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File size:
64 396 bytes (62.89K)
File date:
2002-12-11 23:03:46
Download count:
all-time: 4 191

Screenshot (by pouë



  • 3s-vegasmix.exe 62.00K
  • info.txt 706B


l o s t v e g a s  rediscovered
threestate #7
dx8.1 req.

Our primary rule is Never Change. 

That said, things change. 
While we like to think we're beyond the reach of trends, 
we're still susceptible to embarrassing, 
rashlike phases set in motion by sudden sparks of optimism.

In this mode we rediscovered lost vegas.
Hidden behind layers of gunk the inner beauty still shines.

See for yourselves. 

Admire our photosensitive mix: 
             dirty, beauty, 
                empty and fuzzy.

We do not like everybody else. Yet we are like everybody else.
Bow to conformance. - use it responsibly

People of threestate
featuring Xhale.