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File size:
4 134 bytes (4.04K)
File date:
2017-02-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 182


  • 04_VUL-1K/ dir
  • 04_VUL-1K/README.TXT 1.79K
  • 04_VUL-1K/VUL-1K.EXE 1.00K


                       vulture's #asm 1k compo entry

This demo was written and fit in about 256 bytes, so I unoptimized so that
it would fit in 1k. Why?!? So people didn't rip my code for their own 256
byte compo entry. So, we have a horribly unoptimized EXE file that is
exactly 1 kilobyte (1024 bytes).

What is it? This is real-time rendering. Basically, there is a 3D morphing
sine wave. There is also a light source. Real time... mmmm.........

You may need a higher speed 586+ class processor to get the real-time,
although the demo will run on a 386. My 486 runs it decently.

You do realize that real-time rendering is difficult, don't you?

To add bloat to my code, I also added some interactivity options:

    P - pause sine wave morph
    M - enable mouse control

Enabling the mouse basically lets you, the user, move the light source
around. Just move the mouse around to move the light source around. You can
use the left and right mouse buttons to zoom the light in and out, thus
giving all planes of 3D freedom.


Written entirely by:
    vulture a.k.a. Sean Stanek -- 1 Sept 1999
    EFnet irc: _vulture  (I'm usually in #asm)

greets go out to:
    mrbirdie, Eledhrim, Vicious
    spASM, wbear, mcarp, Auroran, Mortiis, etc.
    Jove, TraderX, FKrueger, YAMANTAKA, etc.
    INT-E, TAD, Adok, Chut, st0ne, etc.
    All those people I look up to :) ...
        Michael Abrash, Terje Mathisen, John Carmack
    And all the superior demogroups.. Future Crew, Extreme/Velvet, Triton
    and finally, Gamemaster.. my archnemesis.. if you're out there, email me!