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File size:
76 802 bytes (75.00K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:22:53
Download count:
all-time: 526


             ________________  _____|\_____        ___________
             \______  ______/ _\_   l__  _/_      _\_   _____/
                 /      \    /      __/     \    /      __/_____
  .------------ /        \  /       |        \  /       l       \ ------.
  |   DiABLO   /__________\/________|_________\/_________________\ w^s  |
  |   DELiTE                                                            |
  |  sCARFACe         mYTH eHQ  -/-  hoNEY eHQ  -/-  iNTENSITY eHQ      |
  |   DREAM1      ROADHoGZ cHQ  -/-  vISAGE dHQ  -/-  rOYAL cONSOLE WHQ |
  | QUICKSILVER  /\                                                     |
  |  _____/\    /  \ _______ /\_____  ________    ____________ _________|__
  | _\______\  /    \\      Y      / _\____ _/_  _\_  _______/_\_  _______/
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  | tsar1  /____________\                                               |
  |  nODE#1 +31-70-320-5418 28k8 VFC      nODE#4 +31-70-TEL-NET! 19k2   |
  |  nODE#2 +31-70-320-8453 28k8 VFC      nODE#5 +31-70-TEL-NET! 19k2   |
  |  nODE#3 +31-70-327-1427 21k6 DUAL     nODE#6 +31-70-TEL-NET! 19k2   |
  `-[tHE pAYOFF]-------------------------------------------[tHE pAYOFF]-'
    `------. uPLOADED bY RADAVI           ^ =( WILD PALMS BBS  .------'
           !  pASSED hERE oN 02-26-1996, 22:45:02 aT nODE 06   !
           .                                                   .

                 _____           __  _________   _ _____
               ._)    | _________)/__)      _/   \\\_   \   
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        |_/    |      /\      |      |      |     //      /       \_|
        |      |______/\  ___________.      |____________/          |
        |               \/           |      |-Mo!         25-Feb-96 |
        | _ __________ _ ___________ |      | _____  _____ _ _______|_
        |_\\\  _       \\\    _    (_.      ._)    \/    ////      _.
        |     _/     _/       _      |      |      \/       \      \|
        |     \______\________/      |      |      ||______._\      \
       _|______|             /_____________________|       |________/
        |                                                           |
        | sYSOP : rADAVI                       cOSYS: dELITE        |
        |                                             wHIRLWIND     |
        | dREAMCHARTS rUNNING                         hI-FI         |
        | dUTCH tRADERS lIST rUNNING                  mSW           |
        | dISABLED fOR eVERYONE                       zYCH          |
        |                                                           |
        |   aMIGA {÷} pC dEMOS {÷} mODULES {÷} gRAPHICS {÷} aSCII   |
        |                                                           |
        |__   +31-aSK-cOSYS!   · Wild Palms ·   +31-TEL-NET!      __|

.-------------------- -- ---(- hIGHLANDER! -)--- -- -----------------------.
|                   .__                    .__                             |
|                   :._|_____.__ _.________:._|_____                       |
|                   ¦\ ._    \_ \_:  ._____¦_ ._    \_                     |
|                   |  |/     /   | /__    ·/ |/     /                     |
|                   |  /     /    |  /     /  /     /                      |
|                   l_/     /l____|_/     /__/     /                       |
|                - --/_____/-------/_____/--/_____/-- -                    |
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |
|          [ eFFECT eQUAL hEADQUARTERS^oOPS! DIST^sAiNTS dHQ ]             |
|                                                                          |
|   sYSOP: hIFI/eFT^sTS^oPS^ePH cOSYZ: rADAVi/eFT^rYL^dS!^b&B^cOR^s&N^STS  |
|                                                                          |
|       »6OO+mEGS oF aMiGA wAREZ oNLiNE·rUNNiNG s!X lATEST vERSiON«        |
|        .__                        .__                                    |
|        :._|_______.______.________:__|_____._______________              |
|        ¦\_:_________._   \_ ._    \__:_    \_  ________._  \_            |
|        |  |/     /  |/    / |/     / |/     /  ___/__  |/   /_           |
|        |  /     /  _     /  /     /  :     /  _     /  _     /           |
|    sCf!l_______/__/     /__/     /________/__/     /__/     /-Os!        |
|     - -----------/_____/--/_____/-----------/_____/--/_____/-- --        |
|                                                                          |
|-[·fOREiGNERS: +31-346-554-319·]---------[·tHE nETHERLANDS: 0346-554319·]-|
| uPLOADER: mIDNIGHT cALLER  | DATE: 02-25-1996 |TIME: 12:37:11            |
         ______________/\________________/\____________ ___ __________
         \.    _  / o     \      ->PXS<-     \.    _  /(___)\.    _  /
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         /   /   \_    l   \   l    \/  \____/   /   \_|   |/ o /   \_
        /         /         \        \     \/         /|   /  :      /
       /_________/__________/_________\____/_________/ |__/_________/
 - ------------------------- -                          - --------------- -
  [ SySoP:  mIDnIGHt cALLeR ]                            [ A1200T  40Mhz ]
  [    Ko:  mAC             ]   ---------------------    [ 68030 ^ 68882 ]
  [    Ko:  Pyxis           ]   --> C o C a I n E <--    [    3300 MB    ]
  [    Ko:  iNTERPHASe      ]                            [  10 MeGz MeM! ]
  [    Ko:  Array           ]   ----->  W H Q  <-----    [    2 Nodez    ]
 - ------------------------- -  ---------------------   - --------------- -
    Amiga Warez - Mods - X-Rated - Requests - /X - 28k8 - Hydra - No NUP
       DTL Support -  Dreamchart Support -  All Majors get 3* Credz
                A chattable sysop 'till 06:00 (Every NIGHT!)
      By far the best BBS for your golden oldies (more than 6300 disks)
Great 21 year old babe without taboos with her own conference, meet her NOW
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               [ +31-(0)-229-501564 ]     [ +31-(0)-229-501713 ]      
                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-------------------------> FaStEr ThaN DuDeS AbOvE <-----------------------------

