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File size:
46 252 bytes (45.17K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:22:44
Download count:
all-time: 469

Screenshot (by Demozoo)



                           so here we cum ...

                         :::::.  ...
                    :    :::::::::::::::::
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               Are dot's more stylish than 'regular' Ascii?

   \            __/__    ___.        ____  ____.
    \          /     \  /   |---/-__/_   \/   _|___
     \        /       \/    |   \/   /___/   /   _/
      \      //_       \    |    \  /    \_ /_    \__ _                  /\
       \     \_________/_________/________/   \.____////_______________ /\_\
        \___ /nUP                _ __ /________|                      //__\
            /                      ///               =Vouck and Zaner=
    _\ _____    _____      _____   _____     _____   presenting:
     _\     \ __\    \  __/_    |_/_    \ __/_    \  QU'EST LE TRAFIQUANT
    /    ___//   _    \/   /   /   /    //   /   _/  DE DROGUE?        ____
   /     \   \_  \   _/   /   /   /____/\_ /_     \__ __ __ _ ________\\  /_
   \__________/______\___/____\___________/___\_____//_//               \/ /

                   - " QU'EST LE TRAFIQUANT DE DROGUE? " -

                                               _|____  _____|__    |
                                                |  ____(   _|__|__ |
                                                __\\        |  |
                                                |              |
                                Z     A     N   |   E     R    |
                        ____                    |              |
                  ____ /    \ _____   ____    _____            |
       . ..... __\\_  \ _|_  \\___ |_\\ __|__\\_   \ ................. ..
       . :    /_  ____/_ |/ /_  |(  /_ _|(  /_ /__ /__         .     : :
      .: :.... /__|(   /_|\  /__|    /___    /__|(   /_ ...... | ....: .
                  -----\ _     -----\ -----\ -----\      __|
          dz\a!   /______/|______\            __|__|_   ____\\
                                            |   |__|____)  ____|_
         < ARCADE / LFC / BK / AHS / SOiA  _|_____ |           |
                                            | SYSOP OF T.HE Y.ARD BBS >
                     z a n e r   a.k.a.  miseur zanerski

                                                           :/     |
                                                  _________|__|_  |
                                                 :/        |  |   |
               __ ____|__ ___                    |        _|__|__/:
               \//    : / __//\_   . __ ___/\_   :_/\_     |  |
                 \    :/  \ __ /_--|/  \\__  /_--|   /        ·
          :  _ ___\_  /  /  |   /  /   /  |___/ /___/_   .v.o.u.c.k.
        o |  //_   \ /| /_ /|  /_ /|  /_ /|  /___|   / ____ __
       __\|___ (____\ | /(___   (___   (___   (/ :  /_|  _//_//_
            < ------ \_/ ---:___/ -:___/ -:___/__________\ --------- >
                                                 .            |
              vouck  a.k.a.  josef vouckinski    |    dz\a!   |
                    AEROSOL / DRIFTERS / PHASE-D |

_ ______ ( i.ntroduction )___________________________________ ____ ______ _
//                         voucK & zaneR - QU'EST LE TRAFIQUANT DE DROGUE?

   nearly a year of inactivity passed. the message of this collection is:

   t a k e  d r u g s  , m a k e  p a r t y !
   k i l l  a l l  c o m p u t e r  g e e k s !

   zaner catch the mic ...


 +vouck / aerosol^drifters^phaseD

  Yo mates. thanks to vouck for handing me over the mic...
  Well it's been a pretty long time since i released anything, i was pretty
  busy and time by time i did some logos, and here i am back together with
  vouck in a little co-operation. Propably all logos were done on any kind
  of drug, so we connected this collection to our drogues :)
  Well that's all from my side. enjoy this little collection and await some
  more releases from me in the future, and not knowing under which label.


 +zaner / arcade^lightforce^bad karma^aeroholics^sick of it all (the yard bbs)

  well this whole collie was done under big influence on drugs, so don't 
  count it as bad.. count it as stylish as the colly is (=verpeilt...)
____________________________________.xXx.________________________________ __

