ \/ |
             |_                       \/       \/   _|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 147. Zack Requested By: Zack
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                                 ._ ______________________________ _.
                                 |_)                              (_|
                                 |             · Zack ·             .
           ________ ___________ _  ________ ______  ________        |
           \_      \     _    ///_/      _//      |/       /        |
            /      /     _       \       \/      _/      _/         .
           /      /_.    \________\       \_.____\       \_.        |
           \________| ____\-Mo!  . \________|     \________|        |
                                 |_                                _.

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  148. Zillion Hours Requested By: Tritor
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                                ________       · ZiLLion Hours ·     _ ___
   ______________   __   ______|_     _/ __   _________  ________     __ (_.
   \_            \ _\(__|      _/     |__)/_ /         \ \_      \_   \/   |
    /            /   \  .      |      |  / _//          \_/       /
   /            /|      |      .______.    \_._________._/       /
   \____________________.      |  Mo!-|      |         |________/
             ___________|      |      |      |_________________ ____________
           ._)          |      |______|_     \       _        /           _/
           |            _     /         \    |\     _/      _/            \
   .  __   |            |____//          \_ ________\       \_\            \
   |_ \/   |____________|   \_____________/          \_____________________/
    /___ _

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 149. Futur E. Requested By: Kerosene
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                             .__ ___________________________ __.
                             |_/                             \_|
                             |        · Future Entrance ·      |
                ______       | _ ___        ______             |
      _________|___   |______|      |_ ____|    __|________ _______ _
    _/          __/   \      .      _/     /    \_        /     __///___
    \          _/     |\     |      |     /|    _/      _/     _\       |
     \_________|________________________________\       \_._____________|
                       _____                     \________|
    _______ _  _______|     |______ _ _________ ______ _______ _______ _
   /    __///__\_     \_    _       \\\   _     \_   _/     _//    __///__
  /    _\      |/      /   _/     _/      _     |/   \      \/    _\      |
  \__________._/      /____\      \_._____/   ._/     \      \_.__________|
             |_______/      \_______|    /____|_______/\____ _ |
                             .                                 |
                             |__  ·Mo!·                      __|
                             |_/ ___________________________ \_|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  15o. Vital Requested By: Kerosene
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

             _____ _
 ._ __ ______\ __
 |             \/
 .         _ ___________ __  _______ ____________ _ _______
 |         \\\        . _)/__)      |_     _    ///      _/
            \         |  /   .      _/     _       \_    |    · Vital ·
             \________.      |      |      \______._/    |                .
                  Mo!-|_____________________\     |______|                |
                                                            __            .
                                                            \/ ______ __ _|
                                                        _ _____\

                                           _/ __ \/ __ \_
                   _ __ __ _            _  )  \|.--.|/  (
                _./ Y  Y  Y \._  ___ __/(__\_ _/\/\/\_ _/____/\__  :
    ____________\|  |  |  |___/________  _   _)' `' `(_   _ _   (__¦__
  ._) __         \__|__|__|\__)     _ / _\\_ \../\/\../ _//_)\     | /__ _
  |   \/                            \/  _/    \/`--'\/    \ _ \/\__|__
  |                                      ¯\____  /\  ____/¯ .\_    ¦ /__ _
  |  I Wonder If We'll  Smile In Our     . ) _ \/__\/ _ ( ___·(    :
  .  Coffins While Loving Ones Mourn     | \_)\ _\/_ /(_/__ _\_\
  |  The  Day,  The Absence  Of  Our     .  \._\\  //_.//     \.__  ·Mo!/aL·
     Faces,  Living, Laughing,  Eyes     | __|_\ \/ /_|________|_/
     Awake.  Is  This Too  Much  For     |
     Them To Take ?