|    _                                            _ |
| _ //             New BBS In Town             _ // |
| \X/              In The Year1995             \X/  |
|                      \:/                          |  By  : MaeD            
|                      @ @                          |
|__________________oo0-(_)-0oo_____________________ |  From: TeC-CitY/InFiNiTy   
|                                                   |
|                                                   |  Date: 20-feb-96
|           InFiNiTy For The Latest....WareZ        | 
|                                                   |  TimE: 18:56:19
|  X-Utils,Amiga Utils,Games,Demo's and Graphic's   | 
|                                                   |
|               Running On:                         |
|  :-(      /X 4.xx Hydra OnBoard                   |
|           28K8 24Hours Online                     |
|        A4000/40 Very FAAAAAAAAAST     :-)         | 
|            CD-Rom is Online                       |
|            2MB Free Download                      |
|                                                   | 
|          SysOp Appears To Be Friendly             |
|           Try To Call or Leave Messy              |
|                Always Reply                       |
|          Nice Chat Could Get More Credit          |
|                                                   |
|                                                   |
| +31-(0)23-5730650       \:/     +31-(0)23-5730650 |
|                         @ @                       |
|---------------------oo0-(_)-0oo-----------------  |
|                                                   |
| InFiNiTy       +31-(0)23-5730650        InFiNiTy  |

------------------> ShIt,Slower Than The Boards Below <--------------------------

  ______ _____ _________  __  __
  \  __/_ __  \  ___/ __\/  \/  \        NODE 1:  +31-775-212-93  · USR 21K6
  /  /   | / _/_ _/_  _/ \  \/   \       NODE 2:  +31-775-137-53  · USR 28K8
  \______|_\___/____|_\   \_||    \_     NODE 3:  +31-775-189-30  · USR 16K8
|                                                                            |
|      WORLD OF ELITE!                                                       |
|                                                                            |
| DEATHKNIGHT,JAKE,NOSTROMO    ________________________/¯|__/| ___________   |
| DEVIOUS DOZE, RAJ!,  FURY    \___  \ __   /  __/  __/    / |/ ____/  __/_  |
| AND OFCOURSE ARTIC CAT!!!    |   __/ _/ _/  _| \__  \  \/  /  )  /  _|  /  |
|                              |___|\__\   \________  /___\__\__   \______\  |
`--[ EURO HQ ]--------------------------\___/÷e÷/aL!\/--------/_____\--------'

                              tHIS fILE pASSED

      ·:::::     .........        .:.                           ..
        ·::.  ..::::···:::::.    .:·:.      ...::::·            :::.   ·:::
         ·::. ·:::··      :::   .:: ·:    .:···   ·             ::::.    ::
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  ····           ··          :::::.      ··   ··::..     .::   ··:::::::::
                             ::·····            ··:::::::::·      ········

        ______          >> BYTE PLANET - NOT JUST A TRADERSTATiON! <<
  ._____\    /______======================================================÷
  |    ¬|    \\    /.____ ______sCf/-T!                                   :
  |______     \\__/ ¦\  ¬\\    /________    + 4 6 - 4 9 0 - 2 1 9 2 9     ¦
÷=======/______\______    \____________/__________ sPX sWEDISH HQ!        ¦
 __________ ______  /______\_____    ¬\    ______/\   hOT oR nOt wHQ!     ¦
 \________  \    /. __          /______\______ _/  \    aLPHA fLIGHT aFF! :
  |      ____\__/ |/ ¬\____________         /_______\=====================÷
  |_______|________    \_________ ¬\____________                          ¦
.                /______\______     \     ___  ¬\____________ ______      ¦
:    sUPPORTiNG:              /______\______/    \    ______/\\    /______:_
¦  AMiGA, cONSOLE, C64                     /______\______ _/  \____________/
¦  aND a sPECIAL cONF fOR pICS oN sCENERS!             /_______\_____    ¬\

                >> USROBOTICS COURIER 33600/V.EVERYTHING <<

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -
//  ___. __ __/\  ___________.______  ___:  __/\  ___ .__ ______  ______ \\
    \_ || _)\_  \/  ___/     |\_ __/  \_ |  \_  \ \_ \| _)\_    \/  ___/
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   \___/\___///____\____/____\______/\  _____\/____\_|\___/_______/_____/
\\                                    \/dZG                              //

       +/\+ R·A·M  J·A·M  S·W·E·D·I·S·H  H·E·A·D·Q·U·A·R·T·E·R +/\+
  NODE #1 +46-8-157472   - tASTE tHE dIFFERENCE! -  NODE #2 +46-8-6124141 
 The Holy Crew:   [·Nightshade/Ram Jam·] [·Vietcong/dS·] [·Savage/Insane·]
                  [·OdEN/Razor 1911·] [·Sniper/Insane·] [·PaYDaY/Ram Jam·]
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -

 _________________________________________________ __ _  _
                  When I lost you, my life turned out in the deepest despair |
                                                 Searching for answers, why? |
                                   Sweltering desire, wishing all was undone |
                                                          Asking myself why? |
                 Try to fight the pain in my heart, try to forget, senseless |
                                    When I'm looking back, I remember it all |
       Surrounded by your soul, my life goes on, but a part of me is missing |
                                                              I'm left alone |
                                     I love you and I will never forget you! |

                         :  dedicated to Karin!

