File Archive

File download


File size:
50 755 bytes (49.57K)
File date:
1999-03-07 15:06:40
Download count:
all-time: 2 803


  • file_id.diz 511B
  • SUCKRAP.EXE 50.79K
  • suckrap.txt 844B


Title          : Byterapers, Inc. demo: Suckerraper intro
Type           : demo
Operating Sys  : Amiga
Uploader Email : ( Grendel/(B) )
Date Uploaded  :
Short Descrip. : demo by Bloodsuckers & Byterapers (c) Nov. 1991
Long Desc      : The coop-demo made and released in Silents-party
                 in Alvesta/Sweden. Caused major scrambling in
                 Finland due the joking scrolltexts which were suddenly
                 taken seriously - and a lot of groups started making
                 war against Bloodsuckers. While nothing much visually,
                 check the scrolltexts - they're hilarious!
                 Code: The Wicked/BS
                 Music: Scy/BS
                 Graphics: Scy/BS
                 Scrollies: The Wicked/BS, Scy/BS, Grendel/(B)
                 Works on AGA. Has Exit.