File Archive

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File size:
98 834 bytes (96.52K)
File date:
2020-05-07 23:56:38
Download count:
all-time: 969


  ...         _ _                                          _ _     ...
 ::::          \\\ sTAGE 1 cOMPLEtED <> pAsSED tHRoUGH TY ///      ::::
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   |                       //___|   !   |   !\___\\     !|__\\_|   !   |…
   |  serving the underground         .             .      ####   .        |
   |  ascii scene - ascii search -    |             | ########### |        |
   |  news - reviews - interviews -   |  impure hq  | ########### |        |
   |  ascii forums - 169 +/- groups - |  woezine hq | ########### |        |
   |  tutorials -  |  retro hq   | ########### |        |
   +----------------------------------|             | ########### |--------+
    w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g  //_____________|_____________\\O5/12/O6

                  & the yard bbs


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    .:....... .     \%%\ //      \%%\ //      \%%\ //  .  .... . . .... .
     :               \%%\/        \%%\/        \%%\/

                        in friendly co-operation with...

                    __  _|           |____________
                   \\_\ \_           |            |_  __
       ____   ___        |      ____ | ____       _/ /_//____   ____
      _)__/___)  \  ____ | ____|   (___)   |_____ | ____|_  (___) _/____
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 \\_   |    _/    |      |_      |/  _/    |      |_      |  \_  |       |_
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---\\__|-------pO!|_____/|\______|   .    |______/|\______|------|______//---
                         .           |            .
                __  __  _|           |            |   I M P U R E ! ?
               \\_\ \_\ \_           |            |_  __  __
                         |___________|            _/ /_/ /_//

                      a goodbye azkee bizz production by

                                  _____/    \_
                             ____/           /\
                            /   /           /  \        ______
                      ____ /   /           /   /       /     /\
                     _\__ \_  /     ___   /___/_      /_____/  \
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        \_\\ \ \\    /______/  \______ \ \      \ \\       \ \  \ \__\/
            \_\/ \___\      \ /      /\_\/\______\/ \_______\/\__\/
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                  /__/        \______\/
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                     \_____\  \  /


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    |_______| ___ |_______\ __ ___ |_____|  _______ ______ __  /      |
             /___) pOgue   /__\\_/         /_______))____//_///_______|ab!

                         in another textmode art release


      ____         ____          _____
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    _\    ___  |__\    |    /__|     _____/__
   _|    |  /    |_    |      |_    |       |_
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         |_______\                          | %%%%%%%%%% |
                                            | %%%%%%%%%% |
                                           \| %%%%%%%%%% |/
                       …oUT_oF_oRder…       \ %%%%%%%%%% /
                                            |\ %%%%%%%% /|
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                                                 \  /

                      let's have some beginning end words...

                                           |                   |/
         1oo % is dead, alas...            |                   |
                                           ¦                   |
                 _________/________  __________                |
                 \       /        /_/         /_               |
                 /      /       /  /        /  /               |
                /      /          /_          /_  _  _  _  _  _· __ __
               /_______\__________\\__________\\ /_//_ /_)/  /_ / / /
               - ---------------------- no!l124 /  /_ / \/_ /_ / / / ----- -
                                           .                   .
                                           |                   |
                                           |                   |
 much times passed since last colly. thought about a big amiga scene
 respect colly with elend, but he was too busy and i was so too...
 whatever! i did not finish all groups logos anyway at the end, and i
 got finally tired of the scene and did not have time for this kind of
 art, my focus simply changed...           |                   |
                                           |                   |
 luckily poque liked the idea of a co-colly, still keeping the contact
 after more than one year only delaying by me, otherwise this would
 never see the light of day maybe?!        |                   |
                                           |                   |
 some active groups might be missing here, this may be because of two
 reasons: i already made them (several) asciis but they never used them
 (like iris) or i simple forgot about them, about what i am really sorry.
 but as i do have an e-maill addy, just mail me and you will get your
 logo soon!                                |                   |
                                           |                   |
 well, what dipswitch can, we can do it too! ;-) but we do it for the
 real ascii spirit scene, the amiga scene. you may claim it is dead,
 you may claim it is outdated anyway. with this colly including logos
 for active groups only, we show you are damned wrong. go to the parties
 and see what this lovely machines still beats. in style and in hardware
 coding.                                   |                   |
                                           |                   |
 at last one note about the latest tac: it is really good to see it is
 alive again. hold my fingers crossed that this issue was not the last
 one for the next time. and i am happy to read more positive words about
 my stuff than 2 years ago. but i was a bit disappointed too. i know my
 style is not the best and i always wrote that design is not my thing
 (the reason why this colly looks so good is that pogue did the design).
 that again the tac staff should have recognized my activites the last
 year too - i did 5 times more collies than reviewed - but they haven't.
 anyway, i am promising that this colly is the last one featuring this
 ugly triangle style of mine. (thanks for noticing that it is no a
 rippoff!) maybe it is the last ascii-colly ever by me. (i am so f'ed up
 with the nowadays ascii-scene, except some exceptions of course.)
 but if i should do some collection in textbased amiga art one day,
 you will find a totally different style for sure!             |
                                           |                   |
 zito in 2006 - not much changed in the last 4 years...        |
 just wanted to release the old stuff finally somehow.         |
 except - this could get me back - good work pals!!!
                                           |                   |
                                           |                   |
                                           |                   |

           (/      ________    ________    ________    ___.___
           __/)  __\___   (  __\____  (  __)  ____/  __)  |  (_
          .    ¬.     |    ¬.      /   ¬.     __)__ .     |    ¬.
+-------- |     |     |     |     /     |     |    ¬.-         -| …
|       … |     |     |     |    /      |     `     l_    |     | ---------+
|         l_____l_____|   .:|______   .:|______   .: /____|   .:|          |
|                     `-----'     `-----'-©dtA!_____/     `-----'          |
+--(amiga respect: by zito)--+-----(requested logos: by zito)--------------+
|  o1. eph.diz             : |  o7. endless summer ep for moods          : |
|  o2. ephidrena             |  o8. Bad Karma for Pahn/Bad Karma^TRSI      |
|  o3. tbl.diz               |  o9. Last Stop for Pahn/Bad Karma^TRSI      |
|  o4. mwi.diz               |  1o. Amiga for Pahn/Bad Karma^TRSI          |
|  o5. spb.diz               |  11. SNES for Pahn/Bad Karma^TRSI           |
|  o6. nature                |  12. Ashes To Dust for Pahn/Bad Karma^TRSI  |
|:.                       .: |  13. PAIN.diz for Unlock/Vantage            |
+----------------------------+  14. CNS.diz for Browallia/Nukleus          |
|                            |  15. Request: Psycreator                    |
|         z  i  t  o         |  16. Picture Conversion for Psych/mdS       |
|                            |  17. Unlock: Rulez, oneliner                |
|:.                       .: | :.                                       .: |
| :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |
+--(logos: by pOgue)-------------------------------------------------------+
|  o1. spaceballs            |                                             |
|  o2. grim                  +--(diz mania: by pOgue)----------------------+
|  o3. meep                  |  o8. nat.diz                                |
|  o4. sinte kjerringer      |  o9. rno.diz/Rave Network Overscan          |
|  o5. nerv                  |  1o. gds.diz/Gods       +-------------------+
|  o6. noof                  |                         |                   |
|  o7. gerilja               |                         |     p O g u e     |
|                            |                         | :.             .: |
+--(bonus: zito)-------------+-------------------------+-------------------+
|  #1 moods love evoke for ascii-compo                                     |
|  #2 JRP02 InfoSheet for Zito & Browallia                                 |