                               i miss you...     :

                         Hello, my name is Karma!

                                \          /
            _._  /\____________ |          |  ________________.
             | \/              ||          | |                |
             |                 ||          | | .          \\  |
             |                 ||          |  /_           \  |
             |                 ||         ____ /       . _____.
             |     ________    ||        /    /       /_      |_
        ________ __\__    /__ ______.   /    /_____ _ _/_     _/_______.
      __\__    //   _/   /  /     __|__/   _/|    /_ ____)_   |      __|__
     /         /____\_______\    |    /____________\      /___|    _|    /
   _/    /____/÷e÷         _\ _________\        _ ________/   |___________\_
  _\ ____\   .             \   ..          |.   \             .            /
    \        |              '  ||          ||                 |           ·
     ·       |  \              ||          ||                 |
             |  \\             ||          ||                 |
             |_________________||          ||____________  /\_|_
             ·                  |          |             \/   ·

                T h e  S t r a i g h t  E d g e  F o r c e !

                               What's yours?

 |                              ·
 |  _  _ __ ___________________/__ _
 |_______ _  ____________     /  ______
 /    ______/    _    \/     /___\     \
/     \     \    \     \    /    l\     \ __________ _  _  _|______________
\______\_____\____\____/   /\_____/     /           (_l| )(_l  _  _ __ ___(·
 |                  /____________/     /___ __ _  _
 |                              /_____/
 | and I promised myself         ___________/_____
 | they won't see me dead  ______\         /     /___________________  ____
 | so I slipped away,      \      \       /    _/   \      _    /    \/    \
 | hiding in my head        \     /\     /     \     \    /____/     \/     \
 | it was cozy and warm      \____/\____/_______\_____\_____\ /       \______\
 | up there in my bed                                  \     /_________\kRm
 | it was cozy and warm    ______________________________________ __ _  _
 | but I was so scared... ·)__________________________________________ __ _  _
 | .:..
 |  : :_
 | _: \/
 | \/ :.. .                        ·
 |                                 |
 | × . . . t h o u g h t s . . . × |
 |________________________ __ _  _ |
 |                                 |
 | Facing reality is probably one  |
 | of the hardest things to do in  |
 | life. Still, there's always a   |
 | time when it comes down to it   |
 | and at that time you most often |
 | fight in desperate despair. It  |
 | might seem like nothing have    |
 | any meaning anymore, like life  |
 | is not worth living anymore.    |
 | All your hope is gone, you feel |
 | lost.                           |
 | We all feel like this at some   |
 | point in life, you walk out of  |
 | your dreamworld and face your   |
 | old friend reality. What is     |
 | most important at this time,    |
 | and this is a cliché, is to not |
 | lose your hope! Don't give up,  |
 | there IS a better tomorrow even |
 | though it might not feel like   |
 | it at that certain point.       |
 | Don't bury yourself in sorrow   |
 | or feel sorry for yourself,     |
 | what good does that make? You   |
 | have to believe that life goes  |
 | on, because it does! Trust me!  |
 |                                 |
 |                Love to you all, |
 |                                 |
 |                         Niklas! | .:..
 |                                 |  : :_
 |   -kARMA/aRCLiTE^g'fORCE^aSHES! | _: \/
 |_________________________________| \/ :.. .

            _ _:______ __ _  _
            \/ |
               ¦  a nation's greatness and moral progress
               :         can be judged by the way
               .           it treats its animals

     _  _ __ ________________________________________________________________
 :                                                                           |
 |            × . . . t h e   i n f a m o u s   i n d e x . . . ×            |
        _ _|_                                                                |
    .:..   : | abuse . arctic circle . atre . baffle . black mark . booya    |
     : :_    | bumble bee land . carebear . chrombacher . citruz . deluxe    |
    _: \/    | digital underground . flying carpet . homeless . illusion     |
    \/ :.. . | insane . intense . joystick graveyard . legend .  marwic      |
             | mode . nuclear waste . nup . the payoff . scarface            |
             | split second . testure . traitor . twisted . white borderline |
             | world trade center . zillion hours . and that's about it...   |

              _ _:______ __ _  _
              \/ |
                 ¦        i can't believe my soul
                 :  has been thrown into this situation

                _ __/_____
        ______     /     /     ______    ______
  ____ /     /__  /  ___/__  __\     \  /     /__________ _______________
 |    /    _/   \/   \     \/   \     \/     /   ___    /                |
 |   /     \     \    \     \   l\     \     \   \_____/\  · a b u s e · |
 |_ /_______\_____\____\____/__________/      \____\_____\ ______________|
                                      /       /kRm
                                     ·       /

(___________________________________________________________________(· abuse...

         ______                       _ __/_____
        /     /______________________ _  /     /_   ______/______ _
       /    _/   \      _    /    ______/    ___/__/     /    ______
      /     \     \    /____/     \     \    \     \    /     \     \ _
     /_______\_____\_____\  \______\_____\____\_____\__/\______\_____\\
                    \         ·                \______
            _______ _  ______/__________________\     \  ___________
           /    ______/     /     _    /    _____\     \/   ___    /
        _ /     \     \    /\    /____/     \     \     \   \_____/\
         \\______\_____\__/_ \_____\  \______\_____\_____\____\_____\kRm
                         /                                \

(___________________________________________________________(· arctic circle...

