File Archive

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File size:
35 174 749 bytes (33.55M)
File date:
2019-05-14 15:33:42
Download count:
all-time: 83


  • Content/ dir
  • Content/applejack.png.xnb 3.52M
  • Content/beatree.png.xnb 3.52M
  • Content/bookmanoldstyle.xnb 109.17K
  • Content/books.png.xnb 3.81M
  • Content/calibri.xnb 85.17K
  • Content/chessboard.png.xnb 3.52M
  • Content/cmc1.png.xnb 126.75K
  • Content/cmc2.png.xnb 126.75K
  • Content/cmc3.png.xnb 126.75K
  • Content/credits.png.xnb 17.58M
  • Content/cutie.png.xnb 36.62M
  • Content/dash.png.xnb 2.76M
  • Content/derpy.png.xnb 1.74M
  • Content/endfirsthalf.png.xnb 4.45M
  • Content/endsecondhalf.png.xnb 1.98M
  • Content/Final Mix.wma 19.97M
  • Content/fluttershy.png.xnb 3.52M
  • Content/intro dash.png.xnb 2.44M
  • Content/intro.png.xnb 7.03M
  • Content/party.png.xnb 390.81K
  • Content/pinkie.png.xnb 530.81K
  • Content/Rarity Glow Outer.png.xnb 3.52M
  • Content/Rarity Glow.png.xnb 3.52M
  • Content/scroll.png.xnb 625.18K
  • Content/spike.png.xnb 225.18K
  • Content/thanks.png.xnb 3.52M
  • Content/title.png.xnb 3.52M
  • Content/transmission.png.xnb 62.68K
  • Content/twilight.png.xnb 225.18K
  • Content/vinyl contours.png.xnb 14.06M
  • Content/Vinyl head.png.xnb 91.68K
  • Content/wonderbolt1.png.xnb 2.44M
  • Content/wonderbolt2.png.xnb 2.44M
  • Content/wonderbolt3.png.xnb 2.44M
  • Content/wonderbolts.png.xnb 3.13M
  • Content/World.wmv.wmv 14.67M
  • Content/World.wmv.xnb 346B
  • readme.txt 2.82K
  • SecondRealipony.exe 228.00K
  • SecondRealipony.pdb 309.50K


Thank you for downloading Second Realipony.  Please note the following information.


Microsoft Windows. Tested on XP Service Pack 3, should work on Vista and 7 and 8. 

Microsoft XNA Framework Redistributable 4.0

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

Up to 1 GB RAM available 

1280 x 720 resolution in windowed mode, unless specified otherwise on the command line


The music may glitch slightly at the start of each scene.  This is the program resetting the current audio position to keep it in sync.

On some machines, the prerendered 3d video scene does not play correctly, showing only the bottom half of the video. This is a known issue caused by Microsoft. The temporary fix is to uninstall Microsoft hotfix update KB2803821 until Microsoft releases a permanent fix.


You can specify window size by width and height on the command line.  Example: SecondRealipony.exe 1920 1080

Use 16:9 aspect ratio for best results.  It will work in other aspects but some of the graphics will be stretched or otherwise not look right.

If the specified height is equal to your screen height, the program will subtract a small amount to account for the size of the title bar.  The program does not run fullscreen, because XNA does not seem to report correct timing info when in fullscreen mode.

Second Realipony accepts a string on the command line to specify a list of particular scenes. This can be used for testing or troubleshooting or just to watch a favorite scene. Each scene is represented by a single lowercase letter:
a - Introduction 
b - Title screen 
c - Twilight Sparkle and the bouncing bookahedron 
d - Rarity and the gems dot tunnel 
e - Vinyl Scratch and the interference moire lines 
f - "Get Down" 
g - Rainbow Dash and the rainbow techno light show 
h - Shining Armor picture 
i - Fluttershy and the text scroller 
j - Applejack and the apple lens and rotozoomer 
k - Cutie Mark Crusaders and the plasma 
l - Cutie marks animated on the cube 
m - Pinkie Pie with party cannon and the vector bobs 
n - Derpy Hooves and the reflective raytracing 
o - Wonderbolts and the waves 
p - Princess Celestia bouncing picture 
q - Beginning of city world scene (fade to white) 
r - City world virtual reality scene (prerendered video) 
s - Special Thanks picture 
t - Credits 
u - End scroller 

Thus, running SecondRealipony.exe dggr would run only the scenes with Twilight, Rainbow Dash (twice), and the city world.