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File size:
18 563 bytes (18.13K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:22:52
Download count:
all-time: 326


@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ      ___.____  ____    ___. ____  _____
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  \                                     /
 newsflash from dezibel.. despite what the
  ascii charts said, i AM quitting arcade
   and this is my last colly ever for a!
      \                             /

                          ___________    |             |\
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                       |             |   |    dz\a!    |
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             \/_____\  \/     \/           \/_____\/        \/
                                     |   |             |
                       |             |   |             |
                                .  acorn  .  dezibel  .  dipswitch  .
          .  ice  .  vouck  .  woober  .  zaner  .
            _______                                    |    _______
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  Jönköping, 31'st of juli 1999.                        .  .: : .. ...:  ..
                                                 . ..:. :.....: ·· : .... :
                 ·                                   :  .......... : :  :
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                    \_____\ _                             rDm /_____________\
                 :         \
                 ·                                           ·

  Last fall I met Darkus on IRC. He said that he was gonna leave Low Profile
  and revive Aerosol, and he wanted me in. I said yes, and I started on this
  file. Due to lack of time Darkus decided to put the Asl revival on ice, so
  I stayed in Arcade. A couple of weeks ago he tolsd me that he was gonna go
  through with the group anyway,  but with another name, and he still wanted
  me in, and I said yes. So now I am quitting Arcade, my love child with the
  the most lazy artists through the history of the ascii scene, Acorn.. .

