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File size:
61 912 bytes (60.46K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:22:51
Download count:
all-time: 691

Screenshot (by Demozoo)



                                                    __ _  _
«-------------------------------------------------/ /-----------------------»
  ' G E T  A  D i Z Z i E ' © D i P S W i T C H  / / A R C A D E // 1 o o %
«-----------------------------------------------/ /-------------------------»
                                           _ __/ .


                              :          ·
                  .      .  ..:..........:.. .  .
                              :          ·
                              ·          :
                                     :      ·
                                 . ..:......:. .
                                      :     :
                                  . ..:.....:.
                                      :     ·



                             ___\|        |/___
                            _)   |·ARCADE·|   (_
                            |    `        '    |
          _ _               |                  |      ._____      _ _
          \ ____     ______ ______          _____ ____|_   (  _____ /
     ______\_  /_____\_   /_\   _/__________\_  /_\   _/   /__\  __/____
     \    __/   /    _/  / /    \     /    __/   /    \     /  __/     /
    _/    \|____\____\_____\__________\____\|____\__________\__\| dKS! \_
    \_______ _                                                  _ ______/
                 «-------- -|                  |- --------»
                            |    :        :    |
                            ¯)___|        |___(¯
                                /|        |\


                                      :      ·
                                  . ..:......:. .
                                       :     :
                                       :      ·
                                   . ..:......:. .
                                        :     :
                                    . ..:.....:.
                                        :     ·
                    \\ P R E S E N T S  :
                             :          :
                 .      .  ..:..........:.. .  .
                             :          ·
                             ·          :


 __ ____ ___ ___ ____ ____ _______ ___ _
  __\  (_  __\__)_  __\  (_ _       .                ·
 _)   _ /__)     /__)   _ / /       .                .
/     /  /        /     /   \      ·:·· ·            :
\___  \  \___     \     _____\     .:.....:..........:.. .   .
 c!\______\ \ _____\ ____\mSs   ....:.....:.         :
             \/     \/          :         ·          ·
             _ ___ ____ ___ ____ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ____ ____ ____ ___
                 __\_ (_ _ _)  /__   __\__)_  ___\ (_   ___\_ (_  ___\  (_
                _)  /__/__/   /  /___)     /__)    _/___)   /__/__)  _\  /_
               _\____    /   /  /  /        /      \  /    /    /    \_   /
                    /    \   \  \  \___     \___      \___      \ __  /   \
             _ ___________\ ________\ \ _____\ \_______\ \ ______\ /_/_____\
                           \/   .      \/                 \/
                                :            ·
                            . ..:............:.. .  .
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                                .            :
                                      .      :
                                      .      :
                                  . ..:......:.. ..  .
                                      :      ·
                           :          ·
                      .  ..:..........:.. .  .
                           :          ·
                           ·          :
                                      :  // C O M i N ' U P  W i T H
                                  :      ·
                              . . :......:. .
                                  :     :
                               . .:.....:.
                                  :     ·
                               8  :                                       8
                               8..:... .  .    .                          8
                               8: :                                       8
                               8: .                                       8
      _______     ______     ________                                     8
    _\\  ___/____\\ ___/_ .__\       |  // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  !       8
   /     \_         ____/_|   \______|                                    8
   \      /         \     _      \      ______                            8
    \          . _        |\      \   _\\____ \__.                        8
     \__/      |-\________| \______\ /    __     |                        8
        \______|               o.   /      /     |                        8
                               8:   \     /     /'                        8
                               8     \---/_____/                          8
          _____      ___.      8   ______-nD    ___.  ______              8
      .__\\__  \____\\__| ________\\___  \  .__\\__|_\\  __/_             8
      |     /           |\\___  \     ___/__|           ____/____         8
      |          _      `    ___/     \            _    \       /         8
      | _       /| _         \                     |\          /         .8
      |-\______/ |-\___\            _______________| \________/          :8
                        \____________/                                   :8
                               o                                         :8
                               8                                         :8
                               8                                          8
                               8                                          8

                                :            ·
                            . ..:............:.. .  .
                                :            :
                                .            :
                                      .      :
                                      .      :
                                  . ..:......:.. ..  .
                                      :      ·
                           :          ·
                      .  ..:..........:.. .  .
                           :          ·
                           ·          :
                                  :      ·
                              . . :......:. .
                                  :     :
                               . .:.....:.
                                  :     ·
                                  :             ·
                                  :          . .:... ..  .    .
                            .:....:             :
                             :   .:.............:.. .
                             :    ·             ·
                          . .:................... .. .
                             :                         ·
                             ·                           .
                                                           .      .

