File Archive

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File size:
80 200 bytes (78.32K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:22:42
Download count:
all-time: 519


  __      |                                                        |
 /_/\  ___|__¦______ ______________¦_______________________  _ _/\_|______
 \_\/  \·    |     /_\______  /·   |    \_______   _ /    /_________    o/
  +:    \\   |    /    ______//          \     /   //    /    /    /   //
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  .·      |                        ¦                       \/      | \/
          |                                                        |
  .       | U   P   H   O   L   D        T   H   E       L   A   W |
          |                                                        |
 ______/\_|_______¦____    __________     _____     _____   _____ /\ _____
 \ _ o     _ /    |   ·\  /  ___    /    /    /____/o   /___\ _  /  \    /
  \//      \/          \\/    _____/    /    /    //   /\    \\ /    \  /
  /_________\_____|______\_______ /    /________ /____________\___/\___/
          |       ¦             \/             \/                  |Sk¡n 

                         dA uLTiMaTe dEMo BBS for:

        aMiGa · pC · c64 · sPecCY · mAC · cONSoLe · aRCHiMEdEs · aScII

                  ReMeDy wHQ (Amiga)  ·  U.D.O. wHQ (Amiga)

      rEAsOn wHQ (Amiga)  ·  dARkaGe eHQ (Amiga)  ·  pHAnTaSY gHQ (8Bit)

        sAc dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (PC)  ·  nUAnCe dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (Amiga)

               Node 1 :         dA sYSOPs aRe:       Node 2 & 3 :
           USR V.90 I-Modem                           Euro  ISDN 
          +49-(0)30-44730311                      +49-(0)30-44730312
             Node 4,5,6 :             &&                oR tRy
              24h Telnet             pASo
                              -- nO RaTiOs !!! --

                                  /   \\

                     In A Dark Room Below The Surface
                         In The Midst Of His Home
                       A Monk Is Sitting In His Jail
                      His Belief Is The Crime He Pays
                    With The Hands He Creates Bracelets
                          Of White And Black Wool
                           His Feet Are Bounded
                        But In His Head He Is Free
                                 \     //
                                  \   //

   ______ _______ ______ ____/\_______ ______  //.\_____ _______ _______
   \\  ._\     //      .\   // \    //_____//_//_  \  ._\     // __.  //___
    \\   \\   //        \\_//  .\  // \\ ._¯   //   \   \\   //  \   //  //
     \\___\\ //_________////______//___\\ /___//     \___\\ //____\ //__//
 ____ ¯     \/          ¯ ¯       ¯     \/ // ¯       \    \/   z!o\/   ¯
 \\ /                                     //           \
  \/ __________     __________  ________ //_ _______ _ _\______________
 ____\__.    //    //  __.  //_/_      .\ ._\     //._\     //\\ .___ \\
 \\     \   //     \\  \   //  //       \\  \\   //   \\   //¯¯\\   /  \\
  \\_____\ //       \\__\ //__//________//___\\ //_____\\ //____\\ /___//
   ¯      \/         ¯   \/z!o¯      // ¯      \/        \/ \    \/    ¯
                                    //                       \
         _________ __________   ___//____ ____ _______ _______\_________
        // __.  //___ _____//___\\ .___ \\  ._\     // __.  //___ ___. \\
       //  \   //  // \\ ._¯  //¯\\   /  \\   \\   //  \   //  // \\   //
       \\___\ //__//___\\ /__//___\\ /___//____\\ //____\ //__//____\ //
        ¯ z!o\/   ¯     \/   ¯    \\/    ¯       \/      \/   //     \/
                                   \                         //
           ___ __________ _____.    \             Nothing   //
           \\ \\ .___  //    //____  \        's Gonna     //
            \\ \\   / //    //    \\  \           Change  //
            //__\\ /__\\___//     //   \     My World    //
            ¯    \/z!o ¯   \\____//     \               //
                            ¯    ¯       \             //
                    __________ ____ ______\_____/\____//____  ____________
                    \\  __.  //  //      .\   .// \  //   //__\____.__   \\
                     \\ \   //  //        \\__// __\ \\   \\ ._  // //   //
                      \\_\ //__//_________// //_______\\___\\ /_// /____//
                       ¯  \/   ¯          ¯  ¯\   //   ¯ z!o\/  ¯\/     ¯

                                              \   //

                                              \   //

                                              \   //

                                              \   //

                                              \   //

           A New Ascii-Collection By   //.\
                          __________  //  _\____/\_______ ______
                          \\    .__/_//_  \\   // \    //      .\z!o
                           \\   /     //   \\_//  .\  //        \\
                            \\ /_____//     ¯//______//_________//
                             \/   // ¯  Zito ¯ \     ¯          ¯
                                 ¯              ¯