     Too Young For Ones Conclusion, The Life Style Won.
     Look  At Me  Now.  I'm Broken.  In Herit  My Life.
     One Day We All  Will Die, A Cliched  Fact Of Life.
     Force Fed To  Make Us Heed.  Inbred To Sponge  Our
     Bleed. Every Warning,  A Leaking Rubber,  A Poisen
     Apple  For  Mingled  Blood.  Too  Young  For  Ones
     Delusion  The  Life  Style  Cost  Venereal  Mother             __  .
     Embrace The Loss. That's How.  Look At U Now. U're             \/ _|
     Broken. Inherit Ur Life.                       _ _________________\

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 151. Rave Dimension Requested By: Madboy
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                                                                    _ _____
                     _________ _ ___________ _                         __ (_.
                     \_        \\\    _   _ _____________ _______ _    \/   |
  · Rave Dimension · _/      _/       _   \\\           /     __///___
                     \       \_.______/    \           /     _\       |
                      \________|-Mo! /______\_________/\______________|
    _ ____    __  ____  ____ _
    \\\_  \ __)/__)   \/   ///_______ _  ______ _______ __           _______
 _____ /   \_ /  .    \/     /    __///__\_    /     _/_\(_  ________\_     \_
|    //     /    |    ||____/    _\      |/    \     \|  \ |/        \/      /
|__________/__________|     \__________._/    ._\     \   _//      ._/      /
 .  __                                 |______|_______/___\________|_______/
 |_ \/
  /_____ _

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  152. Madboy Requested By: Madboy
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

            .__ ___________________ __.
            |_/                     \_|
            |                ·Mo!·    |
   _____  _____ ___________    _ _____ ______                   ___ _____ _
 ._)    \/    /_\    _    (_.  \\\_   \     _|______ _________ |    \   ///
 |      \/           _     _|____ /    \_   \_      /         \|     \     \_
 |      ||___________/    |     //      /    |    _//          \_     ______/
 |______|   .       /_____|____________/__________\_____________/_____|
            |                         .
            |   Madboy Breaks In For  |
            |       A Small Chat      |
            |__                     __|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 153. The Slammer Requested By: Qen
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                ._ _______________________________ _.
                |_)                               (_|
                |                                   :
  ________ _______ __________ _____  _________  _____  ________ _  ___________
 /      _//     _/     _    (_)    \/    .    \/    (_/     __///__\_        /
 \      \/      |      _           \/    |    \/           _\      _/      _/
._\      \      |      \___________||    |    ||___________________\       \_.
|________/______________\           |_________|     .           Mo!-\________|
                .                                   |
                :          · The Slammer ·          |
                :_                                 _.

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  154. Genetic Waste Requested By: Magz
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                                    ._) __                               (_.
                                    |   \/         · Genetic Waste ·       |
 _____________  ________ _   ________                _______  __   ________
 \       _   (_/     __///___\_      \_ _______ _  _|      (__\(__/      _/
  \      \_   /     _\       |/       /     __///__\_      .   \ \       \
   \______/   \_.__________._/       /     _\       |      |      \       \_.
         |      |          |________/\____________________________|\________|
         |      |   ·Mo!· _____________ ________ _____                     .
         |      | ________)    _      //      _//     |_ _______ _         |
         |      ||      .      _       \      \/      _/     __///___      |
         |      /\      |      \_____ ._\      \      /     _\       |     |
         |____  /\______________\   . |________/______\______________| __  |
              \/                    |_                                 \/ _|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 155. Magz Requested By: Magz
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                                           .__ ___________________ __.
                                           |_/                     \_|
      _____  _____ ___________ _ ________ _ _ ______                 |
    ._)    \/    (_)    _    (_.     _  ///_._      \   Magz oF      |
    |      \/           _      |     \_     |/      /                |
    |      ||___________/      .______/     /      /_.    Bla bLA    |
    |______|       Mo!-/_______|     |______\________|               |
                                           .__         Presents..  __|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  156. Traitor Requested By: Traitor
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

    .__ /\___________________ __.
    |_//                     \\_|
    ._/      · TraitoR ·      \_.    ·Mo!·
   ____ _________ _ ____________   __  _______            ___________
 _|     \_        \\\    _     (___)/__)      |_ ________ \_        /
 \_     _/      _/       _      .  /   .      _/         \_/      _/
  |     \       \_.______/      |      |      |          \\       \_.
  |______\________|     /__________________________________\________|
    ._                         _,
     _\      · TraitoR ·      /_
    |_\\___________________  //_|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 157. Corrupt Requested By: Traitor
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

             ._ __________________________________ _.
             |_))_                              _((_|
             |             · Corrupt! ·             :
             |                                      :
  ________  _________ _______ __________ ____        _____________ ___
_/      _/ /         \\_      \_       /     |_______)    _      /    |_
\       \_//          _/      _/     _/      \      .    _/     /     _/
 \       \_.__________\       \_.    \_.     |\     |    \_____.      |
  \________| .     Mo!-\________|______|__________________|    |______|
             :_ _                                _ _.

