File Archive

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File size:
35 869 bytes (35.03K)
File date:
2023-06-11 00:24:29
Download count:
all-time: 4


  • IC-GREY.EXE 46.28K
  • IC.NFO 9.66K


    .'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`.     This information packet is updated
  .'         .  .  .cC! .::S$$$S.   :    and packaged with most Immortal 
  :   :    .$$ss$$.`ýý'.::$$$$$$$   :    Coil Releases (Those releases
  :   i !  $$ý$$ý$$   .::$$$$$$$$   :    entered in compos are excepted,
  :   m    $$s$$s$$  .::$$$' `$$$   :    unless re-released). 
  :   m    `$$ýý$$' .::$$$' . $$$   :    
  :   o      $ss$   ::$$$' :: $$$   :    ------------------------------------
  :   r       `$:   :$$$' ::  $$$   :    
  :   t       .`$   $$$' ::`  $$:   :    This info packet is accurate as of:
  :   a       $.`   $$$ ::`   $:`   :
  : ! l       $$.   $$$ ::    :`    :        .-=> March 26th, 1997 <=-.
  :   :       $$$   $$$ :'    `     :
  :   .       $$$   $$$ :       .   :    ------------------------------------
  :   c !   . $$$   $$$ :      .$   :
  :   o   .s  $$$   $$$ `     .$$   :    The Immortal Coil members can be 
  :   i  .$' .$$$ S $$$       $$$   :    Located on irc at:
  : ! l  $$   $$$ S $$$      .$$$   :
  :   `  "$s. `ýS  .$$'.$$$$$$$$'   :    server   : Neato.Org
  :.ssSSS.`ý$$$ssss$$'.$$$$$$$$'....:    channels : #Immortal, #trax, #pixel
 Immortal Coil Info                      This packet is written by shaithis
 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ                      with help from Rhythm Greene. 
          Immortal Coil is a software group that releases shareware and
          Freeware side projects, such as art, music, programs, and demos.
          We are composed of six active members at present members. Our
          goal is to create quality productions on both a shareware and
          freeware level.
       Handle:  shaithis [Art / Trax]
       Name  :  Christopher Buecheler
       From  :  Buffalo NY
       Email : ( summers & winter break)
       Status:  Active

       Handle:  Rhythm Greene [Trax / Art / Code]
       Name  :  Glenn Barnett
       From  :  Worcester MA
       Email :    (make sure to spell Rhythm right! :)
       Status:  Active

       Handle:  Maverick [Code]
       Name  :  Darren Ranalli
       From  :  Worcester MA
       Email :
       Status:  Active

       Handle:  Relm [Art / Code]
       Name  :  Ted Schweitzer
       From  :  Syracuse NY
       Email :
       Status:  Active

       Handle:  Gamma [Code]
       Name  :  Greg Ball
       From  :  Buffalo NY
       Email :
       Status:  Active

       Handle:  Coplan [Trax]    .-=>NEW!<=-.
       Name  :  D. Travis North
       From  :  Philadelphia, PA
       Email :
       Status:  Active


 All Music Releases can be found at
 or in /pub/demos/music/1997. Except for TT and CR entries, which can be
 found in /pub/demos/incoming/music/tt and /muisc/cr, respectively.
 All other releases are by request only, at the moment.

 Additionally, most of the releases in this chart can be found at the
 official Immortal Coil Web Page: Please
 keep in mind however that this NFO is usually more updated than the page.

