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File size:
46 157 bytes (45.08K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:22:52
Download count:
all-time: 362


                             ·this file passed·
                        _ _____        ___   ______
                               )_  __ _| (___) _  )_
                              __/__) (_    |   |___/
                       _ ___  |   |___|    |__
                         c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _
                     ____       ____      _____      ____
                  ___\  (_   ___\  (_   __\_  (_   __\  (_
                 _) _/   /___)  _   /___) _/   /___)   _ /__
                /   \      /    \_    /   \      /     /   /
                \___       \_____/    \____\     \___  \   \
                  \ ________\   /______\    \ ____\ \_______\
                   \/      <(·tHE YARd·)>    \/ lOCATED iN gERMANY!
    [·aMiGA·aLL cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·aSCii·liNUX·hiPhOP··mP3·pC/iBM·cLASSICS·]
         [· rUNNiNG oN 8 nICE nODES · 2 iSDN/2 aNALOGUE/4 tELNET ·]
           [· sTAFF < zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH · cRAZY > sTAFF ·]
         [· aHS wHQ · b-GiRL wHQ · aRCADE wHQ · sRZ wHQ · lP! gHQ ·]
           [· pNK gHQ · sOiA gHQ · oMEN gHQ · mCE gHQ · pPH eHQ ·]
                       [· hOME oF tHE aSCii cHARTS! ·]

 *llection starts here - collection starts here - collection starts here - co*

          .....           .....           .....           .....
  .....   :   :   .....   :   :   .....   :   :   .....   :   :   .....
  :   :   .   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   :   .....
  :   :    · ___ __ ___ _ ____·   ·   :   :   ____·___ _ ___ __ ___ · :   :   :
  ·______ /__)__))_))_((_))__[ · z /\ n E r · ]__((__((_))_((_((__(__\·______ :
 _.)     /                            .         .                 .   \     (._
 \|   · /       __   aBHO     __      :           :  ____         :    \ ·   |/
  |  / / _______) \  _ _______) \_ _ ___________   __) _/____  _____    \ \  |
  |   / .)    _._/\\ \_)    _    .))_)  ._     (__/   _)    /_/ ._ (_    \   |:
  |  /  |_    \|   \·_     _)   _|_     l/       /    '   _//   l/ _/__   \  |.
  | /    /_____\ _  \/_____\____\ /_____/_     _/_________\______\    (_  .\ |
  ·   .   :   ·   :   .   :   .   :   .   :   .   :   .   :   ·   :   .   :  ·
 .:   :...:   :   :   :...:   :   :   :...:   :   :   :...:   :   :   :...:   :
              :...:           :...:           :...:           :...:           .


                           mister. zanerious a.k.a.


                   ............  ::        ::  ............
                   ::        ::  ::        ::  ::        ::
                   ::      ___________     :: _________  ::
_ _________ ____________  /          /      __\\   ___(____________ _________ _
          / \           \/          /_  ___ \      \|             / \
_ ________\ //__________\/___________( /__/ /_____________________\ /________ _
                   ..        ..  ..        ..  ..        ..
 -/-  mCEEEE  -/-  ::        ::  ::        ::  ::        ::  -/-  oRKSTER -/-
_ ___________      ::        ::  ::        ::  ::        ::       ___________ _
  ________ \(___ _ ::        ::  ::        ::  ::        :: _ ____)\ _________
_\\   _  /__  _________      ::  ::        ::  ::         ________ __\  _   //
\    |/    /__\  _    /      ::  ::        ::  ::       _\\  _   / \   |/   /__
/__________\\   |/   /__      ______       ::  : ______ \   |/__/__/____\     /
            /____\     /_____ \\   /  ______   __\    /_/______    /    /_____\
                 /_____\\    |/  _/___\  __/___\__    __/..  /_____\
                   ..   /____|\     /\_______  ///____\  ::
                   ::         /_____\ /__  |/  / "tr\m!" ::
                   ::        ..  ..     /______\         ::
                   ::........::  ::        ..  ::........::


             mcee orkster is on the mic. you have to feel tight!


                  affilated with the secret force a.k.a.