                 ·                // Dezibel, seeker of truth and knowledge.
                 ¼                                           ·
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                 ·                                           ·
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                 X    |___\ _ /
                 ¼          \/
                 ¼                                           ·
                 ¼                                           X
                 ¼                                           ¼
                 ¼                                           X
                 ¼                                           ·
      all my love to you guys!
                 ¼                                           |
                 ¼                                          /|
                 ¼                                         / |
                 ¼                                      /\/  |
                 X                                    ·/ _ / |
                 ·                                    |  \/  |
                                                      |      |
          credits                                     |      |
       -]----------- -                                |______|
          arcade diz by neurodancer of 1oo%           . _____
          arcade #1 by red demon of low profile       |\\    |
          arcade #2 by mogue! of arclite              | \ _  |
                                                      |  \/  |
                 ·                                    |      |
     .________________________________________  ._____|      |_____  .____
     |                                        | |                  | |   \:
   o |  the end is close. babylon is falling  | |  .%@[ RiP! ]@%.  | |    | o
   _\|________________________________________| |______       _____| |____|/_
                                                      |      |
                 ·                                    |      |
                 X                                    |      |
                 .              \                     |      |
                               /\\ _____________________ _   |
                -Mo!/aL-      /   \\                         |
       .________     _______ /    ________ _______.          ·
   ____|_      /.____\      /     \        \     _|___
   \     _  __/_|_    \     \_     \    \   \   _\   /_     - Arcade -
   /_____\__\    /    /_ ____/     /________/_________\
      «- ---/____\_____\               \-------------------------------- -»
                        /_______________\             .
                 ·                                    |      |
                 X                                    |      |
                 :                                    |     _|
                 .                                    |     \.
       a.c.o.r.n                                      |      |
                 .                                 ...|...   |
                 :      d.i.p.s.w.i.t.c.h      ....:.. ·::   |       ....
                                               ::  : :  ::   | ........ :
                 i.c.e                         :::.:.:  :: ..|.:... ·::
                                                   :    ·: ::  :..:..::
  v.o.u.c.k      .                                 ::   .:.::    .:
                 X                                 ::   :: :·    ::
                 :            w.o.o.b.e.r        : :::..:: :...::::
                                                 :.   | ::...:
             z.a.n.e.r                                |      |
                                                      | \    |
  _              ·                                    |_\\ __|
 |                                                     ___\\_.
 |  i've had a great time, and i've developed         |    \ |
 ·  considerably as an artists during my time         |      |
    in arcade. i wish y'all the best and hope         |  /\  |
    you keep releasin and showin you sure are  ·      ·\   \ |
    a force to be reckoned with in the future  |        \/\  |
                                              _|           \ |
                 ·                                          \|
                 X                                           |
                 ¼                                           :
                 ¼                                           ·
                 ¼                                           X
                 ¼                                           ¼
                 ¼                                           ¼
                 ¼                                           ¼
 (  (·      (    ¼  (   ( the arcade history this far )   )  ¼    )      ·)  )
                 X                                           ¼
                 ·                                           X
                ___                     ___                  ·
                \ _]_   ____     ____   \ _]_       _    ____
        _______  \\_ \_ ( _ \_   (   \_  \\_ \_  __[ \_  (  /_ ________
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     |         l___(   l___(   l___(   l___(   l___(   l___(   l         |
  [- :---- dz --- `----:- `----:- `----:- `----:- `----:- `----:- a! --- :--]
     |                                                                   |
     |   a!-nsli.txt   woober   jun'97   a!-fortc.txt  ice      jun'97   |
     |   a!-n-dzl.txt  dezibel  jun'97   a!-wcpah.txt  ice      jul'97   |
     |   a!-twlve.txt  dezibel  aug'97   a!-para.txt   woober   aug'97   |
     |   a!-sdrnr.txt  dezibel  aug'97   a!-whte2.txt  progen.  nov'97   |
     |   a!-born.txt   woober   nov'97   s!-tnswc.txt  storm    dec'97   |
     |                                                                   |
     |_  a!-flesh.txt  mov4x    mar'98   a!-steel.txt  dezibel  mar'98   |
     ./  a!-tld3.txt   progen.  mar'98   a!-bfire.txt  dezibel  apr'98   |
     |   a!-brn.txt    woober   may'98   a!-sgene.txt  mov4x    may'98   |
     |   a!-1-800.txt  dezibel  oct'98   a!-child.txt  dezibel  oct'98   |
     |                                                                   |
     |   a!-dump.txt   dezibel  jan'99   a!-rsc.txt    woober   feb'99   |
     |   a!-diz1.txt   dipsw.   feb'99   lp&a-dog.txt  *        feb'99   |
     |   a!-ssr.txt    dipsw.   feb'99   a!-john.txt   vouck!   feb'99   |
     |   a!-idk.txt    zaner    feb'99   a!-jalis.txt  dipsw.   feb'99   |
     |   a&pnk-ds.txt  **       mar'99   a!-diz2.txt   dipsw.   apr'99  _|
     |   a!party.txt   vouck!   apr'99   a!-tlns.txt   zaner    apr'99  \.
     |   a!-germa.txt  dipsw.   may'99   a!-rbeit.txt  dipsw.   may'99   |
     |   a!-meltd.txt  dezibel  jun'99   a!-icons.txt  dezibel  jun'99   |
     |   a!-lastc.txt  dezibel  jun'99   a!-fuckd.txt  dipsw.   jul^99   |
     |   a!-quit.txt   dezibel  jul'99   and  there's  more  to  come!   |
     |                                                                   |
     |   '*' = a coop with acorn, dezibel and mortimer twang of lo'pro   |
     |   '**' = a cooperation with dezibel and volatile of phunk!ascii   |
     |                                                                   |
  [- :----------------- 36 releases including 2 co-op's ---------------- :--]
     |__                                                               __|
     · //____[· get them all at ·]____\\ ·

                 ·                                           ·
                 X                          ________         X
                 ¼                          ½      ¼         ¼
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                 ¼                          ½___¼__½         ¼       ¼
                 ¼_____________________________ ¼ ___________¼       ¼
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                                                ¼                ½   ¼  ½
                                                ¼________________½___¼  ½
                                                                 ½      ½
                                                                 ½      ½
                                                                 ½      ½
   " so suddely, abruptly, brought back to reality               ½   __ ½ __ _
  with a hangover and still that black cloud hanging over me "   ½___¼__½
                       // promoe of loop troop                       ¼