                   _____ ____ _____                           ·
               __ _\   /_   /_\   /___                      .
          _____\  \___/ /    /  __/   \  F   A   C   E ________
        __\(   /____\ __\    \ _\      \                     )/__
       :                 \____\  \_____/ dip/a!                  :
       :                                                         :
       :                                                         :
       :  well, your dipswitch is back. keepin it real with the  :
       : arcade posse. greets to acorn and dez for lettin me and :
       :  my partner in crime zaner join in. since dkb!ascii is  :
       : quasi dead we are glad to find a new ascii family now.. :
       :      well... going to talk about dizes today... ;)      :
       :                                                         :
       : isn't it unfair that groups like trsi or tlf get hund-  :
       : reds of file_id.diz's painted and other groups who kick :
       :  the biz quite as good dont get even one... this fact   :
       : is extra strong in the console biz... some dizes are so :
       :  awful that sometimes you think this ware is not worth  :
       : trading. well me as an asciian think so ;). but let us  :
       : stop the shit !  the problem it 1. that the warez guys  :
       :  have no contact to us asciians and 2. that, so sad it  :
       :   is to say, the asciians start to loose contact with   :
       : boards. its a shame !  asciians are in first line there :
       :  to SERVE THE BBS COMMUNITY and not only to draw logos  :
       :   for each other and hang around idling in #ascii...    :
       :                                                         :
       : perhaps you know a little bit about the pc ansi scene.  :
       :  from 90-91 on they were kicking pure style for their   :
       : boards. the pc art scene was big and powerful. but then :
       :came the internet. servers came up where you could leech :
       : artpacks for free and not borther yourself to get axxs  :
       : on boards... irc channels came up where you could lame  :
       : around under different nicks. the one-person identity,  :
       : which was relevant on boards, got lost. people started  :
       : to close their bbs's because noone was interested to do :
       :       the expensive and unpopular bbs trading...        :
       :   and whats now ?  pc ansi people from the real major   :
       : groups are only drawing for some compos and servers or  :
       : for other ansi groups. some of them even believe there  :
       :are no more boards left. even eRUPT\rMRS thinks so ;) ;( :
       : ok there are also bbs-related ansigroups (wordup to my  :
       : fellows in bLACK mAiDEN and sUPREME iMMORTAL aRT!).     :
       :                                                         :
       : you're wondering why i'm tellin you that ? it's because :
       :       we must LEARN FROM THE MiSTAKES OF OTHERS !       :
       :                                                         :
       :         AND UNKNOWN ONES !!!!!!  KEEP IT REAL !         :
       :                                                         :
       : // signed truly yours diPSWiTCH/a!^1oo%^aHS^pPH         :
       :                                                         :
       : ps: if you havent noticed: i've got a new tag: dip/a!   :
       :     or dip/1oo if i'm releasing under 1oo%...           :
       :                                                         :
       :                                                         :
       :     ·                                             ·     :
       :     :                                             :     :
       :____ ¦                                             ¦ ____:
           (-|----- -   -     -            -    -   - -----|-)
             ¦                                             ¦
             :                                             :
             ·                                             ·
             ·    'GET A DIZZIE VOL.1' (c) aRCADE!'1999    ·
             :                                             :
             :                 ___________                 :
        . ...:...............  \         /  ...............:... .
             :               )--\ a!'99 /--(               :
             ·                   \     /                   ·
             .                    \   /                    .
                                   \ /
                                   / ·
                                  · .


