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File size:
31 911 bytes (31.16K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:22:42
Download count:
all-time: 972

Screenshot (by Demozoo)




                      We shall not cease from exploration
                          And the end of our exploring
                     Will be to arrive at where we started
                   And to know the place for the first time.

                                                            -- T. S. Eliot

                                      \ //

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                            a neurodancer collection


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                   There was a door to which I found no key,
                  There was a veil past which I could not see.

                                          -- The Rub Aiyat of Omar Khayyam

                                      \ //

                 this is the 1999 remainders of my ascii work,
               just the various requests and tributes that I made
                 during the past month's without releasing them
                               to the public yet.

         (the requestors already have their stuff if they call my bbs)

          its the dawning of the new year or call it "new millennium"
             if you wish to follow the herd and go nuts about that
                  overhyped stupid word - well, in the end its
                     just another page in history isn't it.

     well for me its 13 years in the scene now, quite a long time I assume,
          but its still fun and the amiga is still and amazing machine
                      that I can't leave my hands off. :)

             I know my ascii looks as if it were made ten years ago
              but then again that was a time when the ascii scene
            (and ascii!) was better anyway, so I take this actually
              as a compliment, thank you you know who you are. :)

                All right this is already way to much intro text
                so lets cut the crap and continue with the logos

                                      \ //

              various fullsize logos - tributes & requests & such
                    (you can call this "part 1" if you wish)

__.["fortified truth" - publically req'd by rezine @ the yard].________________


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                I would rather live in a world where my life is
                 surrounded by mystery than live in a world so
                    small that my mind could comprehend it.

                                                  --—Harry Emerson Fosdick

__.["bad karma" - req'd by dipswitch]._________________________________________

                       _____.                     .____
                      |     |                     |    |
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          I've been doing the Fonda workout: The Peter Fonda workout.
           That's where I wake up, take a hit of acid, smoke a joint,
              and go to my sister's house and ask her  for money.

                                                               -- Kevin Meaney

__.["dC" - a tribute]._________________________________________________________

                   .____                     ____           ____
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             ______|__  |_\/_._\  _/___._\/__    __/_\___ \|    |
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    :                  \____\\____\        \____\                         \___|
    :                                                                     :
    :                                                                     :
    '                                                                     `

                 Whenever I have to choose between two evils, I
               always like to try the one I haven't tried before.

                                                              -- Mae West.

__.["drunken" - publically req'd by rezine @ the yard].________________________

      .____                               ____.
      |    |                             |    |
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  \\_______|----\     \\_______|____|\___|----\     \\________|____|\___|
                 \_____\                       \_____\

               (this incarnation of "D" looks ripped - I know :-)

    It's is not, it isn't ain't, and it's it's, not its, if you mean it is.
         If you don't, it's its.  Then too, it's hers. It isn't her's.
       It isn't our's either.  It's ours, and likewise yours and theirs.

                                   -- Oxford University Press, Edpress News

__.["faction" - a tribute].____________________________________________________

      __                                        _____              _
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   \ _     \      /     _ _        /   /      _ _    _ _        |    \     |
    \\______\\---/_____/ \\_______/   /______/ \\___/ \\_______/|____|\____|

                    f r i e n d s h i p   i n   a c t i o n

                    Men cannot discover new oceans unless he
                    has courage to lose sight of the shore.

                                                             -- Andre Gide

__.["faith" - a tribute].______________________________________________________

                                     _____            _____.
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    :                                                                     :
    :            t h e   o n l y   w a y   t o   s u r v i v e            :
    :                                                                     :
    '                                                                     `

      A believer, a mind whose faith is consciousness, is never disturbed
          because other persons do not yet see the fact which he sees.

                                                    -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

__.["global village" - wer wollte das jetzt wieder?].__________________________

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             `Time' has ceased, `Space' has vanished.  We now live
                in a global village...a simultaneous happening.

                                                 -- Alfred North Whitehead

__.["kings crown" - publically req'd by saint long ago]._______________________

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                    Man's mind stretched to a new idea never
                     goes back to it's original dimensions.

                                                  -- Oliver Wendell Holmes

_.["Razfaz" logo - requested by Uwe].__________________________________________

         ____/\     ____/\      ___/\     ______     ____/\      ___/\
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|     \    \     \    /    \           /\      \ \     /    \           /     |
`-----\\---÷\     \-÷/_____/\__     __/--\ _    \-\--÷/_____/\__     __//-----'
             \_____\          `--÷--'     \\_____\             `--÷--'

                    Time is the random wind that blows down
                   the long corridor, slamming all the doors.

                                                      -- John D. MacDonald

__.["resistance" - a tribute]._________________________________________________

                        \                            //
    _____________________\                           /___________________
    \                   / \               ___       · \                 //
   ______  ______    ____  · __    ____ _|   |_  _____ \__ .__  _____   _____
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       \____\      ·  \___/    ·    \___/      ·           \__|      ·
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           \     /               \           /               \     /
            \  ·/                 \         /                 \·  /
             \//                   \       /                   \\/
                                    \     /
                                     \  ·/

           "mir san a boarische band... resi's tanz... host mi?"

__.["terror in the neighborhood part 1" - for cRu].____________________________

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             Then beauty is nothing but the start of a terror that
              we're still able to bear.  And the reason we love it
                 so is that it blithely disdains to destroy us.

