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113 621 bytes (110.96K)
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2017-05-19 23:22:45
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[søF] vELIkANI aKA h7^aERøSOL/tRSI/hIRMU/kARMA - eNJOY tHE SiLEnCe [09/Sep/99]

|          ____  ____      ____          |
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|¾¾¾|      _.  / \_____._ / _/       |¾¾¾|
|¾¾¾|      \|  \       |/ \ \        |¾¾¾|
|       HoW t0 : eNJoy The SilenCe       |
|                                        |
|      · h7 / AeROs0L o9/sEP/1999 ·      |
|                                        |
`----[÷] ·VoLaTiOn & dOmInAtIoN!· [÷]----'

            music to listen while viewing the collection

            baz luhrmann - everybody's free (video edit)
            nightmares on wax - car boot soul-cd
            karri K - set speed mixtape (side Bwo)
            lords of acid - expand your head-cd


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                   and i'm here as a member of            :::· x[][]'
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          aerosol 2k:   ,###i,` `##i,      ,"^4#      ##:      h7
                        l#l`##,`+_"^4iy,,,_¯"  -     :#7
          darkus       :##: `##, \    ¯"^^×4#iy,,    l#:   karlos
                       l##   `##i,    ,xy  ,__¯`#i   ##
          blue         l#l     \##i,   :#,  4]+ l#  :##    native
                       ###.   _,l###y,  `4x,__,y7'  l##yy
          devistator   l##i \#7×^^^""¯¯   "^^^^"    ¯¯¯""    mute
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                         . ....·············___,,,,,ylll[][][][:
        l][]][××^^^^^"""¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                               and again
        `l][],      i've drawn stuff called ascii and made a collection
            "4[][x,             which i labeled after a song by Depeche
                     "^×][ix,                              Mode. it was
                       . "^4][ix,
                        ·:.. "^4][i,,
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                       ·..¯""^+x,,_            _,y*^"¯
                          :::::··""_,y*^""¯   " ···  ..  .
                        .:·· ,,x*^"¯
                      x[]7'        but before we go on with the collection,
                    [[][:     there's something i'd like to share
                      "^4]x,_           with you ...
                                ·:::::..... :[][]
                                  ·:::::::: :[][]
                                   :::::::: l[][]
                                   ::::::: ,[][]'
                                .· ,xx7^"¯      .
                                 x[]7'       _,xi
                               ,[][7         [][]
                             . [][]          [][] ·
                             : [][]          [][] :
                            .: [][]          [][] ::
                           .:: [][]          [][] :::..
                         ·····_[][]          [][],,,__····...
               ___,,,yyyy\\\\×××^^^          ^^^××××///yyyy,,,___
 ____,,,,yyy777×××^^^"""¯¯                            ¯¯"""^^^×××HHhyyy,,,,____
 :[][]:^"""¯¯                   the first words                    ¯¯"""^:[][]:
  l][]l                                                                  l[][]
  :[][]   so, this is h7. if you're wondering what's all the shit going  [][]:
   [][]:   on with my name, then here's the answer. VELIKANI as I am    :[][]
   l[][l   called in IRC is only my IRCnick. When I draw something,it   l[][]
   :[][]:   is signed WITHOUT AN EXCEPTION w/ h7. so, sorry for makin  :[][]:
    [][]l   you confused or whatever has happened.                     l[][]
    [][]l                                                              l[][]
    [][]l   I left  Save Our Souls.  the only reason  there was, was   l[][]
    [][]l   getting bored of doing nothing. you can imagine what it    l[][]
    [][]l   does to one's inspiration when being the only artist who   l[][]
    [][]l   actually releases anything (well xcz released a few coll.  l[][]
    [][]l   in the very beginning and so on. no hard feelings, xcz.    l[][]
    [][]l                                                              l[][]
    [][]l   be more active, people. I understand it very well that     l[][]
    [][]l   someday you will ALL loose your inspiration to draw        l[][]
    [][]l   ascii. don't stick to your a500's, move on. the scene is   l[][]
    [][]l   NOT dead but it will soon be if everyone just idles and    l[][]
    [][]l   complains that scene is dead. "what's the use of making    l[][]
    [][]l   demos/ascii/ansi anymore?" I've seen some people say in    l[][]
    [][]l   IRC. I ask you, what was the use before? did you get paid  l[][]
    [][]l   for drawing/coding? ... i guess not.                       l[][]
    [][]l                                                              l[][]
    [][]l   I LOVE drawing ascii. I draw it only for fun (and for sum  l[][]
    [][]l   poor suckers who somewhy offer me some money :)) the scne  l[][]
    [][]l   itself was something only our generation truly had. and    l[][]
    [][]l   that is something we should be proud of. unless i loose    l[][]
    [][]l   my computer and internet connections, (which is highly     l[][]
    [][]l   unlikely) you haven't seen the last of me.                 l[][]
    [][]l                                                              l[][]
    [][]l   sorry for my poor english.                                 l[][]
    [][]l                                    signed, h7^asl            l[][]
    [][]l                                                              l[][]
    [][]l                                                              l[][]
    ^^^××[][]iiiiyyyy,,,,,___                      ___,,,,,yyyyiiii][][××^^^
             ¯¯"""^^^^××××[[][][][]          ][][][][[××××^^^^"""¯¯
                    · ··....¯¯"[][],_       :][]["¯¯....·· ·
                         ·:::: ""^^×[ix,,xi[×^^"" ::::·
                         .:::·····    "47"    ······::.
                       .···,,,xxii][]      ][]iixxx,,,·· .
                   _,,x*^^""¯¯                    ¯¯""^^*xx,,_
              ,,xi[]^"¯                                  ¯"^][ix,,
           ,x][][7"                                          "4[][]x,
          x][][]'       g r a n '  p a ' s  c o o k i e s      `][][]x
         :][][]'                                                l[][]]:
         l[][[]                                                 :4][]]l
     _______"[7 _____     ____    _____   _  ________   ____   _`7"____
   __) ___ /____\_  /_____\_ /____\_  /_ (/ _\ _    /___\_ /_ (/ __) _/____
   \ \____\ _   _/ / _   __/  _    /   /    \  \___/   __/  /    \ \___   /
  /____|/___\___\____\___\|___\___/_____\  /_____\ ____\|____\  /____|/____\
    ______         |_____     ______ ____. ____ ____  ______     _____
   _\   _/_________\_   /_____\_   /_\   |/   /_\__/__\  __/_____)  _/_____
   \    \     _     /    _     /    _   _/   / _    _  __/     _ \____    /
         [][][]                                                  [][][]
         [][][]   what the logo says          and who's it for   [][][]
         [][][]   --------------------------------------------   [][][]
         [][][]   1000 styles ........................ avenger   [][][]
         [][][]   8ml effect ........................ 8ml krew   [][][]
         [][][]   aerosol releases ............. aerosol posse   [][][]
         [][][]   ahs .................................. zaner   [][][]
         [][][]   ant1k ................................ ant1k   [][][]
         [][][]   bad karma ........................ dipswitch   [][][]
         [][][]   bad karma # 2 .................... dipswitch   [][][]
         [][][]   bad karma file_id.diz ............ dipswitch   [][][]
         [][][]   black sista ................... black sistas   [][][]
         [][][]   blue .................................. blue   [][][]
         [][][]   blz .................................... blz   [][][]
         [][][]   boheme .............................. boheme   [][][]
         [][][]   boozembly 1999 .............. my partyreport   [][][]
         [][][]   coolection ............................. xCz   [][][]
         [][][]   dare to compare ..................... darkus   [][][]
         [][][]   dare to compare # 2 ................. darkus   [][][]
         [][][]   darkus .............................. darkus   [][][]
         [][][]   devistator ...................... devistator   [][][]
         [][][]   dezibel ............................. native   [][][]
         [][][]   dkb .................................. zaner   [][][]
         [][][]   eurocharts ............................... -   [][][]
         [][][]   folar ................................ folar   [][][]
         [][][]   food ........................... darktrooper   [][][]
         [][][]   freedom ........................ my ftp-site   [][][]
         [][][]   fullcds .................................. -   [][][]
         [][][]   global village ................... dipswitch   [][][]
         [][][]   h2o .................................... h2o   [][][]
         [][][]   intro .............................. avenger   [][][]
         [][][]                                                  [][][]
         [][][]                                                  [][][]
         [][][]   during the bREAK, greets & guests.  _____.     [][][]
         [][^"_______        _________ _____  ______  \_   |____ :][][]
         [][, \     /_____ __\__     //   _/__\__.  \_ /   _  _/_ ^[][]
         [][] .\    \\    \_  _/    /·   _/     \|    Y    |     \_ "[]
         [][] |____._/     /._\_____\____\_______|_____    |______/ ,[]
         [][],, ---|________|-----------------------\______|--h7  ,,][]
         [][][]                                                  [][][]
         [][][]                                                  [][][]
         [][][]   jormas ................................ wrec   [][][]
         [][][]   juju .................................. wrec   [][][]
         [][][]   karlos .............................. karlos   [][][]
         [][][]   karma ................................ ant1k   [][][]
         [][][]   kayozz .............................. kayozz   [][][]
         [][][]   korozone ............................. binar   [][][]
         [][][]   low profile ....................... volatile   [][][]
         [][][]   meltdown ................................. -   [][][]
         [][][]   mimic ........................... black jack   [][][]
         [][][]   mo'soul .................................. -   [][][]
         [][][]   nah kolor ........................... darkus   [][][]
         [][][]   native .............................. native   [][][]
         [][][]   nordic top ............................... -   [][][]
         [][][]   releases ....................... darktrooper   [][][]
         [][][]   revenge .................................. -   [][][]
         [][][]   save our souls ......................... xcz   [][][]
         [][][]   singles .................................. -   [][][]
         [][][]   the fire in which you burn .......... native   [][][]
         [][][]   the process .............................. -   [][][]
         [][][]   the yard ............................. zaner   [][][]
         [][][]   trsi .................................. cpix   [][][]
         [][][]   trsi pc-demo .......................... cpix   [][][]
         [][][]   trsi pc-demo # 2 ...................... cpix   [][][]
         [][][]   volatile .......................... volatile   [][][]
         [][][]   zaner ................................ zaner   [][][]
         [][][]   zymosis ............................... wrec   [][][]
         [][][]                                                  [][][]
         [][][]   total 55 logos.  i couldn't remember all the   [][][]
         [][][]   names of the people who requested stuff..      [][][]
         l][][]:                                                ;[][][l
         ·[][][],                                              ,[][][]
           ^[][][i,                                          ,i][][]^
             "^×4]]iy,,___                            ___,,yi[]7×^"
                            ¯¯¯¯¯¯"""^^^^×××××yyy,,,__  ..::::·
                                              ·::::::. "4[]i,
                                             .···· _,,,,[][]]
                                      l:         let's go ...

