File Archive

File download


File size:
4 856 bytes (4.74K)
File date:
2018-04-02 00:25:29
Download count:
all-time: 105


  • DEFORM.8xp 1.08K
  • ILLOGIC.8xp 1.07K
  • readme.txt 2.51K


          _          _             _             _            _               _           _      
         /\ \       _\ \          _\ \          /\ \         /\ \            /\ \       /\ \     
         \ \ \     /\__ \        /\__ \        /  \ \       /  \ \           \ \ \     /  \ \    
         /\ \_\   / /_ \_\      / /_ \_\      / /\ \ \     / /\ \_\          /\ \_\   / /\ \ \   
        / /\/_/  / / /\/_/     / / /\/_/     / / /\ \ \   / / /\/_/         / /\/_/  / / /\ \ \  
       / / /    / / /         / / /         / / /  \ \_\ / / / ______      / / /    / / /  \ \_\ 
      / / /    / / /         / / /         / / /   / / // / / /\_____\    / / /    / / /    \/_/ 
     / / /    / / / ____    / / / ____    / / /   / / // / /  \/____ /   / / /    / / /          
 ___/ / /__  / /_/_/ ___/\ / /_/_/ ___/\ / / /___/ / // / /_____/ / /___/ / /__  / / /________   
/\__\/_/___\/_______/\__\//_______/\__\// / /____\/ // / /______\/ //\__\/_/___\/ / /_________\  
\/_________/\_______\/    \_______\/    \/_________/ \/___________/ \/_________/\/____________/  

An Axe and ASM 1023 bytes demo by Matrefeytontias

As said above, Illogic is a 1023 bytes demo program written in Axe and ASM (ie Axe with assembly embedded in it, a fair lot).
Its only point is to show 5 amazing full-screen effect, for a ridiculously small program size !

It's compatible with any calculator that has 83+ or 84+ in its name, excepting the TI-84+ CSE.

To use it, send ILLOGIC.8xp to your calculator (DEFORM.8xp is the Axe source). Make sure you have at least 7193 bytes of free RAM and run Asm(prgmILLOGIC)
from the home screen.

When the demo is running, you just have to press [enter] whenever you want to see the next scene. It wraps around though, so if you press [enter] when
you're viewing the last scene, it will just go back to the first one. You can quit with [clear]/[annul] for French calcs.

When you press [enter], there will be a small time when the screen will freeze. That's absolutely normal, don't worry, this is not a bug. You will see the scene
in a few seconds.

Also, note that the demo will run 2.5 times faster on a 15 MHz calc, that is, any calc that is not a plain TI-83+ (that includes the TI-83+ SE). Of course, it
remains fast enough even at 6 MHz (ie on a plain TI-83+).

If you really liked it, or just want to say hello, mail me and my team at, or me personally at :)

Enjoy !