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   _________ ___ _______ ______
  //       .\ ._\     // ___. \\            Presented To You By...
 //         \\  \\   //  \\   //_____________________________
 \\_________//___\\ //_____\ //                            //
  ¯         ¯      \/ \  z!o\/     One Hundred Percent    //
                       \                                 //
  ___________ __________\____ _______ _______ ___/\_____//_______ _________
  \\  _____//_\____.  //___._\     // .__   \\ .// \  //   ___. \\  .__   \\
   \\ \\ ._¯   //\   //  //  \\   //   //   //_// __\ \\   \\   //   //   //
   //__\\ /___//__\ //__//____\\ //\  /____// //_______\\____\ //\  /____//
   ¯    \/    ¯    \/   ¯   \   \/  \/     ¯  ¯     //  ¯     \/  \/z!o  ¯
                             \                     //           
    ____/\_______ ______ ___/\\____ _______ ______//_ ___ _______ _/\_______
    \\ / \\ .  // ___. \\ .// \  // __.  //___ ___. \\ ._\     // // \    //
    // \__\\__//  \\   //_// __\ \\ \   //  // \\   //   \\   //_//  .\  //
   //______\\_______\ // //_______\\_\ //__//____\ //\\___\\ // //______//
   ¯        ¯     z!o\/  ¯        \¯  \/   ¯  //  \/  ¯     \/  ¯       ¯
                                   \         //
                                    \       //
                                     \     //
                                      \   //

                                     \     //
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                                     \     //
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                                     \     //
                                      \   //

   __________ ____ ______ ____    _________ ________ _ __________ _______
   \\  __.  //  // ___. \\  //___//___.  //___     .\ \\ .___  //  ___. \\
    \\ \   //  //  \\   //  \\ ._  //   //  //      \\ \\   / //   \\   //
     \\_\ //__//_____\ //____\\ /_//_\ //__//_______//__\\ /__\\_____\ //
      ¯  \/   ¯       \/      \/  ¯   \/   ¯        ¯    \/    ¯   z!o\/
           \\                                                         /
            \\  Hello my friends and welcome to a new ascii-colly,   /
             \\                                                     /
      On friday one and a half week ago the ethic commission of Germany
               \\             allowed the science to import embryos.
       It is less the thing itself - although it is more than doubtful
         when an ethic commission does something like this - but more the
    words they - the modern media - use when talking about those embryos
       who are alive definitive, even if not stated as human beings because
                  they are less than 3 months old.           /
            But besides this has never been proofed, just stated,
      once I was told that everybody is innocent as long as it is not
       proofed he is. Does not the same belong to all human life? Or does
        it just to the older ones??? Ah, forgot: Until 3 months, no human...
                         \\                             /
        I simply can not understand how any man or woman is able to
    declare what is life and what not. Who is worth to live an who is not.
        Some time we will end like in an old sci-fi shortstory where parents
    are allowed to have a legal abortion until the child
                              \\  reaches the age of 14 years.
     What else will be allowed in 100 years if we will survive so long???
                                \\               /
                                 \\     Anyway, /
          returned from a really queeel acidjazz concert I have
         been on with dOC mIKE, elapse, Dael & d!RT!E and thought to finish
     this colly although it is already 4 o'clock in the morning of
             sunday. Well, real sceners can not be scared by anything!
                                      \\   / 
                                       \\·/   Zitah gives up...

                               \\         /
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                                 \\     /
                                  \\   /

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     /\                                 .________  /\
    //.\_____ _______ _______ ________ __\\     \\//.\
   //   \  ._\     //.___   \\  ___. \\   \\     \\   \
  //     \   \\   //   //   //  \\   //    \\____//    \
 //_______\___\\ //\  /____//_____\ //______\\ //¯      \
 ¯        ¯     \/  \/     ¯    z!o\/        ¯//  Index  \
                                             //           \
                    JP.diz & Jurassic Pack.nfo for Ghandy  \
                2x Scarab & 5x S.diz for Scicco/Scarab      \
                          2x Kufa for Kufa/Reason            \
                            Fyanica for Teo/Kangaroo          \
                    Noise From Heaven (Votesheet) for Dascon/IRIS
               Twisted, Threaz & Damones for Threaz/Twisted^Damones
                            Pulse & Divx4 for Glenn/Scenery      \         
                         Ghost City for Sauzer/Ghost City         \
                     Romeo & Inferno.nfo for Romeo/Inferno         \
         Psycho.nfo, Kaz.diz, Mullennium Party & PARTYzan for Vadim Vlasov
                                 DutchSpirit for Bart/BAFH           \
                               Choize, Intro & Index for Choize/The Loop
                     Acid Rain for Acid Rain/Team Power Amiga          \
                               //  Virtual Insanity for Supreme         \
                              //                                         \
                             //        31 logos requested & gifted        \

                            \\       /
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   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Gift For Ghandy/Darkage      /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Jurassic Pack (diz)          /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

