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17 492 bytes (17.08K)
File date:
2024-08-11 05:45:01
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all-time: 0


  • 32.00K
  • xag-stex.txt 1.87K


  Dave VanEe

About the Game:
In this game you fly a few different kinds of space fighters
and must carry out certain missions.

Controls (also in-game):
Left/Right		- Steer
Up			- Speed Up
Down			- Slow Down
A			- Fire Laser
B			- Identify
Start			- Pause
Select			- Give Up (no confirmation, be careful!)

Note 1: To identify (scan) a structure you must come to a complete
stop above the structure and hold down B for a moment. If it
doesn't detect a structure (u get a funny sound), try moving around
a bit.

Note 2: Sometimes when you destroy a building it won't blow up. There
might be some sparking stuff to one side of it, but it will stay. I
spent a lot of time on this one, but couldn't get it 100%. As far
as the game is concerned, once it does that sparkly crap it's dead.

Note 3: If the ship feels slow at is. If you manage to progress
in the game you get better ships.

Note 4: Sorry for the crappy music...if some of it sounds somewhat good;
that's part of what Loco-san helped me with.

About the Development:
This game started out as a helicopter game, then changed over
to a dragon game, and finally settled on a space shooter. Due
to the numerous changes the engine underwent drastic rewrites
and I ended up coding a whole lot I didn't end up using (such
as the random terrain generator that was necessary in the land
based environments, but not in space).

I really wanted to add many missions, but time constraints prevented
this. I also wanted to add many more possible mission types, but
lack of time and imagination (at times), prevented this.

Well, I hope you enjoy this game somewhat. I welcome any questions
or comments.

Dave VanEe (aka; Xagor)

PS: The in-game credits might confuse some ppl...I am Dave, Neo, Larry
and Xagor...just some nicknames I have.