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File size:
8 608 196 bytes (8.21M)
File date:
2016-07-05 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 18 722

Screenshot (by pouë



  • fr-025-final2.exe 8.44M
  • fr-025-final2.txt 2.97K


:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Der neue Farbrausch.
.                                                   .
:: f r - 0 2 5 :   t h e . p o p u l a r . d e m o ::
:°                  final.version                  °:
.                                                   .
.       . °                                
         :                            ..
              fiver2: direction, visuals.
                     chaos: code.
                   wayfinder: music.
sarah hill: character rig, animation & choreography.
  giZmo: character design, modelling and weighting.
                   mike may: vocals.
              tiberius: character bones.
             phaser: additional graphics.
               jeff oxborrow: recording.
                 ronny: pre-recording.
              °°::::::: :::::::°:.:::::°
  ...... ......... :::::: °::::::::  ... ..........
°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°°°::.:::..::°:::::° ° °°°°°°°°°°°°°


        visit us at

the final.version offers a few options: 

you  can  select  your  desired   screen  resolution. 
there  are  some  optimisations  that  make  1024x768 
perform particulary well. 
if your display has a  non-standard aspect ratio like 
16:10, you can tell the demo to adjust for that. 

"windowed" and "loop demo" will do exactly that. 

if your graphics card  drivers are up to date and you 
have DirectX 9.0a installed, you can switch on multi-
sampling to  enable anti-alias.  this increases image 
quality  a  lot,  but  may  also  rise  compatibility 
problems. tip:  try 320x240 with multisampling,  that 
looks cool :-)

if you encounter problems running this demo,  you can 
choose "low image quality". 
this  will  reduce  some  internal  buffers  yielding 
better  performance, lower  memory  requirements  and 
makes things a bit ugly. 

if  the demo runs  jerky you  might try  to "wait for 
vblank".  on  some systems it makes things better, on 
others it makes things worse. 

if  you  enable  the  benchmark mode,  the  demo will 
display a benchmark  value after it is finished.  but 
don't take that value too seriously...