                          __________ ___/\_______z!o
                      ____\\  .__  \\  / \\ .  //___
                      \\   \\   /  //  \__\\__//  //
                       \\___\\ /__//_______\\ ¯  //
                        ¯    \/  \¯         ¯   //
                                  JP - Jurassic Pack
                                 The Legend Is Back!
                                Ghandy Gives You #o8
                              On The xxth Of June`o1
                                  Co-Edited by Zito.
                                       \  //

   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Gift For Ghandy/Darkage      /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Jurassic Pack (nfo)          /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

       Jurassic Pack - The Legend Is Back!                   //.\
                                                            //   \
    _________ ________ ____/\_____ ________ _________ _____//_  __\______z!o
 ___\\  .__ \\ __.  //__ .// \  //_\\ .___\\__     //__     // // __.  //___
 \\  \\   / // \   // //_// __\ \\  \\   / \\ \   //   \   // //  \   //  //
  \\__\\ /_//___\ //_//¯//_______\\__\\ /__//__\ //\\___\ //  \\___\ //__//
   ¯   \/  ¯     \/  ¯  ¯         ¯   \/   ¯    \/  ¯  //\/    ¯    \/\  ¯
                                                      //               \
                ____/\_______ _________  _________ __//______           \
                \\ / \\ .  //_\\ .___ \\// __.  ////_ _____//___  #o8    \
                // \__\\__///  \\   /  \\  \   //¯¯// \\ __¯  //          \
               //______\\ ¯\\___\\ /___//___\ //__//___\\ /._//____________\
               ¯        ¯   ¯    \/          \/   ¯     \/___/z!o

 text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
 text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
 text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
 text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
 text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
 text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

   \     //
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     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request by Scicco/Scarab     /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Scarab (nfo)                 /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

        __________ ______   _________ ____/\_____ _________ ________
    ____\__.    //__.  //___\\ .___ \\  .// \  //_\\ .___ \\  ____//____
    \\     \   // \   //  // \\   /  \\_// __\ \\  \\   /  \\ \\ __.  //
     \\_____\ //___\ //__//___\\ /___////_______\\__\\ /___//__\\ /__//
      ¯   z!o\/     \/   ¯     \/    ¯ ¯         ¯   \/    ¯    \/   ¯
      \\                                                             /
       \\                                                           /
        \\                                                         /
         \\                                                       /
          \\                                                     /
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            \\                                                 /
             \\                                               /
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               \\                                           /
                \\                                         /
                 \\                                       /
                  \\                                     /
                   \\                                   /
                    \\                                 /
                     \\                               /
                      \\                             /
                       \\                           /
                        \\                         /

   \     //
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   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request by Scicco/Scarab     /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Scarab (big logo)            /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

               \ ______________________________________________
                \                                         //
                 \                                       //
                  \              tHE mIGHtY             //
                   \                                   //
        __________ _\____   _________ ____/\_____ ____//___ ________
    ____\__.    //__.  //___\\ .___ \\  .// \  //_\\ .___ \\  ____//____
    \\     \   // \   //  // \\   /  \\_// __\ \\  \\   /  \\ \\ __.  //
     \\_____\ //___\ //__//___\\ /___////_______\\__\\ /___//__\\ /__//
      ¯      \/     \/  \¯     \/    ¯ ¯         ¯// \/    ¯ z!o\/   ¯
                         \                       //
                          \        sCArAb       //
                           \                   //
                            \                 //
                             \               //
                              \             //
                               \           //
                                \         //
                                 \       //
                                  \     //
                                   \   //
                                    \ //

   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request By Scicco/Scarab     /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Scarab (diz)                 /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

                     _______       __________  _______
                     \\   __\  ____\__.    // /__   //
                      \\  \\   \\     \   //   //  //
                       \\  \\__ \\_____\ // __//  //
                        \\_____\ ¯   z!o\/ /_____//
                          \\                    /
                           \\                  /
                            \\                /
                             \\              /

   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request By Scicco/Scarab     /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Scarab (diz)                 /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

                      ________     __________ ________
                      \\     / ____\__.    // \     //
                       \\   /  \\     \   //   \   //
                        \\ /    \\_____\ //     \ //
                         \/      ¯   z!o\/       \/
                          /                     \\
                         /                       \\
                        /                         \\
                       /                           \\

   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request By Scicco/Scarab     /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Scarab (diz)                 /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

                      ________     __________ ________
                      \\     / ____\__.    // \     //
                       \\   /  \\     \   //   \   //
                        \\ //\  \\_____\ //   /\\ //
                         \//__\  ¯   z!o\/   /__\\/
                     /\                              /\
                    // \                            / \\
                   //   \                          /   \\
                  //     \/\                    /\/     \\
                 //_______\_\                  /_/_______\\

   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request By Scicco/Scarab     /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Scarab (diz)                 /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