                                    :          ·
                               .  ..:. .:......:. .
                                    :   :      :
                                 . .:...:.     :
                                    ·   ·      :
                                           ·   :
                                        . .:...:.
                                   . .:....:.. .
                                      :    ·



                        // P A R T  O N E
          _ _ ______     ______  _______   _ _____             ______
   _____ ___        \ ___\     \ \   __/_____     \ ____    _ _\    /___
   \  __/   \     _\ \    \     \ \_____    /   _\ \    | ______  __/   \
   /__\      \ ______/_____\     \ _   /   /_______/___ l/     /__\      \
      /______/   _ ___     /_____/ /______/     _ _ dip\______/a! /______/
                     /                          \
                  __/  ___                  ___  \__
                  )/___\ :     oldskool     : /___\(
                         :      eurasia     :
                         :       trsi       :
                         :        tlf       :
                         :        nbc       :
                         :        ags       :
                         :   crazy nation   :
                         :       sage       :
                         :        nil       :
                         :      quasars     :
                         :      gewalt      :
                         :       kosmo      :
                         :        isa       :
                         :        ndt       :
                         :        sp        :
                         :      loaded      :
                         :      paradox     :
                         :                  :
                         :___    ____    ___:
                          _)/____\  /____\(_

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \   1.  oldskool          \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

_ ______    _______
        \ __\   __/_____ - ---------,.--.
     _\  \   \____     /  oLDSKOOL! ||  |
_________/___    /    / ____________||__|

________                        ______ _
dip/a! /-(SNES/BLAH/BLA)--(4mB)-\(

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \   2.  eurasia           \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

  _____       _____     _____
__\   /___ ___\    \ ___\_  /___ - -----.
\   __/   \   \\    \    /     / eurasia|
/___\      \ _ \\    \ __\     \ -------'
.   /______/  \_______\   \_____\       |
|                                       |
|  rise of the triad 64 *ntsc-pal-fix*  |
|                                       |

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \   3.  trsi console      \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \(also for trsi amiga guys) \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

  ______  _____    ______        __
 _\    /__\_  /___ \  __/_____ _(_/_
 \      _/ /     /  \____    /     / ---.
 /_____|___\     \ __   /   /______\    |
.           \_____\ /______/            |
| t R S i ·                 · cONSOLE!  |
|                                       |
|  hOCHiNOJiTO DEMIJUHi 3  +16 tRAiNER  |
|________                             __|
 dip/a! /-(gb/sgb/...)-----(xx.xx.xx)-\(

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \   4.  tlf               \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

 ______           _______
_\    /__ _   _ __\     /__ ------------.
\      _/  | _____ \______/     tRSi    |
/_____|___ l/    /____|      liGHTFORCE |
.         \_____/       ------ fUSiON --'
|                                       ·
|  another major fix blah....           |
|________                             __|
 dip/a! /-(.../..../..?)---(xx.xx.xx)-\(

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \   5.  nbc               \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

  ______    _____
__\     \ __\_  /___ _____ ___ ---------.
\  \     \    \     \   __/   \ n·B·C'99|
/___\     \ _ /     /___\      \ _______|
.   /_____/  /_____/    /______/        .
|                                       |
| nintendooh bakkupp kru                |
|________                             __|
 dip/a! /-(.../..../..?)---(xx.xx.xx)-\(

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \   6.  ags               \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

      ___                _______
     /   |___ _______ _ _\   __/______
  __/    |   |   ____/ \  \_____     /
_.\      |___|___\      \ _    /    /_:_
 | \_____|       /______/ /________/  |
 |                                    |
 |  GeoTetris [NeoGeo Rom] (c)blah..  |
 |________                            |
  dip/a! /-(.../..../..?)--(xx.xx.xx)-'

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \   7.  czn               \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

                  _______    ______
 ______ ___ ______\__   /_ __\     \
 \   __/   \      _____/  |   \     \
 /___\      \ _   \   ____|____\     \
.    /______/  \______\        /_____/.
|                                     |
|     crazyforce64 +20 trainer        |
|   trained by WiLDFiRE & TiTANiC!    |
|________                           __|
 dip/a! /-(...????...)---(xx.xx.xx)-\(

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \   8.  sage              \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

  _____       __             _____
__\  _/_____ |  \ _______ _ _\   /___
\  \___    / |   \__  ___/ \   __/   \
/__   /   /__|     /__\     \ _\      \
. /______/   |____/   /_____/  /______/.
|                                      |
|________                           ___|
 dip/a! /-(n64/pal/???)--(xx.xx.xx)-\(

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \   9.  nil               \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

