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151 686 bytes (148.13K)
File date:
2018-08-29 02:28:14
Download count:
all-time: 582

Screenshot (by Demozoo)



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|_ \_____\/          THE SKY TOWER BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEM         \/______/ _|
:                -- ------------------------------------- --                :
.              AMiGA + pC + NiNTENDo 64 - mAC - mP3 SUPPoRTED!              .
.                                                                           .
|                                                                           |
|  4NDZ (RiNGDoWN) - 2NDZ (RiNGDoWN) iSDN - 6NDZ TELNET 128K iP: BEG-4-iT!  |
|             AMiGA4ooo . CYBERSToRM o6o\5oMhZ . 16GiGZ HdSPACE             |
|                    -- ----------------------------- --                    |
|                           (oo:49:26 - o8/o5/98)                           |
+---------------- -  -- ----------------------------- --  - ----------------+

                                                      [ Slt!TextAdd v1.1 ]

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/____\  __________ `---'_ /_________|/_______\_     _______________  __  o
  ---- /_________/ --- /_/ ----------------- (_) .- \______________\ \_\ --.--

 This lil' piece of art went through Hosee, the channelbot of #ascii on ircnet

     [STAFF]   Behemoth ÷ Cybergod ÷ Exile ÷ Fatal ÷  Red Demon   [STAFF]
_ __                                                                       __ _

         aal-drin.txt was uploaded by h7 at 15:48 on  6 May 1998

      ____.                         ._______                      .____
     .\   |         ___             |      /                      |   /.
     |    |_________\_ \_ _ ____    |     /___.     ______ _______|    |
. __ |    ._        _. _////  _/___.|    // __|_____)     \)     _.    | ____ .
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|    |____|     /____|                     \       \______________\___\       |
|        /_______|   |______________________________/-ntr!                    |
|                                                                             |
|    haciend networks -  +358-3-7530428  - ansi . askii . vga . teknomusik    |
|    op: h7/Alien Technology^Bc!^Ducksquad - Phobos & Iso Whq - Mono Finhq    |
|                                                   _                         |

--[ AAL-DRIN.TXT ]------------------------[ RELEASED ON THE 5th OF MAY 1998 ]--

                  ____ _ ____.
       .________ /    )//    |
       |       _/            |
       |                     |
       |                     |          ____.
       | _____  __        ___| ___ ____.\   |___   ___   ___ ____.  ___
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   :   \    /.  _ \   |   |/   /  /____/
   |____\    |___\____|________/
       \_____|               |                  the moose is loose. watchout.
       |                     |
       |                     |
   .___|__                   |
   | ___ |  ____.____ _______|_ _________ ___  ___ ____.  ___
   |( _/_|__\   :   /   ._    /   ._    /(_ /_/   \    | ( _/____
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  \_____    |________ _ /____/___ /____/______/___\____|____|    |
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       | `-------^-------'   |        \____/
       |                     |  h7
       |                     |
       |          .          |
       |          :.         |

                                BROUGHT TO YOU  BY

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    |_______\______|/____|______/____|________||     \___.______/_________\
                              vi säger 'kvaak'

             A N K K A V I T U N R Y H M A E  -  D U C K S Q U A D


                        FEATURING  ALSO  CAREBEAR  JIM


                        .            _ _____________________________________ _
 _ _____________:.______.___________///                        . .. ...... ///:
:\\\            ·|      ·         _/                                  ·::' /  |
|                :                                                     :'     |
|                                     ALSO  CAREBEARS  CARE  FOR       :      |
|          __        __                                                .      |
|      ,yiØØØØiy, ,yiØØØi,                                    _____           |
|     iØØØØØØØØØØ:`ØØØØØØØ:            _____ __       ___     \   /           |
|    :ØØØØ'   `ØØØ:Ø'"'ØØØØ         ___\   /(_/______(_ /_____(   )_          |
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| .        ""^×iy,¯¯ '¯. '                                                    .
|        ,ØØØyy,,,"---"         ,_                                        . ..:
|       ,^'_,_""^×4ØØØØ:        ¾:          DRINKING  BEER  AND               |
|       ',ØØØØØyy,,_"^Øl      ,¾¾¾,                                       __ _|
|        ØØØØØØØØØØØØy,,'    l¾¾¾¾¾                                       \_\\|
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|      ØØØØØØØØyyy,,,,___""^^',i¾:    \__________________/__   \_             |
| :   :ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØi,"^^^"        _   _   ___     \ \____/__           |
| :.  :ØØØ7^"_,_"^ØØØØØØØØØØ.          _/ \_/ \_(_ /_____(   )_( _/____       |
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:  _,, l'.ØØØØØØØØØi,`ØØØØØØ:         \___/__   \____/___\   /____|    |      |
 ,iØØØ : lØØØØØØØØØØØ.`ØØØØØ                \____/        \_/     |____|      |
 ØØØØØ:  ØØØØØØØØØØØØØ.`ØØØ'                                                  |
 `4ØØØØ :ØØØØØØØØØØØØØl ØØ:                   CUTTING  LOOSE                . |
: .."". :ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØ Ø'.¾                                     .          . |
|__  ::. ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØ ,yil  h7                   _  __         :          : |
  //____ lØØØØØØØØØØØØl ¾¾¾: _______________________\ \_\        |.        .: |
         `ØØØØØØØØØØØ7' ''"                          \___________|:  ....:::: |
           "^^××××^^"                                             `-----------'

                                 f o r e w o r d s

                     I've got nothing special to say. please
                     note that  I  joined  Alien  Technology
                     during the  making  of  this collection
                     but still decided to release this under
                     Aalto label.  I've made this collection
                     an Aalto collection and that's it.

                     Thanks for one special person for being
                     there for me.

                     Ascii scene  isn't dying in my  opinion.
                     it's doing its' natural recycling. like
                     even life itself. new ones come in, old
                     ones retire.  rebellion against it does
                     not give  you nothing  but a reputation
                     of an arrogant bastard.

                     If you don't like me or my style,  that
                     is  complitely your  own problem.  live
                     with it.

                                                  . h7

                     ___:_         _________     _____
                   ._\ _| _______ _\   __   \ ___\_   \ ____
               ... |    |_\  _   \|   | /   /_\ __/   //  _/....
               :   |    |   |/   /|   |/   /   _/___  \\  \    :
               :   |    |   /   /_|___/   /    \    \  _  /__  :
               :  _|__  |   \____________/___  |\    \ /    /  :
               - -- -/__:___|_VtR-------/\T_/________//    /_--:-
               |        |                            /______\  |
               |        :                                      |
               |                                               |
               |                                               |
               ·                                               ·
               1  aalto                               aaltoposse
               2  abhorrence                          abhorrence
               3  abstract hallucinations                asphynx
               4  aerosol                                 darkus
               5  alien teknology                      AT&t guys
               6  ankka                                    ankka
               7  black sista (diz)                  bs emperors
               8  board part                            letharic
               9  brainlez coders!                    bc! sexors
               10  #club channel summer meet           extremist
               11  crossfire                             horizon
               12  daeron                                 daeron
               13  darkus                                 darkus
               14  daytona                               daytona
               15  dgt (diz)                        mikkiz & dgt
               16  dgt                              mikkiz & dgt
               17  dhm                                       dhm
               18  divider                                daeron
               19  elvis                                     <e>
               20  exile                                   exile
               21  fbc                              the zp & fbc
               22  fm (diz)                       five musicians
               23  greetings                            letharic
               24  greets                                daytona
               25  iso-tuotanto                               H7
               ·                                               ·
               |    _____.  _                  _     ._____    |
            ___|  _/    /|  |__  ._  .__   ___ |_/_  |\    \_  |___
            \___\ \______|  [__] [ ' [_/_ [__| [  ]  |______/ /___/
               |                                               |
               |        greetings and credits and stuff        |
               |                                               |
               ·                                               ·
               26  korn kru                                  zur
               27  lahti                                   drwit
               28  letharic                             letharic
               29  mo'soul                   mo'soul enterprises
               30  mono211                                  zyad
               31  monotonik (diZ)                          zyad
               32  monotonik #1                             zyad
               33  monotonik #2                             zyad
               34  monotonik #3                             zyad
               35  moppi                                   memon
               36  moskova!                             venturus
               37  neon                                  horizon
               38  noname                            noname_krew
               39  qwk                      (use if you want to)
               40  the rangers                             ankka
               41  razor                     (some razor-elit0r)
               42  reiv                                    tuumi
               43  request part                         letharic
               44  start                                letharic
               45  the end                              letharic
               46  trophy                            neurotrance
               47  universe                            radicator
               48  valley                               letharic
               49  zur                                       zur
               50  zymosis                         psyko & folar
               :                                               :
               |                                               |
               |             contact & informations            |
               |                                               |
               |                                               |
               |  special bow for letharic and zyad . leth0r   |
               |  managed to get 7  logos from me . zyad got   |
               |  5 for ONE group. don't try that at home ..   |
               |                                               |
           _  _|                  .__________                  |_  _
    ___  _/ \ \                   |         |                   / / \_  ___
    \__\ \___\ \__________________|         |__________________/ /___/ /__/
                          . . ... |         | ... . .
                               ·: |         | :·
                                · |         | ·
                                  :         |
                                  .         :