                    _____________  ______  _____________
                   JP@@@@@@@@@@@@ JPØØØØØ @@@@@@@@@@@@@Ø
                   JL             JL    Ø              Ø
                   JL____________ JL    Ø  ____________Ø
                   ¬@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Jѵ_  Ø J@@@@@@@@@z!oØ
                                  JL    Ø
                                  JL    Ø

   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request By Scicco/Scarab     /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Scarab (diz)                 /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

                    _____________         _____________
                   ØØ             ØØ   ØØ             ØØ
                   ØØ____________ ØØ   ØØ ____________ØØ
                   ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØ ØØø_    ØØØØØØØØØØz!oØ
                                  ØØ   ØØ
                                  ØØ   ØØ

   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request By Kufa/Reason       /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Kufa (e-Addy)                /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

          __________ ___________ _____/\________________  /\
          \\  ____//_\\____.  ////___/.\\    //\\ .___ \\/ \\
           \\ \\   __. //\   //¯¯//\/   \\__//¯¯\\   /  \\  \\
           //__\\ /   //__\ //__//_______\\ \\___\\ /___//   \\
           ¯    \/___// z!o\/   ¯         ¯  ¯    \/  / ¯     \\
                     ¯          kUfA / rEAsOn        /         \\

   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request By Kufa/Reason       /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Kufa (e-Addy)                /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

                       \\             /
              __________\\   Kufa  __/__/\________________
              \\  ____//_\\__     // __/.\\    //\\ .___ \\
               \\ \\   __. //     \\ \/   \\__//¯¯\\   /  \\
               //__\\ /   //\     /\\______\\ \\___\\ /___//
               ¯ z!o\/___// \\   /  ¯       ¯  ¯    \/    ¯
                         ¯   \\./

   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request By Teo/Kangaroo      /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Fyanica (big logo)           /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

  _____/\_______ ____.     _________ ____ ____//_  \ _________   _________
 // __/.\\    //   //______\\ .___ \\  ._\     //   // __.  //___\\ .___ \\
 \\ \/   \\__//   //    \\  \\   /  \\   \\   //   //  \   //  // \\   /  \\
  \\______\\\____//     //___\\ /___//____\\ //    \\___\ //__//___\\ /___//
   ¯       ¯     \\____//     \/    ¯     //\/      ¯  \ \/z!o¯     \/    ¯
                  ¯    ¯                 //             \
                                        //    Fyanica    \

   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request By Dascon/IRIS       /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Noise From Heaven (VoteSheet)/_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

       ______ _______ ______  /\    __________ _______
       \\  ._\     //      .\//.\ __\__.    //  ___. \\
        \\   \\   //        \\   \     \   //   \\   //
         \\___\\ //_________//    \_____\ //______\ //
          ¯  z!o\/        //¯      \     \/        \/
                         //         \
                        //  _____/\__\____ __/\_____ _______ _ __________
                       //  // __/.\\    // .// \  //       .\ \\ .___  //
                      //   \\ \/   \\__//__// __\ \\        \\ \\   / //
                     //     \\______\\ ¯\ //_______\\_______//__\\ /__\\
                    //       ¯       ¯   \¯         ¯       ¯ z!o\/    ¯
                   //                     \
 ___________ _____//____  _________   _____\_____ _______ ___ _______
 \\  _____//_\\_  ___. \\_\\ .___ \\__\\  .__  //  ___. \\ ._\     //
  \\ \\ ._¯   //  \\   //  \\   /  \\  \\   / //   \\   //   \\   //
  //__\\ /___//_____\ //____\\ /___//___\\ /_//______\ //_____\\ //
  ¯    \/    ¯//     \/z!o   \/    ¯     \/  ¯ \      \/        \/
             //                                 \
            //   Noise From Heaven - The Chart   \
           //                                     \
          //                                       \
         //  1st.........................10 Points  \
        //  2nd............................8 Points  \
       //  3rd..............................6 Points  \
      //  4th................................3 Points  \
     //  5th...................................1 Point  \
    //                                                   \
   //         Vote For Your Top5 Chipmusicians!!!         \
  //    And Send The Filled Sheet To Dascon@T-Online.De    \

   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request By Threaz/Twisted    /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Twisted (logo)               /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

  ______/\_______ _____ _//_  \  __________ __/\_______ _______ _________
  \\   // \    //__.  //  // __\_\__.    //  // \    //  ___. \\ .___   \\
   \\_//  .\  // \   //  //  \\     \   //__//  .\  //   \\   //   //   //
    ¯//______//___\ //__//    \\_____\ //  //______//______\ //\\ /____//
     ¯       ¯     \/// ¯      ¯  \z!o\/   ¯       ¯        \/  \/     ¯
                    //   Twisted   \

   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request By Threaz/Twisted    /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Threaz (logo)                /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