             ,i][7"   ,[[]'   "4[]i,
            ,[[]'    ,[[]'      ][[],,,,yy
            [][l   _,[[]iyyyyyiil[][][]×××
       ^^^""`4][]i,[[]'       ,i[][7'  this says  1000 styles
          h7  `^4[][]iiyyyyii[][]*'   it goes to  avenger
                ,[[]"^^×××××^^"" - --------------------------------------
               ,[[]' :::··
               "4]' :·
                 " ·

                           ._/     \__
                   ._______|         |_____
              _____|       |         |     |
             /_    |       |         |     |   1 0 0 0   s T Y L E S
      _____   /    |   O   |    O    |  O  |  _____________________.
    .\\   (/ /_____|       |         |_____| \)                    |
    |              |_     _|         |                             |
    |                \___/ |_________|  ._________                 |
    |            ___.     ____._____ ___|__      | _____    ___.   |
    |          _/  _|___ (    |__   Y     /      |/   _/___/  _|___: h7
    |__________\___     \_     _/   |   _/       |   _/   \___     \_
               /___\_____/_____||_______|        |___\____/___\_____/

               .: `[]],
          ..::',i[][7^[]]"^^4[]]x,  this says  8ml effect
       ··:::·,i[]7"   `[]],   "4[]i,  it's fo  8ml krew
     .yy,,,,,[][]      `[]],    `[]], -----------------------------------
     ×××××][][][liiyyyyyi[]],_   l[]]
            `7[][i,       `[]],i][]7`""^^^
                 ""^^×××××^^"[]],  h7

           _/   _   |  8ml  effect  .________                       ______
         __\    /   |_     _______  |       | __ ___ ___________   /     /
        /       _     \____\  _   \_|       | \ \\__\\         /  /_____/
      _/        /      /   \\//    /|       |_                /_____
      \_______________/_____\/______|________/                     /
         _____     ______ ___________   ____     ____.            /
        /   _/__ _/    _//    _/   _/__/  _/____(    |__         /
      _/   _/   /    _//    _//   _/      \|    \_    _//_______/ h7

             ,i][7"   ,[[]'   "4[]i,
            ,[[]'    ,[[]'      ][[],,,,yy
            [][l   _,[[]iyyyyyiil[][][]×××
       ^^^""`4][]i,[[]'       ,i[][7'  this says  aerosol releases
          h7  `^4[][]iiyyyyii[][]*'   it goes to  aerosol posse
                ,[[]"^^×××××^^"" - --------------------------------------
               ,[[]' :::··
               "4]' :·
                 " ·

  __                    _________________
  \(-  O·F·F·I·C·I·A·L  \               /  A·E·R·O·S·O·L · R·E·L·E·A·S·E·S
       ______    _____ __\_____        /_____    ___.      _____ ._______
     __\__.  \_ /   _/___     /       //  _  \ _/  _|____ /  _  \|      |
   _/    \|    \   _/   |  __/       //   /   \\___     /·   /   \_     |
   \______|________\____|  \         \_________/___\______________/     |_
     ________ _____  |______\_________\        ___.      _____   |_______/
   __\__    //   _/__.______ _____  _______  _/  _|____ /   _/__. ___.
  .\  _/   /·   _/   |     |/   _/__\__.   \_\___     /·   _/   |/  _|____
  |___\____\____\____|     |_  _/     \|     /___\_____|___\____\___     /.

               .: `[]],
          ..::',i[][7^[]]"^^4[]]x,  this says  ahs
       ··:::·,i[]7"   `[]],   "4[]i,  it's fo  -
     .yy,,,,,[][]      `[]],    `[]], -----------------------------------
     ×××××][][][liiyyyyyi[]],_   l[]]
            `7[][i,       `[]],i][]7`""^^^
                 ""^^×××××^^"[]],  h7

                  .\\          | h7
                  |      ______|_____.      ____
                  |    __\__.  \\_   |____ /  _/___
                  |  _/    \|        _    \\____   \_
                  |  \______|________|_____//___\___/
                  |            |
                  |            |  a h s
                  |            |
                  |           _|_

             ,i][7"   ,[[]'   "4[]i,
            ,[[]'    ,[[]'      ][[],,,,yy
            [][l   _,[[]iyyyyyiil[][][]×××
       ^^^""`4][]i,[[]'       ,i[][7'  this says  antik
          h7  `^4[][]iiyyyyii[][]*'   it goes to  ant1k
                ,[[]"^^×××××^^"" - --------------------------------------
               ,[[]' :::··
               "4]' :·
                 " ·

                                        ______|        /.
                                      .\\     |         :
                                      |       :         |
                                      |            _____.
                _______       ._______:____.   ___ \_   |____
              __\__.   \_ ____|     _/(    |__ \_/_ /   _  _/_
            _/    \|    //   _\     \_      _/  /  \_   |     \_
            \______|__________\______/______|_______/   |______/
                                 ___. :          \______|
                           __  _/   | |                 :  h7
                           \_\ \____| |                 |
                                     _|  a n t 1 k ! #  |
                                     \_      _          |
                                      |_______\  _______|

               .: `[]],
          ..::',i[][7^[]]"^^4[]]x,  this says  bad karma
       ··:::·,i[]7"   `[]],   "4[]i,  it's fo  dipswitch
     .yy,,,,,[][]      `[]],    `[]], -----------------------------------
     ×××××][][][liiyyyyyi[]],_   l[]]
            `7[][i,       `[]],i][]7`""^^^
                 ""^^×××××^^"[]],  h7

                     .\\       \_______.
                     |                 |
                     |                 |
        __________   |       ___ ______|           ___ ________________
        \        /___|_______\__\\__.  \___________\__\\____          /
        .\       \\                \|                     |/         /.
        |_______._/      ___________|           _ ____________________|
         _____. |________/          |_____________/
         \_   |____  | ______      ____|_____     ______     ______
          /   _  _/_ |_\__.  \_ ___\__      /___ / _    \_ __\__.  \_
         /    |     \    \|    \_   _/     /    \\//     /.    \|    \_
       _/     |___________|_____/___\______\_____\/_______|_____|_____/
       \______|      |                 |
                     |                 |   b a d . k a r m a
                     |                 |
                     |      _          |
                     |_______\ ________|

             ,i][7"   ,[[]'   "4[]i,
            ,[[]'    ,[[]'      ][[],,,,yy
            [][l   _,[[]iyyyyyiil[][][]×××
       ^^^""`4][]i,[[]'       ,i[][7'  this says  bad karma
          h7  `^4[][]iiyyyyii[][]*'   it goes to  dipswitch
                ,[[]"^^×××××^^"" - --------------------------------------
               ,[[]' :::··
               "4]' :·
                 " ·

                     .\\       \_______.
                     |                 |  h7
           _______   |     ______    __|_________   ___
           \     /___|_  __\__.  \__ \_____     /  /   \_   ___
           .\    \\    \_.   \|     \    |/    /. /_____/  /__/
           |____._/      |____|______/__________|
         _____. |________|             |
         \_   |____  | ______      ____|_____     ______     ______
          /   _  _/_ |_\__.  \_ ___\__      /___ / _    \_ __\__.  \_
         /    |     \    \|    \_   _/     /    \\//     /.    \|    \_
       _/     |___________|_____/___\______\_____\/_______|_____|_____/
       \______|      |                 |
                     |                 |   b a d . k a r m a
                     |                 |
                     |      _          |
                     |_______\ ________|

               .: `[]],
          ..::',i[][7^[]]"^^4[]]x,  this says  bad karma (file_id.diz)
       ··:::·,i[]7"   `[]],   "4[]i,  it's fo  dipswitch
     .yy,,,,,[][]      `[]],    `[]], -----------------------------------
     ×××××][][][liiyyyyyi[]],_   l[]]
            `7[][i,       `[]],i][]7`""^^^
                 ""^^×××××^^"[]],  h7