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: aalto          |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  aalto-posse    |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 1

                    ._______/  \  ____
                    |      /    \ \   \_  ___
                    |  h7 /      \ \___/ /__/
                    |    /        \_______         .__________
                  __|_  /  ____   |      |   _   _ |         |
              ___( _ /_/__( _ /___|      | _/ \_/ \|         |
            _/     \        \    /       |_    /   \    o    |
            \       \________\    :_______/___/__   \_  -    |
             \_______\      \_____|    \        \____/-------'
                   /                    \
                  /______________ w a v e s t e r
                    |           |

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: abhorrence     |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  abho the man   |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 2

                          ___   ____.  .__________
       ._ ____  ____ _ __/  /   \   |  |         | __ _______________ _.
       :\\\ ___( _ /___    /____/   |__|_        |(_/_______  _     ///:
       |    \    \    /.   \\    _  _   /.  O    |    .    / / \_  ___ |
       |    _\    \____|___/_____/__|    |  -    |____|   /_/___/ /__/ |
       |    \______\                |____|-------'    |____/           |
       |       __        ___/\       \   /  __.       ___/\            |
       |     _(_/_______(  /  \______(   )_( _|______(  /  \           |
       |___ _\    .    /   )   \    \     /        /_   )   \__________|
            \_____|   /_____    \____\   /____      /___     \_        "
                  |____/   \_____/    \_/    \_____/    \_____/  h7

         x  (   a b h o r r e n c e   -   s u n  n a a p u r i s   )  x

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: abstract hallucinations
                           |                      |
                           | for:  asphynx        |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 3

          ._________/___ _         |
          |       _//__///         |   h7
      ____|______       ___      _ | _   __         ____   ___       _   _
 ____( _ /_\    /____ _(  /_____/ \_/ \_(_/________( _ /__(  /______/ \_/ \
 \     \   )\   \\   \\       /    /   \    .    /   \   )  /)    /    /   \
 _\     \________/______)____/____/_    \___|   /_____\     __________/_    \_
 \______| |                        |\____/  |____/    |_____/           \____/
   ___.   |                        |           _____
   \  |   |        .____._____     |          .\_  /.  ei oo kioskilla nakkeja
   /  |   |   ____ |    |    |____.|___ ___   |  \/ |  PO PO PO POM
  /   |___|__( _ /_|    |    |\   :   /(  /___|_    |  ei oo kioskilla nakkeja
_/        /.   \   )    |_   |(   |   )  /)    /    |  PO PO PO POM
\_____|    |____\________/____/_______________/    _|_____        _____
      |____|           \   /   ____    _   _  |    \:    /____    \   / ___
          |       _____(   )__( _ /_ _/ \_/ \ |     \   __   /____(   )(  /____
          |      _\   \     /   \   )    /    :     |\  (/  /    \     _      /
          |      \_____\   /_____\______/_     _    |(______))____\   / )____/
          |             \_/        |      \____/    |              \_/
    _   _ | __  __ _ ___ _         |          |     |
          |_________\\__\\\        |          |_____|  oudot hallut ry.
          "          \_____________|

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: aerosol        |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  darkus         |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 4

                     /  \  ____
                    /    \ \   \_  ___
                   /      \ \___/ /__/
              h7  /        \      .___________________________._______
            ____ / ___/\   _\     |          ___             ||      |
         __( _ /__(  /  \_(_/_____|_       _(  /_____        ||      |
    _  _/    \       )   \    .    /   O   \_       /   O    ||      |_
  _/ \ \      \________     __|   /_   -     )_____//   -    ||_______/
  \___\ \______\\__\  \____/  |____/-------------------------'
            /                    \
           /______________________\       «   a e r O s O l   »

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: alien tekknology
                           |                      |
                           | for:  /\t gangstars  |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 5

                        .____________/       |
                        |          _/        |
                        | ._______           :          _____
                   ____ | |      |  ___    ___/\   h7   \   /
                 _( _ /_|_:      |_(_ /___(  /  \ ______(   )_
               _/   \    /.      |_  /  /_   )   \\    \     / _
           ___ \     \____|_______/______/____    \_____\   / / \_  ___
           \__\ \_____\ |                   |\_____/     \_/ /___/ /__/
                        |                   _
              _     _   |_   _    ___   __  |    __   _    _   .
              |- _ /_\  /  _ |  . |  \ /  \ |   /  \ /  __ \___|
              |__\ \__, \__| |--| |  / \__/ |_, \__/ \___|  ,__|
                        |       ¯    ¯      .            "
                        |  eilien teknhhoo  |
                        |                   |
                        |         :.        |

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: ankka          |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  ankka          |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 6

._ _____ ____ __ __ ___ \---|___ \---|___ _ ____ __________________________ _.
:\\\ ___( _ /___/  \____/   |__/_/   |__/_ _\ _ )___                      ///:
|    \    \    /. _ \  /_   |   /.   |   /.   \    /.  A N K K A             |
| h7 _\    \____|__\____/___|    |___|    |    \____|         P A E A E      |
|___ \______\ _____________ |____| _ |____|_____\ ___________________________|

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: black sista (diz)
                           |                      |
                           | for:  bs emperors    |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 7

               ___    b l a c k  s i s t a
 _ ______ ____/  / ____  ___ __________ _.
:\\\  _   \     /_______(  /_____  _  ///:
|_  _/ \  _\    \\     \_       / / \_  _|
\_\ \___\ \_____/_______/______/ /___/ /_/
|                                        |
|     whatever comes the way .. .. ..    |
| _                                      |

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: board part     |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  letharic       |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 8

                               |        /  \  ____
                               |       /    \ \   \_  ___
                         ._____|____  /      \ \___/ /__/
                    __   |         | /        \
               ____/ /   |         |/____     _\             ______
               \    /____|         |( _ /___ (_/\____________\    /
               _\   \\   \_   O    |  \    /.    .     X    //   /_
               \_____/____/   -    |___\    |____|          \_____/
                         |_________|  \_____|    |___________\
                  _______   ___/   " __          _   X
               ___\__   /__( _ /___ (_/_________/ \_/ \  h7
               \    /    /   \    /.    .     /    /   \
               _\   \___/_____\    |____|    /____/__   \_   B O A R D
               \_____\     / \_____|    |_____/     \____/
                          /                               \     P A R T

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: brainlez c!    |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  bc! sex0rs     |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 9

              ._________/  \  ____
              |        /    \ \   \_  ___         .______
       ___    |       /      \ \___/ /__/    _____|     |         ________
   ___/  /    :__    /    ____\    ___       \   /|     |  ___/\  \_     /
   \    /_____(_/___/____( _ /_\_ (_ /__ ____(   )_     |_(  /  \  /    /
   _\   \\   \_   .    /   \    /.  /  /_   \     /     |_   )   \/    /_
   \_____/____/___|   /_____\    |______/____\   /_______/____     _____/
             .|___|____/__ \_____|\           \_/            \_____/
      ___.   |           |  ______ \___/\   __    h7  ___
    _(  _|___|_         _|__\    /_(  /  \_(_/_______(  /_____
   _\         /    o  _/   //   /_    )   \    .     _       /
   \_____    /_    -  \    \_____/_____    \___|    /_)_____/
        \_____/--------\____ _        \_____/  |_____/
           /                            \
          /_______________ b r a i n l e z   c o d e r s  !