 ______/\_______ ______ ______/\_____ _________  _________ ____//___\
 \\   // \    //_____//_\\_ .// \  //    ___. \\_\\ .___ \\\    .__/_\__
  \\_//  .\  // \\ ._¯   //_// __\ \\    \\   //  \\   /  \\\   /     //
   ¯//______//___\\ /___//¯//_______\\_____\ //____\\ /___//\\ /_____//\
    ¯       ¯     \/    ¯  ¯         ¯      \/      \/z!o ¯//\/      ¯  \
                                                          //   Threaz!   \

   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request By Threaz/Twisted    /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Damones (logo)               /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

 ________//__ \_________ _ __________ ______ ____ _______ ______  __________
 \\  .___   \\_\\ .___ \\ \\ .___  //      .\  ._\     // ___. \\_\__.    //
  \\   //   //  \\   /  \\ \\   / //        \\   \\   //  \\   //    \   //
   \\ /____//____\\ /___//__\\ /__\\________//____\\ //_____\ //______\ //
    \//    ¯      \/    ¯    \/    ¯        ¯       \/       \/     z!o\/
    //   Damones   \

   \\               /
    \\             /
     \\           /
      \\         /
       \\       /
        \\     /
         \\   /
          \\ /

   \\               /
    \\             /
     \\           /
      \\         /
       \\       /
        \\     /
         \\   /
          \\ /

   \\               /
    \\             /
     \\           /
      \\         /
       \\       /
        \\     /
         \\   /
          \\ /

             \\                                                           /
              \\                                                         /
               \\                                               "When"  /
                \\                                                     /
                 \\      You Say You Do Not Want To Change The World  /
                  \\               And I Am Wondering How You Do So  /
                   \\                 You Are No Genie In A Bottle  /
                    \\              And You Are No Hole In Nature  /
                     \\         Because After Each Step You Take  /
                      \\            And After Each Word You Say  /
                       \\           And After Each Bit You Eat  /
                      The World Is More Different Than Before  /
                         \\                When - If Not Now  /
                          \\            Where - If Not Here  /
                           \\        How - If Without Love  /
                            \\            Who - If Not Us  /
               You Say You Do Not Want To Save The World  /
          This Everything Is Something Too Much For You  /
           And The World Savers Have Been There Before  /
           But Most Of Them Only Made It Worse-Better  /
                     And Though Each New Day Asks Me  /
                             Which Side I Belong To  /
                          And I Just Can Just Look  /
           How Everything Is Going Down The River  /
                               When - If Not Now  /
                            Where - If Not Here  /
                           How - If Without Love/
                                  Who - If Not Us
       You Say You Do Not Want To Change The World
                     Then Others Will Do It For You
        And The Forest Where You Played In Years Ago
                       Suddenly Wears A Face Of Stone
                 And The Fields You Lie In This Moment
                            Will Be A Motorway Tomorrow
                        And If You Should Ever Come Back
           Everything Will Start From The Beginning Again
                                      /  When - If Not Now
                                     /  Where - If Not Here
                                    /  How - If Without Love
                                   /          Who - If Not Us
                                  /                  \\
                                 /  By Rio Reiser     \\
                                /                      \\

                               \\                       //
                                \\                     //
                                 \\                   //
                                  \\                 //
                                   \\               //
                                    \\             //
                                     \\           //
                                      \\         //
                                       \\       //
                                        \\     //
                                         \\   //
                                          \\ //

                               \\                       //
                                \\                     //
                                 \\                   //
                                  \\                 //
                                   \\               //
                                    \\             //
                                     \\           //
                                      \\         //
                                       \\       //
                                        \\     //
                                         \\   //
                                          \\ //

                               \\                       //
                                \\                     //
                                 \\                   //
                                  \\                 //
                                   \\               //
                                    \\             //
                                     \\           //
                                      \\         //
                                       \\       //
                                        \\     //
                                         \\   //
                                          \\ //

   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request By Glenn/Scenery     /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Pulse (logo)                 /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

         ____/\_______ ______ _____        __________ ___//__ \
         \\ / \\ .  //__.  //___ //________\__.    //  ___. \\ \
         // \__\\__// \   //  // \\ ._  //    \   //   \\   //  \
        //______\\ \\__\ //__//___\\ /_//______\ //______\ //    \
        ¯        ¯  ¯   \/   ¯     \/  ¯     z!o\/   //   \/      \
                                                    //       Pulse \

   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request By Glenn/Scenery     /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Divx4 (logo)                 /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

                             //.\                .________ FOUR
                ____________//   \   _____________\\     \\
                \\  .___   \\     \__\\  .__  //   \\     \\
                 \\   //   //      \  \\   / //     \\____//
                  \\ /____// Divx 4 \__\\ /_//\\_____\\z!o¯
                   \/   //¯          \  \/  ¯  ¯      ¯

   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request By Sauzer/Ghost City /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Ghost City (big logo)        /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