                   - " QU'EST LE TRAFIQUANT DE DROGUE? " -

           |                         ..
           |                         ::
           |                    ____(||)____
           |               .  _/            \_  .
           |               :_/   ( aRCADE )   \_:
           _ ______  ______  ______        _ ______   _______  _________
       ______/    /___\    \_/   _/__________/    /___/_     \_/    ___/_
      _\   _     /    /    /_    /     /   _     /     /     /    _/     \
           .         ______ ________ ______      ________   ________ _
           | ______/    /_/      /_/   _/______/______/___/______/_
            _\   _     /  \        \   /     /          \          \ (lo!)
           .               .                    .
           |               |_    ( aSCii! )    _|
           |                 \_              _/
           |                   \_____||_____/
           |                         ::
           |                         ..
           |                in co-operation with.
           |  _                      ____
           |  \ ___     ____   _____!    \_    _______    n7v!asL
        ______\\_  \_ _(  _/_ /_      /   /---( __    \_ ________
       /_   _   __  //   ___/--l  ____|   _      |     /_.____  /_  :
        l__ /___ !    ___ !   _    l  `---/--l__ !  _    l   (___//_|
           / .  `------' `----/-----'       _   `---/-----'   _     |
            _|___  __ o                 ___ /       ______. _( |_______
             |_ (_(_)___  Aerosol!@  __(   //____ _(  __  |/   /      /_
           .  /______  /______ __   /_  \____   //     |   ____    _    l
           |        /________//_//__ l___   !  _  ____ !  _   l`---/-----'
           |                             `-----/---'  `---/----'

  / \ /\\
 /___\  \ ______________ _ part I :     the mirror vs. die knospe
    /____\ _

                                           _____   ____
                                           |___|___|__|_______________ _
  _________________________________________/          |___
  hey necrite / say what? i love techno       ________   |________________ _
  ___________________________________________/ |_____|   |
                                         . |___|     |___| v.ouck!
                                          . .

   /     |  _____      ________ ______      _______
   | +vK |  /   |_____ / ____ \ /    /_____ / ____/___
   |     | /    |/   \    \/   \    /|    \    /    \
   |     |/___________\_________\__________\_________\-- -
 __|     |_ _  _______  _____    _______ ___  ______________ ________
   |_____|     / ____/_ / __/___ /     //   \______  ____  \ / ____ \
              / _______\ _/    \      /_    X     \   \/    \   \/   \
 ____________ \_____\___________\______\____|     |____\_____\________\ __
        o. i   l  o  v  e   t  e  c  h  o   |_____| .o                 \|

  _             / )
 ( \         __/  \
 /  \__.----.\_)__/
 \__(_/ __  (_/ /
    \  !  \ ./ /  | after a fat blunt of gras, i had a flash into the...
     \ /// )/ / __+___ __ ___________ __ _
      ·\._/  /    | ...planet love     ///
     /      /     |  -/- greetings to -> flower.
   _·____ _/      |                <---·'"
  ///____\\\      |                     '"
    \     ! Mt^lp!
     \     \_
      \      \ z.aner!

     __ _ _____.               ____ ___._    _____. _ _____
     \_\\\\_   )_    _._  _____\_ /_)  |\\___\  __/_\\\   /__ _
_ ____\_\/  _/  /\___\/\\_\     /  |   l     l\ )_\\___   __///\/\_ _
\\\  /\ /    __/    /___ |_   _/  .l_  |\    |/  /__\_/  /__\/\/  ///\
 \\\ \/ \____\/    /|   \_/________\/._|l   _|  /)   _\___/\  /___\\\/\
  \\\/\  \___/__________./\_________\__\|____\_______\ \__\/  \____\\\/
   \\\/      \___________\/[zNr/A!]     \_____\_______\/
                            __________________.___  -^] pLANET lOVE [^-
            /\____    _.__._\                / __/
          _/     /___//  _  \_              /\ )_
       _ _\     /|   \_  /    \           _/ /  /_____ _ __ _.
      ///_\\__________/_______/\         /._/  /)    _\\\\_\\/\
      \\\__\\_________\_______\/\        / \_________\\\\\\_\\/
                          _  __ _\_     /   \_________\/
                          \\ \_\\\.\   /  (oNE oF tHE fINEST oN eARTH!)
                                   \  /_ ___  _
       (pSX * nGPC * n64 * gAMEbOY) \////__/ //


                                           _____   ____
                                           |___|___|__|_______________ _
  _________________________________________/          |___
  for cg / an acid leaf for cg                ________   |________________ _
  ___________________________________________/ |_____|   |
                                         . |___|     |___| v.ouck!
                                          . .

                       _           ______
        ___   _____ ___\|___    ___|_   |
      __| /__ /   / _  \   \ ___|__ \ +vK
     /   /   \      \       \   | /  \  |
    /_________\______\_______\________\ |
  _ _______________________________|    |__
  _ ______( a c i d )____________________ _

  _             / )
 ( \         __/  \
 /  \__.----.\_)__/
 \__(_/ __  (_/ /
    \  !  \ ./ /  | my freestyle part passed away and i had to send out my...
     \ /// )/ / __+___ __ ___________ __ _
      ·\._/  /    | ...credits     ///
     /      /     |  -/- shaolin technique a.k.a. aveng3r.
   _·____ _/      |                <---·'"
  ///____\\\      |                     '"
    \     ! Mt^lp!
     \     \_
      \      \
   (_____(____) z.aner!