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  158. Corrupt Id Requested By: Traitor
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

  ____ _____ ____ _______ _     _________ _
    _//     \\_   \_    /  |____)  _    /  |_
    \//      _/   _/  _/   \   .  _/   /   _/
     \_._____\    \_. \_.  |\  |  \___     |
 _ ____|-Mo!--\_____|___|__________|-/_____|-

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 159. Nordkapp Requested By: Tailor
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                                                                  _ _____
    ________            ___________   _ _____                        __ (_.
    \_      \_ ________ \_        /   \\\_   \                       \/   |
     /       /         \_/      _/______ /    \_      · NordKapp ·
  ._/      _//          \_      \_.    //      /
               _____         _ _____________ _ ___________ ____________
     __      ._)    |________\\\    _      (_\\\  _      /    _       /
   __\/__    |     _/      _/       _      .     _/     /    _/      /
   \/__\/    |     \       \_.______/      |     \_____.     \______/
     \/      |______\________|     /______________|    |______|-Mo!

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  16o. Fireflood Requested By: Tailor
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                                     ._)·                          __ (_.
                                     |                             \/__ |
             __________ __ ___________ _______ _                     \/ |
           _/         __\(_\_        /     __///___                     |
           \         _/  \ _/      _/     _\       |   · Fireflood ·    |
            \________|     \       \_._____________|                    |
                     |      \________|-Mo!                              |
             ________|___   | _________                  _ _____        |
           _/         __/   |/         \   _________     \\\_   \       |
           \         _/    _//          \_/         \ _____ /    \_    _|
            \________|_____\_____________//          \_   //      / __(

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 161. Immune Requested By: Satansfire
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

           .__ _________________  /\_____ __.
           |_/                  \/        \_|
           .    ·Mo!·                       .
    __  _ _____  ______ ______  _____ _     |  _____ ________
  __)/__\\\    \/     (_)     \/    ///_______|      \_      \_ _______ _
 |  / _/       \/      .      \/       \      /      |/       /     __///___
 |    \_.______||      |      ||______.      /|    ._/       /     _\       |
 |______|  .    |_____________|       |____________|________/\______________|
           |                                .
           |               · Immune ·       |
           .__                            __.
           |_/_____/\  ___________________\_|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  162. Live In S. Requested By: Scarface
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

               ________ __                                    __  ________
    ___ _     |      _/_\( _ ____________ ________ _        __)/__\_      \_
  ._) __      |      |   \ \\\           /     __///___    |  /   |/       /
  |   \/      |      |      \           /     _\       |   |    ._/       /
              |______.      |\_________/\______________|   |____|________/
                     |      |           ________ _ ___________ ________
      In             |      |          /      _/ \\\    _    (_\_      \_
 Live    San         .      |  ·Mo!·   \      \_/       _      |/       /
            Quentin  |      .         ._\      \________/    ._/       /
                     |      |         |________/       /_____|________/
                     |      |           ________ _____   __  ________
    _________  ______|     ________ _   \_      \_    |_ )/__\_      \_
   /         \_)     /    /     __///___ /       /    _/ /   |/       /
 _//          \_    /|   /     _\     ._/       /     |    ._/       /
          _ __\

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 163. Xroads Requested By: Skorpio
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