      __________ __________ _________    __________ __/\_______
     //  __.  //___ _____//____     .\ __\__.    //  // \    //_______
     \\  \   //  // \\ ._¯   //      \\     \   //__//  .\  //      //
      \\__\ //__//___\\ /___//_______//______\ //  //______//      //
       ¯   \/   ¯     \/    ¯        ¯        \/z!o¯       ¯      //
                          /\                       \   gHOST     //
            _________    //.\ ______/\_______ ______\     cITY  //
           // __.  //___//   \\\   // \    //     //_\__       //
          //  \   //   //     \\\_//  .\  //     //    \\     //
          \\___\ //___//_______\¯//______//_____//     //    //
           ¯ z!o\/    ¯        ¯ ¯       ¯      \\____//\   //
                                                 ¯    ¯  \·//

   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request By Romeo/Inferno     /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Romeo (logo)                 /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

         ______/\_____ _______ __ __________ _______ ________ //.\
         \\  .// \  //       .\  \\ .___  //  ___. \\       .\/   \
          \\_// __\ \\        \\  \\   / //   \\   //        \\    \
           ¯//_______\\_______//___\\ /__\\_____\ //_________//     \
            ¯         ¯       ¯     \/    ¯      \/z!o    // ¯ Romeo \

   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request By Romeo/Inferno     /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Inferno (nfo)                /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

    //.\ ____ _______ __/\_______ _______ ____/\_____ ___ _______ ______
   //   \  ._\     //__/.\\    //  ___. \\  .// \  //  ._\     //      .\
  //     \   \\   // \/   \\__//   \\   //__// __\ \\    \\   //        \\
 //_______\___\\ //________\\\\______\ //  //_______\\____\\ //_________//
 ¯        ¯     \/          ¯ ¯       \/   ¯         ¯      \/z!o       ¯
 \\                                                                     /
  \\                       Inferno Presents...                         /
   \\                                                                 /
    \\                                                               /
     \\                                                             /
      \\                                                           /
       \\                                                         /
        \\                                                       /
         \\                                                     /
          \\                                                   /
           \\                                                 /
            \\                                               /

   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request By Vadim Vlasov      /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Psycho (nfo)                 /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

        ____/\_______ _______ ______. __________ _________ _________
        \\ / \\ .  //_.    //     //_//_ __.  //________//____     .\
        // \__\\__//  \   //     //    \\\   //  //\\ ._¯   //      \\
       //______\\______\ //_____//     //_\ //__//__\\ /___//_______//
       ¯        ¯    z!o\/      \\____//   \/   ¯    \/    ¯        ¯
       __________________________¯    ¯______________________________
       \\                        \    //                            /
        \\                        \  //                            /
         \\                        \//                            /
          \\                                                     /
           \\                                                   /
            \\                                                 /
             \\                                               /
              \\                                             /
               \\                                           /
                \\                                         /
                 \\                                       /
                  \\                                     /
                   \\____________      _________________/ 
                                 \    //
                                  \  //

   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request By Vadim Vlasov      /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Kaz (diz)                    /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

                 __________     _________ _______
                 \\  ____//_____\\ .___ \\   .__/____
                  \\ \\   __. // \\   /  \\  /     //______
                  //__\\ /   //___\\ /___// /_____//     //
                  ¯    \/___//z!o  \/    ¯\/\     ¯     //
                            ¯                \         //
                                              \       //
                                               \     //
                                                \   //
                                                 \ //

   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request By Vadim Vlasov      /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Mullennium Party (logo)      /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

                 \                                       //
                  \           Mullenium Party           //
   ___ __________ _\____ _____    ______  ____________ //_ _______
   \\ \\ .___  //__.  //___ //___//__ //__\\___ ___. \\ ._\     // ______
    \\ \\   / // \   //  // \\ ._  // \\ ._  // \\   //   \\   //  \\___/
    //__\\ /__\\__\ //__//___\\ /_//___\\ /_//____\ //_____\\ //    ·
    ¯ z!o\/    ¯   \/  \¯     \/  ¯     \/  ¯      \/        \/
                        \      /\                 //
                 ______ _\____//.\__________ __ _//_______
                 \\  ._\     //   \  __.  //___\\ .___  //
                  \\   \\   //     \ \   //  // \\   / //
                   \\___\\ //_______\_\ //__//___\\ /__\\
                    ¯     \/ \      ¯  \/   ¯//   \/z!o ¯
                              \             //
        ____/\_______ _________\_____/\____//___/\_______ _____.
        \\ / \\ .  //_\\ .___ \\   .// \  //   // \    //    //____
        // \__\\__//   \\   /  \\__// __\ \\__//  .\  //    //    \\
       //______\\ \\____\\ /___// //_______\\//______//____//     //
       ¯        ¯  ¯     \/z!o ¯  ¯\   //   ¯¯       ¯     \\____//
                                    \ //                    ¯    ¯

   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request By Vadim Vlasov      /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  PARTYzan (logo)              /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