                _ __/_____          _____________
                   /     /__  ______\      _    /
                  /    _/   \/     /_\    /____/__________
                 /     \     \   ___/_\_____\ /   ___    /
           __ _ /_______\_____\  \     \     /    \_____/\ _ ___
          ·)_______________\______\_____\ kRm\______\_____\ ___(·

(____________________________________________________________________(· atre...

        _ __/_____
           /     /    ______                   _____\__ _
   ______ /  ___/__  /     /___________________\___  \  ___________ _____
  |     //   \     \/    _/   \    ______/  ______/   \/   ___    //     |
  |    //     \     \    \     \    \__/\    \__/\     \   \_____/\\     |
  |___//_______\____/_____\_____\_____\  \_____\  \_____\____\_____\\____|

(__________________________________________________________________(· baffle...

      _ ______                               _____\__ _
     \//     /______    ______               \     \
      /  ___/_\     \  /     /__  _______ _  /     /___ ____________
     /   \     \     \/    _/   \/    ______/    _/   /             |_
    /     \     \     \    \     \    \     \    \    ¯\              |
   /_______\____/\_____\____\_____\____\_____\____\     \______ _     |
                             \      ______         \_____\     \\/    |
                   _ __/___  ____  /     /_______________/     /___   |
                      /    \/    \/    _/   \      _    /    _/   /   |
                     /     \/     \    \     \    /____/     \    ¯\  |
   _  _ __ _________/       \______\____\_____\_____\ /_______\     \_|
                   /_________\                 \            kRm\_____\

(______________________________________________________________(· black mark...

         _ __/_____
            /     /             _________           _ __/_____
      ____ /  ___/__ _________ /    _    \ ___ ______  /     /__ ____
     |    /   \     \  _______/_    \     \____\     \/    _/   \    |
     | × /     \     \/    _    \____\____/    l\     \    \     \ × |
     |_ /_______\____/     \     \ _______\_____/     /_____\_____\ _|
                     \______\____/          kRm/     /       \

(___________________________________________________________________(· booya...

     _ __/_____                            ______
        /     /     ______                /     /______
   ___ /  ___/__  __\     \  ____  ____  /  ___/_\     \  ___________
  |   /   \     \/   \     \/    \/    \/   \     \     \/   ___    /
  |  /     \     \   l\     \    \/     \    \     \     \   \_____/\
  | /_______\____/___________\    \______\____\____/\_____\____\_____\
  |                  _ __/_________\                       \
  |                     /     /
  |___________________ /  ___/__  ______________________ ____________
                      /   \     \/   ___    /   ___    /             |
                     /     \     \   \_____/\   \_____/\             |
                    /_______\____/_____\_____\____\_____\ ______     |
                        _____\    ______         _____   /     /     |
                        \     \  /     /__  ___ /    / __\     \     |
                         \     \/    _/   \/   \     \/   \     \    |
                          \     \    \     \    \     \    \     \   |
    _  _ __ _______________\_____\____\_____\____\     \____\_____\ _|
                                  \            kRm\_____\

(_________________________________________________________(· bumble bee land...

               _ __/_____
       _______ _  /     /__________________________
      /    ______/    _/   \      _    /   ___    /
   _ /     \     \    \     \    /____/    \_____/\
    \\______\_____\____\_____\_____\_ \______\_____\ ________
                       |     /     /               ______    |
                       |    /  ___/__  ___________/     /____|__________
                       |   /   \     \/   ___    /    _/   \      _    /
                       |  /     \     \   \_____/\    \     \    /____/
                       | /_______\____/_____\_____\____\_____\_____\__ _
                       |_____________________________________|kRm   \

(________________________________________________________________(· carebear...

               _______ _   \     \ _____________           ____  ____
              /    ______  /     /_\      _    /________  /    \/    \
      ·      /     \     \/    _/   \    /____/    _    \/     \/     \
 ____/_____ _\______\____/     \     \_____\ /     \     \_____/       \
|   /     /             /_______\_____\______\______\____/    /_________\__ _
|  /  ___/__    ______     _______ _   \     \     ___________           \
| /   \     \  /     /__  /    ______  /     /__  /   ___    /____________·
|/     \     \/    _/   \/     \     \/    _/   \/    \_____/\      _    /
/_______\____/     \     \______\_____\    \     \______\_____\    /____/
|__________ /_______\_____\ _______ /_______\     \ ___________\_____\__ _
                                          kRm\_____\                  \

(_____________________________________________________________(· chrombacher...

                  _ __/_____                 ________________
    _______ _  ______/     /_ _______________\     ____     /____________
   /    ______/     /    ___/_\      _    /   \     \/     /             |
  /     \     \    /     \     \    /____/    l\     \    /  · CiTRUZ ·  ¦
  \______\_____\__/\______\_____\_____\ /_____________\  /____ _         :
                                 \             kRm/______________ _

(__________________________________________________________________(· citruz...

                                             ______  /\
        _ __/_____                           \     \/  \
           /     /          _____\__ _   _____\     \   \
     ___ __\     \  ________\__   \    __\     \     \  /__________ __
   :|  //   \     \/   ___    /    \  /   \     \     \/   ___    //  |
    | //     \     \   \_____/\     \/    l\    /\     \   \_____/\\  |
    |_\\______\_____\____\_____\_____\_________/  \     \____\_____\\_|:
               \                      \     kRm\   \     \
                                                \  /\_____\__ _
                                                 \/        \

(__________________________________________________________________(· deluxe...

