File Archive

File download


File size:
1 640 528 bytes (1.56M)
File date:
2008-12-20 23:05:18
Download count:
all-time: 236


  • drift.dat 1.50M
  • drift.exe 216.00K
  • drift.txt 1.85K
  • rgb15bpp_rgb2ansi.pal 64.00K



Drift is a simple demonstation that was 
a year in the making. The demo, itself, did 
not take much more than a few days to code, 
but the underlying libraries took about a 
year of "on-again-off-again" programming. 

The demonstration begins with a dialog telling 
the user that they can "right-click" to 
see additional options. The idea was to allow 
the user to control various aspects of the 
raytracer and demo. In the end, there was only 
time to add controls to play, pause, stop and
loop. The "right-click" dialog also provides the 
user with the ability to mute the audio and 
monitor/change the timeline position.

The two main libraries used in this demo are 
"textlib.lib" and "raytracelib.lib". 
"textlib.lib" is the main library and contains 
code for a console-based windowing system. 
It provides numerous features, including: 
RGB to ANSII conversion, message-based windows, 
a set of "common" controls, a set of "common" 
windows, fonts, etc. "raytracelib.lib" is a 
very simple raytracing library used for most of 
the animation found in the demo. It provides 
a plane primative, a trianle primative, a sphere 
primative, a basic "look-at" camera, a simple 
point light source, etc. The "archivelib.lib" 
library provides a simple archive for storage of 
the demo's various data files. The "soundlib.lib" 
provides all the audio code. Source-code for all 
the libraries are available, free, to whoever wants 
to use them.

Currently, AnthillUnlimited consists of only 
Roland Trainor. Please feel free to contact 
me at "".

Distributed files:

drift.exe - drift program executable
drift.dat - drift data archive
drift.txt - this file
rgb15bpp_rgb2ansi.pal - 15bpp RGB to ansi lookup palette