                              \\ ___   ___ //
  .______________________.  .__\· \o\-/o/ ·/__.  ._______________________.
  I                      I  |      _ Y _      |  I                       I
 .I Amiga Respect Logo   I .|   \. \.|./ ./   |. I       Ephidrena       I.
 II  Done By Zito For... I ||    | . . . |    || I          DIZ          II
 :I______________________I :!____| | | | |____!: I_______________________I:
                        .______| !_|_|_|_! |______.
                        |'     !   |   |   !     `|

                     _____________ _/\_______ ______z!o
                     \\         // / \\    //_____//____
                  _ __\\ .__   // /.  \\__// \\ ._¯   //___ _
                       \\___\ //_______\\ ____\\ /___//
                        ¯    \/         ¯      \/    ¯
                   Ephidrena Gives You Another Fine Piece
                   Of Pure Demo Art, Coded by Loaderror
                   Music by Frequent & Zixaq, GFX by Cheetah
                   Released at Symphony Or Any Other Party
                   Done in The Glorious Year 2003...
                   -   --  ---- ---  ------------------- -- -

                              \\ ___   ___ //
  .______________________.  .__\· \o\-/o/ ·/__.  ._______________________.
  I                      I  |      _ Y _      |  I                       I
 .I Amiga Respect Logo   I .|   \. \.|./ ./   |. I       Ephidrena       I.
 II  Done By Zito For... I ||    | . . . |    || I         LOGO          II
 :I______________________I :!____| | | | |____!: I_______________________I:
                        .______| !_|_|_|_! |______.
                        |'     !   |   |   !     `|

                                     /\                           ·
 _____________ _/\_______ ______    //.\  ________                :
 \\         // / \\    //_____//___//   \ \      \\ _____  __ _ __|_ _   __
  \\ .__   // /.  \\__// \\ ._¯   //     \ \______\\              |
   \\___\ //_______\\ ____\\ /___//_______\        ¯   Ephidrena  |
    ¯    \/z!o      ¯      \/    ¯        ¯                       |
                     ____________ ____/\_____ _________ _ ________|_______
                     \   .___   \\  .// \  //        //._\     //\\ .___ \\
  _   ___ __   _______\    //   //__// __\ \\ .__   //   \\   //¯¯\\   /  \\
                       \  /____//  //_______\\___\ //_____\\ //____\\ /___//
                        \/     ¯   ¯         ¯    \/        \/    | \/z!o ¯


                              \\ ___   ___ //
  .______________________.  .__\· \o\-/o/ ·/__.  ._______________________.
  I                      I  |      _ Y _      |  I                       I
 .I Amiga Respect Logo   I .|   \. \.|./ ./   |. I    The Black Lotus    I.
 II  Done By Zito For... I ||    | . . . |    || I          DIZ          II
 :I______________________I :!____| | | | |____!: I_______________________I:
                        .______| !_|_|_|_! |______.
                        |'     !   |   |   !     `|

                    ______/\_______/\ _______ ____
                    \\   // \    ///.\     //   //______  :
                     \\_//  .\  ///   \   //   //.    //__I_ _
                      ¯//______///_____\ //\  /______//   I
                       ¯       ¯        \/  \/z!o    ¯    I
                    TBL - The Black Lotus is ruling with: I
                          Megademo Nr.VIII release at     I
                          Breakpoint04 on a sunny day...
                 for more of us!

                              \\ ___   ___ //
  .______________________.  .__\· \o\-/o/ ·/__.  ._______________________.
  I                      I  |      _ Y _      |  I                       I
 .I Amiga Respect Logo   I .|   \. \.|./ ./   |. I      Mad Wizards      I.
 II  Done By Zito For... I ||    | . . . |    || I          DIZ          II
 :I______________________I :!____| | | | |____!: I_______________________I:
                        .______| !_|_|_|_! |______.
                        |'     !   |   |   !     `|

                    Mad Wizards - Global Players /\  xx-xx-xxx
                     ___ __________ _______ ____//.\
                     \\ \\ .___  //  __.  //   //   \
                      \\ \\   / //\\ \   //   //     \
                      //__\\ /__\\ \\_\ //___//       \
                      ¯    \/    ¯  ¯  \/z!o//         \
                    Mawi anno domina 2003  //___________\
                    Coming with a 68k demo ¯            ¯
                    Back on classic amigas as promised!  
                    Line 10 Line 10 Line 10 Line 10 Line 10...
                    Line 11 Line 11 Line 11 Line 11 Line 11...
                    Last Line 4 Diz Last Line 4 Diz Last Line

                              \\ ___   ___ //
  .______________________.  .__\· \o\-/o/ ·/__.  ._______________________.
  I                      I  |      _ Y _      |  I                       I
 .I Amiga Respect Logo   I .|   \. \.|./ ./   |. I      Spaceballs       I.
 II  Done By Zito For... I ||    | . . . |    || I          DIZ          II
 :I______________________I :!____| | | | |____!: I_______________________I:
                        .______| !_|_|_|_! |______.
                        |'     !   |   |   !     `|

                      : __________ _/\_________/\ _______
                    __I_\__.    // / \\    // //.\     //
                    \\     \   // /.  \\__//\//   \   //
                     \\_____\ //_______\\ ¯ //_____\ //
                      I   z!o\/         ¯   ¯       \/
                      I Spaceballs - Still Alive Since 1992
                      I Kicking Your Asses With Fat Amiga
                      I Executables. ASM & 8bit Power!
                        What do yo want Slummy to do more?
                      I Support the scene, people!!!

                              \\ ___   ___ //
  .______________________.  .__\· \o\-/o/ ·/__.  ._______________________.
  I                      I  |      _ Y _      |  I                       I
 .I Amiga Respect Logo   I .|   \. \.|./ ./   |. I         Nature        I.
 II  Done By Zito For... I ||    | . . . |    || I          LOGO         II
 :I______________________I :!____| | | | |____!: I_______________________I:
                        .______| !_|_|_|_! |______.
                        |'     !   |   |   !     `|

       .                       __________________
       .                       \\               /                    .
                                \\             /
 ______:________________ ____/\__\\___     ___/__/\_____ _________   :
 \\  ._\     //\\ .___ \\   // \    //     \\  .// \  //        //   I
  \\   \\   //¯¯\\   /  \\_//  .\  //       \\_// __\ \\ .__   //----I- -- -
   \\___\\ //\___\\ /___////______//\\     / ¯//_______\\___\ //     I
    ¯  :  \/      \/    ¯ ¯       ¯  \\   /   ¯         ¯    \/      I
  Do not go back - execute a demo by  \\./ Nature                    I
       :                               \/                            I
       I                                                             I
       I    Insert Text Here! Insert Text Here! Insert Text Here!    I
       I    Insert Text Here! Insert Text Here! Insert Text Here!    I
       I    Insert Text Here! Insert Text Here! Insert Text Here!    I
       I    Insert Text Here! Insert Text Here! Insert Text Here!    I
       I    Insert Text Here! Insert Text Here! Insert Text Here!    I
       I    Insert Text Here! Insert Text Here! Insert Text Here!    I
       I    Insert Text Here! Insert Text Here! Insert Text Here!    I
   _ __I_________ __ _ __ _  _   _     _                             I
       :                                                             I