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: #club channel summer meet
                           |                      |
                           | for:  extremist      |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 10

                                ________ _______.
                         ._____/        \)      |
                         |   _/                 |
                         |        ._____        |  h7
                 ##  ##  | ____   |    |____.___|_____
               ##########_(  _|___|    |\   :   \    /____
                 ##  ## _\        /_   |(   |   )\   \\   \_ ___
               ##########____      /____/________/____/____//__/
                 ##  ##  |   \____/             |
          ___    ____.___|    _________   ______|__ ___/\   __ _
    ___ _(  /____\   :   /____\  _    /___\  _    /( _/  \_(_///______ ___
    \__\\_      ((   |   )\   \\//   /\   \\//   /   \    \    .     //__/
          )____________________\/      \___\/     _____    \___|    /_
                         |     \________\  \______/    \____/  |_____/
                       __|______ ___/\  ___/\   |_   _         "
                   ____\  _    /( _/  \( _/  \__/ \_/ \ ___
              ___ _\   \\//   /   \    \ \    \    /   \\__\
              \__\\_____\/     _____    \__    \__/_    \_
                        \______/    \____/ \____/   \____/
                         |     _                |
                         |______\               |    #CLUB MEETS AGAIN IN
                         "       \________(\____|    THE SUMMER OF 1998 !

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: crossfire      |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  horizon        |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 11

                                       ____ /\
                                 ___ _/   //  \
                                 \__\\___//    \
                                    .____/_____ \  C R O S S F I R E
                       __.    __    |         |__\   ___
                     _( _|___(_/____|__     _(  /_\_(  /_____
          _ ._ ____ _\       )   .    /  O  \_              /____ _. _
            :\\\    \_____    ___|   /_  -    )_____/)_____/    ///:
            |            \___/   |____/       |______\             |
            |                       |         |                    |
            |            _______ ___|   __    |   ___/\            |
            |          .(     _/(_ /|__(_/____|__(  /  \           |
            |          |     _)   /  /_    .    /   )   \          |
            |_________ |     |__._____/____|   /______   \_ _______|
                       |_____|  ·          |____/ h7 \____/

            damn you horizon =) you promised me those asciis but
            where are them ? GRRRR i'll bite your leg off.

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: daeron         |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  daeron         |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 12

                       ._________/         |
                 _   _ | _  __ _/          |
                       |                   |                     _____
                 ______| ____    ___ /\   _|  h7  ______         \   /
     ___    _____\    /_( _ /___(  //  \_(_/______\    /---/_____(   )_ ____
     \__\ _/    //   /    \    \  _)    \    .    /    o   \\   \     // __/
          \     \_____/____\      ___    \___|    \______________\   //__)
           \_____\     |   \_____/   \____/: |____/               \_/
                       |                   | ·
                       |   daeron using    |
                       |   da alien tech   |
                       |   nology    _ __  | _   _
                       |            /      |

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: darkus         |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  darkus         |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 13

                                     ________. /\
                       ._ __________/__      |/  \
                       :\\\       _//_/      /    \
                       |               ___  /      \
                       |        ___  _/  / /        \
                       |        \__\ \__/ /____.  h7 \
                 ______| ____     __     / \   |___  _\__.____ ___
           ______\    /_( _ /____(_/____/__/   |__/__\   :   /(  /_____  _
      _  _/     //   /_   \    /.    .    ·    |    /(   |   )        / / \_
    _/ \ \     _\_____/____\    |____|    _____|     __________)_____/ /___/
    \___\ \____/       :  \_____|    |____/    |_____|    \
                       |            /                      \
                       |           /________________________\
                       |                     |
                       |  .  d a r k u s  .  |
                       |                     |
                       |          _          |

     _ ________________    _  ______________________ \\_
    :\\\           _,,xx%%¾¾%x,                   _ \____________________ _.
    |          _,x%¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾i           ___  _/ \ \_                 ///:
    |      _,x%¾¾×^^''""¯¯ ¯"^×¾i          \__\ \___\                      |
    |    ,x%×'"               `4¾                                          |
    |  ,i7'                    :¾,x%¾X                                     |
    |  ¾¾                      l¾7'" ¯   a r t i s t   p r o f i l e       |
    :  l¾                      ¾l        ---------------------------       |
 :  X¾%,¾                      ¾:                                          |
    ¯ "'4:           l¾%¾¾l   :¾         Aliases: h7 a/k/a John B. Oasis   |
    :   :¾    ,,xx%  ·¾¾¾¾:   l¾         Real Name: Antti Kiuru            |
    |    ¾:   l¾¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾    ¾l                                           |
    |    :¾   ·¾¾¾¾:  ¾¾¾¾   .¾:         Age: 18 (09/June/1979)            |
    |     ¾.   l¾"¾:  ¾"¾l   l¾          Sex: anytime (male)               |
    |     :l    ¾ ll .¾ ¾:   ¾l                                            |
    |      ¾    l¾×× l¾¾¾    ¾:   Occupation: Drinking beer and cutting    |
    |      "_,,,          ,,_ ¯               Loose                        |
    |_   x%%×¾¾'   .      ¾¾××%x      Status: Single                       |
    _/      l¾l   .: :    l¾l                                              |
    |       ¾¾:      :.   :¾¾          Other: floppy, not dangerous and    |
    |      :¾¾:           :¾¾:                keeps on talking .           |
    |       ¾¾¾,         ,¾¾¾                                              |
    |       `×¾¾iy,,_,,yi¾¾×'                      :.                      |
    |_____ ,¾' "``^^^^^''"_________________________||______________________|
    "      ¾'  ,¾'
                           incase you're wondering: NO! i don't look like
                           any freakin' moose.


                                   let's continue ...