          ___   _________ ____ t^/lp!     ___          .___. ___
 _________\_ \./  _     //  _/____________\_ \_________|_  |(  /____ _____
 \       __/  |   /    /|   \     /      __/  \       _:/  | _     /     /
 _\      \|   |  /    / |   /     \      \|   |\      \|   | /____/     /_
.)\\__________:__\______:___\______\__________| \__________|___________//(.
|                               .                      . . :              |
:                     O     o ·                       . ·__: O o ·        |
|________       ______.· o  |___ o                 ______: |_______      _|
|/      '-------·     |____(    )------------------\     |        '------\|

                              << a r c a d e >>

              · acorn · dezibel · woober · dipswitch · storm ·
                · ice · progenitor · brane · zaner · vouck ·


                      zanerious presents for you live on


                                  arcade tv


                 _____      __.        ________   __._____
              _  (  _/_____ ( |_______ ( .__   \_ ( |     \_
     .:.....  //___.__    /___.__    /__ |/     /__ |      /__ .....:.
      :···      |  |/      |  |/      |  |       |  |       |    ···:
   _ __ ___ ____|  |      _|_ |   ____|  |  _____|  |   ____|______ ___ __
   //_//__//______ |   _____  |     ____ |     ___  |      _______//__//_//_
                |  |       |  |       |  |       |  |       |
      :     ___  _____   _____   _____   |       |  |_.     |       :
      :  _ _(  |_( __ \__( __ \__(  _/__ |   _____  _\|_ _____   _____
      :  //_   |_. _\  /___|   /_  ____/_   _\ __ \_|   |( __ \__(  _/__
      :.   /_  | |_|    |  |    |__|    l. /_  |   /_  /___|   /_  ____/_
      ::    `----' `----'  `----'  `-----¦   /__|    |   |  |    |__|    l_
      ::.       .  .       .  .       .  |     `----|-> |  `----'  `-----'
      :::       |  |       |  |       |  |       .  |---'   .      :.
      :::..     | tHe lATe nITe sHOw! |  |       | /¯\      |   ..:::
     .::::::::: |  l_      |  l_      |  l_      |  l_      | :::::::.
      :         l___//_    l___//_    l___//_    l___//_    l_      :
         dz\a!     l________/ l________/ l________/ l________//_


                               featuring these


 ._______ _   _____ ______.      _ ____     _ _____
_|      ///_ /     \\  _ _|____ _\\\  /___ _\\\ __/__.         ·of·
\_          /       \  \\\__   /     /    /    _\    |____________________.
 |         /         \    |/  /     /    /           |                    |
 |________/___________\___/___\____/_____\___________|                    |
tG|                                                  |                    |_
   | 01 t r u . s o u l . s u r v i v o r [>> the soulsurvivors worldwide |/
   | 02 m o r t i m e r . t w a n g       [>> lucas                      _/
   | 03 o l d s k o o l                   [>> cqbs                       \|_
   | 04 a b s o l u t e                   [>> cqbs                        |/
  _| 05 d i p s w i t c h                 [>> dipschalter                 :
  \_ 06 a c o r n                         [>> acornistah                  .
   | 07 d e z i b e l                     [>> dezibel                     |
   : 08 t r i v i a l                     [>> dr. boozy kim               |
   | 09 v o l a t i l e                   [>> volastyler                  |
   | 10 f a c t i o n                     [>> zoltrixer                   |
 _ ______   _____    _ _______ _ ______. _ _____ _ _______ _ ______. _______ _
_\\\    /_ /     \ __\\\_    /_\\\     |_\\\ __/_\\\_    /_\\\     |_\    _///
     \_/  /       \     /   /          _/   _\      /   /          _/ \__
      \  /         \   /   /           |           /   /           |    /
_________\_________/_ /   / _ _________|_________ /   / _ _________|__________
                     /____\                      /____\m'S


                      /\     _____   ______    _____ __________
                     /  \ ___\    \ _\    /__ _\_  /_\_       /
                    /    \    \    \       _/   /     /      /
                   /      \ ___\____\ _____\ ___\_____\\    /
          -  - -- /________\ -------------------------- \  / -- -  -
                             i  n  t  r  o  .  .  .  !   \/ dip/a!