              .__ _______________________ _.
              |_/                        (_|
              |        · X Roads ·         |
           _______                         |
   ______ /      /    ___________ ________  ___________ _    _ _____  ________
   \     /      /  ___\_        /         \_)    _    ///    \\\_   \/      _/
   /     \      \_.\_/_/      _//          \_    _       \_ ___ /    \      \
._/      /\_______|   \       \_._________._/    \______._/   //      \      \
|_______/     .        \________|     Mo!-|_______\     |____________________/
              |                            .
              |_                         __|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  164. Error Group Requested By: Hornet
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                                                                 _ _____
     ________ _  _______ __________________ _ ___________           __ (_.
    /     __///__\_      \_        /       \\\\_        /           \/   |
   /     _\      _/      _/      _//          _/      _/
   \_____________\       \_.     \_.__________\       \_.  · Error Group ·
                  \________|_______|-Mo!       \________|
           _________________________ ________ ______        _ ____________
           \       _      _        /         \      |_______\\\  _       /
  .  __     \      \_    _/      _//          \_    \      _    _/      /
  |_ \/      \______/    \       \_._________._/    |\     \    \______/
   /_____ _        |______\________|         |___________________|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 165. Terriblee H. Requested By: Hornet
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                _                               _
               |_) ___________________________ (_|_
               |                              __ |
               | ·Mo!·                        \/ |
    ______     |      ______ __________ __  _____      ________
  _|      |_______ _  \_     \_       /_)/__)   _|_____)     _/_______ _
  \_      /    __///_ _/     _/     _/  /  .    \_     .     |/    __///___
   |     /    _\      \      \_.    \_.    |     |     |     /    _\       |
   |     \_____________\_______|______|______________________\_____________|
   |      |_____  _________ ________ ________                _____
   |      |    (_/         \\_       \_      \_ _______ _  _|    (_.
   |      _    _//          _/      _//       /     __///__\_      |
   |______|    \_.__________\       \/       /     _\       |      |
          |______|           \______________/\_____________________|
               . __                              .
               | \/    · Terrible Hornet ·       |
              _|_ _____________________________ _|
               |_)                             (_|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  166. Network 23 Requested By: Defbeat
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                         _________           ________
    ___ _                \__.     \_         \_      \_        _ ___
  ._) __            ________|    __|  ________(_      |         __ (_.
  |   \/          _/        .____) | |       (_|      |         \/   |
                  |         |      | |         |      |
    _______       |      ______    |  ____     |      __________ ___
    \_     \_ ______ _ _|     (_____ |   (_. ________ \_       /    |_______
     /      /    __///_\_     .     ||     |/        \_/     _/    _/     _/
  ._/      /    _\      |     |     /\    _//         \      \_.   \      \_.
  |_______/\______________________  /\____\___________ \_______|____\_______|
                  .         .     \/ .         .      .
                  |         |      . |         |      |
                  |         |      | |         |      |
 · Network 23 ·   |  ·Mo!·  |      | |         |      |   · Network 23 ·
                  |         |      | |         |      |
                  |         l      | |         l      |
                  ¯\_______________| l_______________/¯

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 167. Defbeat Requested By: Defbeat
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                   .__ _____________________ __ _  _
                   |_/                               .
     _ _____       |              ______             |
     \\\_   \  ________  _________)    _|______________  ____________ ______
 ______ /    \_     __/__)        _    \_           __/__)    _     (_)     |_
|     //      /    _\            _/     |     /    _\         _      .      _/
|____________/___________________|____________________________/      |      |
                   .                                 .   Mo!-/______________|
                   |           · DefBeat ·           |
                   |                               __.
                    _  _ __ _______________________\_|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  168. Final Impact Requested By: Zinko
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                                      ._  _________________________  _.
                                      |_)                           (_|
   __________ __  ____________________   _______                      .
 _/         __)/__\_            _    (_._)    _/                      |
 \         _/ /   |/       /    _      |      |    · Final Impact ·   |
  \________|      /       /     \______.      |                       .
           |     _.______________\     |______|                       |
           |      | _____  ________ _______________________________________
           |      |_)    \/       (_)    _            _     _      _.      |_
           |      .      \/             _/     /      _     \      \|      _/
           |      |      ||_______.     \_____________/      \      \_.    |
           |_____________|        |______|-Mo!       /________________|____|
                                      .                               .
                                      |                               |
                                      ._                             _.
                                      |_) _________________________ (_|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 169. Twofast Requested By: 2Fast
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

               _____ _                                 _ _____
             ._) __                                       __ (_.
             |   \/               · 2fAST ·               \/   |
  _______     ________  _________   ________________________ ________ _____
_|      (_____\__    (_/         \_/          _      _      /      _//     |_
\_      .       /    _//          \_         _/      _      \      \/      _/
 |      |      /\    \_.___________/_________\_______/      |\      \      |
 |___________  /\______|-Mo!                        /_______________/______|
             \/ __                                         __  .
             ._ \/                · 2fAST ·                \/ _|
              /_____ _                                 _ _____\