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: daytona        |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  daytona        |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 14

                                          .__________ \   _____           _//
           ______  ____ _____._____ _   _ |         |  \  \   /   ____     /
     ______\    /_( _ /_\    :    // \_/ \:         |___\_(   )__( _ /____/
     \    //   /    |    \_  |  _/    /   \    O    _\   \     /   |     /  h7
 ___ _\   \_____.___|   /_|_____|\___/__   \_ _-_   \_____\   /____|    /_ ___
 \__\\_____//__/·   |____//__/          \___//__/---'      \ //__/ |_____//__/
                                                            Y _       /
    the naughty lad from the land of kangaroos and fosters   \\______/

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: dgt (diz)      |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  mikkiz & dgt   |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 15

         ______ ____       _   _   h7
.___ ____\    /(  _/______/ \_/ \ _____.
:\ _/   //   /_   \_   /.    /   \    /:
|  \    \_____/____|    |___/__   \_   |
| %%\____\%%%%%%%%%|____|%%%%%\____/%% |
|                                      |
|   D A M N   G OO D   T R A D E R S   |
|                                      |
|     brings you Windows'98 FINAL      |
|_                                    _|

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: damn good traders
                           |                      |
                           | for:  mikkiz & dgt   |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 16

                            |         |_________.    .____
                       _____| ____    |_________|___ |   /.
                  _____\    /( _ /__.__\  _    // _ \|    |
            /\  _/    //   /_  \    ·  \\//   /_   \ \    |
           /  \ \     \_____/___\       \/_____/____\_____|
    ____  /    \ \_____\    :  \_________\      :
  _/   / /      \  ____     |         :         |     ______  _
  \___/ /        \(  _/_____|         |         | ____\    / / \_  ___
       /        _\   \_    /:         |         |/   //   /_/___/ /__/
      /         \_____|          O    |    O    :    \_____/
     /              \ |_____:    -    |    -    ._____\
    /                \      |         |         | _        h7
   /     _   _   __   \     |____     |______ __|/ \   __        ___
  /   __/ \_/ \_(_/____\____( _ /______\    /(  /   \_(_/_______(  /_____  _
 /   _\    /   \    .     /   \       //   /_   )    \    .     _       / / \_
/    \____/__   \___|     _____\      \_____/____     \___|    /_)_____/ /___/
            \____/  |_____/ : \________\        \______/  |_____/
___________________________\|         |         |
                            |_________|         |   DAMN GOOD TRADERS

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: dhm            |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  dhm            |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 17

                             |      /  \  ____
                             |     /    \ \   \_  ___
                             |    /      \ \___/ /__/
                            _|_  / ____.  \
                            \  \___\   |   \     ____________
                    _________\    //   |____\____\  _       /
                    \       //   /_    .     /   \\//      /_
                    _\      \_____/____|    /_    \/________/
                    \________\         |_____/_____\
                           /                    \      h7

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: divider        |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  daeron/ AT&t   |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 18

  _ _____ ,øØØØØØØØø, ___.____
 .\\\    i^"^*ØØØ*^"^i   :   /__   muumiotekstiosuus
 | ·    :l    `Ø'    l:     //
 | :    ·Øi,_ ,Ø, _,iØ·            logo:                   for:
 | ::.. .^ØØØØØØØØØØØ^             comment:
 |________`4ØØl¯lØØ7'_________ __ _
 "          `*ØØØ*'

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: elvis          |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  <e>            |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 19

                             /\ \   \_  __
                            /  \ \___/ /_/
                           /.___\________   e l v i s
                      ___/\ |        |   \ ._____  ___  ___
               __ _ _(  /  \|        |    \|    |_(_ /_(  /_____  _
             _/    _\   )   \        |_    \    |   / /_       / / \_
             \___\ \______   \________/\________|______/)_____/ /___/
                      /  \____/      \
                     /           <e>  \     o f   s t y l e

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: exile          |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  exile          |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 20

               ._________/  \  ____
               |        /    \ \   \_  ___
               |       /      \ \___/ /__/    (haha. the x's should NOT be
               |      /  ___.  \                             illegalized.)
               |    _/ _/   |---\_       ._______      _
               |___/ \ \_   |   _/  ___  |      |  ___/ \  ____
             __(  /   \/         \ (_ /__|      |_(  /   \ \   \_  ___
            _\    )    \    |     \_ /  /_      |_   )    \ \___/ /__/
            \______     \_  |______/_____/_______/_____    \_
               |/_\______/  :________\                \_____/   h7
               |   /        .
               : _/
               . \_ _       _      «  e x i L e   o f   i n h a l e  »

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: fbc            |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  The Zp & FBC   |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 21

                             ._______/       |
                             |     _/        |
                             |               |
                          ___|________      _|_.
                         .\     _    /_____(  _|____
                         |     _)\   \\    \_       \_
                         |     |\____/______/________/
                         |_____|             :
                             |               | h7
                             |     F B C     |
                             |               |
                             |       .       |
                             |       :.      |

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: fm (diz)       |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  fm krew        |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 22

.__ ______  __________ _.
:\.(    _/__\  _     / /:
| |    _)   \\//    /_  |
| |    |     \/______/  |
| |____|______\ h7      |
|                       |
|    five musicians     :
|                       .
|    live in            .
|_                      :
\/        stockholm     |
|                       |

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: greetings      |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  letharic       |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 23

                               _        _                      .____
     ____       __         ___/ \   ___/ \    _   _   ___   ___|   /.___   h7
   _(  _/_____ (_/________(  /   \ (  /   \__/ \_/ \ (_ /__/ _ \    (  /_____
  _\   \_    /.    .     /   )    \   )    \    /   \  /  /_  \ \   |       /
  \_____|     |____|    /______    \____    \__/__   \_____/___\____|)_____/

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: greets         |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  daytona        |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 24

                                       _____ ___
                                      /     \\__\
                                     /       \          h7
             ____       __       ___/ \  ___/ \    _   _   ___
           _(  _/______(_/______(  /   \(  /   \__/ \_/ \_(  /_____
      ___ _\   \_     /   .     /  )    \  )    \    /   \_       /___
      \__\\_____|    /)___|    /)_____   \____   \__/_    \)_____//__/
                               /                   \

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: iso-tuotanto   |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  me             |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 25

 ._ ______  ___ _  ____ _ |           | _________________                  __.
 :\\\    __(_ /___(   /___|_          |               ___\-----------------)/:
 |      _\   /  X          /    o     |    I S O      \__\\_                 |
 |      \__________)______/     -     |                                      |
 |                        `-----------'    t u o t a n t o                   |
 |                                                                           |
 |_ _    don bananas julkaisee:                                              |
  O )                                                                ___  _  |
 |¯                                                                 /__/ /___|