                        zanerious has to say something


                        well here we go again whatever,
                       i am very surprised that i could 
                        present you the late nite show
                      less ascii stuff. but be prepared
                       for future stuff soon. i think,
                       i can present more shows in the
                      near future. i am going to present
                      the next show featuring dipswitch.
                       so keep your eyes open, as the
                      weed allows you to. just watch out
                      for the future shows on arcade tv!
                       whatever i hate to write intros
                          let the show begin ...


                     signed, zanerious a.k.a. mc orkster


             __________  ·
           _/________  \.¡
           !          ¡ !|
       ___ \ ________ !__)
     _(___) \(-- -- _)  /____
.-- (_/ ..\) )\\ !  )__(  / / - -----------------------------------------.
|    (\__./_)'-'¬.-'(__  · (_ code   : 01                                |
|     (___) _)/    / _(_/_  / present: tru soul survivor                 |
|    ___!_  \(_   _)/__ (  /  guest  : mortimer twang                    |
|   (_(__ \ / )     \\ \ ___--.                                          |
|  (___\(__) /       ) (___/  /     well, boogie down koeln 2oo1 sir...  |
|    '--!'  !________\   (_///Mt\LP                                      |


            .      ______
          ._|_.    \    /__.---__ _
         _\ | _____.\  //   /  \_\\\zNr/a!
     _ _(_ \__\_ _ )_\//   /    |   _____ __        ___.---__ _
    ///__// __// /  /_/   /|   _|_ .)   _\\/       /    /  \_\\\
         \  \_/  ._   \._______)\/ \\   \._______./_   /    |  /(_
         /__//\__l/    \\  /      __.\   \   __ _///  /|   _|_/  /___
               /___________\   _ _\  /\   \_  /   _\_______)\/  /|   \_ __
                               \\\_________/_____/     ///_//__________\\_\
      _____ __                     .   ___. _
     .)   _\\/      _____. _---. ._|_._\  ///            _____.  tRU'
     \\   \  ___.---\_ _ )_\\  |___|  \ \/\---..________.\_ _ )_  sOUL
    __.\   \/    /  \\ /  /_   \   \  /   /\  |___  __ _/// /  /_  sURVIVOR
 _ _\  /\   \_  /    | ._   \ _|\_  \/_  /|   \   \  /  _\  ._   \ ____
 \\\_________/ /|   _|_l/    \\  /__/\\ / |   |\   \ __/____l/    \\  /
         /__________)\/__________\ /   /_ l________(//   \//__________\


             __________  ·
           _/________  \.¡
           !          ¡ !|
       ___ \ ________ !__)
     _(___) \(-- -- _)  /____
.-- (_/ ..\) )\\ !  )__(  / / - -----------------------------------------.
|    (\__./_)'-'¬.-'(__  · (_ code   : 02                                |
|     (___) _)/    / _(_/_  / present: mortimer twang                    |
|    ___!_  \(_   _)/__ (  /  guest  : mortimer twang                    |
|   (_(__ \ / )     \\ \ ___--.                                          |
|  (___\(__) /       ) (___/  /   hey lucas, this time you got your logo |
|    '--!'  !________\   (_///Mt\LP                                      |