     :|   ______  |
      |  /     /  |                   _ __/_____     ______ ______
      |__\     \  |_____/______ _  ______/     /_   /     /_\     \
      /   \     \/     /    ______/     /    ___/__/    _/   \     \
     /     \     \    /     \     \    /     \     \    \     \     \
     \______\_____\__/\______\     \__/\______\_____\____\_____\_____\
      |           |          /_____/___                         \
      |   _____   | _ __/____   /     /
      | __\     \ |___ /    / __\     \  ______________________
      |/   \     \/   \     \/   \     \/   ___    /     _    /
      /    l\     \    \     \    \     \   \_____/\    /____/
     /_____________\____\     \____\_____\____\_____\_____\__ _
      |           |      \_____\                           \     ______
      |           |                       ______    _ __/____   /     /
      |________\__|___________________  __\     \  ___ /    / __\     \
      /    _____\      _    /    _    \/   \     \/   \     \/   \     \
     /     \     \    /____/     \     \   l\     \    \     \    \     \
     \______\     \_____\  \______\____/___________\____\     \____\_____\
      |     /_____/                                   kRm\_____\

(_____________________________________________________(· digital underground...

             _____\__ _                   _ __/____
     ________\__   \       ______  _________ /    / _______ _
     \    _____/    \______\     \/     /   \     \/    ______
      \    \__.\     \     l\     \    /     \     \    \     \  _
       \_____\  \_____\_____/     /___/_______\     \____\     \\/·
                     ______/     /   /         \_____\   /_____/_____
         _______ _  /     /_____/________________  ___________/     /_
     _  /    ______/    _/   \      _    /    _  \/   ___    /    ___/__
    ·\//     \     \    \     \    /____/  ___/   \   \_____/\    \     \
       \______\_____\____\_____\_____\ /   \______/_____\_____\____\_____\
                          \           /_____/kRm

(___________________________________________________________(· flying carpet...

   _____\__ _
   \     \                                   ______           _ __/_____
   /     /__  _________  ____  ____  ________\__   \  ___________/     / ______
  /    _/   \/    _    \/    \/    \/   ___    /    \/   ___    /     / /     /
 /     \     \    \     \    \/     \   \_____/\     \   \_____/\     \/     /
/_______\     \____\____/     \______\____\_____\_____\____\_____\     \     \
      kRm\_____\     /_________\__ _             \             /       /      \
                                \                             ·       /       /

(________________________________________________________________(· homeless...

         _____\______     ______    ______                   _ __/____
 ____ ___\__   \     \  __\     \  /     / ______/________  ___ /    /____
|    /     /    \     \/   \     \/     / /     /    _    \/   \     \    |
|   /     /\     \     \   l\     \     \/     /     \     \    \     \   |
|_ /_____/__\_____\_____\_________/      \____/\______\____/_____\     \ _|
                   \             /       /                     kRm\_____\
                    ·           ·       /

(________________________________________________________________(· illusion...

                _ __/____  ______/_____     _ __/____
 _ __ __ _________ /    / /     /     /__  ___ /    / ___________
     \\//     /   \     \/     /    _/   \/   \     \/   ___    /
       /     /     \     \     \    \     \    \     \   \_____/\ __ __ _
      /_____/_______\    /      \____\_____\____\     \____\_____\\//
           /         \__/       /             kRm\_____\
                       ·       /

(__________________________________________________________________(· insane...

            _ __/____  ______                _ __/____  ______
 _ __/________ /    / /     /_   ______________ /    / /     /__________
    /     /   \     \/    ___/__/   ___    /   \     \/     /   ___    /
   /     /     \     \    \     \   \_____/\    \     \     \   \_____/\
  /_____/_______\     \____\_____\____\_____\____\    /      \____\_____\
       /         \_____\           >-----------kRm\__/       /-------<
                                                    ·       /

(_________________________________________________________________(· intense...

                                                                  _____\__ _
   _____________________________ ______/_____                     \     \
 _| ______  _________     ______/     /     /_   ______/______ _  /     /___
| __\     \/    _    \____\     \    /    ___/__/     /    ______/    _/   /
|/   \     \    \     \   l\     \   \    \     \    /     \     \    \    ¯\
/__________/_____\____/____/     /    \____\_____\__/\______\_____\____\     \
|                         /     /     /                                 \_____\
|                        /_____/     · ______    _ __/_____
|               ________\_____________/     /__  __ /     / ___________
|  JOYSTiCK    /    _____\      _    /    _/   \/   \     \/   ___    /
|             /     \     \    /____/     \     \   l\     \   \_____/\ _
| GRAVEYARD!  \______\     \_____\ /_______\_____\_________/_____\_____\\\
|                    /_____/kRm        ______
|              ______                 /     /
|     ______  /     /_________________\     \
|_____\     \/    _/   \      _    /   \     \
\     l\     \    \     \    /____/     \     \ _
|\_____/     /_____\_____\_____\  \______\_____\\\
|____ /     /_______\ ___________________________________ __ _  _

(______________________________________________________(· joystick graveyard...

       _____\__ _                                 _ __/____   /     /
       \     \  __________________ _  ______________ /    / __\     \
     ___\     \/   ___    /    ______/   ___    /   \     \/   \     \
    |   \\     \   \_____/\    \     \   \_____/\    \     \    \     \
    |____\\_____\____\_____\____\     \____\_____\____\     \____\_____\
                 \              /_____/             kRm\_____\

(__________________________________________________________________(· legend...

