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File size:
2 769 587 bytes (2.64M)
File date:
2009-12-14 23:04:13
Download count:
all-time: 1 216

Screenshot (by pouë



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| |       |||        |     *-------*           | !dmogrp! |      || ||    | |
| |     . |||        |      ____________ ::::::| !^^^^^^! |     @|| ||    | |
| |    /| !.|        |:::::/.__________.\______| *~~~~~~* |______||_!!,   | |
| |   //|__\_________|____/./__________\________|________//______\\___|_  | |
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| | //. |_________________/____-----/"   "\----¿?   ?¿\       / ¿?   ?¿\\ | |
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            ////          /////     ///////    ///////          ///////   | |
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| |              _________________________________________                | |
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| |             |   MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!   |               | |
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|   Dear friend,                                                            |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|       We are writing to wish you a very happy time during this christmas  |
|       and we would like you to accept this little present which had been  |
|       done by our best artists and technicians as a result of a very hard |
|       work during the last weeks.                                         |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|       We are sure that this gift will please you.                         |
|       Hovewer, please let us know if you have any kind of trouble running |
|       this present.                                                       |
|       Be happy.                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|       Yours sincerelly,                                                   |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|           rgba demogroup                                                  |
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|   P.D.: artesanal gift elaboration by:                                    |
|                                                                           |
|           newalpha, r3d               : painting and varnishing           |
|           jober                       : composing christmas carols        |
|           enlar, epsilum, iq, utopian : creating the mechanics            |
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|                    ___                                                    |
|                  _-   --_                                                 |
|       _---__    /  / __  -_                                               |
|      -  \   -  |  ,-- \-  _>                                              |
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|      \_  __/\##/\__--                                                     |
|        --                                                                 |
|  our best wishes to our spanish friends..                                 |
|                                                                           |
|       anaconda boah collapse concept fuzzion glue              |
|       hansa network solstice spontz synth unknown zonaneutra      |
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|  some coal to..                                                           |
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|       stravaganza, threepixels                                            |
|                    ___                                                    |
|                    ___                                                    |
|                  _-   --_                                                 |
|       _---__    /  / __  -_                                               |
|      -  \   -  |  ,-- \-  _>                                              |
|    _/  __--\ \ /##\ \   _-                                                |
|   <  -- /  \/##\| # \  / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
|    \_ /     { ##_#/  _/                                                   |
|      \_  __/\##/\__--                                                     |
|        --                                                                 |
|  we expect that you will improve and stay there in the future..           |
|                                                                           |
|       bcn party                                                           |
|       durango party                                                       |
|       euskal party                                                        |
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|  these ones receive our respects..                                        |
|                                                                           |
|       aardbei asd exceed farbraush kolor                                  |
|       orion peon pouet sunflower suspend                                  |
|                    ___                                                    |
|                  _-   --_                                                 |
|       _---__    /  / __  -_                                               |
|      -  \   -  |  ,-- \-  _>                                              |
|    _/  __--\ \ /##\ \   _-                                                |
|   <  -- /  \/##\| # \  / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
|    \_ /     { ##_#/  _/                                                   |
|      \_  __/\##/\__--                                                     |
|        --                                                                 |
|  some nice words.. for a nice time..                                      |
|                                                                           |
|    eljud:                                                                 |
|    love and peace! :D                                                     |
|                                                                           |
|    enlar:                                                                 |
|    This navmo is dedicated to mac/3px: first dual platform                |
|    accelerated production by us. OpenGL rulez and DirectX sux.            |
|                                                                           |
|    I wish merry christmas and a happy new year to:                        |
|    - My girlfriend Mary, I hope this is the first year of a long and happy|