                                :::::::::::::: ::
 _:_________________ (. drinking beer and cutting loose ·) _________________:_
  |                /_ ___________________________________ _\                :
  :    _______  ._________ ____ _______ _ _ _. _____ ____ _______ _ _ _________
 ______\_    /--l _     _/_\__(_\  _.   \ /  l/   _/_\__(_\  _.   \ /   ._    /
_\     ./         /     \          \l    /  ./   _\_         \l    /    l/   /_
/____  l\  ___    \----)___     ___/     ___l\     /_     ___/     _)____\  __\
  .  )----(   )----\       )---(   )----(     )---(  )---(   )----(   )----(
  _______    ___________________  ._________      _______ __________  _______
  \    _/____\  ._    X  ._    /--l _      / _____\_    /-) _.  __ /__\_    /
  _    \.       l/___(   l/___(     /     /  \     ._       \l  \ /   ./    _
  /__  /l  ____ /    ___ /    __    \----(    )__  l/  _____/     __  l\  __\
  .  )----(    )----(   )----(  )----\           )----(     )----(  )----(  .
  :                        __.      __.                                     |
  |  _______________. _____) l___  _) l___    _____  _______ _ _ _________  :
  ¦  \   ._    X    l/    X  .__/__\  .__/____\___(__\  _.   \ /   ._    /  |
  :  _   l/___(     /        l/       l/                \l    /    l/   /_  .
  |  /__  \   ____  )   _____/     ___/     __     _____/     _)____\  __\  |
  ·     )----(    )----(     )----(   )----(  )---(     )----(   )----(     |
  |               ____.                                                     :
  |_    drn!     _)   l__________ __________.___   __________      /\t     _|
  :/_________    \     X   ._   /   _.   X  l__/___\  ._    /    __________\:
            /____     /_   l/       \l    )___.       l/___( ____\
                /_    ___   \  ___  /   ____ /l  ____ /    __\
                  )--(   )----(   )----( .. /---(    )----(
                                  :::·  ·:::
                              _   ::·_/\_·::   _
                          _ __\ ___._)  (_____ /__ _
                         :\\\ _\\  :         //_ ///:
             __ ____ \ __|                          |__ / ____ __
             \_\\__//_\\__       is off  for a      __//_\\__//_/
                         |     _              _     |
                          ¯   /_  ..........  _\   ¯
                                  ::::::::::    wank! !!!!! ... err
                                /\ `::::::::
                               /  \ `:::::::
                    __ ______ /    \ `::::::
                    \_\\__  //      \ `:::::
                         (_//        \ `:::: __        _____.
            __ ____________/__        \___ : \/  _____ \_   |___   h7
            \_\\______    /(_/________(  /______( _. /_ /   |__/__ ____
         ____ _/    |/   /_.   .     /   )    \   \|   /    |    // __/
         \__ \\     |_     |___|    /___.__    \___|________|   //__)
           (__\\    |/     |   |_____/  ·  \____/           |____/
              \_______     |_  ·       ':::\
                     /\_____/ :         ::::\     B R E A K !
                    /_____________      ::::_\
                               ·.     .:::::
                                  ::::::·¯  ¯·
                                  :::::       :
                                  ::::::._  _·
                                  ::    ::::
                                  :::::  :::
            ····· __,,,,yyyy
     ,,,,,yyy%%%×××^^^^^""""      h7
     lؾ¾¾¾¾Ø .....::· yy¾¾¾¾ __       ___    ___     _   _   ___
     :Øؾ¾¾ØØ ::::::: :¾¾¾¾¾l(_/______(  /___(  /____/ \_/ \_(  /_____
      ØØØØØØØ__ ····· lؾ¾¾Ø:   .    //  )   \  )   \   /   \        /___
      """"^^^^^××××yyyØØؾØØ____|     ____    \___     /__   \)_____//__/
    ... yyy%%%: .... :ØØØØØl    |_____/  \_____/ \____/  \____/
     :: lØؾ¾¾luuuuuulØØØØØ:    "
            :::::::::::::    g r e e t i n g s   t o
            :::·:::::::::    -----------------------
            ::   ::::::::
            :::.:::::::::    kala, jab, horza, derw, quash,  boheme, holmez
            :::::::··::::    zeus, nup, rippa, applepie, thorax, abhorrence
            ::::::    :::    daeron, exile, juures, astarte, asphynx, zelex
            :::::::..::::    viznut, citadel, wind, wdt,  poskgubbe, stezo,
            :::::::::::::    psyko,  sperm whale,  folar,  [t]ango,  sliver,
            :::::::::::::    apollo, hashie, riddler, xaztur, 02FF39H, amylas
          .·¯ ¯·:::::::::    breathtaker, dipper, drago, elektro, sdw, repe
         :       :::··:::    primon, gloom, hex,  hunted, lobotomy, qwuashh,
          ·._ _.:::    ::    spiro, captor, keuhko, kuona, malkav, mur, dHM
            ::::::::..:::    neurotrance, orthex, olut, radikator, rapello,
            :::::::::::::    wastrel, venturus, strode, zundapp, zyad, exo,
           .·¯   ¯·::::::    ureator, miggim, hol!, daytona, crusader, blue,
          :         :::::    darktrooper,  wrec, deetsay,  ureator, mcGurk,
          :         :::::    razorback, + others in absolute'98 and groups
           ·._   _.::::::    Stream, Aalto, Bc!, Food, Hirmu, Rectum Cauda,
            :::::::::::::    Wookies, Druids Of Dawn, Style, Pro Arts, pWp,
            :::::::::::::    Iso, Clan Kivi, Mono, Radio, Alien Technology,
            :::::::::::::    Sfs, Charm, Taat, Tpolm, and Rangers ...
            :::::::::::::    #LAHTI . #ASCII . #CLUB . #SUOMISCENE . #AALTO
            :::::::::::::    and #BC! .
            :::::::::::::    Users in Haciend_Ntw & Immanence
            :::::::::::::    I'm sure that I forgot someone from the greets
            :::::::::::::    list. I'll save a big zip of beer to him/her.
            :::::::::::::           __  __       _   _       __  __
 «--------- ::::::::::::: --------- \_\ \(-------( ø )-------)/ /_/ ---------»
            :::::::::::::        hey ... did you know that
            :::::',x%, ::        cutting loose with shrooms can be
            :::: ,¾' ¾ ::
            ::· ,¾'  4 ·:        dangerous to your health. therefor
            :' ,¾l   l: :
             ,x¾¾:    4,         the Finnish Healthcare Association
            :¾¾¾¾¾,_  :¾
             `×¾¾¾¾¾¾¾×'         declares two simple guidelines:
            :.. ¯xx%¯  .:
            :::: l¾l ::::        1. learn to recognize poisonous shrooms
            ::·· ¾¾¾_ ·::        2. eat only shrooms you can recognize.
            ::. ""^*" .::
                                         .    ··::::::::::::.
                                           ·..   ·:::::::::::.
                                             ·::.  :::::::::::.
                                               ·:.  :::::::::::
                                                ·:  ::::::::::::
                                                 :  ::::::::::::
                                                 .  ::::::::::::
                       ._______                     ::::::::::::
                       | ._    \                    ::::::::::::
 __________.    _______| |/   _/____    ._______    ::::::::::::
/       ._ |____\     ._______     /____|      /_   ::::::::::::
\____.  |/ ._   |\   _|      /_       __.      _/   ::::::::::::
     |     |/________\        /_______\ |_______\   ::::::;:::::
     |_____|                                        ::: . ::::::
                                                   .____:.. ::::
  _____   .______   as.^a                 _________|    | ..::::
 /    /___|     /_  _______     __________\_      _.    | __________
/_       _.     _/_/   _.  \____\_      ___/    _/ |    |_\    .   /__________.
 /_______\|____________/      ___/    _/  /_____\  |    ._    /|    _     ._  |
          |           /_______\ /_____\            |____|/____\|____|\__  |/  |
          |                                        | ...........       (______|
          |      Q U E S T . S T A R R I N G      _|.. :::::::::
        ..|_______________________________________\: ..:::::::::
          :                                        . :::::::::::
          .                                         ··:::: .............
          ½  asphynx of Aalto       'quest starring'  ::::: ·:::::::::·
             abhorrence of Inhale   'brainlez coders' :::::: ·:::::::·
             boheme of Style        'aalto'           ·:::::: ·:::::·
             daeron of /\lien       'drinking beer...' ::::::: ·:::·
             holmez of Aalto        'aalto'         ...:::::::: ·:·
             nup of Pro^Arts        'ankkaryhmae'   :::::::::::: ·
             ntr of Inhale          'contact'       ::::::::::::
             don Rapello of Aalto    file_id.diz    ::::::::::::
             sorry Zeus & Tango, I just COULDN'T    ::::::::::::
             wait any longer.                       ::::::::::::
    __.    __        ___/\       ______ ___    _   _·:·___·:::::
  _( _|___(_/_______(  /  \ _____\    /(_ /___/ \_/ \_(  /____··_   h7
 _\      \_   .    /   )   \    //   /   /  /_   /   \       / / \_  ___
 \________/___|     ____    \___\____________/__/__   \)____/ /___/ /__/
              |____/   \_____/                    \____/ .......
               l o s   k r e d i t o s              ::::::::::::
 for . m u s i c a l . support:                     ::::::::::::
 ------------------------------                     ············
 juice leskinen, rauli badding,  dune^o: deesbab,  keksi^cp: she says,
 mortimer t: tranquillity, some Aalto ambient releases, savage garden,
 modern talking'98, prodigy, my boards' MOD storages & misc mp3's.
 for . m o r a l . support:                         ::::::::::::
 --------------------------                         ::::::::::::
 Taru, Nelli & Marjo.                               ::::::::::::
 my mOther for supplying me this p90/24mb RAM/5gb HDD/15"SVGA (actually i
 bought it by myself but I wanted to greet my mom.)




            ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats. collection
            will be continued in few pages . . .

           ___    .-------.   _________ ___  ___ ____.  ___      ""¯¯¾¾¾¾.
    __.  _( _/____|       |___\  _    /(_ /_/   \    | ( _/____      l¾¾¾i
  _/  | .\       /.       |   \\//   /   / /_  _ \   |   \_   /. h7  ¾¾¾¾¾.
  \___| |_____    |   O   |    \/___________/___\____|____|    |    :¾¾¾¾¾:
             \____|   -   |_____\                         |____|   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾l
                  `-------'          c o m i n g   u p            ,¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
                    26  korn kru                                   zur
                    27  lahti                                    drwit
                    28  letharic                              letharic
                    29  mo'soul                    mo'soul enterprises
                    30  mono211                                   zyad
                    31  monotonik (diZ)                           zyad
                    32  monotonik #1                              zyad
                    33  monotonik #2                              zyad
                    34  monotonik #3                              zyad
                    35  moppi                                    memon
                    36  moskova!                              venturus
                    37  neon                                   horizon
                    38  noname                             noname_krew
                    39  qwk                       (use if you want to)
                    40  the rangers                              ankka
                    41  razor                      (some razor-elit0r)
                    42  reiv                                     tuumi
                    43  request part                          letharic
                    44  start                                 letharic
                    45  the end                               letharic
                    46  trophy                             neurotrance
                    47  universe                             radicator
                    48  valley                                letharic
                    49  zur                                        zur
                    50  zymosis                          psyko & folar

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: korn kru       |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  zur            |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 26

                              ._____ /        |
                              |    _/         |  h7
               _____.  _______|               | _____
               \_   |__\     /___ __          | \   /
                /   |__/\_  __   (_/____________(   )_ ___
              _/    |    /  (/  /    .     /   \     // _/
              \_____|   /(______))___|    /)____\   //__)
                   \_____/_ __|__.   |_____/  :  \_/
                        \__\\_   |___   __    |  _____._____ ___
                             /   |__/__(_/____|__\    :    //__/
                           _/    |    /    .     (    |    )_
                           \_____|   /_)___|    /___________/
                              : \_____/    |_____/
                              |       .    "  :     k o r n k r u
                              |               |
                              |       :.      |

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: Lahti          |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  Drwit          |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 27

                        ._______/               |
                        |     _/                |
                        |                       |
                .______ |      ______.          | _  h7
                |     | | ____ \_    |       _  |/ \  _____
                |     |__( _ /__|    |______/ \_/   \_\_ _/__
                |     |_   \    /.   _   /.    /     \  V   /_
                |______/____\    |___|    |___/__     \______/
                        |  \_____|   |_____/    :\_____/
                        |                       |
                        |           ·           |
                        |           :.          |

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: letharic       |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  letharic       |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 28

                                ._____/\  ____
                                |    /  \ \   \_  ___
                                |   /    \ \___/ /__/
   .______            _   ____. |  /      \
   |     | ___/\   _  //\ \   | | /  ____  \ __   h7     ___   ___.
   |     |(  /  \_/ \_/  \/   |_|/__( _ /___(_/_________(_ /__(  _|_____  ___
   |     |_  )   \   /        _    /  \    /.   .      /  /  /_        / /__/
   |______/___     _/__     __|    ____\    |___|     :_______/___    /_
             \_____/  \_____/ |____/  \______/ \|     |          \_____/
                             /                  |_____|
                            /____________________\    "

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: mo'soul        |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  mo'soul men    |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 29

                        .____________  _______   ___
                        |           |  \_    /  /__/     m o ' s o u l
                 _______|__         |    \__/
   ._ ______ ____\  _     /   o     | _______________._____________________.
   :\\\    _/    \\//    /_   -     |               :|                     |
   |       \      \/______/---------'  h7            :                     |
   |       _\      \          .____________       ._______                 |
   |        \\______\   ___   |          _|__.____|      |                 |
   |                  _(  /___|_         \   :   /:      |                 |
   |                  \_       /    o    (   |   )       |_  _             |
   `--------------------)_____/     -    _________________/---\____________|
                                              a s c i i
      ( i do phear you )
                                              i n d r u s t r i e s

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: mono211        |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  zyad           |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 30

                              |                   ______             |
                      ________|__                 \    /             |
            __________\  _      /    o      ______(    )_     o      |
     ____ _/          \\//     /_    -     _\    \      /     -      |
     \__ \\            \/_______/----------\______\    /-------------'
       (__\\            \     _                    \__//\
            \____________\     "¯"¾x.  ,¾%%x: ,,__    /__\    h7
  _ __ ___                       ,¾¾l    l¾¾· :¾¾l                   ___ __ _
   \\((   \--------------------,x¾×'---- ¾¾¾  l¾¾: -----------------/   ))//
           \_                ,x¾×'      .¾¾l  ¾¾¾.                _/
            :              ,%¾×'     ¾¾ :¾¾:  ¾¾¾
            .              ¾¾X...___i¾l l¾¾  :¾¾¾    m o n o 2 1 1
                           """'''''^^^: """  l¾¾l

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: monotonik (diZ)|
                           |                      |
                           | for:  zyad           |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 31

 h7  _________
 ____\  _    / __  .__   __
_\   \\//   / [__] [  ] [__] -----------
\_____\/   /_      ._    __  .__  . i_/_
.-----/_____/----- [__, [__] [  ] [ [  ]



                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: monotonik (1)  |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  zyad           |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 32

               _ _______/               :
              .\\\    _/                :
              |             .___________:___________________________
              |             |                   ______             |
              |     ________|__                 \    /             |
          ____|_____\  _      /    o      ______(    )_     o      |     h7
   ____ _/          \\//     /_    -     _\    \      /     -      |
   \__ \\            \/_______/---------:\______\    /-------------'
     (__\\            \    _ ___________:_.      \__/
          \____________\   __             |  _______ ______ ______.
              |       _   /  \            |  \    /\\\__  /_\_    |___
              | _____/ \_/    \    o   ___|__(    )_    \/ /_/    |__/_ __ _
              | \       /      \   -  _\    \      /        /     |    \\((_)
              | _\     /__      \-----\______\    /________/      |     \_
              | \_____    \______/      :     \__/        \_______|______/
              |                         :
              |            .          m O n O t O n i k
              |            :.           :

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: monotonik (2)  |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  zyad           |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 33

                             .______________ _____ ___________
                      _______|__             \   /           |
                 _____\  _     /        _____(   )_          |  h7
            ___ _\    \\//    /    O   _\   \     /    O     |
            \__\\______\/    /_    -   \_____\   /___  -     |
                       /______/-------------- \_//__/--------'
                 _   _ .____________    \   / ____\_   |___
              __/ \_/ \|           |____(   )_\_ / /   |__/_
             _\    /   \     O    _\   \     /  / /    |    \_ ___
             \____/_    \_   -    \_____\   /____      |_____//__/
                    \____/---------'     \_/    \______|

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: monotonik (3)  |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  zyad           |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 34

                         ____  /        \               ____    _____
        _________________\  /_/_______ _ \ _ _______    \  /____\_  |___
     ___\  _   /     ____(  )_      __/ \_/ \       |___(  )\_ /_/  |__/_
___ _\  \\//  /  O  _\  \    /  O  _\    /   \  O  _\  \    / / /   |    \_ ___
\__\\____\/  /______\____\  /______\____/_    \____\____\  /___\____|_____//__/
         /____/           \/              \____/         \/
                         /___________________\      m o n o t o n i k