          .                        .          .                    .
          :          .....         :          :       .....        :
          ::         :::::        ::          ::      :::::       ::
    : :: :::: :::::::::::::::::: :::: :: : : :::: :::::::::::::: :::: :: :
          ::         :::::        ::          :: ___. :::::       ::
          :          :::__ _ _______ _     __ _ _\  / :_|_: ____   :
    ____. ___.   ______.\_\\\\   __///. _  \_\\\\ \/\__\|\/)   _\ .___.
_ _/     /  _(___\_ _  )_._ __\  )_   _//----.  /   /)  \__\   \      \_ _
\\\___. /  /     _/ /   /_\\\//   /___l_  .   \/   /_.   _._\   \ .____///
 __ _ _/  /_.   /   ._    \._/__ /)  _\\\ l\   \_ /_ \   \_\ \   \
 \_\\\\_________\___l/     \\  /_.___\/_________//// /___/   /\   \_ _ __
          .        /___________\\\ .   zNr\a!\___\\\  ./___________////_/
          :          .....         :          :       .....        :
          ::         :::::        ::          ::      :::::       ::
    : :: :::: :::::::::::::::::: :::: :: : : :::: :::::::::::::: :::: :: :
          ::         :::::        ::          ::                  ::
          :                        :          :                    :
          .                        .          .                    .

                             PArt II :     the card vs. the papers

                                           _____   ____
                                           |___|___|__|_______________ _
  _________________________________________/          |___
  for mandy / cocaine+speed = speedball       ________   |________________ _
  ___________________________________________/ |_____|   |
                                         . |___|     |___| v.ouck!
                                          . .

                                       _ _
                                      _|\\ ::::::
              ________ _______ ______ /  \ :::::: ________ ______
               /     //   _  \/     //    \::::::/ ____  \ / ___/____
              /     /    \/   \    /   oO  \:::::   \|    \ __\     /
             /_______\_________\____\ ______\::::____\_____\________\
                     _____        _ __\    ::::::       ______
                  ___\  _/__ _______         _____    ___|__  \
                           \/  __  \ ______  / __/___ /  | /   \
                _ __________\  /____\\ __/__ __\    \ __________\
                          /_____| /  __\   \ ________\+vK

  _             / )
 ( \         __/  \
 /  \__.----.\_)__/
 \__(_/ __  (_/ /
    \  !  \ ./ /  | too much gras, and now we're turning into silence, simply.
     \ /// )/ / __+___ __ ___________ __ _
      ·\._/  /    | ...enjoy da silence///
     /      /     |  -/- established for -> / aerosol
   _·____ _/      |                <---·'"
  ///____\\\      |                     '"
    \     ! Mt^lp!
     \     \_
      \      \
   (_____(____) z.aner!

                       ___. _
  _ ______. ___._      \  ////\  ________
  \/\   __/.)  |\\___. _\/_      \      /__  __ _
     \  )_ \   .     l \   \ ___._\.   /   \.\_\\/
     /   /__\  |\    |__\   \_  _  /_ /|    /                    ____
 _ _/   /)  _\_|l    | //    /  /   / \l  _/                 ____\_ /_
 \\\________\   |\  _|//   _/_______\\   /_ __    _//----.  /     /  l
                |____\.____\         /__////_/    l  .    \/    _/   |.__ _
                .___                         __ _ |  l\    \_.________\\///
      _ _____   \  / -[ ENjOY DA SiLENCE ]-  \_\\\|__________/
     //.)   _\ ._\/___ _  _ ______. ___._             ______. _
        \   \  \    _/// /_\\   __/.)  |\\___.  ___.  \   __///
        _\   \  \   \/\___   \  )_ \   .     l /  _(___\  )_
     ___\ \   \ /   /    /___/   /__\  |\    |/  /    _/   /__ __ _
 _ _/     /\   \.  /\   /|   \_ /)  _\_|l    |  /_.  //   /) _\\_\\\
 \\\____________/__\ \________/_____\   |\  _|\______\_______\

                                           _____   ____
                                           |___|___|__|_______________ _
  _________________________________________/          |___
  for transient people / transient            ________   |________________ _
  ___________________________________________/ |_____|   |
                                         . |___|     |___| v.ouck!
                                          . .

     ___                                |  __|____                   ____
  ___\ /_   _____   ___   _________ ____|  | _ _ | ____    _______ __\  /__
  /     /___/   \ __| /__ /  ___  \ / _/___| \ _ | / _/___ / ____ \/     /
 /______\  /_____\   /   \    \|   \______ \  \/ | __\   \    \|   \_____\
 - -----/______\__________\____\    \_______\    |________\____\____\------ -
                               |_____\  |  |     |+vK
                                        |  |_____|

  _             / )
 ( \         __/  \
 /  \__.----.\_)__/
 \__(_/ __  (_/ /
    \  !  \ ./ /  | i am an addict, ganja and also addicted by aerosol-art.
     \ /// )/ / __+___ __ ___________ __ _
      ·\._/  /    | ...aerosol///
     /      /     |  -/- smelling styles for the aerosol cliqque //
   _·____ _/      |                <---·'"
  ///____\\\      |                     '"
    \     ! Mt^lp!
     \     \_
      \      \
   (_____(____) z.aner!