  ______     __
__\     \ __(_/_ ___
\  \     \      |   | _____  xxxblahxxx
/___\     \ ____|__ l/    /  xxxinfosxx


  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \  10.  quasars           \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

     __¼¼¼_____    ______        _____
_ ____ ¼¼¼¯¯¯¼¼ ___\   _/_____ __\_  /___
 \\    ¼¼¼   ¼¼     \____    /    /     /
\_\\__ ¼¼¼___¼¼  ____   /   /_____\     \
.      ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼    /______/       \_____\
|      ¯¯¯¯¯¯¼¼¯ q u a s a r s 9 9       .
|            ¯¯                          |
| nujontetsu shikaden power (c) nintendo |
|________                             ___|
 dip/a! /-(gb/sgb/4mbit)---(xx.xx.xx)-\(

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \  11.  gewalt            \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

 _____  ____       _      _        _____
_\   / _\  /__ ___\/__ __| \ __  __\   /__
\  __/\   _/  \   /\  |  |  \_ | ___    _/
/__\   \ _\    \ /  \ |__|   / l/  /___|
   /___/  /____//____\   |__/ \___/

 sAG-xYZ1.n64 + gEWALT! = sAG-aMaRSCH.n64
_________                              ___
 dip/a! /-(../../../..)-----(xx.xx.xx)-\(

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \  12.  kosmo             \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

     ____ __   _____      ___  _ _ ___
___ /   /   \ _\  _/____ _\  \___     \
\  /   /  _\ \  \___   / \    \  \  _\ \
/__\   \ ____/__   /  /___\    \  \ ___/
.   \___\      /_____/    /____/__/    .
|                                      |
|                                      |
|________                            __|
 dip/a! /-(../../../..)---(xx.xx.xx)-\(

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \  13.  isa               \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

      ___   _______           ____
  ___(__/_ _\   __/______ ___|    \
 _\       |  \_____     /    |     \__ _
| /_______|___    /    /_____|       /  |
|            /________/      |______/   |
|                                       |
|                                       |
|________                            ___|
 dip/a! /-(../../../..)---(xx.xx.xx)-\(

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \  14.  ndt               \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

   ______       _____  _______
___\     \   ___\  _/_ \     /__ -------.
\   \     \ /     /   |       _/ nDT'99 |
/____\     \     /____|______| _________|
.    /_____/_____\                      .
|                                       |
|                                       |
|________                            ___|
 dip/a! /-(../../../..)---(xx.xx.xx)-\(

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \  15.  sp                \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

  _______        _________ _____________
__\   __/______ _\       /              |
\  \_____     / \_______/  sKOTEY&pOYZ  |
/___    /    /_______| _________________|
.  /________/                           .
|                                       |
|                                       |
|________                            ___|
 dip/a! /-(../../../..)---(xx.xx.xx)-\(

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \  16.  loaded            \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

 _  _ ___     _      ____ ____      ____
___      \ __| \   __\ _/ \  /__  __\ _/_
\  | ___  \  |  \_/   /  |  _/  \/   /  /
/_ l/  /__/__|    /  /___|__\    \  /___\
. \___/      |___/___\      /____/__\   .
|                                       |
|                                       |
|________                            ___|
 dip/a! /-(../../../..)---(xx.xx.xx)-\(

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \  17.  paradox           \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

  ____  _    ____    _    ____ _ __ ... ...
 _\  /_| \ __\_ /_ _| \  _\ _/     \::: :::
\\__/  |  \_  /  /  |  \/  /  |  _\ '::.::'
/__\___|   / /  /___|   / /___|_____.::':..
.      |__/  \__\   |__/__\         ::: :::
|                                   ::: :::
|                                         .
|________                            _____|
 dip/a! /-(../../../..)---(xx.xx.xx)-\(



                                    :          ·
                               .  ..:. .:......:. .
                                    :   :      :
                                 . .:...:.     :
                                    ·   ·      :
                                           ·   :
                                        . .:...:.
                                   . .:....:.. .
                                      :    ·