                                       .\    /
                   __ _              ._|_\  /_
                  /_///_____.       _\ |.-\/\\\___  ____ _____. ____.  _ __
  ____  ____ l______._ \_ _ )_  _ _(_ \__\   \. _ \/   /_\  __/// _ )_///_/
./ _  \/   /_|     _  \// /  /_///__// __/   /  \    |   l\ )_ /  /  /_
:  \    |   l\__   /    \ ._   \ __\\  \/   /|___\   l   |/  /_\_  ._  \ ___
|___\   l   | //________/_l/    \\ _/  /   /_ _\_\\__|___\  /)  _\_l/   \\ /
  \_\\__|___\zNr/a!  \\ \/_________\\_/\_____\\\        /_______\ /________\
       ._|_.          \\_\
      _\ |.___./\---.     ___._      ____            · mortimer twang! ·
  _ _(_ \_\_._/  \  l ____)  |\\___./  _/_______ _ __
 ///__// __//\_   \ |_\_ /_  l     l  /       _////_/[ lp! undercover. ]
     \   \/l_//____\|  /  l  |\    |  \\_    /       [twang studios, ny]
     /   /    _ /   ._/   |._|l    |_________\       [   b-girl inc.   ]
    /___/     \\\__________\  |\  _|


             __________  ·
           _/________  \.¡
           !          ¡ !|
       ___ \ ________ !__)
     _(___) \(-- -- _)  /____
.-- (_/ ..\) )\\ !  )__(  / / - -----------------------------------------.
|    (\__./_)'-'¬.-'(__  · (_ code   : 03                                |
|     (___) _)/    / _(_/_  / present: oldskool                          |
|    ___!_  \(_   _)/__ (  /  guest  : cqbs                              |
|   (_(__ \ / )     \\ \ ___--.                                          |
|  (___\(__) /       ) (___/  /   heyho, i hope you will have use for!   |
|    '--!'  !________\   (_///Mt\LP                                      |


                      .  __._________________
                     // /_/) OLdSkOOl! 1999 (_ __  _
                        _\      _____ _.    ///_/ //
                        \\\.  _.)   _\\/   _____.
    ___._    /\___    _    \  \\\   \ _____\_   / ___._          /\___
  _/  _  \_./    /___//-----.  ._\   \\_  .)/  /_/  _  \_. ___._/    /___
  \.  /    \    /|   \_   .  \_\\ \   \/  |/  /__   /    \/   _ \_. /|   \_
   /_______/___________\  l\  \_  /\   \_ ._     \_______/    /   \________\
                     l_________/________/_l/      \\  /  \________/
                                ·    ·   /____________\zNr/a!
         the console cliqque!    \  /

       · amptor · blob · cqbs · creep · fazwonga · hudson hawk ·


             __________  ·
           _/________  \.¡
           !          ¡ !|
       ___ \ ________ !__)
     _(___) \(-- -- _)  /____
.-- (_/ ..\) )\\ !  )__(  / / - -----------------------------------------.
|    (\__./_)'-'¬.-'(__  · (_ code   : 04                                |
|     (___) _)/    / _(_/_  / present: absolute                          |
|    ___!_  \(_   _)/__ (  /  guest  : cqbs                              |
|   (_(__ \ / )     \\ \ ___--.                                          |
|  (___\(__) /       ) (___/  /   well same again. consoles for live eh? |
|    '--!'  !________\   (_///Mt\LP                                      |


                   _ _____  ·( a b s o l u t e )·   __ _
       ____ .___  //.)   _\                    __.--\_\\\_  ______.
  _____\_ /_l  |____.\   \ ____.__   /\___    /   /  |_(  \\\   __/
 _\     /  |    _   /_\   \)   _  \_/    /___/   /   |__   _/\  )_
_|_  ._/  .l_   / ./_\ \   \   /    \   /|   \_ /|  _|_\   \ /   /____
\//________\/_____\    /\   \_______/_________/_____)\//___//   /)   _\ __
· aMiGA/aTARi/cONSOLEs/mP3/gRAFFiTi/aSCii/hPa/x/-tOOLs · 3 diALUp - 2 tELNEt
  <[ o l d s k o o l - european hq / a e r o h o l i c s - distribution ]>