         .__ ___ ______.
_______  |  \\__\\_    |____ ____ __
\     /__|__ ____ /    _   /_   //_/
.\    \\    \\__//     |     \_  |
|____._/      |_/      |______/  |
 ... |________|\_______|         |
 :::.... |                       |
 ::::::: |  b a d  %  k a r m a  |
 ::::::: |                       |
 ::::::: |      file_id.diz      |
 ::::::: |                       |
 ::::::: |                       |
 ::::::· |                       |
 :::::: [÷]------------------h7-[÷]

               .: `[]],
          ..::',i[][7^[]]"^^4[]]x,  this says  black sista
       ··:::·,i[]7"   `[]],   "4[]i,  it's fo  black sistas
     .yy,,,,,[][]      `[]],    `[]], -----------------------------------
     ×××××][][][liiyyyyyi[]],_   l[]]
            `7[][i,       `[]],i][]7`""^^^
                 ""^^×××××^^"[]],  h7

                                  .__________. .___
                          ________|         /| |   \_  ___
                        .\\       :          | |____/ /__/
                        |         .          |
                        |                    | h7     _____.
               _______  :  ._______  ______  |  ____  \_   |____
               \     /_____|      |__\__.  \_:_/  _/___/   _  _/_
               |\    \\    \_     |    \|    \_   \|   \_  |     \_
               |______/_____/     |_____|_____/_________/  |______/
                        |  |_______/         :      \______|
        ___.      ___   :___.      ____.    ______
       /  _|____ _\_/__ /  _|____ (    |__ _\__.  \_    ___
       \____    \_ /   \\____    \_     _/    \|    \_  \ /
        /___\____/______//___\____/     ||_____|_____/   /
                        ·         |_____|    |
                        ·                    |
                 b l a c k s i s t a   r e k o r d z
                             _  __ __________:

             ,i][7"   ,[[]'   "4[]i,
            ,[[]'    ,[[]'      ][[],,,,yy
            [][l   _,[[]iyyyyyiil[][][]×××
       ^^^""`4][]i,[[]'       ,i[][7'  this says  blue
          h7  `^4[][]iiyyyyii[][]*'   it goes to  blue
                ,[[]"^^×××××^^"" - --------------------------------------
               ,[[]' :::··
               "4]' :·
                 " ·

                           .\\            |
                           |   ._______   | h7
                  _______  |   |      |___|__   _ ______
                  \     /__|__ |      \_    /_____    _/__.
                  |\    \\    \_      |/   /    _/   _/   |
                  |______/_____/      |_________)____\____|
                           |   |_______/  |
                           |              | b l u e
                           |              |
                           |              |
                           |              |

               .: `[]],
          ..::',i[][7^[]]"^^4[]]x,  this says  blz
       ··:::·,i[]7"   `[]],   "4[]i,  it's fo  blz
     .yy,,,,,[][]      `[]],    `[]], -----------------------------------
     ×××××][][][liiyyyyyi[]],_   l[]]
            `7[][i,       `[]],i][]7`""^^^
                 ""^^×××××^^"[]],  h7

                               .\\      \_______.
                               |                |
                               |                |
                               |   ._________   |
                     _______   |   |        |___|_____
                     \     /___|___|        |\_      /
                     .\    \\     /|        | /     /
                     |______/      |        |/     /.
                           /_______|        /_______|
                               |   |_________/  |
                               |                |  h7
                               |                |
                               |      B·L·Z     |
                               |                |
                               |_____ ____      |

             ,i][7"   ,[[]'   "4[]i,
            ,[[]'    ,[[]'      ][[],,,,yy
            [][l   _,[[]iyyyyyiil[][][]×××
       ^^^""`4][]i,[[]'       ,i[][7'  this says  boheme
          h7  `^4[][]iiyyyyii[][]*'   it goes to  boheme
                ,[[]"^^×××××^^"" - --------------------------------------
               ,[[]' :::··
               "4]' :·
                 " ·

                     .\\             |
                     |               |
                     |               |  h7
        _______      |_____ ______.  |   _____      _______   _____
        \     /_____ /  _  \\_    |__|_ /   _/__ ___\  _   \_/   _/__.
        |\    \\    \   /   ·|    _    \_  _/   Y   \\//    /   _/   |
                     |               |
                     |               |  b o h e m e
                     |               |
                     |               |

               .: `[]],
          ..::',i[][7^[]]"^^4[]]x,  this says  boozembly 1999
       ··:::·,i[]7"   `[]],   "4[]i,  it's fo  my partyreport
     .yy,,,,,[][]      `[]],    `[]], -----------------------------------
     ×××××][][][liiyyyyyi[]],_   l[]]
            `7[][i,       `[]],i][]7`""^^^
                 ""^^×××××^^"[]],  h7

                                         _______|        /|
                                       .\\      |         |
                                       |                  |
                           ________    :                  |    .______
______       _____   _____ \_     /_____   _______  ______:    |    _|___._____
\    /_____ /  _  \ /  _  \ /    //   _/___\  _   \_\    /_____|    \    |    /
.\   \\    \_  /   \_  /   \_   /.   _/    \\//    /:\   \\    \_    \_  |  _/
|_____/_____/_______/_______/____|___\______\/______|_____/_____/    ||_____|
 __                             __  ___:_ _____  _____  __:__  |______/
\(  b o o z e m b l y  1 9 9 9 )\/ /_    /  _  \/  _  \/  _  \.
                                    |    \__    \__    \__    |
                                    |____| /____| /____| /____|
    from one point of view       ___ __|                  |
                            __ _/   \\                    |  h7
                            \_\\_____\\_       _          |
                                       |________\ ________|

             ,i][7"   ,[[]'   "4[]i,
            ,[[]'    ,[[]'      ][[],,,,yy
            [][l   _,[[]iyyyyyiil[][][]×××
       ^^^""`4][]i,[[]'       ,i[][7'  this says  coolection
          h7  `^4[][]iiyyyyii[][]*'   it goes to  xcz
                ,[[]"^^×××××^^"" - --------------------------------------
               ,[[]' :::··
               "4]' :·
                 " ·

          ___.      _____  _____ .______ _____     ___.
        _(  _|____ /     \/     \|     |/   _/__._(  _|____ ______.
       .\   \|   //   o   \  o   \     |_  _/   :    \|   /.     (|
       |__________    -    _ -    ______/__\____|__________|      | h7
                 \_________/______/  ____.   __.   _____       .__|_____
                     .              (    |__ \_|_ /     \ _____|      _/
                ___. | _            |     _/   | \_  o   \\  _ \      |
          __  _/   | |(/            |_____|_______/  -    \___\_______|
          \_\ \____| |/_________________________\_________/ ______|
                                                c o o l e c t i o n

               .: `[]],
          ..::',i[][7^[]]"^^4[]]x,  this says  dare to compare
       ··:::·,i[]7"   `[]],   "4[]i,  it's fo  darkus
     .yy,,,,,[][]      `[]],    `[]], -----------------------------------
     ×××××][][][liiyyyyyi[]],_   l[]]
            `7[][i,       `[]],i][]7`""^^^
                 ""^^×××××^^"[]],  h7

                                      .\\               //.
                                      |                   |
                                      |                   | h7
      ___________ ______     _________|_____       ____.  |_____
    __\____     /_\__.  \_ __\__     //   _/__.   (    |__/  _  \
   .\    |/    /    \|    \   _/    /·   _/   |   |     _/   /   \_
   |_________________|________\_____\____\____|   |_____|_________/
      ____     _____      _________  _|____   ______     _|_______ _____
    _(  _/____/  _  \ ____\  _    /__\__   \__\__.  \_ __\__     //   _/__.
   .\   \|   /   /   \_   \\//   /.\   /___/    \|    \   _/    /    _/   |
                                      |                   |
   d a r e   t o   c o m p a r e  )/. |                   |
                                      |                   |
                                      |                  _|_ _

             ,i][7"   ,[[]'   "4[]i,
            ,[[]'    ,[[]'      ][[],,,,yy
            [][l   _,[[]iyyyyyiil[][][]×××
       ^^^""`4][]i,[[]'       ,i[][7'  this says  dare to compare
          h7  `^4[][]iiyyyyii[][]*'   it goes to  darkus
                ,[[]"^^×××××^^"" - --------------------------------------
               ,[[]' :::··
               "4]' :·
                 " ·

                          .\\                   //.
                          |                       |
                          |                       | h7
     ___________________ _|__________    _________|________ _________ ___
     \                 / \           \   \                //        //__/
   ___\_______        /___\_____.     \___\______        //      __/_______
  o\       | /       //       \ |               /       //        /       /o
  |        |/       /__        \|            __/       //      __/         |
  |                   /         |            \         \       \           |
   ___. _ ___       ____  : ___     _____________ :_____    ________ ____
  (   |__  _ \    _(  _/__:/ _ \ ___\  _   /\__  \_\__. \_ _\__    //  _/__.
  |    _/  /  \_ .\   \|  /  /  \_  \\//  /   /__/   \|   \  _/   /   _/   |
  |____|_______/ |_______________/___\/_________\_____|______\____\___\____|
                          |                       |
                          |                       |  Dare To Compare  
                          |                       |
                          |                       | 

               .: `[]],
          ..::',i[][7^[]]"^^4[]]x,  this says  darkus
       ··:::·,i[]7"   `[]],   "4[]i,  it's fo  darkus
     .yy,,,,,[][]      `[]],    `[]], -----------------------------------
     ×××××][][][liiyyyyyi[]],_   l[]]
            `7[][i,       `[]],i][]7`""^^^
                 ""^^×××××^^"[]],  h7