                        // P A R T  T W O

              ___         ____        __                ___
             /   |___ __ _\   \___ __(_/_ ______ _ ____|   \
          __/    |   |   \     \  \      |   ___/ \    |    \__
          \      |___|____\     \  \ ____|___\     \ __|      /
           \_____| __  dip/_____/__/a!       /______\  |_____/
                     \                          ___ _   _
                     /                          \
                  __/  ___                  ___  \__
                  )/___\ :      damones     : /___\(
                         :      x-trek      :
                         :       faith      :
                         :     hellfire     :
                         :     highlight    :
                         :      scoopex     :
                         :      whelpz      :
                         :       trip       :
                         :      apathy      :
                         :        cpu       :
                         :    crosspoint    :
                         :        dc        :
                         :        rno       :
                         :     animators    :
                         :      hoodlum     :
                         :      darkage     :
                         :       royal      :
                         :                  :
                         :___    ____    ___:
                          _)/____\  /____\(_
                               \  /\  /
                                \/  \/

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \   1.  damones           \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

   ____  _     _  _ __  ___  ____ _____
  _\ _/_| \ _ _\\__   \ \  \ \  /_\  _/_____
 /  / | |  \_ \  \ \ \ \ \  \  _/ \\____   /
/  /__|_|   / /  / /___/__\  \ \   \   /  /
.                                          :
|  wEBdAMONE 1.535b *100% cracked*         |
|________                            ______|
 dip/a! /-(xx/xx)---------(xx.xx.xx)-\(

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \   2.  x-trek            \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

 ØØØ ____  . x X ( x - T R E K ) X x .
 ØØØ ØØØ _____  _____   _____         ______
 `ØØØØØ'     /__\_  /___\   /___ ___ /     /
  __Ø__      __/ /     /  __/   \   /     /
 ØØØ ØØØ ____\ __\     \  \      \ _\     \
 ØØØ ØØØ          \_____\ /______/   \_____\
¯¯¯¯ ØØØ                                   .
|    ¯¯¯¯  blahbluuh super duper keymaker  |
|________                            ______|
 dip/a! /-(xx/xx)---------(xx.xx.xx)-\(

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \   3.  faith             \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

    _______    ___     __ ______    ___
  __\     /__ |   \ __(_/ \    /__ _\  \__
 _\  \______/ |    \_    |      _/   \    \
| /_____| _ __|     /____|_____|____ /    /.
|             |____/                /____/ |
|                                          |
|  bLAHcHECKER 1.3546a (c) yEAHbOY'99      |
|________                            ______|
 dip/a! /-(xx/xx)---------(xx.xx.xx)-\(

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \   4.  hellfire          \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

  __  ____            ____   _ ____ ____
__\ \_\  /_ __  _ _  _\  /__(/ \_ /_\  /_
\  \  \ _/ \  | __ | __\___/  | /  /  _/ \
/_ /  /_\   \ l/ / l/ /__| ___|_\  \ _\   \
. /__/  /___/\__/ \__/           \__\ /___/.
|                                          |
| waaaaah brenn im hoellenfeuer !!!        |
|________                            ______|
 dip/a! /-(xx/xx)---------(xx.xx.xx)-\(

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \   5.  highlight         \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

  __    __ ____    __         __ ___ ____
__\ \_ (_/_\  /_ __\ \_ __  _(_/   /_\  /_
\  \  \  |  __/ \   \  \  | __ |   _/  _/ \
/_ /  /__|__\    \  /  /_ l/ /_|___\ __\   \
. /__/       \___/ /__/  \__/          /___/
|                                          .
|  AmiLCDXSetUp Professional 7.9 *regged*  |
|________                            ______|
 dip/a! /-(xx/xx)---------(xx.xx.xx)-\(

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \   6.  scoopex           \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

 ____         .:.:... :  _____ __ ___   ____
_\  /_____ _   : :  : : _\   /  /_   \ /   /
\ \___   / __/\· :  : : \___/ __/ \   /   /.
/__  /  /__\   \ :  : :___| __\    \ /   / |
. /____/   /___/ :  : :       /____//___/  |
|              . :..:.:              \___\ |
|              :....:                      |
|                                          |
|________                            ______|
 dip/a! /----------------------------\(

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \   7.  whelpz            \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

    _        ______  _______    _ __
____\/___ _ _\    /__\__   /_______/_______
\   /\   |  \____/    ____/       //       |
/_ /  \ _|____\__    /    _______//________|
. /____\        /________/       /__ _     .
|                                          |
|                                          |
|________                            ______|
 dip/a! /----------------------------\(