         ·        ·
        //\  __  /\\
        \\ \/  \/ //
         ·\/_  _\/·
         _// \/ \\_                ·
      __ )___/\___( __             : mOOdS wanted...                  .
   _  \__\_o//\\o_/__/  _ _  __ ___I__________________________________I_ __
  _\\___\____/\____/___//_         I                                  I
 \\____-_|_I_II_I_|_-____//        I ...Endless Summer EP             I
         \________/                I__________________________________I_
      ___l___||___l___             I                                  ·
      \___,__!!__,___/m!s          ·          request fullfilled by zito

                _____           ___ ___   ___ ___   _____   ______________
       endless I_____  I     I I   I   I I   I   I I     I I              I
                     I I     I I   I   I I   I   I I_____I I
 I________________z!oI I_____I I   I   I I   I   I I____   I ep


         ·        ·
        //\  __  /\\
        \\ \/  \/ //
         ·\/_  _\/·
         _// \/ \\_                ·
      __ )___/\___( __             : Pahn/Bad Kharma^TRSI wanted...   .
   _  \__\_o//\\o_/__/  _ _  __ ___I__________________________________I_ __
  _\\___\____/\____/___//_         I                                  I
 \\____-_|_I_II_I_|_-____//        I ...Bad Khrama                    I
         \________/                I__________________________________I_
      ___l___||___l___             I                                  ·
      \___,__!!__,___/m!s          ·          request fullfilled by zito

           ·        ____/\ _______ _________ __________
           :        \  //.\     //_\\ .___ \\  .___   \\
   _ ___ __I_________\//   \   //   \\   /  \\   //   //______   __  __   _
           I         //_____\ //_____\\ /___//  /____//
           I         ¯    z!o\/       \/    ¯ \/     ¯
      _____I____      _________ _____/\_______ __________ _________
      \\  ____//______\\ .___ \\   .// \  //  \\ .___  //_\\ .___ \\
       \\ \\   __. //  \\   /  \\__// __\ \\   \\   / //   \\   /  \\
       //__\\ /   //____\\ /___// //_______\\___\\ /__\\____\\ /___//
       ¯   I\/___//      \/    ¯  ¯         ¯    \/    ¯     \/z!o ¯
           I     ¯
           I add here your text, be brave...
           I add here your text, be brave...
           I add here your text, be brave...
           I add here your text, be brave...
           I add here your text, be brave...
     _ ____I_______________________________________________   ___   __    _


         ·        ·
        //\  __  /\\
        \\ \/  \/ //
         ·\/_  _\/·
         _// \/ \\_                ·
      __ )___/\___( __             : Pahn/Bad Kharma^TRSI wanted...   .
   _  \__\_o//\\o_/__/  _ _  __ ___I__________________________________I_ __
  _\\___\____/\____/___//_         I                                  I
 \\____-_|_I_II_I_|_-____//        I ...Last Stop                     I
         \________/                I__________________________________I_
      ___l___||___l___             I                                  ·
      \___,__!!__,___/m!s          ·          request fullfilled by zito

           _______          _________     __________ ___/\_______
   .      //    //__________\\ .___ \\____\__.    //   // \    //       .
 ._I______\\   //.      //   \\   /  \\      \   //___//  .\  //________I_.
   I       \\ /________//_____\\ /___//_______\ //z!o//______//         I
   I        \/         ¯       \/    ¯         \/    ¯       ¯          I
   I                                                                    I
   I           __________ ___/\_______ __________ _____/\______________ I
   I __________\__.    //   // \    //          \\    / \\           // I
 ._I_\\           \   //___//  .\  //           .\\  /.  \\_________//__I_.
   I  \\___________\ //z!o//______//_____________//_______\\        ¯   I
   ·   ¯            \/    ¯       ¯              ¯         ¯            ·

         ·        ·
        //\  __  /\\
        \\ \/  \/ //
         ·\/_  _\/·
         _// \/ \\_                ·
      __ )___/\___( __             : Pahn/Bad Kharma^TRSI wanted...   .
   _  \__\_o//\\o_/__/  _ _  __ ___I__________________________________I_ __
  _\\___\____/\____/___//_         I                                  I
 \\____-_|_I_II_I_|_-____//        I ...Amiga                         I
         \________/                I__________________________________I_
      ___l___||___l___             I                                  ·
      \___,__!!__,___/m!s          ·          request fullfilled by zito

                            aMiGA  //.\ jUst lOVE hER!
              _________ __ _______//_  \__________    _________
            __\\ .___ \\  \\ .___  //  //  __.  //____\\ .___ \\
           //  \\   /  \\  \\   / //   \\  \   //  //  \\   /  \\
           \\___\\ /___//___\\ /__\\    \\__\ //__//____\\ /___//
            ¯    \/    ¯     \//   ¯     ¯ \ \/   ¯      \/    ¯
                             ¯              ¯

         ·        ·
        //\  __  /\\
        \\ \/  \/ //
         ·\/_  _\/·
         _// \/ \\_                ·
      __ )___/\___( __             : Pahn/Bad Kharma^TRSI wanted...   .
   _  \__\_o//\\o_/__/  _ _  __ ___I__________________________________I_ __
  _\\___\____/\____/___//_         I                                  I
 \\____-_|_I_II_I_|_-____//        I ...SNES                          I
         \________/                I__________________________________I_
      ___l___||___l___             I                                  ·
      \___,__!!__,___/m!s          ·          request fullfilled by zito

     __________ __ _______ _________ __________
 ____\__.    // ._\     //        //_\__.    //      :
 \\     \   //    \\   //  .__   //     \   //_______I__ _____  ___   __   _
  \\_____\ //______\\ //______\ //_______\ //        I
   ¯   z!o\/   I     \/        \/         \/         I
               I                                     I
               I                                     I
 _  __  ___ ___I_____________________________________I______  __   _

         ·        ·
        //\  __  /\\
        \\ \/  \/ //
         ·\/_  _\/·
         _// \/ \\_                ·
      __ )___/\___( __             : Pahn/Bad Kharma^TRSI wanted...   .
   _  \__\_o//\\o_/__/  _ _  __ ___I__________________________________I_ __
  _\\___\____/\____/___//_         I                                  I
 \\____-_|_I_II_I_|_-____//        I ...Ashes To Dust                 I
         \________/                I__________________________________I_
      ___l___||___l___             I                                  ·
      \___,__!!__,___/m!s          ·          request fullfilled by zito

    __I______    __________ _______ _____________ __________
  __\\ .___ \\ __\__.    // _____//_\\_        //_\__.    //
 //  \\   /  \\     \   //  \\ ._¯   // .__   //     \   //   asHEs tO dUst
 \\___\\ /___//______\ //____\\ /___//\\___\ //_______\ //    -------------
  ¯   I\/    ¯     z!o\/      \/    ¯  ¯    \/         \/
      I                  ____________ _________  __________ __/\_______
     _I___      _______  \\  .___   \\        /__\__.    //  // \    //
      I        I       I  \\   //   //       /      \   //__//  .\  //
      I_______ I_______I __\\ /____//\\     /________\ //  //______//___  _
                            \/     ¯  \\.  /       z!o\/   ¯       ¯
                                       \\ /