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  17o. Contra Requested By: 2Fast
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

     ___ _
   ._) __         · 2Fast - H2o! - Treach - Stratos - Stylez - Rapid - Mess ·
   |   \/
      ________  _________  ________ ______          _ ___________
    _/      _/ /         \ \_      \_     |_________\\\    _    (_.
    \       \_//          \_/       /     _        /       _      |
     \       \_._________._/       /     _/      _/ _______/      |
      \________|-Mo!     |________/______\       \_.      /_______|    __  .
                                          \________|                   \/ _|
   · No Motherfuckin' Stick-Up ·                                    _ ___(

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 171. Contra Requested By: 2Fast
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                      _ ___________________________________ _
                   ._(((                                   )))_.
                   |                                           |
                   |     The One And Only Contra! Presents     |
          __________                                       ____________
          \   _    / _______ ___________ ___________ ______\ _   _     \_
         /    /___/_/       \    _     /   _       /_      /\/   _      |
       _/    /     /        \\   /    /    /______/ /     /\_____|      |
       \___________\_________/__/    /_.____| \_____\_______\  . |______|
                   .           /_______|                       |
           ·Mo!·   |                                           |
                   |    · To Fuckin' Good For A Slogan !! ·    |
                   |_ _                                     _ _|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  172. Touchdown Requested By: 2Fast
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                                                                   _ ___
                                              _____                 __ (_.
      ______ _________          ______ ______|    (_.               \/   |
    _|      /         \ _______|     (_)     |      |
    \_    _//          \\      /      .      _      |    · TouchDown ·
     |    \_.__________/      /|      |      |      |
     |______|-Mo!      \_____________________|      |
                         _ _____             |      |       ________
                         \\\_   \   _________|      | ______\_      \_
                     ______ /    \_/         .      ||     (_/       /
 .  __              |     //     _//         |      /\    ._/       /
 |_ \/              |____________\__________________/\  __|________/
   )___ _                                             \/

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 173. Interception Requested By: 2Fast
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

   ___ _
 ._) __                 __  ________ _____            _ ___________
 |   \/               __\(__\_      \_    |_ _______ _\\\_        /
                     |   \  |/       /    _/     __///_ _/      _/
   · InterCeption ·  |    ._/       /     /     _\      \       \_.
                     |____|________/      \______________\________|
   ________ ________ _   _ ________|__    |  __   _________  ________
 _/      _//     __///___\\\  _      /    |_ )/_ /         \ \_      \_
 \       \/     _\           _/     /     _/ / _//          \_/       /
  \       \_.__________.     \_____.      |    \_._________._/       /  __  .
   \________|-Mo!      |______|    |_____________|         |________/   \/ _|
                                                                     _ ___(

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  174. Adon Requested By: Adon
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                             _ __ _
                            _\    /_
              ._ __ ________) \ // (________ __ _.
              |                \/             __ |
         _ _______________        _ _______   \/ |        ___________
         \\\      _      (_.      \\\_     \   ___________\_         \_
       _/         _       _|________ /      \_/           \/          /
       \__________/                //       _//         ._/   ·Mo!·  /
              .  /__________________________\___________|___________/
              |                                  .
              | __          · Adon ·             |
              | \/                               |
              |_ __ ________   /\   ________ __ _|
                            )_// \_(
                             / __ \

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 175. Adon Id Requested By: Adon
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

  _________ _ _______       ___ .______
  \ _  _  (_.   ._   \ _____   \|     /-----.
 _/\/  _    |   |/   /      \   \    /  Adon|
 _.____/    |   /   /   Mo!  \ \    / bRiNGs|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  176. Ganja Id Requested By: Evilive
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

 __________ _______ _____    ____ _______
 \    _   (_)  _   \\_   \_  \_  _)  _   \
 .\   \_   .   _     /   _/__ /  .   _    \_
 | \___/   |   \__._/   |   //   |   \_____/
 `--- |_________\ |_____|_____________\-Mo!+

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 177. Misfits Requested By: Evilive
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