                _ __/_____ _  _ __ _________ ___________
       ____  ____  /     /___________________\         /_____/______ _
      /    \/    \/    _/   \      _    /     \       /     /    ______
     /     \/     \    \     \    /____/\     /\     /     /     \     \
    /       \______\____\_____\_____\ kRm\____/\____/_____/\______\_____\
   /     _ __\_____________________________________________________\__ _
  ·           \                                                     \

(__________________________________________________________________(· marwic...

                   ·         /    _    \        ___________
              _ __/___  ____/     \     \/_____/   ___    /
                 /    \/    \______\____/     /    \_____/\
                /     \/     \        __\     \______\_____\
           <---/       \______\------/   \     \kRm----------->
              /         \           /     \     \

(____________________________________________________________________(· mode...

             |          |
    _ __/____|  ______  :        _____\__ _       _ __/_____
   ___ /    /|__\     \  ________\     \  ___________/     /_______________
  /   \     \/   \     \/    _____\     \/   ___    /    _/   \      _    /
 /     \     \   l\     \    \     \     \   \_____/\    \     \    /____/
/_______\     \__________\____\_____\_____\____\_____\____\_____\_____\
         \_____\       _________________     ______  ______      \
             |   ______\         /     /__  /     / /     /_   ___________
             |   \      \       /    _/   \/     / /    ___/__/   ___    /
             |    \     /\     /     \     \     \/     \     \   \_____/\
  _  _ __ ___|_____\____/\____/_______\____/      \______\_____\____\_____\
             |                         \  /       /kRm    \
                                         ·       /

(___________________________________________________________(· nuclear waste...

                        _ __/____   _____\__ _
                       ___ /    / __\     \  _______
               ______ /   \     \/   \     \/    _  \ _____
              |      /     \     \   l\     \ ___/   \     |
            .:|____ /_______\     \__________\\______/_____|:.
                             \_____\     /_____/kRm

(_____________________________________________________________________(· nup...

                 _ __/_____
    ______ _______  /     /__       ______  _____________________________
   |      /    _  \/    _/   \______\     \/    _    \    _____/   _____/
   | THE /  ___/   \    \     \     l\     \    \     \    \__/\    \__.
   |___ /   \______/_____\_____\_____/     /_____\____/\_____\  \_____\__ _
       /_____/                   kRm/     /                            \

(______________________________________________________________(· the payoff...

  _ __/____           _____                     _____
  __ /    / _____ _  /    /____________________/    /_  _____ _  _________ __
 |  /    / /   _____/   _/  \     _   /  _____/   _/  \/   _____/  ___   /   |
 |  \    \/    \    \   \    \   /___/\   \__/    \    \   \    \  \____/\   |
 |_ /     \_____\____\___\____\____\__ \____\______\____\___\____\___\____\ _|
   /      /kRm                      \
  ·      /

(________________________________________________________________(· scarface...

_ __/_____       ______        _ __/_____
   /     / ______\     \    ______/     /_
  /     / /    _  \     \  /     /    ___/__
  \     \/  ___/   \     \/     /     \     \
  /      \  \______/\_____\____/\______\_____\              ·   _ __/_____
 /   _ __/____/_____ _  _ __ ______________________________/____   /     /
·       /    /     / __________________ _  _________  ___ /    / __\     \
            /     / /   ___    /    ______/    _    \/   \     \/   \     \
            \     \/    \_____/\    \     \    \     \    \     \    \     \
            /      \______\_____\____\_____\____\____/_____\     \____\_____\
   >-------/       /-------------------------------------kRm\_____\----\--<
          ·       /                                                     ·

(____________________________________________________________(· split second...

   ______            _ __/_____  ______        _____\__ _
  /     /_   ___________/     / /     /_     __\     \________________________
 /    ___/__/   ___    /     / /    ___/__  /   \     \      _    /   ___    /
/     \     \   \_____/\     \/     \     \/    l\     \    /____/    \_____/\
\______\_____\____\____/      \______\_____\____________\_____\__\______\_____\
          >-----------/       /kRm----\--------------<         \
                     ·       /

(_________________________________________________________________(· testure...

_ __/_____                ______         _ __/_____
kRm/     /_ _____________/     /__    ______/     /_   ________\_____________
  /    ___/_\      _    /    _/   \  /     /    ___/__/    _    \      _    /
 /     \     \    /____/     \     \/     /     \     \    \     \    /____/
 \______\_____\_____\ /_______\_____\____/\______\_____\____\____/\_____\__ _
                               \                                         \

(_________________________________________________________________(· traitor...

_ __/_____        ___________  _ __/_____  ______                 /     /
   /     /_ ______\         /_____/     / /     /_   _____________\     \
  /    ___/_\      \       /     /     / /    ___/__/   ___    /   \     \
 /     \     \     /\     /     /\     \/     \     \   \_____/\    \     \
 \______\_____\____/\____/_____/ /      \______\_____\____\_____\____\_____\
                        /       /       /kRm                          \
                               ·       /

(_________________________________________________________________(· twisted...

             __________\     \         _ __/_____
       ______\         /     /__    ______/     /_   ___________
       \      \       /    _/   \  /     /    ___/__/   ___    /
        \     /\     /     \     \/     /     \     \   \_____/\
        ·\____/\____/_______\     \____/\______\_____\____\_____\ _______
   _ __/_____                \_____\__ _ ______                          |
      /     /                       \   /     /                          |
   _ /  ___/__  ________________________\     \  ______________________ _|
  | /   \     \/    _    \      _    /   \     \/   ___    /     _    /
  |/     \     \    \     \    /____/     \     \   \_____/\    /____/
  /_______\____/_____\____/\_____\  \______\_____\____\_____\_____\__ _
  |         ______            _ __/____     \                      \
  |         \     \    _________ /    / ___________
  |          \     \  /     /   \     \/   ___    /
  |           \     \/     /     \     \   \_____/\      _  _ __ _________
  |____________\_____\____/_______\     \____\_____\ ____________________(·

(________________________________________________________(· white borderline...