         ·        ·
        //\  __  /\\
        \\ \/  \/ //
         ·\/_  _\/·
         _// \/ \\_                ·
      __ )___/\___( __             : Unlock/Vantage wanted...         .
   _  \__\_o//\\o_/__/  _ _  __ ___I__________________________________I_ __
  _\\___\____/\____/___//_         I                                  I
 \\____-_|_I_II_I_|_-____//        I ...PAiN.diz                      I
         \________/                I__________________________________I_
      ___l___||___l___             I                                  ·
      \___,__!!__,___/m!s          ·          request fullfilled by zito

                                             // \
                                            //   \
                    ______/\_______  ______//_  __\___ _______
                    \\   / \\    //__\\ .___ \\ \\  ._\     //
                     \\ /.  \\__////  \\   /  \\ \\   \\   //
                     //______\\ ¯ \\___\\ /___//  \\___\\ //
                     ¯        ¯    ¯   /\/    ¯    ¯  \  \/
                     add some text    //  wE gIVE yOU  \z!o
                     and stuff here! //   PAiN #xx/xx   \
                                    ¯                    ¯

         ·        ·
        //\  __  /\\
        \\ \/  \/ //
         ·\/_  _\/·
         _// \/ \\_                ·
      __ )___/\___( __             : Browallia/Nukleus wanted...      .
   _  \__\_o//\\o_/__/  _ _  __ ___I__________________________________I_ __
  _\\___\____/\____/___//_         I                                  I
 \\____-_|_I_II_I_|_-____//        I ...CNS.diz                       I
         \________/                I__________________________________I_
      ___l___||___l___             I                                  ·
      \___,__!!__,___/m!s          ·          request fullfilled by zito

                      _________ _____ _______ __________
                     // __.  //___ ._\     //_\__.    //
                    //  \   //  //   \\   //     \   //__:__ _
                    \\___\ //__//_____\\ //_______\ //   I
                     ¯    \/   ¯        \/      z!o\/    I
                      Cows'n'Snakefights #5...           I
                      Another old diskmag coming back!   I
                      Amigapower by Nukleus in 2003!     I
                      We kick asses & don't lick them... I
                    _ ____  __ ______________________ ___I_ _

         ·        ·
        //\  __  /\\
        \\ \/  \/ //
         ·\/_  _\/·
         _// \/ \\_                ·
      __ )___/\___( __             : Psycreator/mOOdS pLAtEAU wanted...
   _  \__\_o//\\o_/__/  _ _  __ ___I__________________________________I_ __
  _\\___\____/\____/___//_         I                                  I
 \\____-_|_I_II_I_|_-____//        I ...Psycreator                    I
         \________/                I__________________________________I_
      ___l___||___l___             I                                  ·
      \___,__!!__,___/m!s          ·          request fullfilled by zito

             ______/\_______ __________ _____.
             \\   / \\    //_\__.    //    //____                 .
 _  ___ ______\\ /.  \\__//     \   //    //    \\________________:__ __ _
              //______\\ \\______\ //____//     //                I
              ¯        ¯  ¯    z!o\/     \\____//                 I
                                          ¯    ¯                  I
    Psycreator - The Beast In Mod Music On Amiga Is Back In New   I
    New DImensions and Elsewhere...                               I
    Just add or delete a textline to write more or less!          I
   _________ _____/\_____ _________ ______ ____/\_______ ______ __I_/\_____
  // __.  //___ .// \  //        // .___ \\   // \    //      \\  .// \  //
 //  \   //  //_// __\ \\ .__   //\\   /  \\_//  .\  //_____/. \\_// __\ \\
 \\___\ //__// //_______\\___\ //__\\ /___////______//_________////_______\\
  ¯    \/z!o¯  ¯         ¯    \/    \/    ¯ ¯       ¯          ¯ ¯I        ¯

         ·        ·
        //\  __  /\\
        \\ \/  \/ //
         ·\/_  _\/·
         _// \/ \\_                ·
      __ )___/\___( __             : Psycreator/mOOdS pLAtEAU wanted...
   _  \__\_o//\\o_/__/  _ _  __ ___I__________________________________I_ __
  _\\___\____/\____/___//_         I                                  I
 \\____-_|_I_II_I_|_-____//        I ...Psy-GFX Conversion            I
         \________/                I__________________________________I_
      ___l___||___l___             I                                  ·
      \___,__!!__,___/m!s          ·          request fullfilled by zito

                               æ_       ,æ
                              ÆØ&       ØØ&
                            _dØØØL     JØØØm_
                    ØØØØØ#     ¶ØØØØØØØØØ°     ØØØØØØ
                    0ØØØØØK     ¶ØØØØØØØ"     æØØØØØ#
                    ¬ØØØØØØm_    0ØØØØØF    _dØØØØØØ
                        °Ø&  0# ¶ÑP°°°¶Ñ@ ØF _ØØ'
                         ¬Ø& ¬F           Æ _ØØ'
                          ¬Ø& · ,       ¸ ·_ØØ
                           °Ø&__0       0__ØØ'
                                ¶##¯ ¯#Ø°z!o

         ·        ·
        //\  __  /\\
        \\ \/  \/ //
         ·\/_  _\/·
         _// \/ \\_                ·
      __ )___/\___( __             : Unlock/Vantage wanted...         .
   _  \__\_o//\\o_/__/  _ _  __ ___I__________________________________I_ __
  _\\___\____/\____/___//_         I                                  I
 \\____-_|_I_II_I_|_-____//        I ...Rules                         I
         \________/                I__________________________________I_
      ___l___||___l___             I                                  ·
      \___,__!!__,___/m!s          ·          request fullfilled by zito

 ______/\_____ ___________ ____  _____________ __________
 \\  .// \  //          //   //__\\__       //_\__.    //  ·
  \\_// __\ \\  rULES. /X   //.    //.__   //     \   //___I__ _
   ¯//_______\\  ...  //\\ /______//____\ //_______\ //    I
    ¯         ¯\     //  \/       ¯      \/z!o      \/     I
      dA rULEz  \   //  gOt'eM oR lEAVE!                   I
                 \ //                                      I
                  \/                                       I
    1. do not do 2. do not do not 3. never do both         I
    3. crunch not in blue 4. do not lick your captain...   I
   _  ___    ________ _____________________________________I___ __ _

         ·        ·
        //\  __  /\\
        \\ \/  \/ //
         ·\/_  _\/·
         _// \/ \\_                ·
      __ )___/\___( __             : Unlock/Vantage wanted...         .
   _  \__\_o//\\o_/__/  _ _  __ ___I__________________________________I_ __
  _\\___\____/\____/___//_         I                                  I
 \\____-_|_I_II_I_|_-____//        I ...Oneliner                      I
         \________/                I__________________________________I_
      ___l___||___l___             I                                  ·
      \___,__!!__,___/m!s          ·          request fullfilled by zito

   __________ ____ _______ ________
  /        .\\  ._\     //       //_____________________________
 / _______/  \\   \\   // ._I   //    _____   _____   _____     I
 \___________//____\\ //____I\ //  I I     I I     I I     I    I
   I         ¯    z!o\/     I \/   I I     I I_____I I          I
   I   oneliner             I_____ I I     I I____   I          :
   I______________...                                           .