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \   8.  trip              \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

 _______  _____       __     ______
_\     /__\_  /___ __(_/_ _ _\    /
\      __/ /     /       |  \____/ --------.
/______\ __\     \ ______|_____\  t r i p  |
.           \_____\                        |
|                                          |
|                                          |
|________                            ______|
 dip/a! /----------------------------\(

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \   9.  apathy            \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

    ___        _______ _____
   /   |___ _ _\     /     /__
__/    |   |  \_____/      __/ ------------.
\      |___|_____\ ________\   a p a t h y |
.\_____|                                   |
|                                          |
|                                          |
|________                            ______|
 dip/a! /----------------------------\(

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \  10.  cpu               \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

                _______  _______
______ ___ ___ _\     /__\      \
\   __/   \    \_____/   \\      \ --------.
/___\      \ _____\ _ ___ \\      \        |
.   /______/             \_________\       |
|                                          |
|      CoreProtect 5.91 *Unprotected*      |
|________                            ______|
 dip/a! /----------------------------\(

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \  11.  crosspoint        \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

          _____ _ __  ______     ______
____ __  _\_  /__   \ \  __/_____\  __/_____
\ __/  \   /    / _\ \ \_____   / \_____   /
/_\     \ _\    \ ___/____  /  /_____  /  /
  /_____/   \____\       /____/     /____/

     bLAHdOOR bLLLAH 1.234 (c) bLAHCHEF
     ______ _    ___   _____   ______
___ _\    /  \ _(__/ __\    \ _\    /__
\   \____/ _\ \     |   \    \       _/
/______\ _____/_____|____\    \ ____\ dip/a!

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \ 12.  digital corruption \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

    ________\  _/__ _____ _____________
 _ /          /    |   __/             \ _
: / ·diGiTAL· \ ___|___\  ·cORRUPTiON!· \ :
| \____________\       /________________/ |
|                                         |
|  *READ* 12345678.lha was dig. CORRUPT ! |
|________                            _____|
 dip/a! /-(xx/xx)---------(xx.xx.xx)-\(

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \  13. rave network over- \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                   scan  \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

   _____       ______  _ ______  _________
___\_  /___ ___\     \         \ \        |
\   /     /     \     \     _\  \ \ r·N·O |
/___\     \ _____\     \ _______/ /_______|
.    \_____\     /_____/                  .
|                                         |
|   'aCiDFLASH' 40k at tp'99. 1st place   |
|________                                 |
 dip/a! /-(lOSeNDOS - rNO hQ)--(xx.xx.xx)-'

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \  14. animators          \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

      __   _   _       ____ __  _________
  /|_ \ \ (/ __\\_ __|\   /_  \ \_ /\  _/___
_/ | | \ \  | \  \\  | \_ _/_\ \ / / \___  /
\  |_|__\ \ |__\  \\ |  /_\ ___/_\ \ __ / /.
.\_|    /_/    /__// |_/          \_\ /__/ |
|                                          |
|  aPU pRES. sUPAdUPAtOOLS *aNiMATED*      |
|________                            ______|
 dip/a! /-(xx/xx)---------(xx.xx.xx)-\(

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \  15. hoodlum            \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

  ___   __ _ _    _____      ___     __
__\  \_   \   \  _\  _/_  _ _\  \ _ _\ \__
\  \   \ \ \ \ \/   /   | ___\\  \  \   \ \
/_ /   /___/____\  /___ l/  / \\  \ _\   \ \
. /___/        \___\   \___/ \_____\ /___/_/
|                                          .
|  whoooah hooded monstas                  |
|________                            ______|
 dip/a! /-(xx/xx)---------(xx.xx.xx)-\(

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \  16. darkage            \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

     _____       ______ _____
  ___\  _/_ ___ /     /_\   /__ _
 /     /   |   /     /      ___/ \ dARKAGE!
/     /____|___\     \ _____\     \_       .
\_____\         \_____\     /______/       |
.                                          |
|                                          |
|________                            ______|
 dip/a! /-(xx/xx)---------(xx.xx.xx)-\(