                                .   .
                                .   .
                                l   l
               ______.      _  _|   |_ _ _____
           ____\   __/_____.\/// ASL \\\/)   _\
       ____\_ /_\  )__\  _ )_ .____.___  \   \ .____.___  /\___
      /     /  l/   /___ /  /_/   _   /. _\   \/   _   /./    /___
__ _ /   ._/   |.  /)  _\ ._  \.__/_   \_\ \   \   /    \    /|   \_ _ __
\_\\\\__________\______\__l/   \\  /_ _/   /\   \_______/__________////_/
                         /_________\\\\_\ _______/zNr\A!
                                :   :
                              __.   .__
                                 \ /
      tHE dOPED aSCII sTYLERS...  \  aEROSOL kICKING iT aGAIN tHRU 2000!
                                 / \
                                ·   \

                                           _____   ____
                                           |___|___|__|_______________ _
  _________________________________________/          |___
  for 1oo% people / 1oo%                      ________   |________________ _
  ___________________________________________/ |_____|   |
                                         . |___|     |___| v.ouck!
                                          . .

                   __________   __________  __________
                    \        \ /   _     \ /  _      \
                   /          \   \/      \   \/      \
               - -------------------------------------+vK- >

  _             / )
 ( \         __/  \
 /  \__.----.\_)__/
 \__(_/ __  (_/ /
    \  !  \ ./ /  | these words don't fit into my lifestyle, but i said...
     \ /// )/ / __+___ __ ___________ __ _
      ·\._/  /    | ...i love techno./// besides that i can't believe it :)
     /      /     |  -/- the freak called necri7e asked me like...
   _·____ _/      |                <---·'"
  ///____\\\      |                     '"
    \     ! Mt^lp!
     \     \_
      \      \
   (_____(____) z.aner!

           ___. _
       __ _\  ///
      /\_\\ \/\               /\________. .---.   _____.
      \/_//   /             _/  /    _ _/_|   l___\  __/
         /   /             /   /\__  /   /.   \   \\ )_
  __ _  /   /        __ _ /   /|   \______\   |\   /  /___ _ __
 /_/// /   /_       /\_\\\\________/_____/l_______/  /)  _\\\\_\
/_/// /\___\\\      \/_////_______/      l/______/_______\////_/
      \/___///                     .            /________/
            __          __ _ _____|_ __      [ i lOVe tECHNo ]
   _ __ __./  \_.__. _ /\_\\\\    | ____
  ///_//___// __/__///_\/_/// \_  |/\   \____._
 ///_//__/   /\  )_  /   _(_\_//  |\/   /)   |\\___. _________.
        /   / /   /_/_  /    _/   |/   /     l     l/    _   _/_
       /\___\/   /)  _\/_   //    l\   \___  |\    |_    /    /._ __
       \/___/________\______\      _.     /__|l    |/__________\\\\_\
           /_________/___///______|/______\__/|\  _|___________////_/
                        ///______//_______/  ll___\/\\zNr\a!

             ..:. .
                   this part of the collection is dedicated to all
                         people die auf feiern abgehen !!!
                           und  i m m e r  fett abgehn.        ..:.

                                           _____   ____
                                           |___|___|__|_______________ _
  _________________________________________/          |___
  for darkus / aerosol                        ________   |________________ _
  ___________________________________________/ |_____|   |
                                         . |___|     |___| v.ouck!
                                          . .

             ___ __
             |  \/|
      _____  |    |   ____ _____         _____              ____
  ____| _ \ _|___ |   /  //    \ _______ / __/____  _______ /  //____
  /   \/   \/   /_|__/    \ ____\/   _  \        \  /  _   \   /    \
 /__________\ __\    \_____\    /   \//  \________\/  \\/   \________\- -
 - ---------/_________\--------/__________\+vK-----\_________\
             |    |
         - --X    X-- -  a e r o s o l

  _             / )
 ( \         __/  \
 /  \__.----.\_)__/
 \__(_/ __  (_/ /
    \  !  \ ./ /  | mess with the best, // that's the slogan of the..
     \ /// )/ / __+___ __ ___________ __ _
      ·\._/  /    | ...paradox      ./// 
     /      /     |  -/- the allmighty cosysop of the yard and black metal
   _·____ _/      |                <---·'" freak called ninja.
  ///____\\\      |                     '"
    \     ! Mt^lp!
     \     \_
      \      \
   (_____(____) z.aner

                     ____              ____
  __ _ _______. _____\_ /______.  _____\_ /_  _    .___._________.zNr/A!_ __
  \_\\\\__    )_\     /  |\  _ )__\     /  |-//---./    _   /.   l_____///_/
       _/  _/  /    _/  .l_  /  /_    _/  .l_ .    \    /    \   |   _/\
       \     _/__________\/ ._    \________\/ l\    \________/       \\/
        \____\\_________/___l/     \______/__________/\_____/    |_____\
         \____\         \__/__________/\  \__________\/   /______l\_____\
  ·----------------------· \__________\/ ·--------------· \______\l ·-------·

                         ·:·· · ·· ·
                 PArt III : the white powder vs. crystalic white gras

                                           _____   ____
                                           |___|___|__|_______________ _
  _________________________________________/          |___
  for darkus / darkus                         ________   |________________ _
  ___________________________________________/ |_____|   |
                                         . |___|     |___| v.ouck!
                                          . .