             __________  ·
           _/________  \.¡
           !          ¡ !|
       ___ \ ________ !__)
     _(___) \(-- -- _)  /____
.-- (_/ ..\) )\\ !  )__(  / / - -----------------------------------------.
|    (\__./_)'-'¬.-'(__  · (_ code   : 05                                |
|     (___) _)/    / _(_/_  / present: dipswitch                         |
|    ___!_  \(_   _)/__ (  /  guest  : dipswitch                         |
|   (_(__ \ / )     \\ \ ___--.                                          |
|  (___\(__) /       ) (___/  /   yeah, soon we're gonna do wHUT wHUT... |
|    '--!'  !________\   (_///Mt\LP                                      |


          .   .___ _   |\               .   ___. _
         _|_._\  ///   l _____ _      ._|_._\  ///        _ ____.
    _     |  \ \/\_____. )   _\\\zNr/a! |  \ \/\_\   ___. \\\   l__.
  _//----.   /   /\_   )_\   \.____./\---. /   /_ \_/  _(____\_ \  )_  _ __
  l   .   \ /   //  _/  /_\   \   _/  \  |/   /\// _/ /    _/// |\  /_///_/
_ |   l\   \_  //    __/  /\   \_ \_   \ |   /_\\  \ /_.  / /   l_\   \ ____
\\|_________/ /_\____\\\________/_//____\l  /_ _/  /______\/     _.    \\  /
          \___\\\      .       \        \___\\\\__/    //\/_____|/_________\
 . ___    _   _ __ ____|_.      \ _ __
 \ d i p s w i t c h  \| l       \\\\ \ __ _
  \        o f         \ |________\\\\_\\///
   \   a r c a d e      \
__ _\ .__________________\


             __________  ·
           _/________  \.¡
           !          ¡ !|
       ___ \ ________ !__)
     _(___) \(-- -- _)  /____
.-- (_/ ..\) )\\ !  )__(  / / - -----------------------------------------.
|    (\__./_)'-'¬.-'(__  · (_ code   : 06                                |
|     (___) _)/    / _(_/_  / present: acorn                             |
|    ___!_  \(_   _)/__ (  /  guest  : acorn                             |
|   (_(__ \ / )     \\ \ ___--.                                          |
|  (___\(__) /       ) (___/  /   hey sir.. arcade kiqs '99, aight!      |
|    '--!'  !________\   (_///Mt\LP                                      |


                ____   ___. a c o r n _____.)   |\\___. a r c a d e
  ·-------- ____\_ /_ /  _(____ _.__._\  _ )_   l     l ------------·
  :        /     /  l/  /    _///  _  \_ /  /_  |\    | __          :
  :     _ /   ._/   |. /_.  //__   /    \ ._  \.|l__  | \_\         :
  ·---- \\\__________\______\ //________/_l/   \\  / _|_ _ ---------·


             __________  ·
           _/________  \.¡
           !          ¡ !|
       ___ \ ________ !__)
     _(___) \(-- -- _)  /____
.-- (_/ ..\) )\\ !  )__(  / / - -----------------------------------------.
|    (\__./_)'-'¬.-'(__  · (_ code   : 07                                |
|     (___) _)/    / _(_/_  / present: dezibel                           |
|    ___!_  \(_   _)/__ (  /  guest  : dezibel                           |
|   (_(__ \ / )     \\ \ ___--.                                          |
|  (___\(__) /       ) (___/  /     thanks for my title logo mate! phew. |
|    '--!'  !________\   (_///Mt\LP                                      |