|    life 8) I love you!                                                    |
|                                                                           |
|    - My family, kuadrila and friends (no special order): Bloodrinker,     |
|    Olimpia,Aitor,Yuri,Jota,Beto,Jm,Ender, Mara, Maite,David, Johnnie,     |
|    Jabato, Bittor, Maite (2), Nagore, Olaizola, Itxaro, Alberto,          |
|    Erdotza,Oihana, Amalur, Nahia, Naroa, Mari Joxe, Amaia,Ack, Beñat,Javi,|
|    Marisa, Felipe, Dani and all the rest I forgot (you know, I forget     |
|    everything all the time!)                                              |
|                                                                           |
|    - All rgba and euskalamiga crew: we will dominate the world! ;)        |
|                                                                           |
|    - All my scene friends. (vote us, hehe ;) ).                           |
|                                                                           |
|    - All Hispalinux crew.                                                 |
|                                                                           |
|    Special thoughts and thanks go to my friend Aritz who recently         |
|    died in a car crash; I'll never forget you.                            |
|                                                                           |
|    epsilum:                                                               |
|    whishes you a merry christmas                                          |
|                                                                           |
|    iq:                                                                    |
|    whishes you a merry christmas                                          |
|                                                                           |
|    jewoll:                                                                |
|    whishes you a merry christmas                                          |
|                                                                           |
|    jober:                                                                 |
|    Merry Crishtmas and happy new year my friends!!                        |
|    I hope the next year will be still better than the last one, full of   |
|    happyness, friends, family, interesting xperiences and full of         |
|    creativity..:: rgba world domination continues ::.                     |
|                                                                           |
|    Gracias a todos aquellos que durante este pasado año, de alguna manera |
|    u otra, me han hecho disfrutar, aprender, emocionarme...  especialmente|
|    a Leyre, mis amigos de Erasmus(Javi, Fernando, Irene...) mis amigos de |
|    la facultad (Igor, Olaizola, Nagore, Ohiana, Itxaro, Alberto, Eneko,   |
|    Erdotza, Bittor, Maite,MariJoxe...)a mis amigos de la cuadrilla (Ion,  |
|    Arkaitz,Juani...) a mis colegas del curro (Ane, Ion, Marije, Pablo,    |
|    Olaizo...) y como no a rgba:!! Cuanto talento junto !!                 |
|                                                                           |
|    Zorionak guztioi eta urte berri on!!                                   |
|                                                                           |
|    newalpha:                                                              |
|    whishes you a merry christmas                                          |
|                                                                           |
|    pwyll:                                                                 |
|    Merry Christmas to all except George Bush and Ariel Sharon.            |
|                                                                           |
|    Deseo una feliz navidad a mi familia, a mis amigos, a rgba, a mis      |
|    compañeras y compañeros de la facultad y al pueblo gallego en estos    |
|    aciagos dias                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|    r3d:                                                                   |
|    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 15, 16, 17, 17, 19, 20  |
|                                                                           |
|    sertrem:                                                               |
|    whishes you a merry christmas                                          |
|                                                                           |
|    utopian:                                                               |
|    I would like to wish a Merry Christmas to my friends (hi Assembler!),  |
|    my family and specially to my wife Conchi, who always lets me have some|
|    free time for the scene ;).And of course to the Spanish Scene...       |
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|  ..a production by                                                        |
|                                 bb                                        |
|                                  bb                                       |
|                               gg  bb                                      |
|       rrrrrrrrrrrrr    ggggg gg   bbb                 aaaaaa    aa        |
|    rrrrrrrrrrrrrr    gggggggggg    bb     bbbb      aaaaaaaaa  aa         |
|   rrrr      rrrr    gg       ggg   bb  bbbbbbbb    aaaa    aaa aa         |
|            rrr     gg         gg   bb bb     bbb  aaa       aaaaa         |
|          rrr      gg          gg  bb bb       bb aaa   aaa   aaaa         |
|         rrr       gg     gg   gg  bb  b       bb aa   aa a   aaaa         |
|        rrr        gg      gg  gg  bb         bb  aa  aa      aaaa      aa |
|        rr          gg     gg  gg  bb         bb  aa   aa  aaaaaaa       aa|
|        rr           ggggggg  gg  bb         bb   aaa   aaaaaa  aaa     aa |
|        rr       r     ggg    gg  bb        bb     aaaa       a  aaa   aaa |
|         rr    rr             gg bbbbb   bbbb        aaaaaaaaaa   aaaaaaa  |
|          rrrrrr  ggg        gg  bb bbbbbbb            aaaaaa      aaaa    |
|                 gg  g      gg                                             |
|                gg          gg                                             |
|               ggg         gg                                              |
|                gg        gg                                               |
|                ggg     ggg                                                |
|                 ggggggggg                                                 |
|                  gggggg                                                   |
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|  navmo infofile by eljud /rgba                                            |
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