                                                   \               //
  ____/\________________ _____/\_____ ___/\_______ _\___.PARTYzan //
  \\ / \\ .  //\\ .___ \\   .// \  //   // \    //    //____   __//__
  // \__\\__//¯¯\\   /  \\__// __\ \\__//  .\  //    //    \\  __||__||\ |
 //______\\ \\___\\ /___// //_______\\//______//____//     // |__ |  || \|
 ¯        ¯  ¯ z!o\/    ¯  ¯         ¯¯       ¯     \\____//  //
                                                     ¯   \¯  //
                                                          \ //

   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request By Bart/BAFH         /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  DutchSpirit (logo)           /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

          \\             /
           \\  DutchSpirit
    ________\\__   ____/_/\_______ _______ __________
    \\  .___   \\  \\   // \    // __.  //___ _____//____  ______
     \\   //   //   \\_//  .\  //  \   //  // \\ ._¯   //  \\___/
      \\ /____//\   /¯//______//____\ //__//___\\ /___//    ·
       \/     ¯ \\ /  ¯       ¯      \/   ¯     \/z!o ¯     /\
                 \/         /\              /\             // \
        __________ /\______//.\ _____/\____//.\ _____/\___//__ \
    ____\__.    /// \\ .  //   \   .// \  //   \    // \    //  \
    \\     \   // \__\\__//     \__// __\ \\    \__//  .\  //    \
     \\_____\ //______\\//_______\//_______\\____\//______//      \
      ¯   z!o\/        ¯¯        ¯¯         ¯    ¯¯   //  ¯        \
                                                     // TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT
                                                    // TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT
                                                   // TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT
                                                  // TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT

   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request By Choize/The Loop   /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Choize (logo)                /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

           _________ _________ __________//_\________ ___________
          // __.  //________//____      .\ \\    .__/____  ___. \\
         //  \   //  //\\ ._¯   //       \\ \\   /     //  \\   //
         \\___\ //__//__\\ /___//________//  \\ /_____//_____\ //
          ¯    \/   ¯    \/    ¯     //  ¯    \/\     ¯    z!o\/
                                    //  Choize   \

   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request By Choize/The Loop   /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Intro (logo)                 /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

           /\                                                /\
          //.\_____ _______ __/\_______ __/\_____ ________  //.\
         //   \  ._\     //  // \    // .// \  //        .\//   \
        //     \   \\   //__//  .\  //__// __\ \\         \\     \
       //_______\___\\ //  //______//  //_______\\________//      \
       ¯        ¯     \/z!o¯       ¯   ¯         ¯      //¯ Intro  \

   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request By Choize/The Loop   /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Index (logo)                 /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

                 /\   I N D E X                     .________
                //.\_____ _______ _______ ________ __\\     \\
               //   \  ._\     //.___   \\  ___. \\   \\     \\
              //     \   \\   //   //   //  \\   //    \\____//
             //_______\___\\ //\  /____//_____\ //______\\   ¯
             ¯        ¯     \/  \/     ¯    z!o\/        ¯
             \\                                              /
              \\                                            /
               \\                                          /
                \\                                        /
                 \\                                      /
                  \\                                    /
                   \\                                  /
                    \\                                /
                     \\                              /

   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request By Acid Rain/TPA     /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Acid Rain (logo)             /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

                     _________ _________//  _\__________
                   __\\ .___ \\  __.  ///__ \   .___   \\
                  //  \\   /  \\ \   //  //  \    //   //
                  \\___\\ /___//__\ //__//    \  /____//
                   ¯    \/    ¯    \//  ¯      \/\z!o ¯
                ______/\_____  ____//___      ____\_ _______
                \\  .// \  //__\\ .___ \\     \\  ._\     //
                 \\_// __\ \\   \\   /  \\     \\   \\   //
                  ¯//_______\\___\\ /___//      \\___\\ //
                   ¯         ¯  //\/    ¯        ¯    \\/
                               //       AcidRain       \

   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   \     //
    \   //
     \ //
   ________z!o                     _________________________________/\
   \     //_______________________//                               / \\
    \   //                       //  Request By Supreme           /   \\
     \ //   Logo Says...        //  Virtual Insanity (logo)      /_____\\
      \/_______________________//_______________________________  ______
                                                                 \     //
                                                                  \   //
                                                                   \ //

     ________//_ _\____/\_____ ___/\_______ ______   _________ _____
  ___\\  .__  // \\  .// \  //   // \    //__.  //___\\ .___ \\   //_______
  \\  \\   / //   \\_// __\ \\__//  .\  // \   //  //¯\\   /  \\  \\ ._  //
   \\__\\ /_//     ¯//_______\\//______//___\ //__//___\\ /___//___\\ /_//
    ¯   \// ¯       ¯ \       ¯¯       ¯     \/   ¯     \/    ¯  z!o\/  ¯
        //  Virtual    \
       //     Insanity  \                       /\
    __//__ _______ ______\__________ ___ ______//.\_____/\_______ _____.
    \\  ._\     //__.    //\\ .___ \\ ._\     //  \\   // \    //    //____
    /\\   \\   //   \   //¯¯\\   /  \\  \\   //    \\_//  .\  //    //    \\
   // \\___\\ //_____\ //____\\ /___//___\\ //______¯//______//____//     //
  //   ¯     \/       \/     \\/    ¯      \/z!o     ¯       ¯     \\____//
 //___________________________\                                     ¯    ¯