                         __ _ ___l _ __.l.______
                        /_////_  |      |      /_ _ __
                              /_ :_ ___ : ______////_/
                                 .   ___.
                 ______. _     ._|_._\  /__ _ ______. _
          _      \   __///_ _____|  \ \/\\_\\\\   __///
        _//----.  \  )_  ///_   (   /   /__    \  )_   /\___
        l   .   \./   /___  /   /_./   /  |____/   /__/_   /___
   __ _ |   l\   \_  /)  _\/   / //.  /    _   /  /)   _\ /|   \_ _ __
   \_\\\|_________/______\/   /\   \ /l_   / ./________\._______////_/
                      /_\\_________/_\ /_____\zNr\a!
     bon, bon..                 .       .
              c'est le misieur, :       : avec la ascii cliqque,
                                |       |
             [ d e z i b e l ]  l_______l  [ a r c a d e ]


             __________  ·
           _/________  \.¡
           !          ¡ !|
       ___ \ ________ !__)
     _(___) \(-- -- _)  /____
.-- (_/ ..\) )\\ !  )__(  / / - -----------------------------------------.
|    (\__./_)'-'¬.-'(__  · (_ code   : 08                                |
|     (___) _)/    / _(_/_  / present: trivial                           |
|    ___!_  \(_   _)/__ (  /  guest  : trivial                           |
|   (_(__ \ / )     \\ \ ___--.                                          |
|  (___\(__) /       ) (___/  /     oder kÖÖÖÖÖLN posse 2oo1 !! come on! |
|    '--!'  !________\   (_///Mt\LP                                      |


                        \                  /
          .           .  \  ___.          /__.  . [ t r i v i a l  o n e ]
        __\   _____ ._|_._\_\  /         /\  /._|_.
  __ _ (_  \__\_ _ )_ |  \\\ \/\---.    /\ \/\  | ____  /\___
 /_////__   __// /  /_     /   /   |___/ /   /____\_ /_/    /___
        \   \_/  ._   \ __/_  /|   \   \/   /_\    /  |    /|   \_ _ __
        /___//\__l/    \\  / /\|   |\   \  /|_  ._/  .l_.________////_/
                /__________\/_ l________( /\//________\\\
 [   lo' pro allstah   ]\___\\\ \  /  \___\zNr\a!
 [ ahs aerosol addicts ]         \/ [ representin, bustin' loose '99 ]
 [ oder kOOOOOLN posse ]


             __________  ·
           _/________  \.¡
           !          ¡ !|
       ___ \ ________ !__)
     _(___) \(-- -- _)  /____
.-- (_/ ..\) )\\ !  )__(  / / - -----------------------------------------.
|    (\__./_)'-'¬.-'(__  · (_ code   : 09                                |
|     (___) _)/    / _(_/_  / present: volatile                          |
|    ___!_  \(_   _)/__ (  /  guest  : volatile                          |
|   (_(__ \ / )     \\ \ ___--.                                          |
|  (___\(__) /       ) (___/  /   yeho vola! there you go with your logo |
|    '--!'  !________\   (_///Mt\LP                                      |


                                                    ___. _
                              /\               .   _\  /// _ ______.
       ___.             _    /  \     ____   __\   \ \/\   \\\   __/
 __ _ _\  |___  ___._  ///\___    ____\_ /_ (_  \__/   /\__   \  )_
 \_\\\\.  \   \/   _ \_./    /___/     /  l/__   __/  /   /___/   /___ _ __
       |  |\   \_  /   \    /|   \_ ._/   |._\   \   /   /|   \_ /)  _\\\\_\
       l________/______/__________/________\//___/  /__._______/_____\zNr\a!
                        /            \          \___\\_\
       v o l a t i l e /______________\ p h u n k ! a s c i i


             __________  ·
           _/________  \.¡
           !          ¡ !|
       ___ \ ________ !__)
     _(___) \(-- -- _)  /____
.-- (_/ ..\) )\\ !  )__(  / / - -----------------------------------------.
|    (\__./_)'-'¬.-'(__  · (_ code   : 10                                |
|     (___) _)/    / _(_/_  / present: faction                           |
|    ___!_  \(_   _)/__ (  /  guest  : zoltrix                           |
|   (_(__ \ / )     \\ \ ___--.                                          |
|  (___\(__) /       ) (___/  /   zoltrixen, have fun with this logo ;)  |
|    '--!'  !________\   (_///Mt\LP                                      |