               _____|           |_____
               |.   |___________|    |
               ||/  |           |    |
               |    |d a r k u s|   .|
               |    |           |   ||
             __|___ |______ ____|____| ______   ___        ____
         ____|__  \ /  _  \ /  ____  \ /    /__ /  \ _____ / _/_____
         /   | /   \    _  \    \/____\    /   \    \|   \         \+vK
        /___________\___\___\____\ ________\____\_________\_________\
      - -------|    |-----------|    |------------------------------- -
               |    |__       __|    |
               |____| |___  __| |____|
                 |____|  |  | |___|
                    |    |  |   |
                    |____|. |___|
                         :  :

  _             / )
 ( \         __/  \
 /  \__.----.\_)__/
 \__(_/ __  (_/ /
    \  !  \ ./ /  | we're faster than light. the power of the...
     \ /// )/ / __+___ __ ___________ __ _
      ·\._/  /    | ...lightforce      .///
     /      /     |  -/- for the lfc clan'99. hello [-rKr-].
   _·____ _/      |                <---·'"
  ///____\\\      |                     '"
    \     ! Mt^lp!
     \     \_
      \      \
   (_____(____) z.aner!

                                 .        .
                                 .        .
                                 :        :
          ___.   LiGHTFoRCE'99   .        .
       __.\ .___           __    |        | QUALiTY SiNCE 1987!
       \// \\  /          \\/.____ .___   l                          ______.
            _\/.____    _____|   /_\  /____.______ _.__ _____.  ___  \   __/
   /\__    /   /  _/____\_   |   l__  _   / _.  _///  /_\ _  )_/ _/___\  )_
  /   /__  \   \  \     _/  /l   | \  \__/  \l__\  .   /  /   /_ \    /   /___
_/   /l  \_/_  /_  \\  /_\  __   | /   /\    _/_\  l\  \ ._     \ \  /   /)  _\
\_________///___/______\\___/l___|/___/ /____\\________/_l/      \___\_______\
                                 .        .              /_________/zNr/a!
                                 l        l
                 P R O U D L Y   |        |   P R E S E N T S
                      ____ __ _ _|        |_ _ __ ____
                      \___\\_\\\\:  ____  :////_//___/
                                 )__\  /__(

                                           _____   ____
                                           |___|___|__|_______________ _
  _________________________________________/          |___
  for darkus / resistance                     ________   |________________ _
  ___________________________________________/ |_____|   |
                                         . |___|     |___| v.ouck!
                                          . .

                           ___ _                _________
   ________ _____    _____ |  \| _____ _______ _|___ ___|_____ _______ ____
  /  ____ \ / __/__ / ___/_|   |/ ___/__   __// _  \ / ____  \ /     //  _/___
 \    \/___\ __\   \\_____ \  \|\_____ \    \   _   \___\/    \    _/  __\   \
  \____\____________\_______\  \ _______\___/___\____\  /_____/______\________\
  - ------------------( xX |___|\\ +vK )--------|-------|------------------- -
                                  \           __| resistance posse '99
                                             _\ |\______|
                                            _\ \__\

  _             / )
 ( \         __/  \
 /  \__.----.\_)__/
 \__(_/ __  (_/ /
    \  !  \ ./ /  | we're faster than light. the power of the...
     \ /// )/ / __+___ __ ___________ __ _
      ·\._/  /    | ...lightforce      .///
     /      /     |  -/- for the lfc clan'99 for use as a file_id.diz =)
   _·____ _/      |                <---·'"
  ///____\\\      |                     '"
    \     ! Mt^lp!
     \     \_
      \      \
   (_____(____) z.aner!

+BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ      _.           ___.
  __ _\/_.__.____ _l  l_____.____.____._____
_/ /.\_ / _/l_ _l_\_  _/ __/ \_  )_ _/\  __/
\  \l / \ \ _/ \_ \|  | _/ _/ /._ /_\ _\  )_
|_ __                                  __ _|
///_/  DIE DOENER BUDE 2001 [PAL/N64]  \_\\\
|                                          |

                                           _____   ____
                                           |___|___|__|_______________ _
  _________________________________________/          |___
  for darkus / massive                        ________   |________________ _
  ___________________________________________/ |_____|   |
                                         . |___|     |___| v.ouck!
                                          . .