                                                     -- Rainer Maria Rilke

__.["underground empire" - req'd by cRu].______________________________________

.__)           _______ ____ .____.  ______    _____       ______           (__.
|           ___\      |\_  \|    |__\___  \_._\  _/__  ._\\__   \_            |
|          /    \     |  \  \    |     /    `    ___/__|    /   _/            |
|          \     \    |   \  \_  |    /          \     '   /     \            |
|           \         |    \     | _       /\ _            \      \           |
:            \\______/|____|\____|-\______/  \\___    /\\--=\      \          |
|                          '                      \__/       \_____/          |
|       ______      ______     _______     _______.____ .____   ______        |
|     __\ ___//_ __\\__   \_  _\___   \ ___\      |\_  \|    |__\___  \_      |
|   //    \__   \     /   _/ /    /    /    \     |  \  \    |     /    \\    |
|    \      /    \_  /     \           \     \    |   \  \   |    /     /     |
|     \    /      /  \      \ _        /\         |    \     | _       /      |
|      \__/      /---=\      \\_______/  \_______/|____|\____|-\______/       |
|         \_____/      \_____/            _____        '                      |
|         ______ nD! ___  ___   _______   \   /   ______    ______            |
|        _\   _/__  _\  \/  /__\\  __  \___\_/_._\\__   \_._\   _/__          |
|      _/    ____/_/   \__/   /    \/    /     |    /   _/|    ____/_         |
|      \     \                \     \___/:     |   /     \|    \     \_       |
|       \ _        \    /     /\     \   |     |   \      \ _         /       |
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|__           \__/               \____/              \_____/     \__/       __|
'  )_______________________________________________________________________(  `

                   The doors of Heaven and Hell are adjacent
                   and identical: both green, both beautiful.

                                                      -- Nikos Kazantzakis

_.["Warped" - requested by Miracle].___________________________________________

                                                                    |    |____
           _______.   ___/\     ___/\     ______/\    _____     ____|_   |    \_
      _ __\\      | _\\___ \_._\\__  \ __/   __   \__\\  _/__  /  ___//  |     /
_ _/_/_/    \     |/   __    |    /  /_\     \/    /    ____/_/   \      |    /
\ \ \ \     /\    '     /    |   /     \      \___/     \     \    \     |\__//
   · \ \ _             /     |   \      \ _    \   \ _        / _       _|____
      · \\__/\___/\---/_____/`----\      \\_____\nD!\\_______/ \\______/  \__//

                 Common sense is the deposit of prejudice laid
                  down in the mind before the age of eighteen.

                                                        -- Albert Einstein

                                      \ //

                     I have a few file_id.diz logos as well
            (average developped brane's note this is "part 2" then)

_.["Razfaz" .diz - requested by... eh...]._____________________________________

                     ____    ____   ___   ___   ____   ___
                    _\_ /_nD_\__ \ _\_ \_/ _/___\__ \ _\_ \
                   |   _  \/  _   /  __/    __/  _   /  __/_.
                   |   /   \  /  /   \      \/   /  /   \   |
                  :                                          :
                  :                                          :
                  :                                          :
                  :                                          :
                  :                                          :
                  :                                          :

        The pursuit of an idea is as exiting as the pursuit of a whale.

                                                           -- Henry Russel

_.["Ripen" .diz - requested by Dipswitch]._____________________________________

                    _____ nD __   _______________    ___ .___
                  ._\__ /__ _\/_._\___    / __  /__ _\_ \|   |
                  |   /    \    |   \/___/  \__/   \   \ \_  |
                  |___\     \___|    \   \____     /____\    |
                  :                                          |
                  :                                          |
                  :                                          |
                  :                                          |
                  :                                          |
                  :                                          |

           Would there be this eternal seeking if the found existed?

                                                        -- Antonio Porchia

_.["Sodium" .diz - requested by Dipswitch].____________________________________

                           ___    ___   ___  __  ____. _____
                          / _/_nD_\_ \_\\_ \_\/__\   |_\_  _\_
                  .______\\___ \/  /  |  /  |  /  \  |  /  / |
                  |          /        |     :  \     | /  /  |
                  :                                          :
                  :                                          :
                  :                                          :
                  :                                          :
                  :                                          :
                  :                                          :

                   Tomorrow a stranger will say with masterly
                 good sense precisely what we have thought and
                  felt all the time, and we shall be forced to
                 take with shame our own opinion from another.

                                                    -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

                                      \ //

           well, thats all right now I assume. Just in case you want
           to contact me write to - yes I do take
            requests! -- in case you want a mid-90's style logo. :)

           We in 1oo% always have use for some good looking... girls.
          And for good looking 1oo% fullscreen logos and file_id.diz'
     as well - so if you have either of them or can make it, just send it.
      Naaaaah, don't start making good looking girls however, a) beautiful
         as we are we can make them ourselves with our excellent genes
                   (its fun as well did you know that?), and
                    b) we can't really wait that long!!! :)

            The lack of "design" in this collection is intentional.

                                   Thats it.

                       May you live in interesting times.

                                                          -- Chinese Curse

 /    |   _____    _____  __ ___
 |    |__\\_   \__\\_   \_\//  //
 |    |    /        /    / /  /__ aScii lAbs
-|   _|\_______/\_______/--\_/-\/-----------
 |__/                             prEsenting
     T R i P L E   G E M   O F   W i S D O M
      tributes/requests - remainders of 1999
                  by nEurodancer o2-jan-2ooo