PalmOS(R) Demo Coding Competition 2002 Submission
Submitted by: Laurent Thaler
============= lthaler@free.fr [public on request]
Archive Contents: palmos-clock.prc
Development: - Onboard C 1.08
============ - optimized with CodeWarrior
- useless resources removed with RsrcEdit
- 100% C programming, no m68k assembler code use
Description: Tick-Tock!
============ - all of a sudden, we have a clock!
Generic version for any color PalmOS unit.
Contest Category: Analysis of program shows m505 optimized version
================= can run solely with "code0001.bin" resource that
is 972 bytes [after header deduction].
==> 1k submission.
Notes: - make sure you can see 12 icons when you launch!
Jun 04, 2002