                           :           _ __/__
                           ¦              /   |
                           |                  |        ______
              ___________  |               ___|__     /     /
        ______\         /__|_______________\__   \  __\     \
        \      \       /    _    \      _    /    \/   \     \
         \     /\     /     \     \    /____/\     \    \     \
          \____/\____/\______\____/\_____\    \_____\____\_____\
                           |                  |_____
       _ __/_____          |     ______      /     /
          /     /_ ________|____/     /__  __\     \  ___________
         /    ___/_\      _    /    _/   \/   \     \/   ___    /
        /     \     \    /____/     \     \    \     \   \_____/\
        \______\_____\_____\ /_______\_____\____\_____\____\_____\
                           |                  |
                           |  _ __/____  _____|
       _______ _  _________|____ /    / /     /_   ______________________
      /    ______/   ___    /   \     \/    ___/__/   ___    /     _    /
     /     \     \   \_____/\    \     \    \     \   \_____/\    /____/
     \______\_____\____\_____\____\     \____\_____\____\_____\_____\__ _
                           |    kRm\_____\    |                      \
                           |                  |
                           |__/__ _           ¦
                             /                :

(______________________________________________________(· world trade center...

 _ __ __________  ______                             _ __/____
     \\___     /__\__   \______    ______/________  ___ /    /
        /     /     /    \     \  /     /    _    \/   \     \
       /     /     /\     \     \/     /     \     \    \     \
      /     /_____/__\_____\     \____/\______\____/_____\     \
     /____________________________\  /                    \_____\
                       \     \      ·          _____\__ _       _ __/_____
                       /     /__  _________  __\     \_____________/     /
                      /    _/   \/    _    \/   \     \      _    /     /
                     /     \     \    \     \   l\     \    /____/\     \
   _  _ __ ________//_______\     \____\____/___________\_____\   /      \
                             \_____\kRm                          /       /
                                                                ·       /

(___________________________________________________________(· zillion hours...

     _ _:______ __ _  _
     \/ |
        ¦   what do you mean it's time, time for me to grow up?
        :  i don't want any part. it's right to follow my heart.

                                     |                                       |
                                     |           m a n d a t o r y           |
                                     | × . . . i n f o r m a t i o n . . . × |
                                     |______________________________ __ _  _ |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |       ·main artwork and design·       |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |      Karma/Arclite^G'Force^Ashes      |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |                 ×·×·×                 |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |              ·guest art·              |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |             Exocet/Arclite            |
                                     |             Mogue/Arclite             |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |                 ×·×·×                 |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |             ·releasedate·             |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |              1996-02-19               |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |                 ×·×·×                 |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |          ·original filesize·          |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |              50301 bytes              |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |                 ×·×·×                 |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |          ·quotes and lyrics·          |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |                 Shield                |
                                     |               Starmarket              |
                                     |             Mahatma Ghandi            |
                                     |            Gathering Ground           |
                                     |            Gorilla Biscuits           |
                                     |                Serpico                |
                                     |                Walleye                |
                                     |               Gameface                |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |                 ×·×·×                 |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |            ·moral support·            |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |       The ones I love, thanks         |
                                     |   for being there when I needed it!   |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |                 ×·×·×                 |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |        ·music i love right now·       |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |   CIV - 'Set Your Goals'              |
                                     |   Gorilla Biscuits - 'Start Today'    |
                                     |   Refused - 'Songs To Fan The Flames  |
                                     |              Of Discontent'           |
                                     |   Superdrag - 'The Fabulous 8-Track   |
                                     |                Sound Of Superdrag'    |
                                     |   Noise Addict - 'Meet The Real You'  |
                                     |   State Of The Nation - 'S/T'         |
                                     |   Quicksand - 'Manic Compression'     |
                                     |   Jawbreaker - '24 Hour Revenge       |
                                     |                 Therapy'              |
                                     |   Walleye - 'Familiar, Forgotten'     |
                                     |   J Church - 'Nostalgic For Nothing'  |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |                 ×·×·×                 |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |               ·contact·               |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |          Final Impact (Soon)          |
                                     |             Serpent Hill              |
                                     |             Another Step              |
                                     |                                       |
                                     |               ·e-mail·                |
                                     |                                       |
                            .:..     |      |
                             : :_    |            (No requests!)             |
                            _: \/    |  ·                                    |
                            \/ :.. . |__:____________________________________|
|                                       |
|   × . . . g r e e t i n g s . . . ×   |
|______________________________ __ _  _ |
|                                       |
| kain, u-man, cola, misfit, danzig     |
| exocet, godhead, g.e.m, neptune, core |
| stain, vinzi, 911, nike, fatal, pearl |
| necronomicon, zanok, boromir, krusty  |
| ezco, rubik, dire, data, shapechanger |
| mike, aquarius, vegas, desert, skize  |
| mark ryder, everslick, morris, marwin |
| distler, nightshade, scarface, cloud  |
|                                       |
|   I'm sure I forgot someone. Sorry!   |
|                                       |
|                                       |
|                 ×·×·×                 |
|                                       |
|                                       |
|               ·respect·               |
|                                       |
| u-man, 911, godhead, danzig, exocet   |
| shapechanger, boomer, mogue, desert   |
| maz, amblin, green eyed monster, h2o  |
| red devil, redskin, skin, mark ryder  |
| vinzi, misfit, rotox, treach, desoto  |
| sy-klone, hijack, sal-1, mess, manta  |
|                                       |
|                                       |
|                 ×·×·×                 |
|                                       |
|                                       |
|               ·messages·              |
|                                       |
| U-MAN: Oh my, oh my! You're back,     |
|        little girl! And in Arclite    |
|        too, together at last! Give me |
|        a call!!                       |
|                                       |
| MiSFiT: Together we're stronger! =)   |
|                                       |
| EXOCET: Hi Rainer! I promise, I will  |
|         reply faster to your letters, |
|         I'm just lazy and busy...     |
|                                       | .:..
| SHAPECHANGER: Welcome!!               |  : :_
|                                       | _: \/
|_______________________________________| \/ :.. .