  ________________________________________  __________________________  ____
  \                                       \ \                         \ \   |
|\ \   // G E T  A  D i Z Z i E  v O L. 1  \ \  17. royal              \ \  |
| \ \   ©  diPSWiTCH\a!^aHS^1oo% 1999       \ \                         \ \ |
|__\ \_______________________________________\ \_________________________\ \|

   _____      ____ ____
___\_  /___   \   \\   \  __  _____
\   /     / /\ \   \\   \ \ \ \    | ______
/___\     \ \_\ \___ \   \ \/ /___ l/     /
:                                          :
|                                          |
|________                            ______|
 dip/a! /-(xx/xx)---------(xx.xx.xx)-\(




                            ·      :
                       .  ..:......:. .
                            :      ·
                            :             ·
                       . ...:.............:.. .
                            :             :
                            ·             :




                                          :         ·
                                      . ..:.........:.. .
                                          ·         :
 ___ _____ _ ___ ____ ___ ______ ____ ____ ___ _____ _____ ___ ___ _______ __
   _____ \_   _____ \_   ___ _ \_   __  _/_  ______)_   ___  \_   ____ (_
  _/   /__/___/  _/  /___/  _/__/___/  _  /___/     /___/    _/___/   __/___
 /    /     /    \     /     _/   /    /    /         /      \  /          /
 \___       \ ____\    \___       \    \    \___      \__       \___       \
  c!\ _______\mSSSs\ ___\ \ _______\ ________\ \ ______\\ _______\ \ _______\
     \/             \/     \/       \/          \/       \/         \/

                        all art done by diPSWiTCH except:

                       'arcade' logo done by darkus\lo'pro
                      'dipswitch' logo done by mess\contra
                  'get a dizzie' logo done by neurodancer\1oo%
                       'creditz' logo done by mess\contra
                        'music' logo done by mess\contra
                 second 'get a dizzie' logo done by zaner\arcade
              second 'dipswitch' logo done by avenger\black maiden
                            'arcade' diz done by tango




                            ·      :
                       .  ..:......:. .
                            :      ·
                            :             ·
                       . ...:.............:.. .
                            :             :
                            ·             :




                                          :         ·
                                      . ..:.........:.. .
                                          ·         :



        _    ____ ___      ____       _____       ___        ____    _
     _ _/  __\_ (_) /__  __\  (_    __\_  (_    __\__)_   ___\_ (_   \_ _
    _/_   _)  /    _  /__)     /____)  /___/____)     /___)   /__/__   _\_
     _/  /   /     /   /     _/   /______     /         /    /     /   \_
         \___\     \___\___       \ __  /     \___      \___       \
              \ ____\c!mSs\ _______\ /_________\ \ ______\ \ _______\
               \/          \/                     \/        \/

                 this colly was supported by following records:

              cappadonna 'black boy' mellowbag remixes  © epic 1998
                 'breakdancing' compilation  © arcade villa 1983
                     'jazz time in mannheim'  © teutsch 1981
                  sugarhill gang 'rappers delight'  © cnr 1979
                     bob marley 'stir it up'  © island 1975
       'mc freestyle session 2' freestyle tape  © beatz aus der bude 1998
           tony touch 'underground express' mixtape  © tape kingz 1998
                      dj ray d mixtape  © wu-tal prod. 1998
                 'westkurve' compilation  © westkurve prod. 1998




                                            :      ·
                                         . .:......:..  .
                                            ·      :
                                     ·             :
                                 . ..:.............:... .
                                     :             :
                                     :             ·




                           ·         :
                       . ..:.........:.. .
                           :         ·


                 _____    _____    _____     ________  _______
    ________ _ __\_  /___ \   /___ \   /___ _\      /__\   __/______
    \   ____/ \   /     /   __/   \  __/   \        __/ \_____     /
    /___\      \ _\     \ __\      \ \      \ ______\ ___    /    /
        /_______\  \_____\  /______/ /_____ / dip/a!    /________/

      zaner - dezibel - acorn - woober - sprenger - mool - hasher - rezine
       slapshot - exon - saint - cqbs - ave\bm - boheme - folar - mortimer
     red demon - orlingo - citizen72 - apu - mess - sperm whale - abhorrence
    fastjack - soing - crazy - erick sermon - darkus - trivial - neurodancer
  gdm - iron lung - 2stoned - e605 - zippy - soundrunner - kyp - magic van lamm
  bad peon - sci - all evoke'98 attenders - ward3r - caos - volatile - warhawk
   vouck - cryptor - epoz - sorry if i forgot someone, you know who you are !