               _____  ________________
        ___  _/    / /               / ______.
        \__\ \____/ /               /  \_    |  d a r k u s  ^  a s l
       ___________ ·______     ____/____/    |___________       ____
     __\____     /__\__   \_ __\__     /     |   _/_    /______/  _/____
    .\    |/    /    \|     \_  _/    /      |    \/   /)    /\___      \_
    |_________________|______/__\_____\      |_______________)/___\______/ h7
               /               ·    \________|
              /               /

             ,i][7"   ,[[]'   "4[]i,
            ,[[]'    ,[[]'      ][[],,,,yy
            [][l   _,[[]iyyyyyiil[][][]×××
       ^^^""`4][]i,[[]'       ,i[][7'  this says  devistator
          h7  `^4[][]iiyyyyii[][]*'   it goes to  devistator
                ,[[]"^^×××××^^"" - --------------------------------------
               ,[[]' :::··
               "4]' :·
                 " ·

                                 .\\          |
                         _____   |            |  h7
        ___________ _____\    \  |      __.   : ___
       _\____     //   _/__.   \ |_____ \_|__ _/ _/____   ___
      .\   |/    /·   _/   |    \/    /   |  \\____   /. /__/
                           ____. |  ______    ____.   _____     _________
                          (    |__ _\__.  \_ (    |__/  _  \ .__\__     /
                          |     _//   \|    \|     _/   /   \|   _/    /
                                 |            |
                                 |            |  d e v i s t a t o r
                                 |            |
                                 |           _|_ _

               .: `[]],
          ..::',i[][7^[]]"^^4[]]x,  this says  dezibel
       ··:::·,i[]7"   `[]],   "4[]i,  it's fo  native
     .yy,,,,,[][]      `[]],    `[]], -----------------------------------
     ×××××][][][liiyyyyyi[]],_   l[]]
            `7[][i,       `[]],i][]7`""^^^
                 ""^^×××××^^"[]],  h7

                              .\\               |
                              |                 |
                       _ _____|___              | h7
      ___________ _____ \\_      /__.  _______  |    _____   .______
    __\____     //   _/___/     /_\_|__\     /__|__ /   _/___|     |
   .\    |/    /·   _/   /     /.   |  \_    \\    \_  _/    :     |_ _
                              |                 |
                              |  d e z i b e l  |
                              |                 |
                              |                 |
                              |                 |

             ,i][7"   ,[[]'   "4[]i,
            ,[[]'    ,[[]'      ][[],,,,yy
            [][l   _,[[]iyyyyyiil[][][]×××
       ^^^""`4][]i,[[]'       ,i[][7'  this says  eurocharts
          h7  `^4[][]iiyyyyii[][]*'   it goes to  -
                ,[[]"^^×××××^^"" - --------------------------------------
               ,[[]' :::··
               "4]' :·
                 " ·

                               /                       / ___
           _____ _______      / _________ _____       / /   \_  ___
          /   _/__.    /_____·__\__     //  _  \     / /_____/ /__/
        _/   _/   |   /|    //   _/    /·   /   \_  /
        \____\______________)____\_____\_________/ /     ____.
                ____   _____.       ______      __/_____(    |____.
             ._/  _/___\_   |____ __\__.  \__ __\__     /     _/ _|___ h7
             |\   \|    /   _    \_   \|     \   _/    /|     \____    \_
             |______________|_____/____|_________\_____\|     |/___\____/
                      /                       ·         |_____|
                ___ _/                       /   e u r o c h a r t s

               .: `[]],
          ..::',i[][7^[]]"^^4[]]x,  this says  folar
       ··:::·,i[]7"   `[]],   "4[]i,  it's fo  folar
     .yy,,,,,[][]      `[]],    `[]], -----------------------------------
     ×××××][][][liiyyyyyi[]],_   l[]]
            `7[][i,       `[]],i][]7`""^^^
                 ""^^×××××^^"[]],  h7

                         .\\             |
                         |               | h7
                 ________:_____ ._______ |_______     __________
               __\     _//  _  \|      |__\___   \_ __\__      /
              .\     _/_/   /   \_     |    \|     Y   _/     /
              |______\ \_________/     |_____|_________\______\
                         |      |_______/|
                         |               |  f o L a r
                         |               |
                         |               |

             ,i][7"   ,[[]'   "4[]i,
            ,[[]'    ,[[]'      ][[],,,,yy
            [][l   _,[[]iyyyyyiil[][][]×××
       ^^^""`4][]i,[[]'       ,i[][7'  this says  food
          h7  `^4[][]iiyyyyii[][]*'   it goes to  darktrooper
                ,[[]"^^×××××^^"" - --------------------------------------
               ,[[]' :::··
               "4]' :·
                 " ·

                                    _______.  / \  ___
                                   .\      | /   \ \_/ .h7
                      _______ _____|  _____:/ ____\______
                   ._(     _//  _  \ /  _  \ _\____     /
                   |\     _)·   /   \_  /   \_   |/    /_
                                   :    /             \
                        f o o d    |   /_______________\

               .: `[]],
          ..::',i[][7^[]]"^^4[]]x,  this says  freedom arc.
       ··:::·,i[]7"   `[]],   "4[]i,  it's fo  me
     .yy,,,,,[][]      `[]],    `[]], -----------------------------------
     ×××××][][][liiyyyyyi[]],_   l[]]
            `7[][i,       `[]],i][]7`""^^^
                 ""^^×××××^^"[]],  h7

        ______ ______________    _____    __________ _____        ______
     ._(    _/_\__     /   _/__ /   _/__ _\____    //     \ ____ / _    \.
     |\    _)   _/    /   _/   \_  _/   \_   |/   /_   o   \_   \\//    /|
     |                                                                   |
     |                                                                   |
     |                    ______      _______    ___.                    |
     |________________ ___\___  \__.__\__    \._/  _|____. ______________|
     |\              _/     \|    /|   _/    /|    \|   /|              /|
     |______________ \_______|_____|___\_____\|__________| ______________|

             ,i][7"   ,[[]'   "4[]i,
            ,[[]'    ,[[]'      ][[],,,,yy
            [][l   _,[[]iyyyyyiil[][][]×××
       ^^^""`4][]i,[[]'       ,i[][7'  this says  fullcds
          h7  `^4[][]iiyyyyii[][]*'   it goes to  -
                ,[[]"^^×××××^^"" - --------------------------------------
               ,[[]' :::··
               "4]' :·
                 " ·

                      \                             /
     __    ______ ___ _ _______. ______.   ______  / ____________ ___.
     \/ __/    _/   /_____     |       | _/  ___/__ _\_____     //  _|___
      _/     _/    /|    /     |_      |_    \|    \_    |/    /\____    \_
      \______\ __________)______/ ______/___________/___________/___/_____/
                            \                 / ___
                             \_______________/ /__/     f u l l c d s

               .: `[]],
          ..::',i[][7^[]]"^^4[]]x,  this says  global village
       ··:::·,i[]7"   `[]],   "4[]i,  it's fo  dipswitch
     .yy,,,,,[][]      `[]],    `[]], -----------------------------------
     ×××××][][][liiyyyyyi[]],_   l[]]
            `7[][i,       `[]],i][]7`""^^^
                 ""^^×××××^^"[]],  h7

                  .\\       \________.
                  |                  |                               _
                  |  .________       |  g l o b a l . v i l l a g e  /(
            ____  |  |       | ______|_______         ______  ._______
          _(  _/__|__|       |/  _   \\     /_____  __\__.  \_|      |
         .\   \_    /|       |   /    \_    \\    \_.   \|    \      |_
         |_____|     |       |_________/___._/      |____|____________/
    _______    |_____|________/  .___|___  |________|
    \      \      |   ___ .______|      |  ______     ____       _____
     \      \  ___|___\_/_|      |      | _\__.  \_ _(  _/_____ /   _/__.
      \      \/     /  /  \      |      |_   \|    \\   \_     Y   _/   |
       \___________________      |_______/____|__________|     |___\____|
                  |       |_______/  |                   |_____|
                  |                  |  h7
                  |       _          |
                  |________\ ________|

             ,i][7"   ,[[]'   "4[]i,
            ,[[]'    ,[[]'      ][[],,,,yy
            [][l   _,[[]iyyyyyiil[][][]×××
       ^^^""`4][]i,[[]'       ,i[][7'  this says  h2o
          h7  `^4[][]iiyyyyii[][]*'   it goes to  h2o
                ,[[]"^^×××××^^"" - --------------------------------------
               ,[[]' :::··
               "4]' :·
                 " ·

                           _______   ....   __________
                           \     ..:::··:::.         / ___
                     _____. ·  .:::·     ::::       / /   \_
                     \_   |____::::     .:::·____  / /_____/ h7
                      /   |   _/:··    .:::·  _  \·
                     /    _   \_    ..:::·    /   \ _
                   _/     |____/..:::::· \_________//
                   \______|    :::::·          · ___
                              :::::...     ___/ /__/
                                    ···::   h 2 o

               .: `[]],
          ..::',i[][7^[]]"^^4[]]x,  this says  hirmu
       ··:::·,i[]7"   `[]],   "4[]i,  it's fo  hirmu allstars
     .yy,,,,,[][]      `[]],    `[]], -----------------------------------
     ×××××][][][liiyyyyyi[]],_   l[]]
            `7[][i,       `[]],i][]7`""^^^
                 ""^^×××××^^"[]],  h7

                                   ..::··         :::
                               ..:··               :::
              ______.      __.·:·  ________   _______ ______
              \_    |____ _\_|__ __\__    /___\  _   \_    /_____
              _/    _    \_  |  \   _/   /    \\//    /   /    _/
                       ..                          ...
                      ::·        h i r m u        .::   h7
                      :::                       .::·
                       ·::..                ..::··

             ,i][7"   ,[[]'   "4[]i,
            ,[[]'    ,[[]'      ][[],,,,yy
            [][l   _,[[]iyyyyyiil[][][]×××
       ^^^""`4][]i,[[]'       ,i[][7'  this says  intro
          h7  `^4[][]iiyyyyii[][]*'   it goes to  avenger
                ,[[]"^^×××××^^"" - --------------------------------------
               ,[[]' :::··
               "4]' :·
                 " ·

     i n t r .0   ___       .___________.   __________ _____
      _ __ _ ___ _\_/_ _____|     _/    |___\__      //  _  \ ___ _ __ _
    _\\))//_\\ _/  /  \    _\     \|     _/  _/     /·   /   \_ //_\\((//_
               \____________\      \_____|___\______\_________/h7

                              let's take a break.