                                 .    .
                                      ,         .
                                 :   °          .
                                 |    o         |
  ______________ ______   ___    | ____      ___|__       ______
  /  ____ ___  \/_     \ / _/___ | / _/____ /     /____   / ___/___
 /____\/   \     /  oO  \\_____ \|_\_____ \/     //   /___\ _/    /_
      /____/    /_  .    \  |/   \    |/   \ ___/    /|  \ ________\
   - ----./______\       /________\_________\  /__________\ .-------- -
                                -| > mASSiVe < -|
                                 :              |
                                 .              :

  _             / )
 ( \         __/  \
 /  \__.----.\_)__/
 \__(_/ __  (_/ /
    \  !  \ ./ /  | the fastest form of light in co.op with the historical.s
     \ /// )/ / __+___ __ ___________ __ _
      ·\._/  /    | ...lfc & hsy inc. .///
     /      /     |  -/- a request done for the lightforce & history inc.
   _·____ _/      |                <---·'"
  ///____\\\      |                     '"
    \     ! Mt^lp!
     \     \_
      \      \
   (_____(____) z.aner!

+BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ      _.           ___.
  __ _\/_.__.____ _l  l_____.____.____._____
_/ /.\_ / _/l_ _l_\_  _/ __/ \_  )_ _/\  __/
\  \l / \ \ _/ \_ \|  | _/ _/ /._ /_\ _\  )_
|_ __                                  __ _|
///_/  AMiGA OS 5.0 BETA 1. - [XX/44]  \_\\\
|                                          |
____. _\/__.___   _l  l_.__.____. ____ .____
l  _l_\   / __/__\\_  _/   \_   )_\_  \l   /
|  \_ \_  \___   /_|  | _/  /._  /_ \   __/

                                           _____   ____
                                           |___|___|__|_______________ _
  _________________________________________/          |___
  for dipswitch / badkarma.diz                ________   |________________ _
  ___________________________________________/ |_____|   |
                                         . |___|     |___| v.ouck!
                                          . .

+BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ___   _    ____  ___   _   ______ _   _
 /  /_ / \ __|__\ /  /_ / \ / _   // \ / \
/  /  \   \  | / \    /    \  \__/    \   \
___\___\___\______\___\_____\__\___  __\___\
|-(bAd kARma )---------------------\/.vK---|
|                                          :
:                                          |

  _             / )
 ( \         __/  \
 /  \__.----.\_)__/
 \__(_/ __  (_/ /
    \  !  \ ./ /  | top secret, SP agents called me up for some SP design.
     \ /// )/ / __+___ __ ___________ __ _
      ·\._/  /    | SP +info box+     .///
     /      /     |  -/- a request by SP's top agents. take care guys!
   _·____ _/      |                <---·'"
  ///____\\\      |                     '"
    \     ! Mt^lp!
     \     \_
      \      \
   (_____(____) z.aner!

                                .       .
                                :       :
                                |       |
                          _ _ _____     |
                          \\\/)   _\  ______. _  _
                           \\\\   \_\.\_    )_\///\
                              _\   \ /   _/  /\\\\/
                             _\ \   \     __/ /
                           _/   /\   \_   \_\/
                                .       .
          ._____ _ ______ __ _ _|  SP!  |_ _ __ ______ _ _____.
          l     \\\\_____\\_\\\\: _____ :////_//_____////     l
          |                     )_\   /_(                     |
          |                        \ /                        |
          |                p r e s  \  e n t s                |
         _|_ _ _                   / \                   _ _ _|_
         \:                           \                       :/
          l                                                   l
    _     |             Snowboard Kids 2 (c) Atlus            |     _
    \_ _ _l_            English - Pal/V64/128Mbit            _l_ _ _/
          :/                                                 \:
          l  g a m e.......: Snowboard Kids 2                 l
          |  c o m p a n y.: Atlus / Nintendo                 |
          |  f o r m a t...: PAL, 128Mbit, V64                |
          |  d a t e.......: 3/September/1999                 |
          |  n o t e s.....: blah blah blah, make space       |
          |                  make space make space make       |
          |                  more space if you need more      |
          |  g r e e t s...: your greetings...                |
          |                  your greetings...                |
          |                  your group greets                |
          |                  your group greets                |
          |                                                   |
         _|__ _                                           _ __|_
         \:                                                   :/
          '---[this info file was designed by zANEr^A!/LFC]---'

                                           _____   ____
                                           |___|___|__|______________ _
  _________________________________________/          |___
  for dipswitch / bad karma                   ________   |________________ _
  ___________________________________________/ |_____|   |
                                         . |___|     |___| .vouck!
                                          . .

