File Archive

File download


File size:
5 447 786 bytes (5.20M)
File date:
2015-05-08 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 270

Screenshot (by pouë



  • bass.dll 99.80K
  • Decadentia.exe 836.00K
  • decadentia.xm 4.23M
  • Decadentia_pat.exe 836.00K
  • Demo.dat 2.13M
  • file_id.diz 116B
  • FreeImage.dll 428.00K
  • patch_readme.txt 2.74K
  • readme.txt 1.10K


     °Û²                                                                ±
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                                   ±° ²²±ÛÛÛÛ ±°

This is a patched EXE for the demo "Decadentia" 
by "Sector Omega" and "Stravaganza".

You couldn't run the demo if you had an OpenGL version with a first digit higher
than "1". You will need to download the whole demo and copy the file 
"Decadentia_pat.exe" into the folder. Run "Decadentia_pat.exe".  

Enjoy and take a look at my page for a
video of this and more demos...



More information about + download for the demo:

Technical side note: The demo checked for "1." as the start of the OpenGL 
version string using strstr. I patched it to (more or less) properly check for
a version of 1.4 or above.
;replace starting from (including) offset 8D947
mov [0x004D1A18], ebx
mov [0x004D1A14], ebx
mov [0x004D1A10], ebx
cmp byte [eax], 31h
jb short badvalue
ja short above1
cmp byte [eax + 2], 34h
jb short badversion
mov ecx, 1
mov [0x004D1A18], ecx
mov [0x004D1A14], ecx
mov [0x004D1A10], ecx
;fill with nops up to (not including) offset 8D9A3