File Archive

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File size:
752 748 bytes (735.11K)
File date:
1999-03-07 15:06:47
Download count:
all-time: 2 948


Title          : Byterapers, Inc. musicdisk: Muzzax 7 - Turtle Mastertracks
Type           : musicdisk
Operating Sys  : Amiga
Uploader Email : ( Grendel/(B) )
Date Uploaded  :
Short Descrip. : Muzzax 7 musicdisk from Byterapers (c) 26.12.1990
                 Code: Hassan
                 Disk loader: Dweezil
                 Musics: Turtle
                 Graphics - animation: Trigon
                 Graphics - other    : Rodder, Jay Jay

                 The single resurrection for Muzzax, Muzzax 7 was
                 a Turtle special 'Turtle Mastertracks'.

                 The finest of all Muzzax in musical quality,
                 Muzzax 7 was fine piece of art.

                 Does NOT work on AGA machines.