                          |        |
                        __|__      |______     _____
                      _/    /___ _/   _  \ ____|__  \_
                     _\    //   \\    _   \/   | /   /_
              ____      __|____ ___|______      ___   ______
           __/   /___ _/  __  \ /  ____   \ ___ /  \ /   _  \
          _\    //   \\    _   \    \/____//  \/    \    _   /_
        - ----------------|--------|--------------------------- -
                      ____|        |
                  _ __\ __\________|
                   \\  \___\

  _             / )
 ( \         __/  \
 /  \__.----.\_)__/
 \__(_/ __  (_/ /
    \  !  \ ./ /  | some nice design for some nice option called D...
     \ /// )/ / __+___ __ ___________ __ _
      ·\._/  /    | D => Download.    .///
     /      /     |  -/- done for [saint] the sysop of the kings crown...
   _·____ _/      |                <---·'"
  ///____\\\      |                     '"
    \     ! Mt^lp!
     \     \_
      \      \
   (_____(____) z.aner!

                                  .  .
                                  .  .
                                  |  |
_//-----. __________ _.___./\---. l  l_ __     __ ___________   ____
l  .     \        _///   _/  \  |______ _   /\_____        _/___\  /_/-----.
|  l\     \_. \   \._    \_   \ |    _///--/-.    /___ \   \\   /   |  .    \
|___________/ l\  _\ \____//___\l   /      __/   /|   \l\  _\ _/   .l_ l\    \_
  _____  \________\           l____/l_____/\___________/___\._______\/________/
       \\________ ___ __     _ _  .  .  _ _     __ ___ ____________   (zNr/a!)
                                  l  l                             \\______
                        ___ __ _ _|  |_ _ __ ___
                        \__\\_\\\\/  \////_//__/
                                  l  l
                       d o w n    :  :    l o a d
                                  .  .

+colorized version in ansi available+

                                           _____   ____
                                           |___|___|__|_______________ _
  _________________________________________/          |___
  for dipswitch / dipswitch                   ________   |________________ _
  ___________________________________________/ |_____|   |
                                         . |___|     |___| v.ouck!
                                          . .

                            _____ _
                       _|___\ _  \\
                        |   /__|_/
              ______    | ____ |              _              _____
        _____ /    /____|/ __/_|__       _____/       _____ /    /
  ______|  \ /    /  _  \\       /___   /    /___    /    // ___/____
  \    \|   \ ___/  \/  /_______/   /___    /   /___/    / ______    \
   \_________\  /    __/|      /   /\  \ __/___     \_____     /______\ _
  <- ----- - _ /_____\ -|-----/_________\-----/______\-- /____/------- \\-- ->
             //         | .vK  |

  _             / )
 ( \         __/  \
 /  \__.----.\_)__/
 \__(_/ __  (_/ /
    \  !  \ ./ /  | this one was done in some hurry for the sp agents.
     \ /// )/ / __+___ __ ___________ __ _
      ·\._/  /    | SP +file_id.diz+  .///
     /      /     |  -/- greetings to the SP special agents in the romworld.
   _·____ _/      |                <---·'"
  ///____\\\      |                     '"
    \     ! Mt^lp!
     \     \_
      \      \
   (_____(____) z.aner!

     .    .. . ._____ _______. ..    .
     .    .     )   _\\__    )_ .    .
  `. : .  :    _\   \_\/  _/  /\:  . : .'
. ..`o'.. :.  _\ \   \     __/ /: ..`o'.. .
   .':`.  . _/   /\   \_   \_\/ .  .':`.
|            \_________\_____\             |
|       SNOWBOARD KIDS 2 (c) ATLUS         |
|       ENGLISH - PAL/V64/128Mbit          |

        ______           ::::       ::::
        |    |    .      ::::       ::::
    ____|    |____|_ :___::::_______________________
___|   \|   oO    |//                          _
/  |    |___\/    |_____________ friss pappen \/   _ make a line of speed
   .    .    .    .               roll your joint \/ stay stoned deluxe
   |    |    |    |      ::::       ....
   |____|    |    |      :::        :::: ontact vouckie  :
___|         |    |      :::        ::::            ircnet: #chemie/#ascii
            _|____|      ::::       :::: ontact zanerski :
             |    :      ::::       ::::           ircnet: #ascii/#amielite
                  .      ::::       ::::            efnet: #gbc/#n64scene
                         ::::::::::::    ontact bbs -> the yard bbs
                         :                      (ARCADE whq/AEROSOL whq)

                   - " QU'EST LE TRAFIQUANT DE DROGUE? " -

                                                      __ _
      _______ ______ _                         __ _  \/_/  __
     _)     (_)     //                        /\_\        /\_\
     \             //         ::::. -aV!-     \/_/_       \/_/_
      \            /_____ _    ·::::.        __   /     __  ___
   ___\\          /   _   \\:::: ·::::. ____/_/____ ___/ _// _/_______ _____
  |    \/\       /    /    /:::·   :::::.    \ \   _     \           /      |
  |______\\    //_________/::·      ·:::::    \    \      \_        // _____|
    |_____\   //________ ·::::::::::::::·______\____\ ____ /         \ ___|
           \ ·/                                      \    /___________\
                      .oO(·  v.O.u.C.k · ASL!  ·)Oo.

                       beeing high together with.