                   \         //
                    \       //
                     \     //
                      \   //

                   \         //
                    \       //
                     \     //
                      \   //

                   \         //
                    \       //
                     \     //
                      \   //

                   \         //
                    \       //
                     \     //
                      \   //

                   \         //
                    \       //
                     \     //
                      \   //

   /\  /\  /\    _  __ _  __ __   ___
  / \\/ \\/ \\  |_||_ |_||  |_ |\| |
  \__\\__\\__\\ |  |__| \|__|__| | |
 ______   ____________________________
  ·        ·
   "Nothing's Gonna Change My World"
          New Ascii-Art By Zito/1oo%
 ____________________          ______
 \\_________________/ 09/12/01 \\___/
  ·                             ·

                   \         //
                    \       //
                     \     //
                      \   //

                   \         //
                    \       //
                     \     //
                      \   //

                   \         //
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                     \     //
                      \   //

                   \         //
                    \       //
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                      \   //

                   \         //
                    \       //
                     \     //
                      \   //

 ________________                                   /\
 \\             /                                  //.\
  \\       ____/____ _____  ____________ _________//   \_________
   \\    __\\ .___ \\   //__\\___ ___. \\ .___   \\    // __.  //___  ______
    \\  //  \\   /  \\  \\ ._  // \\   //   //   //   //  \   //  //  \\___/
     \\ \\___\\ /___//___\\ /_//____\ //\  /____//    \\___\ //__//    ·
      \\ ¯ /  \/    ¯  z!o\/  ¯      \/  \/   //¯      ¯   \\/   ¯
       \\ /                                  // Valediction \\
        \/                       ______/\___//__    _________\\___ _______
                                 \\   // \    //   //       .\  ._\     //
                                  \\_//  .\  //   //         \\   \\   //
                                   ¯//______//    \\_________//____\\ //
                                    ¯   //  ¯      ¯         ¯   \\  \/z!o

   Well, at the end I was not able to finish the texts at sunday morning
         until 6 o'clock. Too tired, too drunken by the music and too many
 cigarettes. Simple not able to order my thoughts and write them down. Once
   again another colly was planed to be something special but at the
                           end it is a try only...

   For me the science dealing with embryos is worse than slavery. Human
    life treated like commodities, like dead things. Isn't it enough
              that we treat pigs, sheeps and cows this way???
    And what makes a two months old baby less worth to live compared to
       a three months old one? This way we could start to devide
     between black and white again, something we should definitively not!
  World politics and human behavor make me doubt, make me struggle.
   Once I thought I could change the world, a revolution for a better way
      to live. That again who can? I knew I was not able to, not allowed,
                                         restricted to my own failures.

   But here lies the chance! I can change everything. Yes, as everything
        starts in small. It is not the whole world concerning.
           It is not the thing to change the planet earth on your own,
      but to begin by yourself... This is a world, my world, which only
                       I can change, where I make the laws.
   I am not able and not allowed to make others think what I think - and
     this concerns the human rights too, which are "only" displaying
           our western world's mentality. I can only change my own
      world and this way I can show others my ideas of living.
              But this is more I can change then most others ever
           changed in their whole life!
 And there - in my world - it does not matter what happens outside. This
  shall not be a pleading for self-sufficiency or allow somebody to forget
         about the earth as planet, because everybody of us is at
           least physically connected to it.
   But In my own world I can find my freedom and power to live.
                     This does also not mean retreat or lazyness,
               because as mentioned exactly there - in my own world -
        starts the changing. And nothing's gonna change my world than me.

                                                   // \

                                  /   \\

                      The Monk Is Still Sitting There
                   Blind Since His Eyes Were Burned Out
                     Dumb Since His Tongue Was Cut Off
                      But Never Broken In His Belief
                  He Is Sure To Stay There For Some Time
                            And He Will Survive
                       Without Food Without Clothes
                           With A Smile In Mind
                                 \     //
                                  \   //

 |                                                                   \\  |
 |     :____.              .____.              .____.                 \\ |
 |     |    |____  _______ |    |     ________ |    |      _______     \\|
 |__ _ |    |    |_\__.   \|   _|___  \___.   \|    |    ._\__.   \_ _ _\\
 |     |    |    |    |    |   \_   \_    |    |    |   _|    |    |     \
 |     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |__/ |    |    |     |
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