    _ ______________________ _
  ._\\\                    ///_.
  |                  ·Mo!·     |
  |         _ _____  ______   __   ________ _________ __   ______ ________
  .         \\\    \/     (___)/_ /      _/         __\( _|      /      _/
  |       _/       \/      .  /   \      \         _/  \ \_      \      \
  |       \________||      |      |\      \________|      |      |\      \
  .                 |_____________________/        |_____________________/
  |   · MisfitS ·              .
  |_ _                      _ _|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  178. Ganja Requested By: Evilive
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                     .__ ________________________ __.
                     |_/                          \_|
                     |          · Ganja! ·          :
                     |                              :
    ____________ _  ____________ _ ________       ____   ____________ _
    \       _  ///__)     _    /// \_      \_    |_   \ _)     _    ///
     \      \_     .      _       \_/      _/____ /    \_      _       \_
      \______/     |      \______._/      |     //      /      \________/
            |______________\     |________|____________/________\
                     .                              .
                     :__  ·Mo!·                   __|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 179. Mystic Requested By: Mike
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

                    .__ __/\  _____________________ __.
                    |_/     \/                      \_|
                    |                          ·Mo!·  |
         _ _____  ______ ___ _____ _ ________ _____   __   ________
         \\\    \/     (_)   \   ////      _//     |_ )/ _/      _/
       _/       \/      .     \     \      \/      _/ /  \       \
       \________||      |      ___ ._\      \      |      \       \_.
                 |_____________|   |________/_____________|\________|
                    .                                 .
                    |           · Mystic ·            |
                    |__                             __|
                    |_/_______________________/\  __\_|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  18o. Scene Talk Requested By: Mike
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

    ________ _______ ________ _   ________                         _ ___
   /      _/      _//     __///___\_      \_ _______ _              __ (_.
   \      \       \/     _\       |/       /     __///___           \/   |
  ._\      \       \_.__________._/       /     _\       |
  |________/\________|      Mo!-|________/\______________|
                              ______ ____________ _  ______ ______
                            _|     (_)     _    ///_|     (_)     |________
      Mystic Presnts..      \_      .      _       \_      .     _/      _/
   Scene Talk Issue No. xxx  |      |      \________/      |     \       \_.
 .  __                       |______________\       |_____________\________|
 |_ \/
  /___ _

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 181. Gods'n Astronauts Requested By: Adon
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

            .__ __/\  ____________________________________ __.
            |_/     \/                                  __ \_|
            |             · Gods And Astronauts ·       \/   |
    ____________ _                    _____  ________  ___  ________
    \       _  ///_  _________ ______|_   (_/      _/  \//  \_      \_
     \      \_     |/        (_)     _/     \      \         /       /
      \______/    _//                |      |\      \     ._/       /
            |_____\____________\_________  ______  _/     |________/
            .       _ ___________  _______|_   __|________ ________
            | ·Mo!· \\\    _    (_/      _.    \_        /         \
            |     _/       _      \      \|    _/      _//          \_
            |     \________/      |\      \    \       \_.___________/
            |             /_______________/     \________|   .
   ________  _ ___________          ______|      |________   |
   \_      \_\\\    _    (_  ______|     _|      /      _/   |
    /      _/       _      ._)     /     \_      \      \    |
 ._/       \________/      |      /|      |      |\      \   |
 |________/ .      /_____________________________________/   |
            |                                                |
            |   __            Copyright © Adon Prods. '95    |
            |__ \/                                         __|
            |_/______________________________________/\  __\_|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  182. Whale Id Requested By: Lord Chaos
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

   _____ __ ____ ___________ _______ _____ _
 ._)   /  (_)   |   .   _  (_)    _/  _____._
 |    /\   .    _   |   _    .    |  _)    :/
 |__  /\___|____/   |   \____|    .________/
 .-.\/ <------ /_________\ - |____| [Mo!]-'
   `-[ Insert Artist And Colly Name Here ]-'

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 183. Pandarve Requested By: Clotug
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

   _____ _
 ._) __
 |   \/             _ __________ _ ___________ ________    _ _____
                   _\\\  _       \\\    _    (_\_      \_  \\\_   \
   · Pandarve ·   |     _/     _/       _      |/       /____ /    \_
                  |     \______\________/    ._/       /    //      /
                  |______|-Mo!         /_____|________/____________/
    ______________________ _________ _
  ._)    _      _        /         ///_______ _
  |      _     _/      _/           /     __///___    · Pandarve ·   __  .
  |      \_____\       \_. ________/     _\       |                  \/ _|
  |_______\     \________|         \______________|              _ _____\