                                4[],          .
                                 `^4x,__      .
                                   _,y7'     ,l
                             xxxxi7×^"      ,[]
                             [][]l        xi][]
                             `[][],       l[][]
                               "^4]x,__   l[][]
                                .:· '_,x[7^'
                               · ,xx7^"¯      :
                               x[]7'         ,l
                             ,[][l          ,]]
                             [[][:        xi[]]
                             `[][],       l[][]
                              ."^4]x,_    l[][]
                            ..:::..¯""^+ ,[][]'
          """^^**44[][]iiyy,,_ ··......:::·
                   ¯""^^**4[][iix,,_ ·:::·
                           ¯"^4][][]i, ·:
                                "4[][]i ·
                                  l[][]:  :
                                 ,[][]'  ,l
                              _,x[7^'   ,]]
                         ,xx7^"¯      xi[]]
                     ,xx7^"¯          [][]l
                   x[]7'              [][]l .
                 ,[][l                [][]l .
                 [[][:                [][]l .          .
                 `[][],               [][]l :.          i
                   "^4]x,_            [][]l :::·· ·  _,i'
                       ¯""^++y,,,____ [][]l ___,,,y++^" .'
                                ¯¯¯¯¯ [][]l ¯¯¯  .....:::
                                      [][]l `::::::::::::.
                                      [][]lx,,,,__  ····:::..
                      _,,yy                 """][][][][][][]77*^
                      :[][l            _,,,xxx[][][[][]l""¯
                       l][]:  _,,,xxi[][][]77^^""¯ [][]l
                       :[][l[][][]77^^^""¯ ...:::: [][]l
                        l]77^^""¯¯      ··     ··: [][]l
                        ¯                        · [][]l
      ___.   ____.    ______     _________ ___. \                          \_
    _/  _|__(    |__ _\__.  \_ __\__     //  _|__· ____    stars tonight    /
    \___    \_    _/    \|    \   _/    /\___    \_\   \_ ___              /
    /___\____/____|______|________\_____\/___\____//____//__/ h7          /
     ____.   _____      ._________    ____    ______.     ____.          /
    (    |__/  _  \ ____|    _/\_/_ _(  _/____\_    |____(    |__       /
    |     _/   /   \_  _\    \  /  \_   \_    \/    _    \_    _/      /
    |_____|_________/___\     \_____/____/     .____|_____/____|      /
    ---------------------------------------------- :[]h,-------------
    special thanks to these artists for quest      :[][]
    starring in my collection:                     :[][]
    DARKUS for his "GRAN' PA'S COOKIES" (index)    :[][]
               and FILE_ID.DIZ                     :[][]
    ZANER for his "AEROSOL" and collection title   l][]:
    NATIVE for his "HSEVEN"                       ,[][7
    SHOCK G for his "HSEVEN"                  _,xi][7'
    __ __  __ __ _  __ __ ___ _  ,xx7^"¯  .......··
    \//_((\\//_((//))//_((/)// x[]7'   ,,,, ·::·
                     . ..... ,[][l   ,i][[]i, ·
                          ·: [[][:   :[][[]]: ·
                            .`[][],   `^**^'
                                 ,xx7^"¯      :
                               x[]7'         ,l
                             ,[][l          ,]]
                             [[][:        xi[]]
                             `[][],       l[][]
                            ·. "^4]x,_    l[][]
                              ·:...¯""^+ ,[][]'
                               :::·· _,x[7^'
                              :· ,xx7^"¯ ..·
                             · x[]7'..::::
                           .',[][l ··::::.
                     ....::: [[][[ix,,_ ·:.
                ············ ""^^×[][][]x,,·
            [][][][][][][][][]ixx,, "^[][]]i,
            [][][][][][][][][]4][][]i, `4][][],
            [][][] .... .      ¯"^4[][],yl][][7,
            [][][] :·              "4[]][]7^"¯
            [][][] ·                 4^"¯
__ __ _ _ _ [][][]  __ __ _ _ __ _ _ __  _ __                      _ __ __ _ _
\((_//((_)) [][][] \\((_//((_))//_\\\\//))\\(  s h O u t O u t s  /_\\((_//((_)
  ___.  _____. [7' _____ _______     ____.   _____ _______     ____.  ___.
_/  _|__\_   |___ /  _  \\_    /____(    |__/  _  \\_    /____(    |_/  _|___
\___    \/   _   \_  /   \/   /|    /     _/   /   \/   /|    /     _\___    \_
 __ __ _ _ __ _ _ __  ___ _ ___ _ _ __ _ _ __  ___ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ ___ _ __

            [][][]   my best wishes to (not in any order)
            [][][]   folar, darkus, mute, ant1k, wkz, kayozz, black jack
            [][][]   threaz, boheme, soulfly, rippa, zeus, bdcs, mov,
            [][][]   ivypappa, psyko, lemming, <e>, surfing, cyber-power
            [][][]   ghandi, dizz, absurdi, uncle-x, claustro, iron_maze,
            [][][]   zaner, xcz, blz, dnd, mikkiz, joe_honda, mankind,
            [][][]   crusader, tekk, ae, cpix, sauron, zeneth, speedevil,
            [][][]   letharic, dipswitch, sperm whale, phobia, h2o, wedge,
            [][][]   coraze, viznut, synteesi, blz, na7ive, norppakisu,
            [][][]   jaw, wayout, luminator, daeron, venturus, ntr, dizz,
            [][][]   tuumi, phace and many others whom i forgot to mention.
            [][][]   especially stezotehic_alpomies =)
            [][][]   plus some respects to
            [][][]   trivial, darkus and folar.
                           ···:::::::...:·  ,xi[]7^"
                               ·:::::·· ,,i[]7^"
                                :::· ,x][]7"
                               .· ,x][]^"
                             .· x][]^"         :
                              x[]['           ,l
                            ,[][l            ,]]
                            [[][:          xi[]]
                      .     `[][],         l[][]     .
                      .       "^4]x,_      l[][]     .
                      :           ¯""^+   ,[][]'     :
                     ,]              _,,xi7*^'       [,
                   ,i]'         ,xx7^"¯        :     `[i,
               _,yi[]' :      x[]7'           ,l    : `[]iy,_
          ,,,yi[]]7` .::    ,[][l            ,]]    ::. `4[][iy,,,
          [][]*^" ..::::.   [[][:          xi[]]    ::::.. "^*[][]
          [][] ·····::::::: [][]           l[][] ..:::::····  [][]
          [][]iiyyy,,,,___· [[][           :[][] ·___,,,,yyyii[][]
          ¯¯¯"""^^^^××××[][][][]:          l[][][][]××××^^^^"""¯¯¯
                         ¯¯""[][],_       ,][][""¯¯
                             ···..  "47"  ..···
                                  ·:.  .:·

                        and now, on with the collection

             ,i][7"   ,[[]'   "4[]i,
            ,[[]'    ,[[]'      ][[],,,,yy
            [][l   _,[[]iyyyyyiil[][][]×××
       ^^^""`4][]i,[[]'       ,i[][7'  this says  jormas
          h7  `^4[][]iiyyyyii[][]*'   it goes to  wrec
                ,[[]"^^×××××^^"" - --------------------------------------
               ,[[]' :::··
               "4]' :·
                 " ·

             ___.        \                        \_
           ._\__|_ _____  \  _________     _____   /______     ___.
           |\    |/  _  \ ___\__     /___ / _   \_·_\__.  \_ _/  _|__
           |     |   /   \\   _/    /    \\//    /    \|    \\___    \_
          _|     |____________\_____\_____\/___________|_____/___\____/
          \______|            \                / ____  ___
                            h7 \______________/ /___/ /__/  j o r m a s

               .: `[]],
          ..::',i[][7^[]]"^^4[]]x,  this says  juju magik board
       ··:::·,i[]7"   `[]],   "4[]i,  it's fo  wrec
     .yy,,,,,[][]      `[]],    `[]], -----------------------------------
     ×××××][][][liiyyyyyi[]],_   l[]]
            `7[][i,       `[]],i][]7`""^^^
                 ""^^×××××^^"[]],  h7