               _ _:______ __ _  _
               \/ |
                  ¦  got to learn to bury the remains
                  :  letting go is a horror of its own

               ___  ____\ _______________________________  ___
              \\__||     \                               ||__//
               .---'      \                              `---.
               |           ·               .                 |
              :|                           ::::....          |:
              :|                          .::::::;           |:
              :|                          ::::::;     .      |:
               |                         :::::::     _|______ :
     ___________  ___________ _______   ::::::; _ __  |      |_ _______.
   __\____     /__\___      /     __/__:::::;'_ ____)_|      _/      __|___
   \           |    _/    _/     |    :::::;          |      |     _|     /
   /     |_____|____\______________ :::::;'/__________|      |____________\
  /______|     .                 .:::::;'    ........ |______|÷e÷
              .|              ..:::::;'     ::::::'          .
              :|           .::::::::;      :::::::.          |:
              :|             `:::::::...    `::::::.         |:
              :|                ````::::::::::::::::..       |:
              :|                                             |:
              :|                                             |:
              :|   ExOcEt ·×· gREEN eYED mONStA ·×· kARMA    |:
              :|       sY-kLoNE ·×· dANZiG ·×· Hijack        |:
              :|      mOGUE ·×· sHAPECHANGER ·×· u-mAN       |:
              :|                                             |:
              :|                                             |:
              :|              MEEt YOUR MAKERS               |:
              :|              ----------------               |:
              :|                                             |:
              :|  DEAth ROW (WHQ) 9 NDZ  +1-ASK-FOR-TELNET!  |:
              :| SPiRit OF SOUL (EHQ) 8 NDZ  +49-MARiO-WORLD |:
              :|  WhitE ROOM (SHQ) 1 ND  +46-SY-KLONE-CAVES  |:
              :|   ENDLESS PAiN (GHQ) 5 NDZ  +49-SOON-AGAiN  |:
              :|    FiNAL iMPACt (SHQ) 1ND  +46-SOON-AGAiN   |:
              :|                                             |:
              ·|                                 .           |·
               `---.                              \      .---'
              //¯¯||_______________________________\ ____||¯¯\\
               ¯¯¯                               ___\      ¯¯¯

         _ _:______ __ _  _
         \/ |
            ¦        there is no sense in looking back
            :  because eventually you're going to hit a wall

                          C o m i n g   S o o n !

            · T O G E T H E R   W E ' R E   S T R O N G E R ! ·

                A   C o - O p e r a t i o n   B e t w e e n

          K a r m a / A r c l i t e   &   M i s f i t / W h a l e

 ._____ /     /  ________   _________ __  _______   ________ _______________.
 |     /     /___\_     /___\_      /   \/      /___\_     /                |
 |    /     /_.        /_.  _/    _/_.    /    /_.        /_. A·R·C·L·i·t·E |
 |____\_______|  /_______|__\________|  \/_______|  /_______|_______________|
 |        /______\÷e÷             _ _____\   /______\
 |            Created This Piece Of Art! Hope You Enjoyed It!
 |                           See You All Soon!
 | This is the last song that I will sing
 | about being mad or being sad to be without you.
 | It's in the past now and it's dead and gone.
 | It's just as well and I can tell because I'm smiling.
                    _  _ __ ________________________________________________(·

 ______ ________ ______ ___ _______ _____
 )  _  \   _   /_\_   /   /_\__/   |_  _/__.
.   _   \_ /  /\  (__/   /|  _/    _/ _\   |
:                                          :
: · kARMA! presents: C O Z Y  &  W A R M · :
:                                          :
: The Latest From The Straight Edge Force! :
:                                          :

          This file has passed one of the fastest in northen europe
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -
/   ___. __ __/\  ___________.______  ___:  __/\  ___ .__ ______  ______  \
    \_ || _)\_  \/  ___/     |\_ __/  \_ |  \_  \ \_ \| _)\_    \/  ___/
/   /  ||  \/    \___  \\_/  |/  _)_  /  |/\/    \/   \  \/  \   \___  \  \
\  /   /\   \ /\  \ l   \/   /   l  \/   /  \ /\  \  \    \  l\   \ l   \ /
   \___/\___///____\____/____\______/\  _____\/____\_|\___/_______/_____/
\                                     \/dZG                               /

    +/\+ T·H·E  R·A·M  J·A·M  S·W·E·D·I·S·H  H·E·A·D·Q·U·A·R·T·E·R +/\+

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -

        ______          >> BYTE PLANET - NOT JUST A TRADERSTATiON! <<
  ._____\    /______======================================================÷
  |    ¬|    \\    /.____ ______sCf/-T!                                   :
  |______     \\__/ ¦\  ¬\\    /________    + 4 6 - 4 9 0 - 2 1 9 2 9     ¦
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