File Archive

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File size:
1 755 bytes (1.71K)
File date:
2000-03-17 04:04:14
Download count:
all-time: 3 014



Well, this is just a crappy little shit-doc that might shed some light on
useless information.

The question you've always thought you might once think of but never knew
would be answered by me: What is Ognipolfication?

Well, I'm not going to answer that one, but I WILL tell you what De Brasserie
is :)

De Brasserie was founded, oh..... about..... 1,5 years ago now and we
generally only make stuff of which the intent is not totally serious.  We're
just a bunch of friends who got to know each other outside of the Demoscene.
Here's a little list of our memberlist and what each person does and all.....

Bassie                  Adriaan Wormgoor                Musician
Crimson                 John Reijmer                    Pixeler/3d-artist
Gnoek                   Patrick vd Meijden              Coder/msk/pixel
Okki                    Hugo vd Heijde                  Musician
Namkeh                  Erik Hekman                     Webdesign
snarF                   Frans Geerling                  Boozing/Buying
                                                        useless new hard-
                                                        ware all the time
Vlaag                   Ivo van Gessel                  Inactive Coder
Goldtop                 Erik Lanters                    Keeping in touch
                                                        with us all (*COUGH*)

I must've forgotten a person or two, but I'm quite sure they won't sue :)

If I have not yet satisfied all your inner needs with the info just given to
you, feel free to get in touch with us.