            3 man, 2 elbox towers, 1 winuae: how do they manage to smoke?

                      what is this stinking that much? oxygen?

   you are going to copy a 64k intro? therefor you have to burn a cd!

       ich glaub ich krieg ich krieg ne sehnscheidenentzündung. nen mausarm.

    hey, i am going to show you a fat copper... wait, wait... wait! here!

     .                                                 _____ . _____
                                                 __  ___\_\_\|/_/_/___  __
     :                                           \_\.\__\____ ____/__/./_/
     I somebody wanted                           \\ \\ _\\_·_Y_·_//_ // //
     I                                            \   \\_ __)_(__ _//   /
     I spaceballs                           .      \   \_\(__Y__)/_/   /
     I_______ __ _ _ _ _    __ _ _ _________I__ _ _ \   /-!__!__!-\   /
                                            I        \__ \_______/ __/
                request fullfilled by pOque .          \   _/ \_   /
                                            :           \____,____/
                                                          |  |  |

                                             ____|   //
                                            \\   |   |__
                                             |   |   __//
           _ ___             ___ __ ____    _|____   |  _ ____
         ____) _|___________|  (____) _ |_____) _/___|____) _/___
        \\__  ____    _       ___     |     _   \      _   _|   /_____
+--------- /   | /    |      |/  \    |     \   |      \   |       __// …
|       … \\___|/     \      |___/\___|     /\__|      /\__|       \-------+
|              |______/\_____|--pO!i--|____//   |_____//   |_______//      |
|                     _ ___       _ ____   \\_   |   __ ___           /\-+ |
|  … sPACEBALLS …   ____)  |________) _ |____|   |   |__) _|________ /oO·\ |
|                  \\__    |_    _    |     _    |   __  ____    __// .    |
+-------------------- /    |/    \    |     \|   |   |/   | /    \ …       |
                   … \\____|     /\___|     /|   |   \\___|/     / --------+
                           |____//    |____//|   |   |    |_____//
                                             |   |   |
                                             |   |___\\

     .                                                 _____ . _____
                                                 __  ___\_\_\|/_/_/___  __
     :                                           \_\.\__\____ ____/__/./_/
     I grim fandango wanted                      \\ \\ _\\_·_Y_·_//_ // //
     I                                            \   \\_ __)_(__ _//   /
     I grim                                 .      \   \_\(__Y__)/_/   /
     I_______ __ _ _ _ _    __ _ _ _________I__ _ _ \   /-!__!__!-\   /
                                            I        \__ \_______/ __/
                request fullfilled by pOque .          \   _/ \_   /
                                            :           \____,____/
                                                          |  |  |

                           .....    :     :.....
                           :   :....:          :........
                _____      :       ____    ____   ____ :  pO/imp
               _)  __|____ :  ____|_  (___\\__|___)   |_____
            ___\   \_    /____\     |   ||    _||_     /   /___
            \\_     /     _||_      |   ||   \\__//  \//     _//
        +---- |    |     \\__//  -- |   || --  ||    |    -- | ----+
              \\___|       ||       |__/||\____||\___|       | …
                   |______/||\______| .....          |______//
                           .          :   :        ....:
                           :    ......:   :        :    gRIMSTAH!
                           :....:         :........:

     .                                                 _____ . _____
                                                 __  ___\_\_\|/_/_/___  __
     :                                           \_\.\__\____ ____/__/./_/
     I meep wanted                               \\ \\ _\\_·_Y_·_//_ // //
     I                                            \   \\_ __)_(__ _//   /
     I meep                                 .      \   \_\(__Y__)/_/   /
     I_______ __ _ _ _ _    __ _ _ _________I__ _ _ \   /-!__!__!-\   /
                                            I        \__ \_______/ __/
                request fullfilled by pOque .          \   _/ \_   /
                                            :           \____,____/
                                                          |  |  |

                     \\  |                       ___
                      |  |                      \\  |
              _ ____  |  |  _ ____      _ ____   |  |    ____ _
             ___)   \ |_______) _/________) _/______|___|   (____
            \\__     \/    _   _|   /  _   _|   /  _       _  __//
           ..  /     |     \   |       \   |       \      |/  \ …
           :: \\_____|     /\__|       /\__|       /      |___//
           :: …      |____//   |______//pO!|______/\______|
           ::         .  .                       .  .
           ::         |  |                       |  |   … mEEP …
           :::::::::: |  | ::::::::::::::::::::: |  | :::::::::::>>
                      |  |                       |  |
                      |  |                       |  |
                      |__//                      |  |

     .                                                 _____ . _____
                                                 __  ___\_\_\|/_/_/___  __
     :                                           \_\.\__\____ ____/__/./_/
     I rexazy wanted                             \\ \\ _\\_·_Y_·_//_ // //
     I                                            \   \\_ __)_(__ _//   /
     I sinte kjerringer                     .      \   \_\(__Y__)/_/   /
     I_______ __ _ _ _ _    __ _ _ _________I__ _ _ \   /-!__!__!-\   /
                                            I        \__ \_______/ __/
                request fullfilled by pOque .          \   _/ \_   /
                                            :           \____,____/
                                                          |  |  |

    _ ___      |   | ____         ____ _   _ ____
 _____) _|_____|   |_)   |________\  (_______) _/___
\\__  _____  ___   __    |     _     ______/  _|   /_____
+--/    | /   \|   |\    |     \    |     _   |       __// …
| \\____|/    /|   |\\___|     /\___|     \___|       \-----------+
|       |____//|   | pO!i|____// …  |_____//  |_______// … sINTE …|
| ……  _ __     |   |___        ___ _   _ ____    _ ___     _ ___  |    ___ _
|   ____) |____|   | _/_______|_ (____|_\\___|_____)  |______)_/______|_ (____
|  \\__  _|   /|__ ._|  /___    |  _   |  _  |    _  _    _  _| /___    |  __//
+-----/  |    \| /  |      _    |  /   |  /  //   \  \|   \  |     _    |  \ …
   … \\__|     \ \__|      \    |_//   |_/   |    _\__|   /__|     \    |__//
         |_____//  .|______/\___|  \___|__  \\____\______/   |_____/\___|
               |   | ................. . |   |                    .
            ___|   | +---------------- - |   |   … kJERRINGER …   |
           /   |   |                     |   | - -----------------+
           \   |   |                     |___\\
                               aka mad bitches ;D

     .                                                 _____ . _____
                                                 __  ___\_\_\|/_/_/___  __
     :                                           \_\.\__\____ ____/__/./_/
     I nerv wanted                               \\ \\ _\\_·_Y_·_//_ // //
     I                                            \   \\_ __)_(__ _//   /
     I nerv                                 .      \   \_\(__Y__)/_/   /
     I_______ __ _ _ _ _    __ _ _ _________I__ _ _ \   /-!__!__!-\   /
                                            I        \__ \_______/ __/
                request fullfilled by pOque .          \   _/ \_   /
                                            :           \____,____/
                                                          |  |  |

                   - -|- -
            _ ____    |  _ ____          ____ _ ____
           ___)   |________) _/_________|_  (___)   |________
        … \\__    |     _   _|   /__      |   _     |     __//
   ========= /    -     \   |      _      |   \     |     \ =========
            \\____|     /\__|    … /      |___/\__  |     / …
                  |____//   |_____/\______|    pO!|______//
        … nERV …      |
                      |  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