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: moppi          |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  memon          |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 35

                                        ._/  \_________
                            .__________ |/    \       |
                            |         | /      \      |
                     _______|__       |/_______ \_____|_  ____
                 ____\  _     /      _|_\__   /__\__   /__\_ /__
           ___ _/    \\//    /_  O   \    /    /   /    /   /  /_ ___
           \__\\      \/______/  -   _\   \___/\   \___//_______//__/
               _\      \    `--------\_____\  \_____\ |
               \________\     h7  /                  \|
                                 /____________________\   M O P P I

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: moskova        |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  venturus^ AT&t |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 36

 _ ______________ .________ _____ _____. ___ .__________ ___________________ _
.\\\    _ _______ |       |___    \_   |___  |     \_   \ .____  _____ __  ///.
|     __\\\  _   )|       (  /____ /   |__/__|       \   \|   |_( _. // /____ |
| .__/    \\//   ¯¯   o   _      /·    |     /   o   |\   \   |   \|        / |
| |        \/______       |)___________|    /|   -   | \______|____|       /. |
| |         \_ __ `-------'            |_____/-------'        "    |        | |
| |__________//_/                      "                        h7 |________| |
| "                                                                "          |
|     MOSKOVA! - two lines for information                                    |
|                                                                            \/
|                                                    _                        |

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: neon           |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  horizon        |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 37

                                /\\   \_ ___
                               /  \\___//__/
                              /    \  .__________
                        _____/     _\ |         |   _____
                        \   /  ___/ \ |         |   \   /
                   _____(   )_(  /   \|        _|___(   )_
                  _\   \     /   )    \    O  _\   \     /___
                  \_____\   /_____     \_  -  \_____\   //__/
                        /\_/     \______/-------'    \ /
                       /                  \  h7       Y

                            n e o n -skript  for   i R C I I

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: noname         |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  noname krew    |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 38

                         |        /  \  ____
                         |       /    \ \   \_  ___
                 ._______|__    /      \ \___/ /__/
                 |         |   /        \
            .____:         |  / .____    \    h7                 _
         ___|   /.         | /__|   /.  __\_       _________ ___/ \
        /   \    |         |/   \    |_( _ /___ ___\  _    /(  /   \
      _/   _ \   |    o    |   _ \   |   \    //   \\//   /_   )    \
      \_____\____|    -    |____\____|____\         \/_____/_____    \_
                 |_________|             |___________\          \_____/
                        /                      \
                       /________________________\   n o n a m e   1998 !!!

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: qwk            |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  ... don't know |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 39

     ._ _____ ,xX^"¯__¯"^Xx,____    .__________. ____________
     :\\\    :XX'      , `XX:   \   |     \_   |___          \------------.
     |       XXX,    xXX,.XXX    \/\|     |/   |__/__         ¯           |
     |       `XXXx,_ `XXXXXX'       \     |    |    /.      Q  W  K       |
     |_________^×XXXXXXXXXX,______/\___________|     | ___________________|
                  ¯""""`XXXX,                  |_____|
                    h7  `X×^"
                                                      (d)  download mesgs
                                                      (u)  upload replies
                                                      (cr) quit

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: the rangers    |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  ankka          |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 40

                          .______ /         |
                          |     _/          |
                          |                 |
             The Rangertsit     _____       |  h7   _
         __         ____  |     \   /  ___  |   ___/ \   __       ___
       _(_/________( _ /__|_____(   )_( _/__|__(  /   \_(_/______(  /_____
      _\    .    /   \    \\   \     /  \_   /.   )    \_   .   \_       /
      \_____|   /_____\    _____\   /____|    |_________/___|     )_____/
            |____/   \_____/     \_/     |____|             |_____/
                          :                 :
                          |                 |
                          |        .        |
                          |        .        |
                          |        :.       |

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: razor          |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  theguyin#FOODatefnet
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 41

 softwarename                    [xx/xx]
  _______  _____ ________.__________
--\___.  \(  _ /_\__    /|    \__.  \---
   |  |  /.  /    //   /_|  O  | |  /.h7
  _|__/   |_/____________________/   |

  the oldest farts in tha cracking biz

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: reiv           |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  tuumi          |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 42

                     ._ ________/         |
                     :\\\     _/          |
                     |              _____ |
                __   |    ___/\   __\    \|._____ .__
              _(_/___|___(  /  \_(_ /\_   \|    | |//
          __ _\    .    /   )   \  /  /_   \    | |
          \_\\_____|   /______   \_____/________|
                   |____/    \____/       |
                     |                    |  h7
                     |                    |
                     |     R E I V ! !    |
                     |                    |
                     |         _          |

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: request part   |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  letharic       |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 43

         ._ _________________    _________
         :\\\      _      _,,xxxx,,_      \------------x------------------:
    __   |     ___/ \  ,x[][7×^^×5][]x,  ____.____ ___/ \   ___      _   _| h7
  _(_/___|____(  /   \[][]7'      `4[][],\   :   /(  /   \_(  /_____/ \_/ \
 _\    .     /   )   [][][:        :][][](   |   )   )    \_      /    /   \
 \_____|    /______  `[][]b,_[][]_,d[][]'______________    \)_________/__   \_
       |_____/    \____`×][][][][][][×'               \_____/           \____/
     ____|__   ____     __ ""[][]"" _   _              ____               :
  ___\__   /__( _ /___ (_/___[][]__/ \_/ \           _ \   \_  ___        |
  \    /    /   \    /.    .     /    /   \ __________\ \___/ /__/        |
  _\   \___/_____\    |____|    /____/__   \_          \__________________|
  \_____\       \_____|    |_____/     \____/                             "
                      "    "                   R'KWEST - part

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: start          |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  letharic       |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 44

                       ._ _________/     |
                       :\\\      _/      |
                       |                 |
                       |                 |   s t a r t
           ___      _  |_    ____     __ |        _   _
         _(  /_____/ \_/ \__( _ /___ (_/_________/ \_/ \
         \_      /    /   \   \    /.    .     /    /   \  h7
           )____/____/__   \___\    |____|    /____/__   \_
                       \____/ \_____|    |_____/     \____/
                       :                 .
                       |                 |
                       |        :.       |

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: the end        |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  letharic       |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 45

                          ____.           _
                    _   _ \   |       ___/ \
           .____ __/ \_/ \/   |______(  /   \ ___________
           :    _\    /   \   .    /    )    \           \-------:
           |    \____/__   \__|   /_______    \_          \_     |
           |           \____/ |____/     \_____/    .____        |
           |                                _       |   /.       | h7
           |       t h e   e n d        ___/ \   ___|    |     __|___
           |                          _(  /   \_/ _ \    |_____\    /
           |_____________            _\   )    \   \ \   |    //   /_
                        //___________\_____     \___\____|    \_____/
                                          \______/       \_____\

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: trophy         |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  ntr            |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 46

                  _ ________
                 .\\\       \-------:-
                 |           \_     |
                 |                  |
                 |                  |
                 |    the trophy    |
                 |                  |
                 |              .___|______        _____.
               _ | __   __      |         |  ______\_   |  _____._____    h7
            __/ \_/  \_(_/______|_        |__\__    /   |__\    |    /
           _\    /    \    .     /   O    \    /   /_   .    _  |  _/
           \____/_     \\__|    /_ __-    _\   \----/___|    :     |
              \__\\______/ |_____//__/----\_____\       |____|_____|
                 :         "        :                   "
                 |        .         |
                 |        :.        |

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: universe       |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  radicator      |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 47