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  184. Clotug Requested By: Clotug
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                   ._  __________________________  _.
                   |_)                            (_|
                   |    · ClotuG ·                  |
     _____________ |            ______        ______|__________ _
   _/      _.    (_. _________ |      |_ ____|      .     _   ///_
   \       \|      |/         \|      _/     /      |     \_      |
    \       \_.    |          \\_     |     /|      .______/      |
     \________|____.____________/___________________|-Mo!  |______|
                   |                                |
                   |_                              _|
                   |_) __________________________ (_|

                               ./-------------------------------------- -
 - ---------------------------// 185. Gods Fleet Requested By: Kris
       The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - -------------------------//

         .__ __________________  /\___ __.
         |_/ __                \/      \_|
         |   \/   ____________ _         |           _____  ________
         |        \       _  ///_  _________________|_   (_/      _/
         .         \      \_     |/          .      _/     \      \
         |          \______/    _//          |      |      |\      \
         .            Mo!-|_____\__________________________________/
         |   ________                    .      ______
    ________|___   _/________ _  _________ _  _|      |
  _/         __/   |/     __///__)     __///__\_      |
  \         _/     /     _\           _\       |      |
         .                               .
         |                               |
         |        · Goods Fleet ·   __   |
         |__                        \/ __|
         |_/___/\  ____________________\_|

 - ----------------------------//
        The Dawning Of Doom   //--------------------------------------- -
  - ------------------------//  186. Session Requested By: Cesium
                           ·/---------------------------------------- -

                .__ ________________________________ __.
                |_/                                  \_|
                |   ·Mo!·                              |
       ________ |            _____________ _  __       |
      /      _/________ _   /      _      _.__)/__  _________  ________
      \      \/     __///___\      \      \|  /   |/         \ \_      \_
     ._\     /     _\       |\      \      \     _//          \_/       /
     |_______\_____________________________/_____\___________._/       /
                .                                      .     |________/
                |                                      |
                |    · Session - Just The Slogan ·     |
                |__                                  __|
                |_/___________________________  /\___\_|

              :_ ___/\  ______________________________________ _.
              |_)     \/                                   __ (_|_
              .                                            \/   .
               ___________              ______    ______    _____
             _/           \________   _/      \__/   /  \__/   _/
            /    /    /   _/       \_/    /    /    /    /    _/___
           /____/____/    _    /    ____  __________________ /    /
              .   /_______\________/    \____/          ÷2F÷\____/
              |                                                 .
              |             Would Like To Thank The             |
              .   Following People For Moral And Fun Support    |
              |     While Producing This Arclite Production     .
              |                                                 |
              . Dr.Dre Tolpan  Adon Delite Diablo Blast Vampire |
              | Kirk Jake  Deathknight Mario Zou^Zou Ecs Siegel .
              | Hausfrau! Aweson Timelord Lawnmoverman Jukebox  |
              . Dragon Jazy Slime Maz Nike  Bilbo Baggins 2Fast |
              | Bilbo Baggins Sisko Sak  Hunkpapa Cougar Sargor .
              | Scarface Horny Exhorder  Lenny Dee  Gravedancer |
              . H2o!  Generation   Mr.Vain  Hysteria  Whirlwind |
              | Traitor Hotwire  Titus Aerosoul  Darkelf Danzig .
              | Hijack  Kerosene Astro  Exocet Peachy  Intruder |
              . Allah  JackDanielz  Magz  Maverick  Marwic  Tim |
              | Evilive  Spellfire Colonel Muaddib  Mike Madboy .
              |                                                 |
              .          Also Hellos To This Glad Ones          |
              |                                                 .
              | Metoner Phanter  Demax SevenM  Uman Tango Rapid |
              . CountZero  Stylez  Shadower Goldman  Juan Segoy |
              | Chrombacher  Bbs  Desoto  Sandman  Shapechanger .
              | MetalBone Ramon Ramirez SalOne Autopsy Nike/Hos |
              . Axeblade Burgerking  Cosy Cemy Sharon  Byteandi |
              | Treach Stratos  OneEyedPirate Rebel Tcb Calypso .
              | Raj! ModemBoy Gozz  ConsoleCat Cyberwar Scandig |
              . Nsc Crusader Guzzman Cyclone..                  |
              |                                                 .
              |       And Of'Course The Whole Arclite Team      |
              .                                                 |
              | Exocet  Gem  Karma  SyKlone  Danzig And  Hijack .
              |   __                                            |
             _._  \/                                           _|
              |_)______________________________________/\  ___(_|
                                                         \/     :