                  ___.              ___.
                ._\__|_._____     ._\__|_._____
      ___       |\     |    /_____|\     |    /_____ _
      \_/      _|      |   /|    /|      |   /|    / /( juju  magik  board
       _______ \_______|_________\_______|_________) _ _____. ___________.
     .\\         _______     ______     ____       __. \_   |____        |
     |         __\  _   \_ __\___  \_ _/  _/_____ _\_|_ /   _  _/_       |
     |       _/  \\//    /.    \|    \\   \_    /.   | \_   |     \_     |
     |       \____\/______|_____|__________|     |______/   |______/     |
     |       ______       _____    ______  |  ___|___\______|_____       |
     |       \    /_____ /  _  \ __\___  \_|__\__     ______     /       | h7
     |______ _\   \\    \_  /   \_   \|    \   _/    /    |/    /       _|_

             ,i][7"   ,[[]'   "4[]i,
            ,[[]'    ,[[]'      ][[],,,,yy
            [][l   _,[[]iyyyyyiil[][][]×××
       ^^^""`4][]i,[[]'       ,i[][7'  this says  karlos
          h7  `^4[][]iiyyyyii[][]*'   it goes to  karlos
                ,[[]"^^×××××^^"" - --------------------------------------
               ,[[]' :::··
               "4]' :·
                 " ·

                                 ______________________________ ___
                               _/                             //   \_ ___
      ___ ______.              \            ._______         //_____//__/
      \__\\_    |____    ______ \   ________|      | _____  / ___.
           /    _  _/_ __\___  \_·__\__     /      |/  _  \·_/  _|____  h7
          /     |     \_   \|    Y   _/    /|      |   /   \\___     /.
        _/      |______/____|________\_____\|      |________/___\_____|
                                     \                /  k a r l o s \(

               .: `[]],
          ..::',i[][7^[]]"^^4[]]x,  this says  karma
       ··:::·,i[]7"   `[]],   "4[]i,  it's fo  ant1k
     .yy,,,,,[][]      `[]],    `[]], -----------------------------------
     ×××××][][][liiyyyyyi[]],_   l[]]
            `7[][i,       `[]],i][]7`""^^^
                 ""^^×××××^^"[]],  h7

                          ______|      /.
                        .\\     |       | .___
                        |               | |   \_  ___
         ______.        :               : |____/ /__/
         \_    |____    _______      _________   _______    _______
          /    _  _/_ __\__.   \__ __\__     /___\  _   \_ _\__.   \__
         /     |     \_   \|     /:\  _/    /    \\//    /    \|     /:
       _/      |______/____|______|___\_____\_____\/___________|______| h7
                        :               :
                 k a r m a  -  b e e n   t h e r e ,  d o n e   t h a t
                       _|               :
                       \_     _         |
                        |______\ _______|

             ,i][7"   ,[[]'   "4[]i,
            ,[[]'    ,[[]'      ][[],,,,yy
            [][l   _,[[]iyyyyyiil[][][]×××
       ^^^""`4][]i,[[]'       ,i[][7'  this says  kayozz
          h7  `^4[][]iiyyyyii[][]*'   it goes to  kayozz
                ,[[]"^^×××××^^"" - --------------------------------------
               ,[[]' :::··
               "4]' :·
                 " ·

                               _  \    \_  ___
                         _______\  \____/ /__/
                      ..\\       \__________.
                      ||                   /|
                      ||                    |             ___________
          _____.      ||       _____        :     ________\_        /
          \_   |____  || ______\    \  _____ _____\_       /       /
           /   _  _/_ :__\__.   \    \/    //  _  \/      /       /
          /    |     \_    \|    \_      _/·   /   \_    /.      /  h7
        _/     |______/_____|_____|______|__________/_____|     /.
        \______|      ||                    |          /_________|
                      ||                    |
                      ||  k  a  y  o  z  z  |
                      ||                    |
                      ||  o  f              |
                      ||                    |
                      ||  x  x  x  x  x  x  |
                      ||                    |
                      ||         _          |
                      ||__________\         |

               .: `[]],
          ..::',i[][7^[]]"^^4[]]x,  this says  korozone
       ··:::·,i[]7"   `[]],   "4[]i,  it's fo  blz
     .yy,,,,,[][]      `[]],    `[]], -----------------------------------
     ×××××][][][liiyyyyyi[]],_   l[]]
            `7[][i,       `[]],i][]7`""^^^
                 ""^^×××××^^"[]],  h7

                                   .\\       \_________
                                   |                  /.
                                   |                   |
    _____.                         |     _________     |
    \_   |____   _____    _________|_____\_      /_____|     ._______ _____
     /   |  _/_ /  _  \ __\__     //  _  \/     //  _  \ ____|     _//   _/__.
    /    _     \_  /   \_  _/    /·   /   \_   /·   /   \_  _\     \·   _/   |
  _/     |______/_______/__\_____\_________/____|_______ /___\      \___\____|
  \______|                         |                   |      \______/
                                   |                   | h7
                                   |  k o r o z o n e  |
                                   |                   |__  ___
                                   |        _          : / /   \_  ___
                                   |_________\         _/ /_____/ /__/

             ,i][7"   ,[[]'   "4[]i,
            ,[[]'    ,[[]'      ][[],,,,yy
            [][l   _,[[]iyyyyyiil[][][]×××
       ^^^""`4][]i,[[]'       ,i[][7'  this says  low profile
          h7  `^4[][]iiyyyyii[][]*'   it goes to  volatile
                ,[[]"^^×××××^^"" - --------------------------------------
               ,[[]' :::··
               "4]' :·
                 " ·

                               _ _   _____
                       ___________\  \    \_  __.
                     .\\           \  \____/ /__|
                     |              \__________
                     |                        /.
                     |                         |
      .________ _____|_____   .______          |
      |       |/  _  \     \  |     |          | low profile
      |       |   /.  \_    \/\     |          |
      |       |_ ______/____________|          |
      |________/ ____|____ _________ _____    _|_______ ._______ _____
               __\___    /_\__     //  _  \ _/    _/\_/_|      |/   _/__.
              .\    /___/   _/    /·   /.  \_   _/   /  \      |   _/   |
              |______\ _ ___\_____\_________/___\________      |___\____| h7
                     |                         |        |_______/
                     |                         |
                     |                         |
                     |             _           |
                     |            / ___________|

               .: `[]],
          ..::',i[][7^[]]"^^4[]]x,  this says  meltdown
       ··:::·,i[]7"   `[]],   "4[]i,  it's fo  -
     .yy,,,,,[][]      `[]],    `[]], -----------------------------------
     ×××××][][][liiyyyyyi[]],_   l[]]
            `7[][i,       `[]],i][]7`""^^^
                 ""^^×××××^^"[]],  h7

                       /              / __
                      /              / /  \_  __
                     /              / /____/ /_/
                    /       ._____ /                _ _____         ._____
             ____  · _____  |    |___. __________ _____    \   .____|   _/
         __ / _  \_ /   _/__|    (   |__ ___    //  _  \    \  |    \   |
       _/  \\//   /·   _/   |    |    _/  |/   /    /   \_   \/\   _ \  |
       \____\/_________\____|    |____|________/_________/__________\___| h7
              ·              ·
            _/              /   m e l t d o w n

             ,i][7"   ,[[]'   "4[]i,
            ,[[]'    ,[[]'      ][[],,,,yy
            [][l   _,[[]iyyyyyiil[][][]×××
       ^^^""`4][]i,[[]'       ,i[][7'  this says  mimic
          h7  `^4[][]iiyyyyii[][]*'   it goes to  black jack
                ,[[]"^^×××××^^"" - --------------------------------------
               ,[[]' :::··
               "4]' :·
                 " ·

                                   \        |
                                    \       | m)IMIC
                       ______ __.   (   ____|_ __.   ___.
             ___  ___ / _    \\_|_ ___ / _    \\_|_ /  _|____.
           _/  /_/   \\//    /  | \_  \\//    /  | \_  \|   /|
                                    |       ||     \_ ___
                                    |_______||______//__/ h7

               .: `[]],
          ..::',i[][7^[]]"^^4[]]x,  this says  mo'soul
       ··:::·,i[]7"   `[]],   "4[]i,  it's fo  -
     .yy,,,,,[][]      `[]],    `[]], -----------------------------------
     ×××××][][][liiyyyyyi[]],_   l[]]
            `7[][i,       `[]],i][]7`""^^^
                 ""^^×××××^^"[]],  h7

                  _________   _______  _____
               ___\  _     \./   _   \ \_  / ________________
             _/   \\//      |    /    \_ \/ /               /.
             \_____\/__________________/         mo'soul     |
               ___.        _______ ________    ._________    |
             _/  _|_____. /   _   \\_     /____|_       |    |
             \___      /|/    /    \/    /|    _/       |_   |
             /___\______|___________/__________)_________/ __| h7

             ,i][7"   ,[[]'   "4[]i,
            ,[[]'    ,[[]'      ][[],,,,yy
            [][l   _,[[]iyyyyyiil[][][]×××
       ^^^""`4][]i,[[]'       ,i[][7'  this says  nah kolor
          h7  `^4[][]iiyyyyii[][]*'   it goes to  darkus
                ,[[]"^^×××××^^"" - --------------------------------------
               ,[[]' :::··
               "4]' :·
                 " ·