 | Name     | Format | Description                                 | Date   |
 | RG-ECHO  | .S3M   | Rhythm's Naid95 song. Never played.         | May 95 |
 | ARTHUR   | .S3M   | shaithis's Naid95 song. See above.          | May 95 |
 | RG-TIDES | .S3M   | RG's Naid96 song. 18th place of 70+         | May 96 |
 | MC4      | .PCX   | shai's end screen for mc4 endtro.           | May 96 |
 | WKD2     | .JPG   | Art done for the group Wicked - shai        | Aug 95 |
 | RG-HATC  | .S3M   | RG's MC4 rookie entry. 4th place.           | Jun 96 |
 | EXPOSURE | .ZIP   | RG's Music Disk (All S3M's). Grab it!       | Sep 96 |
 | SH-EVOLU | .ZIP   | shai's Music Disk (All IT's). Woop!         | Sep 96 |
 | SH-JTSTA | .IT    | Journey Towards Starside - shai             | Sep 96 |
 | SH-SOLIT | .IT    | Solitary Escape - shai                      | Oct 96 |
 | IC-WAKRI | .IT    | Wakarimasu Desu Ka?  - shai                 | Oct 96 |
 | IC-HEAT  | .IT    | Taste of Heat - shai                        | Nov 96 |
 | SH-WINTR | .IT    | Winter's Dream - shai                       | Nov 96 |
 | SH-INCOG | .IT    | Incognito - shai                            | Nov 96 |
 | RG-THIRT | .IT    | Thirty Minutes Too Far - Ryg                | Dec 96 |
 | SH-TT23  | .IT    | Ode to a Cheap Casio - shai                 | Oct 96 |
 | SH-CR03  | .IT    | The Trumpet from Hell - shai                | Oct 96 |
 | SH-CR05  | .IT    | Just Another Ditty - shai                   | Nov 96 |
 | IC-GREY  | .EXE   | Grey is Phun! A qbasic demo - shai          | Feb 97 |
 | SH-TRUTH | .IT    | The Search for Truth (CR08) - shai          | Mar 97 |
 | SH-INCUL | .IT    | Inculta (The crossing of the wastes) - shai | Mar 97 |
 | RG-TRAV  | .IT    | Traversez (CR08) - Ryg                      | Mar 97 |
 | IC-GAM1  | .ZIP   | Gamma's First Piece of Code For IC          | Mar 97 |
 | IC-GAM2  | .ZIP   | Gamma's AWESOME water FX.                   | Mar 97 |
 | IC-BURST | .ZIP   | A nice light burst effect - Ryg             | Mar 97 |
 | IC-AX22  | .ZIP   | AnimateX 2.2 Animating Tool - Mav/Ryg       | Mar 97 |

 Coming Soon:
 Untitled       - Rhythm Greene's Second MusicDisk

 Phalanx        - A shareware Space Shoot-em Up similar to the game
 Tangible Dream - The ultimate musicdisk.  Designed by shaithis and featuring
                  some of today's best musicians and coders, Tangible Dream
                  will be the musicdisk that all others are compared to...
                  and found lacking.

 The Immortal Coil Web Pages

 Our Official Pages can be found at:

 Our Project Developement Pages can be found at: (note, as of this info release these pages are
                             down for total reconstruction).

 Greets and Thanks
 First off, thanks to Cruel Creator for taking the time to make us an
 excellent ascii.
 Also thanks to   : Oinjin amd Agent Whorange, for hanging out on #immortal
                    with us and keeping us busy.
 Obligatory Greets: Necros, Basehead, Leviathan, Big Jim, Soundwave, Future
                    Assassin (with an ass so nice he spells it twice ;),
                    Skaven, Purple Motion, Ms. Saigon, Astrid, Mickrip,
                    Ozone, Big Daddy Khyron, Mellow-D, Lumm, WAVE, Zodiak,
                    Lemm, Hunz, Yannis, Mak0, M_Bender, Human, Vizz, The
                    Zapper, Maelcum, Bliss, Draggy, GD, Phoenix, Sno, Erise,
                    Saxy, Imager, Animix, Trissy, Diablo, CD, iv, Skie, Argh,
                    Ballistique, Cruel Creator, Pulse, MikMak, Darkwolf,
                    Leviathan, Siren, Scirroco, Black Fox, DD, Benzel,
                    Dennisc, Beek, and all the people who I've forgotten
                    while writing this list cuz I know damn well there's
                    someone out there thinking "I _always_ greet shaithis
                    when he comes in #trax and he didn't even bother to greet
                    me in this stupid infofile..."  :)
 To send comments/constructive criticism about our releases, send email to:
 [] or to the individual authors.

 Also, if you have experience with the following:
 3D graphics generation
 C++ Coding for 3D graphics / special effects
 Assembly Coding for 3D graphics / special effects
 Then please send mail to: [] with the following
 words in the body of your message:
 "Request.App.IC <your email adress>"

 You will recieve an application in the mail within 4 business days, which
 is self explanatory and easy to fill out, along with instructions on where
 to send the application and samples of your work. If we like what we see,
 you might just find yourself a member of Immortal Coil, with a percentage
 cut of our profits!

 Thank you for your interest

 The Immortal Coil Staff
 shaithis & Rhythm Greene