File download
- File size:
- 314 407 bytes (307.04K)
- File date:
- 2024-11-09 05:45:01
- Download count:
- all-time: 3
- file_id.diz 562B
- include/ dir
- include/afm.h 1.90K
- lib/ dir
- lib/libafm.a 10.27K
- main.gba 216.51K
- samples/ dir
- samples/afmtest/ dir
- samples/afmtest/bin2rodata.x 47B
- samples/afmtest/main.c 1.66K
- samples/afmtest/Makefile 2.04K
- samples/afmtest/zak.mod 209.39K
______ ______ _ _______
\ /______ _(_____/_\/ |_
| _ \ /_ _//---.
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| AFM v1.0 (w)2001 by Silpheed/Hitmen |
| |
| a Library to play 4 Channel Pro- |
| tracker Modules on the Gameboy |
| Advanced. For use with GCC. |
| ____ ____ ___ _____ |
\---\ \/ /_____( _/____\\ _ )____|
/______\__/ ) / /