              _____       _______     _______   _____         _____
       ______\\    \ _ __\\_     \ __\\      \ \\   /______ _\\_  /_____
       \       ____/ /     /     /    \\_     \    _/     /   _/       /
   diP /       \_   /     _     /       /     /    \     /    \        \ a!
      /_____________\ ____\_____\ ____ /_____/______\___/______\________\

        :___.                         ____                     ___
  ______|_  | ______ ____     ___    /   /_____  ____   ______(  /____ _
  \    _:/  |/ _   //   /   ./ _/____\_  \    /_/   ·\./ _   / _     /  \
   \   \|   |  /  /    /|   |  \_   /_/   \    /     \|  /  /  /____/    \
t^lp\_______|  \____________|___/__/ |\    \___\______|  \________________\
                      Z A N E R     avec.      V O U C K

       thanks for handling our trip // flash we had during this flight.

  _                                                                         _
.//-------------------------------------------------- - - -__---------------\\|
:                              ___     ______ ___    _____.\_):_____   ______ |
| · t h e  c r e d i t s ! · ./ _/____/ _   /(  /__./._  /|   |\   /___\_  _/ :
|                            |_ \    /  /  / _    /| |/   |   |     /  _/  \t^|
|                  _ _       :/_/____\  \___|/___/ |______|___|_____\  |\   \ |
'-----------------////--------------/____|(________|t^/lp! - -----/__________\
     VOUCK & ZANER logo // thanks to, nUP/pRO aRTS^cAPITAL^dCS
      ZANER entire logo // thanks to, dEZiBEL/aRCADE a.k.a. nATiVE/aEROSOL
      VOUCK entire logo // thanks to, dEZiBEL/aRCADE a.k.a. nATiVE/aEROSOL
      ARCADE ASCII logo // thanks to, lORD cHAOS/eX-wHALE
           AEROSOL logo // thanks to, nATiVE/aEROSOL
      VOUCK ending logo // thanks to, sHAOLiN a.k.a. aVENG3r/lFC
      ZANER ending logo // thanks to, diPSWiTCH/aRCADE^bK^1OO^aHS
         DRUGSTORE shop // thanks to, tRiViAL/lP!^lSD^aHS
           CREDITS logo // thanks to, tRiViAL/lP!^lSD^aHS
        ZANER'S divider // thanks to, mORTiMER tWANG/lP!^bGiRL
    FILE_ID description // thanks to, nATiVE/aEROSOL (mixed by zNr/a!)

   we couldn't find each other for some final greetings, but you all know
   who you are. so here are some last words from my side, zaner!

   greetings to: vouck, dipswitch, daeron, darkus,, nup, ninja, 
   rotox, elemental, cqbs, poyz, crusader, native, mute, exile, letharique,
   batman, [-rKr-], hudson hawk, rasterblaster, hash, mool, rezine, deeone,
   redrat, legend, digiman, saint, trivial, mortimer twang, aveng3r, avenger,
   lord chaos, stylez, folar, boheme, crazy, acorn, ice, 2orro, mess, pahn,
   tcb!, grey wolf, kane, steel, abho, apu, warhawk, volatile, zod!, wrec,
   taxi, tango, scot, shadow, case, axl, zoltrix, spy, shadower, rza, flower,
   flaspha, carnifex, threaz, orlingo, chavez, m-plant, nike, 4play, zinko,
   caos, the risk, epoz, steve, ghandy, woober, red demon, gilligan, amptor,
   fazwonga, rudeboy, cold187, sauron, shallow, neurodancer, keldon, spot,
   scaz, cyclone, wine, teis, dash, robin. that's enough i think.
   greets to all other guys i do know, and the groups :) much respect and blah
   i can't list anything more =)

   no words from vouck
   he was despertly too stoned i think...


@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ       _ ___!
   ___ \-'  | [ Arcade^1999 ]
 _\\_ )_   _|
/_  __ /_   |-\|----\//-----------//_:_
_!_._`  _)__|_                       |
 . `----'____\ [zaner/a!+vouck/asl]  |
 |_ qu'est le trafiquant de drogues? |
 ./               _ ______ _ _ ___   |
 |  11th.oct.99   \ ___    __//  /  _!   __
 |               _\\__ )_ (  /__/_ ( |____ !
_|__   n7v!asL  /_   _  /_ \_._  /_  |_  /_
 : //____________!___//  |   |_   /___//  l
                    `----l____//   l `----'
 [ Aerosol^1999 ]      \/    `-----'@END_FILE_ID.DIZ