                       ._ _________
                       :\\\        \-------:
                       |            \_     |
                       |              ____ |/\
                       |        __  _/   / /  \   h7
                .____  |  _____ \_\ \___/ /    \
                |   /. |  \    \         /   _  \                       _
  ____.____ ____|    | |___\    \ .____./___/ \  \__        ___     ___/ \
  \   :   //  _ \    |_(_ /_\    \|    |(  /   \_(_/_______(  /____(  /   \
 _(   |   )    \ \   |   /        \    |   )    \    .     _          )    \
 \______________\____|_________________|_____    \___|    /_)_____/____     \_
                       |            /       \_____/  |_____/          \______/
                       |           /__________________\
                       |                   |
                       |         :.        |   U . N . I . V . E . R . S . E

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: valley (wide)  |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  letharic       |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 48

__________________________________________________ __ ___ _______._______ _____
    ________ ._______  ______ _  .______._______ __)//   \\      :      /__ __
    \_      \|      |_(  _  ///__|     ||     |((   /     \      |      __//_/
 _ ___\      \      |    \       |     |:     :    _)      \ .       ___)
 \\\__\\____________|_____\      :     |_      ______________:_______|     h7
________________________ |______________/______/ ____________·_________________

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: zur            |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  zur            |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 49

                             .____ /      |
                             |   _/       |
                             |            |
                             |            |
                         ____|___  .      |   + ZUR of RANGERS / MUUMIT +
                         \_   __/__._____ |__
                          /   \    :    /_(_/________
                         /    (    |    ))    .     /
                       _/    /___________/____|    /_
                       \______/           :   |_____/
                             :            |   "
                             |            | h7
                             |    _       |
                             |_____\      |

                            _ __________/         |
                           .\\\       _/          |
                           |                      |
                           :                      |
                 drinking beer and cutting        |  h7
                           _,,,_                  :
                 __,,   ,x¾¾¾*¾¾¾x,   _,,,_   ,y%¾¾   ¾¾¾l^^
                 ¾¾¾¾  :¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾;x¾¾¾*¾¾¾xi¾¾' ·   ¾¾¾:
                 l¾¾¾: :¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾¾¾¾'   `¾¾¾×¾¾iy, :¾¾¾xx
                 :¾¾¾lyyy¾¾¾¾%¾¾¾*'¾¾¾,   ,¾¾¾: ¯"^¾¾l¾¾l
                  ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¯"""¯   `*¾¾¾%¾¾¾*' __,,¾¾¾×××××××
                  """"¯¯¯¯ :          ¯"""¯    ¾¾¾¾*^'
                           |                      .
                           | logo: zymosis        |
                           |                      |
                           | for:  psyko & folar  |
                           |                      |
                           |          _           |
                           `-----------\__________| 50

                            _ _________/             |
                           .\\\      _/              |
                           |                         |
                           |                         |
                           |        .____________    |
         ___________._____ | _______|__         |___ |  ____  ___
         \_      /  :    /___\  _     /        _(  /____\_ /_(  /____
          /     /_  |  _/    \\//    /         \_      /  / \_      /
         /     /_|_____|)_____\/    /_          |)____/_______)____/
        /_______/          :  /______/----------'    :
                           |                         |  h7
                           |                         |
                           |      z y m o s i s      |
                           |                         |
                           |                         |
                           |            :.           |

                                    the end

                                   ___.                        ___.
      ____             _ ______   .\  |_     ___      ____    .\  |_   :
    ./  ./____ _____ __\\\ ._  \_.|   _/_____\_ \_ _ /  ./____|   _/___:_ _
    |   |(   //     \\     |/    ||   |/     _. _////   |(        |/   :
 _ _|_           (         |                 \|                        :
     /_____________________|    (_____________|      __________________:_ _
                          /______|-ntr!       |_____/                  :

             there are several ways for contacting ME .

             -  hang around in #ascii in IRCnet and look for 'h7'
             -  call my board (find the number)
             -  send email to


             filename       name                   label
             h7-armas.txt   r.a.k.a.s              independent    1997
             bc!-shep.txt   the good shephard      brainlez c!    1998
             aal-daka.txt   dakar                  aalto          1998
             iso-smvr.txt   suklaamuumio venajan
                                         rajalta   iso (quest)    1998
             aal-drin.txt   drinking beer and
                                   cutting loose   aalto          1998

                      __ _____    __ _____ __ __ ___  hz
                 _____\_\\_  /____\_\\_  // //_//  |_ _________
                 \    ___   /\    ___   /    /     _//  ___   /
            _ __ _\   \ /   ._\   \ /   .   /_     :    \ /  /_ __ _
             \\_\\_____/    |\_____/    ¦____/_____|__________//_//
   ·     ·  ·· · ·····/-----'·····/-----'···· [ a a l t o ] ··· · ··  ·     ·

          members:   holmez - asphynx - sprinkle - h7 - adrenalin - swag
                     djunique - anima - odex - lawb - neurotrance - crs7



          boards:    abstract hallucinations +358-09-3881460  WHQ
                     haciend networks        +358-03-7530428  member
                     shock wave              +358-05-47614343 member
                     aerosouls               +358-09-8552774  distro

                     check our WHQ for music competitions

                                       /     \
 «----------------------------. - - - / - - - `------------------------------»
                               \     /

                       sori pojat. tama arpa ei voittanut.

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ       ___
 ._____\  \__
 |    __    | ___
 |    \|   _:_\  \__
 |________   __    |____
 :      |    \|        /
 .      |_______      /_________
               |     /        _/
   A A L T O - |______        |_____
                     |         _   /__
   d r i n k i n g   |_____    /     |
                       dRL|    \     |
   b e e r  a n d         |__________|
 .                          :
 : c u t t i n g  l o o s e |
 |                          |
 `--[ by h7 / AALTO^BC! ]---'

--[ AAL-DRIN.TXT ]------------------------[ RELEASED ON THE 5th OF MAY 1998 ]--

      ____.                         ._______                      .____
     .\   |         ___             |      /                      |   /.
     |    |_________\_ \_ _ ____    |     /___.     ______ _______|    |
. __ |    ._        _. _////  _/___.|    // __|_____)     \)     _.    | ____ .
:\\  |    |/        \|        )/   ||___/  _(       \            \|   _|_ _ //:
|    |____|     /____|                     \       \______________\___\       |
|        /_______|   |______________________________/-ntr!                    |
|                                                                             |
|    haciend networks -  +358-3-7530428  - ansi . askii . vga . teknomusik    |
|    op: h7/Alien Technology^Bc!^Ducksquad - Phobos & Iso Whq - Mono Finhq    |
|                                                   _                         |

    (_)._________                      .
     __|        _\ _____          .  _       _____         _____     _________
   __\ |       /___)   /_____   ____(_) o ___) _ /_ _______) _ /_ ___\       /
___\   .      _      _      (_ _\ _/______\   _.__/     _   _.__/       _____\
\    __|______\_____`-'____    \____._       _\|________\___\|__________\ .
/____\  __________ `---'_ /_________|/_______\_     _______________  __  o
  ---- /_________/ --- /_/ ----------------- (_) .- \______________\ \_\ --.--

 This lil' piece of art went through Hosee, the channelbot of #ascii on ircnet

     [STAFF]   Behemoth ÷ Cybergod ÷ Exile ÷ Fatal ÷  Red Demon   [STAFF]
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.              AMiGA + pC + NiNTENDo 64 - mAC - mP3 SUPPoRTED!              .
.                                                                           .
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|  4NDZ (RiNGDoWN) - 2NDZ (RiNGDoWN) iSDN - 6NDZ TELNET 128K iP: BEG-4-iT!  |
|             AMiGA4ooo . CYBERSToRM o6o\5oMhZ . 16GiGZ HdSPACE             |
|                    -- ----------------------------- --                    |
|                           (oo:49:26 - o8/o5/98)                           |
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                                                      [ Slt!TextAdd v1.1 ]