                             _____.         _____
               .____________ \_   |______  /     \  h7
            ___|    _/\__.  \_|   |    _/ /       \  _____
          _/  _\        \|    \   ¯    | /         \ \    \_  ___
          \____\_________|________T    |·           \ \____/ /__/
         _____.           .______ |____|             \
         \_   |_____ _____|     | ____/    _________  \  n a h - k o l o r
          /   _   _//  _  \     |/  _  \ __\__     /   \_
         /    |    \_  /   \_   |_  /   \_  _/    /_____/
       _/     |_____/_______/____/_______/__\_____\

               .: `[]],
          ..::',i[][7^[]]"^^4[]]x,  this says  native
       ··:::·,i[]7"   `[]],   "4[]i,  it's fo  native
     .yy,,,,,[][]      `[]],    `[]], -----------------------------------
     ×××××][][][liiyyyyyi[]],_   l[]]
            `7[][i,       `[]],i][]7`""^^^
                 ""^^×××××^^"[]],  h7

                                 .\\      \________
                                 |                /.
                                 |                 |
                                 |    _  __ ______ |
                ._______ ______  | ____.   ___    \|         _____
            ____|     _/_\__.  \_|(    |__ \_/_    \  ______/   _/__.
          _/   _\     \    \|    \_     _/  /  \_   \/    _/   _/   |
          \_____\      \____|_____/_____|_______/_________\____\____|
                 \______/        |                 |
                                 |                 |  h7
                                 |   n a t i v e   |
                                 |                 |
                                 |       ^ a s l   |
                                 |                 |
                                 |________.        |

             ,i][7"   ,[[]'   "4[]i,
            ,[[]'    ,[[]'      ][[],,,,yy
            [][l   _,[[]iyyyyyiil[][][]×××
       ^^^""`4][]i,[[]'       ,i[][7'  this says  nordic top
          h7  `^4[][]iiyyyyii[][]*'   it goes to  -
                ,[[]"^^×××××^^"" - --------------------------------------
               ,[[]' :::··
               "4]' :·
                 " ·

               ___ XXXXXXX ____________/\ __________________________.
             .\\   XXXXXXX               \/                         |
             | ._______ _____    ___________________ ___    ____    |
           ____|     _//  _  \ __\__     /\___     /_\_/_ _/  _/____:
         _/   _\     \·   /   \   _/    /   |/    /   /  \    \|    \_  __
         \_____\_______________/__\_____\_________/_______/__________/ /_/
             :     _______   ____. ______    _____                  :
             |     XXXXXXX  (    |__  _  \ __\_   \_   nordic top   |
             |____ XXXXXXX  |     _/  /   \_  /____/ _ _____________| h7
                   XXXXXXX  |_____|________/_____\

               .: `[]],
          ..::',i[][7^[]]"^^4[]]x,  this says  releases
       ··:::·,i[]7"   `[]],   "4[]i,  it's fo  darktrooper
     .yy,,,,,[][]      `[]],    `[]], -----------------------------------
     ×××××][][][liiyyyyyi[]],_   l[]]
            `7[][i,       `[]],i][]7`""^^^
                 ""^^×××××^^"[]],  h7

 _ _________ _____ _.______ _____ _ ______ ___ ___. ___ _____ __ ___. ________
 __\__     //   _/__|     |/   _/___\_.  /__._/  _|____/   _/___/  _|____    /.
.\  _/    /·   _/   :     |_  _/     \|    /:\___     /   _/   \___     /..h7 |
|___\_____\____\___________/__\_______|_____|/___\________\____/___\_____| ___|

             ,i][7"   ,[[]'   "4[]i,
            ,[[]'    ,[[]'      ][[],,,,yy
            [][l   _,[[]iyyyyyiil[][][]×××
       ^^^""`4][]i,[[]'       ,i[][7'  this says  revenge
          h7  `^4[][]iiyyyyii[][]*'   it goes to  -
                ,[[]"^^×××××^^"" - --------------------------------------
               ,[[]' :::··
               "4]' :·
                 " ·

          _________ _____ _____         _____     .______ ____      _____
   __.  __\__     //   _/___   \  _____/   _/_____|    _//  _/____ /   _/__.
 _/  | .\  _/    /·   _/        \/    /   _/     _\    \_   \_   /.   _/   |
 \___| |___\_____\____\______________/____\_______\_____/____/    |___\____| h7
                                          - r e v e n g e -

               .: `[]],
          ..::',i[][7^[]]"^^4[]]x,  this says  save our souls
       ··:::·,i[]7"   `[]],   "4[]i,  it's fo  xcz
     .yy,,,,,[][]      `[]],    `[]], -----------------------------------
     ×××××][][][liiyyyyyi[]],_   l[]]
            `7[][i,       `[]],i][]7`""^^^
                 ""^^×××××^^"[]],  h7

                     ___.        _____  ______ .______ _____ _ _____ __
         __  ____  _/  _|_____ _( ._ /__\     \|     |/   _/__.     ) /.
         \_\ \_  \ \___      /.   |/     \     \     |   _/   |        |
              /__/ /___\______|___|__________________|___\____|        :
         _____ ______       ________  _____  __                        |
        /     \     /____ __\__     \ \   / /_/  .__________  ____.    | h7
       /   o   \   /|    )   _/     / /__/ .____ |         |_/   _|____|__
      /    -    _____________\______\      |    )|         |\_____       /
      \_________/    ___.       _____ _____|    \|         |/   _/      /.
              ____ _/  _|_____ /     \     /     \         |____\________|
        __  _/   ( \___      /.   o   \   /|      ·_________/         _|
        \_\ \____/ /___\______|   -    \___________/ _________________(|_
                             \_________/                               "
                                         . . s a v e . o u r . s o u l s

             ,i][7"   ,[[]'   "4[]i,
            ,[[]'    ,[[]'      ][[],,,,yy
            [][l   _,[[]iyyyyyiil[][][]×××
       ^^^""`4][]i,[[]'       ,i[][7'  this says  singles
          h7  `^4[][]iiyyyyii[][]*'   it goes to  -
                ,[[]"^^×××××^^"" - --------------------------------------
               ,[[]' :::··
               "4]' :·
                 " ·

                       \                            /
          ___.     ___  \   ._______ ____     .______ _____     ___.
        _/  _|__ __\_/_ ____|     _//  _/_____|     |/   _/__ _/  _|__
        \___    \_  /  \_  _\     \_   \_    /:     |_  _/   \\___    \_
                             \                / ___
                              \______________/ /__/     s i n g l e s

               .: `[]],
          ..::',i[][7^[]]"^^4[]]x,  this says  the fire in which you burn
       ··:::·,i[]7"   `[]],   "4[]i,  it's fo  native
     .yy,,,,,[][]      `[]],    `[]], -----------------------------------
     ×××××][][][liiyyyyyi[]],_   l[]]
            `7[][i,       `[]],i][]7`""^^^
                 ""^^×××××^^"[]],  h7

                                        ________|       /_
                 _____.               .\\       |        |
           _____.\_   |_____ _____    |         :        |_ __
          (     |__   |   _//   _/__. |                  _//_/
          |      _/   _   |·   _/   | | __________    ___|_____ _____
          |______|    |___|____\____| :_\    _/\_/_ __\__     //   _/__.
              _/      |              _/    _/   /  \_  _/    /·   _/   |
              \_______|  ______      \_____\________/__\_____\____\____|
          ___     .______\     \   .____.      ___    ____   _____.
         _\_/_ ___|    _/ \     \  |    |____ _\_/_ _/  _/___\_   |____
        .\ /  \_ _\    \   \     \/\    _    \_ /  \    \|   \    _    \_
        |______/__\     \_  \___________|_____/___________________|_____/
         ________. \_____/________ _______.              |
         \_      |______ /  ___   \\      |_______       | h7
           \     |    _//    |/    \_     |     _/ ____  |
            \____     |·     /      /     |     \_ \   \_| ___
            __ _/     |____________/_____________/ /____/|/__/
            \_\\______|  ______     _______       _______|_   .______
                         \    /_____\_    /_____ _\__     /___|    _/
                         .\   \\    \_   /|    /   _/    /   _\    \_
                                      :                  |
                                      |                  |
              t h e  f i r e  i n  w h i c h  y o u  b u r n
                                      |                  |
                                      |        _         |_ __
                                      |_________\        _//_/

             ,i][7"   ,[[]'   "4[]i,
            ,[[]'    ,[[]'      ][[],,,,yy
            [][l   _,[[]iyyyyyiil[][][]×××
       ^^^""`4][]i,[[]'       ,i[][7'  this says  the process
          h7  `^4[][]iiyyyyii[][]*'   it goes to  -
                ,[[]"^^×××××^^"" - --------------------------------------
               ,[[]' :::··
               "4]' :·
                 " ·

    ___.\_   |____ _____
   (   |__   |  _//   _/__. _ ____  ____
   |    _/   _       _/   |       \ \   \_  ___
   |____|____|     ._\____|        \ \___/ /__/
             |_____|                \  
      _____  ________ _____    ___.  \    _____    ___.      ___.
    __\_   \_\__    //  _  \ _/  _|___\_ /   _/___/  _|_____/  _|_____
   .\  /___/  _/   /·   /   \\   \|    /.   _/   \___     /\___      /.
   |_____\____\____\____________________|___\____/___\_____/___\______| h7
                  .                      \
                  |  the process          \_  ___
                  |________________________/ /__/

               .: `[]],
          ..::',i[][7^[]]"^^4[]]x,  this says  the yard
       ··:::·,i[]7"   `[]],   "4[]i,  it's fo  zaner
     .yy,,,,,[][]      `[]],    `[]], -----------------------------------
     ×××××][][][liiyyyyyi[]],_   l[]]
            `7[][i,       `[]],i][]7`""^^^
                 ""^^×××××^^"[]],  h7

