File Archive

File download


File size:
606 518 bytes (592.30K)
File date:
2014-06-06 23:02:12
Download count:
all-time: 350

Screenshot (by pouë



  • COPYING 17.57K
  • file_id.diz 0.98K
  • sc2-2.0.tar.gz 378.01K
  • sc2-compo.exe 63.00K
  • sdl/ dir
  • sdl/sc2-sdl.exe 64.00K
  • sdl/SDL.dll 87.00K


   _____ _/\_______/\________________/\______ _ ___/\ _ __________________
\\ \   _/   \ ___    \________/        )  __/____    \______   __________/ //
   /  ______/  \      \      /  ______/   __     \     ____/_______      \
  /   \_    \_  \      \    /   \_    \_   \      \    \      \    \  sns \
 (______\    /___\______)__(______\    /____\______)___________)___________).  
         \  /                      \  /                    :    knights!    :..
          \/                        \/                     :................: :
                          S C H T R O U M P H  2.0
         f*cked win32 version - SDL version - released in september 2004

win32 version don't use SDL, but you need to be in 1024x768.
SDL version is better, and will write some data for faster loading next time

31 textures used: 26720Kb
83 surfaces used: 131024Kb

sources are included in the archive.