     .                                                 _____ . _____
                                                 __  ___\_\_\|/_/_/___  __
     :                                           \_\.\__\____ ____/__/./_/
     I noof wanted                               \\ \\ _\\_·_Y_·_//_ // //
     I                                            \   \\_ __)_(__ _//   /
     I noof                                 .      \   \_\(__Y__)/_/   /
     I_______ __ _ _ _ _    __ _ _ _________I__ _ _ \   /-!__!__!-\   /
                                            I        \__ \_______/ __/
                request fullfilled by pOque .          \   _/ \_   /
                                            :           \____,____/
                                                          |  |  |

                          __  _|            |_____________
                         \\_\ \_            |             |
              ____         ____| …      ____|             |___
             _)   |_____  _)   |_____  _)   |_____    ____|  (_
            _\    |    /__\   __    /__\   __    /____\    .   |_
     - ---- |     _      |_   |/      |_   |/      |_      |____/ ---- -
     : :::: |     |      _/   |       _/   |       _/      |___// :::: :
     - ---- \\____|      |\___|       |\___|       |       | --------- -
           __  __  __  __     |             .             .  … n o o f …
           \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\    |             |           … |_  __
                              |_____________|             _/ /_//

     .                                                 _____ . _____
                                                 __  ___\_\_\|/_/_/___  __
     :                                           \_\.\__\____ ____/__/./_/
     I rexazy wanted                             \\ \\ _\\_·_Y_·_//_ // //
     I                                            \   \\_ __)_(__ _//   /
     I gerilja                              .      \   \_\(__Y__)/_/   /
     I_______ __ _ _ _ _    __ _ _ _________I__ _ _ \   /-!__!__!-\   /
                                            I        \__ \_______/ __/
                request fullfilled by pOque .          \   _/ \_   /
                                            :           \____,____/
                                                          |  |  |

                 .                               \\___|       .
              - -+- -                          ___|   |    - -+- -
                 |                        ____|   |   |       |
         _ ___   |  _ ____          ____ \\___|   |   | _ ____.
       ____)  |_______) _/_________|_  (__|   |   |   |___) _ |______
      \\___  _     _   _|   /_       |   __   |   |   __    |     __//
+-------- /  \|    \   |      _      |   \|   _   _   |/    |     \ …
       … _\___|    /\__|      \      |___//   |   |   \\____|     / -------+
        \\________//===|______/\_____|pO!i|   |  /|   |=====|____//
                 .                        |   |// |   |       .
                 |      … gERiLJA …       |___|/  |   |       |
                 +--------------------------- /   |   | ------+

     .                                                 _____ . _____
                                                 __  ___\_\_\|/_/_/___  __
     :                                           \_\.\__\____ ____/__/./_/
     I diz mania entitled                        \\ \\ _\\_·_Y_·_//_ // //
     I                                            \   \\_ __)_(__ _//   /
     I nat                                  .      \   \_\(__Y__)/_/   /
     I_______ __ _ _ _ _    __ _ _ _________I__ _ _ \   /-!__!__!-\   /
                                            I        \__ \_______/ __/
                request fullfilled by pOque .          \   _/ \_   /
                                            :           \____,____/
                                                          |  |  |

                       _ ___       _ ____      ____ _
                      ___)  |________) _ |_____\  (______
                     \\__   |     _    |     _    ______//
                        /   _     |    |     |   |    \
                      …\\___|     /\___|     /\__|     \…

     .                                                 _____ . _____
                                                 __  ___\_\_\|/_/_/___  __
     :                                           \_\.\__\____ ____/__/./_/
     I diz mania entitled                        \\ \\ _\\_·_Y_·_//_ // //
     I                                            \   \\_ __)_(__ _//   /
     I rno                                  .      \   \_\(__Y__)/_/   /
     I_______ __ _ _ _ _    __ _ _ _________I__ _ _ \   /-!__!__!-\   /
                                            I        \__ \_______/ __/
                request fullfilled by pOque .          \   _/ \_   /
                                            :           \____,____/
                                                          |  |  |

                          ____ _ ____       _ ____
                  _______|_  (___)   |________)   |_______
                 \\__      |   _     |     _     __    __//
                    /      |   |     _     |     |/    \
                  … \      |___/\\___|     /\\___|     / …

     .                                                 _____ . _____
                                                 __  ___\_\_\|/_/_/___  __
     :                                           \_\.\__\____ ____/__/./_/
     I diz mania entitled                        \\ \\ _\\_·_Y_·_//_ // //
     I                                            \   \\_ __)_(__ _//   /
     I gods                                 .      \   \_\(__Y__)/_/   /
     I_______ __ _ _ _ _    __ _ _ _________I__ _ _ \   /-!__!__!-\   /
                                            I        \__ \_______/ __/
                request fullfilled by pOque .          \   _/ \_   /
                                            :           \____,____/
                                                          |  |  |

                     _ ___            ___ _ ___
                   ____)  |__________|  (___) _|________
                  \\__   _     _     |_   _  ____    __//
                     /   \|    |     \|   |   | /    \ …
                   # \____|    /      |___/\__|/     /
                        [    g    O    D    S    ]

                          dreams brings u closer....


                      we are all born into this world equal, we all leave
                                         this world as equal.   - pOgue/i



   .                                       .
   :   ____________________________________.__ __ _
   I                                       I
   I  Bonus: Evoke Party Logo           by : Zito
  _I_______________________________________:_____________   _____    __    _

                ·                                            ·
               ·                                              ·
              /                                                \
             /                                       ZITO APOLOGIzes...
            /                      ____  ____                    \
   we wanteD TO ATTEND,  ___ ___  I    II    I  ____I  ____       \
   but alsO WHEN WE     I   I   I I____II____I I____I I___         \
   are noT ABLE TO...    _ ____  ____ _  ___  __  ________I LOVES   \
        /     _________ ___  ___ _________ _______     __________    \
      /\     |   ______X__ |/__/_ _______ \  ____/____|  .______/z!o  /\
     / .\    |    ___|_    |_    \   \  / /  \______  |    ___|_     /. \
 ___/    \   |    \/   |  .|/    /    \/ /|    |  \/. |    \/   |   /    \___
 \\       \  |_________|________/\______/ |____|\____/|_________|  /       //
 (\\ ______\ ____________________________________________________ /______ //
 _)\/      ¯                                                      ¯      \/)
(__                          evoke - the party zooooo!                    (__