                               .        .
                               .        . .   ___.
                               :        :_|_._\  /    ___._
          __________ _        _|_.      _\|  \ \/\  ._)  |\\___.
         /_   _.  _/// ____  /  _(____.(_ \__/   /_.\_   l     l
          \   \l__\____\_ /_/  /    _/__   __/  /  _  \_ |\    |
       _ __\   _/_\     /  |  /_.  /___\   \   /   /    \|l    |
      ///_//___\|_   ._/  .l_._____\\\//___// /_ __.____/ |\  _|_ __
                               l        l
               · f A C T i O N |        | p R E S E N t S ·
                    ____ __ _ _|        |_ _ __ ____
                    \___\\_\\\\:  ____  :////_//___/
                               )__\  /__(




                                 i am, an ...


        ___                     ______                ._______ _
 _ _____\_ \. ___      _______ /     ·\  ____________ |      ///
///    __// |(  /_____/ _    //       \\/   ___     ·\|     /
-/     \|   |__      /  /   / :_________\_  \/       \\    /-----------------.
/____________ /_____/   \_____|t^/lp/   _/   \_________\  /   a e r o s o l  |
----- - ---(____________|----------/    |\    \-- - --|__/------------ - ----


                               aerosol addict!


                                 no credits


                                 just a joke


                               no credits logo


                 \      _____    _____  _ ____    _____  dip/a!
                 /\ ____\    \ __\   /___     \ __\  _/________
                /  \     \    \   \_____/   _\ \   \_____     /
               /    \ ____\____\ _____\ _______/_______ /    /
      «------ /______\ ------------------------------- /    / -------»
                              i  n  f  o  s           ·    ·


                music support.
                pete rock.....................soul survivor
                blak twang....................19" long time
                eins,zwo...........gefaehrliches halbwissen
                afrob feat. ferris mc..........reimemonster
                my friends mixtape.........................


                zaner logo..........................abho/ih
                mc orkster.......................therisk/m!
                arcade logo.....................trivial/lp!
                the late nite show...............dezibel/a!
                table of contents.................tango/m's
                intro logo.....................dipswitch/a!
                characture...............mortimer twang/lp!
                aerosol piece...................trivial/lp!
                infos logo.....................dipswitch/a!


                    ... too stoned to remember more ...




@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ   __   ____             __     ____ ____
__|  \__\_ /___ _ ____ _|  \____\ _/.\  /__
  |    / /    / _/   /  |    /   /  |  _/  \
__|___/__\____\ \___/___|___/\___\ _|__\___/
| 30th/april/99 - zANEr of aRCADe presents |
|   · t h e  l a t e  n i t e  s h o w ·   |
|_________                              ___|
 dip/a! )/------------------------------\(

        .                    _____: . O  o                               O
   _____|_____.      _____  .)    |____o [ t . H . E  - y . A . R . d ]_o .
 _|      /   .|_____/_   /_ : _   |                                       :
 \      /    |/      /   _//  \    . ahs . bgirl . arcade . srz . tac .   |
  |____/|____/      /__________\  . lp! . soia . pnk . omen . mce . pph . |
            /______/     _ _:   _____          ______  __________ ________:
                         \\\.  /    /__________\_   /_/  _      //  ._   /.
  consoles.amiga.graffiti   ! /    /|    /   _      \    /     /    |/    |   |/_____     /____\_______\___\________________|
  classics.drugs.linux/dd   :_  t^/____/   _.  zANEr/diPSWiTCH/hAsH/cRAZY |
                             (_____________)| ___________ _______ _ ______:
  one of the finest in +49             _ _ ___)         (_)               :
                              #1 33k6.  #2 28k8.  #3 64k isdn #4 64k isdn
                              #5 telnet #6 telnet #7 telnet   #8 telnet