    _____ _
  ._) __
  |   \/ The First Arclite Logo Was Drawn By Shapechanger Of Arclite
         The Mogue! Logo Was Performed By Kamenski Of Upperclass
         The Superb' Dawning Of Doom Ascii Was Painted By Exocet Of Arclite
         Arclite Logo [Commercial Part] Was Taken From Danzig Of Arclite
         And All The Rest By Mogue! Of Arclite

         Hardware Needed To Produce.. A5oo A12oo And A2ooo [No Joke]
         Software Needed To Produce.. ???? As Always Cygnus Ed v2.12e
         Music Support.. Korn [Immortal]         PearlJam [Ten]
                     Deftones [Adrenalin]          Krupps [Krupps2/3]
                   SuchASurch [UnderPressure]     Pantera [FarBeyondDriven]
                  SickOfItAll [ScratchTheSurface]

    How To Order...

    The Endless Pain Will Be Back Online Middle This Month With 2 Nodes
    No1: 33.6 And No.2 21.6 [Both Usr] And 3 Telnet Slots [28.8]

    For Some Smalltalk About Ascii'ng Or Anything Else Catch Me Also On
    #Amigascne Or #Snes [Instead On #Teensex Or #Gaysex ;)]              __  .
                                                                         \/ _|
                                                                     _ _____\

                                            _____   ____
          _ _ ________._____________________\   /__/  _/_  _______ _ _
           \\\\_____  | ____    /  _    /   /\_/\__  ___/ /  ____////
               /  _   | \  ____/   /___/   /|   |/   /_  /  ___/_
              /   /   |  \   \/   /___/   /_|_  /   /  \/   /    \
             /   /_   |   \   \  /_   \  /_   \/   /_   \  /_     \
     .   dZG/_________|___|\   \_______\_______\_________\_________\  .
_____|___ __ _              \___/                             _ __ ___|_____
\    ¦                                                                ¦    /
 \   :              ExOcEt · gREEN eYED mONStA · kARMA                :   /
  \  .       sY-kLoNE · dANZiG · HijACk · MoGuE · SHAPEcHANGER        .  /
   \                                                                    /
    \    These boards are officially sponsored by the ArCLitE team:    /
     \                                                                /
      \  DEAth ROW                [·WhQ·]        +1-Feed.U.S.Babies  /
     · \  SPiRit OF SOuL          [·EhQ·]       +49-Germ-Mania-Inc  / ·
     :  \  thE WhitE ROOM         [·ShQ·]      +46-Sy-Klone-Caves  /  :
     ¦   \  ENdLESS PAiN          [·GhQ·]     +49-Sickodelix-R-Us /   ¦
     |    \                                                      /    |
    _|_____\__ _ _                                        _ _ __/_____|_
     |      \////                                          \\\\/      |
     |                                                                |
    .|              If the past is made up by memories                |.
     \           then the future lies in the imagination.             /
     \\                                                              //
       ·                                                            ·

        Or Mail Me On..

          .Homeless.  .Silent Moon.  .Cosmic Circus.  .Fast File System.
        .No Vegetables.  .The Payoff.  .Mystical Places.  .Raw.  .The Edge.
     .The Undiscovered.  .Wasted Times.  .Instant Pleasure.  .Uss Enterprise.

 ______ ________ ______ ___ _______ _____
 )  _  \   _   /_\_   /   /_\__/   |_  _/__.
.   _   \_ /  /\  (__/   /|  _/    _/ _\   |
|  Dawning Of Doom ·Part.o1· Most Wanted   |
+------------------------------( Mogue! )--+
[%::::::::%] Don't RoadHog This [%::::::::%]

               +--[ The Dawning Of Doom ]-[ End Of File ]--+