   :   ____________________________________.__ __ _
   I                                       I
   I  Bonus: JRP02 InfoSheet            by : Zito & Browallia
  _I_______________________________________:_____________   _____    __    _

          tHEsE aRE tHE rEsULtS oF...           //.\
                                               //   \
    __________  _________ _ __________________//     \_________   _________
 ___\\  .__  \\_\\ .___ \\ \\ .___  //\\ .___ \\     // __.  //___\\ .___ \\
 \\  \\   /  //  \\   /  \\ \\   / //¯¯\\   /  \\   //  \   //  // \\   /  \\
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    _ ___________/\_______/\_______/\_______ _             |           ~ |
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   |||/        ____                        \|||                          |
   |||        /<<^>º\                       |||       Nukleus & Tulou    |
   /\|      ,/</</\\>7                      |/\          Presented...    |
   \/|     /</º<º^>\\>.    ^                |\/                      ----+---
  /|||    .</</\ª</\//|      ¯¯             |||\ Jamaica ROM Party 02    |
 //|||    ;<\< (º)<'|<'   -v-               |||\\                        |
// |/\    <   (º)  <  '       __            /\| \\  28-30th June 2002    |
\\ |\/        (º).  '     __ / /^     __    \/| //                       |
 \\\||        '(º)      /\\ Y //\\   / /^   ||/// Amiga.Atari.C64.GBC    |
 //\\|        .(º)      ¯ \\ \\ /7_ / //\\  |//\\                        |
 \\\/|        (º:)       J \\_\\/\ Y //\/y  |\///     1 Euro Entrance    |
  \/\\       ;ºº;        a\//_7\\ ' //  rt  //\/                     - --+---
   ||\\  ..:..::^:.:.     maica ROM -Pa'   //||      Stockholm/Sweden    |
   ||//.:::':::::::::::.--=--=--=-=---=--  \\|| Värtav 66, "Fyrtalet"    |
   |/| ¿¿¿'  ¿¿¿¿¿';¿¿¿'  -== _¯=-¯-==-     |\|                          |
   /\|       _          -  ¯= _-= _-= =¯    |/\                          |
   \/| - -      /7  ¯  -   -=  = ¯= -       |\/ The Way To The Party:    |
   |||  ¯¯ ¯   / |=- -   _  ¯==¯=-_  -      |||                          |
   |||        ¯¯-¯¯---         =   =¯       |||     In Stockholm From    |
   /\|                                      |/\    T-Centralen, Three - -+---
  /\/|                                      |\/\    Stations With The    |
 //|||                                      |||\\ Subway ("Red Line")    |
 \\|||                                      |||//     To Gärdet. Exit    |
  \|||                                      |||/        "Smedsbacksg"    |
   |||                                      |||      Or "Furusundsg".    |
   ||\\                                    //||                          |
   ||// _____/\_______/\_______/\_________ \\||            |             |
   |// ----\/----/\\/-\/--/\\/-\/----/\---- \\| -----------+-------------+---
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   |             |             |             |  Here Come The Compos...  |
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   |                           |             |             |             |
   |           æææµ            |             |             |             |
   |     æÑm_ ÆØد¯                          |             |             |
   |     ¬¶#Ø®ØØ         Demo Competition                  |             |
---+------ ¬ØØ@´___      ----------------             -----+------------ +---
   |       _ÆØNØz!om                                                     |
   |      °Ø@¶L "°¶ØK    One Screen Demos That Will Be Put Together To   |
   |     µ@" J#    ¬¶    The Partydemo Afterwards. Adapted From The      |
   |    J"    #          Atari-Scene! (Must Work With Own Startup & 030) |
   |   J´     #                                                          |
   |  g´      F          1. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxx              |
   |  #                  2. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxx              |
---+ J                   3. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxx           - -+---
   | Ø                   4. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxx              |
   | #                   5. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxx              |
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   |             |             |             |                           |
   |             |             |             |           aææµ_           |
   |                                         |           ¯¬¶Ø#_¸æÑÑ      |
   |      GFX Competition (Pixel)            |              0Ø&ØØP"      |
   |      -----------------------            |           ____¶ØØF        |
---+---                                      |          æØz!oæØ#_ -------+---
   |      1.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxx            |         JØ@P" J#*#°       |
   |      2.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxx            |         f"    áF ¬¶m      |
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   |      5.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxx   -----------------------  ¬      ¬K   |
   |      6.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxx                                    ¶   |
   |      7.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxx   1.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxx           E  |
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   |             |             |             |             |             |
   |               æææµ        |             |             |             |
   |         æÑm_ ÆØد¯                                    |             |
   |         ¬¶#Ø®ØØ         Other Competitions            |             |
   |           ¬ØØ@´___      ------------------            |             |
   |           _ÆØNØz!om                                                 |
---+-------   °Ø@¶L "°¶ØK    1.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    xxx    -----------+
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   |      g´      F          5.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    xxx               |
   |      #                  6.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    xxx               |
   |     J                   7.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    xxx               |
   |     Ø                   8.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    xxx               |
---+---  #                   9.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    xxx  -------------+
   |     1                  10.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    xxx               |
   |     1                  12.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    xxx               |
   |     #                  13.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    xxx               |
   |     ¶       |          15.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    xxx               |
   |     ¬L      |          16.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    xxx               |
   |      "      |                                         |             |
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   |             |             |             |             |             |
   |             |             |             |  aææµ_      |             |
   |                                         |  ¯¬¶Ø#_¸æÑÑ |             |
   |        Surprise Competitions            |     0Ø&ØØP" |             |
   |        ---------------------               ____¶ØØF   |             |
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   |        6.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxx            |              ¶            |
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---+---     8.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxx       -----+--------       0   --------+---
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---+------------         ------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---
   |             NORTH         |             |             |             |
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   |               ØL                                                    |
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   |              SOUTH        |             |             |             |
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   |             |             |             |             |             |
   |                                         |                           |
---+------- - We Are Looking Forward For Your Contribution(s) Next Year! +---
   |            So Long Check The Following Link For Everything Related. |
   |                           |
   |             |             |                                         |
   |             |             |             |             |             |
   |             |             |             |             |             |
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   |             |             |                .:.::.       :::.        |
   |             |             |          /\ .   :: ::ukleus   ::ulou     /\
   |             |             |           .\ .  :: ::         ::      . /. 
   | Ascii Design Done By                  \~\~/ -------------------- \~/~/ 
   |        Zito/1oo% & Browallia/Nukleus   \:/  JAMAICA ROM-PARTY 01  \:/ 
   |                           |             |   Cows'N'Love On Tour!   |   
 --+-- - - - --  +--- ---------+------ -  - _|_  -----02.03-4.03-----  _|_

                       this is the end - beautiful friend, the end...

      /\_____   /\/\_____ /\_____ /\____
     /_____  \_///_____  /_____  /__   /
      /   /___/\  /   /   /  _/   /   /
     /   ___//  \/   /   /   \   /   /___    yes, it is time for
    /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /
   /__ /   /__ /___/__ /___/__ /¯\_____/
     \/      \/      \/      \/
                           /\____    _ /\_____ /\_____ /\_____   /\____  
                          /__   /___/ /_____  /_____  /_____  \_/  ___/_ 
       some final words    /   /   /   /   /   /  _/   /   /   /\__    /
                          /   /   /   /   /   /   \___/   /   /   /   /
                         /   /   /   /   /   /   /   \_  /   /   /   /
                         ¯\________ /¯\____ /___/     /____ /¯\____ /
                                  \/      \/   /____ /    \/      \/
                                                   \/          cRu/1oo
    written by pogue:
 as time passes by, we learn how to live our life. our life is the way
 we know how to live. words goes out to the impure crew, 1oo% and everyone
 doing ascii the way we used to do it ;) and its sad seeing u leave, zito,
 wish u all the best. (2007)

    written by zito:
 well, the idea came when i left scene for real in 2006, a last colly...
 but neigther pogue nor me ever managed to properly communicate, so all i
 had was an unfinished version of this in my mailbox - never finished and
 released as far as i know - so i thought i gonna it kick out now. propably
 some kind of reactivation. let's see... thanks to pogue for the good work,
 being a very nice mate & not going mad on me delaying such a long time!
 again & again... (2010)