          ____.______.      _____
         (    |\_    |____ /   _/__.
         |     _/    _    \_  _/   | ___________ ___
         |_____||____|_____/__\____|           //__/
                    ·    _____._____ ______   / _________ __________
                     \   \    :    /_\___  \_·__\__     /_\___     /
                      \   \_  |  _/    \|    \_  _/    /\   |/    /
                       \   |_____|______|_____/__\_____\__________/ h7
                        \                 ·
                         \_______________/  t h e   y a r d

             ,i][7"   ,[[]'   "4[]i,
            ,[[]'    ,[[]'      ][[],,,,yy
            [][l   _,[[]iyyyyyiil[][][]×××
       ^^^""`4][]i,[[]'       ,i[][7'  this says  trsi
          h7  `^4[][]iiyyyyii[][]*'   it goes to  cpix
                ,[[]"^^×××××^^"" - --------------------------------------
               ,[[]' :::··
               "4]' :·
                 " ·

                                          _                 ,xXXXx,
            ______.       _______________ /_____           :XXXXXXX:
         ._/      |       \             ///   _/_________   `×XXX×'
         |\       |_____ __\____        /_\_______.      \_ xxxxxxx
         |             /       /       /        \_|       / "XXXXXX
         |          __/     __/       /\_         |      ¯¯| XXXXXX
         |          ||      \         \ /         |        | XXXXXX h7
         |__________||_______\_________\__________|        |xXXXXXXx
         t/RISTAR & r/ED s/ECTOR i/NC

               .: `[]],
          ..::',i[][7^[]]"^^4[]]x,  this says  trsi pc-demo division
       ··:::·,i[]7"   `[]],   "4[]i,  it's fo  cpix
     .yy,,,,,[][]      `[]],    `[]], -----------------------------------
     ×××××][][][liiyyyyyi[]],_   l[]]
            `7[][i,       `[]],i][]7`""^^^
                 ""^^×××××^^"[]],  h7

                            .\\                 //.
                            |                     |
                            :                     |
                     ___________________ _____    :         _____
         ._________  \                 //   _/______________\    \____
      ___|        /___\______         /\_________.        /  \____/  /
      \          ·   /      /        /\__ _    \ |       /:         /:
       \__        __/     _/        /  /        \|      · |          |
         |        ||      \         \_/          |        |          |
         |________||_______\_________\___________|        |__________| h7
         ______ _  _____    :      ___________ __|__   ___|______ _____
      ___\__   \_\/  __/_____  __ _\____     //   _/___\  _     //  _  \
     .\    /____/    \|     /./_/.\   |/    /    _/    \\//    /·   /   \_
     |______\  _ ____________|   |__________/____\______\/_______________/
                            :                    |        :
     tRSI                   |                    |________|
     pC-dEMO dIVISION       |                     :
                            |_                   _|

             ,i][7"   ,[[]'   "4[]i,
            ,[[]'    ,[[]'      ][[],,,,yy
            [][l   _,[[]iyyyyyiil[][][]×××
       ^^^""`4][]i,[[]'       ,i[][7'  this says  trsi pc-demo division
          h7  `^4[][]iiyyyyii[][]*'   it goes to  cpix
                ,[[]"^^×××××^^"" - --------------------------------------
               ,[[]' :::··
               "4]' :·
                 " ·

                             _  _ _  /               /.
      __  ____.    ______________  \/   __.           |
      \( (    |__ _\__     /\  _/_____ _\_|_          |
         |     _/   _/    /--\___.    \_  | \_  __    |
         |_____||___\_____\     \|_____/_____/ /_/    : h7
       ________   _____ |________\  ___________ _____ ·    _____   _____
     __\___    \ /  __/_____  ___ __\____     //   _/____ / _   \_/  _  \
    .\    /____/    \|     /./__/.\    |/    /·   _/     \\//    /   /   \_
    |_______\ _ ____________|    |___________/____\_______\/______________/
                        _ __                          . .___
                          _/   tRSI pC-dEMO dIVISION  : |   \_  __  __
                          \___________________________| |____/ /_/ /_/

               .: `[]],
          ..::',i[][7^[]]"^^4[]]x,  this says  volatile
       ··:::·,i[]7"   `[]],   "4[]i,  it's fo  volatile
     .yy,,,,,[][]      `[]],    `[]], -----------------------------------
     ×××××][][][liiyyyyyi[]],_   l[]]
            `7[][i,       `[]],i][]7`""^^^
                 ""^^×××××^^"[]],  h7

                       ____________________________  \_/
                       \                           \_
  ______    ______ _____\._______   ______    ____. / ___ ._______  _____
  \     \  /     //  _  \|      | __\__.  \_ (    |__ \_/_|      | /   _/__.
   \     \/     /·   /.  \_     |_    \|    \|     _/  /  \_     |_   _/   |
    \__________/__________/______/_____|_____|_____|_______/______/___\____| h7
                            \                   / ___
                             \_________________/ /__/ v o l a t i l e

             ,i][7"   ,[[]'   "4[]i,
            ,[[]'    ,[[]'      ][[],,,,yy
            [][l   _,[[]iyyyyyiil[][][]×××
       ^^^""`4][]i,[[]'       ,i[][7'  this says  zaner
          h7  `^4[][]iiyyyyii[][]*'   it goes to  zaner
                ,[[]"^^×××××^^"" - --------------------------------------
               ,[[]' :::··
               "4]' :·
                 " ·

    ________________________ ___
    \                      //   \_ ___
     \         _________  //_____//__/
      \        \_      /_/____       .______ _____     __________
       \        /     /_\__.  \_ ____|    _//   _/__ __\__      /
        \      /     /    \|    \_  _\    \_   _/   Y   _/     /
         \    /____________|_____/___\_____/___\________\______\  h7
          \          /
           \        /   z a n e r

               .: `[]],
          ..::',i[][7^[]]"^^4[]]x,  this says  zymosis
       ··:::·,i[]7"   `[]],   "4[]i,  it's fo  wrec
     .yy,,,,,[][]      `[]],    `[]], -----------------------------------
     ×××××][][][liiyyyyyi[]],_   l[]]
            `7[][i,       `[]],i][]7`""^^^
                 ""^^×××××^^"[]],  h7

          _________                 \                       \_  h7
          \_      /__._____  _______ \  _____   ____    __.  / ____
           /     /   |    /__\  _   \_·/  _  \ /  _/__ _\_|__ /  _/__
          /     /\_  |  _/   \\//    //   /   \\___   \_  |  \\___   \_
                                         \               /___ ___
         Z y m o s i s                    \_____________//__//__/

                                   [tHE eND]



                              [[][:    that was it. here are the
                             ,y][]7            .
                            .[][]l             i
                            l[][]:           ,i]
                            [[][]:         xi][]
                            [[][]:         [][]]
          .______  ______   ['___.   ____. [][]]
          |     | _\__.  \_ _/  _|__(    |__"[]]  __ _ _
       ___|     |_   \|    \\___    \_    _/,[]]  \((//_\  THE LAST WORDS
       \  |______/____|_____/___\____/____| ][]]
        \       \            _____    _____________________ ___.
         \       \    ______/  _  \ __\__     /\_____     //  _|___
          \       \/\/    _/   /   \_  _/    /|    |/    /\___     \_
         well. if you have  [[][]l         [][]]
         got questions to   l[][]l         [][]]
         ask, or just some  `[][][i,       [][]]
         requests, contact    "^×4[]iy,,,,,[][]]
         me somehow. emailing      ¯¯"""""""""""
         is good. phoning is good.
         /msg velikani in  IRCnet is good.  even
         /msg h7[tRSI] in EFnet can be good also.
         i've got an ICQ number too, but i can't
         remember it coz it's too fuken long.

         my email : /
         cellphone : +358 405 896 257
         homepage :

         for more my stuff, check out my Web-pages.
         for aerosol information, surf to address  or  dial
         Zaner's board "The Yard" BBS, our offical
         board. find Zaner in IRC for # or IP.

         that's about it.

                         this has been an offical

                                     .  .
                  _______      _  _     _ _ _____
              ____\   __/_____.\/// ASL \\\/)   _\
          ____\_ /_\  )__\  _ )_ .____.___  \   \ .____.___  /\___
         /     /  l/   /___ /  /_/   _   /. _\   \/   _   /./    /___
   __ _ /   ._/   |.  /)  _\ ._  \.__/_   \_\ \   \   /    \    /|   \_ _ __
   \_\\\\__________\______\__l/   \\  /_ _/   /\   \_______/__________////_/
    ------------------------/_________\\\\_\ _______/zNr\A!----------------

                            aerosol collection by

                             _____\/________|_            _
                  _ __. ____|     \/   ___  |  _       __ /    ___
                      ||  | |_______ _( _//_·_( !/\_ _( _//_ _! __\_ ·
      n7/aSl   _.      |__|______  //_ ____//_  /  //_ ____//_  |  //_
       _____ _( !___ _______  |  |   l__ !   l__\    l__ !   l__|    l
       \.  //_  _  /_      \: |  |      `-----' `-----' `-----' l_____))_
        |    l__|    l      | |  |.                             .
      o |       l_____))_   |_|__||_____ _  hSeven/aerosol  _ __|
        !    /\                              

                             thanks for watching.

                             ninja vanish ... WU!