                            ·      :
                       .  ..:......:. .
                            :      ·
                            :             ·
                       . ...:.............:.. .
                            :             :
                            ·             :




                                          :         ·
                                      . ..:.........:.. .
                                          ·         :


        _  _ ______      ______  _________      ___              _________
 ______ ___        \ ____\     \ \       /__ __|   \ _______ ___ \       /__
 \   __/   \     _\ \     \     \        __/   |    \__   __/   \        __/
 /___\      \ ______/______\     \ ______\ ____|      /___\      \ ______\
     /______/              /_____/             |_____/ dip/______/a!

                   i DO take requests !!! so give me some ! ;)



                                    los endos
                                    the yard
                                  the junction
                                 uphold the law
                               the northern palace
                                 punishment inc.
                                  king's crown
                                  terror temple
                                    toon town
                                   black arts
                                 aurora borealis

                               irc (ircnet ONLY) :





                                            :      ·
                                         . .:......:..  .
                                            ·      :
                                     ·             :
                                 . ..:.............:... .
                                     :             :
                                     :             ·
                                     :  // YOU SAW A FINE ARCADE PRODUCTION
                                     :     CALLED




                           ·         :
                       . ..:.........:.. .
                           :         ·


                           .      ...............
                                  :::         :::
             .________.           :::          :::
     ....... l        l      _/\___::  g e t . a . d i z z i e  .......
     ::: ::: |        ____   \_  _/__   _____   ...             ::: :::
.........::: |       /  _/____/  ___/___\   /__  :::.......     :::.........
:::  ...     |      /_  \_    \__\/___l__  ___/         :::         ...  :::
 ::: :::  ._ | _.     \_______l/  ___   |___l ........   :::        ::: :::
  ::: ::  l  |  l     .     .... /   \ .....  :::   :::   :::       :: :::
   ::: :  |  l________l    ::: _/  _\ \_ :::..:::    :::   :::      : :::
    :::.. | ... . ... ....::: /____\__l/              :::......      :::
     ...  l_____l __\_.  __   ____...        __/\__   .____. :::    :::
     :::       ___\  \| _\/___\   \:: ____  _\/_ _/__ l    l  :::..:::
     :::     _/   _\  \/  _/  ____/___\   \/  _/ ___/__.   | ...    ...
     :::     \_____|\_l\  \l_ \/   _\ ____/_  \__\/____l   |  :::   :::
     :::......       /_____\ \_____\_ \/   _\__\zNr\a!. ._ | _.:::  :::
           :::                    ...\_____\          l____l  l ::: :::
            :::                   :::                   .     |  ::::::
             :::..................:::                   l_____l



                            ·      :
                       .  ..:......:. .
                            :      ·
                            :             ·
                       . ...:.............:.. .
                            :             :
                            ·             :
                                          :   // BY THE FINE ARTIST CALLED




                                          :         ·
                                      . ..:.........:.. .
                                          ·         :



               ···        ·······   ···················· ······················
               · ·        ·     ·   ·                  · ·
               · ·        ·     ·  ___.   ______    ____________
               · ·        ·  ______\  |_  \____/____\_         /
               · ·        · _\    _    /________\    /_________\
    ___        · ·         /______\____\\     _//____\ave'bm
  _( _/______  ·    ________  _____ · /_______\    ____· ·
  \__       /_     _\     _/  \___/ ·            _(  _/________ .____
   /__________\---/  \    \ ________ ____________\   \        /_|   /_______
             /_____/\______\\_     /_\          //___/________\\    _      /_
               . ·           /_______\\_      _/       ·       /____/________\
               · ·        ·     .      /______\                   
               · ·        ·     ·   ·                  · ·
               · ·        ·     ·   ·                  · ·
               ···        ·······   ···················· ······················

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ  _____. _______ ______ _____. ____  _____
._\__  |_\_    /_\ _  /_\__  |_\_  \_\ __/_.
|  _/     /  _/    \_/   _/     /     _\   |
|  \_     \   \_    \    \_    /           |
|___|___   \___/__________|________________|
·                                          ·
·                                          ·