                          coming up - the...                     ___                  
                                   __________________  _________/  /  ____            
                                   \  _  \  _  \  _  \_\_  \_ \_  __\/  __\         
                                   /  /__/  /__/  /__/  /  /  /  /__/___ \            
                                  /  /  /    \/  ___/  /  /  /  /  /  /  /            
                                                        1oo% by kempy/kore.
                                    zito & file_id.diz by h7/divine stylers
                                                 pogue by acid brain/impure
                                                     1oo% by noches/link124
                                                    index by daytona/clique
                                                    final words by cru/1oo%
                                               credits by zeus/style^mystic
                                                  respect by native/aerosol
                                                    replica by elend/impure
                                                little men by malmis/nature
                                                   formed to panels by zito
                                          goodbye by zefyros/g-incorporated
                               special mini appareance by browallia/nukleus
                                   all the rest by poque/impure & zito/1oo%

                                  .... /\ ....
                                 :    /  \    :
                                .:   /_  _\   :.
                         .......:    __/\__    :.......
                        :  _ ________\    /________ _  :
                       .:  \-'     _//_  _\\_     `-/  :.
                   _ ______\\          \/          //______ _
              ___     ___    ____    ____    ____     ___     __
            _\\  )_ _( _//_ _(  //_ _\   )_ _( _//_ _\\  )_ _\\ |__
           /_ (_ _//_ /___//_ \__ //_ (___//_ /___//_ (___//_  ___/_
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             - l____//_`----' -:----' -------- `----' -:----'  `----'
                   _ _______                        _______ _
                       ..  //   .x( RESPECT! )x.   \\  ..
                        :  /________________________\  :
                        :                              :

           all azkee pioniers & artists still keeping the traditions!

                        :     _ ___          ___ _     :
                        `........ /.n7v..aSl.\ ........'

  at last a most propably final list of replicas by the 1oo percent crew...
                                     ____       __
   _________   ________     ________/   /     __\(_________     ________
   \  __    \  \  ____/_____\_____  \ _/_____/   _____    /_____\___   /
   /   /  __/__/  _____/ _    _____/¯ \   __    /     \__/   ______    \_
  /____\        _________/   /    /_______\/____\___________/______\____/
        \       \_______/   /__________________________________________
 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -
 1oo - 100 % - one hundred percent - einhundertprozent - 1995 to 2010 - rip
 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -
  1oo-doo!.lha  feb^95  doo daa doo                            neurodancer
  1oo-ctwf.lha  feb^95  clutch the wire fence                  neurodancer
  1oo-inex.lha  mar^95  inexhaustibility                       neurodancer
  1oo-germ.lha  jun^95  iermaniac                              neurodancer
  1oo-corp.txt  aug^95  corridors of pain                      neurodancer
  1oo-geld.txt  sep^95  gel da barba                           neurodancer
  1oo-gnor.lha  feb^96  green nuns of the revolution           neurodancer
  1oo-answ.lha  sep^96  the answer               devil/miracle/neurodancer
  1oo-inst.lha  feb^97  instinct                       miracle/neurodancer
  1oo-tot.txt   jul^97  tears of time                             hawkwind
  1oo-moon.lha  aug^97  full moon             hawkwind/miracle/neurodancer
  1oo-tpbf.txt  sep^97  the psychotic brainflower              neurodancer
  1oo-tswc.txt  dec^97  the sweet course                           miracle
  1oo-rebi.txt  oct^98  1oo% - the rebirth                       dipswitch
  1oo-seed.txt  oct^98  the seeds of sorrow                    neurodancer
  1oo-vs.lha    spr^99  virtual space                             hawkwind
  1oo-feel.txt  may^99  a feeling so deep so clear             neurodancer
  1oo-miln.txt  may^99  millenium                                  miracle
  1oo-flat.txt  jun^99  flat                                       miracle
  1oo-afnd.txt  jun^99  a fucking normal day                           cru
  1oo-jff!.txt  jun^99  just for friends                         dipswitch
  1oo-cvtx.txt  jul^99  circular vortex                        neurodancer
  1oo-bzt!.txt  sep^99  bis zum tode...                                cru
  1oo-remi.txt  dec^99  reminiscence                               miracle
  1oo-warp.txt  dec^99  warped                                     miracle
  1oo-miab.txt  dec^99  message in a bottle                      dipswitch
  1oo-tin1.txt  dec^99  terror in the neighborhood - part i            cru
  1oo-gems.txt  jan^00  triple gems of wisdom                  neurodancer
  1oo-prty.txt  oct^00  party is over                                  cru
  1oo-ska.txt   aug^01  el ultimo ska                      dipswitch & d0n
  1oo-inet.txt  oct^01  infernal eternal                               cru
  1oo-apoc.txt  oct^01  apocalypse is near!                           zito
  1oo-pink.txt  oct^01  a pink night                                  zito
  1oo-ncmw.txt  dez^01  nothing's gonna change my world               zito
  1oo-tmow.txt  dec^01  the meaning of war                             cru
  1oo-sell.txt  jan^02  sell our souls                                zito
  1oo-olsk.txt  mar^02  oldskool             hawkwind/cru/miracle/dip/zito
  1oo-jama.txt  aug^02  going to jamaica...               cru/miracle/zito
  1oo-enso.txt  jan^03  en-sof                                        zito
  1oo-kvpz.txt  sep^03  koureni vazne poskozuje zdravi!     dipswitch/zito
  1oo-imp.txt   nov^10  out of order                            pogue/zito

 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -
    should be complete... plus some tools & software, music et cetera...
 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -

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                   JP          ,Ø@°    ¶ØF  [mtx]#
                               °F      ¬Ñ

 - we brought you back 2 roots
    - the old website's been closed lately, check just for downloads! -

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|  \    /\ / ._  \  / ._  \     ___  |   i
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| 1oo% & impure present OUT OF ORDER : y g
| the goodbye 1oo% colly 2006 - 2010 |   u
|___________________________________h7   e

                             and now we wave...

                      ______   ______   ______   ______
                    __) _  (___\  _ (___\  _ (___)___ (_
                 ___\   /___)_   _)  (_   _)  (_   _)  /_ _
           __/\__\  /   \__  /   \    /   \    /   \    / /__/\__
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             |       __)__  (___)  ) (___) _  (_  (__ (       |
           |   |  ___\  __) _)_  _/   (_   )___/_ _/   \ _  |   |
             |    \  /  \__   /  \     /  __/   / /    / /    |
           :   :  /_/   _)   /    ____/   \_   /__\___/__\  :   :
             :    `-\   _    \   /    \  _     \--___ ---'    :
           `   '     \_/\____/\_/      \_/\____/ (__/       `   '
             `                                                '

                                good bye!

øøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøø eof
    _________________________________________                             ·
   (                                        /         t H E   y A R D     :
 ::|  .the yard proudly serving the elite. /// / /\_______________________|_
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   '-«< tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEY 2 aLL fORMS oF rOCKiNG - TY 961O+ >»-'
            -> Another fine Ascii Release uploaded at TY <-